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11 thoughts on “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Introduced: Just in Time?

  1. For all those wondering what the bill number is since the article neglects to mention it, it's S. 1258. Go to that link to send messages of support or opposition to your senators.

  2. For all those wondering what the bill number is since the article neglects to mention it, it's S. 1258. Go to that link to send messages of support or opposition to your senators.

  3. For all those wondering what the bill number is since the article neglects to mention it, it's S. 1258. Go to that link to send messages of support or opposition to your senators.

  4. For all those wondering what the bill number is since the article neglects to mention it, it’s S. 1258. Go to that link to send messages of support or opposition to your senators.

  5. The Democratic Party:

    Home to lawbreakers since Al Capone started running the Chicago Party . . .

  6. The Democratic Party:

    Home to lawbreakers since Al Capone started running the Chicago Party . . .

  7. I am not sure how far it gets, but hopefully it will keep the dialogue going. Still not convinced that Obama can lead on this issue.

    Keep up the good work AI.

  8. I am not sure how far it gets, but hopefully it will keep the dialogue going. Still not convinced that Obama can lead on this issue.

    Keep up the good work AI.

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  10. iam refugees in jabuoti my full nam is saleban mahamed ahmed cart refugees isnomba 730_10h00665

  11. I am not sure how far it gets, but hopefully it will keep the dialogue going.Thanks