The Israeli navy intercepted, boarded, and took control of a Greek cargo ship carrying foreign peace activists, including former US congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and Nobel prize winner Mairead Maguire. Their ship was carrying humanitarian aid cargo for the residents of Gaza.
The Israeli military instilled a blockade June 2007 in Gaza; a response to the rise in power of Hamas. Since then, the sanctions have made it incredibly difficult to get the bare essentials to the population, such as food, fuel, and medicine.
This is not the first time Israel has blocked humanitarian aid—similar ships have been turned back after attempting to deliver basic goods like food and medicine.
“This is an outrageous violation of international law against us. Our boat was not in Israeli waters, and we were on a human rights mission to the Gaza Strip,” said Cynthia McKinney in a statement shortly after she and the other activists were turned over to immigration authorities in Ashdod.
Samah Choudhury contributed to this post
Don't you think there is a good reason for the blockade. All they do in
Gaza is proliferate and look for places to fire their mortars into Israel.
Don't you think there is a good reason for the blockade.? All they do in
Gaza is proliferate and look for places to fire their mortars into Israel.
Cynthia McKinney is not exactly a credible spokesman for the Palestinian cause, or in fact any cause that Amnesty International should be associating itself with since McKinney is a lunatic.
For just one example, you can watch her in this video on youtube claiming that the United States government secretly executed 5,000 prisoners and dumped their bodies in a Louisiana swamp, during Hurricane Katrina.
You might think of her as a progressive but in fact Cynthia McKinney has deep and growing conections to the racist extreme far right. Cynthia McKinneyappeared as the special guest on a far-right, anti-Semitic internet radio program. On April 30, 2009 she was interviewed for over an hour on the “The Information Underground” by the program’s host, who calls himself “Ognir”.
Previous broadcasts of the show have titles such as “Jewish Domination and the World as we know it”, “Crimes of the Zionists”, “the Zionist Criminal Network”, “Jewish takeover of Christianity”, “Eugenocide”, “The International Jews Bankers” (sic), “Jewish Worldwide Propaganda System”, “Jews Behind Every Rock”, and “Jews Israel and 9/11”.
Cynthia McKinney is not exactly a credible spokesman for the Palestinian cause, or in fact any cause that Amnesty International should be associating itself with since McKinney is a lunatic.
For just one example, you can watch her in this video on youtube claiming that the United States government secretly executed 5,000 prisoners and dumped their bodies in a Louisiana swamp, during Hurricane Katrina.
You might think of her as a progressive but in fact Cynthia McKinney has deep and growing conections to the racist extreme far right. Cynthia McKinneyappeared as the special guest on a far-right, anti-Semitic internet radio program. On April 30, 2009 she was interviewed for over an hour on the “The Information Underground” by the program’s host, who calls himself “Ognir”.
Previous broadcasts of the show have titles such as “Jewish Domination and the World as we know it”, “Crimes of the Zionists”, “the Zionist Criminal Network”, “Jewish takeover of Christianity”, “Eugenocide”, “The International Jews Bankers” (sic), “Jewish Worldwide Propaganda System”, “Jews Behind Every Rock”, and “Jews Israel and 9/11”.
Cynthia McKinney is not exactly a credible spokesman for the Palestinian cause, or in fact any cause that Amnesty International should be associating itself with since McKinney is a lunatic.
For just one example, you can watch her in this video on youtube claiming that the United States government secretly executed 5,000 prisoners and dumped their bodies in a Louisiana swamp, during Hurricane Katrina.
You might think of her as a progressive but in fact Cynthia McKinney has deep and growing conections to the racist extreme far right. Cynthia McKinneyappeared as the special guest on a far-right, anti-Semitic internet radio program. On April 30, 2009 she was interviewed for over an hour on the “The Information Underground” by the program’s host, who calls himself “Ognir”.
Previous broadcasts of the show have titles such as “Jewish Domination and the World as we know it”, “Crimes of the Zionists”, “the Zionist Criminal Network”, “Jewish takeover of Christianity”, “Eugenocide”, “The International Jews Bankers” (sic), “Jewish Worldwide Propaganda System”, “Jews Behind Every Rock”, and “Jews Israel and 9/11”.
Don’t you think there is a good reason for the blockade. All they do in
Gaza is proliferate and look for places to fire their mortars into Israel.
Don’t you think there is a good reason for the blockade.? All they do in
Gaza is proliferate and look for places to fire their mortars into Israel.
I would like to ask a question of Zahir Janmohamed, who posted this blog.
Zahir, when you posted this video of Cynthia McKinney did you know that she made serious claims that the United States Government secretly executed 5000 prisoners and disposed of their bodies during Katrina? (you can see her make this crazy claim in this youtube video 🙂
Amnesty International is supposed to be a credible human rights organization, right?
And when you send investigators out and publish reports of torture and human rights abuses around the world we are supposed to automatically tend to believe these reports because of the reputation that Amnesty International has built up over the years, right ?
So Zahir, do you think possibly that by associating Amnesty International like you have done with a person like Cynthia McKinney who among other things seriously makes claims about secret mass murders of thousands by the US government that only a mental ill person would believe, are you concerned at all that this promotion of McKinney 's insane views by Amnesty may lead to a lessening of credibility for Amnesty International as a whole, and may encourage people to disbelieve any other reports on human rights abuses that Amnesty may produce in the future ?
Cynthia McKinney is not exactly a credible spokesman for the Palestinian cause, or in fact any cause that Amnesty International should be associating itself with since McKinney is a lunatic.
For just one example, you can watch her in this video on youtube claiming that the United States government secretly executed 5,000 prisoners and dumped their bodies in a Louisiana swamp, during Hurricane Katrina.
You might think of her as a progressive but in fact Cynthia McKinney has deep and growing conections to the racist extreme far right. Cynthia McKinneyappeared as the special guest on a far-right, anti-Semitic internet radio program. On April 30, 2009 she was interviewed for over an hour on the “The Information Underground” by the program’s host, who calls himself “Ognir”.
Previous broadcasts of the show have titles such as “Jewish Domination and the World as we know it”, “Crimes of the Zionists”, “the Zionist Criminal Network”, “Jewish takeover of Christianity”, “Eugenocide”, “The International Jews Bankers” (sic), “Jewish Worldwide Propaganda System”, “Jews Behind Every Rock”, and “Jews Israel and 9/11”.
I would like to ask a question of Zahir Janmohamed, who posted this blog.
Zahir, when you posted this video of Cynthia McKinney did you know that she made serious claims that the United States Government secretly executed 5000 prisoners and disposed of their bodies during Katrina? (you can see her make this crazy claim in this youtube video 🙂
Amnesty International is supposed to be a credible human rights organization, right?
And when you send investigators out and publish reports of torture and human rights abuses around the world we are supposed to automatically tend to believe these reports because of the reputation that Amnesty International has built up over the years, right ?
So Zahir, do you think possibly that by associating Amnesty International like you have done with a person like Cynthia McKinney who among other things seriously makes claims about secret mass murders of thousands by the US government that only a mental ill person would believe, are you concerned at all that this promotion of McKinney 's insane views by Amnesty may lead to a lessening of credibility for Amnesty International as a whole, and may encourage people to disbelieve any other reports on human rights abuses that Amnesty may produce in the future ?
I would like to ask a question of Zahir Janmohamed, who posted this blog.
Zahir, when you posted this video of Cynthia McKinney did you know that she made serious claims that the United States Government secretly executed 5000 prisoners and disposed of their bodies during Katrina? (you can see her make this crazy claim in this youtube video 🙂
Amnesty International is supposed to be a credible human rights organization, right?
And when you send investigators out and publish reports of torture and human rights abuses around the world we are supposed to automatically tend to believe these reports because of the reputation that Amnesty International has built up over the years, right ?
So Zahir, do you think possibly that by associating Amnesty International like you have done with a person like Cynthia McKinney who among other things seriously makes claims about secret mass murders of thousands by the US government that only a mental ill person would believe, are you concerned at all that this promotion of McKinney 's insane views by Amnesty may lead to a lessening of credibility for Amnesty International as a whole, and may encourage people to disbelieve any other reports on human rights abuses that Amnesty may produce in the future ?
The problem of the blockade would stop, if Hamas and other palestinean groups disarm and recognise Israel as a legitimate state and stop thier hatred towards the jews, then would true peace come to the Middle East, thier fate is in thier own hands.
I would like to ask a question of Zahir Janmohamed, who posted this blog.
Zahir, when you posted this video of Cynthia McKinney did you know that she made serious claims that the United States Government secretly executed 5000 prisoners and disposed of their bodies during Katrina? (you can see her make this crazy claim in this youtube video 🙂
Amnesty International is supposed to be a credible human rights organization, right?
And when you send investigators out and publish reports of torture and human rights abuses around the world we are supposed to automatically tend to believe these reports because of the reputation that Amnesty International has built up over the years, right ?
So Zahir, do you think possibly that by associating Amnesty International like you have done with a person like Cynthia McKinney who among other things seriously makes claims about secret mass murders of thousands by the US government that only a mental ill person would believe, are you concerned at all that this promotion of McKinney ‘s insane views by Amnesty may lead to a lessening of credibility for Amnesty International as a whole, and may encourage people to disbelieve any other reports on human rights abuses that Amnesty may produce in the future ?
Thank you Judo and Samuel for reading and for your comments. I will try my best to respond.
Judo: I understand that McKinney is seen as a bit of a nutter and many of the actions/positions she has take really irk me. But the issue here is about Israel's crippling blockade of humanitarian supplies, something that is in defiance of internatioanl law. In my post, I was not trying to defend Cynthia or even justify her actions. This is a blog and AI has not issued any statement abt her case. But I wanted to highlight the actions of many people around the world who have tried, through various means, to defy the Israeli blockade. At one point, schools in Gaza were not able to publish txt books b/c they did not have the paper. Sen Kerry had to raise the issue of Israel's block of pasta. I fully understand Israel's security concerns but security is too often used by Israel to block much needed supplies and to punish humanitarian effortst that would help the devasted people of Gaza.
Samuel–I disagreed with your remarks. Indeed Hamas and others have committed violations and I have blogged/spoken about this. But this is an issue of securing basic living conditions for Palestinians. This is something Obama, the UN, and others in the intl community have spoke about. And its an issue that pre-dates the recent Gaza conflict. Here is a blog entry I wrote about the conditions in Gaza before the Israeli attack:…
Thank you Judo and Samuel for reading and for your comments. I will try my best to respond.
Judo: I understand that McKinney is seen as a bit of a nutter and many of the actions/positions she has take really irk me. But the issue here is about Israel's crippling blockade of humanitarian supplies, something that is in defiance of internatioanl law. In my post, I was not trying to defend Cynthia or even justify her actions. This is a blog and AI has not issued any statement abt her case. But I wanted to highlight the actions of many people around the world who have tried, through various means, to defy the Israeli blockade. At one point, schools in Gaza were not able to publish txt books b/c they did not have the paper. Sen Kerry had to raise the issue of Israel's block of pasta. I fully understand Israel's security concerns but security is too often used by Israel to block much needed supplies and to punish humanitarian effortst that would help the devasted people of Gaza.
Samuel–I disagreed with your remarks. Indeed Hamas and others have committed violations and I have blogged/spoken about this. But this is an issue of securing basic living conditions for Palestinians. This is something Obama, the UN, and others in the intl community have spoke about. And its an issue that pre-dates the recent Gaza conflict. Here is a blog entry I wrote about the conditions in Gaza before the Israeli attack:…
Thank you Judo and Samuel for reading and for your comments. I will try my best to respond.
Judo: I understand that McKinney is seen as a bit of a nutter and many of the actions/positions she has take really irk me. But the issue here is about Israel's crippling blockade of humanitarian supplies, something that is in defiance of internatioanl law. In my post, I was not trying to defend Cynthia or even justify her actions. This is a blog and AI has not issued any statement abt her case. But I wanted to highlight the actions of many people around the world who have tried, through various means, to defy the Israeli blockade. At one point, schools in Gaza were not able to publish txt books b/c they did not have the paper. Sen Kerry had to raise the issue of Israel's block of pasta. I fully understand Israel's security concerns but security is too often used by Israel to block much needed supplies and to punish humanitarian effortst that would help the devasted people of Gaza.
Samuel–I disagreed with your remarks. Indeed Hamas and others have committed violations and I have blogged/spoken about this. But this is an issue of securing basic living conditions for Palestinians. This is something Obama, the UN, and others in the intl community have spoke about. And its an issue that pre-dates the recent Gaza conflict. Here is a blog entry I wrote about the conditions in Gaza before the Israeli attack:…
I support the blockade on Gaza and the sanctions! Down with Hamas, Go Israel! Vae victus to Islamic Extremists!
The problem of the blockade would stop, if Hamas and other palestinean groups disarm and recognise Israel as a legitimate state and stop thier hatred towards the jews, then would true peace come to the Middle East, thier fate is in thier own hands.
ImpCaesRoma: I am sorry that you feel that way.
I have another question.
It is a fact of geography that Gaza has a 20 kilometer long border with Egypt. Along the full length of this border is a 6 meter high concrete wall, topped by barbed wire and manned by thousands of Arab Muslim Egyptian Army border guards with shoot to kill orders against any Arab Moslem Gazans who would try to cross this border. Hamas, which seized power in a violent overthrow of the Palestinian Authority during which over 500 Palestinians were killed by one another in civil war, digs tunnels under this border into Egypt, to import food, building materials, medicine, and also weapons ,explosives and illegal drugs. Recent media reports have accused the Egyptian government of pumping poison gas to kill anyone trapped inside these tunnels. There is no suggestion that a single Israeli soldier is anywhere near this border, separating one Muslim Arab country, Egypt, from another Muslim country Gaza.
So my question is, is it not racist of Amnesty International to totaly ignore this full and equal and willing participation by Arab Muslim Egypt in the blockade of Gaza, and instead constantly focus on the Jewish Israeli blockade?
It is like you are just pretending that the Egyptian border does not exist and you are hoping no one will look on a map and notice.
Actually, Amnesty has not ignored Egypt’s refusal to allow humanitarian aid to reach the Palestinians. During the Gaza crisis earlier this year, we blogged about Egypt not allowing Palestinians to cross the border for healthcare here:…
I also discuss their border restrictions here:…
Actually, Amnesty has not ignored Egypt’s refusal to allow humanitarian aid to reach the Palestinians. During the Gaza crisis earlier this year, we blogged about Egypt not allowing Palestinians to cross the border for healthcare here:…
I also discuss their border restrictions here:…
Actually, Amnesty has not ignored Egypt’s refusal to allow humanitarian aid to reach the Palestinians. During the Gaza crisis earlier this year, we blogged about Egypt not allowing Palestinians to cross the border for healthcare here:…
I also discuss their border restrictions here:…
Zahir – THANK YOU for posting this. God, I love Amnesty and all of your work. Screw these other whiners, they couldn't tell you the names of at least four members in the Knesset or what the Arab League meeting in Khartoum was about.
Critics do nothing but complain, leaders rise up and act.
I e-mailed you directly regarding Katherine Sheetz, one of the relief workers on-board, and I would like if you could work with her daughter one-on-one to spread awareness about this.
Best of luck and much love & support.
Thank you Judo and Samuel for reading and for your comments. I will try my best to respond.
Judo: I understand that McKinney is seen as a bit of a nutter and many of the actions/positions she has take really irk me. But the issue here is about Israel’s crippling blockade of humanitarian supplies, something that is in defiance of internatioanl law. In my post, I was not trying to defend Cynthia or even justify her actions. This is a blog and AI has not issued any statement abt her case. But I wanted to highlight the actions of many people around the world who have tried, through various means, to defy the Israeli blockade. At one point, schools in Gaza were not able to publish txt books b/c they did not have the paper. Sen Kerry had to raise the issue of Israel’s block of pasta. I fully understand Israel’s security concerns but security is too often used by Israel to block much needed supplies and to punish humanitarian effortst that would help the devasted people of Gaza.
Samuel–I disagreed with your remarks. Indeed Hamas and others have committed violations and I have blogged/spoken about this. But this is an issue of securing basic living conditions for Palestinians. This is something Obama, the UN, and others in the intl community have spoke about. And its an issue that pre-dates the recent Gaza conflict. Here is a blog entry I wrote about the conditions in Gaza before the Israeli attack:
I support the blockade on Gaza and the sanctions! Down with Hamas, Go Israel! Vae victus to Islamic Extremists!
ImpCaesRoma: I am sorry that you feel that way.
I have another question.
It is a fact of geography that Gaza has a 20 kilometer long border with Egypt. Along the full length of this border is a 6 meter high concrete wall, topped by barbed wire and manned by thousands of Arab Muslim Egyptian Army border guards with shoot to kill orders against any Arab Moslem Gazans who would try to cross this border. Hamas, which seized power in a violent overthrow of the Palestinian Authority during which over 500 Palestinians were killed by one another in civil war, digs tunnels under this border into Egypt, to import food, building materials, medicine, and also weapons ,explosives and illegal drugs. Recent media reports have accused the Egyptian government of pumping poison gas to kill anyone trapped inside these tunnels. There is no suggestion that a single Israeli soldier is anywhere near this border, separating one Muslim Arab country, Egypt, from another Muslim country Gaza.
So my question is, is it not racist of Amnesty International to totaly ignore this full and equal and willing participation by Arab Muslim Egypt in the blockade of Gaza, and instead constantly focus on the Jewish Israeli blockade?
It is like you are just pretending that the Egyptian border does not exist and you are hoping no one will look on a map and notice.
Actually, Amnesty has not ignored Egypt’s refusal to allow humanitarian aid to reach the Palestinians. During the Gaza crisis earlier this year, we blogged about Egypt not allowing Palestinians to cross the border for healthcare here:
I also discuss their border restrictions here:
Zahir – THANK YOU for posting this. God, I love Amnesty and all of your work. Screw these other whiners, they couldn’t tell you the names of at least four members in the Knesset or what the Arab League meeting in Khartoum was about.
Critics do nothing but complain, leaders rise up and act.
I e-mailed you directly regarding Katherine Sheetz, one of the relief workers on-board, and I would like if you could work with her daughter one-on-one to spread awareness about this.
Best of luck and much love & support.
Zahir Janmohamed, regardless of your denials to the contrary, you have in deed with this prominent blog post, associated Amnesty International with well known crazy person Cynthia McKinney who last year made serious claims that the United States Government secretly executed 5000 prisoners and disposed of their bodies during Katrina? (you can see her make this crazy claim here in this youtube video:
It is amazing to me that both Amnesty International or the Palestinians would allow their cause to be hijacked by this insane lunatic, McKinney, especially after McKinney has been making regular appearances on extreme racist right wing internet radio talk programs to promote Nazi like conspiracy theories regarding Jews.
What does this say about Amnesty Internationals credibility when they issue reports about real cases of governments mass murdering their own citizens like in Sri Lanka or Iran or elsewhere, when Amnesty features on their web site a raving loony liar like McKinney, who makes false claims of massacres against the US?
Zahir Janmohamed, regardless of your denials to the contrary, you have in deed with this prominent blog post, associated Amnesty International with well known crazy person Cynthia McKinney who last year made serious claims that the United States Government secretly executed 5000 prisoners and disposed of their bodies during Katrina? (you can see her make this crazy claim here in this youtube video:
It is amazing to me that both Amnesty International or the Palestinians would allow their cause to be hijacked by this insane lunatic, McKinney, especially after McKinney has been making regular appearances on extreme racist right wing internet radio talk programs to promote Nazi like conspiracy theories regarding Jews.
What does this say about Amnesty Internationals credibility when they issue reports about real cases of governments mass murdering their own citizens like in Sri Lanka or Iran or elsewhere, when Amnesty features on their web site a raving loony liar like McKinney, who makes false claims of massacres against the US?
Zahir Janmohamed, regardless of your denials to the contrary, you have in deed with this prominent blog post, associated Amnesty International with well known crazy person Cynthia McKinney who last year made serious claims that the United States Government secretly executed 5000 prisoners and disposed of their bodies during Katrina? (you can see her make this crazy claim here in this youtube video:
It is amazing to me that both Amnesty International or the Palestinians would allow their cause to be hijacked by this insane lunatic, McKinney, especially after McKinney has been making regular appearances on extreme racist right wing internet radio talk programs to promote Nazi like conspiracy theories regarding Jews.
What does this say about Amnesty Internationals credibility when they issue reports about real cases of governments mass murdering their own citizens like in Sri Lanka or Iran or elsewhere, when Amnesty features on their web site a raving loony liar like McKinney, who makes false claims of massacres against the US?
Zahir Janmohamed, regardless of your denials to the contrary, you have in deed with this prominent blog post, associated Amnesty International with well known crazy person Cynthia McKinney who last year made serious claims that the United States Government secretly executed 5000 prisoners and disposed of their bodies during Katrina? (you can see her make this crazy claim here in this youtube video:
It is amazing to me that both Amnesty International or the Palestinians would allow their cause to be hijacked by this insane lunatic, McKinney, especially after McKinney has been making regular appearances on extreme racist right wing internet radio talk programs to promote Nazi like conspiracy theories regarding Jews.
What does this say about Amnesty Internationals credibility when they issue reports about real cases of governments mass murdering their own citizens like in Sri Lanka or Iran or elsewhere, when Amnesty features on their web site a raving loony liar like McKinney, who makes false claims of massacres against the US?
One of Amnesty International's primary functions is to fairly investigate accusations of mass atrocities and if the evidence proves the case, publicly accuse the government responsible, and you rely on your reputation to have your accusations taken seriously.
Featuring on your web site the views of a person like Cynthia McKinney, when you all are fully aware of the fact that she regularly makes insane lying accusations of atrocities like that the United states government murders thousands and secretly disposes of their bodies:
This is completely destroying Amnesty's credibility, and will naturally lead to an assumption that the fairness and accuracy of any other findings you publish against other countries is equivalent to and as much to be believed or trusted as McKinney's schizophrenic delusional babel is.
Really, explain to me why should anyone believe a single word you report about any country in the world when you featured on your own web site a person you yourselves admit is a wack job and specificly lies about the very exact crimes your whole organizations basis of existance is to be able to credibly accuse other countries of doing.
One of Amnesty International's primary functions is to fairly investigate accusations of mass atrocities and if the evidence proves the case, publicly accuse the government responsible, and you rely on your reputation to have your accusations taken seriously.
Featuring on your web site the views of a person like Cynthia McKinney, when you all are fully aware of the fact that she regularly makes insane lying accusations of atrocities like that the United states government murders thousands and secretly disposes of their bodies:
This is completely destroying Amnesty's credibility, and will naturally lead to an assumption that the fairness and accuracy of any other findings you publish against other countries is equivalent to and as much to be believed or trusted as McKinney's schizophrenic delusional babel is.
Really, explain to me why should anyone believe a single word you report about any country in the world when you featured on your own web site a person you yourselves admit is a wack job and specificly lies about the very exact crimes your whole organizations basis of existance is to be able to credibly accuse other countries of doing.
One of Amnesty International's primary functions is to fairly investigate accusations of mass atrocities and if the evidence proves the case, publicly accuse the government responsible, and you rely on your reputation to have your accusations taken seriously.
Featuring on your web site the views of a person like Cynthia McKinney, when you all are fully aware of the fact that she regularly makes insane lying accusations of atrocities like that the United states government murders thousands and secretly disposes of their bodies:
This is completely destroying Amnesty's credibility, and will naturally lead to an assumption that the fairness and accuracy of any other findings you publish against other countries is equivalent to and as much to be believed or trusted as McKinney's schizophrenic delusional babel is.
Really, explain to me why should anyone believe a single word you report about any country in the world when you featured on your own web site a person you yourselves admit is a wack job and specificly lies about the very exact crimes your whole organizations basis of existance is to be able to credibly accuse other countries of doing.
One of Amnesty International’s primary functions is to fairly investigate accusations of mass atrocities and if the evidence proves the case, publicly accuse the government responsible, and you rely on your reputation to have your accusations taken seriously.
Featuring on your web site the views of a person like Cynthia McKinney, when you all are fully aware of the fact that she regularly makes insane lying accusations of atrocities like that the United states government murders thousands and secretly disposes of their bodies:
This is completely destroying Amnesty’s credibility, and will naturally lead to an assumption that the fairness and accuracy of any other findings you publish against other countries is equivalent to and as much to be believed or trusted as McKinney’s schizophrenic delusional babel is.
Really, explain to me why should anyone believe a single word you report about any country in the world when you featured on your own web site a person you yourselves admit is a wack job and specificly lies about the very exact crimes your whole organizations basis of existance is to be able to credibly accuse other countries of doing.
Piracy by any other name…well, apparently, is not really piracy if it's committed by one of the US's goons. Or unless, of course, the ship that's hijacked is full for weapons for said goon, then all bets are off!
Piracy by any other name…well, apparently, is not really piracy if it’s committed by one of the US’s goons. Or unless, of course, the ship that’s hijacked is full for weapons for said goon, then all bets are off!
So now Cynthia Mckinney is a "lunatic" .
Of course she is, since Amnesty's Edith was last called a"loony" by the same invective spiller .
For me Cynthia McKinney is a HIGHLY PRINCIPLED member of the U.S.Congress's Black Caucus & a CONSISTENT voice for the black people..
As a sign of her integrity, what better credential need i mention than the fact that she has been one of the VERY FEW U.S. Congresspersons to stand up against the powerful AIPAC Israeli lobby who make & break U.S. Presidents & politicians .
Portraying the black people's REAL leaders as antiSemites & "crazy extemists" has been a hugely OVERPLAYED tactic by the FBI from Hoover's day .
The Black Panthers were targetted by this identical charge of racism & anti -Semitism, as their excellent NY leader Dhoruba Bin Wahad has detailed.
Cynthia McKinney isn not an anti Semite.
The REAL antSemites are people like israel's founder David BenGurion who called Holocaust survivors the "dust of the earth", the real antiSemites are the israeli banks who have stolen billions of Holocaust survivors' wealth & allowed these elders to live in poverty.
That said, i would merely add that i don't take seriously someone who attacks Ms. McKinney as "schizophrenic".
This just shows typical settler breeding, typical settler culture.
This settler source moreover says Hamas "violently seized power", when it is very well known who won the last Palestinian elections — Fatah or Hamas. All international observers know the truths about that election.
As far as Gaza'a concerned, we know whom the world believes today — israel, or Ms McKinney.
And concerning "illegal" tunnels, i am no Amnesty member, just a one who knows through history that it is the PRACTICE of ALL l SOVEREIGN peoples to arm themselves against a heavily armed , indeed nuclear stockpiling, power.
Re Hamas not recognising israel — NO ONE will recognise a state that identifies with ONE RELIGION alone when there are other faiths among its populace, & NO self – protecting people will recognise a neighboring state that has NO CONSTITUTION & NO DESIGNATED BORDERS .
For to recognise such a state — nowTHAT would be a REALLY crazy thing to do, a TRULY schizophrenic, & ultimately DOWNRIGHT SUICIDAL thing to do.
That said, i must state that Hams HAS agred to recognise israel as part of a process of negotiations .
So now Netanyahu's blocked them with his notion of israel as a "Jewish state" — something not even a considerable segment of traditional Jews themselves would agree to recognose.
So now Cynthia Mckinney is a “lunatic” .
Of course she is, since Amnesty’s Edith was last called a”loony” by the same invective spiller .
For me Cynthia McKinney is a HIGHLY PRINCIPLED member of the U.S.Congress’s Black Caucus & a CONSISTENT voice for the black people..
As a sign of her integrity, what better credential need i mention than the fact that she has been one of the VERY FEW U.S. Congresspersons to stand up against the powerful AIPAC Israeli lobby who make & break U.S. Presidents & politicians .
Portraying the black people’s REAL leaders as antiSemites & “crazy extemists” has been a hugely OVERPLAYED tactic by the FBI from Hoover’s day .
The Black Panthers were targetted by this identical charge of racism & anti -Semitism, as their excellent NY leader Dhoruba Bin Wahad has detailed.
Cynthia McKinney isn not an anti Semite.
The REAL antSemites are people like israel’s founder David BenGurion who called Holocaust survivors the “dust of the earth”, the real antiSemites are the israeli banks who have stolen billions of Holocaust survivors’ wealth & allowed these elders to live in poverty.
That said, i would merely add that i don’t take seriously someone who attacks Ms. McKinney as “schizophrenic”.
This just shows typical settler breeding, typical settler culture.
This settler source moreover says Hamas “violently seized power”, when it is very well known who won the last Palestinian elections — Fatah or Hamas. All international observers know the truths about that election.
As far as Gaza’a concerned, we know whom the world believes today — israel, or Ms McKinney.
And concerning “illegal” tunnels, i am no Amnesty member, just a one who knows through history that it is the PRACTICE of ALL l SOVEREIGN peoples to arm themselves against a heavily armed , indeed nuclear stockpiling, power.
Re Hamas not recognising israel — NO ONE will recognise a state that identifies with ONE RELIGION alone when there are other faiths among its populace, & NO self – protecting people will recognise a neighboring state that has NO CONSTITUTION & NO DESIGNATED BORDERS .
For to recognise such a state — nowTHAT would be a REALLY crazy thing to do, a TRULY schizophrenic, & ultimately DOWNRIGHT SUICIDAL thing to do.
That said, i must state that Hams HAS agred to recognise israel as part of a process of negotiations .
So now Netanyahu’s blocked them with his notion of israel as a “Jewish state” — something not even a considerable segment of traditional Jews themselves would agree to recognose.
to a. savage
Did you bother to watch this youtube video of Cynthia McKinney by clicking on this link ? Please watch it and then comment.
Cynthia McKinney in this video from last year claims that the United States government secretly murdered 5000 prisoners in Louisiana and secretly disposed of their bodies in a swamp.
Honestly, a. savage, does she seem seem sane and rational to you in this video? Or does she sound in this video more typical of the kind of talk you could hear in a mental institution from an an unmedicated paranoid schizophrenic ?
Answer honestly.
I am not saying she is a bad person necessarily, only that she has an obvious mental disease, and has a tendency to mix up reality and hallucinations when making public statements so she is really not the best choice as a spokesmen for the Palestinian people.
to a. savage
Did you bother to watch this youtube video of Cynthia McKinney by clicking on this link ? Please watch it and then comment.
Cynthia McKinney in this video from last year claims that the United States government secretly murdered 5000 prisoners in Louisiana and secretly disposed of their bodies in a swamp.
Honestly, a. savage, does she seem seem sane and rational to you in this video? Or does she sound in this video more typical of the kind of talk you could hear in a mental institution from an an unmedicated paranoid schizophrenic ?
Answer honestly.
I am not saying she is a bad person necessarily, only that she has an obvious mental disease, and has a tendency to mix up reality and hallucinations when making public statements so she is really not the best choice as a spokesmen for the Palestinian people.
to a. savage
Did you bother to watch this youtube video of Cynthia McKinney by clicking on this link ? Please watch it and then comment.
Cynthia McKinney in this video from last year claims that the United States government secretly murdered 5000 prisoners in Louisiana and secretly disposed of their bodies in a swamp.
Honestly, a. savage, does she seem seem sane and rational to you in this video? Or does she sound in this video more typical of the kind of talk you could hear in a mental institution from an an unmedicated paranoid schizophrenic ?
Answer honestly.
I am not saying she is a bad person necessarily, only that she has an obvious mental disease, and has a tendency to mix up reality and hallucinations when making public statements so she is really not the best choice as a spokesmen for the Palestinian people.
to a. savage
Did you bother to watch this youtube video of Cynthia McKinney by clicking on this link ? Please watch it and then comment.
Cynthia McKinney in this video from last year claims that the United States government secretly murdered 5000 prisoners in Louisiana and secretly disposed of their bodies in a swamp.
Honestly, a. savage, does she seem seem sane and rational to you in this video? Or does she sound in this video more typical of the kind of talk you could hear in a mental institution from an an unmedicated paranoid schizophrenic ?
Answer honestly.
I am not saying she is a bad person necessarily, only that she has an obvious mental disease, and has a tendency to mix up reality and hallucinations when making public statements so she is really not the best choice as a spokesmen for the Palestinian people.
Zahir, Thank you for remaining cool headed, and please continue your blog. Regardless of the invectives thrown around, 2 wrongs don't make 1 right and the crimes of Hamas are no excuse for inhuman behavior on the part of Israel or character assassination on the part of either side's supporters. Let's hope that over time the people of reason will prevail over the vocal and destructive extremists.
Zahir, Thank you for remaining cool headed, and please continue your blog. Regardless of the invectives thrown around, 2 wrongs don’t make 1 right and the crimes of Hamas are no excuse for inhuman behavior on the part of Israel or character assassination on the part of either side’s supporters. Let’s hope that over time the people of reason will prevail over the vocal and destructive extremists.
Character assassination is it, Hamid ?
Why do you consider it character assassination to post a link to a youtube video showing Cynthia McKinney, unedited, in her own words, less than a year ago claiming the US Department of Defense secretly executes thousands of American citizens?
How is it character assassination to simply direct people to a video so they can see Cynthia McKinney in all her unedited glory so they can make up their own minds if she a nut case or not and if she is to be believed on topics other than supposed secret US Government mass executions, like say when she speaks out on Palestine.
Why it character assassination to post links to an extremist white nationalist racist Internet radio program called "The Information Underground" that Cynthia McKinney gave a one hour interview to last month.….
Is it character assassination to point out that previous broadcasts of this same extremist radio program she appeared on have titles such as
“Jewish Domination and the World as we know it”
"Jews behind every rock"
“Jewish takeover of Christianity”
“The International Jew Bankers”
Character assassination is it, Hamid ?
Why do you consider it character assassination to post a link to a youtube video showing Cynthia McKinney, unedited, in her own words, less than a year ago claiming the US Department of Defense secretly executes thousands of American citizens?
How is it character assassination to simply direct people to a video so they can see Cynthia McKinney in all her unedited glory so they can make up their own minds if she a nut case or not and if she is to be believed on topics other than supposed secret US Government mass executions, like say when she speaks out on Palestine.
Why it character assassination to post links to an extremist white nationalist racist Internet radio program called "The Information Underground" that Cynthia McKinney gave a one hour interview to last month.….
Is it character assassination to point out that previous broadcasts of this same extremist radio program she appeared on have titles such as
“Jewish Domination and the World as we know it”
"Jews behind every rock"
“Jewish takeover of Christianity”
“The International Jew Bankers”
Character assassination is it, Hamid ?
Why do you consider it character assassination to post a link to a youtube video showing Cynthia McKinney, unedited, in her own words, less than a year ago claiming the US Department of Defense secretly executes thousands of American citizens?
How is it character assassination to simply direct people to a video so they can see Cynthia McKinney in all her unedited glory so they can make up their own minds if she a nut case or not and if she is to be believed on topics other than supposed secret US Government mass executions, like say when she speaks out on Palestine.
Why it character assassination to post links to an extremist white nationalist racist Internet radio program called "The Information Underground" that Cynthia McKinney gave a one hour interview to last month.….
Is it character assassination to point out that previous broadcasts of this same extremist radio program she appeared on have titles such as
“Jewish Domination and the World as we know it”
"Jews behind every rock"
“Jewish takeover of Christianity”
“The International Jew Bankers”
Character assassination is it, Hamid ?
Why do you consider it character assassination to post a link to a youtube video showing Cynthia McKinney, unedited, in her own words, less than a year ago claiming the US Department of Defense secretly executes thousands of American citizens?
How is it character assassination to simply direct people to a video so they can see Cynthia McKinney in all her unedited glory so they can make up their own minds if she a nut case or not and if she is to be believed on topics other than supposed secret US Government mass executions, like say when she speaks out on Palestine.
Why it character assassination to post links to an extremist white nationalist racist Internet radio program called “The Information Underground” that Cynthia McKinney gave a one hour interview to last month.
Is it character assassination to point out that previous broadcasts of this same extremist radio program she appeared on have titles such as
“Jewish Domination and the World as we know it”
“Jews behind every rock”
“Jewish takeover of Christianity”
“The International Jew Bankers”
this may be late, but better late than never. Catch this footage of the Israeli navy terrorizing the Spirit of Humanity on June 29-30.…
Also, here's an editorial on the matter. The Israeli state terrorists tried for hours to scare the Free Gaza folks back to Larnaca, threatening to fire on them if they didn't turn back. And when they hijacked their boat and kidnapped them, dragging them off to Israeli prisons, holding them for a week and pressuring them to sign confessions written in Hebrew that stated guilt over entering Israel illegally, nobody would sign; they deported the people forbidding them from entering Israel and the Occupied Territories for ten years. As if Israel had the right to say who may or may not enter another country (*Palestine IS a country, and a state, though the US and Israel fail to recognize this). . .
Here's an editorial on the topic:
Marin Voice: What happened to human rights?
By Ritt Steven Greaves
Posted: 07/10/2009 12:06:36 AM PDT
FORGIVE ME for taking this personally: On June 30, my girlfriend was kidnapped by Israeli soldiers, yet our local daily said she was "intercepted."
Is this what a criminal does when he assaults you at gunpoint, drags you home, locks you up and then demands you sign a confession that you broke into his house before he'll let you go?
Israel did precisely this with 21 civilians from 11 nations with constitutions protecting human rights.
I guess Israel thinks it can violate certain norms of civilized conduct. Renaming its piracy "intercepting" and its that claim "nobody on board was harmed," precludes any need for an investigation.
But Israel's June 30 hijacking on the high seas and kidnapping an unarmed crew, most of whom were jailed, Kathy included, was no one-shot tale.
For me, it's a Main Street kidnapping by a stranger bent on ransom – acquisition of all occupied Palestinian territories.
In fairness, the July 1 Marin IJ story – "San Rafael woman on Gaza boat intercepted by Israel" – understandably missed some facts, given its deadline and the difficulty of tracking sources halfway around the world.
So, here are missing pieces I gathered days afterward.
The IJ's wire service reported correctly, "the Israeli navy … forced (the boat) to an Israeli port," but concluded incorrectly: "Nobody on board was harmed."
The boat's crew members, who were held in Ramle's Givon Immigration Detention Facility, disagree: People were injured.
From her jail cell, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Maguire told Democracy Now, "Our little boat was boarded by fully armed (Israeli Defense Forces) in masks (and) full riot gear … we were … 25 miles off the shore of Gaza."
Kathy told me the previous night four Israeli gunboats terrorized them five hours. They'd roar up, spotlights glaring, "threatening to shoot if we didn't return to Cyprus," and then veer away sharply so their wakes would rock the little ferry violently.
Maguire said that the lives of the crew were "put at risk." She said: "They cut offÉ our satellite communications. So we were in grave danger of actually being killed at that point."
This was the second IDF-induced near-death experience for ex-Congresswoman and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney, who was aboard the Free Gaza's boat, Dignity, last December when Israeli ships thrice rammed it 60 miles offshore.
Only because it was plywood-reinforced did it not sink.
In her "Letter from an Israeli jail," McKinney wrote, "Israelis hijacked … us because we wanted to give crayons to the children of Gaza."
"This is not about us in cells," another imprisoned activist said. "It's about the denial of human rights to the people of Palestine – in particular the inhumane blockade of Gaza (whose majority still) are … being denied food and medical supplies."
It's also about recovering from the 22 winter days during which Israel with F-16s, drones and "Apache" helicopters killed 1,500 Palestinians, including 250 graduating policemen, injured 6,000 and destroyed 14,000 homes, 240 schools, 219 factories and 58 medical centers.
"The purpose of our mission," Free Gaza attorney Huwaida Arraf said, "was to highlight to the world Israel's blatantly illegal collective punishment of Gazans our government is doing nothing about."
Tell President Barack Obama and Congress what Kathy told me last Thursday morning:
"We want our property, boat and cargo returned to us unaltered, and want to get back aboard to complete our mission of delivering aid to our brave friends in Gaza. And open Gaza's borders, fully, now."
Ritt Steven Greaves of San Rafael is active in local peace and justice groups. His girlfriend, Kathy Sheetz, was released and has returned to the United States.
this may be late, but better late than never. Catch this footage of the Israeli navy terrorizing the Spirit of Humanity on June 29-30.…
Also, here's an editorial on the matter. The Israeli state terrorists tried for hours to scare the Free Gaza folks back to Larnaca, threatening to fire on them if they didn't turn back. And when they hijacked their boat and kidnapped them, dragging them off to Israeli prisons, holding them for a week and pressuring them to sign confessions written in Hebrew that stated guilt over entering Israel illegally, nobody would sign; they deported the people forbidding them from entering Israel and the Occupied Territories for ten years. As if Israel had the right to say who may or may not enter another country (*Palestine IS a country, and a state, though the US and Israel fail to recognize this). . .
Here's an editorial on the topic:
Marin Voice: What happened to human rights?
By Ritt Steven Greaves
Posted: 07/10/2009 12:06:36 AM PDT
FORGIVE ME for taking this personally: On June 30, my girlfriend was kidnapped by Israeli soldiers, yet our local daily said she was "intercepted."
Is this what a criminal does when he assaults you at gunpoint, drags you home, locks you up and then demands you sign a confession that you broke into his house before he'll let you go?
Israel did precisely this with 21 civilians from 11 nations with constitutions protecting human rights.
I guess Israel thinks it can violate certain norms of civilized conduct. Renaming its piracy "intercepting" and its that claim "nobody on board was harmed," precludes any need for an investigation.
But Israel's June 30 hijacking on the high seas and kidnapping an unarmed crew, most of whom were jailed, Kathy included, was no one-shot tale.
For me, it's a Main Street kidnapping by a stranger bent on ransom – acquisition of all occupied Palestinian territories.
In fairness, the July 1 Marin IJ story – "San Rafael woman on Gaza boat intercepted by Israel" – understandably missed some facts, given its deadline and the difficulty of tracking sources halfway around the world.
So, here are missing pieces I gathered days afterward.
The IJ's wire service reported correctly, "the Israeli navy … forced (the boat) to an Israeli port," but concluded incorrectly: "Nobody on board was harmed."
The boat's crew members, who were held in Ramle's Givon Immigration Detention Facility, disagree: People were injured.
From her jail cell, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Maguire told Democracy Now, "Our little boat was boarded by fully armed (Israeli Defense Forces) in masks (and) full riot gear … we were … 25 miles off the shore of Gaza."
Kathy told me the previous night four Israeli gunboats terrorized them five hours. They'd roar up, spotlights glaring, "threatening to shoot if we didn't return to Cyprus," and then veer away sharply so their wakes would rock the little ferry violently.
Maguire said that the lives of the crew were "put at risk." She said: "They cut offÉ our satellite communications. So we were in grave danger of actually being killed at that point."
This was the second IDF-induced near-death experience for ex-Congresswoman and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney, who was aboard the Free Gaza's boat, Dignity, last December when Israeli ships thrice rammed it 60 miles offshore.
Only because it was plywood-reinforced did it not sink.
In her "Letter from an Israeli jail," McKinney wrote, "Israelis hijacked … us because we wanted to give crayons to the children of Gaza."
"This is not about us in cells," another imprisoned activist said. "It's about the denial of human rights to the people of Palestine – in particular the inhumane blockade of Gaza (whose majority still) are … being denied food and medical supplies."
It's also about recovering from the 22 winter days during which Israel with F-16s, drones and "Apache" helicopters killed 1,500 Palestinians, including 250 graduating policemen, injured 6,000 and destroyed 14,000 homes, 240 schools, 219 factories and 58 medical centers.
"The purpose of our mission," Free Gaza attorney Huwaida Arraf said, "was to highlight to the world Israel's blatantly illegal collective punishment of Gazans our government is doing nothing about."
Tell President Barack Obama and Congress what Kathy told me last Thursday morning:
"We want our property, boat and cargo returned to us unaltered, and want to get back aboard to complete our mission of delivering aid to our brave friends in Gaza. And open Gaza's borders, fully, now."
Ritt Steven Greaves of San Rafael is active in local peace and justice groups. His girlfriend, Kathy Sheetz, was released and has returned to the United States.
this may be late, but better late than never. Catch this footage of the Israeli navy terrorizing the Spirit of Humanity on June 29-30.…
Also, here's an editorial on the matter. The Israeli state terrorists tried for hours to scare the Free Gaza folks back to Larnaca, threatening to fire on them if they didn't turn back. And when they hijacked their boat and kidnapped them, dragging them off to Israeli prisons, holding them for a week and pressuring them to sign confessions written in Hebrew that stated guilt over entering Israel illegally, nobody would sign; they deported the people forbidding them from entering Israel and the Occupied Territories for ten years. As if Israel had the right to say who may or may not enter another country (*Palestine IS a country, and a state, though the US and Israel fail to recognize this). . .
Here's an editorial on the topic:
Marin Voice: What happened to human rights?
By Ritt Steven Greaves
Posted: 07/10/2009 12:06:36 AM PDT
FORGIVE ME for taking this personally: On June 30, my girlfriend was kidnapped by Israeli soldiers, yet our local daily said she was "intercepted."
Is this what a criminal does when he assaults you at gunpoint, drags you home, locks you up and then demands you sign a confession that you broke into his house before he'll let you go?
Israel did precisely this with 21 civilians from 11 nations with constitutions protecting human rights.
I guess Israel thinks it can violate certain norms of civilized conduct. Renaming its piracy "intercepting" and its that claim "nobody on board was harmed," precludes any need for an investigation.
But Israel's June 30 hijacking on the high seas and kidnapping an unarmed crew, most of whom were jailed, Kathy included, was no one-shot tale.
For me, it's a Main Street kidnapping by a stranger bent on ransom – acquisition of all occupied Palestinian territories.
In fairness, the July 1 Marin IJ story – "San Rafael woman on Gaza boat intercepted by Israel" – understandably missed some facts, given its deadline and the difficulty of tracking sources halfway around the world.
So, here are missing pieces I gathered days afterward.
The IJ's wire service reported correctly, "the Israeli navy … forced (the boat) to an Israeli port," but concluded incorrectly: "Nobody on board was harmed."
The boat's crew members, who were held in Ramle's Givon Immigration Detention Facility, disagree: People were injured.
From her jail cell, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Maguire told Democracy Now, "Our little boat was boarded by fully armed (Israeli Defense Forces) in masks (and) full riot gear … we were … 25 miles off the shore of Gaza."
Kathy told me the previous night four Israeli gunboats terrorized them five hours. They'd roar up, spotlights glaring, "threatening to shoot if we didn't return to Cyprus," and then veer away sharply so their wakes would rock the little ferry violently.
Maguire said that the lives of the crew were "put at risk." She said: "They cut offÉ our satellite communications. So we were in grave danger of actually being killed at that point."
This was the second IDF-induced near-death experience for ex-Congresswoman and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney, who was aboard the Free Gaza's boat, Dignity, last December when Israeli ships thrice rammed it 60 miles offshore.
Only because it was plywood-reinforced did it not sink.
In her "Letter from an Israeli jail," McKinney wrote, "Israelis hijacked … us because we wanted to give crayons to the children of Gaza."
"This is not about us in cells," another imprisoned activist said. "It's about the denial of human rights to the people of Palestine – in particular the inhumane blockade of Gaza (whose majority still) are … being denied food and medical supplies."
It's also about recovering from the 22 winter days during which Israel with F-16s, drones and "Apache" helicopters killed 1,500 Palestinians, including 250 graduating policemen, injured 6,000 and destroyed 14,000 homes, 240 schools, 219 factories and 58 medical centers.
"The purpose of our mission," Free Gaza attorney Huwaida Arraf said, "was to highlight to the world Israel's blatantly illegal collective punishment of Gazans our government is doing nothing about."
Tell President Barack Obama and Congress what Kathy told me last Thursday morning:
"We want our property, boat and cargo returned to us unaltered, and want to get back aboard to complete our mission of delivering aid to our brave friends in Gaza. And open Gaza's borders, fully, now."
Ritt Steven Greaves of San Rafael is active in local peace and justice groups. His girlfriend, Kathy Sheetz, was released and has returned to the United States.
Obviously Ritt Greves posted a very long 3 page post in an attempt to bury my last comments concerning Cynthia McKinney.
So I will post them again:
Here is link to a youtube video showing Cynthia McKinney, unedited, in her own words, at a news conference she herself called, less than a year ago where she claims that the US Department of Defense secretly executed 5000 American citizens and buried their bodies in a swamp.
People can simply watch this video so they can see Cynthia McKinney in all her unedited glory so they can make up their own minds if she a nut case or not and if a person who believes the US government massacres its own citizens secretly has any credibility on other topics like say when she speaks out on Palestine.
I also posted links to an extremist white nationalist racist Internet radio program called “The Information Underground” that Cynthia McKinney gave a one hour interviews to last month and has since given more. Listen and hear for yourself:….
For example, about 45 minutes into this interview the host asks Ms. McKinney if quote "The Jew Emanuel, who we know has jew citizenship and speaks Jew language is really the secret Jew controller of Obama" to which Cynthia McKinney responds in agreement.
It is also important to point out that previous broadcasts of this same extremist radio program Cynthia McKinney has given repeated interviews to has other programs posted on their web site such as:
“Jewish Domination and the World as we know it”
“Jews behind every rock”
“Jewish takeover of Christianity”
“The International Jew Bankers”
Obviously Ritt Greves posted a very long 3 page post in an attempt to bury my last comments concerning Cynthia McKinney.
So I will post them again:
Here is link to a youtube video showing Cynthia McKinney, unedited, in her own words, at a news conference she herself called, less than a year ago where she claims that the US Department of Defense secretly executed 5000 American citizens and buried their bodies in a swamp.
People can simply watch this video so they can see Cynthia McKinney in all her unedited glory so they can make up their own minds if she a nut case or not and if a person who believes the US government massacres its own citizens secretly has any credibility on other topics like say when she speaks out on Palestine.
I also posted links to an extremist white nationalist racist Internet radio program called “The Information Underground” that Cynthia McKinney gave a one hour interviews to last month and has since given more. Listen and hear for yourself:….
For example, about 45 minutes into this interview the host asks Ms. McKinney if quote "The Jew Emanuel, who we know has jew citizenship and speaks Jew language is really the secret Jew controller of Obama" to which Cynthia McKinney responds in agreement.
It is also important to point out that previous broadcasts of this same extremist radio program Cynthia McKinney has given repeated interviews to has other programs posted on their web site such as:
“Jewish Domination and the World as we know it”
“Jews behind every rock”
“Jewish takeover of Christianity”
“The International Jew Bankers”
Obviously Ritt Greves posted a very long 3 page post in an attempt to bury my last comments concerning Cynthia McKinney.
So I will post them again:
Here is link to a youtube video showing Cynthia McKinney, unedited, in her own words, at a news conference she herself called, less than a year ago where she claims that the US Department of Defense secretly executed 5000 American citizens and buried their bodies in a swamp.
People can simply watch this video so they can see Cynthia McKinney in all her unedited glory so they can make up their own minds if she a nut case or not and if a person who believes the US government massacres its own citizens secretly has any credibility on other topics like say when she speaks out on Palestine.
I also posted links to an extremist white nationalist racist Internet radio program called “The Information Underground” that Cynthia McKinney gave a one hour interviews to last month and has since given more. Listen and hear for yourself:….
For example, about 45 minutes into this interview the host asks Ms. McKinney if quote "The Jew Emanuel, who we know has jew citizenship and speaks Jew language is really the secret Jew controller of Obama" to which Cynthia McKinney responds in agreement.
It is also important to point out that previous broadcasts of this same extremist radio program Cynthia McKinney has given repeated interviews to has other programs posted on their web site such as:
“Jewish Domination and the World as we know it”
“Jews behind every rock”
“Jewish takeover of Christianity”
“The International Jew Bankers”
this may be late, but better late than never. Catch this footage of the Israeli navy terrorizing the Spirit of Humanity on June 29-30.
Also, here’s an editorial on the matter. The Israeli state terrorists tried for hours to scare the Free Gaza folks back to Larnaca, threatening to fire on them if they didn’t turn back. And when they hijacked their boat and kidnapped them, dragging them off to Israeli prisons, holding them for a week and pressuring them to sign confessions written in Hebrew that stated guilt over entering Israel illegally, nobody would sign; they deported the people forbidding them from entering Israel and the Occupied Territories for ten years. As if Israel had the right to say who may or may not enter another country (*Palestine IS a country, and a state, though the US and Israel fail to recognize this). . .
Here’s an editorial on the topic:
Marin Voice: What happened to human rights?
By Ritt Steven Greaves
Posted: 07/10/2009 12:06:36 AM PDT
FORGIVE ME for taking this personally: On June 30, my girlfriend was kidnapped by Israeli soldiers, yet our local daily said she was “intercepted.”
Is this what a criminal does when he assaults you at gunpoint, drags you home, locks you up and then demands you sign a confession that you broke into his house before he’ll let you go?
Israel did precisely this with 21 civilians from 11 nations with constitutions protecting human rights.
I guess Israel thinks it can violate certain norms of civilized conduct. Renaming its piracy “intercepting” and its that claim “nobody on board was harmed,” precludes any need for an investigation.
But Israel’s June 30 hijacking on the high seas and kidnapping an unarmed crew, most of whom were jailed, Kathy included, was no one-shot tale.
For me, it’s a Main Street kidnapping by a stranger bent on ransom – acquisition of all occupied Palestinian territories.
In fairness, the July 1 Marin IJ story – “San Rafael woman on Gaza boat intercepted by Israel” – understandably missed some facts, given its deadline and the difficulty of tracking sources halfway around the world.
So, here are missing pieces I gathered days afterward.
The IJ’s wire service reported correctly, “the Israeli navy … forced (the boat) to an Israeli port,” but concluded incorrectly: “Nobody on board was harmed.”
The boat’s crew members, who were held in Ramle’s Givon Immigration Detention Facility, disagree: People were injured.
From her jail cell, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Maguire told Democracy Now, “Our little boat was boarded by fully armed (Israeli Defense Forces) in masks (and) full riot gear … we were … 25 miles off the shore of Gaza.”
Kathy told me the previous night four Israeli gunboats terrorized them five hours. They’d roar up, spotlights glaring, “threatening to shoot if we didn’t return to Cyprus,” and then veer away sharply so their wakes would rock the little ferry violently.
Maguire said that the lives of the crew were “put at risk.” She said: “They cut offÉ our satellite communications. So we were in grave danger of actually being killed at that point.”
This was the second IDF-induced near-death experience for ex-Congresswoman and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney, who was aboard the Free Gaza’s boat, Dignity, last December when Israeli ships thrice rammed it 60 miles offshore.
Only because it was plywood-reinforced did it not sink.
In her “Letter from an Israeli jail,” McKinney wrote, “Israelis hijacked … us because we wanted to give crayons to the children of Gaza.”
“This is not about us in cells,” another imprisoned activist said. “It’s about the denial of human rights to the people of Palestine – in particular the inhumane blockade of Gaza (whose majority still) are … being denied food and medical supplies.”
It’s also about recovering from the 22 winter days during which Israel with F-16s, drones and “Apache” helicopters killed 1,500 Palestinians, including 250 graduating policemen, injured 6,000 and destroyed 14,000 homes, 240 schools, 219 factories and 58 medical centers.
“The purpose of our mission,” Free Gaza attorney Huwaida Arraf said, “was to highlight to the world Israel’s blatantly illegal collective punishment of Gazans our government is doing nothing about.”
Tell President Barack Obama and Congress what Kathy told me last Thursday morning:
“We want our property, boat and cargo returned to us unaltered, and want to get back aboard to complete our mission of delivering aid to our brave friends in Gaza. And open Gaza’s borders, fully, now.”
Ritt Steven Greaves of San Rafael is active in local peace and justice groups. His girlfriend, Kathy Sheetz, was released and has returned to the United States.
Obviously Ritt Greves posted a very long 3 page post in an attempt to bury my last comments concerning Cynthia McKinney.
So I will post them again:
Here is link to a youtube video showing Cynthia McKinney, unedited, in her own words, at a news conference she herself called, less than a year ago where she claims that the US Department of Defense secretly executed 5000 American citizens and buried their bodies in a swamp.
People can simply watch this video so they can see Cynthia McKinney in all her unedited glory so they can make up their own minds if she a nut case or not and if a person who believes the US government massacres its own citizens secretly has any credibility on other topics like say when she speaks out on Palestine.
I also posted links to an extremist white nationalist racist Internet radio program called “The Information Underground” that Cynthia McKinney gave a one hour interviews to last month and has since given more. Listen and hear for yourself:
For example, about 45 minutes into this interview the host asks Ms. McKinney if quote “The Jew Emanuel, who we know has jew citizenship and speaks Jew language is really the secret Jew controller of Obama” to which Cynthia McKinney responds in agreement.
It is also important to point out that previous broadcasts of this same extremist radio program Cynthia McKinney has given repeated interviews to has other programs posted on their web site such as:
“Jewish Domination and the World as we know it”
“Jews behind every rock”
“Jewish takeover of Christianity”
“The International Jew Bankers”