Not In Our Name: Georgia Must Not Execute Troy Davis

Troy Davis too much doubtOutrageous.  Simply outrageous.

Georgia’s State Board of Pardons and Paroles has rejected Troy Davis’ clemency petition.  He faces execution on Wed., Sept. 21 at 7 pm EDT.  We do not accept this decision and we will not quietly sit by.  Join us by taking more action:  demand that the Board reconsider its decision and demand that Chatham County (Savannah) District Attorney Larry Chisolm seek a withdrawal of the death warrant and support clemency himself.

This appalling decision renders meaningless the Board’s 2007 vow to not permit an execution unless there is “no doubt” about guilt.  The Troy Davis case is riddled with doubt. Most of the witnesses who testified against him have recanted, while others have pointed to an alternate suspect as the real killer.

Nearly a million supporters of human rights and justice have called for clemency in this case, so far.  They believed in the common-sense notion that you should not execute someone when you can’t be sure they are guilty.

Death penalty supporters like Bob Barr, former Texas Governor Mark White,  and former FBI Director William Sessions also support clemency in this case, for the same reason.  And at least three jurors from Davis’ trial have asked for his execution to be called off. Putting Troy Davis to death would be a grave injustice to those jurors who believe they sentenced Davis to death based on questionable information.

The Board chose to ignore this huge number and wide range of voices, so we must raise our voices even more.  Demand that Georgia authorities Stop This Execution.

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1,768 thoughts on “Not In Our Name: Georgia Must Not Execute Troy Davis

  1. Stop the execution of Troy Davis! There is too much doubt. I don't want innocent blood on anybody's hands, including those of Georgia's authorities.

  2. I am pleading that Troy Davis not be executed on Wednesday, September 21st. His conviction is riddled by doubt and his execution will fall heavily on our conscience and tarnish our credibility and our striving for justice as a people and as a nation. Clemency for Troy Davis!

  3. Clemency, the time for clemency for Troy Davis is past due! Stand up for human rights, and do what is right. Troy Davis deserves justice, which has not been served in his case.

  4. I ask that you please reexamine the evidence. It is clear that there is plenty of reasonable doubt that Troy Davis did not commit this crime. Clemency is the only just decision that can be rendered at this point. Please prove to the world that the United States is still a leader in the world in ensuring human rights and justice to everyone. The execution of Troy Davis would be a terrible injustice.

  5. Do not execute Troy Davis; it's just wrong. How can one man's life be in the hands of so few?

  6. please stop the execution! This man has sat on death row for 20yrs and no one can prove he is guilty. Please let him go

  7. "Judicial punishment can never be used merely as a means to promote some other good for the criminal himself or for civil society, but instead it must in all cases be imposed on him only on the ground that he has committed a crime." Never would this make more sense than in a case of an execution based upon faulty, false, or no evidence.

  8. There is not only too much doubt, it will not bring closure to the family of the slain officer as they claim. It will be a second murder.

  9. Stop the murder of Troy Davis.What kind of law system do you have in the states. You dont even know if he is guilty or innocent at this point. Come on do the right thing and give this man a chance. Too many people know to sweep this under the carpet.

  10. Please stop the Execution of Troy Davis because there's a lot of doubt in the evidence in this case. No gun, His DNA didn't match and 7-9 witnesses recanted their stories. He's a Innocent Man. Stop The Execution Now!!!!!!!!

  11. Killing this man that America has gone above and beyond to show it's humanness and commitment towards changing and making right, shows me a tremendous loss in trust and respect in the utmost way for Georgia's criminal justice system. This shows me the level of integrity and character this board of decision makers is made of. It seems fair to me that if this board makes this decision to take a life that is not without a doubt proven guilty, that Karma will make it's way back to them. Murdering a human being in the name of justice does not fix the problem or contribute to positive changes in our society. We need higher level thinking people in positions like this.

  12. Blind revenge cannot be the answer; duration of the debate within the Georgia' State Board of Pardons & Paroles prooves there are many doubts indeed, please STOP the execution

  13. WHY! If there is just an ounce of doubt would you go through with killing this man? Since the DNA did not match, this is cause to review the facts. Please stop this execution!


    Pigi from Turin Italy

  15. I earnestly entreaty you not to kill Troy Davis tomorrow. There is no physical evidence to connect him to the crime of which he is accused, and seven of the original nine witnesses have withdrawn their testimonies. The whole world will watch tomorrow, if mercy is not granted, your actions will simply constitute rough justice, and state sanctioned murder with impunity.

    Yours faithfully,

    Thomas Stretch.

  16. Please do not allow this judgement to go through if it is not a fact that this man is guilty. Lets put on our human being hats and lets not do something we will regret later. Remember that one day we could find ourselves in the same shoes.

  17. People from all over the world have united and demanded to stop Troy Davis' execution. To the leaders of this country, please don't ignore us anymore, we are the ones who you should be representing and we don't want this murder to take place! STOP THIS INJUSTICE NOW!

  18. Il est inadmissible de nos jours, de condamner un homme sans preuve,
    je ne vois là, qu'une décision arbitraire et injuste.
    Arrêter le processus au plus vite pour ne pas mettre en oeuvre cette exécution
    pour cet homme déjà emprisonné malgré lui.

  19. Please do all to stop Troy Davies execution. If there is any doubt about his guilt,
    let justice appear. Be human and take care of human rights!

  20. I am against the death penalty all over the world.
    In the case of Troy Davies I have a strong feeling he is without guilt.
    Pls let him live.

  21. If Troy is executed and we find him innocent post mortem, he will become a martyr and a rallying point for everyone who wishes to end the death penalty. HIS NAME WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN

  22. I have just called the Georgia State's Attorney's Office to register my concern about executing an innocent man. I was surprised to get through and they took my name, concerns and where I live.

    I recommend calling..

    Vermont farmer

  23. Please, do not execute Troy Davis! Stop the execution. I'am against death penalty and THERE IS TOO MUCH DOUBT!! Do not take Troy 's life !!

  24. Please do not execute an innocent man. Do not go through with this his case has zero substance. This is not the correct thing to do. Clemency for Troy Davis. There is too much doubt, the law states without a reasonalbe doubt….. there is doubt so do not I repeat do not go through with this horrible execution please do not execute an innocent man.

  25. I signed the petition to stop it. This man is innocent! I refuse to just let this happen!!!!! I simply refuse! No matter race, creed, color, or nationality we must stop this !

  26. It is appalling that, in this "enlightened age" – and after they resolved in 2007 never to execute a man in any instance where doubt persisted at all, the the Georgia Board of Pardons & Clemency would permit this execution to go forward!

    'TIS BETTER 100 GUILTY MEN GO FREE, THAN JUST 1 INNOCENT BE WRONGLY PUT TO DEATH!! Never more than today do these words ring true.

  27. It is the most wrong thing possible to execute an innocent person, much less anyone. I've tried calling several times over and over 912-652-7308 but the phone system is apparently flooded or they are just not wanting to hear the opposition…

  28. Mr. Davis has suffered enough, twenty years of incarceration and three execution dates…that to me is cruel and unusual punishment…even if he was guilty…

  29. It is such a shame that it is so easy for some to take another persons life…. Guilty or not guilty. We have no right to do it. And in this case, we don't even know if he did it????!!! It is inhumane 🙁

  30. How can a man be put to death when there is no physical evidence linking him to the crime, 7 of the 9 witness recant the story–some even during the trial, one witness is the other primary suspect and there are witnesses saying the other primary suspect confessed to the crime. Let's face it, Troy Davis isn't a rich or powerful man that could get anybody to change their story. He has always claim his innocence. How is this fair when Casey Anthony, who had a lot of evidence, pointing her way is not only not in prison. But she is free. I thought if there was enough reasonable doubt that the state of Georgia didn't execute. It's overwhelming doubt that Troy Davis didn't commit murder. In God's name, don't carry through with this execution.

  31. Board has denied clemency for Troy Davis when their is such overwhelming doubt that he is even guilty!

    The evidence we do know is 7 out of 9 eye witnesses have come forward and recanted their earlier testimony.

    In the face of these facts alone, along with so many other unresolved questions as to what actually happened and the lack of evidence that still exists, the planned execution of Troy Davis to die tonight is horrifying.

    It would indeed be a travesty on the State of Georgia, as well as the United States.

  32. Please be advised the State of Georgia is in violation of Mr. Troy Davis's Constitutional Right's & Human Rights of Presumption of innocence and guilty only by reasonable doubt which according to the information does not follow these guidelines thus making this case voidable! In 24hrs this political prisoner will be wrongfully put to death!

  33. How can the state of GA kill a man when such a lack of evidence exists? Is that not murder?

  34. There is much doubt as to guilt. Execution of an innocent man is murder! Stop the execution!

  35. This is a violation of Troy's basic human rights, as well as his civil rights. The system should not be allowed to maintain a momentum towards execution in spite of the doubt and lack of hard evidence found in this case. If Troy is executed on September 21st, we will know where our government stands on civil rights issues. This will be a wake up call.

  36. Join us tonight as we rally at the Board of Pardon and Parole in Downtown Atlanta. Save Troy Davis and show equal justice! #TooMuchDoubt#

  37. Please don't execute this innocent y'all have proof he's innocent think about his family and what they are going through. So I beg you stop the execution of Troy Davis.

  38. How do you people from the Parole Board plan to sleep at night? You will become murderers – are you not familiar with the concept of 'better to set a guilty man free than incarcerate an innocent man'? And with so much doubt you still want to EXECUTE Troy Davis. May God have mercy on your souls….

  39. Please have mercy and allow Mr. Troy Davis to live. If there is no evidence to prove he is guilty, there should be a retrial. Please grant Mr. Davis clemency in God's name.

  40. Stop this execution. The justice may be taking an innocent life if this is carried through. This goes to show that our justice system is flawed and will leave me no faith in it if this execution is carried out!

  41. U need to stop this execution!!! To much doubt not only that its no mans place but GODS only to ends one life…'s not right n feel sorry for ur souls if u go thru with such a thing!!!!

  42. Want to have Georgia rethink their cavalier attitude when there is reasonable doubt? They should at least have a retrial with the additional information. When the former FBI director says there is 'doubt' about the verdict, it's time for reasonable people to let Georgia know it is wrong.

    Sign on to my petition to boycott Georgia:


  43. Do you not !!!!!!! It does not matter if he is guilty … black or white … Nobody has the right to take another person's life …. So who gave you the right ????????

    According to the rule, if there is no evidence, then how in the hell is there a case against a human being. This case has been BS from the beginning, many of the eye-witness testimonies have be recanted and as well as unethical from the beginning. If you have 7 out of 10 of the witnesses wanting to withdraw their testimony then that alone is a RED FLAG GEORGIA!!
    However, if this execution is executed then I FEEL SORRY FOR the JUDGE, Jury and whomever else who was involved with the decision making process.. jUST know that although, you might have senteced Troy to death… Know that the final answer rests in the hands of the lord! So, while you are pulling the plug on this "INNOCENT MAN" just know that GOD one day will pull the plug on you and you will forever rest in "ETERNAL" …….!!!!

  45. Please also bombard the white house comment line with calls! Obama could also pardon him! I don't think he will, but it can't hurt to try.

  46. What happen to pure evidence? It is 2011 the age of information technology we Need DNA proof stop the execution of Troy Davis today!

  47. Stop this execution. With so much of the original evidence no longer reliable, his conviction is tainted and must be thrown out. In the face of so much doubt, going forward is wrong.

  48. What's the evidence. We can't just go round killing people in the name of justice. Where's the justice in that?

  49. STOP THE EXECUTION!! With so much doubt in this case YOU will be killing an innocent man. STOP THE EXECUTION! what happened to innocent until proven guilty???

  50. Stop the execution of Troy Davis. There is insufficient evidence of guilt and sufficient evidence of Reasonable Doubt.

  51. I am completely against the execution of someone when there is evidence to suggest they are not guilty of a crime. We cannot use injustice as means of righting wrongs. It is a tragedy for both of these families. My condolences to the children who lost their father and to his wife. Killing Troy Davis will not bring this man back from the dead.

  52. Stop this murder. Stop all "death penalties". The year is 2011, it is not the middle ages. When will you grow up, America? And Obama; is this something you are supporting? What about some real changes? This killing of poor criminals is a shame, not only on America, but on humanity.

  53. Executing this man is absurd and a crime in itself. There is at least a shadow of a doubt therefore killing this man is murder!

  54. Stop the execution of Troy Davis! There is too much doubt. I don’t want innocent blood on anybody’s hands, including those of Georgia’s authorities.

  55. Do not execute him. Too much doubt. Look at the case again. Go over the facts. There is reasonable doubt.

  56. It never fails to amaze me how people can choose to take another human being's life rather than admit that there's a chance that they're wrong.

  57. Non à l'exécution de Troy Davis ! Comment peut on exécuter un homme quand il y a un doute sur sa culpabilité ? Ne commettez pas l'irréparable…

  58. I am pleading that Troy Davis not be executed on Wednesday, September 21st. His conviction is riddled by doubt and his execution will fall heavily on our conscience and tarnish our credibility and our striving for justice as a people and as a nation. Clemency for Troy Davis!



  61. BAD NEWS: The Georgia board of Pardons & Paroles voted yesterday to allow the execution of Troy Davis to proceed. I've emailed an "I am shocked that …" letter to the editor of the Augusta, GA, Chronicle newspaper. Poops.

  62. Way 2 much doubt!! I knw the family wants to see justice,but with that much doubt how can u kill a human.

  63. There is no DNA evidence and no weapon in this case. Do not execute this man, He will die and you will have blood on your hands. This is so wrong, putting an innocent man to death. There isn't much time. Clemency must prevail for this gentleman.

  64. Clemency, the time for clemency for Troy Davis is past due! Stand up for human rights, and do what is right. Troy Davis deserves justice, which has not been served in his case.

  65. under the upperhand xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx martin luther would never of allowed it its disgusting xxxx karma x

  66. This is a travesty of justice. If Troy is executed, justice dies too. In my opinion, members of the Parole Board have just consented to commit cold blooded murder with this decision, because of the mountain of evidence which supports Troy's innocence.

    Do these people have a conscience? If the execution goes ahead they will have blood on their hands for sure.

  67. Stop this execution. The justice may be taking an innocent life if this is carried through. This goes to show that our justice system is flawed and will leave me no faith in it if this execution is carried out!

  68. As long as there is a shred of doubt, a person should NOT be executed. How could you possibly deny that there are unclear and contradicting elements about this case? What kind of justice are you promoting here? And how can you sleep well at night, EVER again, knowing that you killed a man who quite possibly was innocent? Who will judge YOU?

  69. I ask that you please reexamine the evidence. It is clear that there is plenty of reasonable doubt that Troy Davis did not commit this crime. Clemency is the only just decision that can be rendered at this point. Please prove to the world that the United States is still a leader in the world in ensuring human rights and justice to everyone. The execution of Troy Davis would be a terrible injustice.

  70. Algún día los Estados Unidos mirará la pena de muerte con la misma vergüenza con la que hoy mira la esclavitud. La pena de muerte no es más que un asesinato, frio y premeditado. No ejecuten a Troy Davis!

  71. Just discovered on French newspaper the Troy Davis case. It rings exactly like the John Grisham novel "The confession" where Donté Drumm was executed despite serious doubt, & named cleared 24 hrs after execution. Man has no right to take the life of someone, & especially when there is the slightest doubt. Let the white light surround you Troy.

  72. To all supporters of Troy Davis and of justice….

    The Board of Pardons could not grant clemency since to do so would equal an admission that the justice system is full of defects and not fit for purpose.

    It is essential now that a higher authority intervenes on this matter.

    Go to and click 'Contact us' and send President Obama an email asking him to do whatever is necessary to prevent the execution of an innocent Black American, Troy Anthony Davis.

    Thank you so much.

  73. S'il vous plait, il est temps pour l'humanité d'abandonner cette barbarie qu'est la peine de mort. N'exécutez pas Troy Davis. N'exécutez plus aucun être humain, par pitié et pour l'amour de Dieu !

    Please, it's time for humanity : sentence of death is a barbarian. Don't kill Troy Davis. Don't kill nomore humans, for the love of god.
    (and excuse my english langage)

  74. Do not execute Troy Davis; it’s just wrong. How can one man’s life be in the hands of so few?

  75. Do not execute Troy Davis; it’s just wrong. How can one man’s life be in the hands of so few?

  76. There is planning a murder on an innocent man, same time as the world cry out that this is not justice. The criminals in this case is the people that plan to murder this innocent man. Don´t let criminals go free when they prefer to kill the innocent and lie about that it´s justice. There is to much doubt about Troy Davis. People that believe in TRUE justice want Troy Davis to live and be free and get compensation for all years he have been in jail. That would be justice.

  77. please, stop !!
    soyez humains, la vie est un bien trop précieux. et les conditions douteuses de sa condamnation ne permettent pas que cet homme soit exécuté comme une bête.
    nous ne sommes pas des animaux
    we are not animals !!

  78. Really sad story of an attempt to execute an innocent man. There should be absolutely no doubt when executing anyone and clearly there is too much doubt in this case. Will the members of Georgia's State Board of Pardons and Paroles really be able to live with themselves if this execution is carried out?!

  79. Why have the seven witnesses recanted their testimony? And what if he did do it, and the recanted testimony is due to pressure from the other suspect who knows that trying to take him to trial after 20 years will be fruitless. Of course, if he is acquited, and then confesses, he can't be retried for the crime again. Does the jury feel they made the wrong decision?

  80. please stop the execution! This man has sat on death row for 20yrs and no one can prove he is guilty. Please let him go

  81. “Judicial punishment can never be used merely as a means to promote some other good for the criminal himself or for civil society, but instead it must in all cases be imposed on him only on the ground that he has committed a crime.” Never would this make more sense than in a case of an execution based upon faulty, false, or no evidence.

  82. I just heard AI's spokesperson on the Thom Hartmann show, saying that even if we lose the fight for Troy that we need to continue mobilizing against the death penalty – YES!

    I sincerely hope that AI will partner with the ACLU campaign, "Cut This! the Death Penalty":

    Also, many are calling on the medical staff which will oversee the execution to STAY HOME tomorrow:

    Here's a sample fax you can send to the "doctor" posted on Facebook:

  83. There is not only too much doubt, it will not bring closure to the family of the slain officer as they claim. It will be a second murder.

  84. Stop the murder of Troy Davis.What kind of law system do you have in the states. You dont even know if he is guilty or innocent at this point. Come on do the right thing and give this man a chance. Too many people know to sweep this under the carpet.

  85. Yes stop the execution. Let the family of the murdered police officer go without justice for their loved one.
    Let angelic Troy move into a bleeding heart liberal's home. See how safe you feel. Let those jurors who think they voted wrong be willing to be prosecuted for their poor judgement during deliberation and lieing in court about their decision; ditto for those "witnesses" who now say they lied during their original testimony. Then we can see whether they are lieing now or just bleeding heart liberals who "changed" their minds about Troy's guilt and convicting him.
    In fact, I believe every bleeding heart liberal should have the opportunity of having the joy of a convict in their home, where their loved ones live in efar and potential danger.

  86. Please let me agree with the eloquent words of Serge, and
    express my pain that while France abolished the death
    penalty in 1981, 30 years ago, the execution of Troy Davis,
    despite serious doubts as to his guilt and the pleas of
    three of his jurors for clemency, could take place
    tomorrow. To quote the great Lafayette: "I shall ask for
    the abolition of the penalty of death until the
    infallibility of human judgment shall be proven to me."

    The killing of Troy Davis would not honor the best values of
    Officer Mark MacPhail, who was shot while trying to assist
    the victim of an assault, but would perpetuate the cycle of
    degrading and dehumanizing violence. Nor would it honor the
    values of Tom Paine, one of the founders of the U.S.A., who
    in 1793 courageously argued against the execution of Louis
    Capet (as he often called Louis XVI to show his disdain for
    monarchy) and found the death penalty unfit for a free

    May this impending act of lethal injustice yet by averted
    by the grace of Providence and the determination of a
    global movement for abolition of this barbarity of state
    killing in the name of the law.

    forward with an execution when there is so much doubt is
    too horrible to contemplate. There are no words to describe
    how awful this is.

  88. Please stop the Execution of Troy Davis because there’s a lot of doubt in the evidence in this case. No gun, His DNA didn’t match and 7-9 witnesses recanted their stories. He’s a Innocent Man. Stop The Execution Now!!!!!!!!

  89. Killing this man that America has gone above and beyond to show it’s humanness and commitment towards changing and making right, shows me a tremendous loss in trust and respect in the utmost way for Georgia’s criminal justice system. This shows me the level of integrity and character this board of decision makers is made of. It seems fair to me that if this board makes this decision to take a life that is not without a doubt proven guilty, that Karma will make it’s way back to them. Murdering a human being in the name of justice does not fix the problem or contribute to positive changes in our society. We need higher level thinking people in positions like this.

  90. Please, please, please STOP this. If Troy is executed tomorrow it will be forever etched in my heart and mind that the American Justice system is deaf, dumb, blind and immoral.

  91. Blind revenge cannot be the answer; duration of the debate within the Georgia’ State Board of Pardons & Paroles prooves there are many doubts indeed, please STOP the execution

  92. WHY! If there is just an ounce of doubt would you go through with killing this man? Since the DNA did not match, this is cause to review the facts. Please stop this execution!


    Pigi from Turin Italy

  94. To all supporters of Troy Davis and of justice….

    The Board of Pardons could not grant clemency since to do so would equal an admission that the justice system is full of defects and not fit for purpose.

    It is essential now that a higher authority intervenes on this matter.

    Go to and click 'Contact us' and send President Obama an email asking him to do whatever is necessary to prevent the execution of an innocent Black American, Troy Anthony Davis.

    Thank you so much.

  95. To all supporters of Troy Davis and of justice….

    The Board of Pardons could not grant clemency since to do so would equal an admission that the justice system is full of defects and not fit for purpose.

    It is essential now that a higher authority intervenes on this matter.

    Go to and click 'Contact us' and send President Obama an email asking him to do whatever is necessary to prevent the execution of an innocent Black American, Troy Anthony Davis.

    Thank you so much.

  96. I earnestly entreaty you not to kill Troy Davis tomorrow. There is no physical evidence to connect him to the crime of which he is accused, and seven of the original nine witnesses have withdrawn their testimonies. The whole world will watch tomorrow, if mercy is not granted, your actions will simply constitute rough justice, and state sanctioned murder with impunity.

    Yours faithfully,

    Thomas Stretch.

  97. Please do not allow this judgement to go through if it is not a fact that this man is guilty. Lets put on our human being hats and lets not do something we will regret later. Remember that one day we could find ourselves in the same shoes.

  98. People from all over the world have united and demanded to stop Troy Davis’ execution. To the leaders of this country, please don’t ignore us anymore, we are the ones who you should be representing and we don’t want this murder to take place! STOP THIS INJUSTICE NOW!

  99. This is dirty south justic whites are innocent until proven guilty. Blacks are guilty until they prove there innocence.

  100. Il est inadmissible de nos jours, de condamner un homme sans preuve,
    je ne vois là, qu’une décision arbitraire et injuste.
    Arrêter le processus au plus vite pour ne pas mettre en oeuvre cette exécution
    pour cet homme déjà emprisonné malgré lui.

  101. Please do all to stop Troy Davies execution. If there is any doubt about his guilt,
    let justice appear. Be human and take care of human rights!

  102. I am against the death penalty all over the world.
    In the case of Troy Davies I have a strong feeling he is without guilt.
    Pls let him live.

  103. To all supporters of Troy Davis and of justice…

    Please call the Whitehouse comment line. The number is 202 456 1111 and from the UK 001 202 456 1111. When you get through to the volunteer keep it very brief such as: 'Please ask President Obama to prevent the execution tomorrow of Troy Davis in Georgia. Troy Davis may be an innocent man' etc

    Thank you.
    Greetings from Lincolnshire UK.

  104. One of the posters commented, "How can the state of GA kill a man when such a lack of evidence exists? Is that not murder?" The real question is "How can the state of GA kill a man?" Period. Is it not murder whether he is innocent or NOT??? We who oppose the death penalty do not wish to minimize the suffering of the victim's loved ones in a case such as this. However, we do not believe that the murder of another person, innocent or not, will bring peace or closure to those loved ones. This is nothing short of barbaric, and a great source of shame for our country, in my opinion.

  105. If Troy is executed and we find him innocent post mortem, he will become a martyr and a rallying point for everyone who wishes to end the death penalty. HIS NAME WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN

  106. This is complete bullshit! troy davis should not be executed without the facts! people like charles manson and casey anthony werent even put to death. 100% against this!

  107. I just heard AI's spokesperson on the Thom Hartmann show, saying that even if we lose the fight for Troy that we need to continue mobilizing against the death penalty – YES!

    I sincerely hope that AI will partner with the ACLU campaign, "Cut This! the Death Penalty":

    Also, many are calling on the medical staff which will oversee the execution to STAY HOME tomorrow:

    Here's a sample fax you can send to the "doctor" posted on Facebook:

  108. I just heard AI's spokesperson on the Thom Hartmann show, saying that even if we lose the fight for Troy that we need to continue mobilizing against the death penalty – YES!

    I sincerely hope that AI will partner with the ACLU campaign, "Cut This! the Death Penalty":

    Also, many are calling on the medical staff which will oversee the execution to STAY HOME tomorrow:

    Here's a sample fax you can send to the "doctor" posted on Facebook:

  109. I have just called the Georgia State’s Attorney’s Office to register my concern about executing an innocent man. I was surprised to get through and they took my name, concerns and where I live.

    I recommend calling..

    Vermont farmer

  110. Please, do not execute Troy Davis! Stop the execution. I’am against death penalty and THERE IS TOO MUCH DOUBT!! Do not take Troy ‘s life !!

  111. Please do not execute an innocent man. Do not go through with this his case has zero substance. This is not the correct thing to do. Clemency for Troy Davis. There is too much doubt, the law states without a reasonalbe doubt….. there is doubt so do not I repeat do not go through with this horrible execution please do not execute an innocent man.

  112. I signed the petition to stop it. This man is innocent! I refuse to just let this happen!!!!! I simply refuse! No matter race, creed, color, or nationality we must stop this !

  113. Its all have to do with race.Blacks are always at the receiving end .Also campaign to end the private prison systems,profit by getting people convicted ?What world are we living in?

  114. It's not right. Nothing about this is right. The authorities need seine to pin this on to appease the bloodlust from those around them, especially those in their own ranks. It's terrible that people were killed, yet it's an even more grievous atrocity to execute another man for a crime in which there is overehelming evidence that he did not commit. STOP THIS.

  115. It is appalling that, in this “enlightened age” – and after they resolved in 2007 never to execute a man in any instance where doubt persisted at all, the the Georgia Board of Pardons & Clemency would permit this execution to go forward!

    ‘TIS BETTER 100 GUILTY MEN GO FREE, THAN JUST 1 INNOCENT BE WRONGLY PUT TO DEATH!! Never more than today do these words ring true.

  116. Beyond a color, this is a human. It is our duty as a people to protect justice in our own country. PLEASE do not let our duties go unfulfilled. Protect justice. Stop this execution. Give fair trial.

  117. It is the most wrong thing possible to execute an innocent person, much less anyone. I’ve tried calling several times over and over 912-652-7308 but the phone system is apparently flooded or they are just not wanting to hear the opposition…

  118. Mr. Davis has suffered enough, twenty years of incarceration and three execution dates…that to me is cruel and unusual punishment…even if he was guilty…

  119. It is such a shame that it is so easy for some to take another persons life…. Guilty or not guilty. We have no right to do it. And in this case, we don’t even know if he did it????!!! It is inhumane 🙁

  120. How can a man be put to death when there is no physical evidence linking him to the crime, 7 of the 9 witness recant the story–some even during the trial, one witness is the other primary suspect and there are witnesses saying the other primary suspect confessed to the crime. Let’s face it, Troy Davis isn’t a rich or powerful man that could get anybody to change their story. He has always claim his innocence. How is this fair when Casey Anthony, who had a lot of evidence, pointing her way is not only not in prison. But she is free. I thought if there was enough reasonable doubt that the state of Georgia didn’t execute. It’s overwhelming doubt that Troy Davis didn’t commit murder. In God’s name, don’t carry through with this execution.

  121. Board has denied clemency for Troy Davis when their is such overwhelming doubt that he is even guilty!

    The evidence we do know is 7 out of 9 eye witnesses have come forward and recanted their earlier testimony.

    In the face of these facts alone, along with so many other unresolved questions as to what actually happened and the lack of evidence that still exists, the planned execution of Troy Davis to die tonight is horrifying.

    It would indeed be a travesty on the State of Georgia, as well as the United States.

  122. Please be advised the State of Georgia is in violation of Mr. Troy Davis’s Constitutional Right’s & Human Rights of Presumption of innocence and guilty only by reasonable doubt which according to the information does not follow these guidelines thus making this case voidable! In 24hrs this political prisoner will be wrongfully put to death!

  123. When there is even a shadow of a doubt, humanity, decency and justice should prevent us from doing anything that can't be reversed. This. Is. Wrong. Stop.

  124. This execution must NOT proceed. If it does the whole concept of justice is destroyed. The execution of any man where there is so much evidential doubt is an appalling abuse of human rights and should not be tolerated in any nation which regards itself as civilised. Please GEORGIA – do the right thing and commute this sentence.

  125. From Austria: This would be a barbaric, racist killing of an innocent. Shame on Georgia, shame on the United States.

    Everybody in the position to stop that should do his part!!!

  126. There is much doubt as to guilt. Execution of an innocent man is murder! Stop the execution!

  127. PLEASE DO NOT EXECUTE TROY DAVIS . You probably execute an innocent man and it will be too late when you know it. We can't believe that an American state can be so archaic to reach the point to do that murder ! Please stop this execution so that we can trust American justice.
    La peine de mort est elle aussi un crime… et un crime commis par un Etat. Au nom de quoi un Etat aurait-il le droit de tuer, alors que ses lois condamnent le crime ?

  128. too bad this is possible… death penalty should be forbidden all over the world… This should not happen…

    Hope a miracle will happen…

    RIP Troy

  129. This is a violation of Troy’s basic human rights, as well as his civil rights. The system should not be allowed to maintain a momentum towards execution in spite of the doubt and lack of hard evidence found in this case. If Troy is executed on September 21st, we will know where our government stands on civil rights issues. This will be a wake up call.

  130. Join us tonight as we rally at the Board of Pardon and Parole in Downtown Atlanta. Save Troy Davis and show equal justice! #TooMuchDoubt#

  131. Please don’t execute this innocent y’all have proof he’s innocent think about his family and what they are going through. So I beg you stop the execution of Troy Davis.

  132. How do you people from the Parole Board plan to sleep at night? You will become murderers – are you not familiar with the concept of ‘better to set a guilty man free than incarcerate an innocent man’? And with so much doubt you still want to EXECUTE Troy Davis. May God have mercy on your souls….

  133. Please have mercy and allow Mr. Troy Davis to live. If there is no evidence to prove he is guilty, there should be a retrial. Please grant Mr. Davis clemency in God’s name.

  134. Stop this execution. The justice may be taking an innocent life if this is carried through. This goes to show that our justice system is flawed and will leave me no faith in it if this execution is carried out!

  135. This situation SHOULD NOT be taken lightly. This is a person's life on the line. What has our country come to with this crooked justice system? It's time for us to stand up and fight back. We are all in this together. God, please help us.

  136. Don't execute him. Because of the evidence. Because a society is judged on the way it treats its prisoners. Because the duty of the state is to protect its citizens, and that duty does not extend to executing those who may be innocent.

  137. If there is doubt, which there clearly is in this case, then how can the execution be justified now or ever. Stop this and give the man a chance to have the doubts examined properly.

  138. U need to stop this execution!!! To much doubt not only that its no mans place but GODS only to ends one life…’s not right n feel sorry for ur souls if u go thru with such a thing!!!!

  139. Want to have Georgia rethink their cavalier attitude when there is reasonable doubt? They should at least have a retrial with the additional information. When the former FBI director says there is ‘doubt’ about the verdict, it’s time for reasonable people to let Georgia know it is wrong.

    Sign on to my petition to boycott Georgia:


  140. I certainly hope that the Georgia officials who have the power to make the decision to hold the death penalty because of uncertainty of this mans guilt will stop and think about how questionable this trial this trial has been all these years. The death penalty is a very serious practice and anyone, anyone who makes a final decision to have a human being put to death should be absolutely certain, without question, beyond any doubt, that the person is guilty. Please reconsider this case against Tony Davis. There is too much doubt lingering in this case and the death penalty should not be considered in this case. Tony Davis should not be put to death. Please think about how awful it would be if you continue to let this man pay by death for something that he very well may not have done. Listen to what people are saying, think about it again before you finalize this person's life. Think about what has been said. Please think and think again. Thank You for reconsidering and saving an person's life who is very possibly, not guilty.

  141. Do you not !!!!!!! It does not matter if he is guilty … black or white … Nobody has the right to take another person’s life …. So who gave you the right ????????

    According to the rule, if there is no evidence, then how in the hell is there a case against a human being. This case has been BS from the beginning, many of the eye-witness testimonies have be recanted and as well as unethical from the beginning. If you have 7 out of 10 of the witnesses wanting to withdraw their testimony then that alone is a RED FLAG GEORGIA!!
    However, if this execution is executed then I FEEL SORRY FOR the JUDGE, Jury and whomever else who was involved with the decision making process.. jUST know that although, you might have senteced Troy to death… Know that the final answer rests in the hands of the lord! So, while you are pulling the plug on this “INNOCENT MAN” just know that GOD one day will pull the plug on you and you will forever rest in “ETERNAL” …….!!!!

  143. Please also bombard the white house comment line with calls! Obama could also pardon him! I don’t think he will, but it can’t hurt to try.

  144. What happen to pure evidence? It is 2011 the age of information technology we Need DNA proof stop the execution of Troy Davis today!

  145. I personally condemn death penalty. Who is allowed to kill? No one. Death sentence as a way to establish justice is an absurdity. Free Tony Davis and find the real murder.

  146. Stop this execution. With so much of the original evidence no longer reliable, his conviction is tainted and must be thrown out. In the face of so much doubt, going forward is wrong.

  147. What’s the evidence. We can’t just go round killing people in the name of justice. Where’s the justice in that?

  148. I am appalled at the decision to deny clemency in the death sentence of Troy Davis. His case is a textbook example of what I thought is the letter of the law: beyond a shadow of doubt. There could not be more doubt in this case. Everyone involved in denying clemency will have to live with the knowledge that they are responsible for the state-sanctioned murder of a fellow human being. At seven PM tomorrow night each of them will become a murderer. And there is not a shadow of a doubt in their case.

  149. STOP THE EXECUTION!! With so much doubt in this case YOU will be killing an innocent man. STOP THE EXECUTION! what happened to innocent until proven guilty???

  150. When a few take too much power into their own hands, it is ourselves that we must look to for allowing it. We are responsible. There is no justification to kill when it is not in defense of a life. This makes Mark a killer along with his supporters. Regardless of Troy’s innocence. Like so many do, they now become the very thing they hate so much. Instead of healing this wound they allowed it to fester all these years until blind hatred is all they can feel. This out of control animal blood lust for revenge is not what we believe in and not the rule of law. It must end now.

  151. Stop the execution of Troy Davis. There is insufficient evidence of guilt and sufficient evidence of Reasonable Doubt.

  152. Is there any doubt that this man is guilty? YES. Can we therefore justify executing this man? NO. May everyone who could prevent this rot in hell if you do.

  153. Probably the only argument that might sway those who want to execute Troy Davis is the fact that his execution will advance the cause of abolition of the death penalty.

  154. I am completely against the execution of someone when there is evidence to suggest they are not guilty of a crime. We cannot use injustice as means of righting wrongs. It is a tragedy for both of these families. My condolences to the children who lost their father and to his wife. Killing Troy Davis will not bring this man back from the dead.

  155. Stop this murder. Stop all “death penalties”. The year is 2011, it is not the middle ages. When will you grow up, America? And Obama; is this something you are supporting? What about some real changes? This killing of poor criminals is a shame, not only on America, but on humanity.

  156. Guilt is not sure it seems.
    Anyway death is NOT the answer.
    Why did the witnesses retract??
    Please, stop it while there is still time for life.

  157. I do not believe in capital punishment. The fact that there is any doubt at all, and potential corruption at stake here, makes this even more of an abboration. Please, do not go ahead, and review this case as an urgent matter.

  158. Executing this man is absurd and a crime in itself. There is at least a shadow of a doubt therefore killing this man is murder!

  159. We teach our young to be be truthful, honest, compassionate, generous, and to help our fellow man. How we can so cruelly dismiss the lack of evidence and murder an innocent man. It is cause for all of us to become so disenfranchised from our sense of humanity that a belief in an an Almighty God
    is just a pretense.
    Please allow Troy to live and be given the opportunity to be found innocent.

  160. Do not execute him. Too much doubt. Look at the case again. Go over the facts. There is reasonable doubt.

  161. It never fails to amaze me how people can choose to take another human being’s life rather than admit that there’s a chance that they’re wrong.

  162. This would be a vast tragedy on the part of the justice system. If there is ANY shred of doubt, the execution should take a permanent vacation. Too many people have come forward regarding this matter, it's time to do the right thing & follow the signs. This shall remain in our thoughts & prayers.

  163. Repeating Larry's line because it's just so spot on: "Please allow Troy to live and be given the opportunity to be found innocent."
    Stop the execution.

    Where can we send our messages so that they are heard?

  164. Non à l’exécution de Troy Davis ! Comment peut on exécuter un homme quand il y a un doute sur sa culpabilité ? Ne commettez pas l’irréparable…

  165. I just happened to see something about Troy online. It is the first I have heard anything about this. I know nothing about him or his case, besides the very small amount I just read. It seems to me that if this many people can see the reasonable doubt in this case, then he should not be executed.

    However Troy, even if this doesnt work out, you will be free. No more prison, no more pain. Just free. God bless you, no matter what happens, and know that all the way over here in Texas, someone cares.

    Too bad he probably wont see any of these posts 🙁



  168. BAD NEWS: The Georgia board of Pardons & Paroles voted yesterday to allow the execution of Troy Davis to proceed. I’ve emailed an “I am shocked that …” letter to the editor of the Augusta, GA, Chronicle newspaper. Poops.

  169. My prayers go out to Troy Davis. If our justice system is to work than this man must not be executed. If the outcry of the people will not be heard than this travesty of justice will continue and who knows who else will be put to death by corruption, lying prosecutors, coerced confessions, and so much more.

  170. Way 2 much doubt!! I knw the family wants to see justice,but with that much doubt how can u kill a human.

  171. There is no DNA evidence and no weapon in this case. Do not execute this man, He will die and you will have blood on your hands. This is so wrong, putting an innocent man to death. There isn’t much time. Clemency must prevail for this gentleman.

  172. under the upperhand xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx martin luther would never of allowed it its disgusting xxxx karma x

  173. This is a travesty of justice. If Troy is executed, justice dies too. In my opinion, members of the Parole Board have just consented to commit cold blooded murder with this decision, because of the mountain of evidence which supports Troy’s innocence.

    Do these people have a conscience? If the execution goes ahead they will have blood on their hands for sure.

  174. Stop this execution. The justice may be taking an innocent life if this is carried through. This goes to show that our justice system is flawed and will leave me no faith in it if this execution is carried out!

  175. Please stop this execution of Troy Davis. I am very sorry for the victims family who lost a loved one. But executing the wrong person would be a travesty, and an indication the American Judicial System has failed. The Federal Judges should have allowed Davis a New Trial. There is too much Doubt!

  176. As long as there is a shred of doubt, a person should NOT be executed. How could you possibly deny that there are unclear and contradicting elements about this case? What kind of justice are you promoting here? And how can you sleep well at night, EVER again, knowing that you killed a man who quite possibly was innocent? Who will judge YOU?

  177. Im not saying Troy Davis is guilty or not guilty, but I am saying the evidence in this trial is not sufficient enough to sentence a man to death.

  178. I'm appalled by this case. Please see sense and call off the execution, there is so much doubt that Mr Davis committed this crime. I was shocked that the appeal for clemency was denied earlier. Rethink!

  179. Please stop murder people in the name of the state,

    and dont let the real murder go free. And kill and inocent man when u are not sure.
    The victims family must want the real murder to be in jail, or?

    Stop ! Stop the execution of Troy Davis! There is too much doubt.

    Show that there is some intelligent people that roule the world.

  180. Kill Troy
    To the State of Giorgia
    This can bring no joy
    Nine of those who said
    "He did"
    Now say "he didn't!"
    No DNA was ever found
    At the crime
    No fingerprints point to killing
    An innocent man in his prime
    Kill Troy
    To the State of Giorgia
    This can only bring shame
    You have the choice
    Not to take part in this game
    Strike against murder
    Strike against the state
    Strike for what is right
    Do not fight for hate
    Strike against an innocent man
    Made guilty by fate
    Killing Troy
    Will bring Giorgia
    No Joy

    Please look into your hearts and do what is right and just.
    Eithne,Rome sept 20 2011

  181. Algún día los Estados Unidos mirará la pena de muerte con la misma vergüenza con la que hoy mira la esclavitud. La pena de muerte no es más que un asesinato, frio y premeditado. No ejecuten a Troy Davis!

  182. Just discovered on French newspaper the Troy Davis case. It rings exactly like the John Grisham novel “The confession” where Donté Drumm was executed despite serious doubt, & named cleared 24 hrs after execution. Man has no right to take the life of someone, & especially when there is the slightest doubt. Let the white light surround you Troy.

  183. S’il vous plait, il est temps pour l’humanité d’abandonner cette barbarie qu’est la peine de mort. N’exécutez pas Troy Davis. N’exécutez plus aucun être humain, par pitié et pour l’amour de Dieu !

    Please, it’s time for humanity : sentence of death is a barbarian. Don’t kill Troy Davis. Don’t kill nomore humans, for the love of god.
    (and excuse my english langage)

  184. The one certainty seems to be that you will irreparably punish this man based upon uncertain facts. Consider these circumstances and make the right decision.

  185. Seul DIEU a le droit d’ôter la vie!!!!! Combien de policiers ont tuer pour rien, on battu de pauvres innocents??? Ont ils été condamnes a mort???? Que DIEU soit clément avec cette homme.

  186. Do not execute Troy Davis! Before enforcing any form of extreme punishment make sure you are 100 percent certain of all facts. Give this case the benefit of the doubt. You will regret your actions later.

  187. If there is a way to stop this, please do so….for the life of me, I cannot understand why the State of Georgia would even consider carrying out this execution. DA Chisolm: I respectfully ask if there is a way you could ask for clemency? As a fellow Southerner, I plead for mercy for this man, as there is not enough evidence to show he committed this crime….

  188. There is planning a murder on an innocent man, same time as the world cry out that this is not justice. The criminals in this case is the people that plan to murder this innocent man. Don´t let criminals go free when they prefer to kill the innocent and lie about that it´s justice. There is to much doubt about Troy Davis. People that believe in TRUE justice want Troy Davis to live and be free and get compensation for all years he have been in jail. That would be justice.

  189. An execution ought not be carried out under a persistent cloud of doubt about guilt. It would show a callous disregard for the very real possibility of putting an innocent person to death.

  190. please, stop !!
    soyez humains, la vie est un bien trop précieux. et les conditions douteuses de sa condamnation ne permettent pas que cet homme soit exécuté comme une bête.
    nous ne sommes pas des animaux
    we are not animals !!

  191. I wonder how many of those who support a new trial for Mr. Davis have actually read the transcript of his original trial or the various opinions of the multiple courts to hear his appeals. These are the facts:
    Davis admits he was at the crime scene, he just denied being the killer;
    All witnesses reported that "the man in the white shirt" killed the police officer;
    Davis was wearing a white shirt, and neither Coles nor any other person present was;
    Monte Holmes has never recanted his testimony that Davis was the shooter;

    Most of the "new" or "recanted" evidence was produced by 2000, and virtually all has been considered at least once in the direct appeals, let alone at the recent hearing; and
    Much of the "recanted" testimony does nothing to cast doubt on the conviction, and none of it comes close to proving Davis is innocent.

    For example, at trial Ben Gordon stated he did not see who shot the policeman. He has since changed his story three times, reporting details of the crime that could not have been seen from his location at the time. The court found he was not credible, and changed his story to add whatever details he believes are helpful to Mr. Davis.

    Dorothy Ferrell recanted her testimony, but she was not called as a witness in 2010, even though she was present in the courthouse. Is Davis' lawyer aware of a problem with her testimony or just incompetent?

    Larry Young testified at trial that Coles was wearing a yellow shirt. In 2010, he "recanted" to the extent he said he could no longer remember who wore what. Even if true, all it shows is a poor memory on his part.

    I can understand being against the death penalty in all cases and to protest this execution on those grounds, but to claim that Mr. Davis has not had a fair trial and full review is to deny the facts.

  192. Really sad story of an attempt to execute an innocent man. There should be absolutely no doubt when executing anyone and clearly there is too much doubt in this case. Will the members of Georgia’s State Board of Pardons and Paroles really be able to live with themselves if this execution is carried out?!

  193. Why have the seven witnesses recanted their testimony? And what if he did do it, and the recanted testimony is due to pressure from the other suspect who knows that trying to take him to trial after 20 years will be fruitless. Of course, if he is acquited, and then confesses, he can’t be retried for the crime again. Does the jury feel they made the wrong decision?

  194. Yes stop the execution. Let the family of the murdered police officer go without justice for their loved one.
    Let angelic Troy move into a bleeding heart liberal’s home. See how safe you feel. Let those jurors who think they voted wrong be willing to be prosecuted for their poor judgement during deliberation and lieing in court about their decision; ditto for those “witnesses” who now say they lied during their original testimony. Then we can see whether they are lieing now or just bleeding heart liberals who “changed” their minds about Troy’s guilt and convicting him.
    In fact, I believe every bleeding heart liberal should have the opportunity of having the joy of a convict in their home, where their loved ones live in efar and potential danger.

  195. Please let me agree with the eloquent words of Serge, and
    express my pain that while France abolished the death
    penalty in 1981, 30 years ago, the execution of Troy Davis,
    despite serious doubts as to his guilt and the pleas of
    three of his jurors for clemency, could take place
    tomorrow. To quote the great Lafayette: “I shall ask for
    the abolition of the penalty of death until the
    infallibility of human judgment shall be proven to me.”

    The killing of Troy Davis would not honor the best values of
    Officer Mark MacPhail, who was shot while trying to assist
    the victim of an assault, but would perpetuate the cycle of
    degrading and dehumanizing violence. Nor would it honor the
    values of Tom Paine, one of the founders of the U.S.A., who
    in 1793 courageously argued against the execution of Louis
    Capet (as he often called Louis XVI to show his disdain for
    monarchy) and found the death penalty unfit for a free

    May this impending act of lethal injustice yet by averted
    by the grace of Providence and the determination of a
    global movement for abolition of this barbarity of state
    killing in the name of the law.

  196. PLEASE STOP THE EXECUTION OF TROY DAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PLEASE STOP THE EXECUTION OF TROY DAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PLEASE STOP THE EXECUTION OF TROY DAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PLEASE STOP THE EXECUTION OF TROY DAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PLEASE STOP THE EXECUTION OF TROY DAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PLEASE STOP THE EXECUTION OF TROY DAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PLEASE STOP THE EXECUTION OF TROY DAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    forward with an execution when there is so much doubt is
    too horrible to contemplate. There are no words to describe
    how awful this is.

  198. Please, please, please STOP this. If Troy is executed tomorrow it will be forever etched in my heart and mind that the American Justice system is deaf, dumb, blind and immoral.

  199. The State of Georgia or any state for that matter should never execute anyone. Not only is it immoral for anyone to be in the buisiness of killing people, a "state" should never ever be given the power to make such a final decision. Every government is imperfect and should never be given the power to do any act that has permanent consequences.

    The smallest minority is the individual. 

  200. Anyone who assists in the murder of an even POSSIBLY innocent man, will forever be aware that they may have blood on their hands. For the sake of Troy Davis, and the guilty consciousnesses that will be left behind, I hope this execution is stopped.

  201. How can this be 100% certainty of guilt? This is a mockery, It`s not the system that`s at fault it`s the self righteous desire for retribution, which is not the purpose of the justice system at all. What exactly is being protected and served? What happens if after the event it turns out he gets proven innocent? Who will stand up and take the rap for that? Will the judge lay down his life on that?

  202. This just goes to show how the mind of the government still is. This man could have not committed this murder and is still facing the punishment for it. What about Casey Anthony? There was the same amount of evidence if not MORE and she was set free. Stop the execution of Troy Davis !

  203. what if this were your brother, your friend , or your husband an innocent man is about to die because of our failing judicial system. Should we take to hanging anybodybwe even suspect of wrong doing and go back 100 years ?

  204. To all supporters of Troy Davis and of justice….

    The Board of Pardons could not grant clemency since to do so would equal an admission that the justice system is full of defects and not fit for purpose.

    It is essential now that a higher authority intervenes on this matter.

    Go to and click ‘Contact us’ and send President Obama an email asking him to do whatever is necessary to prevent the execution of an innocent Black American, Troy Anthony Davis.

    Thank you so much.

  205. have some heart…………… can't undo an execution when you find out he is innocent

  206. This is dirty south justic whites are innocent until proven guilty. Blacks are guilty until they prove there innocence.

  207. It is frightening to see that USA, along with Republic of China still uses medieval methods of Justice

  208. To all supporters of Troy Davis and of justice…

    Please call the Whitehouse comment line. The number is 202 456 1111 and from the UK 001 202 456 1111. When you get through to the volunteer keep it very brief such as: ‘Please ask President Obama to prevent the execution tomorrow of Troy Davis in Georgia. Troy Davis may be an innocent man’ etc

    Thank you.
    Greetings from Lincolnshire UK.

  209. One of the posters commented, “How can the state of GA kill a man when such a lack of evidence exists? Is that not murder?” The real question is “How can the state of GA kill a man?” Period. Is it not murder whether he is innocent or NOT??? We who oppose the death penalty do not wish to minimize the suffering of the victim’s loved ones in a case such as this. However, we do not believe that the murder of another person, innocent or not, will bring peace or closure to those loved ones. This is nothing short of barbaric, and a great source of shame for our country, in my opinion.

  210. I hope for intervention for Mr Davis. His case is not beyond reasonable doubt, many witnesses have changed their testimonies so the original evidence he was convicted and sentenced on is no longer valid. It was with sadness I learned that what the next 24 hours will bring for this man and his family/friends/supporters. I hope humanity will prevail.

  211. This is complete bullshit! troy davis should not be executed without the facts! people like charles manson and casey anthony werent even put to death. 100% against this!

  212. I just heard AI’s spokesperson on the Thom Hartmann show, saying that even if we lose the fight for Troy that we need to continue mobilizing against the death penalty – YES!

    I sincerely hope that AI will partner with the ACLU campaign, “Cut This! the Death Penalty”:

    Also, many are calling on the medical staff which will oversee the execution to STAY HOME tomorrow:

    Here’s a sample fax you can send to the “doctor” posted on Facebook:

  213. This man does NOT deserve to die at the hand of the state! There is plenty of reasonable doubt. The guilty ones are walking free, and what appears to be an innocent man will be put to death. Another blight on humanity!!

  214. Its all have to do with race.Blacks are always at the receiving end .Also campaign to end the private prison systems,profit by getting people convicted ?What world are we living in?

  215. It’s not right. Nothing about this is right. The authorities need seine to pin this on to appease the bloodlust from those around them, especially those in their own ranks. It’s terrible that people were killed, yet it’s an even more grievous atrocity to execute another man for a crime in which there is overehelming evidence that he did not commit. STOP THIS.

  216. Beyond a color, this is a human. It is our duty as a people to protect justice in our own country. PLEASE do not let our duties go unfulfilled. Protect justice. Stop this execution. Give fair trial.

  217. When there is even a shadow of a doubt, humanity, decency and justice should prevent us from doing anything that can’t be reversed. This. Is. Wrong. Stop.

  218. This execution must NOT proceed. If it does the whole concept of justice is destroyed. The execution of any man where there is so much evidential doubt is an appalling abuse of human rights and should not be tolerated in any nation which regards itself as civilised. Please GEORGIA – do the right thing and commute this sentence.

  219. This is really not fair…..he has been in jail for 20 years and there are other suspects! not fair at all letss do what is right and the right thing to do is find evidence and NOT EXECUTE HIM PLEASE!!!

  220. The state of Georgia must not execute Troy Davis. there’s is too much doubt. Serve justice!

  221. From Austria: This would be a barbaric, racist killing of an innocent. Shame on Georgia, shame on the United States.

    Everybody in the position to stop that should do his part!!!

  222. PLEASE DO NOT EXECUTE TROY DAVIS . You probably execute an innocent man and it will be too late when you know it. We can’t believe that an American state can be so archaic to reach the point to do that murder ! Please stop this execution so that we can trust American justice.
    La peine de mort est elle aussi un crime… et un crime commis par un Etat. Au nom de quoi un Etat aurait-il le droit de tuer, alors que ses lois condamnent le crime ?

  223. too bad this is possible… death penalty should be forbidden all over the world… This should not happen…

    Hope a miracle will happen…

    RIP Troy

  224. How can you execute a man when there is reasonable doubt? If he were a white man, would he have been on death row at all? Yes, race does and will always matter in America. He should be a free man. This case reminds me of the movie "The Wrong Man." Although the circumstances are different, the wrong man is still being penalized for a crime that he didn't commit. Please don't execute this man, but free him!!!

  225. It would be a huge mistake to go through with this execution/murder on the basis of the facts!,please PLEASE stop and re examine his case!!!

  226. I certainly hope that the Georgia officials who have the power to make the decision to hold the death penalty because of uncertainty of this mans guilt will stop and think about how questionable this trial this trial has been all these years. The death penalty is a very serious practice and anyone, anyone who makes a final decision to have a human being put to death should be absolutely certain, without question, beyond any doubt, that the person is guilty. Please reconsider this case against Tony Davis. There is too much doubt lingering in this case and the death penalty should not be considered in this case. Tony Davis should not be put to death. Please think about how awful it would be if you continue to let this man pay by death for something that he very well may not have done. Listen to what people are saying, think about it again before you finalize this person’s life. Think about what has been said. Please think and think again. Thank You for reconsidering and saving an person’s life who is very possibly, not guilty.

  227. There is just TOO much wrong with this case. SUPPOSE YOU KILL HIM AND THEN FIND OUT YOU WERE WRONG???

    They can fry Mumia Jamal any day they want, he's guilty as hell, but this guy is different and there are just too many holes in the case. What's the rush to kill him? They can let him sit on death row while they get their facts straight, which they should have done at the time of the trial, duh. It's not like he's relaxing on the Riviera while they do the job they should have done in the first place.

  228. I personally condemn death penalty. Who is allowed to kill? No one. Death sentence as a way to establish justice is an absurdity. Free Tony Davis and find the real murder.

  229. This is really injust…..He has been in jail for 20 years and there are other suspects! This is not fair at all! Let's do what is right and the right thing to do is find evidence and NOT EXECUTE HIM PLEASE!!!

  230. Putting aside that the death penalty is worse than animals and rather barbaric, it sounds very much like it is far from clear that there is clear evidence of guilt here. Witnesses recalling their testimony? How can you push this through, and why? Please let a potentially innocent person live. It's just wrong.

  231. Please stop the execution! I firmly believe it's never right to take someones life unless in self defense and this case is even more important with all the doubts about his involvement in the killing.

  232. I am appalled at the decision to deny clemency in the death sentence of Troy Davis. His case is a textbook example of what I thought is the letter of the law: beyond a shadow of doubt. There could not be more doubt in this case. Everyone involved in denying clemency will have to live with the knowledge that they are responsible for the state-sanctioned murder of a fellow human being. At seven PM tomorrow night each of them will become a murderer. And there is not a shadow of a doubt in their case.

  233. When a few take too much power into their own hands, it is ourselves that we must look to for allowing it. We are responsible. There is no justification to kill when it is not in defense of a life. This makes Mark a killer along with his supporters. Regardless of Troy’s innocence. Like so many do, they now become the very thing they hate so much. Instead of healing this wound they allowed it to fester all these years until blind hatred is all they can feel. This out of control animal blood lust for revenge is not what we believe in and not the rule of law. It must end now.

  234. Is there any doubt that this man is guilty? YES. Can we therefore justify executing this man? NO. May everyone who could prevent this rot in hell if you do.

  235. Executions only solve the problem of overcrowding in prisons and not a service of justice. Besides having the world's largest prison population, 25%, and spending the more than any other nation, we're well on our way to also topping the charts in executions.
    Stop the violence! Stop the Madness!!!

  236. Probably the only argument that might sway those who want to execute Troy Davis is the fact that his execution will advance the cause of abolition of the death penalty.

  237. Guilt is not sure it seems.
    Anyway death is NOT the answer.
    Why did the witnesses retract??
    Please, stop it while there is still time for life.

  238. I do not believe in capital punishment. The fact that there is any doubt at all, and potential corruption at stake here, makes this even more of an abboration. Please, do not go ahead, and review this case as an urgent matter.

  239. If 7 out of 9 witnesses recanted their story to say that they were terrorized by police why is justice not being served. Then DNA didn't match. The only thing I can see with this case is that Troy had some issues dealing with the law in the past and they are really using that against him. I am truly sorry that someone died then on top of that a police officer. The murder weapon was never found nor there is enough evidence to say he was the trigger man. Then the other guy was going around boasting saying he killed the officer. So with the state of Georgia killing Troy do they think justice will be served HELL NO. According to law he is innocent until proven guilty and yet that has not been determined. His trial was horrible and unfair. We can pull the race card but yet what if the tables were turned. A police officer killing an innocent citizen………what would they to that officer? Not a damn thing. The ones that deserve the death penalty walk away free or life in jail. The officers know who the real killer is. My heart goes out to both families the officer (he didnt really get a chance to know his sons) and Troy. God be with us all. I am praying that they do the right thing and stop the execution. God will deliver and we the people of the United States of America lets stop this from happening. UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL..

  240. Stop this execution! The presence of reasonable doubt must be recognised. It's the most basic legal principle.

  241. We teach our young to be be truthful, honest, compassionate, generous, and to help our fellow man. How we can so cruelly dismiss the lack of evidence and murder an innocent man. It is cause for all of us to become so disenfranchised from our sense of humanity that a belief in an an Almighty God
    is just a pretense.
    Please allow Troy to live and be given the opportunity to be found innocent.

  242. PLEASE, do not kill Troy Davis, There is more than reasonable doubt worth reinvestigation. We as a society are better than chugging ahead and blindly killing someone. I am a Southerner, and I don't want the rest of the country to look down on us for not being intelligent and thorough. We are better than that.

  243. This situation SHOULD NOT be taken lightly. This is a person’s life on the line. What has our country come to with this crooked justice system? It’s time for us to stand up and fight back. We are all in this together. God, please help us.

  244. Don’t execute him. Because of the evidence. Because a society is judged on the way it treats its prisoners. Because the duty of the state is to protect its citizens, and that duty does not extend to executing those who may be innocent.

  245. If there is doubt, which there clearly is in this case, then how can the execution be justified now or ever. Stop this and give the man a chance to have the doubts examined properly.

  246. This would be a vast tragedy on the part of the justice system. If there is ANY shred of doubt, the execution should take a permanent vacation. Too many people have come forward regarding this matter, it’s time to do the right thing & follow the signs. This shall remain in our thoughts & prayers.

  247. Barack Obama il guje sans le savoire . c'est quand méme grave de tuer quelqu'un sans étre sur de ce que cette personne a fait dieu ne pardonnera jamais ces gens la . est moi qui es cru que l'esclavage été fini malheureusement je vois que non . c'est facile de gujer est de tuer pour ses gens mais dieu ne dors pas .

  248. Repeating Larry’s line because it’s just so spot on: “Please allow Troy to live and be given the opportunity to be found innocent.”
    Stop the execution.

    Where can we send our messages so that they are heard?

  249. I just happened to see something about Troy online. It is the first I have heard anything about this. I know nothing about him or his case, besides the very small amount I just read. It seems to me that if this many people can see the reasonable doubt in this case, then he should not be executed.

    However Troy, even if this doesnt work out, you will be free. No more prison, no more pain. Just free. God bless you, no matter what happens, and know that all the way over here in Texas, someone cares.

    Too bad he probably wont see any of these posts 🙁

  250. Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution!Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution!Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! 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Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution!

  251. Count my vote against the execution of any man or woman that has this much reasonable doubt collected, it looks to me that a Mistrial should be declared in a case where so many people could be charged with perjury. I am sorry for the loss of life of the Officer in this case, and I am equally sure that the police department did everything they could to receive a "Guilty Verdict" in this case. All things considered, There is No JUSTICE in the Execution of a potentially innocent man.Do NOT EXECUTE THIS MAN!

  252. I'm against the execution of Troy Davis. Not enough evidence. Please stop his execution. Thank you.

  253. My prayers go out to Troy Davis. If our justice system is to work than this man must not be executed. If the outcry of the people will not be heard than this travesty of justice will continue and who knows who else will be put to death by corruption, lying prosecutors, coerced confessions, and so much more.

  254. Please, please do not execute Troy Davis.

    S'il vous plait, soyez clément au nom de l'humanité et pour l'amour de Dieu.

  255. Please do not execute this man – what is the meaning of – beyond reasonable doubt – it seems this is not true and shame on you if he is not granted clemency

  256. There is to much doubt based on LACK of evidence to execute any person. I would take those who provided false statements if Troy is executed and sue them, then sue the courts for murder, wrongful execution then put them on trial to be put on death row for murder.

  257. Please stop this execution of Troy Davis. I am very sorry for the victims family who lost a loved one. But executing the wrong person would be a travesty, and an indication the American Judicial System has failed. The Federal Judges should have allowed Davis a New Trial. There is too much Doubt!

  258. Im not saying Troy Davis is guilty or not guilty, but I am saying the evidence in this trial is not sufficient enough to sentence a man to death.

  259. I’m appalled by this case. Please see sense and call off the execution, there is so much doubt that Mr Davis committed this crime. I was shocked that the appeal for clemency was denied earlier. Rethink!

  260. Please stop murder people in the name of the state,

    and dont let the real murder go free. And kill and inocent man when u are not sure.
    The victims family must want the real murder to be in jail, or?

    Stop ! Stop the execution of Troy Davis! There is too much doubt.

    Show that there is some intelligent people that roule the world.

  261. Kill Troy
    To the State of Giorgia
    This can bring no joy
    Nine of those who said
    “He did”
    Now say “he didn’t!”
    No DNA was ever found
    At the crime
    No fingerprints point to killing
    An innocent man in his prime
    Kill Troy
    To the State of Giorgia
    This can only bring shame
    You have the choice
    Not to take part in this game
    Strike against murder
    Strike against the state
    Strike for what is right
    Do not fight for hate
    Strike against an innocent man
    Made guilty by fate
    Killing Troy
    Will bring Giorgia
    No Joy

    Please look into your hearts and do what is right and just.
    Eithne,Rome sept 20 2011

  262. The one certainty seems to be that you will irreparably punish this man based upon uncertain facts. Consider these circumstances and make the right decision.

  263. Seul DIEU a le droit d’ôter la vie!!!!! Combien de policiers ont tuer pour rien, on battu de pauvres innocents??? Ont ils été condamnes a mort???? Que DIEU soit clément avec cette homme.

  264. Do not execute Troy Davis! Before enforcing any form of extreme punishment make sure you are 100 percent certain of all facts. Give this case the benefit of the doubt. You will regret your actions later.

  265. Please stop the execution of Troy Davis. Re-examine the evidence before proceeding with this decision. Blind revenge will not make anything right. Murder is not justice!

  266. Please halt this execution as unjust and immoral. Please reopen the case and examine the facts objectively and spare this innocent man's life, in the name of decency and justice.

  267. If there is a way to stop this, please do so….for the life of me, I cannot understand why the State of Georgia would even consider carrying out this execution. DA Chisolm: I respectfully ask if there is a way you could ask for clemency? As a fellow Southerner, I plead for mercy for this man, as there is not enough evidence to show he committed this crime….

  268. An execution ought not be carried out under a persistent cloud of doubt about guilt. It would show a callous disregard for the very real possibility of putting an innocent person to death.

  269. I wonder how many of those who support a new trial for Mr. Davis have actually read the transcript of his original trial or the various opinions of the multiple courts to hear his appeals. These are the facts:
    Davis admits he was at the crime scene, he just denied being the killer;
    All witnesses reported that “the man in the white shirt” killed the police officer;
    Davis was wearing a white shirt, and neither Coles nor any other person present was;
    Monte Holmes has never recanted his testimony that Davis was the shooter;

    Most of the “new” or “recanted” evidence was produced by 2000, and virtually all has been considered at least once in the direct appeals, let alone at the recent hearing; and
    Much of the “recanted” testimony does nothing to cast doubt on the conviction, and none of it comes close to proving Davis is innocent.

    For example, at trial Ben Gordon stated he did not see who shot the policeman. He has since changed his story three times, reporting details of the crime that could not have been seen from his location at the time. The court found he was not credible, and changed his story to add whatever details he believes are helpful to Mr. Davis.

    Dorothy Ferrell recanted her testimony, but she was not called as a witness in 2010, even though she was present in the courthouse. Is Davis’ lawyer aware of a problem with her testimony or just incompetent?

    Larry Young testified at trial that Coles was wearing a yellow shirt. In 2010, he “recanted” to the extent he said he could no longer remember who wore what. Even if true, all it shows is a poor memory on his part.

    I can understand being against the death penalty in all cases and to protest this execution on those grounds, but to claim that Mr. Davis has not had a fair trial and full review is to deny the facts.

  270. Stop the execution!
    Yes, there is not enough evidence, but the core reason for me is that vengeance, although legalized, cannot be the path to a rightful, compassionate and solidary society. Lawful does not mean right. Lawful killings destroy the fabric of a society, in part because it leads to simplistic and false ways of thinking which divide the population between good and bad. I am both bad and good, and so is everyone, so is Troy Davis.
    Do not execute Troy Davis!

  271. PLEASE STOP THE EXECUTION OF TROY DAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PLEASE STOP THE EXECUTION OF TROY DAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PLEASE STOP THE EXECUTION OF TROY DAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PLEASE STOP THE EXECUTION OF TROY DAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PLEASE STOP THE EXECUTION OF TROY DAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PLEASE STOP THE EXECUTION OF TROY DAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PLEASE STOP THE EXECUTION OF TROY DAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  272. I am so sad and shocked today that the Board of Pardons did not grant clemency to Troy Davis. Please, please bring true justice–have mercy on an innocent man. Someone else confessed to this crime. I am always against the death penalty, but especially in this case. When 7 of 9 witnesses recanted and other new witnesses have not been heard, why can't Troy have a new trial? Or let the other man who confessed be brought to trial. Life is sacred. I know the MacPhail family is sad at their loss, but let's not kill an innocent man to "bring peace." More death cannot bring true peace. The world is watching GA now to see if we really strive to promote human rights. Stop the execution! I pray for a miracle.

  273. There is enough doubt to warrant a pause to look at this case more closely. A "mistake" in an execution cannot be fixed. Be sure. Be willing to re-examine the evidence. Do not send an innocent man to death. This will not bring justice or closure to the victim's family.

  274. Those who are perfectly able to act and stop this execution and either do not act or in fact enable this execution to go forward, will have to answer one day.
    I would not want to be one of you when that time comes, but I will be there and will ask you if you feel worthy entering that place. Remember that your days are limited on this earth as well and there will be that moment when your life flashes by you and you must ask yourself that same question. We all will be there to meet you at that moment, including Troy. How much have you Loved today? Who did you judge today? Remember that self forgiveness will be the most difficult when you get there my friend. No one will need to judge you because you will see how hard and painful it will be to judge yourself.

  275. God knows the truth and so does the legal system. DO NOT PUT AN INNOCENT MAN TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  276. The State of Georgia or any state for that matter should never execute anyone. Not only is it immoral for anyone to be in the buisiness of killing people, a “state” should never ever be given the power to make such a final decision. Every government is imperfect and should never be given the power to do any act that has permanent consequences.

    The smallest minority is the individual. 

  277. Anyone who assists in the murder of an even POSSIBLY innocent man, will forever be aware that they may have blood on their hands. For the sake of Troy Davis, and the guilty consciousnesses that will be left behind, I hope this execution is stopped.

  278. Has not Alabama alone killed enough black men? We are still fighting the civil war. To the women who asked how they can execute without evidence. They murdered Martin Luther King Jr. ref. William Pepper," The State Ordered Execution of Martin Luther King". A trial was set in yr 2000 in Tennessee and a new ruling set that those responsible were in deed Mafia,Tex-ass oil tycoon and CIA commander. We live in a Mafia style government and they decide who is important and who is not who lives and who does not in conjunction with their Wall St Pit bosses. Wake up and smell the polluted air, the facts are all around you. Just because they have a house servant in the white house don't mean squat. If Jesus showed up on tomorrow they'd label him a threat and nail him on the cross again, but this time with an injection needle.

  279. what if this were your brother, your friend , or your husband an innocent man is about to die because of our failing judicial system. Should we take to hanging anybodybwe even suspect of wrong doing and go back 100 years ?

  280. STOP THE EXECUTION OF MR. TROY DAVIS !!! No one has the right to decide when to end a human's life… The judicial system was designed to give a fair trial to all man kind —- innocent until proven guilty. In this case, Mr. Davis was denied of such a trial. This time, do not deny him the right to live and the chance to prove his innocence. Twenty years in prison is enough punishment for an innocent man! STOP THE DEATH OF MR. TROY DAVIS !!!

  281. Please STOP the execution of this man. It is obvious that there is too much doubt. I mean why would an entire nation stand behind a young man they have never met like this. Are all our opinions wrong? The case has fallen apart. Where is the evidence here? Please implicate the right person and think of this man who has wasted 20 years of his life in the system. Give him a second chance at life. Think about your family members and how you would feel if they were in his position. There is just too much doubt. PLEASE SAFE TROY DAVIS'S LIFE!! My prayers are with you Troy. Whatever this state decides GOD WILL BE WITH YOU!!!

  282. America is clearly the land of Fascism – Do we have another Nazi Germany on our hands?
    What ever happened to just doing what is right?

  283. have some heart…………… can’t undo an execution when you find out he is innocent

  284. Mr. Davis need a fair trial to prove his innocence to many mistake in the legal system. Stop the execution! TOO MUCH DOUBT.

  285. It is frightening to see that USA, along with Republic of China still uses medieval methods of Justice

  286. Troy Davis got a fair trial. He had multiple times to prove himself innocent. He could not, however, because he is not innocent. Justice will finally be served.

  287. THE PROSECUTION DID NOT DISCHARGE THEIR BURDEN OF PROOF BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT. The idea of putting a man to death when it has failed to do so is ridiculous, laughable and utterly grotesque.

  288. I hope for intervention for Mr Davis. His case is not beyond reasonable doubt, many witnesses have changed their testimonies so the original evidence he was convicted and sentenced on is no longer valid. It was with sadness I learned that what the next 24 hours will bring for this man and his family/friends/supporters. I hope humanity will prevail.

  289. This man does NOT deserve to die at the hand of the state! There is plenty of reasonable doubt. The guilty ones are walking free, and what appears to be an innocent man will be put to death. Another blight on humanity!!

  290. How can this be 100% certainty of guilt? This is a mockery, It`s not the system that`s at fault it`s the self righteous desire for retribution, which is not the purpose of the justice system at all. What exactly is being protected and served? What happens if after the event it turns out he gets proven innocent? Who will stand up and take the rap for that? Will the judge lay down his life on that?

  291. This just goes to show how the mind of the government still is. This man could have not committed this murder and is still facing the punishment for it. What about Casey Anthony? There was the same amount of evidence if not MORE and she was set free. Stop the execution of Troy Davis !

  292. In the name of all humanity please do not willingly put another person to death. Please do not go ahead with the execution of Troy Davis. What if Troy was your son, your father, your brother? Do not have the blood of this man on your hands. Stop the execution NOW.

  293. We, the People are rising to confront the Humorless Arrogance, Illusory Prestige, Brute Force, and Primeval Stupidity that has gripped our government.

  294. Do not be a party to this madness. Execution when there is doubt is a crime on the part of those who make that decision

  295. This is really not fair…..he has been in jail for 20 years and there are other suspects! not fair at all letss do what is right and the right thing to do is find evidence and NOT EXECUTE HIM PLEASE!!!

  296. How can you execute a man when there is reasonable doubt? If he were a white man, would he have been on death row at all? Yes, race does and will always matter in America. He should be a free man. This case reminds me of the movie “The Wrong Man.” Although the circumstances are different, the wrong man is still being penalized for a crime that he didn’t commit. Please don’t execute this man, but free him!!!

  297. This is not an execution, this is murder. How can you execute this man if there is so much doubt?!Stop the execution!

  298. Please reconsider this decision to execute Troy Davis. There is too much doubt. RECONSIDER, it's not too late right now.

  299. Please stop the execution because of so much doubt!!! We should not be playing God with people's lives!

  300. It would be a huge mistake to go through with this execution/murder on the basis of the facts!,please PLEASE stop and re examine his case!!!

  301. There is just TOO much wrong with this case. SUPPOSE YOU KILL HIM AND THEN FIND OUT YOU WERE WRONG???

    They can fry Mumia Jamal any day they want, he’s guilty as hell, but this guy is different and there are just too many holes in the case. What’s the rush to kill him? They can let him sit on death row while they get their facts straight, which they should have done at the time of the trial, duh. It’s not like he’s relaxing on the Riviera while they do the job they should have done in the first place.

  302. Stop this execution!! This man does not deserve to die for a crime he might not have committed. There is too much doubt, why kill someone who could be completely innocent??

  303. This is really injust…..He has been in jail for 20 years and there are other suspects! This is not fair at all! Let’s do what is right and the right thing to do is find evidence and NOT EXECUTE HIM PLEASE!!!

  304. Putting aside that the death penalty is worse than animals and rather barbaric, it sounds very much like it is far from clear that there is clear evidence of guilt here. Witnesses recalling their testimony? How can you push this through, and why? Please let a potentially innocent person live. It’s just wrong.

  305. Please stop the execution! I firmly believe it’s never right to take someones life unless in self defense and this case is even more important with all the doubts about his involvement in the killing.

  306. You no what if it was a white man know one would say anything, the boy and his mom lost there loved one because Davis shot him so now it is his turn. COUNTIUE WITH THE EXECUTION…

  307. Executions only solve the problem of overcrowding in prisons and not a service of justice. Besides having the world’s largest prison population, 25%, and spending the more than any other nation, we’re well on our way to also topping the charts in executions.
    Stop the violence! Stop the Madness!!!

  308. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. The death penalty is barbaric – and when guilt cannot be established beyond reasonable doubt, when so many are questioning the circumstances of Troy Davis's conviction, will the State not be guilty themselves of criminal homicide if they refuse to listen?
    Stop the execution now.

  309. If 7 out of 9 witnesses recanted their story to say that they were terrorized by police why is justice not being served. Then DNA didn’t match. The only thing I can see with this case is that Troy had some issues dealing with the law in the past and they are really using that against him. I am truly sorry that someone died then on top of that a police officer. The murder weapon was never found nor there is enough evidence to say he was the trigger man. Then the other guy was going around boasting saying he killed the officer. So with the state of Georgia killing Troy do they think justice will be served HELL NO. According to law he is innocent until proven guilty and yet that has not been determined. His trial was horrible and unfair. We can pull the race card but yet what if the tables were turned. A police officer killing an innocent citizen………what would they to that officer? Not a damn thing. The ones that deserve the death penalty walk away free or life in jail. The officers know who the real killer is. My heart goes out to both families the officer (he didnt really get a chance to know his sons) and Troy. God be with us all. I am praying that they do the right thing and stop the execution. God will deliver and we the people of the United States of America lets stop this from happening. UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL..

  310. Stop this execution! The presence of reasonable doubt must be recognised. It’s the most basic legal principle.

  311. PLEASE, do not kill Troy Davis, There is more than reasonable doubt worth reinvestigation. We as a society are better than chugging ahead and blindly killing someone. I am a Southerner, and I don’t want the rest of the country to look down on us for not being intelligent and thorough. We are better than that.

  312. Please stop this execution. We don't need another innocent death on the hand of this judicial system. The facts need to reviewed and more research and investigation needs to be done to make sure that the right person is convicted. Please consider the cry of the people!!

  313. Barack Obama il guje sans le savoire . c’est quand méme grave de tuer quelqu’un sans étre sur de ce que cette personne a fait dieu ne pardonnera jamais ces gens la . est moi qui es cru que l’esclavage été fini malheureusement je vois que non . c’est facile de gujer est de tuer pour ses gens mais dieu ne dors pas .

  314. Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution!Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution!Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! 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Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! 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    cution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! 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Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution! Stop this execution!

  315. Count my vote against the execution of any man or woman that has this much reasonable doubt collected, it looks to me that a Mistrial should be declared in a case where so many people could be charged with perjury. I am sorry for the loss of life of the Officer in this case, and I am equally sure that the police department did everything they could to receive a “Guilty Verdict” in this case. All things considered, There is No JUSTICE in the Execution of a potentially innocent man.Do NOT EXECUTE THIS MAN!

  316. Everybody deserves Life and no one deserves death penalty
    even he would be the murder, what i am not thinking, he shouldnt be executed because its not right to take away someones Life ! so please let him be free of that and free of execution and focus every doubt and take it seriously and let Him be a FrEE Man in the Love of God. Jesus be with him. (#)

  317. wow, i heard about this on the news the other day and was just reading up on it. and looked more into it and by reading the story more and looking at a number of comments, i just have a gut feeling in my stomach that this is an innocent man. I am not against the death penalty don't get me wrong but like they say, if there's any doubt and it seems from what i've been reading it is A LOT then don't execute. i hope he pulls through this reminds me of True Crime with Clint Eastwood.

  318. I’m against the execution of Troy Davis. Not enough evidence. Please stop his execution. Thank you.

  319. Please, please do not execute Troy Davis.

    S’il vous plait, soyez clément au nom de l’humanité et pour l’amour de Dieu.

  320. Please do not execute this man – what is the meaning of – beyond reasonable doubt – it seems this is not true and shame on you if he is not granted clemency

  321. If this is carried out, how will we ever listen again with straight face to "lessons" given in Jury Duty? I remember the concept of reasonable doubt, it was taught very well…this is a insult to anyone who ever took the process seriously.

  322. Please hault the execution of Troy Davis. TOO much doubt exist for it to be proven beyond a REASONABLE doubt that Davis is to be sent to death row. If anything, life in jail is sufficient. It cost far more to execute than to let him serve life in jail.

  323. i really do feel sorry for the policeman's family. no doubt he was(is) a very special person and they do miss him alot. but please, open your eyes leaders and the family. do you really want this innocent man's blood on your hand? how would you feel, lf he was your son and you know he is innocent?

  324. There is to much doubt based on LACK of evidence to execute any person. I would take those who provided false statements if Troy is executed and sue them, then sue the courts for murder, wrongful execution then put them on trial to be put on death row for murder.

  325. has it gotten to the point where the justice system does not need a reason to kill people? i think we should all be a little afraid. this could have easily been either one of us or our children. and to think you pay them a hefty salary, and they hand out so much injustice. they are laughing all the way to the bank with your money. you and yours mean nothing to these leaders, and you elected rhem.

  326. Please stop the execution of Troy Davis. Re-examine the evidence before proceeding with this decision. Blind revenge will not make anything right. Murder is not justice!

  327. Please halt this execution as unjust and immoral. Please reopen the case and examine the facts objectively and spare this innocent man’s life, in the name of decency and justice.

  328. Stop the execution!
    Yes, there is not enough evidence, but the core reason for me is that vengeance, although legalized, cannot be the path to a rightful, compassionate and solidary society. Lawful does not mean right. Lawful killings destroy the fabric of a society, in part because it leads to simplistic and false ways of thinking which divide the population between good and bad. I am both bad and good, and so is everyone, so is Troy Davis.
    Do not execute Troy Davis!

  329. I am so sad and shocked today that the Board of Pardons did not grant clemency to Troy Davis. Please, please bring true justice–have mercy on an innocent man. Someone else confessed to this crime. I am always against the death penalty, but especially in this case. When 7 of 9 witnesses recanted and other new witnesses have not been heard, why can’t Troy have a new trial? Or let the other man who confessed be brought to trial. Life is sacred. I know the MacPhail family is sad at their loss, but let’s not kill an innocent man to “bring peace.” More death cannot bring true peace. The world is watching GA now to see if we really strive to promote human rights. Stop the execution! I pray for a miracle.

  330. There is enough doubt to warrant a pause to look at this case more closely. A “mistake” in an execution cannot be fixed. Be sure. Be willing to re-examine the evidence. Do not send an innocent man to death. This will not bring justice or closure to the victim’s family.

  331. Those who are perfectly able to act and stop this execution and either do not act or in fact enable this execution to go forward, will have to answer one day.
    I would not want to be one of you when that time comes, but I will be there and will ask you if you feel worthy entering that place. Remember that your days are limited on this earth as well and there will be that moment when your life flashes by you and you must ask yourself that same question. We all will be there to meet you at that moment, including Troy. How much have you Loved today? Who did you judge today? Remember that self forgiveness will be the most difficult when you get there my friend. No one will need to judge you because you will see how hard and painful it will be to judge yourself.

  332. God knows the truth and so does the legal system. DO NOT PUT AN INNOCENT MAN TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  333. This is outrageous!

    What kind of court system is this? I don't understand how these executers can sleep at night. One have to believe that they are criminals themselves! This would never happen i Europe except if the court is corrupt. Maybe it is?

    We are many who watch you from all over the world and we will keep fighting for justice until it happens. This is insane

    Remember, there is a day when we all have to deal with our actions. I wouldn't like to be you (the executers) on this day…

  334. Has not Alabama alone killed enough black men? We are still fighting the civil war. To the women who asked how they can execute without evidence. They murdered Martin Luther King Jr. ref. William Pepper,” The State Ordered Execution of Martin Luther King”. A trial was set in yr 2000 in Tennessee and a new ruling set that those responsible were in deed Mafia,Tex-ass oil tycoon and CIA commander. We live in a Mafia style government and they decide who is important and who is not who lives and who does not in conjunction with their Wall St Pit bosses. Wake up and smell the polluted air, the facts are all around you. Just because they have a house servant in the white house don’t mean squat. If Jesus showed up on tomorrow they’d label him a threat and nail him on the cross again, but this time with an injection needle.

  335. STOP THE EXECUTION OF MR. TROY DAVIS !!! No one has the right to decide when to end a human’s life… The judicial system was designed to give a fair trial to all man kind —- innocent until proven guilty. In this case, Mr. Davis was denied of such a trial. This time, do not deny him the right to live and the chance to prove his innocence. Twenty years in prison is enough punishment for an innocent man! STOP THE DEATH OF MR. TROY DAVIS !!!

  336. No more innocent's blood for your hungry eyes!!! Reconsider before it's too late! HALT the execution now! The whole World is watching you, please give Troy Davies a chance!

  337. Please stop the execution of this man! Why would you want to kill a man that evidence and testimony's are showing quite possibly is innocent. It makes no sense. GRANT HIM CLEMENCY AND DONT KILL THIS MAN FOR SOMETHING HE DID NOT DO.

  338. Please STOP the execution of this man. It is obvious that there is too much doubt. I mean why would an entire nation stand behind a young man they have never met like this. Are all our opinions wrong? The case has fallen apart. Where is the evidence here? Please implicate the right person and think of this man who has wasted 20 years of his life in the system. Give him a second chance at life. Think about your family members and how you would feel if they were in his position. There is just too much doubt. PLEASE SAFE TROY DAVIS’S LIFE!! My prayers are with you Troy. Whatever this state decides GOD WILL BE WITH YOU!!!

  339. America is clearly the land of Fascism – Do we have another Nazi Germany on our hands?
    What ever happened to just doing what is right?

  340. The death penalty has nothing to recommend it and should be aboliished once and for all. Let put our time,effort and money into reforming the societal structures that create crime in the first place and by improving the situation of those most disadvantaged in our society.

  341. Mr. Davis need a fair trial to prove his innocence to many mistake in the legal system. Stop the execution! TOO MUCH DOUBT.


  343. Troy Davis got a fair trial. He had multiple times to prove himself innocent. He could not, however, because he is not innocent. Justice will finally be served.

  344. THE PROSECUTION DID NOT DISCHARGE THEIR BURDEN OF PROOF BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT. The idea of putting a man to death when it has failed to do so is ridiculous, laughable and utterly grotesque.

  345. you must commute this sentence to life at the very least
    do not put to death an innocent man
    do not have blood on your hands like many of those you judge do

  346. Stop the barabarian execution of a innocent man!
    Im wtiring to you from Sweden, Please dont take this mans life away! The states should be a country where it has to be prooven that you have committed a crime, this is NOT Iran be human!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  347. In the name of all humanity please do not willingly put another person to death. Please do not go ahead with the execution of Troy Davis. What if Troy was your son, your father, your brother? Do not have the blood of this man on your hands. Stop the execution NOW.

  348. We, the People are rising to confront the Humorless Arrogance, Illusory Prestige, Brute Force, and Primeval Stupidity that has gripped our government.

  349. Do not be a party to this madness. Execution when there is doubt is a crime on the part of those who make that decision

  350. He who hath not sinned, cast thy first stone!!!!!!!!! IN THE MERCIFUL AND ALL POWERFUL NAME OF JESUS PROTECT TROY FROM THE STATE OF GEORGIA!!! To all involved in sending this man to such a fate, and yes even to the family of the victim, may God have mercy on your souls come judgement day!!! The entire country should be ashamed. 🙁

  351. stop the governmental murder of troy davis and any other prisoners in america.
    shame on the damned u.s.a.
    shame on georgia, the state of no homo sapiens.
    everyone, who is involved to this illegal murder should be damned.
    the u.s.a. is a state of state-terrorism within and outside. all human rights are nothing worth there – only the white, the rich and the uneducated politicians can do what they want.
    where are the intelligent inhabitants? there are no one. all the wealthy loud-mouthed "vip's" – f… you all.
    damn to the alibi-black obama, who is sending innocent people like troy davis quite aware to death. obama is the true murderer.

  352. I am disturbed and doubtful when the main ( in fact, the only) evidence on which this verdict rests is that of eye witnesses, Eye witness testimony has been shown in many different studies over many years to be very unreliable, even when the eye witnesses are completely certain what they saw. Eye witnesses who contradict themselves and each other indicates to me there is more than reasonable doubt,
    In addition, at least one of the eye witnesses is also a suspect himself or would be if this conviction were over turned.
    As many have said execution is irreversible. Justice is not served when an injustice is committed in its name.

  353. stop this madness! there is not enough evidence to take away this mans life! innocent blood need'nt be spilt on anybodies hands! stop now and hear the pleading of all of troys supporters, surely you can see that what you are doing is wrong?!

  354. Many doubts, many inconsistencies!
    And you want to take away from Troy's life! How will you live after that? I'm against it!!

  355. This is not an execution, this is murder. How can you execute this man if there is so much doubt?!Stop the execution!

  356. Please reconsider this decision to execute Troy Davis. There is too much doubt. RECONSIDER, it’s not too late right now.

  357. Please stop the execution because of so much doubt!!! We should not be playing God with people’s lives!

  358. Please STOP the execution! We are with you TROY DAVIS , you are NOT ALONE! We pray for you. GOD BLESS

  359. American authority are just racist criminal murder. To take decision to a death penality request absolutely DNA and more. All the country with death penality are more bad than Hitler, Ben Laden, etc…

  360. Stop this execution!! This man does not deserve to die for a crime he might not have committed. There is too much doubt, why kill someone who could be completely innocent??

  361. Totaly insane if it´s true what some idiot write here before that Troy have to prof that he is innocent and that the fact is about a white T-shirt??????????? There is lot of people that use white T-shirt and can be able to be in the wrong place. Shall a Law system put all of us to death??? Because we are not able to prof that we are innocent since we use that stupid T-shirt??????
    Fine then put a law that it is a crime to use white T-shirt then since that is more important to the Law system then DNA and Crime weapons. That all people have to prof they are innocent. Instead of the law to prof they have done a crime. Then kill all of us. Or do what is right. Free Troy Davis NOW since you can´t prof he did the crime

  362. correct myself it was not white T-shirt it was " a White Shirt" that is something even the people in court use to have. Or people that work in office. Stop this madness. Let Troy Davis be free

  363. You no what if it was a white man know one would say anything, the boy and his mom lost there loved one because Davis shot him so now it is his turn. COUNTIUE WITH THE EXECUTION…

  364. So you the man in white shirt at court or wherever you sit that decide that Troy Davis shall die. Why`? The only prof you have of the murderer in the White shirt is yourself. Since YOU are the one that planning to murder an innocent man. There is not enough prof to bind Troy Davis to the crime. Then he is innocent until YOU in the white shirt can prof he have done the crime. When you not are able to prof he have done the crime. and YOU in the white shirt put him to death. It´s YOU that are the criminal and stop hide about LAW since that is a LIE.

  365. Never kill Cain! Moreover when there are more doubts than certainties that you're in front of Cain.

  366. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. The death penalty is barbaric – and when guilt cannot be established beyond reasonable doubt, when so many are questioning the circumstances of Troy Davis’s conviction, will the State not be guilty themselves of criminal homicide if they refuse to listen?
    Stop the execution now.

  367. Please stop this execution. We don’t need another innocent death on the hand of this judicial system. The facts need to reviewed and more research and investigation needs to be done to make sure that the right person is convicted. Please consider the cry of the people!!

  368. If Law have to put a criminal to death then atleast take someone that there is prof that the person did a very bad crime. Let Breivik from Norway take Troy Davis place since that man killed a lot of kids just because of politic and that he is a racist. That would be better justice since he even are proud of his crime. So there is no way that Breivik will be a better man after some year in prison. Do the right thing. When it´s not prof that someone have done a crime. Then the person shall not have to die because of it. Troy Davis have to live

  369. troy davis:
    Ce pays est d’une hypocrisie total, on vie dans un monde de fou et cela ne changera jamais.
    Le juge est un putain de raciste, tout simplement !!
    On ne tue pas quelqu’un s’il ya doute et manque de preuve !!!

  370. Everybody deserves Life and no one deserves death penalty
    even he would be the murder, what i am not thinking, he shouldnt be executed because its not right to take away someones Life ! so please let him be free of that and free of execution and focus every doubt and take it seriously and let Him be a FrEE Man in the Love of God. Jesus be with him. (#)

  371. wow, i heard about this on the news the other day and was just reading up on it. and looked more into it and by reading the story more and looking at a number of comments, i just have a gut feeling in my stomach that this is an innocent man. I am not against the death penalty don’t get me wrong but like they say, if there’s any doubt and it seems from what i’ve been reading it is A LOT then don’t execute. i hope he pulls through this reminds me of True Crime with Clint Eastwood.

  372. If this is carried out, how will we ever listen again with straight face to “lessons” given in Jury Duty? I remember the concept of reasonable doubt, it was taught very well…this is a insult to anyone who ever took the process seriously.

  373. Please hault the execution of Troy Davis. TOO much doubt exist for it to be proven beyond a REASONABLE doubt that Davis is to be sent to death row. If anything, life in jail is sufficient. It cost far more to execute than to let him serve life in jail.

  374. Pa touye (do not kill) Troy Davis i don't know him. He is a living thing in the human category. No human decided to give him life. His death will not be used to keep some other living alive (food).

  375. i really do feel sorry for the policeman’s family. no doubt he was(is) a very special person and they do miss him alot. but please, open your eyes leaders and the family. do you really want this innocent man’s blood on your hand? how would you feel, lf he was your son and you know he is innocent?

  376. Stop this before it's too late. They do not have any right to kill a innocent man, they need more evidence that it was him before they excute him. They need to think long and hard about what they are doing to this Man and how much upset and damage they can cause. People have the right to speak up and say what they wish. Speak up don't allow an innocent man to die.

  377. This disastrous miscarriage of justice will just be another on 10s of 1000s in the last 100 years, one I would have thought we got past. One day, someone in the murdered man's family will discover the work of Tim Field (uk), Prof John Clarke (aust), Namie (usa), E Field (aust), and dozens more on how incompetent puyblic services with dull and psychpathic elemnts buried within manage to fool tribunals and judges into a conviction by "swarming" or "mobbing". The adjudicators are incapable of backpedaling at the risk of being labeled fools, when really its simply that they have not turned their mind to understanding the evil of "mobbing". The relative will get a chill in their spine as they realise how the wife jumped to first impression conclusions and how impassive adjudicators failed her and this poor man Troy Davis. Shame America. No death sentence in Oz.

  378. Killing Troy Davis won't bring back the policeman's wife his husband.

    But, if it is proved that Troy is innocent after being killed, who is going to bring him back to life?

  379. has it gotten to the point where the justice system does not need a reason to kill people? i think we should all be a little afraid. this could have easily been either one of us or our children. and to think you pay them a hefty salary, and they hand out so much injustice. they are laughing all the way to the bank with your money. you and yours mean nothing to these leaders, and you elected rhem.

  380. Here is information which could help. Call THIS judge: II RT @TheChicBa rber: @JoiGilliam DA can't withdraw the death warrant, but Judge Penny Freesemann can: 912.652.7252. Call now. #TROYDAVIS

  381. While there is a doubt about the reliability of the witnesses and therefore doubt about this mans guilt it cannot be justified to destroy his life also. What has happened cannot be undone and if he is not innocent he is not in a position to do anyone further harm, he should not and cannot justifiably be killed while doubts cloud his verdict. He must be given clemency until sufficient evidence is provided without out pride, saving face and revenge prevailing.

    Its it shocking that this revolting practice masquerading as a fair judicial punishment system still exists.

  382. This is outrageous!

    What kind of court system is this? I don’t understand how these executers can sleep at night. One have to believe that they are criminals themselves! This would never happen i Europe except if the court is corrupt. Maybe it is?

    We are many who watch you from all over the world and we will keep fighting for justice until it happens. This is insane

    Remember, there is a day when we all have to deal with our actions. I wouldn’t like to be you (the executers) on this day…

  383. Free Troy Davis. Do not kill this innocent man. And abolish the death penalty altogether!

  384. No more innocent’s blood for your hungry eyes!!! Reconsider before it’s too late! HALT the execution now! The whole World is watching you, please give Troy Davies a chance!

  385. Please stop the execution of this man! Why would you want to kill a man that evidence and testimony’s are showing quite possibly is innocent. It makes no sense. GRANT HIM CLEMENCY AND DONT KILL THIS MAN FOR SOMETHING HE DID NOT DO.

  386. It is so obvious why you don't want to stop this, in the face of mounting evidence that the conviction was unsafe.
    He'd have a just claim, wouldn't he? He'd be able to sue for wrongful conviction, and wrongful imprisonment.
    Truth is, you'd rather execute an innocent man, than risk having to pay for your mistake.

  387. The death penalty has nothing to recommend it and should be aboliished once and for all. Let put our time,effort and money into reforming the societal structures that create crime in the first place and by improving the situation of those most disadvantaged in our society.

  388. Let Troy Davis free, give back his life to this innocent man!
    Death penalty in 2011 is a shame, after all the innocents killed unfairly, what's the gouvernment waiting for to make that horror stop?!!!!! it's so wrong.
    let's be together to abolish this act of babarism.
    Praying for you and your family Troy.


  390. I believe Troy Davis is innocent! There is no concrete evidence that he is the killer!!! I feel this case should be re examined before an innocent man is brought to death!! There are too many holes in this case!!! Don't do this!!

  391. The risk that an innocent man may be executed here is too great a risk. Rick Perry may take pride in executing other human beings, but as Americans we must stop this barbaric act and stand together to say, "No more!"

  392. Please don’t go through with the execution of Troy Davis. We are not a nation of thoughtless killers.

  393. It's time to do what is right and grant clemency to Troy Davis. Taking away this man's life is wrong. There is less than twelve hours to give him justice!

  394. Stop the maddness, executing Troy Davis is murder ! not justice. The death penalty should only be used in extreme cases and There should be absolutely no doubt at all about who the "offender" is and no doubt at all that the person up for execution is guilty. This is so wrong ! It makes me sick knowing that they're doing this and it makes me even angrier knowing that the USA does it all the time. GET IT SORTED ! ——– Don't MURDER Troy Davis

  395. Funny that he was charged and convicted in a shooting at a party earlier the same day and no one is challenging that conviction. Also the same shell casings that were found at the party shooting were found at the scene where the police officer was shot. Hmm. If the witnesses that have come forward to change thier testimony were charged with perjury I wonder if they would reconsider changing thier testimony again.

  396. I can't understand why judges are allowed to play god!?!
    And how can a human being live with the thought, that he executed someone…and that the person he killed (because there is no difference) by judging him may be innocent???
    In my eyes those judges are murderers…what do they feel? Do they really think the do right? I think that some of the judges would be good murderers if they had other jobs.





  398. you must commute this sentence to life at the very least
    do not put to death an innocent man
    do not have blood on your hands like many of those you judge do

  399. Stop the barabarian execution of a innocent man!
    Im wtiring to you from Sweden, Please dont take this mans life away! The states should be a country where it has to be prooven that you have committed a crime, this is NOT Iran be human!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  401. Please take the time to get more evidence before you execute an innocent man!


  402. How can you justify taking this man's life when there is so much doubt around his guilt… Leave the judging up to God and spare this man's life! Otherwise tonight there will be another murder committed!

  403. Please get the facts before killing this man. If he is guilty, justice should prevail, but I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight thinking that I was responsible for his death when I wasn't 100% sure he did.

    What happened to having to prove without a shadow of a doubt that they are guilty?

    Just curious….don't expect to get a reply.

  404. Epictetus once wrote that: people have a right to the truth as they have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

    Denying a potentially innocent man of all these is unjustifiable

  405. Shame on you !! YOU are killers !!! Even if he is guilty nobody have the right to kill another men.

  406. He who hath not sinned, cast thy first stone!!!!!!!!! IN THE MERCIFUL AND ALL POWERFUL NAME OF JESUS PROTECT TROY FROM THE STATE OF GEORGIA!!! To all involved in sending this man to such a fate, and yes even to the family of the victim, may God have mercy on your souls come judgement day!!! The entire country should be ashamed. 🙁

  407. stop the governmental murder of troy davis and any other prisoners in america.
    shame on the damned u.s.a.
    shame on georgia, the state of no homo sapiens.
    everyone, who is involved to this illegal murder should be damned.
    the u.s.a. is a state of state-terrorism within and outside. all human rights are nothing worth there – only the white, the rich and the uneducated politicians can do what they want.
    where are the intelligent inhabitants? there are no one. all the wealthy loud-mouthed “vip’s” – f… you all.
    damn to the alibi-black obama, who is sending innocent people like troy davis quite aware to death. obama is the true murderer.

  408. I am disturbed and doubtful when the main ( in fact, the only) evidence on which this verdict rests is that of eye witnesses, Eye witness testimony has been shown in many different studies over many years to be very unreliable, even when the eye witnesses are completely certain what they saw. Eye witnesses who contradict themselves and each other indicates to me there is more than reasonable doubt,
    In addition, at least one of the eye witnesses is also a suspect himself or would be if this conviction were over turned.
    As many have said execution is irreversible. Justice is not served when an injustice is committed in its name.

  409. stop this madness! there is not enough evidence to take away this mans life! innocent blood need’nt be spilt on anybodies hands! stop now and hear the pleading of all of troys supporters, surely you can see that what you are doing is wrong?!

  410. Many doubts, many inconsistencies!
    And you want to take away from Troy’s life! How will you live after that? I’m against it!!

  411. Please reconsider and stop the execution of Troy Davis. It is in your hands and you must be honest with yourself. This will forever be on your conscious.
    It is obvious that there is doubt and that is all that is needed to stop this.

  412. The decision to kill an innocent man is against the law and aside from that God does not like ugly , karma will come back around to you law enforcers in the state of Georgia and you don't realize it can hit your children and family and you will suffer the same pain Troy is going to experience. Give Troy Davis justice, we are all innocent until proven guilty. He is in my prayers.

  413. Please STOP the execution! We are with you TROY DAVIS , you are NOT ALONE! We pray for you. GOD BLESS

  414. American authority are just racist criminal murder. To take decision to a death penality request absolutely DNA and more. All the country with death penality are more bad than Hitler, Ben Laden, etc…

  415. Do NOT kill Troy Davis…. there is to mouch doubt….
    Bitte bringen Sie Troy Davis nicht um!!!!!!…. Die Todesstrafe ist FALSCH!!!!!

  416. Totaly insane if it´s true what some idiot write here before that Troy have to prof that he is innocent and that the fact is about a white T-shirt??????????? There is lot of people that use white T-shirt and can be able to be in the wrong place. Shall a Law system put all of us to death??? Because we are not able to prof that we are innocent since we use that stupid T-shirt??????
    Fine then put a law that it is a crime to use white T-shirt then since that is more important to the Law system then DNA and Crime weapons. That all people have to prof they are innocent. Instead of the law to prof they have done a crime. Then kill all of us. Or do what is right. Free Troy Davis NOW since you can´t prof he did the crime

  417. To the State of Georgia-

    The case against Troy Davis is in tatters, and it is clear that he should not die for a crime, it seems he did not commit. Please do the right thing and stop this next killing.

    It takes strength to admit when one is wrong, and there is no shame in it; only the pride to be had in saving a man's life.

    What would Jesus do?

  418. The decision to kill an INNOCENT man is a TRAVESTY to our so called judicial system! SHAME on you Georgia Parole Board!!! The fact ALONE that 7 out of 9 witnesses CHANGED their testimony is reason to STOP the execution and do an investigation! IF it were YOUR Son, you would want the SAME thing done! Please take the time to get more evidence before you execute an innocent man!


  419. correct myself it was not white T-shirt it was ” a White Shirt” that is something even the people in court use to have. Or people that work in office. Stop this madness. Let Troy Davis be free

  420. I am not a citizen of "Gods own country", I am just one of those european dorks and I wonder why so many people use the word "please" where it should be "I demand".

    The parole board DOES speak and act on behalf of the American people and it makes decisions that concern the human RIGHTS of an American citizen – Troy Davis. There is no need to beg this board, there is need for DEMANDING that they guarantee the rights of Troy Davis which is a new trial.

    It's not the parole board that will kill a human being, it are those millions american citizens who do NOT write their demands on card boards and camp outside the parole boards office, those, who don't realize that each of them could be the next Troy Davis – or his sister, mother, father.

    My heart breaks when I try to imagine the cruel pain and horror Troy and his family have to endure these days. My hope and thoughts are with them!

  421. STOP !!! This is madness ! There is too much doubt to convict a possibly innocent man. If this execution proceeds to happen.. Then what faith will we have in the justice system? Or even man-kind…