International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal Demands Justice for the 1984 industrial disaster
As I mentioned earlier in the week, US President Barack Obama is in India. At this very moment, he’s in New Delhi after a day in India’s financial center of Mumbai. Now is the time to call the White House and tell them that you want justice for the victims of the 1984 Bhopal gas leak from a plant operated by a US based company now owned by Dow Chemical.
The International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal (ICJB), a partner of AI’s efforts to seek redress for the victims of this awful gas leak, aims to get Bhopal on the agenda for Obama’s visit, so Bhopalis will be staging a day-long sit in, and ICJB is organizing an international solidarity call in action to support them.
AIUSA has been an integral part of the coalition for justice for the people of Bhopal. In fact, just before Obama left for India, Amnesty International issued a letter to the White House saying in part that
“It is essential that your administration and the Government of India cooperate to ensure that those accused of causing the Bhopal disaster, including UCC, are made to face trial, and that Bhopal survivors are able to obtain redress.”
Please join Amnesty International USA’s Corporate Action Network and the South Asia Regional Action Network in helping to promote the ICJB action today and in the future. We are asking AIUSA supporters to call the White House comment line and express their concern for Bhopal.
After calling the White House comment line at 202-456-1111 (between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm EST) on November 8, 2010, here are some ideas on how you can further support this effort:
- Post a link to this blog post, including a blurb on the action (suggested blurb: “We are asking AUSA supporters to call the White House comment line at 202-456-1111 (between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm EST) and express their concern for Bhopal, on your website.
- Set this as your Twitter/Facebook status: Today I’m calling Obama’s office to ask him to support justice in Bhopal while in India. Join the action! [or use this short URL:]
- Post this Facebook message:
Dear friends: Today I am asking concerned citizens worldwide act in solidarity with the survivors of the 1984 Bhopal, India Gas Disaster who staged a protests in New Delhi today. While Obama is in India, we would like him to properly address the unresolved human rights crisis and support real justice for the people of Bhopal. Please call the White House comment line to make this request: (202) 456-1111. If we all take action together, maybe he’ll realize how many people feel that his Administration’s position on Bhopal needs to change. More information at Thank you for your continued support!
Thank you for supporting Bhopal’s human right to health and a clean environment. If you want more resources on AIUSA’s work on Bhopal, just ask down in the comments.