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11 thoughts on ““A Person Under Surveillance is No Longer Free”: Why We Care About Obama’s Speech Today

  1. United States citizens, as well as tens of thousands around the world, have opened themselves up to surveillance simply by becoming members of social media. If a person lays her life bare to the internet universe on Facebook, why would she then believe that her government should know nothing about her?

    I do not condone US surveillance on private citizens, but I perceive extreme dichotomy with individuals claiming they want privacy, yet simultaneously displaying their lives on any available media. Those who choose to be a part of internet communication must realize that they have chosen boundary compromised personal information over privacy. One cannot have both worlds.

    • I wholeheartedly agree! We live in a society largely populated with people under the erroneous assumption that their lives are so important and of such fascination to everyone that they feel compelled to take photos of scones or comment that they are at the dry cleaners… Really? For some reason the vast majority of people don't seem to grasp the concept that if you put something online, it isn't just seen by people you know, it can be seen by just about everybody and once it is online, it is forever! People also don't understand the safety aspect of updating the world with your current location, especially kids… Pedophiles love it! You can't have it both ways, either you open your life up to everyone or you don't but you can't complain when people (or governments) see what you have put online of your own free will…

  2. I couldn't agree more. I'm amazed at what people are willing to post on FB, Twitter, and so on-and these same people shake their fists and prattle on and on like rabid spider monkeys about their right to privacy.
    I tend to be quite benign with my public posts, but I would suppose that that makes me more suspicious in the minds of the government watchers.

  3. At the beginning, it is just a kind of fear about speaking out or sharing their ideas. In the end, people such as writers and artists will control themselves not to be picked up.

  4. Under survillance – my expereience since circa mid 2012 to current (November, 2015): I first noticed men hanging around my house. One day, a lorry went past and then there was a loud bang. Looking
    back to see the cause of the noise, I noticed one of these men reacting in a way that his time had been
    wasted as I now had seen him near me. It was his reaction that made me take much more notice of
    these men. What follows (not in chronological order) are some of my experiences. (More following).

  5. (Australian: continuing: Telephone calls being monitored – one 'friend' knew things he shouldn't. That's how I found out. Another 'friend' frequently had a bag. Sometimes I would notice him putting a hand into the bag; I realised that I was being recorded. I would meet someone to chat. A person would sit nearby with a mobile phone pointed towards me. This person usually had earphones. Somertimes false taxi drivers: Occasionally I was asked why I was going to my destination. One even asked where my parents had been born!! True.

  6. Australian – continuing: False work: Someone in the group would be pointing a mobile phone in my direction. These false works usually started / occured either on the first occasion or shortly later. Being conditioned with a nod. This lasted about two (2) years then it has become a stranger nods when I using something for the first time. "We are on to you!" In the last eight (8) months, young people are giving me a very quick smile. Rarely I get a nod and a quick smile from the same person. Mobile phones are used to record where I go and what I buy. I've enen had a mobile phone pointed at my face as I left a lift; left a toilet cubicle. (Both true!).

  7. I've noticed women are much more adept at spying than men. I've mentioned buying: Sometimes a person hangs around. Sometimes an employee calls out information such as how much I spent last time I was at a store. Encountering "new employees" is common. Strangers sitting opposite / close by while I'm conducting business. Another almost daily experience was a stranger asking one question such as (and these are my experiences): "Where were you born?" "What type of camera is that?" "Are you a member of X club?" "Do you play Lotto?" (Lotto is a gambling game).

  8. Australian: Final blog. .People I haven't seen for years suddenly (literally) re-entering my life. During the first few minutes of the reunion I'm asked about a very specific thing. Then I realise that this is no "Let's catch up." reunion but one organised by the agency monitoring me. I've been tricked into giving samples eg of my handwriting; my salvia.
    Another thing: The 'flash' emitted is a steady white light controlled by some invisible means. In Cambodia, it's orange. In China it's a steady white light as in Australia. Chinese spys basically use the same techniques as in Australia. Oh, that reminds me. In Cambodia, I was given "the nod" and I was under no misunderstanding about the intention of the nod.