Activists Demand That Chicago #StopTorture


It’s been one week since activists across the United States showed their support for torture survivors through rallies and our photo solidarity campaign.

But the fight is far from over. Demand justice for Chicago torture survivors. Call on the Chicago City Council to ensure reparations for police torture survivors by passing the Reparations Ordinance for the Chicago Police Torture Survivors.

Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge tortured more than 100 men and women of color between 1972 and 1991.

Here are just a few of the activists who demanded reparations for these survivors on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.

In Washington, D.C., participants marched to the Supreme Court and U.S. Capitol with signs bearing the names of torture survivors.

Photo credit:

Protesters, including this activist in Atlanta, wore blindfolds during the rallies.

Amnesty Atlanta event

Others showed their support for torture survivors by posting photos with #StopTorture signs to Amnesty’s Instagram and Tumblr accounts.

Photo credit: West event

Charlottesville participants also posed for photos with signs featuring quotes about torture.

Amnesty Charlottesville event

And in Chicago, activists carried black banners with the names of survivors and the day they were tortured.

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Thank you to everyone who participated. For more information and to sign the petition, visit

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One thought on “Activists Demand That Chicago #StopTorture

  1. Hi I'm Arturo and I'm a student I just wanted to know when this toke place and more info cause I'm doing a report on human rights violation current event. Than you.