On April 23, 2010 Governor Jan Brewer signed SB1070 – Arizona’s discriminatory and unfair bill that essentially makes racial profiling legal – into law.
At its core, SB1070 requires any person about whom the police have a “reasonable suspicion” to produce documents proving that s/he is legally in the US. SB1070, however, does not offer a safeguard against racial profiling if “reasonable suspicion” cannot be formed without resorting to racial profiling. The law fundamentally increases the likelihood of arbitrary arrest and requires detention once an arrest is made.
In just 2 days, on July 29, this harmful law will officially go into effect and the streets of Arizona will never be the same. Families will be torn apart and innocent people will surely be detained.
But the insanity doesn’t stop there – 9 more states want to follow suit and pass discriminatory immigration policies of their own. Alabama, Florida, Michigan, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, and Virginia are all considering their own versions of Arizona-style legislation against immigrants. And other instances of anti-immigrant measures continue to pop up all across the U.S.
These proposed laws don’t just threaten human rights. They also flagrantly violate the Constitution by threatening every status of U.S. immigrant – including those who have immigrated here legally, those who are in the process of obtaining their legal status, and those who are eligible for legal status. What’s more frightening – anyone who even “looks like an immigrant”, including a U.S. citizen, can be treated as a threat.
This kind of vigilante policy making is dangerous because it completely disregards human rights, including those to freedom of movement, privacy, family unity, and equality under the law. Human rights are protected under international law regardless of a person’s citizenship status. International human rights law is rooted in the principle of non-discrimination, which this law violates; it is all too easy to deny a person’s human rights if you consider them to be as less than human.
Human rights exist regardless of nationality, ethnicity or immigration status. In passing SB1070, Arizona public officials have ignored this truth to the detriment of every individual who passes through the state.
In the next 2 days, let decision-makers know that you oppose these flawed notions about immigration control! Call on your Governor to take a stand against discriminatory immigration policies.
But this is the US, and we're not subject to international law!
You anti-immigration bill supporters always ignore the truth and never care about human rights regardless of whether an immigrant is illegal or not! If you still insist on your claims, then I'm not listening to you anymore! Good day!
Dr. G – I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not? If so, haha! If not, well that is the problem, that US feels that as a country, it is some how exceptional and therefore can do whatever it wants. In reality though, this is not true, as a country we subject to making all the same mistakes, and great leaps forward, as any other country in the world. The US has signed on with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as several other international treaties that make SB1070 illegal. By signing onto these treaties, and than doing the exact opposite, the US is essentially saying that our word, our honesty, is worth nothing. It would be far better for the US to uphold the human rights of all people, regardless of their legal or immigration status and to begin addressing the immigration issue by focusing on the economic needs of both the US and Mexico.
So true what you write. I think it is very important to point out how contagious this is becoming. It is one of the scariest things I have seen here. I am so afraid for where my state and country are headed. Now the rest of the country needs to stop going on about how screwed up AZ is. (Believe me WE ALL KNOW! & the time is at hand – 2 days!!). We need to start talking about what we are doing to fight this and how people can help – show the kids that are out there fighting this bill and the ethnic studies ban. They are so powerful. The humanitarian & border groups, the grassroots activists – we are here but we need lots of talk and press to make our numbers grow and count. HERE! we ARE here to fight but we need your HELP!! AND then we need to vote out these crazies before they do more and worse.
Az is Not and Never has been racist. I've lived here for 49 years. The Illegals look at us citizens like we're the intruders. Some of them like to speak in a foreign language because they think we don't understand. They come here to have anchor babies, they go on WIC, food stamps and AHCCCS health care.They do this all illegally by stealing other peoples' I.D.'s.It ticks me off that Amnesty Intnl. is taking up the cause if ILLEGALS. Why do you think other states are joining AZ? They are tired of working for the benefit of illegals. AZ has always had the guts to stand up for what is right!
But this is the US, and we’re not subject to international law!
You anti-immigration bill supporters always ignore the truth and never care about human rights regardless of whether an immigrant is illegal or not! If you still insist on your claims, then I’m not listening to you anymore! Good day!
Dr. G – I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic or not? If so, haha! If not, well that is the problem, that US feels that as a country, it is some how exceptional and therefore can do whatever it wants. In reality though, this is not true, as a country we subject to making all the same mistakes, and great leaps forward, as any other country in the world. The US has signed on with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as several other international treaties that make SB1070 illegal. By signing onto these treaties, and than doing the exact opposite, the US is essentially saying that our word, our honesty, is worth nothing. It would be far better for the US to uphold the human rights of all people, regardless of their legal or immigration status and to begin addressing the immigration issue by focusing on the economic needs of both the US and Mexico.
So true what you write. I think it is very important to point out how contagious this is becoming. It is one of the scariest things I have seen here. I am so afraid for where my state and country are headed. Now the rest of the country needs to stop going on about how screwed up AZ is. (Believe me WE ALL KNOW! & the time is at hand – 2 days!!). We need to start talking about what we are doing to fight this and how people can help – show the kids that are out there fighting this bill and the ethnic studies ban. They are so powerful. The humanitarian & border groups, the grassroots activists – we are here but we need lots of talk and press to make our numbers grow and count. HERE! we ARE here to fight but we need your HELP!! AND then we need to vote out these crazies before they do more and worse.
Az is Not and Never has been racist. I’ve lived here for 49 years. The Illegals look at us citizens like we’re the intruders. Some of them like to speak in a foreign language because they think we don’t understand. They come here to have anchor babies, they go on WIC, food stamps and AHCCCS health care.They do this all illegally by stealing other peoples’ I.D.’s.It ticks me off that Amnesty Intnl. is taking up the cause if ILLEGALS. Why do you think other states are joining AZ? They are tired of working for the benefit of illegals. AZ has always had the guts to stand up for what is right!
Jail is not supposed to be a picnic. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime!!!
Jail is not supposed to be a picnic. If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime!!!
I thoroughly agree with Justine's sentiments, yet the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not a treaty per se and does not have the force of law. The integrity of the United States with regard to the UD has always been questionable.
Deanna, you must be white because I also live in AZ and I've experienced the most ridiculous racism ever! After 911, my car (while my daughter and I were inside) was surrounded by a pack of drunk white jackasses because I was wearing a scarf around, not on, my head! IT WAS A LOUIS VUITTON SCARF! And police who were parked in the same lot, stood by and did nothing. Dont say there's no discrimination or racism because that's a lie, it's everywhere and more evident then ever in AZ. AZ is referred to by many as the 'Mississippi of the West!" While I do agree that illegals, some of them, drain our resources (welfare benefits) and they do it mostly with fake or stolen id's, why isn't there a law in place to do extensive background checks on these fake id's and ss#'s? There was an opportunity to vote it into law several years back and since most of ya were fat-n-happy living under the "Bush," you wanted to keep your gardeners and maids and either didn't vote or didn't vote 'no.' Can't have it both ways!
I thoroughly agree with Justine’s sentiments, yet the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not a treaty per se and does not have the force of law. The integrity of the United States with regard to the UD has always been questionable.
Deanna, you must be white because I also live in AZ and I’ve experienced the most ridiculous racism ever! After 911, my car (while my daughter and I were inside) was surrounded by a pack of drunk white jackasses because I was wearing a scarf around, not on, my head! IT WAS A LOUIS VUITTON SCARF! And police who were parked in the same lot, stood by and did nothing. Dont say there’s no discrimination or racism because that’s a lie, it’s everywhere and more evident then ever in AZ. AZ is referred to by many as the ‘Mississippi of the West!” While I do agree that illegals, some of them, drain our resources (welfare benefits) and they do it mostly with fake or stolen id’s, why isn’t there a law in place to do extensive background checks on these fake id’s and ss#’s? There was an opportunity to vote it into law several years back and since most of ya were fat-n-happy living under the “Bush,” you wanted to keep your gardeners and maids and either didn’t vote or didn’t vote ‘no.’ Can’t have it both ways!
I have an update that "A U.S. judge's ruling blocking key parts of Arizona's immigration law could bolster President Barack Obama's standing among Hispanics and energize Republican foes who back the tough law."
I have an update that "A U.S. judge's ruling blocking key parts of Arizona's immigration law could bolster President Barack Obama's standing among Hispanics and energize Republican foes who back the tough law."
I have an update that "A U.S. judge's ruling blocking key parts of Arizona's immigration law could bolster President Barack Obama's standing among Hispanics and energize Republican foes who back the tough law."
What "arizona" ??
How old's this "arizona" name stuck atop this ancient indigenous country ??
The settler mindset is now barking "Sieg Heil" !!
And sporting NeoNazi signs & salutes.
Nothing new.
Just a change of form, of style, of "laws" & walls & jail cells.
That's all they ever know.
When they first came here, they built forts.
Now they make all "arizona" a fort, walled & gated !!
Tell them that they may stay in their fort, but we will keep the country.
Ancient indigenous country.
I have an update that “A U.S. judge’s ruling blocking key parts of Arizona’s immigration law could bolster President Barack Obama’s standing among Hispanics and energize Republican foes who back the tough law.”
"Sieg Heil" ??? NeoNazi signs and salutes? Wow… Can't say I've seen any of that. Just drug and human smuggling and violence like you wouldn't believe less then 1/10th of a mile from the Juarez/Mexico boarder. Lots of foodstamps, WIC and healthcare as well, but no NeoNazi salutes SORRY! But whatever you say. If you want to stick with the subject of this post (the subject at hand) READ THE BILL and tell me how it is unconstitional, discriminatory and unfair. Illegal is illegal…don't like it lobby to change federal law… until then, all Arizona is doing is trying to enforce existing law.
Read about the Guatemala and Mexico boarder.
Guess "we" (whoever "we") are should rebuild the Mayflower and go back where we belong. Actually why not 120 years earlier and turn Christopher Columbus and his Pinta, Nina and Santa Maria back where they came from.
Get with the times… US Citizens of all RACES, ETHNICITY, ANCESTRY etc recognize the State of Arizona and the United States of America. Good grief.
a. savage; you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Go back into your corner, drool some more and talk to yourself. You have to be your best audience!!
Steven have you ever heard of the NY bombings? We cannot have people coming in and out of MY country. It simply isn't safe….The laws; for all you STUPID people out there, does not mention RACE, it does not mention brown people. If you take offense to the immigration laws, then it means you have something to hide. Plain and simple!! If you think the laws in the US are too rough, go live in another country of your liking. Maybe you can change the laws there!!!
meanchick; seriously!!!First of all, you're talking all this crap about racism and you begin your rant by telling me I must be white!!!I wasn't brought up to be racist but people who are considered to be minorities can be racist< huh??Minorities can talk about "those whites" and it's ok…The Mayor of Cave Creek complained that his Mexican wife was followed by Sheriff's deputies and raised a fit abiut it. Yes, I'm white and I love the person that I am; I'm respected because I respect others.. I, too was followed along the same route as the Cave Creek Mayor's wife and I clearly am not mEXICAN. hE FOLLOWED ME FOR AT LEAST 20 MIN., GOING 35 MI. PER HR. There was a long stream of traffic behind him. I didn't know why he followed me but it had nothing to do with RACE. There are stupid people everywhere and the 911 thing is regrettable but I don't think the cops stood by and did nothing! I have been followed in stores and looked at "funny". I've had my share of bad cops abusing me.I look like anybody's Mom or Grandma.(and white).The illegals have taken all the maid and gardener jobs, so Americans can't get work. I'm not fat and happy; I'm unemployed!!There are laws in place to deal with the ID thievery but they have to be caught first. Anybody who calls AZ the Mississippi of the West has never lived in either place!!!! People like you need to stop being racist and be Americans.
What “arizona” ??
How old’s this “arizona” name stuck atop this ancient indigenous country ??
The settler mindset is now barking “Sieg Heil” !!
And sporting NeoNazi signs & salutes.
Nothing new.
Just a change of form, of style, of “laws” & walls & jail cells.
That’s all they ever know.
When they first came here, they built forts.
Now they make all “arizona” a fort, walled & gated !!
Tell them that they may stay in their fort, but we will keep the country.
Ancient indigenous country.
“Sieg Heil” ??? NeoNazi signs and salutes? Wow… Can’t say I’ve seen any of that. Just drug and human smuggling and violence like you wouldn’t believe less then 1/10th of a mile from the Juarez/Mexico boarder. Lots of foodstamps, WIC and healthcare as well, but no NeoNazi salutes SORRY! But whatever you say. If you want to stick with the subject of this post (the subject at hand) READ THE BILL and tell me how it is unconstitional, discriminatory and unfair. Illegal is illegal…don’t like it lobby to change federal law… until then, all Arizona is doing is trying to enforce existing law.
Read about the Guatemala and Mexico boarder.
Guess “we” (whoever “we”) are should rebuild the Mayflower and go back where we belong. Actually why not 120 years earlier and turn Christopher Columbus and his Pinta, Nina and Santa Maria back where they came from.
Get with the times… US Citizens of all RACES, ETHNICITY, ANCESTRY etc recognize the State of Arizona and the United States of America. Good grief.
a. savage; you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Go back into your corner, drool some more and talk to yourself. You have to be your best audience!!
Steven have you ever heard of the NY bombings? We cannot have people coming in and out of MY country. It simply isn’t safe….The laws; for all you STUPID people out there, does not mention RACE, it does not mention brown people. If you take offense to the immigration laws, then it means you have something to hide. Plain and simple!! If you think the laws in the US are too rough, go live in another country of your liking. Maybe you can change the laws there!!!
meanchick; seriously!!!First of all, you’re talking all this crap about racism and you begin your rant by telling me I must be white!!!I wasn’t brought up to be racist but people who are considered to be minorities can be racist< huh??Minorities can talk about "those whites" and it's ok…The Mayor of Cave Creek complained that his Mexican wife was followed by Sheriff's deputies and raised a fit abiut it. Yes, I'm white and I love the person that I am; I'm respected because I respect others.. I, too was followed along the same route as the Cave Creek Mayor's wife and I clearly am not mEXICAN. hE FOLLOWED ME FOR AT LEAST 20 MIN., GOING 35 MI. PER HR. There was a long stream of traffic behind him. I didn't know why he followed me but it had nothing to do with RACE. There are stupid people everywhere and the 911 thing is regrettable but I don't think the cops stood by and did nothing! I have been followed in stores and looked at "funny". I've had my share of bad cops abusing me.I look like anybody's Mom or Grandma.(and white).The illegals have taken all the maid and gardener jobs, so Americans can't get work. I'm not fat and happy; I'm unemployed!!There are laws in place to deal with the ID thievery but they have to be caught first. Anybody who calls AZ the Mississippi of the West has never lived in either place!!!! People like you need to stop being racist and be Americans.
Didn't you read today's link? Here's an update:
PHOENIX — Parts of Arizona's controversial immigration law went into effect Thursday, after a federal judge temporarily blocked the heart of the measure and defused a confrontation between police and thousands of activists that had been building for months.
Coming just hours before the law was to take effect, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton's ruling sets up a lengthy legal battle that could end up before the Supreme Court.
Her decision also ensures that the law that reignited the immigration debate, inspired similar measures nationwide, created fodder for political campaigns and raised tensions with Mexico will stay in the spotlight.
Judge Bolton will now have to decide a question as old as the nation itself: Does federal law trump state law? She indicated in her ruling that the federal government's case has a good chance at succeeding.
The Clinton appointee said the controversial sections should be put on hold until the courts resolve the issues, including sections that required officers to check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws.
Bolton delayed provisions that required immigrants to carry their papers and banned illegal immigrants from soliciting employment in public places — a move aimed at day laborers. In addition, she blocked officers from making warrantless arrests of suspected illegal immigrants for crimes that can lead to deportation.
"Requiring Arizona law enforcement officials and agencies to determine the immigration status of every person who is arrested burdens lawfully present aliens because their liberty will be restricted while their status is checked," Bolton wrote.
The ruling came just as police were making last-minute preparations to begin enforcement of the law and protesters, many of whom said they would not bring identification, were planning large demonstrations against the measure.
At least one group had planned to block access to federal offices, daring officers to ask them about their immigration status.
"I knew the judge would say that part of the law was just not right," said Gisela Diaz, 50, from Mexico City, who came to Arizona on a since-expired tourist visa in 1989 and who waited with her family early Wednesday at the Mexican Consulate to get advice about the law.
"It's the part we were worried about. This is a big relief for us," she said.
Opponents argued the law will lead to racial profiling, conflict with federal immigration law and distract local police from fighting more serious crimes. The U.S. Justice Department, civil rights groups and a Phoenix police officer asked for Wednesday's injunction.
Didn't you read today's link? Here's an update:
PHOENIX — Parts of Arizona's controversial immigration law went into effect Thursday, after a federal judge temporarily blocked the heart of the measure and defused a confrontation between police and thousands of activists that had been building for months.
Coming just hours before the law was to take effect, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton's ruling sets up a lengthy legal battle that could end up before the Supreme Court.
Her decision also ensures that the law that reignited the immigration debate, inspired similar measures nationwide, created fodder for political campaigns and raised tensions with Mexico will stay in the spotlight.
Judge Bolton will now have to decide a question as old as the nation itself: Does federal law trump state law? She indicated in her ruling that the federal government's case has a good chance at succeeding.
The Clinton appointee said the controversial sections should be put on hold until the courts resolve the issues, including sections that required officers to check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws.
Bolton delayed provisions that required immigrants to carry their papers and banned illegal immigrants from soliciting employment in public places — a move aimed at day laborers. In addition, she blocked officers from making warrantless arrests of suspected illegal immigrants for crimes that can lead to deportation.
"Requiring Arizona law enforcement officials and agencies to determine the immigration status of every person who is arrested burdens lawfully present aliens because their liberty will be restricted while their status is checked," Bolton wrote.
The ruling came just as police were making last-minute preparations to begin enforcement of the law and protesters, many of whom said they would not bring identification, were planning large demonstrations against the measure.
At least one group had planned to block access to federal offices, daring officers to ask them about their immigration status.
"I knew the judge would say that part of the law was just not right," said Gisela Diaz, 50, from Mexico City, who came to Arizona on a since-expired tourist visa in 1989 and who waited with her family early Wednesday at the Mexican Consulate to get advice about the law.
"It's the part we were worried about. This is a big relief for us," she said.
Opponents argued the law will lead to racial profiling, conflict with federal immigration law and distract local police from fighting more serious crimes. The U.S. Justice Department, civil rights groups and a Phoenix police officer asked for Wednesday's injunction.
Didn't you read today's link? Here's an update:
PHOENIX — Parts of Arizona's controversial immigration law went into effect Thursday, after a federal judge temporarily blocked the heart of the measure and defused a confrontation between police and thousands of activists that had been building for months.
Coming just hours before the law was to take effect, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton's ruling sets up a lengthy legal battle that could end up before the Supreme Court.
Her decision also ensures that the law that reignited the immigration debate, inspired similar measures nationwide, created fodder for political campaigns and raised tensions with Mexico will stay in the spotlight.
Judge Bolton will now have to decide a question as old as the nation itself: Does federal law trump state law? She indicated in her ruling that the federal government's case has a good chance at succeeding.
The Clinton appointee said the controversial sections should be put on hold until the courts resolve the issues, including sections that required officers to check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws.
Bolton delayed provisions that required immigrants to carry their papers and banned illegal immigrants from soliciting employment in public places — a move aimed at day laborers. In addition, she blocked officers from making warrantless arrests of suspected illegal immigrants for crimes that can lead to deportation.
"Requiring Arizona law enforcement officials and agencies to determine the immigration status of every person who is arrested burdens lawfully present aliens because their liberty will be restricted while their status is checked," Bolton wrote.
The ruling came just as police were making last-minute preparations to begin enforcement of the law and protesters, many of whom said they would not bring identification, were planning large demonstrations against the measure.
At least one group had planned to block access to federal offices, daring officers to ask them about their immigration status.
"I knew the judge would say that part of the law was just not right," said Gisela Diaz, 50, from Mexico City, who came to Arizona on a since-expired tourist visa in 1989 and who waited with her family early Wednesday at the Mexican Consulate to get advice about the law.
"It's the part we were worried about. This is a big relief for us," she said.
Opponents argued the law will lead to racial profiling, conflict with federal immigration law and distract local police from fighting more serious crimes. The U.S. Justice Department, civil rights groups and a Phoenix police officer asked for Wednesday's injunction.
Didn’t you read today’s link? Here’s an update:
PHOENIX — Parts of Arizona’s controversial immigration law went into effect Thursday, after a federal judge temporarily blocked the heart of the measure and defused a confrontation between police and thousands of activists that had been building for months.
Coming just hours before the law was to take effect, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton’s ruling sets up a lengthy legal battle that could end up before the Supreme Court.
Her decision also ensures that the law that reignited the immigration debate, inspired similar measures nationwide, created fodder for political campaigns and raised tensions with Mexico will stay in the spotlight.
Judge Bolton will now have to decide a question as old as the nation itself: Does federal law trump state law? She indicated in her ruling that the federal government’s case has a good chance at succeeding.
The Clinton appointee said the controversial sections should be put on hold until the courts resolve the issues, including sections that required officers to check a person’s immigration status while enforcing other laws.
Bolton delayed provisions that required immigrants to carry their papers and banned illegal immigrants from soliciting employment in public places — a move aimed at day laborers. In addition, she blocked officers from making warrantless arrests of suspected illegal immigrants for crimes that can lead to deportation.
“Requiring Arizona law enforcement officials and agencies to determine the immigration status of every person who is arrested burdens lawfully present aliens because their liberty will be restricted while their status is checked,” Bolton wrote.
The ruling came just as police were making last-minute preparations to begin enforcement of the law and protesters, many of whom said they would not bring identification, were planning large demonstrations against the measure.
At least one group had planned to block access to federal offices, daring officers to ask them about their immigration status.
“I knew the judge would say that part of the law was just not right,” said Gisela Diaz, 50, from Mexico City, who came to Arizona on a since-expired tourist visa in 1989 and who waited with her family early Wednesday at the Mexican Consulate to get advice about the law.
“It’s the part we were worried about. This is a big relief for us,” she said.
Opponents argued the law will lead to racial profiling, conflict with federal immigration law and distract local police from fighting more serious crimes. The U.S. Justice Department, civil rights groups and a Phoenix police officer asked for Wednesday’s injunction.
Illegal is illegal, eh "Seven USA" ?
Your Constitution says treaties are the supreme law of the land.
That paper – only Constitution.
For the country you "claim" is built on THREE HUNDRED & SEVENTY TWO broken treaties, made with indigenous nations & violated at will & with impunity by the settler state & settler mindset now ruling "arizona".
And YOU talk to us about illegals !!!
All your laws were made to help the settlers steal this land — or were broken to steal the last,unstolen bits.
"arizona" is built on your settler state's wars against the indigenous peoples.
No wonder you don't want the indigenous youth to read their own history in your "university" !!
No wonder you ban indigenous studies.
Which is why you say reading their history will make them anti – american.
But when we talk about your history, you laugh & quip, "Why don't we rebuild the Mayflower ?"
You don't need to rebuild it.
You're still ON it.
Just given it different names.
And you keep jumping off it, landing on whomever & wherever you like.
But you can't turn your back on your own past, for you're the product of its process, though you may not even be aware of it most the time.
As Faulkner put it, the past isn't dead — it's not even PAST.
As for the "Sieg heils", why, of course you haven't seen them !!
They are not meant for YOU to see.
They're seen only by those MEANT to see them — the indigenous people, & the pro – indigenous supporters at their rallies.
As for you, dear "vicious1" — you say you've been followed, & you've been looked at funny.
Of course you've been — i believe you.
And reason you're followed & looked at funny is you're WHITE — but not rich white.
Not elite white.
In the "America" you extoll, you're trash if you're not.
Keep believing the maid or gardener jobs were stolen from you by the illegal indigenes — & attack them, easy targets that they are—
instead of facing your real enemy — the rich whites on Wall Street & the transnationals like BP who keep you down & poison you & turn you SO EASILY against the other, darker poor.
But you can't take on those powerful people.
You can take on "meanchick" & me together, for we're easier to spew at than the real big dangerous powers, the rich protected by the sherrifs & the lawmen.
Today they just stalk you, just stare at you funny.
Tomorrow they'll come for you.
And you all this time, believing you're one happy family with them BIG guys who won't even look at you to acknowledge you, but who have their minions watching you & giving you the treatment they've intended for you, all along.
And what will you do, "American" ?
As for "arizona", Steven USA,
you don't need to go east to Pymouth Rock, your state's a much more recent construct.
Your idea of "arizona" & the rio grande "border", onesided as it is & drawn across the land against the will of its native nations, wasn't imposed on this ancient earth uncontested.
Your foreign boundaries were never recognised or acknowledged by them.
Those lines on the earth have been resisted & fought against, all the way down to the late 1880s, & even long after.
They still are.
But for your banning of history, you'd know what & whom i speak of here.
a.savage; what the hell R U smoking???
Illegal is illegal, eh “Seven USA” ?
Your Constitution says treaties are the supreme law of the land.
That paper – only Constitution.
For the country you “claim” is built on THREE HUNDRED & SEVENTY TWO broken treaties, made with indigenous nations & violated at will & with impunity by the settler state & settler mindset now ruling “arizona”.
And YOU talk to us about illegals !!!
All your laws were made to help the settlers steal this land — or were broken to steal the last,unstolen bits.
“arizona” is built on your settler state’s wars against the indigenous peoples.
No wonder you don’t want the indigenous youth to read their own history in your “university” !!
No wonder you ban indigenous studies.
Which is why you say reading their history will make them anti – american.
But when we talk about your history, you laugh & quip, “Why don’t we rebuild the Mayflower ?”
You don’t need to rebuild it.
You’re still ON it.
Just given it different names.
And you keep jumping off it, landing on whomever & wherever you like.
But you can’t turn your back on your own past, for you’re the product of its process, though you may not even be aware of it most the time.
As Faulkner put it, the past isn’t dead — it’s not even PAST.
As for the “Sieg heils”, why, of course you haven’t seen them !!
They are not meant for YOU to see.
They’re seen only by those MEANT to see them — the indigenous people, & the pro – indigenous supporters at their rallies.
As for you, dear “vicious1” — you say you’ve been followed, & you’ve been looked at funny.
Of course you’ve been — i believe you.
And reason you’re followed & looked at funny is you’re WHITE — but not rich white.
Not elite white.
In the “America” you extoll, you’re trash if you’re not.
Keep believing the maid or gardener jobs were stolen from you by the illegal indigenes — & attack them, easy targets that they are—
instead of facing your real enemy — the rich whites on Wall Street & the transnationals like BP who keep you down & poison you & turn you SO EASILY against the other, darker poor.
But you can’t take on those powerful people.
You can take on “meanchick” & me together, for we’re easier to spew at than the real big dangerous powers, the rich protected by the sherrifs & the lawmen.
Today they just stalk you, just stare at you funny.
Tomorrow they’ll come for you.
And you all this time, believing you’re one happy family with them BIG guys who won’t even look at you to acknowledge you, but who have their minions watching you & giving you the treatment they’ve intended for you, all along.
And what will you do, “American” ?
As for “arizona”, Steven USA,
you don’t need to go east to Pymouth Rock, your state’s a much more recent construct.
Your idea of “arizona” & the rio grande “border”, onesided as it is & drawn across the land against the will of its native nations, wasn’t imposed on this ancient earth uncontested.
Your foreign boundaries were never recognised or acknowledged by them.
Those lines on the earth have been resisted & fought against, all the way down to the late 1880s, & even long after.
They still are.
But for your banning of history, you’d know what & whom i speak of here.
a.savage; what the hell R U smoking???
I suggest you post a blog and protest the fact that the State of Arizona is one of Fifty States belonging to the United States.
You seem so silly and angry at the sametime.
Your rants about history from 150 years ago and beyond are irrelevant to SB 1070. We are where we are. Even the silly people protesting that ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS have a LEGAL right to stay here and that a law PROHIBITING RACIAL PROFILING will cause RACIAL PROFILING… understand this.
If you want to protest the Mexican-American war of 1847 go for it. I'm sure you can start a blog, organize a march, make a difference. Ohh and speaking of "violated treaties" look up the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Gadsden Purchase. This land wasn't stolen.
Enjoy whereever it is you live, which I'm certain has been "ruled" and "taken over" from one group to another over the course of history.
I suggest you post a blog and protest the fact that the State of Arizona is one of Fifty States belonging to the United States.
You seem so silly and angry at the sametime.
Your rants about history from 150 years ago and beyond are irrelevant to SB 1070. We are where we are. Even the silly people protesting that ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS have a LEGAL right to stay here and that a law PROHIBITING RACIAL PROFILING will cause RACIAL PROFILING… understand this.
If you want to protest the Mexican-American war of 1847 go for it. I’m sure you can start a blog, organize a march, make a difference. Ohh and speaking of “violated treaties” look up the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Gadsden Purchase. This land wasn’t stolen.
Enjoy whereever it is you live, which I’m certain has been “ruled” and “taken over” from one group to another over the course of history.
Yeahhh! Put that in whatever pipe you have, a.savage and smoke it!!
Yeahhh! Put that in whatever pipe you have, a.savage and smoke it!!
Hullo, my brothers.
When a creature loses something, if she goes back, she will find it.
That's why the poor & the native, they hold history close to themselves, so they can go back, while you throw it away, for to you it's funny & dead & a burden.
i wouldn't look up "Guadaloupe Hidalgo" or the "Gadsden Purchase".
Ask the native peoples who live on the land you call 'arizona" today.
They will tell you they were massacred & bounty hunted close to extinction, & the promises made to them were broken.
But they never gave up the land, nor were they asked when the white land thieves, called "boundary commissioners" & "land surveyors", drew their marks upon the earth.
Even after stealing the land you didn't stay on your side of the line.
You export 10 million tons of cheap Canadian & US corn to Mexico, destroying her agriculture.
The farmers there, bankrupted by your exports, come to "El Norte" to find a livelihood.
It's the economic "logic" of your american empire.
You can't have one without the other — an empire without its consequences.
Your country's militarisation of your drug war in Mexico has seen 25,000 people killed in that land in the time of just the present proUS President, Calderon.
Your drug problem, created by your drug market & its demands, without which there would be no drug trade.
The problems your economy creates have become international problems.
You have burst open the doors of others.
Now you cannot close your own.
wtf a.savage…..don't care
Hullo, my brothers.
When a creature loses something, if she goes back, she will find it.
That’s why the poor & the native, they hold history close to themselves, so they can go back, while you throw it away, for to you it’s funny & dead & a burden.
i wouldn’t look up “Guadaloupe Hidalgo” or the “Gadsden Purchase”.
Ask the native peoples who live on the land you call ‘arizona” today.
They will tell you they were massacred & bounty hunted close to extinction, & the promises made to them were broken.
But they never gave up the land, nor were they asked when the white land thieves, called “boundary commissioners” & “land surveyors”, drew their marks upon the earth.
Even after stealing the land you didn’t stay on your side of the line.
You export 10 million tons of cheap Canadian & US corn to Mexico, destroying her agriculture.
The farmers there, bankrupted by your exports, come to “El Norte” to find a livelihood.
It’s the economic “logic” of your american empire.
You can’t have one without the other — an empire without its consequences.
Your country’s militarisation of your drug war in Mexico has seen 25,000 people killed in that land in the time of just the present proUS President, Calderon.
Your drug problem, created by your drug market & its demands, without which there would be no drug trade.
The problems your economy creates have become international problems.
You have burst open the doors of others.
Now you cannot close your own.
Sure A. Savage, but what does your history lesson have to do with SB 1070 and this generation of 20-30-40 year old something Mexican-born and raised immigrants ILLEGALLY entering this country? Go about it the same way LEGAL immigrants do.
Go off on your tangents, but here are some more facts to set you straight. The U.S. accounts for 85% of all Mexico EXPORTS. Mexico is among the world's largest producers of coffee, sugar, CORN and oranges. Whatever we profit from exporting corn I'm certain is more then made up by free-trade, U.S. Aid and LEGAL immigration.
By the way, Mexico is also the 5th largest producer of oil in the world.
Yeah without customers for all the drugs being smuggled there would be no drug smuggling. One (and likely only) thing we can agree. Blame the addicts for the drug smuggling.
However, Mexico certainly has its share of problems (the main reason people want to leave it)… but you can't blame the U.S.
Calderon needs to focus on his corrupt Gov't, corrupt law enforcement and the economic reasons people are so desparate to leave that hell hole. But he would rather focus on the gravy train an attack the U.S. Meanwhile, HE IS THE HYPOCRITE, if you ever bothered to research what happens to Guatemalan citizens that violate the border with Mexico.
You didn't tell me where you live? Which imperialistic Nation do you hail from?
Almost forgot to mention:
Mexico trails only China and Japan as the largest TRADE DEFICIT the U.S. has. It is also the FASTEST growing Trade Deficit.
Cry me a river if you really think the U.S. is to blame for bankrupt farmers in Mexico.
You really should try to back up your arguments with FACTS.
wtf a.savage…..don’t care
Sure A. Savage, but what does your history lesson have to do with SB 1070 and this generation of 20-30-40 year old something Mexican-born and raised immigrants ILLEGALLY entering this country? Go about it the same way LEGAL immigrants do.
Go off on your tangents, but here are some more facts to set you straight. The U.S. accounts for 85% of all Mexico EXPORTS. Mexico is among the world’s largest producers of coffee, sugar, CORN and oranges. Whatever we profit from exporting corn I’m certain is more then made up by free-trade, U.S. Aid and LEGAL immigration.
By the way, Mexico is also the 5th largest producer of oil in the world.
Yeah without customers for all the drugs being smuggled there would be no drug smuggling. One (and likely only) thing we can agree. Blame the addicts for the drug smuggling.
However, Mexico certainly has its share of problems (the main reason people want to leave it)… but you can’t blame the U.S.
Calderon needs to focus on his corrupt Gov’t, corrupt law enforcement and the economic reasons people are so desparate to leave that hell hole. But he would rather focus on the gravy train an attack the U.S. Meanwhile, HE IS THE HYPOCRITE, if you ever bothered to research what happens to Guatemalan citizens that violate the border with Mexico.
You didn’t tell me where you live? Which imperialistic Nation do you hail from?
Almost forgot to mention:
Mexico trails only China and Japan as the largest TRADE DEFICIT the U.S. has. It is also the FASTEST growing Trade Deficit.
Cry me a river if you really think the U.S. is to blame for bankrupt farmers in Mexico.
You really should try to back up your arguments with FACTS.
Which "imperialistic nation" i hail from is not the question here.
Because i am not you — i do not wave the flag of ANY country.
i do not support any nation — unless it be a struggling, unrecognised nation.
As for all the trade you talk of — whom does it benefit, but the transnational corporations, & the corporate state ?
The US – imposed NAFTA is ruining Mexico.
But your eyes can't see it, as you're blind to the ruin of your own.
"Cry me a river", you sneer, about Mexico's dispossessed, impoverished farmers !!
You mistake me for someone from your culture.
i don't cry to you, white man.
Neither do i expect you to feel anything about the silent suffering of the indigenous, an agony transcending "borders".
You can't even identify the true pain of your own.
And when you can't recognise truth, why should i provide you with "facts" ??
Let the Earth speak.
The Earth now speaks with feet which walk naked on Her bosom.
Lots of peace love dope kind of rhetoric, but just like throughout this whole thread short on facts.
I'm not white, and you have a lot of racial and American hatred in your heart.
No one is more responsible for Mexico's own misery then Government and the people.
But by all means continue hating the USA…. and for what? Providing more aid and comfort, free-trade, and legal immigrant status to Mexico then any other nation on earth? Facts don't support your baseless and vague accusations.
Peace to you grasshopper who claims no Nation. Walk the earth and be one with her.
Which “imperialistic nation” i hail from is not the question here.
Because i am not you — i do not wave the flag of ANY country.
i do not support any nation — unless it be a struggling, unrecognised nation.
As for all the trade you talk of — whom does it benefit, but the transnational corporations, & the corporate state ?
The US – imposed NAFTA is ruining Mexico.
But your eyes can’t see it, as you’re blind to the ruin of your own.
“Cry me a river”, you sneer, about Mexico’s dispossessed, impoverished farmers !!
You mistake me for someone from your culture.
i don’t cry to you, white man.
Neither do i expect you to feel anything about the silent suffering of the indigenous, an agony transcending “borders”.
You can’t even identify the true pain of your own.
And when you can’t recognise truth, why should i provide you with “facts” ??
Let the Earth speak.
The Earth now speaks with feet which walk naked on Her bosom.
Lots of peace love dope kind of rhetoric, but just like throughout this whole thread short on facts.
I’m not white, and you have a lot of racial and American hatred in your heart.
No one is more responsible for Mexico’s own misery then Government and the people.
But by all means continue hating the USA…. and for what? Providing more aid and comfort, free-trade, and legal immigrant status to Mexico then any other nation on earth? Facts don’t support your baseless and vague accusations.
Peace to you grasshopper who claims no Nation. Walk the earth and be one with her.