ACT Now: Why the U.S. must listen to Goldstone

The United States is fast losing their credibility in the region and among Human Rights organizations and activists over our reluctance to support the recommendations contained in Justice Richard Goldstone’s report (pdf).

Justice Richard Goldstone, who gained respect internationally for his work in the UN International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda and his human rights work in Argentina, South Africa and Kosovo led an investigation into violations of international law committed by all parties involved in the fighting last winter in Gaza and southern Israel.  The UN mandated investigation found that both Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups committed grave violations of international law, including war crimes and possibly crimes against humanity, during the conflict.  The report supports Amnesty International’s own findings of war crimes committed by both sides.

US made Hellfire missile manufactured in Orlando, FL used in incident where two Palestinian medics and a child were killed.

US made Hellfire missile manufactured in Orlando, FL used in incident where two Palestinian medics and a child were killed.

See prior blog post for more details.

Remarks from the State Department and specifically Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan E. Rice do not bode well for the report’s reception in the Human Rights Council and the recommendation that the HR Council take concrete steps to move the process of accountability forward.  Ambassador Rice has said she has ‘serious concerns’ about the mission’s mandate and that it is imperative to not get distracted and look forward to resolve the conflict.

Amnesty International believes that justice and accountability can never be an impediment to peace, but are the foundation to an enduring peace in the region.  And that the recommendations contained in the Goldstone report are the best hope for achieving justice for the victims and to end the atmosphere of impunity enjoyed by the perpetrators from both sides and help end the cycle of violence.

Justice Richard Goldstone is scheduled to present the findings of his team’s investigation Tuesday, September 29th to the Human Rights Council.  The HR Council will then discuss the findings and has the ability to refer the report and its recommendations for consideration by the UN Security Council.  The United States recently joined the HR Council and has the ability to sway the council one way or the other.

Send a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Ambassador Susan Rice urging them to support the recommendations contained in Justice Richard Goldstone’s report.

AIUSA welcomes a lively and courteous discussion that follow our Community Guidelines. Comments are not pre-screened before they post but AIUSA reserves the right to remove any comments violating our guidelines.

26 thoughts on “ACT Now: Why the U.S. must listen to Goldstone

  1. I don't get how you have the nerve to demand the US act to investigate Israel for something that happened in January and has now stopped, thank G-d, but yet you ignore that the US itself is currently involved in ongoing daily US bombings of Afghani civilians which have killed many more civilians than you claim Israel killed in the Gaza War.

    For example, the May 3, 2009, US Air Force bombing in Bala Baluk district of Farah province in western Afghanistan that killed more than 100 civilians, and horribly burned hundreds more, including testimony of US military doctors quoted in the Washington Post that victims at Bala Baluk were burnt with white phosphorus?

    So women and children by the dozens, burnt alive with white phosphorus from US Air Force bombs by order of the new President, swept under the carpet by Amnesty International yet massive obsession over the Goldstone Report.

    Do you understand why Israel would view this as biased and unfair ?

    What about the US Air Force bombing only a few weeks ago, the start of Sept, 2009, in the Afghan province of Kunduz.which killed up to 130 civilians.

    Is Amnesty prepared to just let the killers get off scot free ?
    See a report on this bombing here:

    What about the hundreds of Predator strikes in Pakistan?
    The first order President Obama gave as the new Commander in chief back in January was to rescind, with complete reckless disregard for civilian casualties, George Bush's 2006 ban on Predator strikes in Pakistan. Who knows how many hundreds more innocent civilians bystanders , women, children, have died in these strikes in the process of maybe killing a few dozen Taliban.

    Why is Amnesty so totally silent about these ongoing atrocities in Afghanistan, but so extreme in your reaction to the Gaza War, where far fewer civilians have been killed than in Afghanistan? Don't you realize this way you treat Israel so unfairly shows your obvious bias?

    And if you are looking for evidence of direct criminal, worthy of extradition to the Hague, culpability for the war crimes of the Obama Administration, according to this article by Tom Hayden, Senator John Kerry in a Senate hearing on May 21, 2009 stated that the Obama Administration, namely Secretary Gates himself, was required by Pentagon policy to give personal approval in writing in advance for each of these bombings described above that have killed hundreds of civilians.

    read about Kerry's statement here:

    The same can be said not just about the US of course, but about many other countries large and small, i.e. Russia in Chechnia, China in Tibet, Britain in Iraq etc. that also commit acts infinately worse than Israel but are also never investigated by anyone. Just Israel gets investigated.

  2. I don't get how you have the nerve to demand the US act to investigate Israel for something that happened in January and has now stopped, thank G-d, but yet you ignore that the US itself is currently involved in ongoing daily US bombings of Afghani civilians which have killed many more civilians than you claim Israel killed in the Gaza War.

    For example, the May 3, 2009, US Air Force bombing in Bala Baluk district of Farah province in western Afghanistan that killed more than 100 civilians, and horribly burned hundreds more, including testimony of US military doctors quoted in the Washington Post that victims at Bala Baluk were burnt with white phosphorus?

    So women and children by the dozens, burnt alive with white phosphorus from US Air Force bombs by order of the new President, swept under the carpet by Amnesty International yet massive obsession over the Goldstone Report.

    Do you understand why Israel would view this as biased and unfair ?

    What about the US Air Force bombing only a few weeks ago, the start of Sept, 2009, in the Afghan province of Kunduz.which killed up to 130 civilians.

    Is Amnesty prepared to just let the killers get off scot free ?
    See a report on this bombing here:

    What about the hundreds of Predator strikes in Pakistan?
    The first order President Obama gave as the new Commander in chief back in January was to rescind, with complete reckless disregard for civilian casualties, George Bush's 2006 ban on Predator strikes in Pakistan. Who knows how many hundreds more innocent civilians bystanders , women, children, have died in these strikes in the process of maybe killing a few dozen Taliban.

    Why is Amnesty so totally silent about these ongoing atrocities in Afghanistan, but so extreme in your reaction to the Gaza War, where far fewer civilians have been killed than in Afghanistan? Don't you realize this way you treat Israel so unfairly shows your obvious bias?

    And if you are looking for evidence of direct criminal, worthy of extradition to the Hague, culpability for the war crimes of the Obama Administration, according to this article by Tom Hayden, Senator John Kerry in a Senate hearing on May 21, 2009 stated that the Obama Administration, namely Secretary Gates himself, was required by Pentagon policy to give personal approval in writing in advance for each of these bombings described above that have killed hundreds of civilians.

    read about Kerry's statement here:

    The same can be said not just about the US of course, but about many other countries large and small, i.e. Russia in Chechnia, China in Tibet, Britain in Iraq etc. that also commit acts infinately worse than Israel but are also never investigated by anyone. Just Israel gets investigated.

  3. I don't get how you have the nerve to demand the US act to investigate Israel for something that happened in January and has now stopped, thank G-d, but yet you ignore that the US itself is currently involved in ongoing daily US bombings of Afghani civilians which have killed many more civilians than you claim Israel killed in the Gaza War.

    For example, the May 3, 2009, US Air Force bombing in Bala Baluk district of Farah province in western Afghanistan that killed more than 100 civilians, and horribly burned hundreds more, including testimony of US military doctors quoted in the Washington Post that victims at Bala Baluk were burnt with white phosphorus?

    So women and children by the dozens, burnt alive with white phosphorus from US Air Force bombs by order of the new President, swept under the carpet by Amnesty International yet massive obsession over the Goldstone Report.

    Do you understand why Israel would view this as biased and unfair ?

    What about the US Air Force bombing only a few weeks ago, the start of Sept, 2009, in the Afghan province of Kunduz.which killed up to 130 civilians.

    Is Amnesty prepared to just let the killers get off scot free ?
    See a report on this bombing here:

    What about the hundreds of Predator strikes in Pakistan?
    The first order President Obama gave as the new Commander in chief back in January was to rescind, with complete reckless disregard for civilian casualties, George Bush's 2006 ban on Predator strikes in Pakistan. Who knows how many hundreds more innocent civilians bystanders , women, children, have died in these strikes in the process of maybe killing a few dozen Taliban.

    Why is Amnesty so totally silent about these ongoing atrocities in Afghanistan, but so extreme in your reaction to the Gaza War, where far fewer civilians have been killed than in Afghanistan? Don't you realize this way you treat Israel so unfairly shows your obvious bias?

    And if you are looking for evidence of direct criminal, worthy of extradition to the Hague, culpability for the war crimes of the Obama Administration, according to this article by Tom Hayden, Senator John Kerry in a Senate hearing on May 21, 2009 stated that the Obama Administration, namely Secretary Gates himself, was required by Pentagon policy to give personal approval in writing in advance for each of these bombings described above that have killed hundreds of civilians.

    read about Kerry's statement here:

    The same can be said not just about the US of course, but about many other countries large and small, i.e. Russia in Chechnia, China in Tibet, Britain in Iraq etc. that also commit acts infinately worse than Israel but are also never investigated by anyone. Just Israel gets investigated.

  4. I don’t get how you have the nerve to demand the US act to investigate Israel for something that happened in January and has now stopped, thank G-d, but yet you ignore that the US itself is currently involved in ongoing daily US bombings of Afghani civilians which have killed many more civilians than you claim Israel killed in the Gaza War.

    For example, the May 3, 2009, US Air Force bombing in Bala Baluk district of Farah province in western Afghanistan that killed more than 100 civilians, and horribly burned hundreds more, including testimony of US military doctors quoted in the Washington Post that victims at Bala Baluk were burnt with white phosphorus?

    So women and children by the dozens, burnt alive with white phosphorus from US Air Force bombs by order of the new President, swept under the carpet by Amnesty International yet massive obsession over the Goldstone Report.

    Do you understand why Israel would view this as biased and unfair ?

    What about the US Air Force bombing only a few weeks ago, the start of Sept, 2009, in the Afghan province of Kunduz.which killed up to 130 civilians.

    Is Amnesty prepared to just let the killers get off scot free ?
    See a report on this bombing here:

    What about the hundreds of Predator strikes in Pakistan?
    The first order President Obama gave as the new Commander in chief back in January was to rescind, with complete reckless disregard for civilian casualties, George Bush’s 2006 ban on Predator strikes in Pakistan. Who knows how many hundreds more innocent civilians bystanders , women, children, have died in these strikes in the process of maybe killing a few dozen Taliban.

    Why is Amnesty so totally silent about these ongoing atrocities in Afghanistan, but so extreme in your reaction to the Gaza War, where far fewer civilians have been killed than in Afghanistan? Don’t you realize this way you treat Israel so unfairly shows your obvious bias?

    And if you are looking for evidence of direct criminal, worthy of extradition to the Hague, culpability for the war crimes of the Obama Administration, according to this article by Tom Hayden, Senator John Kerry in a Senate hearing on May 21, 2009 stated that the Obama Administration, namely Secretary Gates himself, was required by Pentagon policy to give personal approval in writing in advance for each of these bombings described above that have killed hundreds of civilians.

    read about Kerry’s statement here:

    The same can be said not just about the US of course, but about many other countries large and small, i.e. Russia in Chechnia, China in Tibet, Britain in Iraq etc. that also commit acts infinately worse than Israel but are also never investigated by anyone. Just Israel gets investigated.


    "Among the alternatives being presented to Mr. Obama is Mr. Biden’s suggestion to revamp the strategy altogether. Instead of increasing troops, officials said, Mr. Biden proposed scaling back the overall American military presence. Rather than trying to protect the Afghan population from the Taliban, American forces would concentrate on strikes against Qaeda cells, primarily in Pakistan, using special forces, Predator missile attacks and other surgical tactics."

    Well, the thousands and thousands of Afghani civilians, women, children, that have already died in these strikes did not see much “surgical” about them.

    What they saw was “reckless disregard for civilian casualties”, a war crime.
    What Amnesty called this when Israel did it was "illegal extra-judicial executution". But if the US does the same exact thing Israel got condemed for it is suddenly all okay and fine according to Amnesty.

    So while this is going on, while the White house is not decreasing but actually *increasing* the rate of these horrific bombings that have killed far more Afghani civilians than Palestinian civilians that ever died in the whole history of the conflict in Gaza, Amnesty ignores this and instead obsesses over investigations of the Gaza War, which by the way, if you did not notice, was completely over and done with in January, while the US Air Force bombings in Pakistan and elsewhere that are killing these huge numbers of civilians continue to this day and are probably about to become much worse.

    So you, AI, totally ignore US actions in Afghanistan that are ongoing and killing civilians daily, far more than died in Gaza, but instead spend your time and effort and attention on a war that finished 9 months ago. Is this logical ? Is this the way for AI to the greatest good for the greatest number of civilians, the way to protect the largest number of civilians that may die in the future, by focusing on a war that has finished a long time ago in Gaza and is done with and over, while at the exact same time AI completely ignores daily US Air Force bombings in Afghanistan where the war is just starting to get really bad.

    I say that the only reason why the White House would even consider the strategy of INCREASING the rate of daily bombings and the predictable increase in killings of Afgahn and Pakistani civlians is becaues Amnesty and other human rights groups are giving them a complete free pass to do what ever they want in Afghanistan, irregardless of civilian casualties, while you waste your energy instaed on attacking and demanding unfair persecution of Israel for something that was done and over with almost a year ago.


    "Among the alternatives being presented to Mr. Obama is Mr. Biden’s suggestion to revamp the strategy altogether. Instead of increasing troops, officials said, Mr. Biden proposed scaling back the overall American military presence. Rather than trying to protect the Afghan population from the Taliban, American forces would concentrate on strikes against Qaeda cells, primarily in Pakistan, using special forces, Predator missile attacks and other surgical tactics."

    Well, the thousands and thousands of Afghani civilians, women, children, that have already died in these strikes did not see much “surgical” about them.

    What they saw was “reckless disregard for civilian casualties”, a war crime.
    What Amnesty called this when Israel did it was "illegal extra-judicial executution". But if the US does the same exact thing Israel got condemed for it is suddenly all okay and fine according to Amnesty.

    So while this is going on, while the White house is not decreasing but actually *increasing* the rate of these horrific bombings that have killed far more Afghani civilians than Palestinian civilians that ever died in the whole history of the conflict in Gaza, Amnesty ignores this and instead obsesses over investigations of the Gaza War, which by the way, if you did not notice, was completely over and done with in January, while the US Air Force bombings in Pakistan and elsewhere that are killing these huge numbers of civilians continue to this day and are probably about to become much worse.

    So you, AI, totally ignore US actions in Afghanistan that are ongoing and killing civilians daily, far more than died in Gaza, but instead spend your time and effort and attention on a war that finished 9 months ago. Is this logical ? Is this the way for AI to the greatest good for the greatest number of civilians, the way to protect the largest number of civilians that may die in the future, by focusing on a war that has finished a long time ago in Gaza and is done with and over, while at the exact same time AI completely ignores daily US Air Force bombings in Afghanistan where the war is just starting to get really bad.

    I say that the only reason why the White House would even consider the strategy of INCREASING the rate of daily bombings and the predictable increase in killings of Afgahn and Pakistani civlians is becaues Amnesty and other human rights groups are giving them a complete free pass to do what ever they want in Afghanistan, irregardless of civilian casualties, while you waste your energy instaed on attacking and demanding unfair persecution of Israel for something that was done and over with almost a year ago.


    "Among the alternatives being presented to Mr. Obama is Mr. Biden’s suggestion to revamp the strategy altogether. Instead of increasing troops, officials said, Mr. Biden proposed scaling back the overall American military presence. Rather than trying to protect the Afghan population from the Taliban, American forces would concentrate on strikes against Qaeda cells, primarily in Pakistan, using special forces, Predator missile attacks and other surgical tactics."

    Well, the thousands and thousands of Afghani civilians, women, children, that have already died in these strikes did not see much “surgical” about them.

    What they saw was “reckless disregard for civilian casualties”, a war crime.
    What Amnesty called this when Israel did it was "illegal extra-judicial executution". But if the US does the same exact thing Israel got condemed for it is suddenly all okay and fine according to Amnesty.

    So while this is going on, while the White house is not decreasing but actually *increasing* the rate of these horrific bombings that have killed far more Afghani civilians than Palestinian civilians that ever died in the whole history of the conflict in Gaza, Amnesty ignores this and instead obsesses over investigations of the Gaza War, which by the way, if you did not notice, was completely over and done with in January, while the US Air Force bombings in Pakistan and elsewhere that are killing these huge numbers of civilians continue to this day and are probably about to become much worse.

    So you, AI, totally ignore US actions in Afghanistan that are ongoing and killing civilians daily, far more than died in Gaza, but instead spend your time and effort and attention on a war that finished 9 months ago. Is this logical ? Is this the way for AI to the greatest good for the greatest number of civilians, the way to protect the largest number of civilians that may die in the future, by focusing on a war that has finished a long time ago in Gaza and is done with and over, while at the exact same time AI completely ignores daily US Air Force bombings in Afghanistan where the war is just starting to get really bad.

    I say that the only reason why the White House would even consider the strategy of INCREASING the rate of daily bombings and the predictable increase in killings of Afgahn and Pakistani civlians is becaues Amnesty and other human rights groups are giving them a complete free pass to do what ever they want in Afghanistan, irregardless of civilian casualties, while you waste your energy instaed on attacking and demanding unfair persecution of Israel for something that was done and over with almost a year ago.


    “Among the alternatives being presented to Mr. Obama is Mr. Biden’s suggestion to revamp the strategy altogether. Instead of increasing troops, officials said, Mr. Biden proposed scaling back the overall American military presence. Rather than trying to protect the Afghan population from the Taliban, American forces would concentrate on strikes against Qaeda cells, primarily in Pakistan, using special forces, Predator missile attacks and other surgical tactics.”

    Well, the thousands and thousands of Afghani civilians, women, children, that have already died in these strikes did not see much “surgical” about them.

    What they saw was “reckless disregard for civilian casualties”, a war crime.
    What Amnesty called this when Israel did it was “illegal extra-judicial executution”. But if the US does the same exact thing Israel got condemed for it is suddenly all okay and fine according to Amnesty.

    So while this is going on, while the White house is not decreasing but actually *increasing* the rate of these horrific bombings that have killed far more Afghani civilians than Palestinian civilians that ever died in the whole history of the conflict in Gaza, Amnesty ignores this and instead obsesses over investigations of the Gaza War, which by the way, if you did not notice, was completely over and done with in January, while the US Air Force bombings in Pakistan and elsewhere that are killing these huge numbers of civilians continue to this day and are probably about to become much worse.

    So you, AI, totally ignore US actions in Afghanistan that are ongoing and killing civilians daily, far more than died in Gaza, but instead spend your time and effort and attention on a war that finished 9 months ago. Is this logical ? Is this the way for AI to the greatest good for the greatest number of civilians, the way to protect the largest number of civilians that may die in the future, by focusing on a war that has finished a long time ago in Gaza and is done with and over, while at the exact same time AI completely ignores daily US Air Force bombings in Afghanistan where the war is just starting to get really bad.

    I say that the only reason why the White House would even consider the strategy of INCREASING the rate of daily bombings and the predictable increase in killings of Afgahn and Pakistani civlians is becaues Amnesty and other human rights groups are giving them a complete free pass to do what ever they want in Afghanistan, irregardless of civilian casualties, while you waste your energy instaed on attacking and demanding unfair persecution of Israel for something that was done and over with almost a year ago.

  9. Judo – Amnesty International takes no political 'side' in a conflict, but holds all parties to the same standard of international humanitarian law and human rights law based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    There is no deadline for justice and accountability and Amnesty International will always 'have the nerve' to demand justice and accountability. Innocent civilians caught up in this conflict (and others) deserve to know the truth and know there is accountability. We believe that for there to be any kind of security and enduring peace in the region, the atmosphere of impunity on both sides must end.

    Again, you aim to distract from crimes committed by Israel and Hamas by pointing at the crimes of other nations or what you perceive as bias on AI's part. All nations must be held accountable for violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law and Amnesty International acts on this based on our mandate.

    AI has addressed civilian deaths in Afganistan… as well as other issues in Afganistan AI has also been acting for years on the wider so-called 'War on Terror' with our 'Counter Terror with Justice' campaign. You can find different actions concerning involved countries at….

    AI does not compare countries and violations of international law, but holds all parties accountable based on internationally recognized standards.

  10. Judo – Amnesty International takes no political 'side' in a conflict, but holds all parties to the same standard of international humanitarian law and human rights law based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    There is no deadline for justice and accountability and Amnesty International will always 'have the nerve' to demand justice and accountability. Innocent civilians caught up in this conflict (and others) deserve to know the truth and know there is accountability. We believe that for there to be any kind of security and enduring peace in the region, the atmosphere of impunity on both sides must end.

    Again, you aim to distract from crimes committed by Israel and Hamas by pointing at the crimes of other nations or what you perceive as bias on AI's part. All nations must be held accountable for violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law and Amnesty International acts on this based on our mandate.

    AI has addressed civilian deaths in Afganistan… as well as other issues in Afganistan AI has also been acting for years on the wider so-called 'War on Terror' with our 'Counter Terror with Justice' campaign. You can find different actions concerning involved countries at….

    AI does not compare countries and violations of international law, but holds all parties accountable based on internationally recognized standards.

  11. Judo – Amnesty International takes no political 'side' in a conflict, but holds all parties to the same standard of international humanitarian law and human rights law based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    There is no deadline for justice and accountability and Amnesty International will always 'have the nerve' to demand justice and accountability. Innocent civilians caught up in this conflict (and others) deserve to know the truth and know there is accountability. We believe that for there to be any kind of security and enduring peace in the region, the atmosphere of impunity on both sides must end.

    Again, you aim to distract from crimes committed by Israel and Hamas by pointing at the crimes of other nations or what you perceive as bias on AI's part. All nations must be held accountable for violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law and Amnesty International acts on this based on our mandate.

    AI has addressed civilian deaths in Afganistan… as well as other issues in Afganistan AI has also been acting for years on the wider so-called 'War on Terror' with our 'Counter Terror with Justice' campaign. You can find different actions concerning involved countries at….

    AI does not compare countries and violations of international law, but holds all parties accountable based on internationally recognized standards.

  12. Judo – Amnesty International takes no political ‘side’ in a conflict, but holds all parties to the same standard of international humanitarian law and human rights law based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    There is no deadline for justice and accountability and Amnesty International will always ‘have the nerve’ to demand justice and accountability. Innocent civilians caught up in this conflict (and others) deserve to know the truth and know there is accountability. We believe that for there to be any kind of security and enduring peace in the region, the atmosphere of impunity on both sides must end.

    Again, you aim to distract from crimes committed by Israel and Hamas by pointing at the crimes of other nations or what you perceive as bias on AI’s part. All nations must be held accountable for violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law and Amnesty International acts on this based on our mandate.

    AI has addressed civilian deaths in Afganistan as well as other issues in Afganistan AI has also been acting for years on the wider so-called ‘War on Terror’ with our ‘Counter Terror with Justice’ campaign. You can find different actions concerning involved countries at

    AI does not compare countries and violations of international law, but holds all parties accountable based on internationally recognized standards.

  13. I am not trying to distract from the issue. I am responding directly to the central point of your post, namely your claim the US is supposedly losing credibility by not supporting a war crimes investigation against Israel.

    I am making the simple point that the US is actually losing far more credibility in the world and especially among the civilians of Afghanistan and Pakistan by the ongoing killing of far more Afghani civilians in Air Strikes and Drone attacks than even the Goldstone Report accuses Israel of killing Palestinian civilians.

    Answer me this question Edie, is it realy logical for AI to complain that the US is not demanding Israel be investigated for killing civilians while at the same time AI does even make demands above the volume of the squeak of a timid mouse that the US itself be investigated for killing even higher numbers of civilians?

    How can you bear the cognitive dissonance of it all?

  14. I am not trying to distract from the issue. I am responding directly to the central point of your post, namely your claim the US is supposedly losing credibility by not supporting a war crimes investigation against Israel.

    I am making the simple point that the US is actually losing far more credibility in the world and especially among the civilians of Afghanistan and Pakistan by the ongoing killing of far more Afghani civilians in Air Strikes and Drone attacks than even the Goldstone Report accuses Israel of killing Palestinian civilians.

    Answer me this question Edie, is it realy logical for AI to complain that the US is not demanding Israel be investigated for killing civilians while at the same time AI does even make demands above the volume of the squeak of a timid mouse that the US itself be investigated for killing even higher numbers of civilians?

    How can you bear the cognitive dissonance of it all?

  15. "The United States is threatening to launch airstrikes on Mullah Omar and the Taliban leadership in the Pakistani city of Quetta. … anti-American feeling in Pakistan. A survey last month by the Pew Research Centre found that almost two-thirds regarded the US as an enemy. Drone attacks on Quetta would intensify this sentiment, "

    Edie: why does Amnesty USA continue its almost complete silence (sorry but a single paragraph press release every few years still counts in my book as silence) as the Obama administration publicly prepares to start air bombardments of major Pakistani urban centers full of women and children, with the obvious mass civilian casulties that only an idiot or a liar would claim are not for sure going to occur, civilian casulty rates that have and will continue to vastly dwarf anything that has ever occured in Gaza, yet you continue to obsess over the Goldstone report ? why?

  16. "The United States is threatening to launch airstrikes on Mullah Omar and the Taliban leadership in the Pakistani city of Quetta. … anti-American feeling in Pakistan. A survey last month by the Pew Research Centre found that almost two-thirds regarded the US as an enemy. Drone attacks on Quetta would intensify this sentiment, "

    Edie: why does Amnesty USA continue its almost complete silence (sorry but a single paragraph press release every few years still counts in my book as silence) as the Obama administration publicly prepares to start air bombardments of major Pakistani urban centers full of women and children, with the obvious mass civilian casulties that only an idiot or a liar would claim are not for sure going to occur, civilian casulty rates that have and will continue to vastly dwarf anything that has ever occured in Gaza, yet you continue to obsess over the Goldstone report ? why?

  17. "The United States is threatening to launch airstrikes on Mullah Omar and the Taliban leadership in the Pakistani city of Quetta. … anti-American feeling in Pakistan. A survey last month by the Pew Research Centre found that almost two-thirds regarded the US as an enemy. Drone attacks on Quetta would intensify this sentiment, "

    Edie: why does Amnesty USA continue its almost complete silence (sorry but a single paragraph press release every few years still counts in my book as silence) as the Obama administration publicly prepares to start air bombardments of major Pakistani urban centers full of women and children, with the obvious mass civilian casulties that only an idiot or a liar would claim are not for sure going to occur, civilian casulty rates that have and will continue to vastly dwarf anything that has ever occured in Gaza, yet you continue to obsess over the Goldstone report ? why?

  18. “The United States is threatening to launch airstrikes on Mullah Omar and the Taliban leadership in the Pakistani city of Quetta. … anti-American feeling in Pakistan. A survey last month by the Pew Research Centre found that almost two-thirds regarded the US as an enemy. Drone attacks on Quetta would intensify this sentiment, ”

    Edie: why does Amnesty USA continue its almost complete silence (sorry but a single paragraph press release every few years still counts in my book as silence) as the Obama administration publicly prepares to start air bombardments of major Pakistani urban centers full of women and children, with the obvious mass civilian casulties that only an idiot or a liar would claim are not for sure going to occur, civilian casulty rates that have and will continue to vastly dwarf anything that has ever occured in Gaza, yet you continue to obsess over the Goldstone report ? why?


    Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan writes in a report released Sept. 29th, 2009:

    "Overreliance on firepower that kills civilians and destroys homes "severely damaged" the coalition's legitimacy in the eyes of Afghans, he noted, saying the Taliban publicized such incidents."

    Well, McChrystal sure does not have to worry about AI USA publicizing them because you, AI, sure are not doing this, not with the amount of time you spend on your Israel obsession .


    Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan writes in a report released Sept. 29th, 2009:

    "Overreliance on firepower that kills civilians and destroys homes "severely damaged" the coalition's legitimacy in the eyes of Afghans, he noted, saying the Taliban publicized such incidents."

    Well, McChrystal sure does not have to worry about AI USA publicizing them because you, AI, sure are not doing this, not with the amount of time you spend on your Israel obsession .


    Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan writes in a report released Sept. 29th, 2009:

    "Overreliance on firepower that kills civilians and destroys homes "severely damaged" the coalition's legitimacy in the eyes of Afghans, he noted, saying the Taliban publicized such incidents."

    Well, McChrystal sure does not have to worry about AI USA publicizing them because you, AI, sure are not doing this, not with the amount of time you spend on your Israel obsession .


    Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan writes in a report released Sept. 29th, 2009:

    “Overreliance on firepower that kills civilians and destroys homes “severely damaged” the coalition’s legitimacy in the eyes of Afghans, he noted, saying the Taliban publicized such incidents.”

    Well, McChrystal sure does not have to worry about AI USA publicizing them because you, AI, sure are not doing this, not with the amount of time you spend on your Israel obsession .