A message from Sting

We sent this moving message from Sting earlier today to our email list.  In light of the recent startling developments in Iran, we’re also sharing it with you here on our blog:

Dear Supporter,

I was shocked to hear reports that Iranian security forces arrested 29 mothers and their supporters who were silently mourning children killed in post-election violence this summer.

These Mourning Mothers gather peacefully each week to call for an end to widespread human rights abuses and justice for their dead children.

The disturbing news of their arrest brought to mind profound memories of the Mothers of the Disappeared in Chile and Argentina. Like the courageous mothers in Iran, the Mothers of the Disappeared faced threats and harassment for seeking justice for their children kidnapped during the Dirty Wars in Chile and Argentina.

My song “They Dance Alone” is dedicated to the Mothers of the Disappeared. I had the honor of performing it with them in 1988 during Amnesty International’s Human Rights Now! Tour.

Sting dances 3

Sting dances with the Mothers of the Disappeared during Amnesty's 1988 Human Rights Now! Tour.

Dancing on stage with the Mothers of the Disappeared in Chile and Argentina was one of the most moving moments of my career.

I am heartbroken to see that once again others have to face the anguish that the Mothers of the Disappeared endured. I am compelled to speak out again. I hope you will too.

What gives me hope is knowing that Amnesty International is fighting on behalf of the Mourning Mothers and others threatened with abuse in Iran and around the world.

As you read this, Amnesty International is investigating and reporting on the human rights situation in Iran. It’s publishing the names of prisoners of conscience and documenting the use of brutal force to crush dissent — even as it continues to respond to human rights emergencies across the globe.

The people of Iran deserve to speak peacefully without fear. Show them they are not alone. Donate to Amnesty International today.



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12 thoughts on “A message from Sting

  1. It is great to see your support Mr. Sting.
    I have had the honour to talk with some of the women “Mothers For Peace” in Iran in october 2009 and I have hoped the best and fear for them now.
    It is so importen for them to get support from all over the world now, to make them still belief that freedom of speech is worth fighting for.

  2. Dearest Sting,

    I’m an Iranian, and I can say on the behalf of all the Iranians fighting for their freedom these days, the mothers mourning their beloved ones,the innocent people in prison, and Iranians all over the world who cannot join their brothers and sisters in the streets of Iran, that we really appreciate your support. and we are desperately asking the whole WORLD to show their support too.

    Help us free our land.

  3. Sting,

    Thank you for bringing greater focus to the plight of the Mourning Mothers of Iran. I was moved to make a simple New Year’s resolution which I fulfilled today: I made my first donation to Amnesty International.

  4. As a human being and as an Iranian, I am proud of my people bravey, and I would like to thank Sting and other celebrities who have supported our struggle for a democratic Iran. We shall keep fighting and we shall support freedom everywhere in the world.

  5. As a human being and as an Iranian, I am proud of my people bravey, and I would like to thank Sting and other celebrities who have supported our struggle for a democratic Iran. We shall keep fighting and we shall support freedom everywhere in the world.

  6. Beautiful but unfortunate parallel, too fitting a tribute. I’m very sorry to hear about this additional horrific brutality but am also very glad it was made known & articulated by this gentleman in particular.
    “They Dance Alone” is too appropriate, sad, graceful an expression, I was hoping no one would need it again after I heard it years ago…

  7. All This unseen suffering , all this unfelt pain , As westerners w are spoiled by
    nature. We are so obessed with having the best and most. If Only Media would be allowed without censorship to show world atrocities then maybe the awareness of the most poweful people in the world can demand a difference.
    That powerful person is YOU! We are Human we are one , so why are we not protecting each other? Please check out a video and song just for Amnesty internationls cause please make it your anthem, on Utube search amnesty international “the Next Day ” By an late 80s band called Absolute Zero
    Love and peace