UN must investigate war crimes in Sri Lanka!

It’s been a year since the war ended in Sri Lanka, with the government’s defeat of the Tamil Tiger rebels.  In the final months of the war, Amnesty International received credible reports of violations of human rights and war crimes being committed by both sides.  The Tigers kept civilians trapped in the war zone and shot those trying to flee.  The government shelled areas heavily populated by the trapped civilians.  Thousands of civilians were killed or injured.  A State Department report issued last year recounted these crimes in detail.

The Sri Lankan government promised the UN in May 2009 that it would address these violations.  But so far what has it done?  President Rajapaksa appointed a committee of experts to advise him on how to respond to the State Department report.  And within the past week he has appointed a reconciliation commission to look into events during the war.

Unfortunately, the Sri Lankan government has a poor record of holding its forces accountable.  Just read the Amnesty report, “Twenty Years of Make-Believe:  Sri Lanka’s Commissions of Inquiry,” and you’ll see what I mean.

We can’t count on getting justice from the Sri Lankan government.  So we’re starting a global action today calling on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to undertake an independent international investigation into violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, including war crimes, committed by both sides during the war in Sri Lanka.  Such an investigation is a necessary first step to achieving justice for the victims and their families.  Please add your signature to our online petition today – every voice counts!  Thanks.

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438 thoughts on “UN must investigate war crimes in Sri Lanka!

  1. Sri Lanka Tamil killings 'ordered from the top' http://www.channel4.com/news/articles/politics/in

    are some the UN staff also involed in this war crime committed to Tamils?
    Why UN still silent? Over a million tamils came to street of the western world to ask the leaders to stop the crime against Tamil. Is UN thinking these million will be silent? never. One day Ban will have to answer these Qs?

    Justice has failed in sri lanka, Tamils struggle to survive, over 61 years of state state-sponsored chauvinistic oppression against the Tamil. International legal systems have so far failed to bring the Sri Lankan War Criminals to justice.

  2. War Crimes in Sri Lanka http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/regions/asia/south-

    Today, Tamils around the world again came to streets to remember the victims and asking the world for justice.

    May 2009, a significant month that will never by forgotten by the Tamils living across the globe. A month filled with terror, a month filled with sorrows; a month in which families were separated, children displaced from parents, and mountains of corpses were left to rot. May 2009, the month in which we lost more than 50 000 of our innocent brothers and sisters. May 2009: Genocide of the Tamils.

    The Sri Lankan Government deliberately attempted to destroy Tamils in Sri Lanka the past year, the peak of its actions resulting in the catastrophe that took place in Mullivaikaal. Newborn babies, children, youth; those who would be the future of Tamileelam were wiped out in May 2009. These innocent lives, must not be forgotten.

    Let’s remember our people and our Maveerar whom we lost during the final war upon Tamils in Sri Lanka on May 2009


  3. Sri Lanka Tamil killings 'ordered from the top' http://www.channel4.com/news/articles/politics/in

    are some the UN staff also involed in this war crime committed to Tamils?
    Why UN still silent? Over a million tamils came to street of the western world to ask the leaders to stop the crime against Tamil. Is UN thinking these million will be silent? never. One day Ban will have to answer these Qs?

    Justice has failed in sri lanka, Tamils struggle to survive, over 61 years of state state-sponsored chauvinistic oppression against the Tamil. International legal systems have so far failed to bring the Sri Lankan War Criminals to justice.

  4. Sri Lanka Tamil killings 'ordered from the top' http://www.channel4.com/news/articles/politics/in

    are some the UN staff also involed in this war crime committed to Tamils?
    Why UN still silent? Over a million tamils came to street of the western world to ask the leaders to stop the crime against Tamil. Is UN thinking these million will be silent? never. One day Ban will have to answer these Qs?

    Justice has failed in sri lanka, Tamils struggle to survive, over 61 years of state state-sponsored chauvinistic oppression against the Tamil. International legal systems have so far failed to bring the Sri Lankan War Criminals to justice.

  5. War Crimes in Sri Lanka http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/regions/asia/south-

    Today, Tamils around the world again came to streets to remember the victims and asking the world for justice.

    May 2009, a significant month that will never by forgotten by the Tamils living across the globe. A month filled with terror, a month filled with sorrows; a month in which families were separated, children displaced from parents, and mountains of corpses were left to rot. May 2009, the month in which we lost more than 50 000 of our innocent brothers and sisters. May 2009: Genocide of the Tamils.

    The Sri Lankan Government deliberately attempted to destroy Tamils in Sri Lanka the past year, the peak of its actions resulting in the catastrophe that took place in Mullivaikaal. Newborn babies, children, youth; those who would be the future of Tamileelam were wiped out in May 2009. These innocent lives, must not be forgotten.

    Let’s remember our people and our Maveerar whom we lost during the final war upon Tamils in Sri Lanka on May 2009


  6. War Crimes in Sri Lanka http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/regions/asia/south-

    Today, Tamils around the world again came to streets to remember the victims and asking the world for justice.

    May 2009, a significant month that will never by forgotten by the Tamils living across the globe. A month filled with terror, a month filled with sorrows; a month in which families were separated, children displaced from parents, and mountains of corpses were left to rot. May 2009, the month in which we lost more than 50 000 of our innocent brothers and sisters. May 2009: Genocide of the Tamils.

    The Sri Lankan Government deliberately attempted to destroy Tamils in Sri Lanka the past year, the peak of its actions resulting in the catastrophe that took place in Mullivaikaal. Newborn babies, children, youth; those who would be the future of Tamileelam were wiped out in May 2009. These innocent lives, must not be forgotten.

    Let’s remember our people and our Maveerar whom we lost during the final war upon Tamils in Sri Lanka on May 2009


  7. I totally agree with the post – the best way to clear doubts are to have an investigation and clear the Air.

    MY Only issue is that Why only Sri Lanka ?? – Why not Israel ? Why not USA??

    If AI can give a clear answer to this and avoid double standards, the arguments, the cause and the plea will be more forceful.

    If anyone thinks that Sri Lanka or any other government would just let the others go free and get every blame upon them selves, they are terribly mistaken. You keep pushing small nations in to this type of unwarranted and double standard acts, you will not be able to stop a world wide rising against the west as well as disregard useless organizations as AI who cannot even take such step forward.

  8. Yes, UN have to investigate war crimes in Sri Lanka.

    "The Tamil people suffer with hunger in their stomachs and pain in their hearts’:

    “Even after an year the wounds inflicted on the hearts of Tamils still remain as scars and celebrating it as a victory amounts to poking spear into an unhealed wound.”

    “The minds of our people are still in a trauma and unable to express their feelings though the resettlement and rehabilitation publicized by the government moves at a snail’s pace with accompanying lame excuses for the delay.”

    “The people are unable even to breathe freely and their voices are stifled while they are denied the development that the South enjoys.”

    “One cannot freely move while abductions, killings, robberies and sexual violence are rampant in a country which calls itself a ‘Democracy’.”

    “Our people in the peninsula are living corpses unable even to utter the names of the lost loved ones due to the prevailing restrictions and harassment.”

  9. The International investigation is important because:

    The Tamils will not get Justice in Sri Lanka

    My prayers for the War Victims who died and light a candle in their memory.

    To all Tamils who died in this raging violence,(say with me) Know this we will never forget you!

    To the Tamil mothers that just wanted to wake up everyday and feed their children, take them to school and walk in dignity Know this We will never forget you!

    To every Tamil fisherman, who lived to go out to sea and bring back his catch. And to the women who waited on the beach ready to clean the fish and get it ready to sell.

    Know this we will never forget you!
    To the Tamil doctors and nurses killed in the bombing of the hospitals

    Know this we will never forget you!
    To the Tamils who can never celebrate weddings, birthdays, and celebrations

    Know this we will never forget you!
    To the Tamil children who used to run in schoolyards, dead now or without legs.

    Know this we will never forget you!

    To the Tamil elders, who have seen the years of Sinhala oppression, we say from our hearts that we wish you never lived to see this final aggression, but Know this we will never forget you!

    To the Tamil babies, who never had a chance to walk, talk or live without fear.
    Know this we will never forget you!

    To the brave fallen heroes, the Tigers that have fallen in battle, bravely fighting the evil that oppressed the Tamil people , we owe you a debt.

    Know this we will never forget you!

  10. I want an investigation of war crimes by the Sri Lankan government to condemn this Nazi regime. Put the Rajapaksas on trial !!!!

  11. “UN must investigate war crimes in Sri Lanka!”

    The evil wrought upon an innocent people just because they were Tamil.

    Today we tell the world that this atrocity will never stay buried.

    This is the first anniversary of the largest massacre of the genocide of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka…

    but it is not the last rally..

    We will never forget what happened and we will continue to tell the world until they hear us!!!

    It is, 65 years since the Nazi Holocaust, which killed 6 million Jews during ww2.

    The world seems to have learned nothing from that horrible event.

    The phrase “Never again” is hollow when we see no outrage against repeated genocides…

  12. Sinhalese hate the Tamils because they are taught to hate the Tamils. They are taught in the schools and they are taught in the Buddhist temples. When the children are born to different races in Sri Lanka they are born pure and innocent.

    As they grow, they start to look into the eyes of their mothers and rest in the arms of their fathers and they feel secure and confident no matter whether they were born to Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim or Burgher parents.

    When they get into the schools, they are taught that the land belongs only to the Sinhala Buddhists and the rest were invaders and aliens.

    If my parents had taught me that my next door neighbour was born to a monkey and he was an invader in our family land, I would have grown up hating this poor neighbour. Thankfully my parents never did that.

    Buddhist Sinhala extremists in Sri Lanka are very much like the Nazi regime that preached hatred against the Jewish people, and the rulers of Sri Lanka are like reincarnations of Hitler because they are doing exactly what Hitler did sixty five years ago.

  13. The innocent victims of the Murderous Genocide are waiting for Justice !!!

    Behind Barbed Wires’

    Tens of thousand souls forever perished in those early months of 2009, not just on that sombre May. Our agonising cries, to the world we appealed. Our kith and kin crushed, scattered like the ash of withered leaves on their native soil. Our ebbing hopes clung to the morality of leaders and nations; we tried in vain to save them from unabated carnage. Oh, land of Vanni, once our refuge, why has your life been sacrificed?

    With unforgettable sadness, we grieve for the children of Eezham who died longing for dignity, struggling for justice, and fighting for freedom. We also remember those who languish in open prisons even today. A once self-reliant, self-sufficient and dignified Tamil nation suffers in silence behind Sri Lanka’s barbed wires.

    “Never again”, said the civilised world to genocide. But what we witnessed in Mullivaikal were not only mass atrocities against a distinct ethnic group but also an obituary for the very treaties adopted to protect the rights of all human beings – the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

  14. Sri Lanka Tamil killings ‘ordered from the top’

    are some the UN staff also involed in this war crime committed to Tamils?
    Why UN still silent? Over a million tamils came to street of the western world to ask the leaders to stop the crime against Tamil. Is UN thinking these million will be silent? never. One day Ban will have to answer these Qs?

    Justice has failed in sri lanka, Tamils struggle to survive, over 61 years of state state-sponsored chauvinistic oppression against the Tamil. International legal systems have so far failed to bring the Sri Lankan War Criminals to justice.

  15. War Crimes in Sri Lanka

    Today, Tamils around the world again came to streets to remember the victims and asking the world for justice.

    May 2009, a significant month that will never by forgotten by the Tamils living across the globe. A month filled with terror, a month filled with sorrows; a month in which families were separated, children displaced from parents, and mountains of corpses were left to rot. May 2009, the month in which we lost more than 50 000 of our innocent brothers and sisters. May 2009: Genocide of the Tamils.

    The Sri Lankan Government deliberately attempted to destroy Tamils in Sri Lanka the past year, the peak of its actions resulting in the catastrophe that took place in Mullivaikaal. Newborn babies, children, youth; those who would be the future of Tamileelam were wiped out in May 2009. These innocent lives, must not be forgotten.

    Let’s remember our people and our Maveerar whom we lost during the final war upon Tamils in Sri Lanka on May 2009


  16. I totally agree with the post – the best way to clear doubts are to have an investigation and clear the Air.

    MY Only issue is that Why only Sri Lanka ?? – Why not Israel ? Why not USA??

    If AI can give a clear answer to this and avoid double standards, the arguments, the cause and the plea will be more forceful.

    If anyone thinks that Sri Lanka or any other government would just let the others go free and get every blame upon them selves, they are terribly mistaken. You keep pushing small nations in to this type of unwarranted and double standard acts, you will not be able to stop a world wide rising against the west as well as disregard useless organizations as AI who cannot even take such step forward.

  17. Most of the people here are with sick minds. They do not know universal love and care. They are the people who condone the killings of great persons like Rajiv Gandhi, Appapillai Amirthfrom alingam, Kadirgamar, and hundreds of thousands of innocent Tamil, Muslim, and Sinhalese men, women, children, sickly, invalid, aged, even in places of religious worship. They dragged children, by force from the lap of their mothers, school classrooms to be trained as killers or suicide bombers. They kept more than 300,000 innocent civilians at gunpoint as a human shield. The quantity of arms, ammunitions, and explosives found is sufficient to invade even India. A whole country with its people were ruined by one megalomaniac and his cohorts with assistance of many blind-to-truth NGO/INGO.

  18. Yes, UN have to investigate war crimes in Sri Lanka.

    “The Tamil people suffer with hunger in their stomachs and pain in their hearts’:

    “Even after an year the wounds inflicted on the hearts of Tamils still remain as scars and celebrating it as a victory amounts to poking spear into an unhealed wound.”

    “The minds of our people are still in a trauma and unable to express their feelings though the resettlement and rehabilitation publicized by the government moves at a snail’s pace with accompanying lame excuses for the delay.”

    “The people are unable even to breathe freely and their voices are stifled while they are denied the development that the South enjoys.”

    “One cannot freely move while abductions, killings, robberies and sexual violence are rampant in a country which calls itself a ‘Democracy’.”

    “Our people in the peninsula are living corpses unable even to utter the names of the lost loved ones due to the prevailing restrictions and harassment.”

  19. The International investigation is important because:

    The Tamils will not get Justice in Sri Lanka

    My prayers for the War Victims who died and light a candle in their memory.

    To all Tamils who died in this raging violence,(say with me) Know this we will never forget you!

    To the Tamil mothers that just wanted to wake up everyday and feed their children, take them to school and walk in dignity Know this We will never forget you!

    To every Tamil fisherman, who lived to go out to sea and bring back his catch. And to the women who waited on the beach ready to clean the fish and get it ready to sell.

    Know this we will never forget you!
    To the Tamil doctors and nurses killed in the bombing of the hospitals

    Know this we will never forget you!
    To the Tamils who can never celebrate weddings, birthdays, and celebrations

    Know this we will never forget you!
    To the Tamil children who used to run in schoolyards, dead now or without legs.

    Know this we will never forget you!

    To the Tamil elders, who have seen the years of Sinhala oppression, we say from our hearts that we wish you never lived to see this final aggression, but Know this we will never forget you!

    To the Tamil babies, who never had a chance to walk, talk or live without fear.
    Know this we will never forget you!

    To the brave fallen heroes, the Tigers that have fallen in battle, bravely fighting the evil that oppressed the Tamil people , we owe you a debt.

    Know this we will never forget you!

  20. I want an investigation of war crimes by the Sri Lankan government to condemn this Nazi regime. Put the Rajapaksas on trial !!!!

  21. “UN must investigate war crimes in Sri Lanka!”

    The evil wrought upon an innocent people just because they were Tamil.

    Today we tell the world that this atrocity will never stay buried.

    This is the first anniversary of the largest massacre of the genocide of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka…

    but it is not the last rally..

    We will never forget what happened and we will continue to tell the world until they hear us!!!

    It is, 65 years since the Nazi Holocaust, which killed 6 million Jews during ww2.

    The world seems to have learned nothing from that horrible event.

    The phrase “Never again” is hollow when we see no outrage against repeated genocides…

  22. Sinhalese hate the Tamils because they are taught to hate the Tamils. They are taught in the schools and they are taught in the Buddhist temples. When the children are born to different races in Sri Lanka they are born pure and innocent.

    As they grow, they start to look into the eyes of their mothers and rest in the arms of their fathers and they feel secure and confident no matter whether they were born to Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim or Burgher parents.

    When they get into the schools, they are taught that the land belongs only to the Sinhala Buddhists and the rest were invaders and aliens.

    If my parents had taught me that my next door neighbour was born to a monkey and he was an invader in our family land, I would have grown up hating this poor neighbour. Thankfully my parents never did that.

    Buddhist Sinhala extremists in Sri Lanka are very much like the Nazi regime that preached hatred against the Jewish people, and the rulers of Sri Lanka are like reincarnations of Hitler because they are doing exactly what Hitler did sixty five years ago.

  23. The innocent victims of the Murderous Genocide are waiting for Justice !!!

    Behind Barbed Wires’

    Tens of thousand souls forever perished in those early months of 2009, not just on that sombre May. Our agonising cries, to the world we appealed. Our kith and kin crushed, scattered like the ash of withered leaves on their native soil. Our ebbing hopes clung to the morality of leaders and nations; we tried in vain to save them from unabated carnage. Oh, land of Vanni, once our refuge, why has your life been sacrificed?

    With unforgettable sadness, we grieve for the children of Eezham who died longing for dignity, struggling for justice, and fighting for freedom. We also remember those who languish in open prisons even today. A once self-reliant, self-sufficient and dignified Tamil nation suffers in silence behind Sri Lanka’s barbed wires.

    “Never again”, said the civilised world to genocide. But what we witnessed in Mullivaikal were not only mass atrocities against a distinct ethnic group but also an obituary for the very treaties adopted to protect the rights of all human beings – the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

  24. Every time the international community raises the issue of accountability, Sri Lanka establishes a commission that takes a long time to achieve nothing. Ban should put an end to this game of smoke and mirrors and begin a process that would ensure justice for all the victims of Sri Lanka’s war.

    Sri Lanka: Government Proposal Won’t Address War Crimes http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2010/05/07/sri-lanka-g

  25. Most of the people here are with sick minds. They do not know universal love and care. They are the people who condone the killings of great persons like Rajiv Gandhi, Appapillai Amirthfrom alingam, Kadirgamar, and hundreds of thousands of innocent Tamil, Muslim, and Sinhalese men, women, children, sickly, invalid, aged, even in places of religious worship. They dragged children, by force from the lap of their mothers, school classrooms to be trained as killers or suicide bombers. They kept more than 300,000 innocent civilians at gunpoint as a human shield. The quantity of arms, ammunitions, and explosives found is sufficient to invade even India. A whole country with its people were ruined by one megalomaniac and his cohorts with assistance of many blind-to-truth NGO/INGO.

  26. Every time the international community raises the issue of accountability, Sri Lanka establishes a commission that takes a long time to achieve nothing. Ban should put an end to this game of smoke and mirrors and begin a process that would ensure justice for all the victims of Sri Lanka’s war.

    Sri Lanka: Government Proposal Won’t Address War Crimes http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2010/05/07/sri-lanka-g

  27. Every time the international community raises the issue of accountability, Sri Lanka establishes a commission that takes a long time to achieve nothing. Ban should put an end to this game of smoke and mirrors and begin a process that would ensure justice for all the victims of Sri Lanka’s war.

    Sri Lanka: Government Proposal Won’t Address War Crimes http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2010/05/07/sri-lanka-g

  28. Mass grave discovered

    De-mining workers of Danish De-mining Group (DDG) have discovered a mass grave in Naachchikkudaa area in Mannaar containing 75 to 100 skeletal remains while engaged in de-mining in the area, informed sources in Mannaar told TamilNet Wednesday. Sri Lanka Army (SLA) had not permitted resettlement in Naachchikkudaa earlier claiming that the area was infested with landmines and a great quantity of explosives lying buried at the height of the war had taken place in Naachchikkudaa. It is suspected that the skeletal remains discovered may have belonged to young men and women, the sources added.

  29. Sri Lanka’s aborted victory parade ’sign from gods’

    Heavy rain that scuttled celebrations planned in Colombo marking the end of Sri Lanka’s civil war were a divine message and punishment killing 100,000 Tamils

  30. Tamil Leader Prabaharan’s 13 year old son was arrested and murdered by Sri Lankan Army.

    “Tamil Leader Prabaharan’s child was captured and we asked about his father then shot ”

    So we all need to stand up and tell the world to bring this Sri Lankan war criminals to court and bring economic sanctions on Sri Lanka

  31. We ( Sri Lankan soldiers ) lkilled everyone !!!

    A senior Sri Lankan army commander and frontline soldier tell Channel 4 News that point-blank executions of Tamils at the end of the Sri Lankan civil war were carried out under orders.

    In August 2009 Channel 4 News obtained video evidence, later authenticated by the United Nations, purporting to show point-blank executions of Tamils by uniformed Sri Lankan soldiers.

    Now a senior army commander and a frontline soldier have told Channel 4 News that such killings were indeed ordered from the top.

    One frontline soldier said: "Yes, our commander ordered us to kill everyone. We killed everyone."

    And a senior Sri Lankan army commander said: "Definitely, the order would have been to kill everybody and finish them off.

    "I don't think we wanted to keep any hardcore elements, so they were done away with. It is clear that such orders were, in fact, received from the top."

    Despite allegations of war crimes, Sri Lanka's government has managed to avoid an independent inquiry. But the evidence continues to mount.

  32. Mass grave discovered

    De-mining workers of Danish De-mining Group (DDG) have discovered a mass grave in Naachchikkudaa area in Mannaar containing 75 to 100 skeletal remains while engaged in de-mining in the area, informed sources in Mannaar told TamilNet Wednesday. Sri Lanka Army (SLA) had not permitted resettlement in Naachchikkudaa earlier claiming that the area was infested with landmines and a great quantity of explosives lying buried at the height of the war had taken place in Naachchikkudaa. It is suspected that the skeletal remains discovered may have belonged to young men and women, the sources added.

  33. Mass grave discovered

    De-mining workers of Danish De-mining Group (DDG) have discovered a mass grave in Naachchikkudaa area in Mannaar containing 75 to 100 skeletal remains while engaged in de-mining in the area, informed sources in Mannaar told TamilNet Wednesday. Sri Lanka Army (SLA) had not permitted resettlement in Naachchikkudaa earlier claiming that the area was infested with landmines and a great quantity of explosives lying buried at the height of the war had taken place in Naachchikkudaa. It is suspected that the skeletal remains discovered may have belonged to young men and women, the sources added.

  34. SLA blocks May remembrance events in Jaffna, journalists threatened

    Sri Lanka Army (SLA) has prevented the first commemoration events of Mu’l’livaaikkaal Massacre of May 2009 being observed in Jaffna Sunday in Nalloor and Jaffna town by chasing away the public from participating, threatening to death the reporters trying to cover the event and detaining Yarl Thinakural reporter who was present in the memorial event observed in Ilangkai Thamizh Arasu Kaddchi (ITAK) office on Martin Road, Jaffna.

    Large number of SLA soldiers were deployed in around Nallai Aatheenam area who beat and chased away the public who came to attend the event besides blocking all roads to the place to public use. The reporters too were stopped midway, intimidated and their family particulars collected by SLA Intelligence wing officers.

    Meanwhile, SLA had rounded up and searched the ITAK office and the residence of Mavai Senathirajah, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Jaffna district, from 10:00 a.m to 12:30 p.m Monday. The Thinakural reporter taken away in a Buffel Personnel Carrier and held by SLA Intelligence Wing officer Major Nisantha was released only after eliciting an assurance from Yarl Thinakural chief that nothing will be published about the event or reporters being intimidated.

    The memorial event at Nalloor was to be held in Nalloor Aatheenam in which Jaffna Bishop Rt. Rev. Thomas Saundranayagam, Nallai Aatheenam Chief Priest, Srila Siri Somasuthanra Kurukkal and several others being invited to participate in.

    The event, however, was observed only by the few religious dignitaries present.

    Only around ten prominent ITAK persons including Mavai Senathirajah were able pay homage to the victims of Mu’l’livaaikkal Massacre as SLA soldiers had rounded up the ITAK office blocking anyone trying to attend the event.

    Meanwhile, the memorial event organized by Jaffna Interreligious Committee that was to take place Tuesday at Jaffna Veerasingham Hall was cancelled the administrators of Veerasingaham Hall were threatened to death SLA intelligence wing officers.

    The event relocated to another location nearby too had been abandoned due to death threats by the above officers.

  35. Sri Lanka’s aborted victory parade ’sign from gods’

    Heavy rain that scuttled celebrations planned in Colombo marking the end of Sri Lanka’s civil war were a divine message and punishment killing 100,000 Tamils

  36. Tamil Leader Prabaharan’s 13 year old son was arrested and murdered by Sri Lankan Army.

    “Tamil Leader Prabaharan’s child was captured and we asked about his father then shot ”

    So we all need to stand up and tell the world to bring this Sri Lankan war criminals to court and bring economic sanctions on Sri Lanka

  37. We ( Sri Lankan soldiers ) lkilled everyone !!!

    A senior Sri Lankan army commander and frontline soldier tell Channel 4 News that point-blank executions of Tamils at the end of the Sri Lankan civil war were carried out under orders.

    In August 2009 Channel 4 News obtained video evidence, later authenticated by the United Nations, purporting to show point-blank executions of Tamils by uniformed Sri Lankan soldiers.

    Now a senior army commander and a frontline soldier have told Channel 4 News that such killings were indeed ordered from the top.

    One frontline soldier said: “Yes, our commander ordered us to kill everyone. We killed everyone.”

    And a senior Sri Lankan army commander said: “Definitely, the order would have been to kill everybody and finish them off.

    “I don’t think we wanted to keep any hardcore elements, so they were done away with. It is clear that such orders were, in fact, received from the top.”

    Despite allegations of war crimes, Sri Lanka’s government has managed to avoid an independent inquiry. But the evidence continues to mount.

  38. Mass grave discovered

    De-mining workers of Danish De-mining Group (DDG) have discovered a mass grave in Naachchikkudaa area in Mannaar containing 75 to 100 skeletal remains while engaged in de-mining in the area, informed sources in Mannaar told TamilNet Wednesday. Sri Lanka Army (SLA) had not permitted resettlement in Naachchikkudaa earlier claiming that the area was infested with landmines and a great quantity of explosives lying buried at the height of the war had taken place in Naachchikkudaa. It is suspected that the skeletal remains discovered may have belonged to young men and women, the sources added.


  39. But how will you punish Sri Lanka for war crimes? Especially because it was a fight within the country's own borders and between its own citizens. I'm not saying it was right or that we shouldn't care, but what is there to actually do about it?

  40. SLA blocks May remembrance events in Jaffna, journalists threatened

    Sri Lanka Army (SLA) has prevented the first commemoration events of Mu’l’livaaikkaal Massacre of May 2009 being observed in Jaffna Sunday in Nalloor and Jaffna town by chasing away the public from participating, threatening to death the reporters trying to cover the event and detaining Yarl Thinakural reporter who was present in the memorial event observed in Ilangkai Thamizh Arasu Kaddchi (ITAK) office on Martin Road, Jaffna.

    Large number of SLA soldiers were deployed in around Nallai Aatheenam area who beat and chased away the public who came to attend the event besides blocking all roads to the place to public use. The reporters too were stopped midway, intimidated and their family particulars collected by SLA Intelligence wing officers.

    Meanwhile, SLA had rounded up and searched the ITAK office and the residence of Mavai Senathirajah, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Jaffna district, from 10:00 a.m to 12:30 p.m Monday. The Thinakural reporter taken away in a Buffel Personnel Carrier and held by SLA Intelligence Wing officer Major Nisantha was released only after eliciting an assurance from Yarl Thinakural chief that nothing will be published about the event or reporters being intimidated.

    The memorial event at Nalloor was to be held in Nalloor Aatheenam in which Jaffna Bishop Rt. Rev. Thomas Saundranayagam, Nallai Aatheenam Chief Priest, Srila Siri Somasuthanra Kurukkal and several others being invited to participate in.

    The event, however, was observed only by the few religious dignitaries present.

    Only around ten prominent ITAK persons including Mavai Senathirajah were able pay homage to the victims of Mu’l’livaaikkal Massacre as SLA soldiers had rounded up the ITAK office blocking anyone trying to attend the event.

    Meanwhile, the memorial event organized by Jaffna Interreligious Committee that was to take place Tuesday at Jaffna Veerasingham Hall was cancelled the administrators of Veerasingaham Hall were threatened to death SLA intelligence wing officers.

    The event relocated to another location nearby too had been abandoned due to death threats by the above officers.

  41. I remember the words of Mahinda Rajapaksa and Ban ki-Moon on 24 May 2009, whereby “Sri Lanka reiterated its strongest commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights in keeping with international human rights standards and Sri Lanka’s international obligations.” I remember that “The Secretary General underlined the importance of an accountability process for addressing violations of international humanitarian and human rights law” and that the Government promised to “take measures to address those grievances.”.

    I remember Gotabaya Rajapaksa telling a BBC correspondent earlier this year: “Whether it is the United Nations or any other country, we are not – I am not – allowing any investigations in this country. There is no reason. Nothing wrong happened in this country. Take it from me. There will be no investigations for anything in this country”. http://www.groundviews.org/2010/05/20/i-remember-

  42. I remember the words of Mahinda Rajapaksa and Ban ki-Moon on 24 May 2009, whereby “Sri Lanka reiterated its strongest commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights in keeping with international human rights standards and Sri Lanka’s international obligations.” I remember that “The Secretary General underlined the importance of an accountability process for addressing violations of international humanitarian and human rights law” and that the Government promised to “take measures to address those grievances.”.

    I remember Gotabaya Rajapaksa telling a BBC correspondent earlier this year: “Whether it is the United Nations or any other country, we are not – I am not – allowing any investigations in this country. There is no reason. Nothing wrong happened in this country. Take it from me. There will be no investigations for anything in this country”. http://www.groundviews.org/2010/05/20/i-remember-

  43. I remember the words of Mahinda Rajapaksa and Ban ki-Moon on 24 May 2009, whereby “Sri Lanka reiterated its strongest commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights in keeping with international human rights standards and Sri Lanka’s international obligations.” I remember that “The Secretary General underlined the importance of an accountability process for addressing violations of international humanitarian and human rights law” and that the Government promised to “take measures to address those grievances.”.

    I remember Gotabaya Rajapaksa telling a BBC correspondent earlier this year: “Whether it is the United Nations or any other country, we are not – I am not – allowing any investigations in this country. There is no reason. Nothing wrong happened in this country. Take it from me. There will be no investigations for anything in this country”. http://www.groundviews.org/2010/05/20/i-remember-

  44. But how will you punish Sri Lanka for war crimes? Especially because it was a fight within the country’s own borders and between its own citizens. I’m not saying it was right or that we shouldn’t care, but what is there to actually do about it?

  45. Jim – Please let me know when you are organizing the protest against the US war crimes in Washington DC. I will definitely join you for that.

    Also I would join you when you would organize the protest against Israel in front of their embassy in the USA.

    Can we organize this within this month or would you need more time to organize these protests ??

  46. We ( Sri Lankan soldiers ) lkilled everyone !!


    Such a crime still occurs in 21st century in the eyes of full-glazed media only testifies that man is more brutal than even wild animal.

  47. Diplomats can keep on denying because they were never in the battle field and have to tow government's line of propaganda.

    Government has punished the forces, diplomats and media when questioned.

    Truth is hard to hide even when UN was complicit and looked the other way while Tamil community was and is still crying.

    So much for UN stand on humanity, justice, righteousness and peace.

  48. .Tamils have been oppressed for 62+years and the destruction of their socio-economic-environmental fabric is almost near a point of no return.
    The mechanism of intergovernmental bodies should include representation of oppressed sections. The absence of this has been letting conflicts grow to intractable levels because the world believes what the oppressed tell them. The world must learn lessons from the experience of Sri Lanka.

    More and more evidence continues to surface regarding human rights violations committed by the Sri Lankan army and government.

    Why is the UN not taking action? Why are indictments from the ICC being handed down.

  49. A government's impunity for serious violations of law is a real threat to the rights and liberties of people in Sri Lanka.

  50. I remember the words of Mahinda Rajapaksa and Ban ki-Moon on 24 May 2009, whereby “Sri Lanka reiterated its strongest commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights in keeping with international human rights standards and Sri Lanka’s international obligations.” I remember that “The Secretary General underlined the importance of an accountability process for addressing violations of international humanitarian and human rights law” and that the Government promised to “take measures to address those grievances.”.

    I remember Gotabaya Rajapaksa telling a BBC correspondent earlier this year: “Whether it is the United Nations or any other country, we are not – I am not – allowing any investigations in this country. There is no reason. Nothing wrong happened in this country. Take it from me. There will be no investigations for anything in this country”.

  51. Jim – Please let me know when you are organizing the protest against the US war crimes in Washington DC. I will definitely join you for that.

    Also I would join you when you would organize the protest against Israel in front of their embassy in the USA.

    Can we organize this within this month or would you need more time to organize these protests ??

  52. In response to Joe's comment of May 19, 7:44 P.M., I'd suggest looking at the International Crisis Group's report on war crimes in Sri Lanka, available at their website. That has a discussion of the various possibilities for prosecution currently.

    In response to Jim Gons' comment asking about AI's activities concerning abuses committed by the U.S. and Israeli governments, I'd suggest looking at http://www.amnestyusa.org to see how AI has been campaigning (and we have) against abuses committed by those governments.

  53. Dear Jim,

    I fully support AI's campaign to investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and other abuses in its war against the LTTE, subject to the 'Human Rights Violations Speed Trap'concept in War Crimes.

    The Human Rights Violations 'speed limit' has been set to 70 mph. The following countries have been caught, on camera, red-handed exceeding the speed limit.
    USA = 155 mph
    UK = 100 mph
    EU/NATO = 90 mph
    Sri Lanka = 72 mph

    Yet, only SL is being pursued for its alleged war crimes. The most fervent advocates of investigating and punishing SL are themselves the worst violators of 'Human Rights'.

    The instigators and perpetrators of Western bloc HR abuses and massive civilian killings are free to walk the streets and enjoy a life free from terror and death, in London, New York and Brussels. Yet, they are curiously immune to arrest or prosecution.

    Perhaps AI, HRW, ICG and the rest are not being sufficiently diligent in pursuing these Western war criminals. Why?

    Further, AI pompously cite the need to investigate 'both sides' for alleged war crimes. Yet I see absolutely no evidence whatsoever that the funders and supporters of the racist LTTE are being investigated or pursued, either by AI or its neo-colonial cousins in the International HR circus. Why?

    I've found a war criminal currently evading 'justice', currently living in London!

    She is a bona-fide, 100% guaranteed war criminal, who has publicly admitted to her crimes. She lives a mere 60 minutes away from AI's swanky central London head office.

    Name: Adele Balasingham (neé Wilby)
    Location: New Malden, Surrey, UK
    Charge: recruitment of child soldiers for LTTE.

    "An undated video of Mrs Balasingham, showing her in camouflage fatigues and presiding over a parade of female child soldiers, has been circulated to confirm her status as one of the movement's most influential figures. The female Tamil Tiger fighters, some thought to be as young as 14, have completed three months of training. She is seen presenting them with cyanide capsules to be worn on a necklace and swallowed if they are about to be captured by troops."
    Aunty Adele distributing cyande capsules to Tamil child slodiers:

    It's an easy prosecution and she probably hasn't got a cyanide pill around her neck. Unlike the poor unfortunate Tamil girls she groomed into becoming LTTE cadres and suicide bombers.

    I'm doing this to show my commitment to HR for all in SL and to help AI defray the costs of research.

    If AI is unable or unwilling to indict or campaign for Aunty Balasingham to face trial, please explain why.

    At the very least you should set up a petition to bring to justice your own war criminals.

    Over to you, Jim.

  54. In response to Joe's comment of May 19, 7:44 P.M., I'd suggest looking at the International Crisis Group's report on war crimes in Sri Lanka, available at their website. That has a discussion of the various possibilities for prosecution currently.

    In response to Jim Gons' comment asking about AI's activities concerning abuses committed by the U.S. and Israeli governments, I'd suggest looking at http://www.amnestyusa.org to see how AI has been campaigning (and we have) against abuses committed by those governments.

  55. In response to Joe's comment of May 19, 7:44 P.M., I'd suggest looking at the International Crisis Group's report on war crimes in Sri Lanka, available at their website. That has a discussion of the various possibilities for prosecution currently.

    In response to Jim Gons' comment asking about AI's activities concerning abuses committed by the U.S. and Israeli governments, I'd suggest looking at http://www.amnestyusa.org to see how AI has been campaigning (and we have) against abuses committed by those governments.

  56. Dear Jim,

    I fully support AI's campaign to investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and other abuses in its war against the LTTE, subject to the 'Human Rights Violations Speed Trap'concept in War Crimes.

    The Human Rights Violations 'speed limit' has been set to 70 mph. The following countries have been caught, on camera, red-handed exceeding the speed limit.
    USA = 155 mph
    UK = 100 mph
    EU/NATO = 90 mph
    Sri Lanka = 72 mph

    Yet, only SL is being pursued for its alleged war crimes. The most fervent advocates of investigating and punishing SL are themselves the worst violators of 'Human Rights'.

    The instigators and perpetrators of Western bloc HR abuses and massive civilian killings are free to walk the streets and enjoy a life free from terror and death, in London, New York and Brussels. Yet, they are curiously immune to arrest or prosecution.

    Perhaps AI, HRW, ICG and the rest are not being sufficiently diligent in pursuing these Western war criminals. Why?

    Further, AI pompously cite the need to investigate 'both sides' for alleged war crimes. Yet I see absolutely no evidence whatsoever that the funders and supporters of the racist LTTE are being investigated or pursued, either by AI or its neo-colonial cousins in the International HR circus. Why?

    I've found a war criminal currently evading 'justice', currently living in London!

    She is a bona-fide, 100% guaranteed war criminal, who has publicly admitted to her crimes. She lives a mere 60 minutes away from AI's swanky central London head office.

    Name: Adele Balasingham (neé Wilby)
    Location: New Malden, Surrey, UK
    Charge: recruitment of child soldiers for LTTE.

    "An undated video of Mrs Balasingham, showing her in camouflage fatigues and presiding over a parade of female child soldiers, has been circulated to confirm her status as one of the movement's most influential figures. The female Tamil Tiger fighters, some thought to be as young as 14, have completed three months of training. She is seen presenting them with cyanide capsules to be worn on a necklace and swallowed if they are about to be captured by troops."
    Aunty Adele distributing cyande capsules to Tamil child slodiers:

    It's an easy prosecution and she probably hasn't got a cyanide pill around her neck. Unlike the poor unfortunate Tamil girls she groomed into becoming LTTE cadres and suicide bombers.

    I'm doing this to show my commitment to HR for all in SL and to help AI defray the costs of research.

    If AI is unable or unwilling to indict or campaign for Aunty Balasingham to face trial, please explain why.

    At the very least you should set up a petition to bring to justice your own war criminals.

    Over to you, Jim.

  57. Dear Jim,

    I fully support AI's campaign to investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and other abuses in its war against the LTTE, subject to the 'Human Rights Violations Speed Trap'concept in War Crimes.

    The Human Rights Violations 'speed limit' has been set to 70 mph. The following countries have been caught, on camera, red-handed exceeding the speed limit.
    USA = 155 mph
    UK = 100 mph
    EU/NATO = 90 mph
    Sri Lanka = 72 mph

    Yet, only SL is being pursued for its alleged war crimes. The most fervent advocates of investigating and punishing SL are themselves the worst violators of 'Human Rights'.

    The instigators and perpetrators of Western bloc HR abuses and massive civilian killings are free to walk the streets and enjoy a life free from terror and death, in London, New York and Brussels. Yet, they are curiously immune to arrest or prosecution.

    Perhaps AI, HRW, ICG and the rest are not being sufficiently diligent in pursuing these Western war criminals. Why?

    Further, AI pompously cite the need to investigate 'both sides' for alleged war crimes. Yet I see absolutely no evidence whatsoever that the funders and supporters of the racist LTTE are being investigated or pursued, either by AI or its neo-colonial cousins in the International HR circus. Why?

    I've found a war criminal currently evading 'justice', currently living in London!

    She is a bona-fide, 100% guaranteed war criminal, who has publicly admitted to her crimes. She lives a mere 60 minutes away from AI's swanky central London head office.

    Name: Adele Balasingham (neé Wilby)
    Location: New Malden, Surrey, UK
    Charge: recruitment of child soldiers for LTTE.

    "An undated video of Mrs Balasingham, showing her in camouflage fatigues and presiding over a parade of female child soldiers, has been circulated to confirm her status as one of the movement's most influential figures. The female Tamil Tiger fighters, some thought to be as young as 14, have completed three months of training. She is seen presenting them with cyanide capsules to be worn on a necklace and swallowed if they are about to be captured by troops."
    Aunty Adele distributing cyande capsules to Tamil child slodiers:

    It's an easy prosecution and she probably hasn't got a cyanide pill around her neck. Unlike the poor unfortunate Tamil girls she groomed into becoming LTTE cadres and suicide bombers.

    I'm doing this to show my commitment to HR for all in SL and to help AI defray the costs of research.

    If AI is unable or unwilling to indict or campaign for Aunty Balasingham to face trial, please explain why.

    At the very least you should set up a petition to bring to justice your own war criminals.

    Over to you, Jim.

  58. We ( Sri Lankan soldiers ) lkilled everyone !!


    Such a crime still occurs in 21st century in the eyes of full-glazed media only testifies that man is more brutal than even wild animal.

  59. Diplomats can keep on denying because they were never in the battle field and have to tow government’s line of propaganda.

    Government has punished the forces, diplomats and media when questioned.

    Truth is hard to hide even when UN was complicit and looked the other way while Tamil community was and is still crying.

    So much for UN stand on humanity, justice, righteousness and peace.

  60. .Tamils have been oppressed for 62+years and the destruction of their socio-economic-environmental fabric is almost near a point of no return.
    The mechanism of intergovernmental bodies should include representation of oppressed sections. The absence of this has been letting conflicts grow to intractable levels because the world believes what the oppressed tell them. The world must learn lessons from the experience of Sri Lanka.

    More and more evidence continues to surface regarding human rights violations committed by the Sri Lankan army and government.

    Why is the UN not taking action? Why are indictments from the ICC being handed down.

  61. A government’s impunity for serious violations of law is a real threat to the rights and liberties of people in Sri Lanka.

  62. In response to Joe’s comment of May 19, 7:44 P.M., I’d suggest looking at the International Crisis Group’s report on war crimes in Sri Lanka, available at their website. That has a discussion of the various possibilities for prosecution currently.

    In response to Jim Gons’ comment asking about AI’s activities concerning abuses committed by the U.S. and Israeli governments, I’d suggest looking at http://www.amnestyusa.org to see how AI has been campaigning (and we have) against abuses committed by those governments.

  63. More AI Double Standards Exposed.

    In December 2009, AI quite correctly and vehemently condemned a suicide bombing of a medical school graduation in Somalia with this unarguable call to action:
    "Regardless of who is responsible for the attack, deliberately targeting civilians constitutes a war crime and is always prohibited under international law.
    The TFG (Somali govt) has now set up an inquiry into the attack. The rest of us have to wait and see if anyone is ever brought to justice for this heinous crime."

    With the LTTE's innumerable suicide bombingsdeliberately targeting civilians, and thus constituting a war crime, AI does not have to wait for the perpetrators and their helpers and funders to be brought to justice.

    They're walking free, in plain sight and in plain view in London, Oslo, Paris and Berlin.

    Where is AI's campaign in the UK, Norway, France and Germany to bring these LTTE diaspora war criminals to justice ?

    Is AI scared of the LTTE diaspora ?

    Could this be the same AI which campaigns so fearlessly against the alleged war crimes committed by the legitimately elected government of a democratic country, Sri Lanka, yet is hesitant and oddly reluctant to apply the same rigorous pressure on the un-elected, racist fascist LTTE in the West?

    Perhaps Jim & Juliette can let us into the complex moral minefield they have to navigate to avoid placing the same pressure on the LTTE diaspora organisations that they do on the SL govt.

    Talking of 'Minefields', this is especially for the LTTE-Diaspora.

    In Northern Sri Lanka, Tamil civilians, ably assisted by HALO (a UK-based de-mining outfit) are clearing their land of mines & IEDs laid by the LTTE. The funding for the mines came from the LTTE diaspora, all of whom are conspicuous by their absence in the de-mining effort. No surprise there, then.

    Truly, the LTTE diaspora's finest hour.

  64. Dear Jim,

    I fully support AI’s campaign to investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and other abuses in its war against the LTTE, subject to the ‘Human Rights Violations Speed Trap’concept in War Crimes.

    The Human Rights Violations ‘speed limit’ has been set to 70 mph. The following countries have been caught, on camera, red-handed exceeding the speed limit.
    USA = 155 mph
    UK = 100 mph
    EU/NATO = 90 mph
    Sri Lanka = 72 mph

    Yet, only SL is being pursued for its alleged war crimes. The most fervent advocates of investigating and punishing SL are themselves the worst violators of ‘Human Rights’.

    The instigators and perpetrators of Western bloc HR abuses and massive civilian killings are free to walk the streets and enjoy a life free from terror and death, in London, New York and Brussels. Yet, they are curiously immune to arrest or prosecution.

    Perhaps AI, HRW, ICG and the rest are not being sufficiently diligent in pursuing these Western war criminals. Why?

    Further, AI pompously cite the need to investigate ‘both sides’ for alleged war crimes. Yet I see absolutely no evidence whatsoever that the funders and supporters of the racist LTTE are being investigated or pursued, either by AI or its neo-colonial cousins in the International HR circus. Why?

    I’ve found a war criminal currently evading ‘justice’, currently living in London!

    She is a bona-fide, 100% guaranteed war criminal, who has publicly admitted to her crimes. She lives a mere 60 minutes away from AI’s swanky central London head office.

    Name: Adele Balasingham (neé Wilby)
    Location: New Malden, Surrey, UK
    Charge: recruitment of child soldiers for LTTE.

    “An undated video of Mrs Balasingham, showing her in camouflage fatigues and presiding over a parade of female child soldiers, has been circulated to confirm her status as one of the movement’s most influential figures. The female Tamil Tiger fighters, some thought to be as young as 14, have completed three months of training. She is seen presenting them with cyanide capsules to be worn on a necklace and swallowed if they are about to be captured by troops.”

    Aunty Adele distributing cyande capsules to Tamil child slodiers:


    It’s an easy prosecution and she probably hasn’t got a cyanide pill around her neck. Unlike the poor unfortunate Tamil girls she groomed into becoming LTTE cadres and suicide bombers.

    I’m doing this to show my commitment to HR for all in SL and to help AI defray the costs of research.

    If AI is unable or unwilling to indict or campaign for Aunty Balasingham to face trial, please explain why.

    At the very least you should set up a petition to bring to justice your own war criminals.

    Over to you, Jim.

  65. More AI Double Standards Exposed.

    In December 2009, AI quite correctly and vehemently condemned a suicide bombing of a medical school graduation in Somalia with this unarguable call to action:
    "Regardless of who is responsible for the attack, deliberately targeting civilians constitutes a war crime and is always prohibited under international law.
    The TFG (Somali govt) has now set up an inquiry into the attack. The rest of us have to wait and see if anyone is ever brought to justice for this heinous crime."

    With the LTTE's innumerable suicide bombingsdeliberately targeting civilians, and thus constituting a war crime, AI does not have to wait for the perpetrators and their helpers and funders to be brought to justice.

    They're walking free, in plain sight and in plain view in London, Oslo, Paris and Berlin.

    Where is AI's campaign in the UK, Norway, France and Germany to bring these LTTE diaspora war criminals to justice ?

    Is AI scared of the LTTE diaspora ?

    Could this be the same AI which campaigns so fearlessly against the alleged war crimes committed by the legitimately elected government of a democratic country, Sri Lanka, yet is hesitant and oddly reluctant to apply the same rigorous pressure on the un-elected, racist fascist LTTE in the West?

    Perhaps Jim & Juliette can let us into the complex moral minefield they have to navigate to avoid placing the same pressure on the LTTE diaspora organisations that they do on the SL govt.

    Talking of 'Minefields', this is especially for the LTTE-Diaspora.

    In Northern Sri Lanka, Tamil civilians, ably assisted by HALO (a UK-based de-mining outfit) are clearing their land of mines & IEDs laid by the LTTE. The funding for the mines came from the LTTE diaspora, all of whom are conspicuous by their absence in the de-mining effort. No surprise there, then.

    Truly, the LTTE diaspora's finest hour.

  66. More AI Double Standards Exposed.

    In December 2009, AI quite correctly and vehemently condemned a suicide bombing of a medical school graduation in Somalia with this unarguable call to action:
    "Regardless of who is responsible for the attack, deliberately targeting civilians constitutes a war crime and is always prohibited under international law.
    The TFG (Somali govt) has now set up an inquiry into the attack. The rest of us have to wait and see if anyone is ever brought to justice for this heinous crime."

    With the LTTE's innumerable suicide bombingsdeliberately targeting civilians, and thus constituting a war crime, AI does not have to wait for the perpetrators and their helpers and funders to be brought to justice.

    They're walking free, in plain sight and in plain view in London, Oslo, Paris and Berlin.

    Where is AI's campaign in the UK, Norway, France and Germany to bring these LTTE diaspora war criminals to justice ?

    Is AI scared of the LTTE diaspora ?

    Could this be the same AI which campaigns so fearlessly against the alleged war crimes committed by the legitimately elected government of a democratic country, Sri Lanka, yet is hesitant and oddly reluctant to apply the same rigorous pressure on the un-elected, racist fascist LTTE in the West?

    Perhaps Jim & Juliette can let us into the complex moral minefield they have to navigate to avoid placing the same pressure on the LTTE diaspora organisations that they do on the SL govt.

    Talking of 'Minefields', this is especially for the LTTE-Diaspora.

    In Northern Sri Lanka, Tamil civilians, ably assisted by HALO (a UK-based de-mining outfit) are clearing their land of mines & IEDs laid by the LTTE. The funding for the mines came from the LTTE diaspora, all of whom are conspicuous by their absence in the de-mining effort. No surprise there, then.

    Truly, the LTTE diaspora's finest hour.

  67. More AI Double Standards Exposed.

    In December 2009, AI quite correctly and vehemently condemned a suicide bombing of a medical school graduation in Somalia with this unarguable call to action:
    “Regardless of who is responsible for the attack, deliberately targeting civilians constitutes a war crime and is always prohibited under international law.
    The TFG (Somali govt) has now set up an inquiry into the attack. The rest of us have to wait and see if anyone is ever brought to justice for this heinous crime.”

    With the LTTE’s innumerable suicide bombingsdeliberately targeting civilians, and thus constituting a war crime, AI does not have to wait for the perpetrators and their helpers and funders to be brought to justice.

    They’re walking free, in plain sight and in plain view in London, Oslo, Paris and Berlin.

    Where is AI’s campaign in the UK, Norway, France and Germany to bring these LTTE diaspora war criminals to justice ?

    Is AI scared of the LTTE diaspora ?

    Could this be the same AI which campaigns so fearlessly against the alleged war crimes committed by the legitimately elected government of a democratic country, Sri Lanka, yet is hesitant and oddly reluctant to apply the same rigorous pressure on the un-elected, racist fascist LTTE in the West?

    Perhaps Jim & Juliette can let us into the complex moral minefield they have to navigate to avoid placing the same pressure on the LTTE diaspora organisations that they do on the SL govt.

    Talking of ‘Minefields’, this is especially for the LTTE-Diaspora.


    In Northern Sri Lanka, Tamil civilians, ably assisted by HALO (a UK-based de-mining outfit) are clearing their land of mines & IEDs laid by the LTTE. The funding for the mines came from the LTTE diaspora, all of whom are conspicuous by their absence in the de-mining effort. No surprise there, then.

    Truly, the LTTE diaspora’s finest hour.

  68. In this there's nothing new.

    .Executioner states have always had their glib, self – smug excusers, tossing off fireworks of wisecrackers.

    After crushing a people's resistance with an unprecedented concentration of violence, the states unleash their spin champions when mass or world opinion turns against them & ISOLATES them.

    These fluent champions of words then have their day, as they labor away to build their cases.

    They point to the very acts of fury their systems' prolonged oppression provoked as the very justification for their side.

    The Spanish after the destruction of the Aztec.

    The British after the Sepoy Mutiny.

    Rome after Spartacus.

    The US state / cultural systems after Wunded Knee.

    Zionism after Gaza.

    And now the Sinhellese system after its Tamil wars.

    They all justify genocide by pointing to the fury of the oppressed when they fought.

    That's how they try to control the discourse of history — by changing its narrative.

    Entire industries of argument & justifications are built up to hide the unavoidable TRUTH — that it was the states' genocide that began the wars, & that this genocide is going on after the wars end .

    The spin drives don't work — somehow people always know who did what, & the regimes become isolated til they collapse.

    But an interesting thing happens before this — the very culture of lies built up by the states' spin industries chokes & kills the spirits of the oppressors, while estranging their own children from themselves, & further separating & strengthening the repressed peoples' own hearts & spirits as they await the Turning.

    Thus even the spin industries end by serving a purpose higher than themselves.

  69. “Ban’s inaction is sending a signal to abusers that simply announcing meaningless commissions and making loud noises can block all efforts for real justice,” Pearson said. “The only way to ensure accountability in Sri Lanka is to establish an independent international investigation.” http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

  70. “Ban’s inaction is sending a signal to abusers that simply announcing meaningless commissions and making loud noises can block all efforts for real justice,” Pearson said. “The only way to ensure accountability in Sri Lanka is to establish an independent international investigation.” http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

  71. “Ban’s inaction is sending a signal to abusers that simply announcing meaningless commissions and making loud noises can block all efforts for real justice,” Pearson said. “The only way to ensure accountability in Sri Lanka is to establish an independent international investigation.” http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

  72. In this there’s nothing new.

    .Executioner states have always had their glib, self – smug excusers, tossing off fireworks of wisecrackers.

    After crushing a people’s resistance with an unprecedented concentration of violence, the states unleash their spin champions when mass or world opinion turns against them & ISOLATES them.

    These fluent champions of words then have their day, as they labor away to build their cases.

    They point to the very acts of fury their systems’ prolonged oppression provoked as the very justification for their side.

    The Spanish after the destruction of the Aztec.

    The British after the Sepoy Mutiny.

    Rome after Spartacus.

    The US state / cultural systems after Wunded Knee.

    Zionism after Gaza.

    And now the Sinhellese system after its Tamil wars.

    They all justify genocide by pointing to the fury of the oppressed when they fought.

    That’s how they try to control the discourse of history — by changing its narrative.

    Entire industries of argument & justifications are built up to hide the unavoidable TRUTH — that it was the states’ genocide that began the wars, & that this genocide is going on after the wars end .

    The spin drives don’t work — somehow people always know who did what, & the regimes become isolated til they collapse.

    But an interesting thing happens before this — the very culture of lies built up by the states’ spin industries chokes & kills the spirits of the oppressors, while estranging their own children from themselves, & further separating & strengthening the repressed peoples’ own hearts & spirits as they await the Turning.

    Thus even the spin industries end by serving a purpose higher than themselves.

  73. Savage,
    "After crushing a people’s resistance" That should be re-phrased as 'some' Tamil people.

    You keep making the same basic, racist mistake of presuming Tamils = LTTE, which is most certainly NOT the case. If it was true, every single Sri Lankan Tamil would've joined the LTTE's fight for racially defined mini-state.

    That they did not and that the LTTE murdered the best Tamil politicians over two generations says more about the ideology of the LTTE than I ever could.

    The biggest lie perperated by Eelamists is the 'genocide' charge. If it was true who are these Tamil-speaking people living and thriving in Sri Lanka?

    Nice selection of historical examples, by the way. Completely wrong and irrelevant, of course – but I wouldn't expect anything else from Eelamists.

    This video is really shocking and is a dreadful portent of things to come. It's worse than the fake Channel 4 'atrocity' video. It's your worst nightmare, made into reality.

    The Colombo-Jaffna Bus Service http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhUPJF4Oloo

    Sri Lankans living in Jaffna, now able to visit Colombo and vice versa in about eight hours for 600 Rupees.

    This is how Eelam will be finally strangled and buried.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on this video.

  74. The Tamil Tigers and their supporters obscenely cling to the fiction that they are fighting for Tamils and not for themselves.

    Yet they have repeatedly sabotaged attempts to resolve Tamil grievances in Sri Lanka – including by murdering the Tamil Sri Lankan Foreign Minister and former Oxford Student Union President Lakshman Kadirgamar, and former Harvard lecturer Dr Neelan Tiruchelvam.

    They have also tried to trigger race riots in SL by attacks at the Scared Bo tree and the Temple of the Tooth – both religious and World Heritage sites.

    The stories of children (some as young as 12)ripped from their families forcibly conscripted into the frontlines covered by some newspapers here are harrowing.

    What is equally chilling is the number of refugee children, brought up in the supposedly democratic and multi-cultural West, who are demanding the creation of a one-party, mono-ethnic state – while routinely labelling anyone not sharing their world view as 'Sinhalese', 'in the pay of the SL Govt' or 'BNP'.

    Make no mistake – Tamil Tigers / supporters have NO loyalty to Sri Lanka, Britain or even their own race. They are only interested in their own fanatical beliefs and aims.

    And woe betide anyone or anything that gets in their way.

  75. Savage,
    "After crushing a people’s resistance" That should be re-phrased as 'some' Tamil people.

    You keep making the same basic, racist mistake of presuming Tamils = LTTE, which is most certainly NOT the case. If it was true, every single Sri Lankan Tamil would've joined the LTTE's fight for racially defined mini-state.

    That they did not and that the LTTE murdered the best Tamil politicians over two generations says more about the ideology of the LTTE than I ever could.

    The biggest lie perperated by Eelamists is the 'genocide' charge. If it was true who are these Tamil-speaking people living and thriving in Sri Lanka?

    Nice selection of historical examples, by the way. Completely wrong and irrelevant, of course – but I wouldn't expect anything else from Eelamists.

    This video is really shocking and is a dreadful portent of things to come. It's worse than the fake Channel 4 'atrocity' video. It's your worst nightmare, made into reality.

    The Colombo-Jaffna Bus Service http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhUPJF4Oloo

    Sri Lankans living in Jaffna, now able to visit Colombo and vice versa in about eight hours for 600 Rupees.

    This is how Eelam will be finally strangled and buried.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on this video.

  76. Savage,
    "After crushing a people’s resistance" That should be re-phrased as 'some' Tamil people.

    You keep making the same basic, racist mistake of presuming Tamils = LTTE, which is most certainly NOT the case. If it was true, every single Sri Lankan Tamil would've joined the LTTE's fight for racially defined mini-state.

    That they did not and that the LTTE murdered the best Tamil politicians over two generations says more about the ideology of the LTTE than I ever could.

    The biggest lie perperated by Eelamists is the 'genocide' charge. If it was true who are these Tamil-speaking people living and thriving in Sri Lanka?

    Nice selection of historical examples, by the way. Completely wrong and irrelevant, of course – but I wouldn't expect anything else from Eelamists.

    This video is really shocking and is a dreadful portent of things to come. It's worse than the fake Channel 4 'atrocity' video. It's your worst nightmare, made into reality.

    The Colombo-Jaffna Bus Service http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhUPJF4Oloo

    Sri Lankans living in Jaffna, now able to visit Colombo and vice versa in about eight hours for 600 Rupees.

    This is how Eelam will be finally strangled and buried.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on this video.

  77. Hello there Jim,

    Good to hear from you mate – for a moment, my thoughts were lost on who you were and how you looked like as almost all of my questions went unanswered..

    I indeed saw this site, but failed to spot the area that says "Action against the USA government for War crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan" or "Bring George Bush in front of UN commission of War crimes"

    Anyways Jim, it indeed is kind of disappointing for a person like me who really wish for and loves peace. As I have mentioned a zillion times in your forums, we require understanding the difference between Terrorists and freedom movements. We both need to agree that a group that kills it's own kind cannot be called freedom fighters – it is more like the peace that the character "Yorgi" spoke of in the movie 'XXX" with Vin Deisel.

    I wish to repeat the same question – how do you propose to eliminate Terrorism ? (be it in Sri Lanka, Iraq, Afghanistan involving the GOSL or the GOUSA)

    Do you not believe that the GOSL and the SLA did their best to free the innocent Tamils from the Terrorists ??

    Why do you think the GOSL is spending the load of money in the North and the East to re-build the area if not to improve the living standards of those innocent people ??

    Why spend on de-mining if we really want those people dead ??

    Jim, there are fine lines in war if you think of it using a human brain. No one wishes to kill innocent people unless it is Terrorists using them as a human shield – What else to do to terrorists than eliminate them ? Why not get rid of a few mentally challenged terrorists in order to bring peace to millions who are suffering ?? What's more Humane ???

  78. The Tamil Tigers and their supporters obscenely cling to the fiction that they are fighting for Tamils and not for themselves.

    Yet they have repeatedly sabotaged attempts to resolve Tamil grievances in Sri Lanka – including by murdering the Tamil Sri Lankan Foreign Minister and former Oxford Student Union President Lakshman Kadirgamar, and former Harvard lecturer Dr Neelan Tiruchelvam.

    They have also tried to trigger race riots in SL by attacks at the Scared Bo tree and the Temple of the Tooth – both religious and World Heritage sites.

    The stories of children (some as young as 12)ripped from their families forcibly conscripted into the frontlines covered by some newspapers here are harrowing.

    What is equally chilling is the number of refugee children, brought up in the supposedly democratic and multi-cultural West, who are demanding the creation of a one-party, mono-ethnic state – while routinely labelling anyone not sharing their world view as ‘Sinhalese’, ‘in the pay of the SL Govt’ or ‘BNP’.

    Make no mistake – Tamil Tigers / supporters have NO loyalty to Sri Lanka, Britain or even their own race. They are only interested in their own fanatical beliefs and aims.

    And woe betide anyone or anything that gets in their way.

  79. Savage,
    “After crushing a people’s resistance” That should be re-phrased as ‘some’ Tamil people.

    You keep making the same basic, racist mistake of presuming Tamils = LTTE, which is most certainly NOT the case. If it was true, every single Sri Lankan Tamil would’ve joined the LTTE’s fight for racially defined mini-state.

    That they did not and that the LTTE murdered the best Tamil politicians over two generations says more about the ideology of the LTTE than I ever could.

    The biggest lie perperated by Eelamists is the ‘genocide’ charge. If it was true who are these Tamil-speaking people living and thriving in Sri Lanka?

    Nice selection of historical examples, by the way. Completely wrong and irrelevant, of course – but I wouldn’t expect anything else from Eelamists.

    This video is really shocking and is a dreadful portent of things to come. It’s worse than the fake Channel 4 ‘atrocity’ video. It’s your worst nightmare, made into reality.

    The Colombo-Jaffna Bus Service

    Sri Lankans living in Jaffna, now able to visit Colombo and vice versa in about eight hours for 600 Rupees.

    This is how Eelam will be finally strangled and buried.

    I’d love to hear your thoughts on this video.

  80. Hello there Jim,

    Good to hear from you mate – for a moment, my thoughts were lost on who you were and how you looked like as almost all of my questions went unanswered..

    I indeed saw this site, but failed to spot the area that says “Action against the USA government for War crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan” or “Bring George Bush in front of UN commission of War crimes”

    Anyways Jim, it indeed is kind of disappointing for a person like me who really wish for and loves peace. As I have mentioned a zillion times in your forums, we require understanding the difference between Terrorists and freedom movements. We both need to agree that a group that kills it’s own kind cannot be called freedom fighters – it is more like the peace that the character “Yorgi” spoke of in the movie ‘XXX” with Vin Deisel.

    I wish to repeat the same question – how do you propose to eliminate Terrorism ? (be it in Sri Lanka, Iraq, Afghanistan involving the GOSL or the GOUSA)

    Do you not believe that the GOSL and the SLA did their best to free the innocent Tamils from the Terrorists ??

    Why do you think the GOSL is spending the load of money in the North and the East to re-build the area if not to improve the living standards of those innocent people ??

    Why spend on de-mining if we really want those people dead ??

    Jim, there are fine lines in war if you think of it using a human brain. No one wishes to kill innocent people unless it is Terrorists using them as a human shield – What else to do to terrorists than eliminate them ? Why not get rid of a few mentally challenged terrorists in order to bring peace to millions who are suffering ?? What’s more Humane ???

  81. Thurakki Kunu Bakki

    Where where you when your God Piribaharan and his crew cut the throats of 30 + Buddhist Monks in Aranthalawa ??

    Where were you when your Mentally Challenged Piribaharan Killed innocent civilians including Pregnant mothers and Childen ??

    Where were you when your Sick Fatso Piribaharan sent suicide bombers to kill innocent school boys and pedestrians ? (Mind you the last Bomb at Colombo fort railway station killed 5 Tamils including a School Boy)

    Where were you when you Terrorist Idol Piribaharan ordered to make innocent Tamil citizens human shields and Shoot at those who escaped ??

    You call SLA worse than Animals – What do you call your Idealistic group of Terrorists LTTE and it's leader the Mentaly Sick Piribaharan ??

  82. Thurakki Kunu Bakki

    Where where you when your God Piribaharan and his crew cut the throats of 30 + Buddhist Monks in Aranthalawa ??

    Where were you when your Mentally Challenged Piribaharan Killed innocent civilians including Pregnant mothers and Childen ??

    Where were you when your Sick Fatso Piribaharan sent suicide bombers to kill innocent school boys and pedestrians ? (Mind you the last Bomb at Colombo fort railway station killed 5 Tamils including a School Boy)

    Where were you when you Terrorist Idol Piribaharan ordered to make innocent Tamil citizens human shields and Shoot at those who escaped ??

    You call SLA worse than Animals – What do you call your Idealistic group of Terrorists LTTE and it’s leader the Mentaly Sick Piribaharan ??

  83. Genocider visit US?
    Congressman Steve Driehaus (D-OH), a senior member of the United States National Security and Foreign Affairs Committee, in a letter to US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, asked her to "urge the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to conduct an investigation into reported human rights violations," in Sri Lanka. http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

    How long UN will be silent? world remained silent when thousands of women and children experienced painful slow death in the killing fields of Sri Lanka http://www.sankathi.com/index.php?mact=News,cntnt

  84. Impeccable Jim Gons Says: May 20th, 2010 at 12:57 am
    Jim – Please let me know when you are organizing the protest against the US war crimes in Washington DC. I will definitely join you for that.

    This Gona already participated in New York, 1/16? http://www.lankatruth.com/index.php?option=com_co
    The 16 Sri Lankans who were hired to carry out an ‘agitation’ against UNO Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s decision to appoint a committee to advice him on human rights violations in Sri Lanka on the 12th of this month in New York were treated to a sumptuous meal by the Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN Dr. Palithe Kohona recently.

  85. Genocider visit US?
    Congressman Steve Driehaus (D-OH), a senior member of the United States National Security and Foreign Affairs Committee, in a letter to US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, asked her to "urge the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to conduct an investigation into reported human rights violations," in Sri Lanka. http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

    How long UN will be silent? world remained silent when thousands of women and children experienced painful slow death in the killing fields of Sri Lanka http://www.sankathi.com/index.php?mact=News,cntnt

  86. Genocider visit US?
    Congressman Steve Driehaus (D-OH), a senior member of the United States National Security and Foreign Affairs Committee, in a letter to US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, asked her to "urge the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to conduct an investigation into reported human rights violations," in Sri Lanka. http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

    How long UN will be silent? world remained silent when thousands of women and children experienced painful slow death in the killing fields of Sri Lanka http://www.sankathi.com/index.php?mact=News,cntnt

  87. Impeccable Jim Gons Says: May 20th, 2010 at 12:57 am
    Jim – Please let me know when you are organizing the protest against the US war crimes in Washington DC. I will definitely join you for that.

    This Gona already participated in New York, 1/16? http://www.lankatruth.com/index.php?option=com_co
    The 16 Sri Lankans who were hired to carry out an ‘agitation’ against UNO Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s decision to appoint a committee to advice him on human rights violations in Sri Lanka on the 12th of this month in New York were treated to a sumptuous meal by the Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN Dr. Palithe Kohona recently.

  88. Impeccable Jim Gons Says: May 20th, 2010 at 12:57 am
    Jim – Please let me know when you are organizing the protest against the US war crimes in Washington DC. I will definitely join you for that.

    This Gona already participated in New York, 1/16? http://www.lankatruth.com/index.php?option=com_co
    The 16 Sri Lankans who were hired to carry out an ‘agitation’ against UNO Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s decision to appoint a committee to advice him on human rights violations in Sri Lanka on the 12th of this month in New York were treated to a sumptuous meal by the Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN Dr. Palithe Kohona recently.

  89. Dear Hysterical Ladies of Eelam & Amnesty International,

    This latest work of creative fiction/alternative history by the International Cretins Group (previously known as the International Crisis Group) is already being shredded and taken apart by opposition newspapers in Sri Lanka.

    Here're some choice examples of the ICG report's cretinism:
    "Though the ICG could not determine that the LTTE ‘intended’ to use civilians as human shields, strange enough, it has conclusively established that the Sri Lankan military ‘intended’ shelling hospitals, humanitarian food conveys and the ‘No Fire Zone."

    Did the ICG have had direct communications with Fat Boy VP (before his head collided violently with an axe?) to have known with certainty what the LTTE intended?

    Another massive howler by the ICG:
    "The ICG puts the blame squarely on the security forces on intentional shelling of civilians, hospitals and humanitarian food convoys. That is the greatest single fallacy of the report which disregards the fact that two sides waged a war and there were cross fires and of course, counter battery fire.

    Referring to a shelling of a food distribution centre inside No Fire Zone, the ICG says, LTTE locations were too close to the NFZ to fire artillery shells into it and that “the LTTE in general had little reason to open fire on their own fighters or cause the UN and especially the internationals to leave.”

    Read the rest here and weep for your lost dreams of Eelam. http://www.lakbimanews.lk/special/spe2.htm

    I know that AI, the LTTE diaspora & the hypocrites in the Int'l Human Rights circus are desperate to attack and find SL guilty of war crimes, crimes against people, animals, butterflies and rainbows.

    On the first anniversary of the necessary and bloody crushing of the racist LTTE, Wrong war, Wrong country, Wrong people.

  90. Dear Hysterical Ladies of Eelam & Amnesty International,

    This latest work of creative fiction/alternative history by the International Cretins Group (previously known as the International Crisis Group) is already being shredded and taken apart by opposition newspapers in Sri Lanka.

    Here're some choice examples of the ICG report's cretinism:
    "Though the ICG could not determine that the LTTE ‘intended’ to use civilians as human shields, strange enough, it has conclusively established that the Sri Lankan military ‘intended’ shelling hospitals, humanitarian food conveys and the ‘No Fire Zone."

    Did the ICG have had direct communications with Fat Boy VP (before his head collided violently with an axe?) to have known with certainty what the LTTE intended?

    Another massive howler by the ICG:
    "The ICG puts the blame squarely on the security forces on intentional shelling of civilians, hospitals and humanitarian food convoys. That is the greatest single fallacy of the report which disregards the fact that two sides waged a war and there were cross fires and of course, counter battery fire.

    Referring to a shelling of a food distribution centre inside No Fire Zone, the ICG says, LTTE locations were too close to the NFZ to fire artillery shells into it and that “the LTTE in general had little reason to open fire on their own fighters or cause the UN and especially the internationals to leave.”

    Read the rest here and weep for your lost dreams of Eelam. http://www.lakbimanews.lk/special/spe2.htm

    I know that AI, the LTTE diaspora & the hypocrites in the Int'l Human Rights circus are desperate to attack and find SL guilty of war crimes, crimes against people, animals, butterflies and rainbows.

    On the first anniversary of the necessary and bloody crushing of the racist LTTE, Wrong war, Wrong country, Wrong people.

  91. Dear Hysterical Ladies of Eelam & Amnesty International,

    This latest work of creative fiction/alternative history by the International Cretins Group (previously known as the International Crisis Group) is already being shredded and taken apart by opposition newspapers in Sri Lanka.

    Here're some choice examples of the ICG report's cretinism:
    "Though the ICG could not determine that the LTTE ‘intended’ to use civilians as human shields, strange enough, it has conclusively established that the Sri Lankan military ‘intended’ shelling hospitals, humanitarian food conveys and the ‘No Fire Zone."

    Did the ICG have had direct communications with Fat Boy VP (before his head collided violently with an axe?) to have known with certainty what the LTTE intended?

    Another massive howler by the ICG:
    "The ICG puts the blame squarely on the security forces on intentional shelling of civilians, hospitals and humanitarian food convoys. That is the greatest single fallacy of the report which disregards the fact that two sides waged a war and there were cross fires and of course, counter battery fire.

    Referring to a shelling of a food distribution centre inside No Fire Zone, the ICG says, LTTE locations were too close to the NFZ to fire artillery shells into it and that “the LTTE in general had little reason to open fire on their own fighters or cause the UN and especially the internationals to leave.”

    Read the rest here and weep for your lost dreams of Eelam. http://www.lakbimanews.lk/special/spe2.htm

    I know that AI, the LTTE diaspora & the hypocrites in the Int'l Human Rights circus are desperate to attack and find SL guilty of war crimes, crimes against people, animals, butterflies and rainbows.

    On the first anniversary of the necessary and bloody crushing of the racist LTTE, Wrong war, Wrong country, Wrong people.

  92. Eighty eight days have passed since UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon announced he would name a panel of experts to advise him on war crimes in Sri Lanka. Still not a single panel member has been named. Now new Sri Lankan Minister of External Affairs Professor G.L. Peiris is flying to New York to meet with Ban and his main adviser on Sri Lanka, Vijay Nambiar. http://www.innercitypress.com/sri1peiris052210.ht

  93. Genocider visit US?
    Congressman Steve Driehaus (D-OH), a senior member of the United States National Security and Foreign Affairs Committee, in a letter to US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, asked her to “urge the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to conduct an investigation into reported human rights violations,” in Sri Lanka.

    How long UN will be silent? world remained silent when thousands of women and children experienced painful slow death in the killing fields of Sri Lanka

  94. The Commission of Inquiry appointed by President Mahinda Rajapaksa on May 15 is clearly going to be just one more exercise in denial.

    In fact, all such commissions to date appointed by successive governments have been mere eye wash. Their purpose being to create confusion in the minds of the people at times when serious concerns are being expressed about the problems that are a result of a two and a half decade conflict.

    If Rajapaksa is indeed sincere he should be genuinely looking at rebuilding trust. Without trust, peace will remain fragile and a return to violence, which no one wants, will always be a threat.

  95. Impeccable Jim Gons Says: May 20th, 2010 at 12:57 am
    Jim – Please let me know when you are organizing the protest against the US war crimes in Washington DC. I will definitely join you for that.

    This Gona already participated in New York, 1/16?
    The 16 Sri Lankans who were hired to carry out an ‘agitation’ against UNO Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s decision to appoint a committee to advice him on human rights violations in Sri Lanka on the 12th of this month in New York were treated to a sumptuous meal by the Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN Dr. Palithe Kohona recently.

  96. Eighty eight days have passed since UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon announced he would name a panel of experts to advise him on war crimes in Sri Lanka. Still not a single panel member has been named. Now new Sri Lankan Minister of External Affairs Professor G.L. Peiris is flying to New York to meet with Ban and his main adviser on Sri Lanka, Vijay Nambiar. http://www.innercitypress.com/sri1peiris052210.ht

  97. Eighty eight days have passed since UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon announced he would name a panel of experts to advise him on war crimes in Sri Lanka. Still not a single panel member has been named. Now new Sri Lankan Minister of External Affairs Professor G.L. Peiris is flying to New York to meet with Ban and his main adviser on Sri Lanka, Vijay Nambiar. http://www.innercitypress.com/sri1peiris052210.ht

  98. The Commission of Inquiry appointed by President Mahinda Rajapaksa on May 15 is clearly going to be just one more exercise in denial.

    In fact, all such commissions to date appointed by successive governments have been mere eye wash. Their purpose being to create confusion in the minds of the people at times when serious concerns are being expressed about the problems that are a result of a two and a half decade conflict.

    If Rajapaksa is indeed sincere he should be genuinely looking at rebuilding trust. Without trust, peace will remain fragile and a return to violence, which no one wants, will always be a threat.

  99. The Commission of Inquiry appointed by President Mahinda Rajapaksa on May 15 is clearly going to be just one more exercise in denial.

    In fact, all such commissions to date appointed by successive governments have been mere eye wash. Their purpose being to create confusion in the minds of the people at times when serious concerns are being expressed about the problems that are a result of a two and a half decade conflict.

    If Rajapaksa is indeed sincere he should be genuinely looking at rebuilding trust. Without trust, peace will remain fragile and a return to violence, which no one wants, will always be a threat.

  100. The way Sri-Lanka has “won” the war is simple:

    Conduct the war away from independent media and observers and carry out massive bombings and kill as many civilians as possible. In short, it is state sponsored terrorism!

    If the Sri-Lankan government thinks that it has nothing to HIDE, why is it trying hard to prevent an international investigation into WAR CRIMES committed by all parties during the conflict?

    According to Louise Arbour, a former chief prosecutor in international war crimes trials:

    The fresh evidence, detailing extremely serious allegations of possible war crimes, has been gathered in an extended undercover investigation in Sri Lanka. Testimony from soldiers interviewed by Channel 4 News corroborates persistent allegations aired by this programme since the end of the war a year ago.

    Chief among these: the accusation that Sri Lankan soldiers were responsible for extrajudicial executions – as graphically illustrated by the disturbing video shown on Channel 4 August 2009.

    WAR CRIMINALS should be brought to justice if the international community wants to have any credibility.

  101. Why SLA refuses to permit TNA parliamentarians into Menik Farm IDP camp in Vavuniyaa ?

    What are they hiding ?

    Sri Lanka
    Tamil Eelam
    Tamil Nadu
    United Kingdom
    World News
    Call for immediate investigation of war crimes
    by admin on May.22, 2010, under Sri Lanka


    Virunthan from Mallaavi was butchered brutally by the Sri Lankan State Criminals

    2 Comments more…

    Sri Lanka: Same Song, Only The Change Of Tune
    by admin on May.23, 2010, under Sri Lanka

    Sri Lanka: Same Song, Only The Change Of Tune
    While the Sri Lankan civil war was in full swing the diaspora Tamils began to protest against the killings of Tamils. The Western governments, including the UN were for the most part played the cryptic game of “Read my lips.” As the Tamil Tigers were getting hammered and hemmed-in, both the US and the UK governments sang from the same hymn sheet. The gist of their rhetoric was, ‘We want to see terrorism wiped out of Sri Lanka. We are however concerned of the civilians who are caught in the crossfire.’

    That was just the token message. Tamil civilians suffered and died in their thousands. In utter desperation, deaths of civilians were sadly used as propaganda tool to achieve political ends. As it transpired, the real problem was, in the heat of the battle and in the fog of war, how does one make a clear distinction between combatants and civilians?……… read more

    1 Comment more…

    How Beijing won Sri Lanka’s civil war
    by admin on May.23, 2010, under Sri Lanka

    How Beijing won Sri Lanka’s civil war
    A year after the 27-year Tamil insurgency was brought to a decisive end, Peter Popham looks at how China triumphed where the West failed

    A year ago, one of the world’s most brutal and pitiless terrorist groups, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), was hunted down and exterminated on a strip of beach in the far north-east of Sri Lanka.

    In a war that had dragged on for 27 years, more than 80,000 on both sides had died, hundreds of thousands had lost their homes and the future of one of the most idyllic tropical islands in the world hung in the balance. Suddenly it was all over.

    In defiance of all predictions, the war was brought to a swift and bloody end. The plight of tens of thousands of Tamil civilians caught in the middle was brushed aside: a Chinese veto prevented the UN Security Council from even debating the issue, let alone sending monitors to investigate. Foreign journalists were barred both from the conflict zone and the prison camps set up for Tamil survivors, as was David Miliband when the then foreign secretary flew in to try to find out what was going on. Local journalists critical of government action were terrorised into silence………………. read more

    What do you think?
    People benefit from end of war
    Sri Lankans have benefitted from the end of the conflict as they could now get on with their normal work without fear of terror. Whether they have got the fruits of lasting peace is a question that will be answered in due time, as the end of the war does not necessarily mean that we are all united through peace as one nation.

    The government seems to be doing a lot in the case of infrastructure development which is, anyway good politically and economically. But as far as lasting peace is concerned, whether the government and all other civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations with the support of the government have embarked upon a programme of national integration is still not clear. In this context while some Tamil political factions in Sri Lanka as well as pro-LTTE Diaspora are trying hard to isolate the Tamils, what have we done to win the hearts of people in the North and East?

    I think there should be something important in history for leaders like Prabhakaran to be able to mobilize 1000s of Tamil youth to take up arms. Since there are more than enough studies done on this issue, the causes are clear, but have we not taken them seriously and acted accordingly. It is necessary for the authorities to work with moderate Tamils who admire peace which I believe the majority will support for national integration.

    The government contributed to economic growth through ending the war and infrastructure development and, not at all through policy reforms. What we will see in the near future in terms of a growth spurt is the combined effects of the post-1977 policy reforms and the post-2009 political victories. But the danger is that the government also has the capacity to undermine the forthcoming economic revival.

    Dr. Sirimal Abeyratne, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, University of Colombo

    1 Comment more…

    Allied Medicine Students Agitate Amidst Heavy Police Presence
    by admin on May.23, 2010, under Sri Lanka

    Allied Medicine Students Agitate Amidst Heavy Police Presence
    The students of Faculty of Allied Medicine at Peradeniya continued their agitation in Colombo for the second day yesterday to protest against the reduction of their academic course from four years to three years and the brutal police attack on their peaceful protest the day before. The students charged that by brutally attacking their peaceful demonstration on Thursday the government has seized the democratic right of people for peaceful protest.

    While the peaceful demonstration was being held at Viharamahadevi Park, a contingent of about 500 policemen together with water cannons and riot squads were deployed ready to attack the students.

    Despite police officers attempting to create a conflict, the students with debate and argument avoided such a situation and the students continued their protest for nearly two hours. The students emphasized their struggle will continue jointly with all universities, parents and other forces until the issue of the Allied Medicine students are solved……….. read more

    An open letter to the Defence Secretary from an ordinary citizen by Anne Abayasekara

    “Hatred cannot be overcome by hatred” said the Buddha
    It is with dismay that I read the news report on the front page of The Island of Thursday, May 6th, titled’ ‘TRAITORS SHOULD BE GIVEN CAPITAL PUNISHMENT’, with an inset that ‘Defence Secretary Rajapaksa says the LTTE rump is exploring every avenue to avenge Prabhakaran’s killing on the banks of the Nanthikadal lagoon last May’.
    According to that report, Defence Secretary Gotabhaya says anyone seeking to undermine Sri Lanka’s sovereignty should be regarded as a traitor. It will be a grave blunder on the government’s part for the so-called international community to interfere in Sri Lanka, he says. The Defence Secretary says that any Sri Lankan promoting an agenda that is detrimental to the country is nothing but a traitor who should be ready to face the consequences…….. traitors deserved capital punishment and no one should shed crocodile tears over them.” (continue reading…)
    1 Comment more…

    SLA refuses to permit TNA parliamentarians into Menik Farm camp in Vavuniyaa
    by admin on May.23, 2010, under Sri Lanka

    SLA refuses to permit TNA parliamentarians into Menik Farm camp in Vavuniyaa
    Sri Lanka Army (SLA) officials in Menik Farm Camp in Vavuniyaa did not permit Saturday a group of Tamil National Alliance (TNA) parliamentarians to visit the said detention centre and see the Vanni civilians held, sources in Vavuniyaa said. The SLA officials insisted on prior permission from Ministry of Defence Secretary, Gothabaya Rajapakse and stood firm in their decision though the MPP tried to argue their way into the centre, the sources added.

    The group of TNA parliamentarians are on a mission of seeing the places in Vanni where the uprooted civilians have been allowed to resettle and those still held in the detention centres in Vavuniyaa. The parliamentarians, on being refused permission to enter Menik Farm Camp, proceeded from there to Mannaar district to meet the resettled people and find out about their living conditions. They met the resettled people in various places in the districts of Mullaiththeevu district Friday and reported about the hardships they undergo.

  102. How Beijing won Sri Lanka’s civil war

    The plight of tens of thousands of Tamil civilians caught in the middle was brushed aside: a Chinese veto prevented the UN Security Council from even debating the issue, let alone sending monitors to investigate. Foreign journalists were barred both from the conflict zone and the prison camps set up for Tamil survivors, as was David Miliband when the then foreign secretary flew in to try to find out what was going on. Local journalists critical of government action were terrorised into silence

  103. Dear Hysterical Ladies of Eelam & Amnesty International,

    This latest work of creative fiction/alternative history by the International Cretins Group (previously known as the International Crisis Group) is already being shredded and taken apart by opposition newspapers in Sri Lanka.

    Here’re some choice examples of the ICG report’s cretinism:
    “Though the ICG could not determine that the LTTE ‘intended’ to use civilians as human shields, strange enough, it has conclusively established that the Sri Lankan military ‘intended’ shelling hospitals, humanitarian food conveys and the ‘No Fire Zone.

    Did the ICG have had direct communications with Fat Boy VP (before his head collided violently with an axe?) to have known with certainty what the LTTE intended?

    Another massive howler by the ICG:
    “The ICG puts the blame squarely on the security forces on intentional shelling of civilians, hospitals and humanitarian food convoys. That is the greatest single fallacy of the report which disregards the fact that two sides waged a war and there were cross fires and of course, counter battery fire.

    Referring to a shelling of a food distribution centre inside No Fire Zone, the ICG says, LTTE locations were too close to the NFZ to fire artillery shells into it and that “the LTTE in general had little reason to open fire on their own fighters or cause the UN and especially the internationals to leave.”

    Read the rest here and weep for your lost dreams of Eelam. http://www.lakbimanews.lk/special/spe2.htm

    I know that AI, the LTTE diaspora & the hypocrites in the Int’l Human Rights circus are desperate to attack and find SL guilty of war crimes, crimes against people, animals, butterflies and rainbows.

    On the first anniversary of the necessary and bloody crushing of the racist LTTE, Wrong war, Wrong country, Wrong people.

  104. The way Sri-Lanka has “won” the war is simple:

    Conduct the war away from independent media and observers and carry out massive bombings and kill as many civilians as possible. In short, it is state sponsored terrorism!

    If the Sri-Lankan government thinks that it has nothing to HIDE, why is it trying hard to prevent an international investigation into WAR CRIMES committed by all parties during the conflict?

    According to Louise Arbour, a former chief prosecutor in international war crimes trials:

    The fresh evidence, detailing extremely serious allegations of possible war crimes, has been gathered in an extended undercover investigation in Sri Lanka. Testimony from soldiers interviewed by Channel 4 News corroborates persistent allegations aired by this programme since the end of the war a year ago.

    Chief among these: the accusation that Sri Lankan soldiers were responsible for extrajudicial executions – as graphically illustrated by the disturbing video shown on Channel 4 August 2009.

    WAR CRIMINALS should be brought to justice if the international community wants to have any credibility.

  105. The way Sri-Lanka has “won” the war is simple:

    Conduct the war away from independent media and observers and carry out massive bombings and kill as many civilians as possible. In short, it is state sponsored terrorism!

    If the Sri-Lankan government thinks that it has nothing to HIDE, why is it trying hard to prevent an international investigation into WAR CRIMES committed by all parties during the conflict?

    According to Louise Arbour, a former chief prosecutor in international war crimes trials:

    The fresh evidence, detailing extremely serious allegations of possible war crimes, has been gathered in an extended undercover investigation in Sri Lanka. Testimony from soldiers interviewed by Channel 4 News corroborates persistent allegations aired by this programme since the end of the war a year ago.

    Chief among these: the accusation that Sri Lankan soldiers were responsible for extrajudicial executions – as graphically illustrated by the disturbing video shown on Channel 4 August 2009.

    WAR CRIMINALS should be brought to justice if the international community wants to have any credibility.

  106. The thousands of civilians reportedly killed in the final months of the Sri Lanka civil war that ended one year ago this month marks the last sad chapter in this thirty year bitter conflict.

    The carnage naturally raises questions about whether the Tamils and Sinhalese could have resolved their differences peacefully.

    Given the originating deep seeded religious and cultural divide fed by government and popular discrimination and violence directed against the Tamil minority, it is difficult to see how the parties could have avoided coming to serious blows entirely.

    However, in the early brewing years, the adversaries did have one proposed option that promised to dramatically reduce the risk, namely partition.

    The failure to take advantage of the Tamil initiative opened the door for the mayhem that followed.

    And today, even with the war's end, the absence of partition may yet be the cause of renewed conflict in the future.

  107. Why do they persecute the Tamils in Sri Lanka?

    Persecution of Tamils in Sri Lanka is more to do with an attempt by the Sinhala Buddhists leaders to fulfil the myths and fantasies written in an ancient book called Mahavamsa.

    Mahavamsa was originally written in Pali language because the Sinhala language was not well developed at that time.

    Mahavamsa is considered as a kind of bible by the Sinhala Buddhists in Sri Lanka. Although this book has historical records, there are many fabricated stories, myths and fantasies that make this book completely unreliable.

    It talks about a pure Sinhala race that descended from a lion which is obviously a four leg animal. No wonder why the minorities find the Sri Lankan lion flag very offensive.

    great importance is given for flying the Sri Lankan lion flags in Tamil concentration camps , than feeding the hungry or treating the wounded. Even the Nazi regime in Germany was very serious about displaying swastika flags in the Jewish concentration camps.

    Mahavamsa also preaches hatred against the minority Tamils.

    Sinhala Buddhist politicians and military leaders of Sri lanka believe every word in this book and they are on a mission to fulfil the desires of the kings and queens that are portrayed in this book.

    This is a sample text from Mahavamsa which was written in the 6th Century. This verse talks about a desire of a Sinhala queen who wanted drink water, mixed with the blood of a Tamil warrior.

    “Then she longed to drink the water that had served to cleanse the sword with which the head of the first warrior among Tamil king Elära’s warriors had been struck off, and she longed to drink it standing on this very head, and moreover she longed to adorn herself with garlands of unfaded lotus-blossoms brought from the lotus marshes of Anuradhapura”

    No wonder why the extremists act like the way they act, when they meditate such verses. Words of many racist politicians and military leaders in Sri Lanka are spoken straight out this book. Even some of the well known former presidents of Sri Lanka are not the exceptions.

    They want to make Sri Lanka as a Sinhala Buddhist nation by wiping out the minority Tamils.

    For more than sixty years, successive Sri Lankan governments backed by racist Sinhala extremists have been oppressing the Tamil minorities. They brutally killed thousands of innocent Tamils, burnt their properties and sent the rest in ships as refugees to the North of the country in the fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties.

  108. Eighty eight days have passed since UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon announced he would name a panel of experts to advise him on war crimes in Sri Lanka. Still not a single panel member has been named. Now new Sri Lankan Minister of External Affairs Professor G.L. Peiris is flying to New York to meet with Ban and his main adviser on Sri Lanka, Vijay Nambiar.

  109. The Commission of Inquiry appointed by President Mahinda Rajapaksa on May 15 is clearly going to be just one more exercise in denial.

    In fact, all such commissions to date appointed by successive governments have been mere eye wash. Their purpose being to create confusion in the minds of the people at times when serious concerns are being expressed about the problems that are a result of a two and a half decade conflict.

    If Rajapaksa is indeed sincere he should be genuinely looking at rebuilding trust. Without trust, peace will remain fragile and a return to violence, which no one wants, will always be a threat.


  110. Why SLA refuses to permit TNA parliamentarians into Menik Farm IDP camp in Vavuniyaa ?

    What are they hiding ?

    Sri Lanka
    Tamil Eelam
    Tamil Nadu
    United Kingdom
    World News
    Call for immediate investigation of war crimes
    by admin on May.22, 2010, under Sri Lanka


    Virunthan from Mallaavi was butchered brutally by the Sri Lankan State Criminals

    2 Comments more…

    Sri Lanka: Same Song, Only The Change Of Tune
    by admin on May.23, 2010, under Sri Lanka

    Sri Lanka: Same Song, Only The Change Of Tune
    While the Sri Lankan civil war was in full swing the diaspora Tamils began to protest against the killings of Tamils. The Western governments, including the UN were for the most part played the cryptic game of “Read my lips.” As the Tamil Tigers were getting hammered and hemmed-in, both the US and the UK governments sang from the same hymn sheet. The gist of their rhetoric was, ‘We want to see terrorism wiped out of Sri Lanka. We are however concerned of the civilians who are caught in the crossfire.’

    That was just the token message. Tamil civilians suffered and died in their thousands. In utter desperation, deaths of civilians were sadly used as propaganda tool to achieve political ends. As it transpired, the real problem was, in the heat of the battle and in the fog of war, how does one make a clear distinction between combatants and civilians?……… read more

    1 Comment more…

    How Beijing won Sri Lanka’s civil war
    by admin on May.23, 2010, under Sri Lanka

    How Beijing won Sri Lanka’s civil war
    A year after the 27-year Tamil insurgency was brought to a decisive end, Peter Popham looks at how China triumphed where the West failed

    A year ago, one of the world’s most brutal and pitiless terrorist groups, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), was hunted down and exterminated on a strip of beach in the far north-east of Sri Lanka.

    In a war that had dragged on for 27 years, more than 80,000 on both sides had died, hundreds of thousands had lost their homes and the future of one of the most idyllic tropical islands in the world hung in the balance. Suddenly it was all over.

    In defiance of all predictions, the war was brought to a swift and bloody end. The plight of tens of thousands of Tamil civilians caught in the middle was brushed aside: a Chinese veto prevented the UN Security Council from even debating the issue, let alone sending monitors to investigate. Foreign journalists were barred both from the conflict zone and the prison camps set up for Tamil survivors, as was David Miliband when the then foreign secretary flew in to try to find out what was going on. Local journalists critical of government action were terrorised into silence………………. read more

    What do you think?
    People benefit from end of war
    Sri Lankans have benefitted from the end of the conflict as they could now get on with their normal work without fear of terror. Whether they have got the fruits of lasting peace is a question that will be answered in due time, as the end of the war does not necessarily mean that we are all united through peace as one nation.

    The government seems to be doing a lot in the case of infrastructure development which is, anyway good politically and economically. But as far as lasting peace is concerned, whether the government and all other civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations with the support of the government have embarked upon a programme of national integration is still not clear. In this context while some Tamil political factions in Sri Lanka as well as pro-LTTE Diaspora are trying hard to isolate the Tamils, what have we done to win the hearts of people in the North and East?

    I think there should be something important in history for leaders like Prabhakaran to be able to mobilize 1000s of Tamil youth to take up arms. Since there are more than enough studies done on this issue, the causes are clear, but have we not taken them seriously and acted accordingly. It is necessary for the authorities to work with moderate Tamils who admire peace which I believe the majority will support for national integration.

    The government contributed to economic growth through ending the war and infrastructure development and, not at all through policy reforms. What we will see in the near future in terms of a growth spurt is the combined effects of the post-1977 policy reforms and the post-2009 political victories. But the danger is that the government also has the capacity to undermine the forthcoming economic revival.

    Dr. Sirimal Abeyratne, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, University of Colombo

    1 Comment more…

    Allied Medicine Students Agitate Amidst Heavy Police Presence
    by admin on May.23, 2010, under Sri Lanka

    Allied Medicine Students Agitate Amidst Heavy Police Presence
    The students of Faculty of Allied Medicine at Peradeniya continued their agitation in Colombo for the second day yesterday to protest against the reduction of their academic course from four years to three years and the brutal police attack on their peaceful protest the day before. The students charged that by brutally attacking their peaceful demonstration on Thursday the government has seized the democratic right of people for peaceful protest.

    While the peaceful demonstration was being held at Viharamahadevi Park, a contingent of about 500 policemen together with water cannons and riot squads were deployed ready to attack the students.

    Despite police officers attempting to create a conflict, the students with debate and argument avoided such a situation and the students continued their protest for nearly two hours. The students emphasized their struggle will continue jointly with all universities, parents and other forces until the issue of the Allied Medicine students are solved……….. read more

    An open letter to the Defence Secretary from an ordinary citizen by Anne Abayasekara

    “Hatred cannot be overcome by hatred” said the Buddha
    It is with dismay that I read the news report on the front page of The Island of Thursday, May 6th, titled’ ‘TRAITORS SHOULD BE GIVEN CAPITAL PUNISHMENT’, with an inset that ‘Defence Secretary Rajapaksa says the LTTE rump is exploring every avenue to avenge Prabhakaran’s killing on the banks of the Nanthikadal lagoon last May’.
    According to that report, Defence Secretary Gotabhaya says anyone seeking to undermine Sri Lanka’s sovereignty should be regarded as a traitor. It will be a grave blunder on the government’s part for the so-called international community to interfere in Sri Lanka, he says. The Defence Secretary says that any Sri Lankan promoting an agenda that is detrimental to the country is nothing but a traitor who should be ready to face the consequences…….. traitors deserved capital punishment and no one should shed crocodile tears over them.” (continue reading…)
    1 Comment more…

    SLA refuses to permit TNA parliamentarians into Menik Farm camp in Vavuniyaa
    by admin on May.23, 2010, under Sri Lanka

    SLA refuses to permit TNA parliamentarians into Menik Farm camp in Vavuniyaa
    Sri Lanka Army (SLA) officials in Menik Farm Camp in Vavuniyaa did not permit Saturday a group of Tamil National Alliance (TNA) parliamentarians to visit the said detention centre and see the Vanni civilians held, sources in Vavuniyaa said. The SLA officials insisted on prior permission from Ministry of Defence Secretary, Gothabaya Rajapakse and stood firm in their decision though the MPP tried to argue their way into the centre, the sources added.

    The group of TNA parliamentarians are on a mission of seeing the places in Vanni where the uprooted civilians have been allowed to resettle and those still held in the detention centres in Vavuniyaa. The parliamentarians, on being refused permission to enter Menik Farm Camp, proceeded from there to Mannaar district to meet the resettled people and find out about their living conditions. They met the resettled people in various places in the districts of Mullaiththeevu district Friday and reported about the hardships they undergo.

  111. How Beijing won Sri Lanka’s civil war

    The plight of tens of thousands of Tamil civilians caught in the middle was brushed aside: a Chinese veto prevented the UN Security Council from even debating the issue, let alone sending monitors to investigate. Foreign journalists were barred both from the conflict zone and the prison camps set up for Tamil survivors, as was David Miliband when the then foreign secretary flew in to try to find out what was going on. Local journalists critical of government action were terrorised into silence

  112. The way Sri-Lanka has “won” the war is simple:

    Conduct the war away from independent media and observers and carry out massive bombings and kill as many civilians as possible. In short, it is state sponsored terrorism!

    If the Sri-Lankan government thinks that it has nothing to HIDE, why is it trying hard to prevent an international investigation into WAR CRIMES committed by all parties during the conflict?

    According to Louise Arbour, a former chief prosecutor in international war crimes trials:

    The fresh evidence, detailing extremely serious allegations of possible war crimes, has been gathered in an extended undercover investigation in Sri Lanka. Testimony from soldiers interviewed by Channel 4 News corroborates persistent allegations aired by this programme since the end of the war a year ago.

    Chief among these: the accusation that Sri Lankan soldiers were responsible for extrajudicial executions – as graphically illustrated by the disturbing video shown on Channel 4 August 2009.

    WAR CRIMINALS should be brought to justice if the international community wants to have any credibility.


  113. The thousands of civilians reportedly killed in the final months of the Sri Lanka civil war that ended one year ago this month marks the last sad chapter in this thirty year bitter conflict.

    The carnage naturally raises questions about whether the Tamils and Sinhalese could have resolved their differences peacefully.

    Given the originating deep seeded religious and cultural divide fed by government and popular discrimination and violence directed against the Tamil minority, it is difficult to see how the parties could have avoided coming to serious blows entirely.

    However, in the early brewing years, the adversaries did have one proposed option that promised to dramatically reduce the risk, namely partition.

    The failure to take advantage of the Tamil initiative opened the door for the mayhem that followed.

    And today, even with the war’s end, the absence of partition may yet be the cause of renewed conflict in the future.

  114. Why do they persecute the Tamils in Sri Lanka?

    Persecution of Tamils in Sri Lanka is more to do with an attempt by the Sinhala Buddhists leaders to fulfil the myths and fantasies written in an ancient book called Mahavamsa.

    Mahavamsa was originally written in Pali language because the Sinhala language was not well developed at that time.

    Mahavamsa is considered as a kind of bible by the Sinhala Buddhists in Sri Lanka. Although this book has historical records, there are many fabricated stories, myths and fantasies that make this book completely unreliable.

    It talks about a pure Sinhala race that descended from a lion which is obviously a four leg animal. No wonder why the minorities find the Sri Lankan lion flag very offensive.

    great importance is given for flying the Sri Lankan lion flags in Tamil concentration camps , than feeding the hungry or treating the wounded. Even the Nazi regime in Germany was very serious about displaying swastika flags in the Jewish concentration camps.

    Mahavamsa also preaches hatred against the minority Tamils.

    Sinhala Buddhist politicians and military leaders of Sri lanka believe every word in this book and they are on a mission to fulfil the desires of the kings and queens that are portrayed in this book.

    This is a sample text from Mahavamsa which was written in the 6th Century. This verse talks about a desire of a Sinhala queen who wanted drink water, mixed with the blood of a Tamil warrior.

    “Then she longed to drink the water that had served to cleanse the sword with which the head of the first warrior among Tamil king Elära’s warriors had been struck off, and she longed to drink it standing on this very head, and moreover she longed to adorn herself with garlands of unfaded lotus-blossoms brought from the lotus marshes of Anuradhapura”

    No wonder why the extremists act like the way they act, when they meditate such verses. Words of many racist politicians and military leaders in Sri Lanka are spoken straight out this book. Even some of the well known former presidents of Sri Lanka are not the exceptions.

    They want to make Sri Lanka as a Sinhala Buddhist nation by wiping out the minority Tamils.

    For more than sixty years, successive Sri Lankan governments backed by racist Sinhala extremists have been oppressing the Tamil minorities. They brutally killed thousands of innocent Tamils, burnt their properties and sent the rest in ships as refugees to the North of the country in the fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties.

  115. The Eelamist Suicide Cut-'n-Paste Bombers appear to have to taken over the AI blog, apparently with AI's blessings! Jim & his cohorts are conspicuous by their absence, no doubt spending long hours conferring with the International Cretins Group about how to get SL 🙂

    In other news, "Over four hundred ex-LTTE cadres including 198 ex-child soldiers were released to their families

    Odd how there isn't a single Diaspora LTTE child soldier in this group. It seems they were more than happy to demonstrate & defecate in the West than, actually get involved in any fighting.. Very odd, no?

    Even the left-leaning 'Independent' has finally what neither AI nor the Int'l Cretins Group will admit to:

    "There was plenty wrong with the Sri Lankan polity in the years after independence, and there is plenty still wrong with it today. In the words of the then UN high commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, now president of the International Crisis Group, after her visit in October 2007, it is a country where "the weakness of the rule of law and prevalence of impunity are alarming". But the idea that these wrongs could be righted by splitting this small island down the middle into two armed camps, and putting one of the halves in the pocket of a homicidal maniac, is one of the crazier ideas to have gained currency in our times." http://tinyurl.com/3xubmx6

  116. The Eelamist Suicide Cut-'n-Paste Bombers appear to have to taken over the AI blog, apparently with AI's blessings! Jim & his cohorts are conspicuous by their absence, no doubt spending long hours conferring with the International Cretins Group about how to get SL 🙂

    In other news, "Over four hundred ex-LTTE cadres including 198 ex-child soldiers were released to their families

    Odd how there isn't a single Diaspora LTTE child soldier in this group. It seems they were more than happy to demonstrate & defecate in the West than, actually get involved in any fighting.. Very odd, no?

    Even the left-leaning 'Independent' has finally what neither AI nor the Int'l Cretins Group will admit to:

    "There was plenty wrong with the Sri Lankan polity in the years after independence, and there is plenty still wrong with it today. In the words of the then UN high commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, now president of the International Crisis Group, after her visit in October 2007, it is a country where "the weakness of the rule of law and prevalence of impunity are alarming". But the idea that these wrongs could be righted by splitting this small island down the middle into two armed camps, and putting one of the halves in the pocket of a homicidal maniac, is one of the crazier ideas to have gained currency in our times." http://tinyurl.com/3xubmx6

  117. The Eelamist Suicide Cut-'n-Paste Bombers appear to have to taken over the AI blog, apparently with AI's blessings! Jim & his cohorts are conspicuous by their absence, no doubt spending long hours conferring with the International Cretins Group about how to get SL 🙂

    In other news, "Over four hundred ex-LTTE cadres including 198 ex-child soldiers were released to their families

    Odd how there isn't a single Diaspora LTTE child soldier in this group. It seems they were more than happy to demonstrate & defecate in the West than, actually get involved in any fighting.. Very odd, no?

    Even the left-leaning 'Independent' has finally what neither AI nor the Int'l Cretins Group will admit to:

    "There was plenty wrong with the Sri Lankan polity in the years after independence, and there is plenty still wrong with it today. In the words of the then UN high commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, now president of the International Crisis Group, after her visit in October 2007, it is a country where "the weakness of the rule of law and prevalence of impunity are alarming". But the idea that these wrongs could be righted by splitting this small island down the middle into two armed camps, and putting one of the halves in the pocket of a homicidal maniac, is one of the crazier ideas to have gained currency in our times." http://tinyurl.com/3xubmx6

  118. 1. Apartheid, the foundation ground of genocide.

    2. Apartheid gave birth to the Tamil resistance.

    3. The crushing of the resistance was engineered by a planned & programmed POLICY OF GENOCIDE that swept in all segments of Tamildom in a deliberately indiscriminate slaughter.

    No — not even Israel & america have been able to put into execution such a concentrated & protracted running butchery in one military drive within full sight of the whole world.

    What comparisons come to mind ? Contemporarily, a lot — but the numbers of the dead, which the Sinhellish apologists tried to LAUGH AWAY AT FIRST but later ADMITTED — the appaling numbers go even beyond the hundreds who perished at the Sabra & Shatila Palestinian camps, the over a thousand dead in Gaza.

    40 to 50 THOUSAND ?? !! These numbers — in ONE SINGLE CAMPAIGN, in ONE SINGLE ZONE — are a QUALITATIVE LEAP DOWNWARD into an abyss of such unfathomable depths nobody, aware of it or not, can emerge from it as "humans". We have, all of us, been consigned to this darkness.

    The numbers of the Tamil dead take us back 500 YEARS for any real comparison — the Spanish slaughter in the human – packed plazas of Mexico & Peru, where the armored cavalry & infantry first blocked off all the exits & then leaped to the attack, pursuing & cutting down every single person trying to escape.

    40 to 50 thousand !! If this is not Genocide, let us give up ANY FUTURE ATTEMPT ANYWHERE on Earth to identify what is.

  119. The Eelamist Suicide Cut-‘n-Paste Bombers appear to have to taken over the AI blog, apparently with AI’s blessings! Jim & his cohorts are conspicuous by their absence, no doubt spending long hours conferring with the International Cretins Group about how to get SL 🙂

    In other news, “Over four hundred ex-LTTE cadres including 198 ex-child soldiers were released to their families

    Odd how there isn’t a single Diaspora LTTE child soldier in this group. It seems they were more than happy to demonstrate & defecate in the West than, actually get involved in any fighting.. Very odd, no?


    Even the left-leaning ‘Independent’ has finally what neither AI nor the Int’l Cretins Group will admit to:

    “There was plenty wrong with the Sri Lankan polity in the years after independence, and there is plenty still wrong with it today. In the words of the then UN high commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, now president of the International Crisis Group, after her visit in October 2007, it is a country where “the weakness of the rule of law and prevalence of impunity are alarming”. But the idea that these wrongs could be righted by splitting this small island down the middle into two armed camps, and putting one of the halves in the pocket of a homicidal maniac, is one of the crazier ideas to have gained currency in our times.

  120. 1. Apartheid, the foundation ground of genocide.

    2. Apartheid gave birth to the Tamil resistance.

    3. The crushing of the resistance was engineered by a planned & programmed POLICY OF GENOCIDE that swept in all segments of Tamildom in a deliberately indiscriminate slaughter.

    No — not even Israel & america have been able to put into execution such a concentrated & protracted running butchery in one military drive within full sight of the whole world.

    What comparisons come to mind ? Contemporarily, a lot — but the numbers of the dead, which the Sinhellish apologists tried to LAUGH AWAY AT FIRST but later ADMITTED — the appaling numbers go even beyond the hundreds who perished at the Sabra & Shatila Palestinian camps, the over a thousand dead in Gaza.

    40 to 50 THOUSAND ?? !! These numbers — in ONE SINGLE CAMPAIGN, in ONE SINGLE ZONE — are a QUALITATIVE LEAP DOWNWARD into an abyss of such unfathomable depths nobody, aware of it or not, can emerge from it as “humans”. We have, all of us, been consigned to this darkness.

    The numbers of the Tamil dead take us back 500 YEARS for any real comparison — the Spanish slaughter in the human – packed plazas of Mexico & Peru, where the armored cavalry & infantry first blocked off all the exits & then leaped to the attack, pursuing & cutting down every single person trying to escape.

    40 to 50 thousand !! If this is not Genocide, let us give up ANY FUTURE ATTEMPT ANYWHERE on Earth to identify what is.

  121. Dear Ever-more Hysterical Eelamists, (a. savage)

    If, as you allege, the SL govt and people wanted to 'genocide' the Vanni Tamil civilians, why were more than 300,000 Tamils rescued and placed in internal displacement camps?

    The simple answer is that 'genocide' charge is a lie and those who make it only demonstrate their deteriorating mental condition. The 40,000 dead figure is also another tired lie. Why not make it 50,000, 60,000 or even 100,000!
    It's Numbers Genocide!!

    In other news, Mass marriage of Tiger couples
    Fifty six LTTE couples, who are not legally married, will be married off as per Sri Lankan law, at a mass ceremony to be held at Pampaimadu in Vavuniya district on June 13. “And I am playing cupid,” said a chirpy Brig. Sundantha Ranasinghe, Commissioner General of Rehabilitation, who has under his care about 9,000 ex-LTTE cadre."

    I bet these couples must be pleased that they didn't follow that cowardly corpulent criminals' orders to fight to the death. Will the Diaspora LTTE groups organise some wedding gifts for these happy couples? Perhaps funding to build housing? I doubt it.

  122. A (ss) Savage !

    40 to 50 thousand !! If this is not Genocide, let us give up ANY FUTURE ATTEMPT ANYWHERE on Earth to identify what is.

    If this equation is right, can I say that LTTE committed Genocide against Singhalees ???

    1. There were more than 70,000 Singhalees killed during the past 30 years.
    2. They were chased out from the LTTE controlled area.

    Also can I say that the LTTE committed Genocide against Muslims ??

    1. There were close to 30,000 Muslims killed by LTTE.
    2. They were chased out from LTTE controlled areas.

    Also if you are well read and you can get your facts right, America has killed more than 100,000 in Afghanistan and a similar number in Iraq – Genocide ???

    Also if you know your English right and if you,

    1. Have the knowledge to read a dictionary
    2. Understand what's mentioned in the dictionary

    You will know exactly what the word Genocide means.

    For your information let me do you a favour and paste the meaning from the dictionary. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/genocide

    (Genocide – systematic killing of a racial or cultural group)

    Meaning, if true Genocide happened in SL, there will be no Tamil person living in Wellawatte or any other part in Sri Lanka – I can give you an example – When LTTE was controlling North of SL, there were no Singhalees or Muslims living in the area – were killed or chased off – Now that could be considered Genocide !!!

    Hope I enlightened your Homo Neanderthal brain enough !!! – let me see you evolving to a Homo Sapience from next post on !!

  123. LOL @ Riductio' comments – How true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At the same time, I don't think our good ladies of Eelam has read Louise Arbour's report right – about the thoughts on separatism. LOL

    As you have correctly mentioned, still two or three and paste suicide bombers (Bombo's) are active on this site and paste stuff quite irrelevant to the post under different handles – good for them – I only hope that they understand what they paste – LOL.. Ram and Aja probably are the same person who enjoys this a lot.


    War On Tamils Says:
    May 22nd, 2010 at 6:02 pm

    Impeccable Jim Gons Says: May 20th, 2010 at 12:57 am
    Jim – Please let me know when you are organizing the protest against the US war crimes in Washington DC. I will definitely join you for that.

    This Gona already participated in New York, 1/16?

    Gono – I am in Sri Lanka. How can I attend something in USA. All I said was that I was willing to attend if AI plans something of the same nature. (it's worthwhile and also AI would not probably be interested in a legal cause)

    Also re. the gathering of 16, that was the requirement and that's how they planned it – we don't believe in going in mass crowds and fart all over like you hooligans do – we believe in doing things decently 🙂 !!

  124. 'Pardoning' Tissainayagam delayed

    Sri Lankan 'presidential pardon' granted to senior journalist J.S.Tissainayagam is delayed due to the withdrawal of his appeal from the law court, claimed Sri Lankan Foreign External Affairs Minister G.L.Peiris to Colombo media Friday.

    This is a procedural step that has to be attended by his lawyers. But the government has instructed the Attorney General to provide necessary assistance to the aggrieved party to speed up the formalization of the presidential pardon that the government announced on the World Press Freedom Day, Minister Peiris further said.

    The High Court of Colombo sentenced the journalist to twenty years rigorous imprisonment after he was arrested and charged under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA).

    Tissainayagam later filed an appeal in the Court of Appeal against the conviction. He is on bail at present.

  125. Tamil genocide message during cricket game

    Banners flown by single engine aircraft displaying "Stop Tamil Genocide; Boycott Sri Lanka" circled the cricket grounds several times during a 20-over cricket tournament held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida during this weekend, attendees to the games said. Indian, Pakistani, English, South African, Sri Lankan and Caribbean supporters dominated the attendees at the stadium. In the meantime Sinhalese dissidents opposed to the Rajapaksa regime flew their own message on another plane which said: Sri Lanka – Free Gen Fonseka – Restore Democracy."

    New Zealand captain Daniel Vettori felt the event had been a success. "Obviously with a lot of Sri Lankans here it had a kind of sub-continent feel but it was a crowd that was entertained," Reuters report quoted Vettori as saying.

    "I thought the entertainment off the field was good for the game and whilst it wasn't as high scoring as people wanted it was still a thrilling game," Vettori added.

    New Zealand made 120 and Sri Lanka stumbled to 92 all out with two balls remaining on the Saturday game.

  126. Dear Ever-more Hysterical Eelamists, (a. savage)

    If, as you allege, the SL govt and people wanted to 'genocide' the Vanni Tamil civilians, why were more than 300,000 Tamils rescued and placed in internal displacement camps?

    The simple answer is that 'genocide' charge is a lie and those who make it only demonstrate their deteriorating mental condition. The 40,000 dead figure is also another tired lie. Why not make it 50,000, 60,000 or even 100,000!
    It's Numbers Genocide!!

    In other news, Mass marriage of Tiger couples
    Fifty six LTTE couples, who are not legally married, will be married off as per Sri Lankan law, at a mass ceremony to be held at Pampaimadu in Vavuniya district on June 13. “And I am playing cupid,” said a chirpy Brig. Sundantha Ranasinghe, Commissioner General of Rehabilitation, who has under his care about 9,000 ex-LTTE cadre."

    I bet these couples must be pleased that they didn't follow that cowardly corpulent criminals' orders to fight to the death. Will the Diaspora LTTE groups organise some wedding gifts for these happy couples? Perhaps funding to build housing? I doubt it.

  127. Dear Ever-more Hysterical Eelamists, (a. savage)

    If, as you allege, the SL govt and people wanted to 'genocide' the Vanni Tamil civilians, why were more than 300,000 Tamils rescued and placed in internal displacement camps?

    The simple answer is that 'genocide' charge is a lie and those who make it only demonstrate their deteriorating mental condition. The 40,000 dead figure is also another tired lie. Why not make it 50,000, 60,000 or even 100,000!
    It's Numbers Genocide!!

    In other news, Mass marriage of Tiger couples
    Fifty six LTTE couples, who are not legally married, will be married off as per Sri Lankan law, at a mass ceremony to be held at Pampaimadu in Vavuniya district on June 13. “And I am playing cupid,” said a chirpy Brig. Sundantha Ranasinghe, Commissioner General of Rehabilitation, who has under his care about 9,000 ex-LTTE cadre."

    I bet these couples must be pleased that they didn't follow that cowardly corpulent criminals' orders to fight to the death. Will the Diaspora LTTE groups organise some wedding gifts for these happy couples? Perhaps funding to build housing? I doubt it.

  128. A (ss) Savage !

    40 to 50 thousand !! If this is not Genocide, let us give up ANY FUTURE ATTEMPT ANYWHERE on Earth to identify what is.

    If this equation is right, can I say that LTTE committed Genocide against Singhalees ???

    1. There were more than 70,000 Singhalees killed during the past 30 years.
    2. They were chased out from the LTTE controlled area.

    Also can I say that the LTTE committed Genocide against Muslims ??

    1. There were close to 30,000 Muslims killed by LTTE.
    2. They were chased out from LTTE controlled areas.

    Also if you are well read and you can get your facts right, America has killed more than 100,000 in Afghanistan and a similar number in Iraq – Genocide ???

    Also if you know your English right and if you,

    1. Have the knowledge to read a dictionary
    2. Understand what's mentioned in the dictionary

    You will know exactly what the word Genocide means.

    For your information let me do you a favour and paste the meaning from the dictionary. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/genocide

    (Genocide – systematic killing of a racial or cultural group)

    Meaning, if true Genocide happened in SL, there will be no Tamil person living in Wellawatte or any other part in Sri Lanka – I can give you an example – When LTTE was controlling North of SL, there were no Singhalees or Muslims living in the area – were killed or chased off – Now that could be considered Genocide !!!

    Hope I enlightened your Homo Neanderthal brain enough !!! – let me see you evolving to a Homo Sapience from next post on !!

  129. A (ss) Savage !

    40 to 50 thousand !! If this is not Genocide, let us give up ANY FUTURE ATTEMPT ANYWHERE on Earth to identify what is.

    If this equation is right, can I say that LTTE committed Genocide against Singhalees ???

    1. There were more than 70,000 Singhalees killed during the past 30 years.
    2. They were chased out from the LTTE controlled area.

    Also can I say that the LTTE committed Genocide against Muslims ??

    1. There were close to 30,000 Muslims killed by LTTE.
    2. They were chased out from LTTE controlled areas.

    Also if you are well read and you can get your facts right, America has killed more than 100,000 in Afghanistan and a similar number in Iraq – Genocide ???

    Also if you know your English right and if you,

    1. Have the knowledge to read a dictionary
    2. Understand what's mentioned in the dictionary

    You will know exactly what the word Genocide means.

    For your information let me do you a favour and paste the meaning from the dictionary. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/genocide

    (Genocide – systematic killing of a racial or cultural group)

    Meaning, if true Genocide happened in SL, there will be no Tamil person living in Wellawatte or any other part in Sri Lanka – I can give you an example – When LTTE was controlling North of SL, there were no Singhalees or Muslims living in the area – were killed or chased off – Now that could be considered Genocide !!!

    Hope I enlightened your Homo Neanderthal brain enough !!! – let me see you evolving to a Homo Sapience from next post on !!

  130. Sinhalese attacked, damaged mosque

    Muslims praying in mosque attacked and mosque premises damaged

    A group of Muslims who were praying in the Ambanpola Muslim mosque in Malsiripura was attacked , and the mosque was damaged.

    A Muslim clergy of the area said , about 200 individuals stormed into the mosque and attacked the people who were at prayers . In order to save their lives , the victims had fled . Several of them had been injured , while the mosque too was extensively damaged.

  131. UN should conduct investigations in regard to war crimes in Sri lanka Army

    Hilary Clinton said the government may be able to tender a settlement policy by hiding the truth about thousands of civilians got killed, but she queried how could the Sri Lankan government achieve victory for peace?

  132. Defence Secretary disallows the TNA visit to Menik Farm IDP camp

    12 Members of Parliament of the Tamil National Alliance undertook a trip to the Vanni to visit the several camps in which civilians were being kept, to visit the detention camps in which the young Tamil people were detained and also visit the several areas in the Vanni where resettlement and rehabilitation are said to have commenced.

    The objective of the visit was to ascertain true factual position. HE the President was kept informed of the visit by letters and he was kindly requested to facilitate the same. Mr. R. Sampanthan, leader of the TNA Parliamentary Group kept in constant touch with the Secretary to the President Mr. Lalith Weeratunga with regard to the visit. The visit accordingly commenced on Friday the 21st May and was to continue on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd May.

    Mr Lalith Weeratunga Secretary to the President was kept informed of the dates of the visit and the visit had his total concurrence, implying that the President himself concurred with the visit.

    On Saturday the 22nd May around 9 am the TNA Parliamentary Group arrived at the entrance of Zone 4, one of the camps in which the civilians were being kept. The team was informed by the Brigadier in charge that there was no approval for the Parliamentarians to visit the camps and that the Defence Secretary had informed that the visit should not be allowed. Mr R. Sampanthan contacted Mr Lalith Weeratunga, Secretary to the President and explained the position. The Secretary to the President stated that he would sort out the issue and requested the Parliamentary Group to remain until the matter was settled. After waiting for about an hour at the entrance, efforts to contact Mr Lalith Weeratunga were not successful.

    Accordingly after about one hour the Parliamentary Group left the entrance of Zone 4, leaving behind with the Presidential Secretariat the phone numbers on which Mr. R. Sampanthan could be contacted. There was no further contact with Mr. R. Sampanthan.

    This act of denying entry to the elected representatives of the people, who are being kept in these camps is an affront to the legitimate democratic rights of these people and an insult to the whole democratic process. This despotic act has been committed by persons, who obviously have a great deal to conceal.

    We request all the people in Sri Lanka and the world at large including the United Nations and its relevant organs to take cognizance of this act of unbridled authoritarianism.

    We condemn this dictatorial act and call upon the Sri Lankan government to take corrective measures.

  133. Three killed, one injured in bus-car collision in Tamil Nadu[Diaspora Eelamists blame Sri Lanka Army.]

    In the disturbed & delusional minds of the LTTE diaspora, if anything bad has happened anywhere, especially where Tamils may have been hurt or injured, its ALWAYS the fault of the Sri Lanka government of 'racist Sinhalese.

    Everything is the fault of the 'Sinhala hegemonists'. 🙂 🙂

  134. Three killed, one injured in bus-car collision in Tamil Nadu[Diaspora Eelamists blame Sri Lanka Army.]

    In the disturbed & delusional minds of the LTTE diaspora, if anything bad has happened anywhere, especially where Tamils may have been hurt or injured, its ALWAYS the fault of the Sri Lanka government of 'racist Sinhalese.

    Everything is the fault of the 'Sinhala hegemonists'. 🙂 🙂

  135. Three killed, one injured in bus-car collision in Tamil Nadu[Diaspora Eelamists blame Sri Lanka Army.]

    In the disturbed & delusional minds of the LTTE diaspora, if anything bad has happened anywhere, especially where Tamils may have been hurt or injured, its ALWAYS the fault of the Sri Lanka government of 'racist Sinhalese.

    Everything is the fault of the 'Sinhala hegemonists'. 🙂 🙂

  136. Sri lanka showed China card to India to get india's help to kill over 50,000 Tamils last year.

    Same game now different countries now

    President Rajapaksa is to assume the chairmanship of the 18-member G-15 organization from President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the forthcoming summit. http://www.colombopage.com/archive_10A/May16_1274

    Sri Lanka’s External Affairs Minister G.L.Peiris is to visit the United States next week for talks with the US government, and is expected to meet US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during his stay in US, Colombo electronic media reported quoting External Affairs Ministry sources. The hurriedly arranged visit occurs in the wake of a week of concerted calls by several human rights organizations for independent investigations into Sri Lanka war crimes http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

    Is UN, US & the western world will see the iran/china card or war crime charges?

    From PTI
    Sri Lanka on Monday asked UN chief Ban Ki-moon not to interfere in its internal affairs and not to go ahead with the probe into alleged war crimes by its Army against the defeated LTTE, amidst an international clamour by rights groups for an independent inquiry. "…There is no justification legal or moral for this step (UN probe) to be taken at this time," Foreign Minister GL Peiris said ahead of his maiden meeting with Ban.

    no justification legal or moral in killing 50,000 innocent victim??

  137. LOL @ Riductio’ comments – How true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At the same time, I don’t think our good ladies of Eelam has read Louise Arbour’s report right – about the thoughts on separatism. LOL

    As you have correctly mentioned, still two or three and paste suicide bombers (Bombo’s) are active on this site and paste stuff quite irrelevant to the post under different handles – good for them – I only hope that they understand what they paste – LOL.. Ram and Aja probably are the same person who enjoys this a lot.


    War On Tamils Says:
    May 22nd, 2010 at 6:02 pm

    Impeccable Jim Gons Says: May 20th, 2010 at 12:57 am
    Jim – Please let me know when you are organizing the protest against the US war crimes in Washington DC. I will definitely join you for that.

    This Gona already participated in New York, 1/16?

    Gono – I am in Sri Lanka. How can I attend something in USA. All I said was that I was willing to attend if AI plans something of the same nature. (it’s worthwhile and also AI would not probably be interested in a legal cause)

    Also re. the gathering of 16, that was the requirement and that’s how they planned it – we don’t believe in going in mass crowds and fart all over like you hooligans do – we believe in doing things decently 🙂 !!

  138. ‘Pardoning’ Tissainayagam delayed

    Sri Lankan ‘presidential pardon’ granted to senior journalist J.S.Tissainayagam is delayed due to the withdrawal of his appeal from the law court, claimed Sri Lankan Foreign External Affairs Minister G.L.Peiris to Colombo media Friday.

    This is a procedural step that has to be attended by his lawyers. But the government has instructed the Attorney General to provide necessary assistance to the aggrieved party to speed up the formalization of the presidential pardon that the government announced on the World Press Freedom Day, Minister Peiris further said.

    The High Court of Colombo sentenced the journalist to twenty years rigorous imprisonment after he was arrested and charged under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA).

    Tissainayagam later filed an appeal in the Court of Appeal against the conviction. He is on bail at present.

  139. Tamil genocide message during cricket game

    Banners flown by single engine aircraft displaying “Stop Tamil Genocide; Boycott Sri Lanka” circled the cricket grounds several times during a 20-over cricket tournament held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida during this weekend, attendees to the games said. Indian, Pakistani, English, South African, Sri Lankan and Caribbean supporters dominated the attendees at the stadium. In the meantime Sinhalese dissidents opposed to the Rajapaksa regime flew their own message on another plane which said: Sri Lanka – Free Gen Fonseka – Restore Democracy.”

    New Zealand captain Daniel Vettori felt the event had been a success. “Obviously with a lot of Sri Lankans here it had a kind of sub-continent feel but it was a crowd that was entertained,” Reuters report quoted Vettori as saying.

    “I thought the entertainment off the field was good for the game and whilst it wasn’t as high scoring as people wanted it was still a thrilling game,” Vettori added.

    New Zealand made 120 and Sri Lanka stumbled to 92 all out with two balls remaining on the Saturday game.

  140. Dear Ever-more Hysterical Eelamists, (a. savage)

    If, as you allege, the SL govt and people wanted to ‘genocide’ the Vanni Tamil civilians, why were more than 300,000 Tamils rescued and placed in internal displacement camps?

    The simple answer is that ‘genocide’ charge is a lie and those who make it only demonstrate their deteriorating mental condition. The 40,000 dead figure is also another tired lie. Why not make it 50,000, 60,000 or even 100,000!
    It’s Numbers Genocide!!

    In other news, Mass marriage of Tiger couples
    Fifty six LTTE couples, who are not legally married, will be married off as per Sri Lankan law, at a mass ceremony to be held at Pampaimadu in Vavuniya district on June 13. “And I am playing cupid,” said a chirpy Brig. Sundantha Ranasinghe, Commissioner General of Rehabilitation, who has under his care about 9,000 ex-LTTE cadre.”


    I bet these couples must be pleased that they didn’t follow that cowardly corpulent criminals’ orders to fight to the death. Will the Diaspora LTTE groups organise some wedding gifts for these happy couples? Perhaps funding to build housing? I doubt it.

  141. The boycott Lankan compaign has to be expanded to mount pressure on the sri lankan government to get justice for Tamils.

    The International India Film Academy (IIFA) Award Ceremony, scheduled to be held in Colombo, received a set back with Versatile Actor Kamal Hasan deciding to boycott the function, in deference to Tamil sentiments.
    The actor issued a statement, announcing his decision to boycott the award function, hours after a group of Tamils staged a demonstration in front of his office here, demanding his resignation as Chairman of Media and Enertainment Conclave of FICCI and boycott the award function to snub the Lankan Government for its "genocide against the Tamils". http://www.lazybuzz.com/2010/05/kamal-hasan-to-bo

    Eventhough Indian government has bloodstain hand in the murder of over 50,000 Tamils, but people in india against "genocide against the Tamils"

    Sri lankan president is going to visit india with china card to get help from congress government for The International India Film Academy (IIFA) Award Ceremony. They trying to hide any war crime against Humanity by showing this ceremony.

  142. A (ss) Savage !

    40 to 50 thousand !! If this is not Genocide, let us give up ANY FUTURE ATTEMPT ANYWHERE on Earth to identify what is.

    If this equation is right, can I say that LTTE committed Genocide against Singhalees ???

    1. There were more than 70,000 Singhalees killed during the past 30 years.
    2. They were chased out from the LTTE controlled area.

    Also can I say that the LTTE committed Genocide against Muslims ??

    1. There were close to 30,000 Muslims killed by LTTE.
    2. They were chased out from LTTE controlled areas.

    Also if you are well read and you can get your facts right, America has killed more than 100,000 in Afghanistan and a similar number in Iraq – Genocide ???

    Also if you know your English right and if you,

    1. Have the knowledge to read a dictionary
    2. Understand what’s mentioned in the dictionary

    You will know exactly what the word Genocide means.

    For your information let me do you a favour and paste the meaning from the dictionary.

    (Genocide – systematic killing of a racial or cultural group)

    Meaning, if true Genocide happened in SL, there will be no Tamil person living in Wellawatte or any other part in Sri Lanka – I can give you an example – When LTTE was controlling North of SL, there were no Singhalees or Muslims living in the area – were killed or chased off – Now that could be considered Genocide !!!

    Hope I enlightened your Homo Neanderthal brain enough !!! – let me see you evolving to a Homo Sapience from next post on !!

  143. Sinhalese attacked, damaged mosque

    Muslims praying in mosque attacked and mosque premises damaged

    A group of Muslims who were praying in the Ambanpola Muslim mosque in Malsiripura was attacked , and the mosque was damaged.

    A Muslim clergy of the area said , about 200 individuals stormed into the mosque and attacked the people who were at prayers . In order to save their lives , the victims had fled . Several of them had been injured , while the mosque too was extensively damaged.

  144. UN should conduct investigations in regard to war crimes in Sri lanka Army

    Hilary Clinton said the government may be able to tender a settlement policy by hiding the truth about thousands of civilians got killed, but she queried how could the Sri Lankan government achieve victory for peace?

  145. Defence Secretary disallows the TNA visit to Menik Farm IDP camp

    12 Members of Parliament of the Tamil National Alliance undertook a trip to the Vanni to visit the several camps in which civilians were being kept, to visit the detention camps in which the young Tamil people were detained and also visit the several areas in the Vanni where resettlement and rehabilitation are said to have commenced.

    The objective of the visit was to ascertain true factual position. HE the President was kept informed of the visit by letters and he was kindly requested to facilitate the same. Mr. R. Sampanthan, leader of the TNA Parliamentary Group kept in constant touch with the Secretary to the President Mr. Lalith Weeratunga with regard to the visit. The visit accordingly commenced on Friday the 21st May and was to continue on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd May.

    Mr Lalith Weeratunga Secretary to the President was kept informed of the dates of the visit and the visit had his total concurrence, implying that the President himself concurred with the visit.

    On Saturday the 22nd May around 9 am the TNA Parliamentary Group arrived at the entrance of Zone 4, one of the camps in which the civilians were being kept. The team was informed by the Brigadier in charge that there was no approval for the Parliamentarians to visit the camps and that the Defence Secretary had informed that the visit should not be allowed. Mr R. Sampanthan contacted Mr Lalith Weeratunga, Secretary to the President and explained the position. The Secretary to the President stated that he would sort out the issue and requested the Parliamentary Group to remain until the matter was settled. After waiting for about an hour at the entrance, efforts to contact Mr Lalith Weeratunga were not successful.

    Accordingly after about one hour the Parliamentary Group left the entrance of Zone 4, leaving behind with the Presidential Secretariat the phone numbers on which Mr. R. Sampanthan could be contacted. There was no further contact with Mr. R. Sampanthan.

    This act of denying entry to the elected representatives of the people, who are being kept in these camps is an affront to the legitimate democratic rights of these people and an insult to the whole democratic process. This despotic act has been committed by persons, who obviously have a great deal to conceal.

    We request all the people in Sri Lanka and the world at large including the United Nations and its relevant organs to take cognizance of this act of unbridled authoritarianism.

    We condemn this dictatorial act and call upon the Sri Lankan government to take corrective measures.

  146. Impeccable Jim Gona

    The Real Reductio ad Absurdum

    You are both will find fault with each and every thing here and with each and every person !!

    You have too many axes to grind …

    This is just pathetic and quite pitiful 🙁

  147. Sri lanka showed China card to India to get india's help to kill over 50,000 Tamils last year.

    Same game now different countries now

    President Rajapaksa is to assume the chairmanship of the 18-member G-15 organization from President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the forthcoming summit. http://www.colombopage.com/archive_10A/May16_1274

    Sri Lanka’s External Affairs Minister G.L.Peiris is to visit the United States next week for talks with the US government, and is expected to meet US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during his stay in US, Colombo electronic media reported quoting External Affairs Ministry sources. The hurriedly arranged visit occurs in the wake of a week of concerted calls by several human rights organizations for independent investigations into Sri Lanka war crimes http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

    Is UN, US & the western world will see the iran/china card or war crime charges?

    From PTI
    Sri Lanka on Monday asked UN chief Ban Ki-moon not to interfere in its internal affairs and not to go ahead with the probe into alleged war crimes by its Army against the defeated LTTE, amidst an international clamour by rights groups for an independent inquiry. "…There is no justification legal or moral for this step (UN probe) to be taken at this time," Foreign Minister GL Peiris said ahead of his maiden meeting with Ban.

    no justification legal or moral in killing 50,000 innocent victim??

  148. Sri lanka showed China card to India to get india's help to kill over 50,000 Tamils last year.

    Same game now different countries now

    President Rajapaksa is to assume the chairmanship of the 18-member G-15 organization from President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the forthcoming summit. http://www.colombopage.com/archive_10A/May16_1274

    Sri Lanka’s External Affairs Minister G.L.Peiris is to visit the United States next week for talks with the US government, and is expected to meet US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during his stay in US, Colombo electronic media reported quoting External Affairs Ministry sources. The hurriedly arranged visit occurs in the wake of a week of concerted calls by several human rights organizations for independent investigations into Sri Lanka war crimes http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

    Is UN, US & the western world will see the iran/china card or war crime charges?

    From PTI
    Sri Lanka on Monday asked UN chief Ban Ki-moon not to interfere in its internal affairs and not to go ahead with the probe into alleged war crimes by its Army against the defeated LTTE, amidst an international clamour by rights groups for an independent inquiry. "…There is no justification legal or moral for this step (UN probe) to be taken at this time," Foreign Minister GL Peiris said ahead of his maiden meeting with Ban.

    no justification legal or moral in killing 50,000 innocent victim??

  149. Political failure of Sinhala extremism that Prabhakaran was born to and grew through the ‘60s, to become the “Thambi”, “Annan” and ”Thalavar”

    Thambi” as “Annan or Thalavar” is accepted differently by the young. It is the culture in the Wanni and in the north and east they grew in, over the past two decades. They have lived through Prabhakaran’s rule, not as suppressed individuals and families, but as proud members of a common heroic history that was every where, around them.

    What is now different nevertheless is the absence of a Tamil leadership, in a society that has been torn and shredded by bloody displacements, through heavy and incessant bombings, shelling and firing that is glorified as a “ Sinhalese Army "heroic war”.

    Few Tamil people, elderly men all, back in their own Wanni land after six months in IDP camps, thus see no reason to talk politics. Staring at photos of smiling politicians from the debris that was their life time savings, had just one answer when asked about parliamentary elections concluded in April. “Why vote ? Our vote brings nothing to us” they said. Mahinda offers only “ empty promises”.

    Any claim that the war was a “humanitarian operation” to free Tamil people , holds little validity for Tamil youth, who are still treated as “suspects” or “potential” threats. All the deaths, all the mutilations in life, all the devastations and displacement around them, are no proof of freeing them from the LTTE. The young live as aliens in this whole act of rehabilitation and resettlement, carried out by a Sri Lankan

  150. The boycott Lankan compaign has to be expanded to mount pressure on the sri lankan government to get justice for Tamils.

    The International India Film Academy (IIFA) Award Ceremony, scheduled to be held in Colombo, received a set back with Versatile Actor Kamal Hasan deciding to boycott the function, in deference to Tamil sentiments.
    The actor issued a statement, announcing his decision to boycott the award function, hours after a group of Tamils staged a demonstration in front of his office here, demanding his resignation as Chairman of Media and Enertainment Conclave of FICCI and boycott the award function to snub the Lankan Government for its "genocide against the Tamils". http://www.lazybuzz.com/2010/05/kamal-hasan-to-bo

    Eventhough Indian government has bloodstain hand in the murder of over 50,000 Tamils, but people in india against "genocide against the Tamils"

    Sri lankan president is going to visit india with china card to get help from congress government for The International India Film Academy (IIFA) Award Ceremony. They trying to hide any war crime against Humanity by showing this ceremony.

  151. The boycott Lankan compaign has to be expanded to mount pressure on the sri lankan government to get justice for Tamils.

    The International India Film Academy (IIFA) Award Ceremony, scheduled to be held in Colombo, received a set back with Versatile Actor Kamal Hasan deciding to boycott the function, in deference to Tamil sentiments.
    The actor issued a statement, announcing his decision to boycott the award function, hours after a group of Tamils staged a demonstration in front of his office here, demanding his resignation as Chairman of Media and Enertainment Conclave of FICCI and boycott the award function to snub the Lankan Government for its "genocide against the Tamils". http://www.lazybuzz.com/2010/05/kamal-hasan-to-bo

    Eventhough Indian government has bloodstain hand in the murder of over 50,000 Tamils, but people in india against "genocide against the Tamils"

    Sri lankan president is going to visit india with china card to get help from congress government for The International India Film Academy (IIFA) Award Ceremony. They trying to hide any war crime against Humanity by showing this ceremony.

  152. Devolution, what devolution?
    •LTTE was born of unfairness to Tamils under the jackboot of the Sinhala State.
    •Rajapakse ain’t gonna “give” Tamils nothing, and there’s nothing Tamils can do about it.
    •The Sinhala State with Delhi’s backing subjected the Tamil people to genocide and consolidated the hegemony of Sinhala-Buddhism.
    •The struggle for a separate state is not over; Eelam referenda in the diaspora, trans-national contraptions, and pressure on Western governments are ways of keeping the flag flying.

  153. We cannot postpone the challenges of citizenship till we achieve federalism, the 13th Amendment or any alternative horizon of devolution.

    The Rajapakse regime has made it clear that approaching the domain of devolution and the domain of citizenship as such separate spheres entails the defeat of progressive forces on both fronts.

    Anyone interested in a just approach to the ethnic conflict and its legacies has to also be focused on the everyday issues regarding citizenship.

    All Sri Lankans have borne the cost of seeing issues related to federalism or regional autonomy as minority issues or ‘Tamil’ issues, and issues such as labor rights, free speech claims or land rights as ‘Sri Lankan’ issues.

    The legal and political terrain of the PTA and high security zones offer the most pointed evidence about the continuities between the “micro” politics of the everyday, and the “macro” politics regarding territorial sovereignty.

    Even if there was a federal solution for the North and East, these families will remain vulnerable to the abuse of power – not only because they are Muslims (although this greatly exacerbates their vulnerability), but also because they live in a country where the political space of all citizens to resist such abuse has become much diminished

  154. UN must investigate Sri Lanka rights violations

    The United Nations must set up an independent investigation into massive human rights violations committed by Sri Lankan government forces during the country’s civil war.

    The failure to act has left victims of human rights violations with no access to justice, truth or reparations while hundreds of thousands of Sri Lankans displaced at the end of decades-long conflict languish in camps or struggle to rebuild their shattered communities.

    “The UN never revealed what it knew about the final days of the conflict, acknowledged the scale of the abuse that took place, or pushed for accountability"

    Instead of investigating and prosecuting those suspected of violations during the war and providing reparations to victims, in the past 12 months the Sri Lankan government has jailed critics and clamped down on dissent.

    One year on, the situation for civilian communities caught up in the conflict shows no sign of improving:

    * Some 80,000 people remain in camps and funds for their support are running out.

    * The rest of the 300,000 displaced civilians who have tried to resettle remain vulnerable and struggle to survive in communities where homes and infrastructure were destroyed.

    * Thousands of people detained for suspected links to the LTTE remain in detention without access to the courts.

    * The government continues to extend the state of emergency, restricting many basic human rights and freedom of speech.

    * No meaningful action has been taken to investigate reports of war crimes.

  155. Sri Lanka has not ratified the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, meaning the Court cannot act against those accused of rights violations without a referral from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

    Instead, the UNSC has failed to even publicly discuss impunity in Sri Lanka while the United Nations Human Rights Council went as far as adopting a resolution welcoming the Sri Lankan government’s efforts at the end of the conflict without mentioning the need for justice and reparations.

    Part of the reason for the lack of action has been the strong opposition to international intervention by allies of the Sri Lankan government including China, India and members of the Non-Aligned Movement

  156. The Sri Lankan government declared a “No Fire Zone”, and directed civilians there, only for artillery fire to later hit these areas. Many thousands of people were killed.

    Hospitals were shelled, resulting in death and injuries among patients and staff. Survivors were detained in the government’s massive military-run displacement camps where they arrived wounded, hungry, and ill.

  157. There are over 80,000 Tamil civilians remain detained in military run internment camps. A further 11,000 suspected LTTE combatants including over 500 children, are held by the state in Orwellian titled rehabilitation centres.

    For Tamils outside the camps the post-war landscape is not much better. Whilst open war may have ended, the physical insecurity remains'
    The overwhelming victims of human rights violations in Sri Lanka – such as extrajudicial killings and disappearances – are young male Tamils.

    The militarisation of society has continued with an extended state of emergency and expanded army cantonments throughout the country's North and East. This virtual garrisoning has been accompanied by a wholesale programme of colonisation with Sinhala settlements and Buddhist shrines sprouting across the territory recognised as traditional Tamil homelands.

    The Sri Lanka was and is seen as the preserve of Sinhala hegemony where Tamils and other minorities have a subordinate existence. Hence the apparatus of the state has long been a tool of systematic violence against Tamils.

    This violence does not just mean pogroms, disappearances and extra-judicial killings though these have certainly been a hallmark of the state. It also means more structural practices aimed at limiting the collective and individual rights of Tamils.

    These include colonisation of Tamil regions, marginalisation of the Tamil language, and efforts to limit socio-economic possibilities for Tamils such as discrimination in employment, education and development funds.

    Moreover Sri Lanka's electoral democracy serves to reinforce such majoritarianism, where Sinhala-dominated parties have engaged in electoral outbidding as to who can best represent majority interests, usually at the expense of Tamils.

    Indeed the 2010 parliamentary election result saw victory to the incumbent coalition on a nationalist platform that rejected any form of power-sharing with Tamils. The great irony is that the behaviour exhibited by the state one year on from the war's end is a mirror image of the very conduct that predated and sustained the LTTE rebellion.

  158. The intentional mass slaughter of an estimated 40,000 Tamil civilians was not an aberration by this particular government, merely exacerbated by the desire to deliver a knockout blow to the LTTE, but the logical culmination of ethnocentric politics pursued by the state for decades.

  159. The commitment to accountability sends a message that those who violate human rights will be face justice and averts fears that the 'Sri Lankan option' of unrestrained military action gains currency as the preferred method of counter-insurgency.

    Open acknowledgment that the Sri Lankan state presently constituted is incompatible with the human and collective rights of all its citizens is the first stage of necessary political reform

  160. Ex LTTE Supremo now working "towards ethnic harmony in Sri Lanka"
    I expect to see a statement from Jim McDonald congratulating the SL Govt and Kumaran Pathmanathan, the last leader of the LTTE (after Fat Boy VP violently attacked an axe with his head) on their new working relationship, aimed at re-building bridges between the communities.

    As we all know, KP was the (extraordinarily brilliant and successful) chief arms procurer for the LTTE. Through his untiring labour spanning 30 years, he managed to keep the LTTE war machine well supplied with all the guns, artillery and ammunition it required. He was directly responsible for the deaths of countless thousands of civilians and military personnel.

    Now, he's "working silently to bring the reconciliation between the two communities in Sri Lanka."

    This is very bad news for AI and the pro-LTTE diaspora. Do you wish to have him prosecuted for his undoubted crimes (for which he's wanted by Interpol) or forgiven and welcomed into the post-War Sri Lankan society?

    What an exquisite dilemma for the International HR circus.

    I almost forgot.

    To Vattaappazhai and other distraught Eelamists:

    You continue to label me (wrongly) as a racist. Yet you are unable to provide any evidence of any ethnically minded comment or sentiment I have expressed, here or elsewhere.

    I on the other hand have time and again proven the racist nature of the Eelam struggle. I mean, it's not particularly difficult ! 🙂

  161. Nagayam:
    You said: "You have too many axes to grind …" No, my friend, I prefer a pen or keyboard.

    The only axe that really mattered did its noble work in May 2009, liberating SL from Fat Boy Prabhakaran.

    I can't speak for Jm Gona, but I try to stay on topic, unlike the cut'n'paste Eelamist Warriors, currently spoiling this blog.

    Also, the fact that Eelamist are constantly trying to suppress Jim Gona's and my comments is itself worthy of interest, no?

  162. Real Reductio ad Absurdum

    You the one who are spoiling this blog.

    You the one who the one who are following the Sri Lankan Racist “10 commandments” and supporting the Sri Lankan Terror State

    1. Do worldwide propaganda that there are terrorists in your country need to wipe them out, bring ban on the people who were forced to take up arms to defend and protect themselves from the state terrorist army, which kill, abduct and rape minorities.
    2. Keep all media out of the country/area including local media.
    3. Kill/abduct/threaten all the journalists who write the truth, so the rest of the journalists will voluntarily leave the country or will not write the truth.
    4. Rule the country under emergency law for many years, until get rid of all the minorities.
    5. Deny or restrict food, medicine and water to the area and starve them to death.
    6. Start shelling and bombings from all three sides, so that the minorities civilians and the insurgents will be pushed to run towards the targeted area via 4th side where no shelling.
    7. In the meantime, you tell the world, that the terrorist take people as human shield, deny that the state army shell or bomb from all three sides, so it would look like that the insurgents take people with them.
    8. Carry out massive bombings on civilians and including hospital, churches and kill as many civilians as possible. Finally hurd them by announcing ‘No fire zones’ and bomb and shell and kill them . When, rest of the people manage to survive your bombings and shelling come out, put them in barbed wired concentration camps without adequete shelter, food and medicine including children and women. Arrest all the young boys and girls and torture them. Whilst you keep them in the camps, you selltheir lands to foreign campanies in the name of development and fill up your pockets, settle the army and their families in the victims’ land and houses.
    9. Deslove parliament, and now you will get major victory, because you told your own majority people that you kill the terrorists (and thousands of minirity civilians, whom you and your people hate them and treat them and sub-human anyway).
    9. If anyone challenges you in any elections or threatening you to tell the truth to the world, you put them in jail under the terror/emergency law by finding any false accusations, and vote rigging is easy because hundreds of your family members control the whole departments in the country. Your victory is confirmed already.
    10. Now you can change the consitution which enable you and your family to be the sole King for the country for centuries to come, rob the wealth of the country, and easier to sell the country’s wealth to foreign countries and fill up your own pockets.

    All countries, where are minories fighting for their rights and equality will follow the above soon. Infact Sri Lanka recently offered their help and tactics to crush the maoists in India.

    In short, it is state sponsored terrorism.

  163. Real Reductio ad Absurdum

    You the one who are spoiling this blog.

    Sorry… It should be

    You the one who are following the Sri Lankan Racist “10 commandments” and supporting the Sri Lankan Terror State

  164. Ex LTTE Supremo now working "towards ethnic harmony in Sri Lanka"
    I expect to see a statement from Jim McDonald congratulating the SL Govt and Kumaran Pathmanathan, the last leader of the LTTE (after Fat Boy VP violently attacked an axe with his head) on their new working relationship, aimed at re-building bridges between the communities.

    As we all know, KP was the (extraordinarily brilliant and successful) chief arms procurer for the LTTE. Through his untiring labour spanning 30 years, he managed to keep the LTTE war machine well supplied with all the guns, artillery and ammunition it required. He was directly responsible for the deaths of countless thousands of civilians and military personnel.

    Now, he's "working silently to bring the reconciliation between the two communities in Sri Lanka."

    This is very bad news for AI and the pro-LTTE diaspora. Do you wish to have him prosecuted for his undoubted crimes (for which he's wanted by Interpol) or forgiven and welcomed into the post-War Sri Lankan society?

    What an exquisite dilemma for the International HR circus.

    I almost forgot.

    To Vattaappazhai and other distraught Eelamists:

    You continue to label me (wrongly) as a racist. Yet you are unable to provide any evidence of any ethnically minded comment or sentiment I have expressed, here or elsewhere.

    I on the other hand have time and again proven the racist nature of the Eelam struggle. I mean, it's not particularly difficult ! 🙂

  165. Ex LTTE Supremo now working "towards ethnic harmony in Sri Lanka"
    I expect to see a statement from Jim McDonald congratulating the SL Govt and Kumaran Pathmanathan, the last leader of the LTTE (after Fat Boy VP violently attacked an axe with his head) on their new working relationship, aimed at re-building bridges between the communities.

    As we all know, KP was the (extraordinarily brilliant and successful) chief arms procurer for the LTTE. Through his untiring labour spanning 30 years, he managed to keep the LTTE war machine well supplied with all the guns, artillery and ammunition it required. He was directly responsible for the deaths of countless thousands of civilians and military personnel.

    Now, he's "working silently to bring the reconciliation between the two communities in Sri Lanka."

    This is very bad news for AI and the pro-LTTE diaspora. Do you wish to have him prosecuted for his undoubted crimes (for which he's wanted by Interpol) or forgiven and welcomed into the post-War Sri Lankan society?

    What an exquisite dilemma for the International HR circus.

    I almost forgot.

    To Vattaappazhai and other distraught Eelamists:

    You continue to label me (wrongly) as a racist. Yet you are unable to provide any evidence of any ethnically minded comment or sentiment I have expressed, here or elsewhere.

    I on the other hand have time and again proven the racist nature of the Eelam struggle. I mean, it's not particularly difficult ! 🙂

  166. The Real Reductio ad Absurdum

    You are arrogant, hate spewing racist !

    No doubt about it !!!!

    I'm going to challenge you to back up your misguided claims about Tamil contributors here

    I know you are going to whine like a child & call people names.

    You will make the case for GoSL ’s inability to produce mature people (in many cases).

    Your meltdown will be amusing & entertaining 🙂 🙂 🙂

  167. Three killed, one injured in bus-car collision in Tamil Nadu[Diaspora Eelamists blame Sri Lanka Army.]


    In the disturbed & delusional minds of the LTTE diaspora, if anything bad has happened anywhere, especially where Tamils may have been hurt or injured, its ALWAYS the fault of the Sri Lanka government of ‘racist Sinhalese.

    Everything is the fault of the ‘Sinhala hegemonists’. 🙂 🙂

  168. Vannakam dear Vattaappazhai,
    It looks like you're the one having a full-scale meltdown. Arrogant? Me? No. Hate Spewing? Me? No. Racist? Me? No.

    Give me some proof of any of the above. Pleeeeeeeease.

    As for whining, I leave that to the Eelamists. They're World Champions. What do I have to whine about? After 30 years the LTTE has finally been axed and crushed.

    You mustn't confuse me with the SL govt. I have criticised them on many ocassions, unlike our Fierce Warriors of Eelam (Diaspora Branch, Big Mac Brigade) who still won't admit to what their Glorious Sun God (also known as Fat Boy VP) did to Tamil civilians over a 30 year period to create Eelam-on-Earth.

    Finally I must remind you again, you are ignoring one salient fact. If you supported the LTTE, you lost the war, so you're not going to be seeing an independent Eelam any time this century. Get used to it.

  169. The Real Reductio ad Absurdum

    Your attempt to discredit the Tamils through unrelated accussations, & attempt to either stop the conversation entirely or derail it by insulting people & calling them dishonest, & fixating on minutia & attempting to prove an inconsistency in trivial matters posted by the commenters are transparent !!!

  170. The Real Reductio ad Absurdum

    Your extreme arrogance is pathetic !!

    And, when insults are hurled at me, I may respond, but I hope to do so in a positive manner, as opposed to mirroring the exact ways in which I was insulted, which calls for an escalation of the insult war.

    So, that’s where things stand. Go ahead & spit venom & display your dissatisfaction & the fact that the Tamils are discussing Sri Lanka.

    When you get done with all that, re-read the thread, you may be able to learn some valuable & useful things. 🙂

  171. Impeccable Jim Gona

    The Real Reductio ad Absurdum

    You are both will find fault with each and every thing here and with each and every person !!

    You have too many axes to grind …

    This is just pathetic and quite pitiful 🙁

  172. Sri lanka showed China card to India to get india’s help to kill over 50,000 Tamils last year.

    Same game now different countries now

    President Rajapaksa is to assume the chairmanship of the 18-member G-15 organization from President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the forthcoming summit.

    Sri Lanka’s External Affairs Minister G.L.Peiris is to visit the United States next week for talks with the US government, and is expected to meet US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during his stay in US, Colombo electronic media reported quoting External Affairs Ministry sources. The hurriedly arranged visit occurs in the wake of a week of concerted calls by several human rights organizations for independent investigations into Sri Lanka war crimes

    Is UN, US & the western world will see the iran/china card or war crime charges?

    From PTI
    Sri Lanka on Monday asked UN chief Ban Ki-moon not to interfere in its internal affairs and not to go ahead with the probe into alleged war crimes by its Army against the defeated LTTE, amidst an international clamour by rights groups for an independent inquiry. “…There is no justification legal or moral for this step (UN probe) to be taken at this time,” Foreign Minister GL Peiris said ahead of his maiden meeting with Ban.

    no justification legal or moral in killing 50,000 innocent victim??

  173. Political failure of Sinhala extremism that Prabhakaran was born to and grew through the ‘60s, to become the “Thambi”, “Annan” and ”Thalavar”

    Thambi” as “Annan or Thalavar” is accepted differently by the young. It is the culture in the Wanni and in the north and east they grew in, over the past two decades. They have lived through Prabhakaran’s rule, not as suppressed individuals and families, but as proud members of a common heroic history that was every where, around them.

    What is now different nevertheless is the absence of a Tamil leadership, in a society that has been torn and shredded by bloody displacements, through heavy and incessant bombings, shelling and firing that is glorified as a “ Sinhalese Army “heroic war”.

    Few Tamil people, elderly men all, back in their own Wanni land after six months in IDP camps, thus see no reason to talk politics. Staring at photos of smiling politicians from the debris that was their life time savings, had just one answer when asked about parliamentary elections concluded in April. “Why vote ? Our vote brings nothing to us” they said. Mahinda offers only “ empty promises”.

    Any claim that the war was a “humanitarian operation” to free Tamil people , holds little validity for Tamil youth, who are still treated as “suspects” or “potential” threats. All the deaths, all the mutilations in life, all the devastations and displacement around them, are no proof of freeing them from the LTTE. The young live as aliens in this whole act of rehabilitation and resettlement, carried out by a Sri Lankan

  174. The boycott Lankan compaign has to be expanded to mount pressure on the sri lankan government to get justice for Tamils.

    The International India Film Academy (IIFA) Award Ceremony, scheduled to be held in Colombo, received a set back with Versatile Actor Kamal Hasan deciding to boycott the function, in deference to Tamil sentiments.
    The actor issued a statement, announcing his decision to boycott the award function, hours after a group of Tamils staged a demonstration in front of his office here, demanding his resignation as Chairman of Media and Enertainment Conclave of FICCI and boycott the award function to snub the Lankan Government for its “genocide against the Tamils”.

    Eventhough Indian government has bloodstain hand in the murder of over 50,000 Tamils, but people in india against “genocide against the Tamils”

    Sri lankan president is going to visit india with china card to get help from congress government for The International India Film Academy (IIFA) Award Ceremony. They trying to hide any war crime against Humanity by showing this ceremony.

  175. Devolution, what devolution?
    •LTTE was born of unfairness to Tamils under the jackboot of the Sinhala State.
    •Rajapakse ain’t gonna “give” Tamils nothing, and there’s nothing Tamils can do about it.
    •The Sinhala State with Delhi’s backing subjected the Tamil people to genocide and consolidated the hegemony of Sinhala-Buddhism.
    •The struggle for a separate state is not over; Eelam referenda in the diaspora, trans-national contraptions, and pressure on Western governments are ways of keeping the flag flying.

  176. We cannot postpone the challenges of citizenship till we achieve federalism, the 13th Amendment or any alternative horizon of devolution.

    The Rajapakse regime has made it clear that approaching the domain of devolution and the domain of citizenship as such separate spheres entails the defeat of progressive forces on both fronts.

    Anyone interested in a just approach to the ethnic conflict and its legacies has to also be focused on the everyday issues regarding citizenship.

    All Sri Lankans have borne the cost of seeing issues related to federalism or regional autonomy as minority issues or ‘Tamil’ issues, and issues such as labor rights, free speech claims or land rights as ‘Sri Lankan’ issues.

    The legal and political terrain of the PTA and high security zones offer the most pointed evidence about the continuities between the “micro” politics of the everyday, and the “macro” politics regarding territorial sovereignty.

    Even if there was a federal solution for the North and East, these families will remain vulnerable to the abuse of power – not only because they are Muslims (although this greatly exacerbates their vulnerability), but also because they live in a country where the political space of all citizens to resist such abuse has become much diminished

  177. UN must investigate Sri Lanka rights violations

    The United Nations must set up an independent investigation into massive human rights violations committed by Sri Lankan government forces during the country’s civil war.

    The failure to act has left victims of human rights violations with no access to justice, truth or reparations while hundreds of thousands of Sri Lankans displaced at the end of decades-long conflict languish in camps or struggle to rebuild their shattered communities.

    “The UN never revealed what it knew about the final days of the conflict, acknowledged the scale of the abuse that took place, or pushed for accountability”

    Instead of investigating and prosecuting those suspected of violations during the war and providing reparations to victims, in the past 12 months the Sri Lankan government has jailed critics and clamped down on dissent.

    One year on, the situation for civilian communities caught up in the conflict shows no sign of improving:

    * Some 80,000 people remain in camps and funds for their support are running out.

    * The rest of the 300,000 displaced civilians who have tried to resettle remain vulnerable and struggle to survive in communities where homes and infrastructure were destroyed.

    * Thousands of people detained for suspected links to the LTTE remain in detention without access to the courts.

    * The government continues to extend the state of emergency, restricting many basic human rights and freedom of speech.

    * No meaningful action has been taken to investigate reports of war crimes.

  178. Sri Lanka has not ratified the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, meaning the Court cannot act against those accused of rights violations without a referral from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

    Instead, the UNSC has failed to even publicly discuss impunity in Sri Lanka while the United Nations Human Rights Council went as far as adopting a resolution welcoming the Sri Lankan government’s efforts at the end of the conflict without mentioning the need for justice and reparations.

    Part of the reason for the lack of action has been the strong opposition to international intervention by allies of the Sri Lankan government including China, India and members of the Non-Aligned Movement

  179. The Sri Lankan government declared a “No Fire Zone”, and directed civilians there, only for artillery fire to later hit these areas. Many thousands of people were killed.

    Hospitals were shelled, resulting in death and injuries among patients and staff. Survivors were detained in the government’s massive military-run displacement camps where they arrived wounded, hungry, and ill.

  180. There are over 80,000 Tamil civilians remain detained in military run internment camps. A further 11,000 suspected LTTE combatants including over 500 children, are held by the state in Orwellian titled rehabilitation centres.

    For Tamils outside the camps the post-war landscape is not much better. Whilst open war may have ended, the physical insecurity remains’
    The overwhelming victims of human rights violations in Sri Lanka – such as extrajudicial killings and disappearances – are young male Tamils.

    The militarisation of society has continued with an extended state of emergency and expanded army cantonments throughout the country’s North and East. This virtual garrisoning has been accompanied by a wholesale programme of colonisation with Sinhala settlements and Buddhist shrines sprouting across the territory recognised as traditional Tamil homelands.

    The Sri Lanka was and is seen as the preserve of Sinhala hegemony where Tamils and other minorities have a subordinate existence. Hence the apparatus of the state has long been a tool of systematic violence against Tamils.

    This violence does not just mean pogroms, disappearances and extra-judicial killings though these have certainly been a hallmark of the state. It also means more structural practices aimed at limiting the collective and individual rights of Tamils.

    These include colonisation of Tamil regions, marginalisation of the Tamil language, and efforts to limit socio-economic possibilities for Tamils such as discrimination in employment, education and development funds.

    Moreover Sri Lanka’s electoral democracy serves to reinforce such majoritarianism, where Sinhala-dominated parties have engaged in electoral outbidding as to who can best represent majority interests, usually at the expense of Tamils.

    Indeed the 2010 parliamentary election result saw victory to the incumbent coalition on a nationalist platform that rejected any form of power-sharing with Tamils. The great irony is that the behaviour exhibited by the state one year on from the war’s end is a mirror image of the very conduct that predated and sustained the LTTE rebellion.

  181. The intentional mass slaughter of an estimated 40,000 Tamil civilians was not an aberration by this particular government, merely exacerbated by the desire to deliver a knockout blow to the LTTE, but the logical culmination of ethnocentric politics pursued by the state for decades.

  182. The commitment to accountability sends a message that those who violate human rights will be face justice and averts fears that the ‘Sri Lankan option’ of unrestrained military action gains currency as the preferred method of counter-insurgency.

    Open acknowledgment that the Sri Lankan state presently constituted is incompatible with the human and collective rights of all its citizens is the first stage of necessary political reform

  183. Nagayam:
    You said: “You have too many axes to grind …” No, my friend, I prefer a pen or keyboard.

    The only axe that really mattered did its noble work in May 2009, liberating SL from Fat Boy Prabhakaran.

    I can’t speak for Jm Gona, but I try to stay on topic, unlike the cut’n’paste Eelamist Warriors, currently spoiling this blog.

    Also, the fact that Eelamist are constantly trying to suppress Jim Gona’s and my comments is itself worthy of interest, no?

  184. Real Reductio ad Absurdum

    You the one who are spoiling this blog.

    You the one who the one who are following the Sri Lankan Racist “10 commandments” and supporting the Sri Lankan Terror State

    1. Do worldwide propaganda that there are terrorists in your country need to wipe them out, bring ban on the people who were forced to take up arms to defend and protect themselves from the state terrorist army, which kill, abduct and rape minorities.
    2. Keep all media out of the country/area including local media.
    3. Kill/abduct/threaten all the journalists who write the truth, so the rest of the journalists will voluntarily leave the country or will not write the truth.
    4. Rule the country under emergency law for many years, until get rid of all the minorities.
    5. Deny or restrict food, medicine and water to the area and starve them to death.
    6. Start shelling and bombings from all three sides, so that the minorities civilians and the insurgents will be pushed to run towards the targeted area via 4th side where no shelling.
    7. In the meantime, you tell the world, that the terrorist take people as human shield, deny that the state army shell or bomb from all three sides, so it would look like that the insurgents take people with them.
    8. Carry out massive bombings on civilians and including hospital, churches and kill as many civilians as possible. Finally hurd them by announcing ‘No fire zones’ and bomb and shell and kill them . When, rest of the people manage to survive your bombings and shelling come out, put them in barbed wired concentration camps without adequete shelter, food and medicine including children and women. Arrest all the young boys and girls and torture them. Whilst you keep them in the camps, you selltheir lands to foreign campanies in the name of development and fill up your pockets, settle the army and their families in the victims’ land and houses.
    9. Deslove parliament, and now you will get major victory, because you told your own majority people that you kill the terrorists (and thousands of minirity civilians, whom you and your people hate them and treat them and sub-human anyway).
    9. If anyone challenges you in any elections or threatening you to tell the truth to the world, you put them in jail under the terror/emergency law by finding any false accusations, and vote rigging is easy because hundreds of your family members control the whole departments in the country. Your victory is confirmed already.
    10. Now you can change the consitution which enable you and your family to be the sole King for the country for centuries to come, rob the wealth of the country, and easier to sell the country’s wealth to foreign countries and fill up your own pockets.

    All countries, where are minories fighting for their rights and equality will follow the above soon. Infact Sri Lanka recently offered their help and tactics to crush the maoists in India.

    In short, it is state sponsored terrorism.

  185. Real Reductio ad Absurdum

    You the one who are spoiling this blog.

    Sorry… It should be

    You the one who are following the Sri Lankan Racist “10 commandments” and supporting the Sri Lankan Terror State

  186. Ex LTTE Supremo now working “towards ethnic harmony in Sri Lanka”
    I expect to see a statement from Jim McDonald congratulating the SL Govt and Kumaran Pathmanathan, the last leader of the LTTE (after Fat Boy VP violently attacked an axe with his head) on their new working relationship, aimed at re-building bridges between the communities.


    As we all know, KP was the (extraordinarily brilliant and successful) chief arms procurer for the LTTE. Through his untiring labour spanning 30 years, he managed to keep the LTTE war machine well supplied with all the guns, artillery and ammunition it required. He was directly responsible for the deaths of countless thousands of civilians and military personnel.

    Now, he’s “working silently to bring the reconciliation between the two communities in Sri Lanka.”

    This is very bad news for AI and the pro-LTTE diaspora. Do you wish to have him prosecuted for his undoubted crimes (for which he’s wanted by Interpol) or forgiven and welcomed into the post-War Sri Lankan society?

    What an exquisite dilemma for the International HR circus.

    I almost forgot.

    To Vattaappazhai and other distraught Eelamists:

    You continue to label me (wrongly) as a racist. Yet you are unable to provide any evidence of any ethnically minded comment or sentiment I have expressed, here or elsewhere.

    I on the other hand have time and again proven the racist nature of the Eelam struggle. I mean, it’s not particularly difficult ! 🙂

  187. The Real Reductio ad Absurdum

    You are arrogant, hate spewing racist !

    No doubt about it !!!!

    I’m going to challenge you to back up your misguided claims about Tamil contributors here

    I know you are going to whine like a child & call people names.

    You will make the case for GoSL ’s inability to produce mature people (in many cases).

    Your meltdown will be amusing & entertaining 🙂 🙂 🙂

  188. Vannakam dear Vattaappazhai,
    It looks like you’re the one having a full-scale meltdown. Arrogant? Me? No. Hate Spewing? Me? No. Racist? Me? No.

    Give me some proof of any of the above. Pleeeeeeeease.

    As for whining, I leave that to the Eelamists. They’re World Champions. What do I have to whine about? After 30 years the LTTE has finally been axed and crushed.

    You mustn’t confuse me with the SL govt. I have criticised them on many ocassions, unlike our Fierce Warriors of Eelam (Diaspora Branch, Big Mac Brigade) who still won’t admit to what their Glorious Sun God (also known as Fat Boy VP) did to Tamil civilians over a 30 year period to create Eelam-on-Earth.

    Finally I must remind you again, you are ignoring one salient fact. If you supported the LTTE, you lost the war, so you’re not going to be seeing an independent Eelam any time this century. Get used to it.

  189. The Real Reductio ad Absurdum

    Your attempt to discredit the Tamils through unrelated accussations, & attempt to either stop the conversation entirely or derail it by insulting people & calling them dishonest, & fixating on minutia & attempting to prove an inconsistency in trivial matters posted by the commenters are transparent !!!

  190. The Real Reductio ad Absurdum

    Your extreme arrogance is pathetic !!

    And, when insults are hurled at me, I may respond, but I hope to do so in a positive manner, as opposed to mirroring the exact ways in which I was insulted, which calls for an escalation of the insult war.

    So, that’s where things stand. Go ahead & spit venom & display your dissatisfaction & the fact that the Tamils are discussing Sri Lanka.

    When you get done with all that, re-read the thread, you may be able to learn some valuable & useful things. 🙂

  191. Dear Tamil Kovil,

    Superb analysis by you on the situation inside lanka. Continue !!

  192. War on Tamils,

    Your call is timely — the Boycott Divestment Sanctions campaign against Sri Lanka must move ahead now.


    Human Rights group Act Now carried out its’ second picket of the GAP company’s ‘Flagship’ store in Oxford Street, London (UK) last Sunday (23rd May).

    This is part of a global campaign directed at GAP’s ongoing trade with Sri Lanka. GAP import Sri Lankan apparel which they sell in their stores worldwide. They promote themselves as an ‘Ethical’ company but campaigners see this at odds with their connection with Sri Lanka, a country accused of committing war crimes against Tamil civilians in the final stages of a Civil War that finished in May 2010, one that still detains 80,000 civilians in detention camps and incarcerates political opponents even amongst the majority Sinhalese community.


  194. SLA plundered Vanni

    SLA plundered vehicle spare parts in Vanni sold in Anuradhapura

    Anuradhapura has turned into the main ‘spare parts sales town’ in Sri Lanka as the spare parts of vehicles abandoned in Mu’l’livaaikkaal in Vanni, plundered by Sri Lanka Army (SLA), are being taken to Anuradahapura along A9 road in trucks and vehicles which bring goods to North, according to Suresh Premachandran, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Jaffna parliamentarian. He further alleged that the spare parts of the vehicles of Vanni civilians systematically plundered by SLA soldiers immediately after the war are kept hidden in bunkers with the collaboration of their officers and that the parts are gradually passed on to Southern Sinhalese and Muslim traders to be sold in Anuradhapura.

    The government, to show the world that it is giving back the abandoned vehicles to uprooted Vanni civilians, had recently announced that nearly a thousand motorcycles are to be given back to the owners on claim.

    But the said motorcycles are useless without the key parts missing, sources in Vavuniyaa said.

    Meanwhile, it remains a mystery of the fate of thousands of four-wheeled vehicles left behind in Vanni.

    It is suspected that they had been taken out of Vanni by SLA immediately after the war ended.

    The uprooted owners of the vehicles have lost all hopes of getting them back despite government propaganda.

  195. Camouflaged ban on Tamil Eelam by New Delhi, Chennai

    The Government of Tamil Nadu has gazetted a notification by the Indian Central Government's Ministry of Home Affairs, dated 14 May, banning the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) as an 'unlawful association'. The announcement falsely linked 'Tamil Eelam' as threatening the 'sovereignty and territorial integrity of a part of the territory of India'.

    Questioning when Tamil Eelam became part of Indian territory, Eezham Tamil circles in the diaspora said the notification reflected the guilt related paranoia of New Delhi and Chennai and urged the democratic bodies in the diaspora and the legal activists in Tamil Nadu to address the false interpretation, politically and legally.

  196. Is the U.N. complicit in Sri Lankan war crimes ?

    Louise Arbour, the head of the International Crisis Group, called for an internal review of the U.N.'s conduct during Sri Lanka's bloody 2009 civil war, telling Turtle Bay that the organization's abandonment of national staff in a conflict zone and its failure to speak up more forcefully about abuses made it "close to complicit" in government atrocities.

    Arbour said the United Nations compromised its principles for a lofty goal: to preserve the ability of aid workers to provide humanitarian assistance to those in desperate need of it. But she faulted the U.N.'s acceptance of "absolutely unacceptable" visa limitations on international staff and the U.N.'s decision to withdraw foreign staff from the northern Sri Lanka province of Vanni in September 2008, on the eve of government forces' final offensive against the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, leaving behind "very exposed" local Sri Lankan employees.

    Her organization also cited one case from June 2009 in which the United Nations "was slow to react" to the abduction and torture of two U.N. national staff members who were detained on suspicion of collaborating with the Tamil Tigers, and "made no serious protest at their mistreatment."

    "The U.N. should look at how it behaved in the whole episode," said Arbour, a former U.N. war crimes prosecutor and U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights. "I think it's a very sobering moment where the United Nations should reexamine the price it is willing to pay to maintain humanitarian access."

  197. In a press conference Monday, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon responded angrily to suggestions that the U.N. shared responsibility for the violence. "I totally reject those allegations." He said he would move forward with the establishment of a panel of advisors to counsel him on how to hold perpetrators accountable for crimes during the decisive final months of the decades-long war.

    Arbour's remarks follow the release last week of a report by her organization alleging that the Sri Lankan military may have killed more than 30,000 civilians during its 2009 military conquest of the country's Tamil rebels. The report also alleges that the Tamil Tigers, one of the world's most brutal insurgent movements, also committed massive war crimes, forcing hundreds of thousands of civilians to serve as human shields, and murdering those who sought to flee to safety.

    Arbour called for an independent investigation into war crimes by both government forces and the Tamil Tigers, warning that lingering bitterness fueled by the conflict will serve as an inspiration to future insurgents. She also faulted the U.N. Security Council for failing to use its powers to constrain Sri Lanka, and the Human Rights Council for issuing a statement praising the government at the end of the conflict for defeating one of the world's most ruthless insurgencies.

    "U.N. agencies allowed themselves to be bullied by the government and accepted a reduced role in protecting civilians, most notably with their quick acceptance of the government's September 2008 order to remove all staff from the Vanni," the ICG report stated. "The Human Rights Council chose not to defend humanitarian law, but instead passed a resolution praising the conduct of the government. All of this has eroded further the standing of the U.N. in Sri Lanka and elsewhere."

  198. The U.N. is "not a gigantic evil machine but I think there were probably some who made judgment calls that were overly cautious or prudent," Arbour said. "My own suspicion, knowing some of the players in the environment, is it's always for a good reason. It's always not to aggravate the government or make sure they can stay in the game as long as possible. That's exactly why it's so important to look at the facts and start asking are we getting to a point where we are almost complicit with the government in our desire to maintain the delivery of services."

    For Arbour, the Sri Lankan war constitutes a defining moment for the United Nations and for Secretary-General Ban, who has faced criticism from rights groups for failing to push earlier for an outside investigation into possible war crimes during the conflict. Arbour said while she welcomed Ban's plan's to set to a panel of experts to explore how perpetrators might be held accountable, she wished he had done so immediately after the conflict.

    She also criticized Ban for meeting with President Mahinda Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka and failing to press for an independent investigation. Ban traveled to Sri Lanka after the conflict ended and signed an agreement with the Sri Lankan leader that placed responsibility for ensuring accountability for war crimes with the Sri Lankan government. The deal was struck just as the U.N.'s high commissioner for human rights, Navi Pillay, was pressing the Human Rights Council to establish an independent inquiry into war crimes in Sri Lanka.

    "The fact that the secretary-general went and stood with the president at the very end of the war when some of us had been for months screaming about what was happening in Sri Lanka — I don't want to say it was disappointing," Arbour said. "Well, let's put it this way: I would have preferred an immediate call for accountability. I wish that what we're talking about now was a conversation that had taken place this time last year, immediately after the conflict."

    U.N. officials defended Ban's response to the crisis, saying he publicly urged, and worked tirelessly to persuade, Rajapaska and the insurgents to observe a pause in fighting to allow the release of hundreds of thousands of civilians trapped between the warring camps. They say that the U.N. is frequently required to rely on local staff to deliver assistance as a last resort, noting that they have done so in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and other conflict zones.

    "The U.N. actually supplied the people with humanitarian assistance, at great risk to its staff," said Nicholas Haysom, Ban's political advisor. "There are times when, on grounds of safety, you have to make tough calls about whether and when to remove international staff, or even national staff, and yet how to continue to deliver humanitarian aid, and we've had to do this in Afghanistan and Pakistan."

    Haysom said that Ban was among the "most vocal" leaders in the international community raising the alarm about events unfolding in Sri Lanka. "He was one of the first to do so."

  199. U.N. diplomats and observers said that Ban was raising concerns about the violence, both publicly and privately, but admitted that his heavy reliance on quiet diplomacy had little impact on Sri Lanka's behavior.

    "He put a spotlight on what was happening in Sri Lanka," said John Sawers, who was then Britain's U.N. ambassador. "So it's not perfect in Sri Lanka; far too many civilians got killed and there is still an outstanding problem with the civilians in the [Internally Displaced Persons] camps. But I believe Ban's engagement made the situation less bad than it would otherwise have been."

    Hasyom said the secretary-general has little power to enforce his views on a sovereign government, particularly when he doesn't have the full backing of the Security Council. "If the council is not backing you, you only have so much independent leverage or power."

    Arbour said that the failure to confront the excesses of the Sri Lankan conflict now may lead to further abuses later. The so-called Sri Lanka option — brutal military counterinsurgency combined with a total disregard for the laws of wars or international condemnation — has been gaining currency in countries faced with threats from insurgencies or militants. Her agency cited reports that the Sri Lanka option has seeped into the political debates in countries dealing with militants or insurgents, including Burma, Colombia, India, Israel, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Thailand.

    "I understand the rationale," Arbour said, referring to the U.N. decision to maintain its humanitarian operations in the face of compromises. "It's the only way we're going to get humanitarian deliveries," said Arbour, noting that Sri Lanka should prompt a full reevaluation of U.N. humanitarian policies. "But there must come a point where you really have to ask: Are you now paying a price that is so high that you become almost complicit in terrible actions by governments?"

  200. Something the Sinhalese blogger said above is stunning — that the lanka' government's "rescue" of thousands of Tamils BY PUTTING THEM in internment camps is PROOF that there's no genocide of Tamils going on !!

    Don't they even know the enormity of what they just went & blurted out ??

    Don't they know ANYTHING of the historical discourse & consensus regarding camps of concentration that the world has arrived at today, the stark significance of such camps in the planned reduction & destruction of populations throughout the globe ?

    The roundup of free peoples into barbed wired camps is the VERY BEGINNING of all "postwar" programs to break their nations & their spirit & "neutralise" them, while expropriating their lands — this is the accepted understanding by all scholars of this internment process today, even those in "Establishment" think tanks .

    After the forced concentration of the American Indian nations in america in the 19th century — after the Jewish camps in the 20th — after the British concentration camps following the Mau Mau insurgncy in Kenya — after the open air concentration camp of Gaza today — after all this , can they speak proudly of the internment camps in lanka before of the world's peoples, ABYSMALLY UNAWARE their words are categorically attesting to what in fact they are doing ??

  201. Is UN complicit in maintaining the Sri Lankan rape-concentration camps ?

    Well, I think so because it paying for the maintaining rape-concentration camps

  202. UN is supposed to be defender of the Human Rights worldwide but it supports the Sri Lankan solution which is threat to the Human Rights to all !!!

  203. a.savage

    Sri Lanka Government is forbidden All Tamil newspapers to write about IDPs

  204. The Sri Lanka Government officials say they could not resettle the IDPs because of mines but don’t do any de-mining ?

    Why ?


    Uprooted civilians from Vadamaraadchi East refused permission to resettle

    Sri Lanka Army (SLA) Jaffna Commander and Jaffna Government Agent (GA) who met the uprooted civilians from Vadamaraadchi East still held in Thenmaraadchi interim refugee camps told them Sunday that they cannot be resettled in their own places immediately, sources in Jaffna said

    Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) which controls Vadamaraadchi is reluctant to allow resettlement of the original residents, mainly fishermen, as they do not want to hinder the Sinhalese fishermen who now monopolize the deep seas with their trawlers from Naakarkoayil to Mullaiththeevu where most of the fish are caught in Jaffna peninsula, fisheries society representatives in Vadamaraadchi said.

    The SLA Commander and the GA claimed that Vadamaraadchi East is dangerous for resettlement as it is still infested with landmines.

    SLN, occupying Vadamaraadchi East after the capture of the area from Liberation Tigers, however, have so far not permitted any de-mining in the area either by humanitarian de-mining organizations or by SLA landmine removal units.

  205. Rwandans, Kurds join Tamils commemorating massacre anniversary

    Armenian, Rwandan, Kurdish and the Native American communities joined Northern Californian Tamils in commemorating the first year anniversary of the Mu'l'livaikal massacre of more than 40,000 Tamils by the Sri Lanka Security forces during the first five months of government forces last year. The event held Saturday between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in Palo Alto California was attended by more than 150 people, organizers of the event said. The attendees wore a decal depicting the National flower of Tamil Eelam (Gloriosa superba), with the words “We Remember” written underneath, according to attendees to the event.

    After a brief introduction and shared experience of working with the people of Vanni during the ceasefire by a local Tamil, several speakers shared the collective experiences of their communities in solidarity.

    Mr.Vincent Mugabo, who left his native Rwanda to escape persecution of the Tutsis by the Hutu government and immigrated to the US during the 1994 genocide in which he lost several family members, addressed the commonality of the Tutsi experience with that of the Tamils in Sri Lanka.

    Mr.David Ojakian, of the Armenian Genocide Commemoration Committee of Northern California

    Mr. Michael O’Rourke, director of Sri Lanka boycott video series
    Mr.Tony Gonzales, Director of the American Indian Movement
    Vincent Mugabo, Tutsi escaped Rwandan genocide,While highlighting the bad politics of the leaders after colonial times leading to the Genocide, Mr.Mugabo drew attention to the indifference of the international community to the Rwanda Genocide at the beginning as in the case for the Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka.

  206. Mr.David Ojakian, Chair of the Armenian Genocide Commemoration Committee of Northern California, spoke about his work with the Armenian community and its struggle for recognition of the Armenian genocide.

    Mr. Ojakian drew on the similarities between the Tamil and Armenian Diaspora that had to flee their native homelands due to government endorsed killings. He further said “many correlations can be drawn between what happened in Mullivaikkal as more than 40,000 Tamils perished at the hands of the Sinhala regime and Sri Lankan forces and what happened to 1.5 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.

    "First we see civil unrest leading to conflict and mass killings in the shadows of war; then we see government denial of the deliberate intent and actions to destroy in whole or in part the Tamil or Armenian population; and finally we see denial and struggle for recognition," Ojakian said.

    Mr.Tony Gonzales, Director of the American Indian Movement and a United Nations Liaison officer, said “supporting and solidarity with the Tamil people is very important to us. I did not want to miss this occasion to extend my hand in deep friendship and solidarity with your struggle".

    Gonzales then recited a prayer to strengthen the unity, and sang a song in the traditional language of the Lakota people “for people in particular who are in struggle and the sacrifice that we commit ourselves to” and spoke about the effects of colonization."

    Mr. Michael O’Rourke who directed the boycottsrilanka viral video “No Blood for Panties," also spoke at the event. Mr. O’Rourke who is the co-founder Peace Through Technology Foundation, referring to the anti apartheid movement and how governments were shamed into action, highlighted the importance of 'conscious consumerism' when conducting boycott campaigns of garments made in Sri Lanka.

    Videos of remembrance message from Fr. Emmanuel and an exclusive interview with Prof. Francis Boyle were also shown at the event.

    The Tamil Remembrance Day events concluded with the participants joining the candle light vigil on Sri Lanka organized by the Amnesty International at Palo Alto's Lytton Plaza.

  207. My My My – this blog is getting pretty interesting day by day – LOL !!!

    I just can't fathom whether it is arrogance or pure stupidity that drives the Terrorist Supporters of the Diaspora !

    Let me take out some interesting comments 🙂 !!!

    Thellippazhai Says:
    May 24th, 2010 at 4:58 am

    11 Tamil Nadu fishermen missing . Sri Lankan Navy killed them ?

    I mean – LOL !!,/b>

    Any idiot who watched news would know about the Hurricane Lyla which hit the Bay of bengal and Jaffna a few days ago. I mean it has been bad in the south and no fishermen when to the sea shore keep aside the sea for the past 1 month – LOL..

    How stupid can the Tamilnadu fisherman be to go to the sea in the storm ?? and to put it on SL navy – LOL – I mean – get a life please – you are really stupid – stop clowning your self !!


    The following post from you would 100 % confirm me calling you a terrorist – more than that, now I can call you a mentally sick terrorist !!!

    Thambi” as “Annan or Thalavar” is accepted differently by the young. It is the culture in the Wanni and in the north and east they grew in, over the past two decades. They have lived through Prabhakaran’s rule, not as suppressed individuals and families, but as proud members of a common heroic history that was every where, around them.

    Can you please tell me a single Tamil that lived in Jaffna who managed to get on to a stage and oppose the LTTE terrorist activities?? In SL, we have the UNP, JVP etc. to oppose the existing government and they do in public – did Mentally sick bastard allow Douglas Devananda to do so in Jaffna ?? Do you say that there is no Tamil following in the north for Douglas, Neelan, Ponnambalam etc ?? Why do you think you own leaders betrayed Piribaharan and the clan ?? Why did Karuna, Pillayan and them leave the mentally sick bastard ???

    We saw the mental bastards heroics when he killed thousands of innocent Tamils (keep aside the others) and you say that Tamils were happy there ?? All those hated his antiques left the area and came to Colombo or went abroad.

    It's just that you mentally sick Terrorist cannot see this side of the true story – PATHETIC indeed !!

    There is enough and more Tamil leadership in the country – take Thidaman, Devanandan, Ganeshan etc and even the Pillayan's and Ammans – now even KP is willing to work with the government – what bullshit are you talking of you mentally sick terrorist ???????? In addition, you take courage to say that my self and Reductio talk rubbish – you have proven beyond doubt who posts rubbish none sense here… How can you have peace with your self after knowing what damage you have done to your own people ?? There are so many innocent lives suffering out there because of your Stupid Terrorist mentality – You'd rott in hell man !!!!!!!!

    At least we can be happy that our Tax monies are looking after them – we fed them even during the war – tell me another government that ensured supplies to the opposition during a war ?? your mentally sick fatso didn't even give the rations we sent to the innocent people, but fed his cubs and you say that we didn't look after them ? You are a lying mentally sick terrorist – you need to be rehabilitated soon or will become a menace to the world.

    Vattaappazhai Says:
    May 24th, 2010 at 10:26 am

    1. Even I don't believe in Devolution – I trust all people can live in this country together as we already do in other parts – devolution of anything will only further divide – I oppose it vehemently.
    2. Anyone going to the east and post war North would know what the GOSL has given to the people there immaterial of ethnicity – finally there are new roads, buildings, houses and shops coming up – what did the mentally sick piribaharan give ?? Only used them as human shield and killed them.
    3. Live with it – all legal governments are supporting the GOSL. Not only Delhi. May be you can ask for support from other Terrorist groups like Talibhan as you did once to attack SL cricket team in Lahor. No legal government will support a mentally sick terror group.
    4. Eelam actually should not come in to one's mind even in a dream now – it is O. V. E. R. (over)… Never again !! – so you better get a life – people here immaterial of Ethnicity are not interested in Eelam.

    a.savage Says:
    May 24th, 2010 at 10:32 pm

    Something the Sinhalese blogger said above is stunning — that the lanka’ government’s “rescue” of thousands of Tamils BY PUTTING THEM in internment camps is PROOF that there’s no genocide of Tamils going on !!

    Don’t they even know the enormity of what they just went & blurted out ??

    Well we know for a fact that the GOSL did not use them as Human Shields during war now don't we ?? So the very people who got them out from such misery indeed in normal humane terms is called "rescuing". So, who rescued the innocent people from being used as human shields the readers will decide.

    When these innocent civilians houses were used as bunkers or destroyed to build bunkers by the very people who called them selves saviours of them, where else to go than stay in an "Interim' camp until houses are made ?? How about the Mines that were planted by this mentally sick Saviours of Nation ?? How many children and people lost their limbs already to this brutality ??

    Arul Says:
    May 24th, 2010 at 10:34 pm

    Is UN complicit in maintaining the Sri Lankan rape-concentration camps ?

    Here again, you are showcasing your utmost stupidity to the world.

    A Grandfather raped his Granddaughter and was caught. Is this the fault of the UN ?? The GOSL? The SLA ?? At least that Grandpa had balls, not like you impotent people who do not seem to understand that "All legal entities as the UN, other Governments etc, are supporting the legally elected GOSL – why ?? because they are doing the right things… Get it ??? Only stupid people who cannot see beyond the nose tip and are mentally sick do not seem to understand this 'Phenomena".

    And Last but not least – very interesting Neanderthal comment below !!

    Shoba Says:
    May 24th, 2010 at 10:58 pm

    The Sri Lanka Government officials say they could not resettle the IDPs because of mines but don’t do any de-mining ?

    Why ?

    LOL – even a British de-miner died recently of a blast occurred when carrying out his duties. We need to thank the other countries who has sent their experts to be involved in this great humanitarian mission. What our "Ashobhana" has failed to understand is that it was the very group that she is supporting who planted these mines. The rest of the story is utter rubbish. I am not quite sure as what mental state Ashobana could be to post such article… very Sad to see such low mentality indeed……..

    Rest my case for now !!
    Jim Gona !

  208. Rwandans, Kurds join Tamils commemorating massacre anniversary

    Armenian, Rwandan, Kurdish and the Native American communities joined Northern Californian Tamils in commemorating the first year anniversary of the Mu'l'livaikal massacre of more than 40,000 Tamils by the Sri Lanka Security forces during the first five months of government forces last year. The event held Saturday between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in Palo Alto California was attended by more than 150 people, organizers of the event said. The attendees wore a decal depicting the National flower of Tamil Eelam (Gloriosa superba), with the words “We Remember” written underneath, according to attendees to the event.

    After a brief introduction and shared experience of working with the people of Vanni during the ceasefire by a local Tamil, several speakers shared the collective experiences of their communities in solidarity.

    Mr.Vincent Mugabo, who left his native Rwanda to escape persecution of the Tutsis by the Hutu government and immigrated to the US during the 1994 genocide in which he lost several family members, addressed the commonality of the Tutsi experience with that of the Tamils in Sri Lanka.

    Mr.David Ojakian, of the Armenian Genocide Commemoration Committee of Northern California

    Mr. Michael O’Rourke, director of Sri Lanka boycott video series
    Mr.Tony Gonzales, Director of the American Indian Movement
    Vincent Mugabo, Tutsi escaped Rwandan genocide,While highlighting the bad politics of the leaders after colonial times leading to the Genocide, Mr.Mugabo drew attention to the indifference of the international community to the Rwanda Genocide at the beginning as in the case for the Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka.

  209. Rwandans, Kurds join Tamils commemorating massacre anniversary

    Armenian, Rwandan, Kurdish and the Native American communities joined Northern Californian Tamils in commemorating the first year anniversary of the Mu'l'livaikal massacre of more than 40,000 Tamils by the Sri Lanka Security forces during the first five months of government forces last year. The event held Saturday between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in Palo Alto California was attended by more than 150 people, organizers of the event said. The attendees wore a decal depicting the National flower of Tamil Eelam (Gloriosa superba), with the words “We Remember” written underneath, according to attendees to the event.

    After a brief introduction and shared experience of working with the people of Vanni during the ceasefire by a local Tamil, several speakers shared the collective experiences of their communities in solidarity.

    Mr.Vincent Mugabo, who left his native Rwanda to escape persecution of the Tutsis by the Hutu government and immigrated to the US during the 1994 genocide in which he lost several family members, addressed the commonality of the Tutsi experience with that of the Tamils in Sri Lanka.

    Mr.David Ojakian, of the Armenian Genocide Commemoration Committee of Northern California

    Mr. Michael O’Rourke, director of Sri Lanka boycott video series
    Mr.Tony Gonzales, Director of the American Indian Movement
    Vincent Mugabo, Tutsi escaped Rwandan genocide,While highlighting the bad politics of the leaders after colonial times leading to the Genocide, Mr.Mugabo drew attention to the indifference of the international community to the Rwanda Genocide at the beginning as in the case for the Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka.

  210. Mr.David Ojakian, Chair of the Armenian Genocide Commemoration Committee of Northern California, spoke about his work with the Armenian community and its struggle for recognition of the Armenian genocide.

    Mr. Ojakian drew on the similarities between the Tamil and Armenian Diaspora that had to flee their native homelands due to government endorsed killings. He further said “many correlations can be drawn between what happened in Mullivaikkal as more than 40,000 Tamils perished at the hands of the Sinhala regime and Sri Lankan forces and what happened to 1.5 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.

    "First we see civil unrest leading to conflict and mass killings in the shadows of war; then we see government denial of the deliberate intent and actions to destroy in whole or in part the Tamil or Armenian population; and finally we see denial and struggle for recognition," Ojakian said.

    Mr.Tony Gonzales, Director of the American Indian Movement and a United Nations Liaison officer, said “supporting and solidarity with the Tamil people is very important to us. I did not want to miss this occasion to extend my hand in deep friendship and solidarity with your struggle".

    Gonzales then recited a prayer to strengthen the unity, and sang a song in the traditional language of the Lakota people “for people in particular who are in struggle and the sacrifice that we commit ourselves to” and spoke about the effects of colonization."

    Mr. Michael O’Rourke who directed the boycottsrilanka viral video “No Blood for Panties," also spoke at the event. Mr. O’Rourke who is the co-founder Peace Through Technology Foundation, referring to the anti apartheid movement and how governments were shamed into action, highlighted the importance of 'conscious consumerism' when conducting boycott campaigns of garments made in Sri Lanka.

    Videos of remembrance message from Fr. Emmanuel and an exclusive interview with Prof. Francis Boyle were also shown at the event.

    The Tamil Remembrance Day events concluded with the participants joining the candle light vigil on Sri Lanka organized by the Amnesty International at Palo Alto's Lytton Plaza.

  211. Mr.David Ojakian, Chair of the Armenian Genocide Commemoration Committee of Northern California, spoke about his work with the Armenian community and its struggle for recognition of the Armenian genocide.

    Mr. Ojakian drew on the similarities between the Tamil and Armenian Diaspora that had to flee their native homelands due to government endorsed killings. He further said “many correlations can be drawn between what happened in Mullivaikkal as more than 40,000 Tamils perished at the hands of the Sinhala regime and Sri Lankan forces and what happened to 1.5 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.

    "First we see civil unrest leading to conflict and mass killings in the shadows of war; then we see government denial of the deliberate intent and actions to destroy in whole or in part the Tamil or Armenian population; and finally we see denial and struggle for recognition," Ojakian said.

    Mr.Tony Gonzales, Director of the American Indian Movement and a United Nations Liaison officer, said “supporting and solidarity with the Tamil people is very important to us. I did not want to miss this occasion to extend my hand in deep friendship and solidarity with your struggle".

    Gonzales then recited a prayer to strengthen the unity, and sang a song in the traditional language of the Lakota people “for people in particular who are in struggle and the sacrifice that we commit ourselves to” and spoke about the effects of colonization."

    Mr. Michael O’Rourke who directed the boycottsrilanka viral video “No Blood for Panties," also spoke at the event. Mr. O’Rourke who is the co-founder Peace Through Technology Foundation, referring to the anti apartheid movement and how governments were shamed into action, highlighted the importance of 'conscious consumerism' when conducting boycott campaigns of garments made in Sri Lanka.

    Videos of remembrance message from Fr. Emmanuel and an exclusive interview with Prof. Francis Boyle were also shown at the event.

    The Tamil Remembrance Day events concluded with the participants joining the candle light vigil on Sri Lanka organized by the Amnesty International at Palo Alto's Lytton Plaza.

  212. It is this tendency to political and racial violence that the Sinhala politicians have exploited to keep the Tamils under their heels. The tragic story of a cultured and educated Tamil people desiring to live in peace with the Sinhalese but requesting equality in education, employment and development of their land being massacred and violently thwarted by government thugs and the security services for over 60 years has now been told to a largely sceptical world.

    So it was that the world conspired by its silence at the mass genocide of the Tamils and looked askance when the elderly Tamils and their children were mown down by artillery shells, cluster bombs and chemical weapons. The leadership of the Tamil resistance was encouraged to surrender carrying white flags to the Sri Lankan army and was shot down in cold blood while doing so.

    Over 100,00 Tamils killed in a racist and genocidal war in the Vanni. The UK Times provided satellite photographs of the evidence of trenches and mounds where more than 20,000 Tamils were killed and buried in the final days of the war last year. Some even say that as much as 48,000 Tamils were killed by the Sinhala armed forces in the last three days of the war. Reliable eye witness accounts have reported that weak, infirm and injured Tamil people were buried half alive in trenches and shot by the Sri Lanka army. There was deliberate and mass starvation and destruction of the few hospitals left standing to cater to the people.

    The souls of these thousands of innocent Tamil victims seek justice and closure and we, the survivors, have to keep their avenging cries in the forefront of our moral crusade and political campaign to bring the war criminals Rajapakse and his blood-letting gang to justice.

  213. Dear Tamil Kovil,

    Superb analysis by you on the situation inside lanka. Continue !!

  214. War on Tamils,

    Your call is timely — the Boycott Divestment Sanctions campaign against Sri Lanka must move ahead now.


    Human Rights group Act Now carried out its’ second picket of the GAP company’s ‘Flagship’ store in Oxford Street, London (UK) last Sunday (23rd May).

    This is part of a global campaign directed at GAP’s ongoing trade with Sri Lanka. GAP import Sri Lankan apparel which they sell in their stores worldwide. They promote themselves as an ‘Ethical’ company but campaigners see this at odds with their connection with Sri Lanka, a country accused of committing war crimes against Tamil civilians in the final stages of a Civil War that finished in May 2010, one that still detains 80,000 civilians in detention camps and incarcerates political opponents even amongst the majority Sinhalese community.


  216. SLA plundered Vanni

    SLA plundered vehicle spare parts in Vanni sold in Anuradhapura

    Anuradhapura has turned into the main ‘spare parts sales town’ in Sri Lanka as the spare parts of vehicles abandoned in Mu’l’livaaikkaal in Vanni, plundered by Sri Lanka Army (SLA), are being taken to Anuradahapura along A9 road in trucks and vehicles which bring goods to North, according to Suresh Premachandran, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Jaffna parliamentarian. He further alleged that the spare parts of the vehicles of Vanni civilians systematically plundered by SLA soldiers immediately after the war are kept hidden in bunkers with the collaboration of their officers and that the parts are gradually passed on to Southern Sinhalese and Muslim traders to be sold in Anuradhapura.

    The government, to show the world that it is giving back the abandoned vehicles to uprooted Vanni civilians, had recently announced that nearly a thousand motorcycles are to be given back to the owners on claim.

    But the said motorcycles are useless without the key parts missing, sources in Vavuniyaa said.

    Meanwhile, it remains a mystery of the fate of thousands of four-wheeled vehicles left behind in Vanni.

    It is suspected that they had been taken out of Vanni by SLA immediately after the war ended.

    The uprooted owners of the vehicles have lost all hopes of getting them back despite government propaganda.

  217. Camouflaged ban on Tamil Eelam by New Delhi, Chennai

    The Government of Tamil Nadu has gazetted a notification by the Indian Central Government’s Ministry of Home Affairs, dated 14 May, banning the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) as an ‘unlawful association’. The announcement falsely linked ‘Tamil Eelam’ as threatening the ‘sovereignty and territorial integrity of a part of the territory of India’.

    Questioning when Tamil Eelam became part of Indian territory, Eezham Tamil circles in the diaspora said the notification reflected the guilt related paranoia of New Delhi and Chennai and urged the democratic bodies in the diaspora and the legal activists in Tamil Nadu to address the false interpretation, politically and legally.

  218. Is the U.N. complicit in Sri Lankan war crimes ?

    Louise Arbour, the head of the International Crisis Group, called for an internal review of the U.N.’s conduct during Sri Lanka’s bloody 2009 civil war, telling Turtle Bay that the organization’s abandonment of national staff in a conflict zone and its failure to speak up more forcefully about abuses made it “close to complicit” in government atrocities.

    Arbour said the United Nations compromised its principles for a lofty goal: to preserve the ability of aid workers to provide humanitarian assistance to those in desperate need of it. But she faulted the U.N.’s acceptance of “absolutely unacceptable” visa limitations on international staff and the U.N.’s decision to withdraw foreign staff from the northern Sri Lanka province of Vanni in September 2008, on the eve of government forces’ final offensive against the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, leaving behind “very exposed” local Sri Lankan employees.

    Her organization also cited one case from June 2009 in which the United Nations “was slow to react” to the abduction and torture of two U.N. national staff members who were detained on suspicion of collaborating with the Tamil Tigers, and “made no serious protest at their mistreatment.”

    “The U.N. should look at how it behaved in the whole episode,” said Arbour, a former U.N. war crimes prosecutor and U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights. “I think it’s a very sobering moment where the United Nations should reexamine the price it is willing to pay to maintain humanitarian access.”

  219. In a press conference Monday, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon responded angrily to suggestions that the U.N. shared responsibility for the violence. “I totally reject those allegations.” He said he would move forward with the establishment of a panel of advisors to counsel him on how to hold perpetrators accountable for crimes during the decisive final months of the decades-long war.

    Arbour’s remarks follow the release last week of a report by her organization alleging that the Sri Lankan military may have killed more than 30,000 civilians during its 2009 military conquest of the country’s Tamil rebels. The report also alleges that the Tamil Tigers, one of the world’s most brutal insurgent movements, also committed massive war crimes, forcing hundreds of thousands of civilians to serve as human shields, and murdering those who sought to flee to safety.

    Arbour called for an independent investigation into war crimes by both government forces and the Tamil Tigers, warning that lingering bitterness fueled by the conflict will serve as an inspiration to future insurgents. She also faulted the U.N. Security Council for failing to use its powers to constrain Sri Lanka, and the Human Rights Council for issuing a statement praising the government at the end of the conflict for defeating one of the world’s most ruthless insurgencies.

    “U.N. agencies allowed themselves to be bullied by the government and accepted a reduced role in protecting civilians, most notably with their quick acceptance of the government’s September 2008 order to remove all staff from the Vanni,” the ICG report stated. “The Human Rights Council chose not to defend humanitarian law, but instead passed a resolution praising the conduct of the government. All of this has eroded further the standing of the U.N. in Sri Lanka and elsewhere.”

  220. The U.N. is “not a gigantic evil machine but I think there were probably some who made judgment calls that were overly cautious or prudent,” Arbour said. “My own suspicion, knowing some of the players in the environment, is it’s always for a good reason. It’s always not to aggravate the government or make sure they can stay in the game as long as possible. That’s exactly why it’s so important to look at the facts and start asking are we getting to a point where we are almost complicit with the government in our desire to maintain the delivery of services.”

    For Arbour, the Sri Lankan war constitutes a defining moment for the United Nations and for Secretary-General Ban, who has faced criticism from rights groups for failing to push earlier for an outside investigation into possible war crimes during the conflict. Arbour said while she welcomed Ban’s plan’s to set to a panel of experts to explore how perpetrators might be held accountable, she wished he had done so immediately after the conflict.

    She also criticized Ban for meeting with President Mahinda Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka and failing to press for an independent investigation. Ban traveled to Sri Lanka after the conflict ended and signed an agreement with the Sri Lankan leader that placed responsibility for ensuring accountability for war crimes with the Sri Lankan government. The deal was struck just as the U.N.’s high commissioner for human rights, Navi Pillay, was pressing the Human Rights Council to establish an independent inquiry into war crimes in Sri Lanka.

    “The fact that the secretary-general went and stood with the president at the very end of the war when some of us had been for months screaming about what was happening in Sri Lanka — I don’t want to say it was disappointing,” Arbour said. “Well, let’s put it this way: I would have preferred an immediate call for accountability. I wish that what we’re talking about now was a conversation that had taken place this time last year, immediately after the conflict.”

    U.N. officials defended Ban’s response to the crisis, saying he publicly urged, and worked tirelessly to persuade, Rajapaska and the insurgents to observe a pause in fighting to allow the release of hundreds of thousands of civilians trapped between the warring camps. They say that the U.N. is frequently required to rely on local staff to deliver assistance as a last resort, noting that they have done so in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and other conflict zones.

    “The U.N. actually supplied the people with humanitarian assistance, at great risk to its staff,” said Nicholas Haysom, Ban’s political advisor. “There are times when, on grounds of safety, you have to make tough calls about whether and when to remove international staff, or even national staff, and yet how to continue to deliver humanitarian aid, and we’ve had to do this in Afghanistan and Pakistan.”

    Haysom said that Ban was among the “most vocal” leaders in the international community raising the alarm about events unfolding in Sri Lanka. “He was one of the first to do so.”

  221. U.N. diplomats and observers said that Ban was raising concerns about the violence, both publicly and privately, but admitted that his heavy reliance on quiet diplomacy had little impact on Sri Lanka’s behavior.

    “He put a spotlight on what was happening in Sri Lanka,” said John Sawers, who was then Britain’s U.N. ambassador. “So it’s not perfect in Sri Lanka; far too many civilians got killed and there is still an outstanding problem with the civilians in the [Internally Displaced Persons] camps. But I believe Ban’s engagement made the situation less bad than it would otherwise have been.”

    Hasyom said the secretary-general has little power to enforce his views on a sovereign government, particularly when he doesn’t have the full backing of the Security Council. “If the council is not backing you, you only have so much independent leverage or power.”

    Arbour said that the failure to confront the excesses of the Sri Lankan conflict now may lead to further abuses later. The so-called Sri Lanka option — brutal military counterinsurgency combined with a total disregard for the laws of wars or international condemnation — has been gaining currency in countries faced with threats from insurgencies or militants. Her agency cited reports that the Sri Lanka option has seeped into the political debates in countries dealing with militants or insurgents, including Burma, Colombia, India, Israel, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Thailand.

    “I understand the rationale,” Arbour said, referring to the U.N. decision to maintain its humanitarian operations in the face of compromises. “It’s the only way we’re going to get humanitarian deliveries,” said Arbour, noting that Sri Lanka should prompt a full reevaluation of U.N. humanitarian policies. “But there must come a point where you really have to ask: Are you now paying a price that is so high that you become almost complicit in terrible actions by governments?”

  222. Something the Sinhalese blogger said above is stunning — that the lanka’ government’s “rescue” of thousands of Tamils BY PUTTING THEM in internment camps is PROOF that there’s no genocide of Tamils going on !!

    Don’t they even know the enormity of what they just went & blurted out ??

    Don’t they know ANYTHING of the historical discourse & consensus regarding camps of concentration that the world has arrived at today, the stark significance of such camps in the planned reduction & destruction of populations throughout the globe ?

    The roundup of free peoples into barbed wired camps is the VERY BEGINNING of all “postwar” programs to break their nations & their spirit & “neutralise” them, while expropriating their lands — this is the accepted understanding by all scholars of this internment process today, even those in “Establishment” think tanks .

    After the forced concentration of the American Indian nations in america in the 19th century — after the Jewish camps in the 20th — after the British concentration camps following the Mau Mau insurgncy in Kenya — after the open air concentration camp of Gaza today — after all this , can they speak proudly of the internment camps in lanka before of the world’s peoples, ABYSMALLY UNAWARE their words are categorically attesting to what in fact they are doing ??

  223. Is UN complicit in maintaining the Sri Lankan rape-concentration camps ?

    Well, I think so because it paying for the maintaining rape-concentration camps

  224. UN is supposed to be defender of the Human Rights worldwide but it supports the Sri Lankan solution which is threat to the Human Rights to all !!!

  225. a.savage

    Sri Lanka Government is forbidden All Tamil newspapers to write about IDPs

  226. The Sri Lanka Government officials say they could not resettle the IDPs because of mines but don’t do any de-mining ?

    Why ?


    Uprooted civilians from Vadamaraadchi East refused permission to resettle

    Sri Lanka Army (SLA) Jaffna Commander and Jaffna Government Agent (GA) who met the uprooted civilians from Vadamaraadchi East still held in Thenmaraadchi interim refugee camps told them Sunday that they cannot be resettled in their own places immediately, sources in Jaffna said

    Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) which controls Vadamaraadchi is reluctant to allow resettlement of the original residents, mainly fishermen, as they do not want to hinder the Sinhalese fishermen who now monopolize the deep seas with their trawlers from Naakarkoayil to Mullaiththeevu where most of the fish are caught in Jaffna peninsula, fisheries society representatives in Vadamaraadchi said.

    The SLA Commander and the GA claimed that Vadamaraadchi East is dangerous for resettlement as it is still infested with landmines.

    SLN, occupying Vadamaraadchi East after the capture of the area from Liberation Tigers, however, have so far not permitted any de-mining in the area either by humanitarian de-mining organizations or by SLA landmine removal units.

  227. Sri Lanka-Death Island

    1958: Hundreds of tamils were massacred by Sinhala racists.
    1972: Over 20,000 Sinhala youths were massacred by Sinhala military.
    1977: Hundreds of tamils were butchered again.
    1983: Thousands of tamils were massacred and chased away from their homes.
    1989: Over 40,000 Sinhala youths were massacred by Sinhala Military.
    2009: Over 150,000 tamils were massacred and 300,000 were chased away from their homes by the Sinhala Military.

    The above are wholesale terror by Sri Lanka state. All these crimes are committed in the name of Buddha (?) by Power hungry politicians in the Government. In Sri Lankan history, none of the Sinhala leaders who ruled (political or military) took responsibility for these crimes. The pattern of the crimes clearly shows that the cycle of violence cannot be stopped in Sri Lanka because of its Racist fundamentalism.

    The crimes and the bloodshed done in this (once a beautiful friendly) nation by Racists Power hungry politicians is not comparable with any war crimes in the world

  228. My My My – this blog is getting pretty interesting day by day – LOL !!!

    I just can’t fathom whether it is arrogance or pure stupidity that drives the Terrorist Supporters of the Diaspora !

    Let me take out some interesting comments 🙂 !!!

    Thellippazhai Says:
    May 24th, 2010 at 4:58 am

    11 Tamil Nadu fishermen missing . Sri Lankan Navy killed them ?

    I mean – LOL !!,/b>

    Any idiot who watched news would know about the Hurricane Lyla which hit the Bay of bengal and Jaffna a few days ago. I mean it has been bad in the south and no fishermen when to the sea shore keep aside the sea for the past 1 month – LOL..

    How stupid can the Tamilnadu fisherman be to go to the sea in the storm ?? and to put it on SL navy – LOL – I mean – get a life please – you are really stupid – stop clowning your self !!


    The following post from you would 100 % confirm me calling you a terrorist – more than that, now I can call you a mentally sick terrorist !!!

    Thambi” as “Annan or Thalavar” is accepted differently by the young. It is the culture in the Wanni and in the north and east they grew in, over the past two decades. They have lived through Prabhakaran’s rule, not as suppressed individuals and families, but as proud members of a common heroic history that was every where, around them.

    Can you please tell me a single Tamil that lived in Jaffna who managed to get on to a stage and oppose the LTTE terrorist activities?? In SL, we have the UNP, JVP etc. to oppose the existing government and they do in public – did Mentally sick bastard allow Douglas Devananda to do so in Jaffna ?? Do you say that there is no Tamil following in the north for Douglas, Neelan, Ponnambalam etc ?? Why do you think you own leaders betrayed Piribaharan and the clan ?? Why did Karuna, Pillayan and them leave the mentally sick bastard ???

    We saw the mental bastards heroics when he killed thousands of innocent Tamils (keep aside the others) and you say that Tamils were happy there ?? All those hated his antiques left the area and came to Colombo or went abroad.

    It’s just that you mentally sick Terrorist cannot see this side of the true story – PATHETIC indeed !!

    There is enough and more Tamil leadership in the country – take Thidaman, Devanandan, Ganeshan etc and even the Pillayan’s and Ammans – now even KP is willing to work with the government – what bullshit are you talking of you mentally sick terrorist ???????? In addition, you take courage to say that my self and Reductio talk rubbish – you have proven beyond doubt who posts rubbish none sense here… How can you have peace with your self after knowing what damage you have done to your own people ?? There are so many innocent lives suffering out there because of your Stupid Terrorist mentality – You’d rott in hell man !!!!!!!!

    At least we can be happy that our Tax monies are looking after them – we fed them even during the war – tell me another government that ensured supplies to the opposition during a war ?? your mentally sick fatso didn’t even give the rations we sent to the innocent people, but fed his cubs and you say that we didn’t look after them ? You are a lying mentally sick terrorist – you need to be rehabilitated soon or will become a menace to the world.

    Vattaappazhai Says:
    May 24th, 2010 at 10:26 am

    1. Even I don’t believe in Devolution – I trust all people can live in this country together as we already do in other parts – devolution of anything will only further divide – I oppose it vehemently.
    2. Anyone going to the east and post war North would know what the GOSL has given to the people there immaterial of ethnicity – finally there are new roads, buildings, houses and shops coming up – what did the mentally sick piribaharan give ?? Only used them as human shield and killed them.
    3. Live with it – all legal governments are supporting the GOSL. Not only Delhi. May be you can ask for support from other Terrorist groups like Talibhan as you did once to attack SL cricket team in Lahor. No legal government will support a mentally sick terror group.
    4. Eelam actually should not come in to one’s mind even in a dream now – it is O. V. E. R. (over)… Never again !! – so you better get a life – people here immaterial of Ethnicity are not interested in Eelam.

    a.savage Says:
    May 24th, 2010 at 10:32 pm

    Something the Sinhalese blogger said above is stunning — that the lanka’ government’s “rescue” of thousands of Tamils BY PUTTING THEM in internment camps is PROOF that there’s no genocide of Tamils going on !!

    Don’t they even know the enormity of what they just went & blurted out ??

    Well we know for a fact that the GOSL did not use them as Human Shields during war now don’t we ?? So the very people who got them out from such misery indeed in normal humane terms is called “rescuing”. So, who rescued the innocent people from being used as human shields the readers will decide.

    When these innocent civilians houses were used as bunkers or destroyed to build bunkers by the very people who called them selves saviours of them, where else to go than stay in an “Interim’ camp until houses are made ?? How about the Mines that were planted by this mentally sick Saviours of Nation ?? How many children and people lost their limbs already to this brutality ??

    Arul Says:
    May 24th, 2010 at 10:34 pm

    Is UN complicit in maintaining the Sri Lankan rape-concentration camps ?

    Here again, you are showcasing your utmost stupidity to the world.

    A Grandfather raped his Granddaughter and was caught. Is this the fault of the UN ?? The GOSL? The SLA ?? At least that Grandpa had balls, not like you impotent people who do not seem to understand that “All legal entities as the UN, other Governments etc, are supporting the legally elected GOSL – why ?? because they are doing the right things… Get it ??? Only stupid people who cannot see beyond the nose tip and are mentally sick do not seem to understand this ‘Phenomena”.

    And Last but not least – very interesting Neanderthal comment below !!

    Shoba Says:
    May 24th, 2010 at 10:58 pm

    The Sri Lanka Government officials say they could not resettle the IDPs because of mines but don’t do any de-mining ?

    Why ?

    LOL – even a British de-miner died recently of a blast occurred when carrying out his duties. We need to thank the other countries who has sent their experts to be involved in this great humanitarian mission. What our “Ashobhana” has failed to understand is that it was the very group that she is supporting who planted these mines. The rest of the story is utter rubbish. I am not quite sure as what mental state Ashobana could be to post such article… very Sad to see such low mentality indeed……..

    Rest my case for now !!
    Jim Gona !

  229. Rwandans, Kurds join Tamils commemorating massacre anniversary

    Armenian, Rwandan, Kurdish and the Native American communities joined Northern Californian Tamils in commemorating the first year anniversary of the Mu’l’livaikal massacre of more than 40,000 Tamils by the Sri Lanka Security forces during the first five months of government forces last year. The event held Saturday between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in Palo Alto California was attended by more than 150 people, organizers of the event said. The attendees wore a decal depicting the National flower of Tamil Eelam (Gloriosa superba), with the words “We Remember” written underneath, according to attendees to the event.

    After a brief introduction and shared experience of working with the people of Vanni during the ceasefire by a local Tamil, several speakers shared the collective experiences of their communities in solidarity.

    Mr.Vincent Mugabo, who left his native Rwanda to escape persecution of the Tutsis by the Hutu government and immigrated to the US during the 1994 genocide in which he lost several family members, addressed the commonality of the Tutsi experience with that of the Tamils in Sri Lanka.

    Mr.David Ojakian, of the Armenian Genocide Commemoration Committee of Northern California

    Mr. Michael O’Rourke, director of Sri Lanka boycott video series
    Mr.Tony Gonzales, Director of the American Indian Movement
    Vincent Mugabo, Tutsi escaped Rwandan genocide,While highlighting the bad politics of the leaders after colonial times leading to the Genocide, Mr.Mugabo drew attention to the indifference of the international community to the Rwanda Genocide at the beginning as in the case for the Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka.


  230. Mr.David Ojakian, Chair of the Armenian Genocide Commemoration Committee of Northern California, spoke about his work with the Armenian community and its struggle for recognition of the Armenian genocide.

    Mr. Ojakian drew on the similarities between the Tamil and Armenian Diaspora that had to flee their native homelands due to government endorsed killings. He further said “many correlations can be drawn between what happened in Mullivaikkal as more than 40,000 Tamils perished at the hands of the Sinhala regime and Sri Lankan forces and what happened to 1.5 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.

    “First we see civil unrest leading to conflict and mass killings in the shadows of war; then we see government denial of the deliberate intent and actions to destroy in whole or in part the Tamil or Armenian population; and finally we see denial and struggle for recognition,” Ojakian said.

    Mr.Tony Gonzales, Director of the American Indian Movement and a United Nations Liaison officer, said “supporting and solidarity with the Tamil people is very important to us. I did not want to miss this occasion to extend my hand in deep friendship and solidarity with your struggle”.

    Gonzales then recited a prayer to strengthen the unity, and sang a song in the traditional language of the Lakota people “for people in particular who are in struggle and the sacrifice that we commit ourselves to” and spoke about the effects of colonization.”

    Mr. Michael O’Rourke who directed the boycottsrilanka viral video “No Blood for Panties,” also spoke at the event. Mr. O’Rourke who is the co-founder Peace Through Technology Foundation, referring to the anti apartheid movement and how governments were shamed into action, highlighted the importance of ‘conscious consumerism’ when conducting boycott campaigns of garments made in Sri Lanka.

    Videos of remembrance message from Fr. Emmanuel and an exclusive interview with Prof. Francis Boyle were also shown at the event.

    The Tamil Remembrance Day events concluded with the participants joining the candle light vigil on Sri Lanka organized by the Amnesty International at Palo Alto’s Lytton Plaza.


  231. It is this tendency to political and racial violence that the Sinhala politicians have exploited to keep the Tamils under their heels. The tragic story of a cultured and educated Tamil people desiring to live in peace with the Sinhalese but requesting equality in education, employment and development of their land being massacred and violently thwarted by government thugs and the security services for over 60 years has now been told to a largely sceptical world.

    So it was that the world conspired by its silence at the mass genocide of the Tamils and looked askance when the elderly Tamils and their children were mown down by artillery shells, cluster bombs and chemical weapons. The leadership of the Tamil resistance was encouraged to surrender carrying white flags to the Sri Lankan army and was shot down in cold blood while doing so.

    Over 100,00 Tamils killed in a racist and genocidal war in the Vanni. The UK Times provided satellite photographs of the evidence of trenches and mounds where more than 20,000 Tamils were killed and buried in the final days of the war last year. Some even say that as much as 48,000 Tamils were killed by the Sinhala armed forces in the last three days of the war. Reliable eye witness accounts have reported that weak, infirm and injured Tamil people were buried half alive in trenches and shot by the Sri Lanka army. There was deliberate and mass starvation and destruction of the few hospitals left standing to cater to the people.

    The souls of these thousands of innocent Tamil victims seek justice and closure and we, the survivors, have to keep their avenging cries in the forefront of our moral crusade and political campaign to bring the war criminals Rajapakse and his blood-letting gang to justice.

  232. Sri Lanka-Death Island

    1958: Hundreds of tamils were massacred by Sinhala racists.
    1972: Over 20,000 Sinhala youths were massacred by Sinhala military.
    1977: Hundreds of tamils were butchered again.
    1983: Thousands of tamils were massacred and chased away from their homes.
    1989: Over 40,000 Sinhala youths were massacred by Sinhala Military.
    2009: Over 150,000 tamils were massacred and 300,000 were chased away from their homes by the Sinhala Military.

    The above are wholesale terror by Sri Lanka state. All these crimes are committed in the name of Buddha (?) by Power hungry politicians in the Government. In Sri Lankan history, none of the Sinhala leaders who ruled (political or military) took responsibility for these crimes. The pattern of the crimes clearly shows that the cycle of violence cannot be stopped in Sri Lanka because of its Racist fundamentalism.

    The crimes and the bloodshed done in this (once a beautiful friendly) nation by Racists Power hungry politicians is not comparable with any war crimes in the world

  233. Dear AI mods,
    Just trying to the new AI suppression filter 🙂

  234. Ex-Sri Lankan Forces: Top Commanders Ordered Killings of Tamil Prisoners
    New allegations have emerged of war crimes during the Sri Lankan military’s crushing of the Tamil Tiger rebellion last year. The British television network Channel 4 says it interviewed a senior Sri Lankan military commander and a front line soldier who each claim top military leaders ordered the killings of Tamil prisoners.

    Unidentified #1: "Yes, our commander ordered us to kill everyone. We killed everyone."

    Unidentified #2: "Definitely the order would have been to kill everybody and finish them off. I don’t think we wanted to keep any hardcore elements, so they were done away with. It’s clear that such orders were in fact received from the top."

    Reporter: "What happened when the LTTE and their families surrendered with white flag?"

    Unidentified #1: "First we arrested them, tortured them, then killed them. In the final days, we straight killed them. A lot of people died. A lot of bodies were there. Yes, our commander ordered us to kill everyone. We killed everyone."

    The two former Sri Lankan military members are said to now be in hiding.

  235. Ex-Sri Lankan Forces: Top Commanders Ordered Killings of Tamil Prisoners
    New allegations have emerged of war crimes during the Sri Lankan military’s crushing of the Tamil Tiger rebellion last year. The British television network Channel 4 says it interviewed a senior Sri Lankan military commander and a front line soldier who each claim top military leaders ordered the killings of Tamil prisoners.

    Unidentified #1: "Yes, our commander ordered us to kill everyone. We killed everyone."

    Unidentified #2: "Definitely the order would have been to kill everybody and finish them off. I don’t think we wanted to keep any hardcore elements, so they were done away with. It’s clear that such orders were in fact received from the top."

    Reporter: "What happened when the LTTE and their families surrendered with white flag?"

    Unidentified #1: "First we arrested them, tortured them, then killed them. In the final days, we straight killed them. A lot of people died. A lot of bodies were there. Yes, our commander ordered us to kill everyone. We killed everyone."

    The two former Sri Lankan military members are said to now be in hiding.

  236. Ex-Sri Lankan Forces: Top Commanders Ordered Killings of Tamil Prisoners
    New allegations have emerged of war crimes during the Sri Lankan military’s crushing of the Tamil Tiger rebellion last year. The British television network Channel 4 says it interviewed a senior Sri Lankan military commander and a front line soldier who each claim top military leaders ordered the killings of Tamil prisoners.

    Unidentified #1: "Yes, our commander ordered us to kill everyone. We killed everyone."

    Unidentified #2: "Definitely the order would have been to kill everybody and finish them off. I don’t think we wanted to keep any hardcore elements, so they were done away with. It’s clear that such orders were in fact received from the top."

    Reporter: "What happened when the LTTE and their families surrendered with white flag?"

    Unidentified #1: "First we arrested them, tortured them, then killed them. In the final days, we straight killed them. A lot of people died. A lot of bodies were there. Yes, our commander ordered us to kill everyone. We killed everyone."

    The two former Sri Lankan military members are said to now be in hiding.

  237. Dear AI mods,
    Just trying to the new AI suppression filter 🙂

  238. Interesting Eelam Fact No. 234 (in an occasional series)

    "Karthigaipoo" or Gloriosa Lily (Liliaceae Glory lily) is the the official national flower of Eelam Tamils. It is poisonous if directly ingested. One-tenth of an ounce of Gloriosa root can be fatal to an adult.

    I wonder if Fat Boy VP chose this flower, with the same foresight and intelligence with which he chose to commence the Final War? Probably.

    The national flower of Sri Lanka is a Star lotus. It has no poisonous properties.

    A more perfect symbolism is hard to imagine.

  239. Dear Ganesh,
    Again you make the fundamental mistake of assuming that all Tamils are pro-LTTE, which they are not. If they were, we'd be discussing Eelam foreign policy or Eelam economic affairs.

    I don't need to discredit the pro-LTTE crowd and their supporters. They've done that all by themselves through their actions. Look at the news from India, where the ban on the LTTE has just been extended. Again.

    "And, Whereas, the LTTE’s objective for a separate homeland (Tamil Eelam) for all Tamils threatens the sovereignty and territorial integrity of India, and amounts to cession and secession of a part of the territory of India from the Union,’’ the gazette notification  said." http://tinyurl.com/2fbqjyu

    I'd call that very discredited.

    If you want to discuss how SL Tamils now progress in a unitary state, tell us.

    If, on the other hand, you expect the HR circus (AI, HRW, ICG et al) and the Western 'international community' to deliver Eelam to you, after a failed 30 year-long blood-bath, its not going to happen.

  240. Interesting Eelam Fact No. 234 (in an occasional series)

    "Karthigaipoo" or Gloriosa Lily (Liliaceae Glory lily) is the the official national flower of Eelam Tamils. It is poisonous if directly ingested. One-tenth of an ounce of Gloriosa root can be fatal to an adult.

    I wonder if Fat Boy VP chose this flower, with the same foresight and intelligence with which he chose to commence the Final War? Probably.

    The national flower of Sri Lanka is a Star lotus. It has no poisonous properties.

    A more perfect symbolism is hard to imagine.

  241. Interesting Eelam Fact No. 234 (in an occasional series)

    "Karthigaipoo" or Gloriosa Lily (Liliaceae Glory lily) is the the official national flower of Eelam Tamils. It is poisonous if directly ingested. One-tenth of an ounce of Gloriosa root can be fatal to an adult.

    I wonder if Fat Boy VP chose this flower, with the same foresight and intelligence with which he chose to commence the Final War? Probably.

    The national flower of Sri Lanka is a Star lotus. It has no poisonous properties.

    A more perfect symbolism is hard to imagine.

  242. Reductio ad Absurdum

    You are grasping the straws in your vane attempts to discredit the Tamils !!

  243. Remembering Mullivaikal May-09

    When there is widespread attack on a people, the natural reaction is for the people to run to a place where they feel safer. When the people are attacked repeatedly, they move again and again to the places they perceive as safe. This is what happened to the 400,000 people in Vanni for two years, from the start of 2007 till end of 2008. Then came the Sri Lankan Government
    declared safe zones: one, two and three, from January to May 2009, asking the people to seek safety in these safe zones. These are the final killing fields, the last of which was Mullivaikal. In them 40,000 civilians were killed, the remaining who got out of the “safe zones” were then incarcerated in camps in appalling conditions. In the month of May we mark this history.

    The two years, 2007-2008, in Vanni is a history of: building bunkers in every household; living with continuous displacement and digging bunkers again and again as we displaced; living on the roadside and under trees; living with Sri Lankan government imposed shortages of medicine and food; indeed living with shortages of all the basics of life. It is two years of studying the sky for Sri Lankan bombers that frequented the Vanni spaces. Civilian deaths
    during these aerial raids were common. Claymore attacks on civilian vehicles, ambulances, school buses, pilgrims’ vehicles all became the norm.

    January-April 09: The safe zones declared to concentrate the people into small areas so that the killings can be more efficient. Over crowded streets with displacing people were attacked with artillery shelling. Many were killed on the narrow traffic jammed streets. Dead bodies transported on tractor-trailers, bloodied and shredded tents where the displaced once lived
    were common sights. Open spaces became hospitals where the injured and the dead were dumped. Doctors and volunteers risked life to do their best. These too were attacked, killing the injured, the doctors and the volunteers.
    Mullivaikal in May-09: bunkers in sand collapsing in rain, permanent sounds of shell explosions, venturing out a gamble with life that must be taken to ward off hunger, mothers holding onto dead children, dead babies delivered with shrapnel lodged into them, dead bodies just left where they fall, mass arrests, disappeared after arrest presumed tortured, sexually abused and killed…. This is May-09.

  244. Dear Ganesh,
    Again you make the fundamental mistake of assuming that all Tamils are pro-LTTE, which they are not. If they were, we'd be discussing Eelam foreign policy or Eelam economic affairs.

    I don't need to discredit the pro-LTTE crowd and their supporters. They've done that all by themselves through their actions. Look at the news from India, where the ban on the LTTE has just been extended. Again.

    "And, Whereas, the LTTE’s objective for a separate homeland (Tamil Eelam) for all Tamils threatens the sovereignty and territorial integrity of India, and amounts to cession and secession of a part of the territory of India from the Union,’’ the gazette notification  said." http://tinyurl.com/2fbqjyu

    I'd call that very discredited.

    If you want to discuss how SL Tamils now progress in a unitary state, tell us.

    If, on the other hand, you expect the HR circus (AI, HRW, ICG et al) and the Western 'international community' to deliver Eelam to you, after a failed 30 year-long blood-bath, its not going to happen.

  245. Dear Ganesh,
    Again you make the fundamental mistake of assuming that all Tamils are pro-LTTE, which they are not. If they were, we'd be discussing Eelam foreign policy or Eelam economic affairs.

    I don't need to discredit the pro-LTTE crowd and their supporters. They've done that all by themselves through their actions. Look at the news from India, where the ban on the LTTE has just been extended. Again.

    "And, Whereas, the LTTE’s objective for a separate homeland (Tamil Eelam) for all Tamils threatens the sovereignty and territorial integrity of India, and amounts to cession and secession of a part of the territory of India from the Union,’’ the gazette notification  said." http://tinyurl.com/2fbqjyu

    I'd call that very discredited.

    If you want to discuss how SL Tamils now progress in a unitary state, tell us.

    If, on the other hand, you expect the HR circus (AI, HRW, ICG et al) and the Western 'international community' to deliver Eelam to you, after a failed 30 year-long blood-bath, its not going to happen.

  246. Ex-Sri Lankan Forces: Top Commanders Ordered Killings of Tamil Prisoners
    New allegations have emerged of war crimes during the Sri Lankan military’s crushing of the Tamil Tiger rebellion last year. The British television network Channel 4 says it interviewed a senior Sri Lankan military commander and a front line soldier who each claim top military leaders ordered the killings of Tamil prisoners.

    Unidentified #1: “Yes, our commander ordered us to kill everyone. We killed everyone.”

    Unidentified #2: “Definitely the order would have been to kill everybody and finish them off. I don’t think we wanted to keep any hardcore elements, so they were done away with. It’s clear that such orders were in fact received from the top.”

    Reporter: “What happened when the LTTE and their families surrendered with white flag?”

    Unidentified #1: “First we arrested them, tortured them, then killed them. In the final days, we straight killed them. A lot of people died. A lot of bodies were there. Yes, our commander ordered us to kill everyone. We killed everyone.”

    The two former Sri Lankan military members are said to now be in hiding.


  247. Treatment of the War, nak dead womens http://www.tamilcircle.net/index.php?view=article

    Sri Lanka soldiers remanded over rape of 9-year old Tamil girl http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art
    Related Articles:
    03.10.09 Clinton's rape bombshell
    18.04.09 'Regular rapes, killings, degrading interrogations in intern..
    14.02.09 Grand scale murder, rape of screened civilians feared, TNA M..
    28.12.07 Woman gang raped in Vadamaraadchi
    25.12.07 Woman raped, killed, 3 men slain in Vavuniyaa
    04.11.07 Rape by Sri Lankan troops resurfaces – in Haiti
    05.07.06 Uduvil woman raped, murdered
    20.12.05 Tharsini raped before murder- Medical Report
    05.08.05 Batticaloa woman raped before murder – JMO
    14.05.05 Krishanthy murder convict complains of death threat
    16.03.05 Sri Lanka Navy rape case refugees say threatened
    20.12.03 Police suspects in Mannar torture, rape to be indicted
    19.04.03 Poverty, oblivion dog rape victim
    External Links:
    AHRC: SRI LANKA: Diary of Terror
    ahrchk: Systematic Detention,Torture, Rape and Murder as Weapon of War
    Amnesty: Sri Lanka: Rape in Custody
    HT: Rape used as weapon of war in Sri Lanka: Clinton
    Observer: Sri Lankan guards 'sexually abused girls' in Tamil refugee camp

  248. Mahinda to use G 15 power to exert pressure on USA http://www.dailymirror.lk/print/index.php/opinion
    It is reported that the Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa is to leave for USA following the visit of Foreign Minister Dr. G L Peiris to America . Dr. Peiris is making the tour of USA at a time when the US house of representatives , Amnesty Int.; Human rights Watch (HRW) and the International crisis group Organizations are claiming in unison that an investigation into war crime charges against Sri Lanka should be instituted. Dr. Peiris is meeting the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the time when US National Secretary and Foreign affairs Committee senior Congress member has written to Hillary Clinton that Lanka’s war crimes must be investigated.

    War criminal Gotabaya going to visit US?

    Playing Iran card, click on War On Tamils

  249. Wife of victim in Channel-4 photo identifies husband, The 7-year-old daughter of a 40-year-old victim of Vanni War identified her father from the photos released by Channel-4 last week and published in local papers in Jaffna http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

    Sri lanka's reconciliation continue
    Anuradhapura has turned into the main ‘spare parts sales town’ in Sri Lanka as the spare parts of vehicles abandoned in Mu’l’livaaikkaal in Vanni, plundered by Sri Lanka Army (SLA), are being taken to Anuradahapura along A9 road in trucks and vehicles which bring goods to North, according to Suresh Premachandran, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Jaffna parliamentarian. He further alleged that the spare parts of the vehicles of Vanni civilians systematically plundered by SLA soldiers immediately after the war are kept hidden in bunkers with the collaboration of their officers and that the parts are gradually passed on to Southern Sinhalese and Muslim traders to be sold in Anuradhapura.

  250. Treatment of the War, nak dead womens http://www.tamilcircle.net/index.php?view=article

    Sri Lanka soldiers remanded over rape of 9-year old Tamil girl http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art
    Related Articles:
    03.10.09 Clinton's rape bombshell
    18.04.09 'Regular rapes, killings, degrading interrogations in intern..
    14.02.09 Grand scale murder, rape of screened civilians feared, TNA M..
    28.12.07 Woman gang raped in Vadamaraadchi
    25.12.07 Woman raped, killed, 3 men slain in Vavuniyaa
    04.11.07 Rape by Sri Lankan troops resurfaces – in Haiti
    05.07.06 Uduvil woman raped, murdered
    20.12.05 Tharsini raped before murder- Medical Report
    05.08.05 Batticaloa woman raped before murder – JMO
    14.05.05 Krishanthy murder convict complains of death threat
    16.03.05 Sri Lanka Navy rape case refugees say threatened
    20.12.03 Police suspects in Mannar torture, rape to be indicted
    19.04.03 Poverty, oblivion dog rape victim
    External Links:
    AHRC: SRI LANKA: Diary of Terror
    ahrchk: Systematic Detention,Torture, Rape and Murder as Weapon of War
    Amnesty: Sri Lanka: Rape in Custody
    HT: Rape used as weapon of war in Sri Lanka: Clinton
    Observer: Sri Lankan guards 'sexually abused girls' in Tamil refugee camp

  251. Treatment of the War, nak dead womens http://www.tamilcircle.net/index.php?view=article

    Sri Lanka soldiers remanded over rape of 9-year old Tamil girl http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art
    Related Articles:
    03.10.09 Clinton's rape bombshell
    18.04.09 'Regular rapes, killings, degrading interrogations in intern..
    14.02.09 Grand scale murder, rape of screened civilians feared, TNA M..
    28.12.07 Woman gang raped in Vadamaraadchi
    25.12.07 Woman raped, killed, 3 men slain in Vavuniyaa
    04.11.07 Rape by Sri Lankan troops resurfaces – in Haiti
    05.07.06 Uduvil woman raped, murdered
    20.12.05 Tharsini raped before murder- Medical Report
    05.08.05 Batticaloa woman raped before murder – JMO
    14.05.05 Krishanthy murder convict complains of death threat
    16.03.05 Sri Lanka Navy rape case refugees say threatened
    20.12.03 Police suspects in Mannar torture, rape to be indicted
    19.04.03 Poverty, oblivion dog rape victim
    External Links:
    AHRC: SRI LANKA: Diary of Terror
    ahrchk: Systematic Detention,Torture, Rape and Murder as Weapon of War
    Amnesty: Sri Lanka: Rape in Custody
    HT: Rape used as weapon of war in Sri Lanka: Clinton
    Observer: Sri Lankan guards 'sexually abused girls' in Tamil refugee camp

  252. Mahinda to use G 15 power to exert pressure on USA http://www.dailymirror.lk/print/index.php/opinion
    It is reported that the Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa is to leave for USA following the visit of Foreign Minister Dr. G L Peiris to America . Dr. Peiris is making the tour of USA at a time when the US house of representatives , Amnesty Int.; Human rights Watch (HRW) and the International crisis group Organizations are claiming in unison that an investigation into war crime charges against Sri Lanka should be instituted. Dr. Peiris is meeting the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the time when US National Secretary and Foreign affairs Committee senior Congress member has written to Hillary Clinton that Lanka’s war crimes must be investigated.

    War criminal Gotabaya going to visit US?

    Playing Iran card, click on War On Tamils

  253. Mahinda to use G 15 power to exert pressure on USA http://www.dailymirror.lk/print/index.php/opinion
    It is reported that the Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa is to leave for USA following the visit of Foreign Minister Dr. G L Peiris to America . Dr. Peiris is making the tour of USA at a time when the US house of representatives , Amnesty Int.; Human rights Watch (HRW) and the International crisis group Organizations are claiming in unison that an investigation into war crime charges against Sri Lanka should be instituted. Dr. Peiris is meeting the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the time when US National Secretary and Foreign affairs Committee senior Congress member has written to Hillary Clinton that Lanka’s war crimes must be investigated.

    War criminal Gotabaya going to visit US?

    Playing Iran card, click on War On Tamils

  254. Interesting Eelam Fact No. 234 (in an occasional series)

    “Karthigaipoo” or Gloriosa Lily (Liliaceae Glory lily) is the the official national flower of Eelam Tamils. It is poisonous if directly ingested. One-tenth of an ounce of Gloriosa root can be fatal to an adult.


    I wonder if Fat Boy VP chose this flower, with the same foresight and intelligence with which he chose to commence the Final War? Probably.

    The national flower of Sri Lanka is a Star lotus. It has no poisonous properties.

    A more perfect symbolism is hard to imagine.

  255. Reductio ad Absurdum

    You are grasping the straws in your vane attempts to discredit the Tamils !!

  256. Wife of victim in Channel-4 photo identifies husband, The 7-year-old daughter of a 40-year-old victim of Vanni War identified her father from the photos released by Channel-4 last week and published in local papers in Jaffna http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

    Sri lanka's reconciliation continue
    Anuradhapura has turned into the main ‘spare parts sales town’ in Sri Lanka as the spare parts of vehicles abandoned in Mu’l’livaaikkaal in Vanni, plundered by Sri Lanka Army (SLA), are being taken to Anuradahapura along A9 road in trucks and vehicles which bring goods to North, according to Suresh Premachandran, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Jaffna parliamentarian. He further alleged that the spare parts of the vehicles of Vanni civilians systematically plundered by SLA soldiers immediately after the war are kept hidden in bunkers with the collaboration of their officers and that the parts are gradually passed on to Southern Sinhalese and Muslim traders to be sold in Anuradhapura.

  257. Wife of victim in Channel-4 photo identifies husband, The 7-year-old daughter of a 40-year-old victim of Vanni War identified her father from the photos released by Channel-4 last week and published in local papers in Jaffna http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

    Sri lanka's reconciliation continue
    Anuradhapura has turned into the main ‘spare parts sales town’ in Sri Lanka as the spare parts of vehicles abandoned in Mu’l’livaaikkaal in Vanni, plundered by Sri Lanka Army (SLA), are being taken to Anuradahapura along A9 road in trucks and vehicles which bring goods to North, according to Suresh Premachandran, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Jaffna parliamentarian. He further alleged that the spare parts of the vehicles of Vanni civilians systematically plundered by SLA soldiers immediately after the war are kept hidden in bunkers with the collaboration of their officers and that the parts are gradually passed on to Southern Sinhalese and Muslim traders to be sold in Anuradhapura.

  258. Self proclaimed War on Tamils

    You say

    Sri Lanka soldiers remanded over rape of 9-year old Tamil girl http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art
    Related Articles:
    03.10.09 Clinton’s rape bombshell
    18.04.09 ‘Regular rapes, killings, degrading interrogations in intern..

    1. None of you Apes have answered me on who should be responsible for the Grandfather Raping Granddaughter issue in Vanni ??? I asked whether it's the fault of the GOSL ?? Any answers or is it too much for your Ape brains to process ??

    2. Clinton – LOL – He should definitely not talk about rape and women affairs !! – May be Hillary could tell him what Raping is all about – LOL

    3. The only case identified on SLA personnel raping a Baticaloa 'Muslim" girl, 9 of them were sent to Jail – meaning justice prevails in the land.

    4. All the other cases you have mentioned sounds more like the raping spree the LTTE was on – So do not twist it around.

  259. Remembering Mullivaikal May-09

    When there is widespread attack on a people, the natural reaction is for the people to run to a place where they feel safer. When the people are attacked repeatedly, they move again and again to the places they perceive as safe. This is what happened to the 400,000 people in Vanni for two years, from the start of 2007 till end of 2008. Then came the Sri Lankan Government
    declared safe zones: one, two and three, from January to May 2009, asking the people to seek safety in these safe zones. These are the final killing fields, the last of which was Mullivaikal. In them 40,000 civilians were killed, the remaining who got out of the “safe zones” were then incarcerated in camps in appalling conditions. In the month of May we mark this history.

    The two years, 2007-2008, in Vanni is a history of: building bunkers in every household; living with continuous displacement and digging bunkers again and again as we displaced; living on the roadside and under trees; living with Sri Lankan government imposed shortages of medicine and food; indeed living with shortages of all the basics of life. It is two years of studying the sky for Sri Lankan bombers that frequented the Vanni spaces. Civilian deaths
    during these aerial raids were common. Claymore attacks on civilian vehicles, ambulances, school buses, pilgrims’ vehicles all became the norm.

    January-April 09: The safe zones declared to concentrate the people into small areas so that the killings can be more efficient. Over crowded streets with displacing people were attacked with artillery shelling. Many were killed on the narrow traffic jammed streets. Dead bodies transported on tractor-trailers, bloodied and shredded tents where the displaced once lived
    were common sights. Open spaces became hospitals where the injured and the dead were dumped. Doctors and volunteers risked life to do their best. These too were attacked, killing the injured, the doctors and the volunteers.
    Mullivaikal in May-09: bunkers in sand collapsing in rain, permanent sounds of shell explosions, venturing out a gamble with life that must be taken to ward off hunger, mothers holding onto dead children, dead babies delivered with shrapnel lodged into them, dead bodies just left where they fall, mass arrests, disappeared after arrest presumed tortured, sexually abused and killed…. This is May-09.

  260. Dear Ganesh,
    Again you make the fundamental mistake of assuming that all Tamils are pro-LTTE, which they are not. If they were, we’d be discussing Eelam foreign policy or Eelam economic affairs.

    I don’t need to discredit the pro-LTTE crowd and their supporters. They’ve done that all by themselves through their actions. Look at the news from India, where the ban on the LTTE has just been extended. Again.

    “And, Whereas, the LTTE’s objective for a separate homeland (Tamil Eelam) for all Tamils threatens the sovereignty and territorial integrity of India, and amounts to cession and secession of a part of the territory of India from the Union,’’ the gazette notification  said.” http://tinyurl.com/2fbqjyu

    I’d call that very discredited.

    If you want to discuss how SL Tamils now progress in a unitary state, tell us.

    If, on the other hand, you expect the HR circus (AI, HRW, ICG et al) and the Western ‘international community’ to deliver Eelam to you, after a failed 30 year-long blood-bath, its not going to happen.

  261. Ganesh,

    We started and are still on a War path with the Mentally Sick Terrorists group named LTTE. We succeeded in defeating them militarily and now we are on war path to defeat them psychologically.

    In this process, We are supported by Sri Lankans – meaning Singhalees, TAMILS, Muslims, Burghers, Ja, Malay, Sindee, Afro, Euro and all other 32 communities identified in Sri Lanka. It is not a singled out battle of a single race against another race – it was never the case and never will be the case. No matter how hard you try to showcase it as an issue between Singhalees and Tamils, you will fail miserably as the country as a whole, as one nation of Sri Lankans will unite together to defeat you by all means.

    Your bases will be smashed to the floor not by any other Sri Lankan community, but with the leadership of Tamil community it self. In no time, you will see the rise of remaining Tamil leaders who managed to escape your killing spree – they will ensure that mentally sick apes like you will never rise again to curse this beautiful land !!!

  262. Self proclaimed War on Tamils

    You say

    Sri Lanka soldiers remanded over rape of 9-year old Tamil girl http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art
    Related Articles:
    03.10.09 Clinton’s rape bombshell
    18.04.09 ‘Regular rapes, killings, degrading interrogations in intern..

    1. None of you Apes have answered me on who should be responsible for the Grandfather Raping Granddaughter issue in Vanni ??? I asked whether it's the fault of the GOSL ?? Any answers or is it too much for your Ape brains to process ??

    2. Clinton – LOL – He should definitely not talk about rape and women affairs !! – May be Hillary could tell him what Raping is all about – LOL

    3. The only case identified on SLA personnel raping a Baticaloa 'Muslim" girl, 9 of them were sent to Jail – meaning justice prevails in the land.

    4. All the other cases you have mentioned sounds more like the raping spree the LTTE was on – So do not twist it around.

  263. Self proclaimed War on Tamils

    You say

    Sri Lanka soldiers remanded over rape of 9-year old Tamil girl http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art
    Related Articles:
    03.10.09 Clinton’s rape bombshell
    18.04.09 ‘Regular rapes, killings, degrading interrogations in intern..

    1. None of you Apes have answered me on who should be responsible for the Grandfather Raping Granddaughter issue in Vanni ??? I asked whether it's the fault of the GOSL ?? Any answers or is it too much for your Ape brains to process ??

    2. Clinton – LOL – He should definitely not talk about rape and women affairs !! – May be Hillary could tell him what Raping is all about – LOL

    3. The only case identified on SLA personnel raping a Baticaloa 'Muslim" girl, 9 of them were sent to Jail – meaning justice prevails in the land.

    4. All the other cases you have mentioned sounds more like the raping spree the LTTE was on – So do not twist it around.

  264. Sri Lanka Rejects War Crimes Accusations

    Some 300,000 civilians were caught up in the final days of the military campaign to end the Tamil Tiger insurgency in Sri Lanka last year. Women, children, and elderly Tamils were shelled, denied access to aid, and shuttled into overcrowded camps. Sri Lankan security forces committed war crimes with top government and military leaders potentially responsible.

    Specifically-intentionally shelling of civilians, hospitals, and humanitarian operations. These actions were "made substantially worse by the government's obstruction of food and medical treatment for the civilian population." Most casualties inflicted by the Sri Lankan Army. There is a grave concern that other countries will pursue the "Sri Lankan Option" — "unrestrained military action, refusal to negotiate, disregard for humanitarian issues — as a way to deal with insurgencies and other rebel groups

  265. Peiris and Kohona of Sri Lanka Spin Selectively

    Sri Lanka’s war crimes defense tour has begun. Sunday evening in Manhattan’s Waldorf Astoria hotel, new Minister of External Affairs G.L. Peiris held interviews with selected reporters in the presence of the country’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Palitha Kohona.

    One reporter upon leaving his interview with Peiris told Inner City Press, “Well, he made his defense.” Often when foreign ministers or even heads of state come to the UN in New York, they hold press conferences open to all media. At such recent events, Inner City Press has put questions as simply two examples to Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Georgia’s foreign minister. Perhaps, some wondered, G.L. Peiris is not ready for prime time?

    Despite having covered Sri Lanka more closely than any other correspondent at the UN for the last two years, when Inner City made a formal request to the Sri Lankan Mission, then directly to Palitha Kohona, to pose questions to Minister Peiris, the requests were neither granted nor even responded to.

    Rather, several journalists who have never written about Sri Lanka much less seen the internment camps at Vavuniya were invited, some to be wined and dined and told that all is well in Sri Lanka. 🙂

  266. The Indigenous Tamil people have lived for more than 2,500 years in the northern and eastern parts of present-day Sri Lanka (north-east), known as the Tamil hereditary area. In pre-colonial days there was the Tamil Kingdom in the north-east (Jaffna) and two Sinhalese kingdoms in the south, called Kotte and Kandy. Drawings and maps from the time of the Greek explorer Ptolemy, and later from the period when the British came to the island, show how the areas of the Tamils and the Sinhalese were recorded separately from antiquity.

    Unfortunately Sinhalese are averse to tolerating truth. They wrongly propagate lies and distort history. But some do speak the truth however unpalatable it may seem. Sinhalese ethnologist Paul Peiris describes the five Saivaite shrines on the four cardinal points of the compass, located on the shoreline of Ceylon and predating the birth of Buddha, as evidence of the ancient Tamil habitation of the island. Tamil Nation(1995). Salient facts of the history of the Tamils and of the Sinhalese. The exercising the legitimate rights of the Tamils have nothing to do with the LTTE. It so happens that their ideology and that of the ordinary Tamils naturally resonate with each other. The Tamils are only politely asking to restore to them the Tamil Nation that was forcibly usurped by colonial adventure. The first aliens to capture a sovereign state of Sinhala nation in 1505 was the Portuguese. When they walked forcibly into the Tamil sovereign state in 1601 ie after about 96 years, they highhandedly took their King Sangili to Goa, India and hanged him.

  267. The exercising the legitimate rights of the Tamils have nothing to do with the LTTE. It so happens that their ideology and that of the ordinary Tamils naturally resonate with each other. The Tamils are only politely asking to restore to them the Tamil Nation that was forcibly usurped by colonial adventure. The first aliens to capture a sovereign state of Sinhala nation in 1505 was the Portuguese. When they walked forcibly into the Tamil sovereign state in 1601 ie after about 96 years, they highhandedly took their King Sangili to Goa, India and hanged him.

    In 1972 the Sinhalese lawfully abolished the Soulbury Constitution (under which Ceylon was granted independence in 1948). But they failed to legitimise the new draft constitutions (in 1972 and 1977) by referendums. These drafts were produced by Singhala MPs but they were not approved by Tamil MPs, so they are not even approved drafts. So the island of Ceylon has had no constitution since 1972 and the Sinhalese have been working to documents which have no legal status.

    Whilst the island of Ceylon was under no constitution, the Tamils, in 1977, voted for separation and independence. The Sri Lankan National Assembly has no power to override this decision because it is not a sovereign body.

    The next logical step for the Tamils should have been a referendum, restricted to the Tamils, on independence. This was not in fact necessary because of 1 above, ie Tamil Eelam was never a constituent part of Singhala Sri Lanka. Besides, in the 1977 general election ALL 18 Tamil constituencies voted for independence, which was effectively a referendum giving the consent of the Tamils authorising separation and independence.

  268. Treatment of the War, nak dead womens

    Sri Lanka soldiers remanded over rape of 9-year old Tamil girl
    Related Articles:
    03.10.09 Clinton’s rape bombshell
    18.04.09 ‘Regular rapes, killings, degrading interrogations in intern..
    14.02.09 Grand scale murder, rape of screened civilians feared, TNA M..
    28.12.07 Woman gang raped in Vadamaraadchi
    25.12.07 Woman raped, killed, 3 men slain in Vavuniyaa
    04.11.07 Rape by Sri Lankan troops resurfaces – in Haiti
    05.07.06 Uduvil woman raped, murdered
    20.12.05 Tharsini raped before murder- Medical Report
    05.08.05 Batticaloa woman raped before murder – JMO
    14.05.05 Krishanthy murder convict complains of death threat
    16.03.05 Sri Lanka Navy rape case refugees say threatened
    20.12.03 Police suspects in Mannar torture, rape to be indicted
    19.04.03 Poverty, oblivion dog rape victim
    External Links:
    AHRC: SRI LANKA: Diary of Terror
    ahrchk: Systematic Detention,Torture, Rape and Murder as Weapon of War
    Amnesty: Sri Lanka: Rape in Custody
    HT: Rape used as weapon of war in Sri Lanka: Clinton
    Observer: Sri Lankan guards ‘sexually abused girls’ in Tamil refugee camp

  269. Mahinda to use G 15 power to exert pressure on USA
    It is reported that the Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa is to leave for USA following the visit of Foreign Minister Dr. G L Peiris to America . Dr. Peiris is making the tour of USA at a time when the US house of representatives , Amnesty Int.; Human rights Watch (HRW) and the International crisis group Organizations are claiming in unison that an investigation into war crime charges against Sri Lanka should be instituted. Dr. Peiris is meeting the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the time when US National Secretary and Foreign affairs Committee senior Congress member has written to Hillary Clinton that Lanka’s war crimes must be investigated.

    War criminal Gotabaya going to visit US?

    Playing Iran card, click on War On Tamils

  270. Wife of victim in Channel-4 photo identifies husband, The 7-year-old daughter of a 40-year-old victim of Vanni War identified her father from the photos released by Channel-4 last week and published in local papers in Jaffna

    Sri lanka’s reconciliation continue
    Anuradhapura has turned into the main ‘spare parts sales town’ in Sri Lanka as the spare parts of vehicles abandoned in Mu’l’livaaikkaal in Vanni, plundered by Sri Lanka Army (SLA), are being taken to Anuradahapura along A9 road in trucks and vehicles which bring goods to North, according to Suresh Premachandran, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Jaffna parliamentarian. He further alleged that the spare parts of the vehicles of Vanni civilians systematically plundered by SLA soldiers immediately after the war are kept hidden in bunkers with the collaboration of their officers and that the parts are gradually passed on to Southern Sinhalese and Muslim traders to be sold in Anuradhapura.

  271. Premachandran…. !!

    Interesting Article (s)

    I guess you had to break the article in to two pieces when cutting and pasting it from what ever site it was available on as when I Google it, I find more than 25 sites containing the same article.

    Well, before I start, let me ask you whether the others would not have the right to think that you are wrong in this matter just as you think that they are wrong ??

    Also please tell me on what document or where on earth has Ptolomy written anything about a Eelma kingdom anywhere ?? Now this is rubbish, he wrote of Thambapanni and we all know what that is.

    Are all Shiva Worshipers Tamils ? What about the Hindu's (Indians) ?? Pandyans and Keralites ?? Bengali's ?? We have no doubt that Brahmaism (Shivaism) is one of the oldest religions that were around and there is also a huge possibility that prior to Buddhism in SL, there could have been Brahmaism along with other practices (close to Pegan Practices) due to the obvious reasons of India being so close to SL – after all, even Buddhism came to Sri Lanka from India – no doubts no questions asked. But, how can you say that it was only Tamils that were here then ?? If so, isn't it the same people who are still here as Singhales now ?? Singhalees are a mix of the indigenous people who lived in this country for more than 20,000 years who mixed with Indian Aryans who came later + the Greek Guys who were housed here around 2,800 years ago + others who visited the country and settled down from time to time – However, the majority will still have the DNA of the original people – So are we not the same, but divided by a few cultural practices ???? So why on earth fight ???

    We indeed have head of a Tamil kingdom prior to Portuguese attack – but do you know how that kingdom was formed ???? it was by Chasing away the Sri Lankan Kigs of Polonnaruwa – who did that ? Tamils who were living in Sri Lanka then? NO – It was done by an attacket from south India – So it is ideally a south indian invasion than a take back of country from Sri Lankan Tamils. Hence, it could also be taken as that the former indigenous people were forcefully taken off by these attacking southern Indian party who ruled till arrival of the Portuguese. So if we put 1 & 1 together, you will realise that the Sri Lankans have been attacked by south indians many a times. Hence, if you like to consider your self in the category of belonging to the decedents of Indigenous people of Sri lanka, you need to join hands with the other fellow Sri Lankans and ensure that the land stays as it is and not divided as the attacking South Indian decedents want – am i right ?? Also, the british never took land from any other king of Sri Lanka, but the king of Kandy – this proves that there was no other active or legal kingdom at that time apart from the Kandy rule. Hence, it was handed over again to the same parties as one country !!

  272. Prem !

    I quite agree with you when you say "The exercising the legitimate rights of the Tamils have nothing to do with the LTTE. " – This is what we have been telling all along too…

    However, what bothers us is when some of you guys share the same thoughts of LTTE on these forums – See these thoughts are not in line with the thoughts of Tamils. That's why we say that you talk on behalf of LTTE and not Tamils.

    we have given plenty of examples before, hence, I don't wish to waste time and I don't believe in Cut and Paste !!

  273. Impeccable Jim Gona !

    However, what bothers us is when some of you guys share the same thoughts of LTTE on these forums– See these thoughts are not in line with the thoughts of Tamils. That’s why we say that you talk on behalf of LTTE and not Tamils.

    You are the Thought Police now ? 🙂 🙂 🙂

    You killed Tamils not only in the battle with LTTE.

    But long before – for 62 years

    What has the Government of Sri Lanka done or doing to the Tamils, after they defeated LTTE?

    Have they done anything to satisfy the aspirations of the Tamils to have their right to live as the Singhalese? NO !!!.

    Government says that Tamils were liberated .

    If it is true, the Tamils would have celebrated their freedom. But did they do it? No.

    This shows that they are not happy .

    After the LTTE is gone ,the Tamils feel strongly that there is no one else in Sri Lanka protecting them or fighting for their rights.

    They are living in eternal fear now.

    Fear to express their feelings or desires.

    How can Tamil people be happy without freedom or equality?


    Human Rights group Act Now carried out its’ second picket of the GAP company’s ‘Flagship’ store in Oxford Street, London (UK)

    This is part of a global campaign directed at GAP’s ongoing trade with Sri Lanka. GAP import Sri Lankan apparel which they sell in their stores worldwide. They promote themselves as an ‘Ethical’ company but campaigners see this at odds with their connection with Sri Lanka, a country accused of committing war crimes against Tamil civilians in the final stages of a Civil War that finished in May 2010, one that still detains 80,000 civilians in detention camps and incarcerates political opponents even amongst the majority Sinhalese community.

    Director of Act Now, Graham Williamson, took part in the picket and said “Too many companies believe that their ‘ethical’ standards start and finish at their factory gates but in reality the profits they invest and the taxes they pay can help prop up the most unsavoury of Regimes. In practice this exposes a significant ‘gap’ in their claim to be genuinely ethical. Without this corporate ‘investment’ Sri Lanka would be unable to sustain its burgeoning Army or its’ oppressive security apparatus. We urge ‘ethical’ companies including GAP to withdraw from Sri Lanka and reinvest within other countries in the region with a better human rights record.”

    Hundreds of leaflets were distributed and GAP members of staff asked campaigners why they were there. A number of members of the public gave a thumbs up to picketers outside the GAP store whilst other said they would check the labels inside to ensure they did not unwittingly purchase Sri Lankan products.

    Campaigners in the US, Canada and the UK are leading the way in the Boycott campaign

  275. Ganesh,

    We started and are still on a War path with the Mentally Sick Terrorists group named LTTE. We succeeded in defeating them militarily and now we are on war path to defeat them psychologically.

    In this process, We are supported by Sri Lankans – meaning Singhalees, TAMILS, Muslims, Burghers, Ja, Malay, Sindee, Afro, Euro and all other 32 communities identified in Sri Lanka. It is not a singled out battle of a single race against another race – it was never the case and never will be the case. No matter how hard you try to showcase it as an issue between Singhalees and Tamils, you will fail miserably as the country as a whole, as one nation of Sri Lankans will unite together to defeat you by all means.

    Your bases will be smashed to the floor not by any other Sri Lankan community, but with the leadership of Tamil community it self. In no time, you will see the rise of remaining Tamil leaders who managed to escape your killing spree – they will ensure that mentally sick apes like you will never rise again to curse this beautiful land !!!

  276. Self proclaimed War on Tamils

    You say

    Sri Lanka soldiers remanded over rape of 9-year old Tamil girl
    Related Articles:
    03.10.09 Clinton’s rape bombshell
    18.04.09 ‘Regular rapes, killings, degrading interrogations in intern..

    1. None of you Apes have answered me on who should be responsible for the Grandfather Raping Granddaughter issue in Vanni ??? I asked whether it’s the fault of the GOSL ?? Any answers or is it too much for your Ape brains to process ??

    2. Clinton – LOL – He should definitely not talk about rape and women affairs !! – May be Hillary could tell him what Raping is all about – LOL

    3. The only case identified on SLA personnel raping a Baticaloa ‘Muslim” girl, 9 of them were sent to Jail – meaning justice prevails in the land.

    4. All the other cases you have mentioned sounds more like the raping spree the LTTE was on – So do not twist it around.

  277. Sri Lanka Rejects War Crimes Accusations

    Some 300,000 civilians were caught up in the final days of the military campaign to end the Tamil Tiger insurgency in Sri Lanka last year. Women, children, and elderly Tamils were shelled, denied access to aid, and shuttled into overcrowded camps. Sri Lankan security forces committed war crimes with top government and military leaders potentially responsible.

    Specifically-intentionally shelling of civilians, hospitals, and humanitarian operations. These actions were “made substantially worse by the government’s obstruction of food and medical treatment for the civilian population.” Most casualties inflicted by the Sri Lankan Army. There is a grave concern that other countries will pursue the “Sri Lankan Option” — “unrestrained military action, refusal to negotiate, disregard for humanitarian issues — as a way to deal with insurgencies and other rebel groups

  278. Peiris and Kohona of Sri Lanka Spin Selectively

    Sri Lanka’s war crimes defense tour has begun. Sunday evening in Manhattan’s Waldorf Astoria hotel, new Minister of External Affairs G.L. Peiris held interviews with selected reporters in the presence of the country’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Palitha Kohona.

    One reporter upon leaving his interview with Peiris told Inner City Press, “Well, he made his defense.” Often when foreign ministers or even heads of state come to the UN in New York, they hold press conferences open to all media. At such recent events, Inner City Press has put questions as simply two examples to Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Georgia’s foreign minister. Perhaps, some wondered, G.L. Peiris is not ready for prime time?

    Despite having covered Sri Lanka more closely than any other correspondent at the UN for the last two years, when Inner City made a formal request to the Sri Lankan Mission, then directly to Palitha Kohona, to pose questions to Minister Peiris, the requests were neither granted nor even responded to.

    Rather, several journalists who have never written about Sri Lanka much less seen the internment camps at Vavuniya were invited, some to be wined and dined and told that all is well in Sri Lanka. 🙂

  279. The Indigenous Tamil people have lived for more than 2,500 years in the northern and eastern parts of present-day Sri Lanka (north-east), known as the Tamil hereditary area. In pre-colonial days there was the Tamil Kingdom in the north-east (Jaffna) and two Sinhalese kingdoms in the south, called Kotte and Kandy. Drawings and maps from the time of the Greek explorer Ptolemy, and later from the period when the British came to the island, show how the areas of the Tamils and the Sinhalese were recorded separately from antiquity.

    Unfortunately Sinhalese are averse to tolerating truth. They wrongly propagate lies and distort history. But some do speak the truth however unpalatable it may seem. Sinhalese ethnologist Paul Peiris describes the five Saivaite shrines on the four cardinal points of the compass, located on the shoreline of Ceylon and predating the birth of Buddha, as evidence of the ancient Tamil habitation of the island. Tamil Nation(1995). Salient facts of the history of the Tamils and of the Sinhalese. The exercising the legitimate rights of the Tamils have nothing to do with the LTTE. It so happens that their ideology and that of the ordinary Tamils naturally resonate with each other. The Tamils are only politely asking to restore to them the Tamil Nation that was forcibly usurped by colonial adventure. The first aliens to capture a sovereign state of Sinhala nation in 1505 was the Portuguese. When they walked forcibly into the Tamil sovereign state in 1601 ie after about 96 years, they highhandedly took their King Sangili to Goa, India and hanged him.

  280. The exercising the legitimate rights of the Tamils have nothing to do with the LTTE. It so happens that their ideology and that of the ordinary Tamils naturally resonate with each other. The Tamils are only politely asking to restore to them the Tamil Nation that was forcibly usurped by colonial adventure. The first aliens to capture a sovereign state of Sinhala nation in 1505 was the Portuguese. When they walked forcibly into the Tamil sovereign state in 1601 ie after about 96 years, they highhandedly took their King Sangili to Goa, India and hanged him.

    In 1972 the Sinhalese lawfully abolished the Soulbury Constitution (under which Ceylon was granted independence in 1948). But they failed to legitimise the new draft constitutions (in 1972 and 1977) by referendums. These drafts were produced by Singhala MPs but they were not approved by Tamil MPs, so they are not even approved drafts. So the island of Ceylon has had no constitution since 1972 and the Sinhalese have been working to documents which have no legal status.

    Whilst the island of Ceylon was under no constitution, the Tamils, in 1977, voted for separation and independence. The Sri Lankan National Assembly has no power to override this decision because it is not a sovereign body.

    The next logical step for the Tamils should have been a referendum, restricted to the Tamils, on independence. This was not in fact necessary because of 1 above, ie Tamil Eelam was never a constituent part of Singhala Sri Lanka. Besides, in the 1977 general election ALL 18 Tamil constituencies voted for independence, which was effectively a referendum giving the consent of the Tamils authorising separation and independence.

  281. Sexual abuse

    “In front of our own eyes, and inside our premises, the army was touching a young girl…so what would happen if we are also not there” one Catholic sister said in the Vanni.

    Amidst the huge military presence, one lady was raped in newly resettled area of Alkataveli, close to Adampan and north of Mannar and one person was killed in Killinochi. The checkpoint and soldiers with their guns had been unable to prevent or bring perpetrators to justice. An incident of sexual abuse by a soldier in Nachikuda was narrated to me. I heard of other incidents of rape, sexual abuse, killings.

    Two young female students we spoke to complained that they felt they were being harassed by regular requests to see identity cards as they cycle to school in nearby Illupaikadavai. “They don’t ask the boys, they only ask girls "

  282. Premachandran…. !!

    Interesting Article (s)

    I guess you had to break the article in to two pieces when cutting and pasting it from what ever site it was available on as when I Google it, I find more than 25 sites containing the same article.

    Well, before I start, let me ask you whether the others would not have the right to think that you are wrong in this matter just as you think that they are wrong ??

    Also please tell me on what document or where on earth has Ptolomy written anything about a Eelma kingdom anywhere ?? Now this is rubbish, he wrote of Thambapanni and we all know what that is.

    Are all Shiva Worshipers Tamils ? What about the Hindu’s (Indians) ?? Pandyans and Keralites ?? Bengali’s ?? We have no doubt that Brahmaism (Shivaism) is one of the oldest religions that were around and there is also a huge possibility that prior to Buddhism in SL, there could have been Brahmaism along with other practices (close to Pegan Practices) due to the obvious reasons of India being so close to SL – after all, even Buddhism came to Sri Lanka from India – no doubts no questions asked. But, how can you say that it was only Tamils that were here then ?? If so, isn’t it the same people who are still here as Singhales now ?? Singhalees are a mix of the indigenous people who lived in this country for more than 20,000 years who mixed with Indian Aryans who came later + the Greek Guys who were housed here around 2,800 years ago + others who visited the country and settled down from time to time – However, the majority will still have the DNA of the original people – So are we not the same, but divided by a few cultural practices ???? So why on earth fight ???

    We indeed have head of a Tamil kingdom prior to Portuguese attack – but do you know how that kingdom was formed ???? it was by Chasing away the Sri Lankan Kigs of Polonnaruwa – who did that ? Tamils who were living in Sri Lanka then? NO – It was done by an attacket from south India – So it is ideally a south indian invasion than a take back of country from Sri Lankan Tamils. Hence, it could also be taken as that the former indigenous people were forcefully taken off by these attacking southern Indian party who ruled till arrival of the Portuguese. So if we put 1 & 1 together, you will realise that the Sri Lankans have been attacked by south indians many a times. Hence, if you like to consider your self in the category of belonging to the decedents of Indigenous people of Sri lanka, you need to join hands with the other fellow Sri Lankans and ensure that the land stays as it is and not divided as the attacking South Indian decedents want – am i right ?? Also, the british never took land from any other king of Sri Lanka, but the king of Kandy – this proves that there was no other active or legal kingdom at that time apart from the Kandy rule. Hence, it was handed over again to the same parties as one country !!

  283. Prem !

    I quite agree with you when you say “The exercising the legitimate rights of the Tamils have nothing to do with the LTTE. ” – This is what we have been telling all along too…

    However, what bothers us is when some of you guys share the same thoughts of LTTE on these forums – See these thoughts are not in line with the thoughts of Tamils. That’s why we say that you talk on behalf of LTTE and not Tamils.

    we have given plenty of examples before, hence, I don’t wish to waste time and I don’t believe in Cut and Paste !!

  284. Impeccable Jim Gona !

    However, what bothers us is when some of you guys share the same thoughts of LTTE on these forums– See these thoughts are not in line with the thoughts of Tamils. That’s why we say that you talk on behalf of LTTE and not Tamils.

    You are the Thought Police now ? 🙂 🙂 🙂

    You killed Tamils not only in the battle with LTTE.

    But long before – for 62 years

    What has the Government of Sri Lanka done or doing to the Tamils, after they defeated LTTE?

    Have they done anything to satisfy the aspirations of the Tamils to have their right to live as the Singhalese? NO !!!.

    Government says that Tamils were liberated .

    If it is true, the Tamils would have celebrated their freedom. But did they do it? No.

    This shows that they are not happy .

    After the LTTE is gone ,the Tamils feel strongly that there is no one else in Sri Lanka protecting them or fighting for their rights.

    They are living in eternal fear now.

    Fear to express their feelings or desires.

    How can Tamil people be happy without freedom or equality?


    Human Rights group Act Now carried out its’ second picket of the GAP company’s ‘Flagship’ store in Oxford Street, London (UK)

    This is part of a global campaign directed at GAP’s ongoing trade with Sri Lanka. GAP import Sri Lankan apparel which they sell in their stores worldwide. They promote themselves as an ‘Ethical’ company but campaigners see this at odds with their connection with Sri Lanka, a country accused of committing war crimes against Tamil civilians in the final stages of a Civil War that finished in May 2010, one that still detains 80,000 civilians in detention camps and incarcerates political opponents even amongst the majority Sinhalese community.

    Director of Act Now, Graham Williamson, took part in the picket and said “Too many companies believe that their ‘ethical’ standards start and finish at their factory gates but in reality the profits they invest and the taxes they pay can help prop up the most unsavoury of Regimes. In practice this exposes a significant ‘gap’ in their claim to be genuinely ethical. Without this corporate ‘investment’ Sri Lanka would be unable to sustain its burgeoning Army or its’ oppressive security apparatus. We urge ‘ethical’ companies including GAP to withdraw from Sri Lanka and reinvest within other countries in the region with a better human rights record.”

    Hundreds of leaflets were distributed and GAP members of staff asked campaigners why they were there. A number of members of the public gave a thumbs up to picketers outside the GAP store whilst other said they would check the labels inside to ensure they did not unwittingly purchase Sri Lankan products.

    Campaigners in the US, Canada and the UK are leading the way in the Boycott campaign

  286. Nazism and Theravadha Terrorism- the same philosophy-different people.

  287. Ganeshwary Santhanam, “I’m blessed to be alive”

    "Ganeshwary Santhanam, 31, is one of thousands of women who joined the now defeated Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), which fought for an independent Tamil homeland for more than 25 years.

    "“After serving in the movement for nearly 10 years, I left the LTTE during the ceasefire time in 2002. I got married to an LTTE cadre, and gave birth to a son. We were a happily married couple.

    “But in 2006, that life of normality was to change when ,I was pressured to join up yet again., During that time, I was given rigorous training along with other women in the village and proved myself a better fighter than most.

    “The war was terrible – so much suffering and loss. I want to educate my children and make them better citizens. I want to forget the bitter past and forgive others and lead a peaceful life.

    “I have fought in the battlefield, but I managed to survive without any injury, while many of my fellow fighters died on the spot. It’s a miracle of God. I am blessed to be alive.” http://transcurrents.com/tc/2010/05/ganeshwary_sa

    A miracle, indeed.

    Unlike the traffic-blocking, Big Mac gorging, fake hunger-striking, mass-defecating, comfortably off pro-LTTE diaspora who ran away, this lady actually fought (on your behalf) for the 'cause' and survived.

    I respect her for that and the fact that she now wants to live in peace.

    The war is over. Neither AI nor the pro-LTTE disapora (who ran away leaving women like Ganeshwary to fight ) appear to recognise this fact.

  288. Vanni in the year after war: Tears of despair and fear

    On most occasions as we turned from the A9 road or from the Mannar – Medwachiya road to go interior villages, it seemed to arouse suspicion and curiosity in soldiers. Familiar questions of earlier years, such as “where are you going?” “why are you going?” “who are you” were thrown at us. Our response that we are going to visit friends didn’t appear to be a satisfactory answer. In the Vanni, it seems to be considered something abnormal and suspicious to visit friends!

    My Tamils friends from the North found these questions offensive.

    “This is our land, our people are living here, these soldiers are from outside, how dare they ask us all these questions and stop us? Why can’t I visit my place? Why can’t I visit my relatives and friends? Why can’t I invite friends (meaning me)?” were the angry and frustrated refrain I was to hear often from my friends.

    Most of my friends were Christian priest and sisters, some of them were going to their own places, own land and houses. Places they had grown up, and their families had been living and still lived. These were also areas where they had served their religious and social ministries and their colleagues were now living and working in very difficult circumstances.

    The fact that I was Sinhalese from Colombo seemed to arouse further suspicions and curiosity amongst the soldiers.

    We asked why they were trying to stop us from visiting, especially as these were areas formally declared as areas cleared of land mines and people were already living there.

    “We don’t know, we just follow orders” was the inevitable response. Some of the soldiers were apologetic. On several occasions, it was mentioned that we have to get permission from the Ministry of Defense or that we should go to a nearby Brigade Headquarters and get special permission or a pass.

    My friends and I tried to maintain our composure and sometimes soldiers at the check points tried to help us by contacting their superiors while we waited patiently. Some occasions, soldiers did their best to sooth our frustration by offering us chairs, chatting to us and giving us tips about how bad the roads were! I didn’t think they had anything else to offer. On one occasion, we waited for about 30 minutes near Paranthan on the A9 road and one solider rode on a bicycle to inform the checkpoint that the commander had given a special permission for us to proceed to Uruthirapuram. On another occasion, me and a priest friend from Mannar waited in vain in the hot sun for about an hour at the Mankulam junction check point awaiting permission to visit the recently returned people in Oddusudan. The permission never came and we left the embarrassed and apologetic soldiers at the checkpoint and turned back. On yet another occasion, we waited patiently at a barrier in Vattapalai in the Mullativu district for about 30minutes, again while the officer on duty contacted his superiors and that superiors contacted his superior. We wanted to proceed to Killinochi through the shortest road through Puthukudiruppu that we learnt was already open, but not for civilians. Permission never came and we finally turned back and took the longer route through Mankulam. When we turned back and went, some officers on duty offered to call us on our mobile phones if they did get permission from their superiors to allow us through, but we never got a call. On several other occasions, the soldiers or officers at the checkpoints consented to allow us to proceed after some initial hesitation.

  289. Militarization

    On most roads inside the Vanni, whether on the A9 or interior roads, I felt as if we were travelling within a military camp. Military camps and check posts were along all the roads.

    In Pooneryn, the main road literally ran through a newly built Army camp. In several other places including the A9 road, army camps occupied the main tarred road and we as civilians were forced to take a roundabout route, on muddy dusty makeshift pathways. In the more bushy and jungle areas, sign boards on the roadside indicated military camps inside the jungles.

    Soldiers were everywhere with uniforms and with weapons. Some soldiers were in civil but were easily identifiable through the gun on their shoulders, even as they were walking or riding their bicycles. Other soldiers were relaxing, playing cricket and bathing in small streams. The buildings that were in the best conditions were all military and police structures. I could very well empathize with what one elderly gentleman in Mulangavil told me; “it looks as if it’s their (military) land and we are strangers, while the truth is they are occupying our land”.

    he huge military presence, with past experiences of abuses, has caused deep rooted fear amongst many of civilians I spoke to. “We are scared to have young girls and boys walk around in the dark” one mother told us.

    Catholic sisters who had gone to be with the people had sent additional reinforcements, as they didn’t want sisters to be alone.

    “I was accused several times by the Army intelligence of being in the LTTE. Another boy was also accused. The Army had also told a villager that I would be taken away. I’m scared and don’t go anywhere alone” was what one man in Kathalampiddy, close to Vidathalthivu told us. “Although only two people had been threatened, the whole village is now scared” another woman from the village told us.

    “Will the Army leave soon?” one anxious young man asked me, to which I had no answer.

    Happy to be back…but incomplete return

    Most of the people I met would start conversations with bright smiles, saying they are happy to be back in their own land, despite all they have lost and the adverse circumstances.

    But as we continued to listen to them and be with them, we would often be left speechless and helpless, as tears welled up in their eyes.

    Most families had returned incomplete. Not just without properties, but also without their loved ones who had been killed, missing and detained.

  290. Ganeshwary Santhanam, “I’m blessed to be alive”

    "Ganeshwary Santhanam, 31, is one of thousands of women who joined the now defeated Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), which fought for an independent Tamil homeland for more than 25 years.

    "“After serving in the movement for nearly 10 years, I left the LTTE during the ceasefire time in 2002. I got married to an LTTE cadre, and gave birth to a son. We were a happily married couple.

    “But in 2006, that life of normality was to change when ,I was pressured to join up yet again., During that time, I was given rigorous training along with other women in the village and proved myself a better fighter than most.

    “The war was terrible – so much suffering and loss. I want to educate my children and make them better citizens. I want to forget the bitter past and forgive others and lead a peaceful life.

    “I have fought in the battlefield, but I managed to survive without any injury, while many of my fellow fighters died on the spot. It’s a miracle of God. I am blessed to be alive.” http://transcurrents.com/tc/2010/05/ganeshwary_sa

    A miracle, indeed.

    Unlike the traffic-blocking, Big Mac gorging, fake hunger-striking, mass-defecating, comfortably off pro-LTTE diaspora who ran away, this lady actually fought (on your behalf) for the 'cause' and survived.

    I respect her for that and the fact that she now wants to live in peace.

    The war is over. Neither AI nor the pro-LTTE disapora (who ran away leaving women like Ganeshwary to fight ) appear to recognise this fact.

  291. Ganeshwary Santhanam, “I’m blessed to be alive”

    "Ganeshwary Santhanam, 31, is one of thousands of women who joined the now defeated Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), which fought for an independent Tamil homeland for more than 25 years.

    "“After serving in the movement for nearly 10 years, I left the LTTE during the ceasefire time in 2002. I got married to an LTTE cadre, and gave birth to a son. We were a happily married couple.

    “But in 2006, that life of normality was to change when ,I was pressured to join up yet again., During that time, I was given rigorous training along with other women in the village and proved myself a better fighter than most.

    “The war was terrible – so much suffering and loss. I want to educate my children and make them better citizens. I want to forget the bitter past and forgive others and lead a peaceful life.

    “I have fought in the battlefield, but I managed to survive without any injury, while many of my fellow fighters died on the spot. It’s a miracle of God. I am blessed to be alive.” http://transcurrents.com/tc/2010/05/ganeshwary_sa

    A miracle, indeed.

    Unlike the traffic-blocking, Big Mac gorging, fake hunger-striking, mass-defecating, comfortably off pro-LTTE diaspora who ran away, this lady actually fought (on your behalf) for the 'cause' and survived.

    I respect her for that and the fact that she now wants to live in peace.

    The war is over. Neither AI nor the pro-LTTE disapora (who ran away leaving women like Ganeshwary to fight ) appear to recognise this fact.

  292. Sexual abuse

    “In front of our own eyes, and inside our premises, the army was touching a young girl…so what would happen if we are also not there” one Catholic sister said in the Vanni.

    Amidst the huge military presence, one lady was raped in newly resettled area of Alkataveli, close to Adampan and north of Mannar and one person was killed in Killinochi. The checkpoint and soldiers with their guns had been unable to prevent or bring perpetrators to justice. An incident of sexual abuse by a soldier in Nachikuda was narrated to me. I heard of other incidents of rape, sexual abuse, killings.

    Two young female students we spoke to complained that they felt they were being harassed by regular requests to see identity cards as they cycle to school in nearby Illupaikadavai. “They don’t ask the boys, they only ask girls “

  293. Central land authority to colonize Vaanaa’ru Muslim village with Sinhalese

    The entire Muslim community of Vaanaa’ru new settlement has been opposing the move to bring their village under the administration of the Kantha’laay Divisional Secretary Division in Trincomalee district. Kantha’laay DS division is one of the five DS divisions where ninety-five percent of the population is from majority Sinhalese community. Vaanaa’ru village is now administered by Ki’n’niyaa Divisional Secretary. Ki’n’niyaa DS division is predominated by Muslim community.

    Of the eleven DS divisions in the district, Sinhalese predominated DS divisions are Seruvila, Kanthalaai Gomarankadawela, Morawewa and Padavi Siripura. Two thirds of the state land in the Trincomalee district come under these five DS divisions.

    Vaanaa’ru Muslim villagers say that the proposed annexation of their village within the administration of the Kanthalaay DS limit is another attempt to colonize their area with majority Sinhalese.

    Trincomalee district Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) parliamentarian Mr M. S. Thowfeek has lodged a protest against this move with the Land Minister John Seneviratne.

  294. Vanni people had suffered a lot.

    Then during the war, where entire villages were displaced more than ten times, some had been injured, all had lost properties, and most have had their loves ones killed, missing and detained.

    The Tamils still face an uncertain and fearful future.

    Most people in interior villages live isolated lives, surrounded soldiers they fear.

    Men live in fear of being abducted or detained.

    Women and girls live in fear of sexual abuse.

    They also fear domination of their lives, lands and culture by the Sinhalese and Buddhists.

    Students are concerned about access to educational facilities.

    Farmers and fisherfolk await opportunities to engage in their traditional livelihoods.

    The Tamils are saddened as the cemeteries are destroyed and monuments are built by the military and for Sinhalese soldiers

    And the despair and fear worsens as the rest of country prepares for a massive celebration of a war victory, while people in the Vanni cry over their dead family members, try to trace their missing family members, try to recover from their

    One year after the end of the war, reconciliation would be a hollow and empty word unless concerns such as the above are not addressed.

  295. I went to Eechalavakai, along the Periyamadu Road from Vidathalthivu, in the Mannar district. There, I met some people who were still living in tents in a common village land as displaced persons. Amongst them was a 10 day old infant.

    “We were told by the Divisional Secretary that we can go back to our lands. So we came from the camps. But when we came and started to clean up the land, the land we have been living for more than 25 years, the Army came and told us to go away. When we asked why, they told us that they are going to take our land for a Army Camp” one villager told us.

    Later, we were shown their lands, in nearby Sannar, where notices were pinned to trees saying “This land is reserved for Army”

  296. long the A9 road such as in Killinochi and Elephant pass as well as in interior villages such as Pooneryn, there were monuments built by the military. These symbolize victory for the military and the government, but for most of the Tamils I spoke to these monuments symbolize domination of their lands by the Army. And glorification of a war that killed and injured thousands of their loved ones.

    There were no monuments for the thousands of Tamil civilians who were killed and went missing in the war. I asked many times, in many places from many people about any monuments to remember the thousands of Tamil civilians killed and gone missing, but there were none.

    Making this worse is the destruction of cemeteries with dead LTTE cadres by the Army. I saw at least one in Vanni, while I had seen such destructions in Jaffna as well. Despite it’s brutality and record of violence & killings, the LTTE had a tradition of respecting it’s dead cadres and this had provided family members and friends to visit the graves of their loved ones and conduct religious and cultural rituals, especially on special days such as birthday and day of death. Now, family members are compelled to gaze emptily at gravel heaped together.

  297. Vanni in the year after war: Tears of despair and fear

    On most occasions as we turned from the A9 road or from the Mannar – Medwachiya road to go interior villages, it seemed to arouse suspicion and curiosity in soldiers. Familiar questions of earlier years, such as “where are you going?” “why are you going?” “who are you” were thrown at us. Our response that we are going to visit friends didn’t appear to be a satisfactory answer. In the Vanni, it seems to be considered something abnormal and suspicious to visit friends!

    My Tamils friends from the North found these questions offensive.

    “This is our land, our people are living here, these soldiers are from outside, how dare they ask us all these questions and stop us? Why can’t I visit my place? Why can’t I visit my relatives and friends? Why can’t I invite friends (meaning me)?” were the angry and frustrated refrain I was to hear often from my friends.

    Most of my friends were Christian priest and sisters, some of them were going to their own places, own land and houses. Places they had grown up, and their families had been living and still lived. These were also areas where they had served their religious and social ministries and their colleagues were now living and working in very difficult circumstances.

    The fact that I was Sinhalese from Colombo seemed to arouse further suspicions and curiosity amongst the soldiers.

    We asked why they were trying to stop us from visiting, especially as these were areas formally declared as areas cleared of land mines and people were already living there.

    “We don’t know, we just follow orders” was the inevitable response. Some of the soldiers were apologetic. On several occasions, it was mentioned that we have to get permission from the Ministry of Defense or that we should go to a nearby Brigade Headquarters and get special permission or a pass.

    My friends and I tried to maintain our composure and sometimes soldiers at the check points tried to help us by contacting their superiors while we waited patiently. Some occasions, soldiers did their best to sooth our frustration by offering us chairs, chatting to us and giving us tips about how bad the roads were! I didn’t think they had anything else to offer. On one occasion, we waited for about 30 minutes near Paranthan on the A9 road and one solider rode on a bicycle to inform the checkpoint that the commander had given a special permission for us to proceed to Uruthirapuram. On another occasion, me and a priest friend from Mannar waited in vain in the hot sun for about an hour at the Mankulam junction check point awaiting permission to visit the recently returned people in Oddusudan. The permission never came and we left the embarrassed and apologetic soldiers at the checkpoint and turned back. On yet another occasion, we waited patiently at a barrier in Vattapalai in the Mullativu district for about 30minutes, again while the officer on duty contacted his superiors and that superiors contacted his superior. We wanted to proceed to Killinochi through the shortest road through Puthukudiruppu that we learnt was already open, but not for civilians. Permission never came and we finally turned back and took the longer route through Mankulam. When we turned back and went, some officers on duty offered to call us on our mobile phones if they did get permission from their superiors to allow us through, but we never got a call. On several other occasions, the soldiers or officers at the checkpoints consented to allow us to proceed after some initial hesitation.

  298. Militarization

    On most roads inside the Vanni, whether on the A9 or interior roads, I felt as if we were travelling within a military camp. Military camps and check posts were along all the roads.

    In Pooneryn, the main road literally ran through a newly built Army camp. In several other places including the A9 road, army camps occupied the main tarred road and we as civilians were forced to take a roundabout route, on muddy dusty makeshift pathways. In the more bushy and jungle areas, sign boards on the roadside indicated military camps inside the jungles.

    Soldiers were everywhere with uniforms and with weapons. Some soldiers were in civil but were easily identifiable through the gun on their shoulders, even as they were walking or riding their bicycles. Other soldiers were relaxing, playing cricket and bathing in small streams. The buildings that were in the best conditions were all military and police structures. I could very well empathize with what one elderly gentleman in Mulangavil told me; “it looks as if it’s their (military) land and we are strangers, while the truth is they are occupying our land”.

    he huge military presence, with past experiences of abuses, has caused deep rooted fear amongst many of civilians I spoke to. “We are scared to have young girls and boys walk around in the dark” one mother told us.

    Catholic sisters who had gone to be with the people had sent additional reinforcements, as they didn’t want sisters to be alone.

    “I was accused several times by the Army intelligence of being in the LTTE. Another boy was also accused. The Army had also told a villager that I would be taken away. I’m scared and don’t go anywhere alone” was what one man in Kathalampiddy, close to Vidathalthivu told us. “Although only two people had been threatened, the whole village is now scared” another woman from the village told us.

    “Will the Army leave soon?” one anxious young man asked me, to which I had no answer.

    Happy to be back…but incomplete return

    Most of the people I met would start conversations with bright smiles, saying they are happy to be back in their own land, despite all they have lost and the adverse circumstances.

    But as we continued to listen to them and be with them, we would often be left speechless and helpless, as tears welled up in their eyes.

    Most families had returned incomplete. Not just without properties, but also without their loved ones who had been killed, missing and detained.

  299. Ganeshwary Santhanam, “I’m blessed to be alive”

    Ganeshwary Santhanam, 31, is one of thousands of women who joined the now defeated Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), which fought for an independent Tamil homeland for more than 25 years.

    ““After serving in the movement for nearly 10 years, I left the LTTE during the ceasefire time in 2002. I got married to an LTTE cadre, and gave birth to a son. We were a happily married couple.

    “But in 2006, that life of normality was to change when ,I was pressured to join up yet again., During that time, I was given rigorous training along with other women in the village and proved myself a better fighter than most.

    “The war was terrible – so much suffering and loss. I want to educate my children and make them better citizens. I want to forget the bitter past and forgive others and lead a peaceful life.

    “I have fought in the battlefield, but I managed to survive without any injury, while many of my fellow fighters died on the spot. It’s a miracle of God. I am blessed to be alive.”

    A miracle, indeed.

    Unlike the traffic-blocking, Big Mac gorging, fake hunger-striking, mass-defecating, comfortably off pro-LTTE diaspora who ran away, this lady actually fought (on your behalf) for the ’cause’ and survived.

    I respect her for that and the fact that she now wants to live in peace.

    The war is over. Neither AI nor the pro-LTTE disapora (who ran away leaving women like Ganeshwary to fight ) appear to recognise this fact.

  300. To Gunalan and his clones,

    Why not just post the URL to the whole story instead of posting selected parts?

    e.g. "Since 2006, I had met families of Sinhalese killed in claymore attacks, suicide bombings by LTTE in rural villages such as Kebidogollwe, Moneragela. The sorrow I experienced with them and with the Tamils in Vanni was not very different. The tears and sorrow didn’t seem to have an ethnic dimension."

    Full story is here: http://www.groundviews.org/2010/05/26/vanni-in-th

    Re., the destruction of monuments and cemeteries, here's my opinion.
    Monuments – Destroy every single LTTE monument so that none remain standing.

    Cemeteries – should be left alone so that people can grieve for their lost ones.

    I think the SL govt is making a big mistake here. In fact the SL govt should create a special cemetery for all the LTTE child soldiers so that the people who didn't run away (unlike the pro-LTTE diaspora who did run away) never forget the blood sacrifice of their children demanded by the LTTE.

  301. In other Eelam News, finally a Hunger Strike to the Death! http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

    A bunch of fake 'refugees' in Malaysia have found their nearest branch of McDonalds. They threaten thus: "we are in a weakened physical condition and mentally tormented we are determined to fast unto death until our requests are fulfilled,”

    We fondly remember the last failed Eelam Hunger Strike Hero, Prarameswaran Subramaniam. "I want freedom for my people," he explains, his voice weak and cracked. "And the price for that freedom? – my life." http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8015199.stm

    Londoners don't have much sympathy for Eelam or Fake Eelamist hunger strikers…. Hmmm.. http://tinyurl.com/3x3vrrd

    A simple question: why are they in Malaysia (about a 1,000 miles away from SL) and not in India, which is only 20 miles away?

    Does Malaysia have better-tasting Big Macs in Malaysia?

  302. To Gunalan and his clones,

    Why not just post the URL to the whole story instead of posting selected parts?

    e.g. "Since 2006, I had met families of Sinhalese killed in claymore attacks, suicide bombings by LTTE in rural villages such as Kebidogollwe, Moneragela. The sorrow I experienced with them and with the Tamils in Vanni was not very different. The tears and sorrow didn’t seem to have an ethnic dimension."

    Full story is here: http://www.groundviews.org/2010/05/26/vanni-in-th

    Re., the destruction of monuments and cemeteries, here's my opinion.
    Monuments – Destroy every single LTTE monument so that none remain standing.

    Cemeteries – should be left alone so that people can grieve for their lost ones.

    I think the SL govt is making a big mistake here. In fact the SL govt should create a special cemetery for all the LTTE child soldiers so that the people who didn't run away (unlike the pro-LTTE diaspora who did run away) never forget the blood sacrifice of their children demanded by the LTTE.

  303. To Gunalan and his clones,

    Why not just post the URL to the whole story instead of posting selected parts?

    e.g. "Since 2006, I had met families of Sinhalese killed in claymore attacks, suicide bombings by LTTE in rural villages such as Kebidogollwe, Moneragela. The sorrow I experienced with them and with the Tamils in Vanni was not very different. The tears and sorrow didn’t seem to have an ethnic dimension."

    Full story is here: http://www.groundviews.org/2010/05/26/vanni-in-th

    Re., the destruction of monuments and cemeteries, here's my opinion.
    Monuments – Destroy every single LTTE monument so that none remain standing.

    Cemeteries – should be left alone so that people can grieve for their lost ones.

    I think the SL govt is making a big mistake here. In fact the SL govt should create a special cemetery for all the LTTE child soldiers so that the people who didn't run away (unlike the pro-LTTE diaspora who did run away) never forget the blood sacrifice of their children demanded by the LTTE.

  304. In other Eelam News, finally a Hunger Strike to the Death! http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

    A bunch of fake 'refugees' in Malaysia have found their nearest branch of McDonalds. They threaten thus: "we are in a weakened physical condition and mentally tormented we are determined to fast unto death until our requests are fulfilled,”

    We fondly remember the last failed Eelam Hunger Strike Hero, Prarameswaran Subramaniam. "I want freedom for my people," he explains, his voice weak and cracked. "And the price for that freedom? – my life." http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8015199.stm

    Londoners don't have much sympathy for Eelam or Fake Eelamist hunger strikers…. Hmmm.. http://tinyurl.com/3x3vrrd

    A simple question: why are they in Malaysia (about a 1,000 miles away from SL) and not in India, which is only 20 miles away?

    Does Malaysia have better-tasting Big Macs in Malaysia?

  305. In other Eelam News, finally a Hunger Strike to the Death! http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

    A bunch of fake 'refugees' in Malaysia have found their nearest branch of McDonalds. They threaten thus: "we are in a weakened physical condition and mentally tormented we are determined to fast unto death until our requests are fulfilled,”

    We fondly remember the last failed Eelam Hunger Strike Hero, Prarameswaran Subramaniam. "I want freedom for my people," he explains, his voice weak and cracked. "And the price for that freedom? – my life." http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8015199.stm

    Londoners don't have much sympathy for Eelam or Fake Eelamist hunger strikers…. Hmmm.. http://tinyurl.com/3x3vrrd

    A simple question: why are they in Malaysia (about a 1,000 miles away from SL) and not in India, which is only 20 miles away?

    Does Malaysia have better-tasting Big Macs in Malaysia?

  306. Central land authority to colonize Vaanaa’ru Muslim village with Sinhalese

    The entire Muslim community of Vaanaa’ru new settlement has been opposing the move to bring their village under the administration of the Kantha’laay Divisional Secretary Division in Trincomalee district. Kantha’laay DS division is one of the five DS divisions where ninety-five percent of the population is from majority Sinhalese community. Vaanaa’ru village is now administered by Ki’n’niyaa Divisional Secretary. Ki’n’niyaa DS division is predominated by Muslim community.

    Of the eleven DS divisions in the district, Sinhalese predominated DS divisions are Seruvila, Kanthalaai Gomarankadawela, Morawewa and Padavi Siripura. Two thirds of the state land in the Trincomalee district come under these five DS divisions.

    Vaanaa’ru Muslim villagers say that the proposed annexation of their village within the administration of the Kanthalaay DS limit is another attempt to colonize their area with majority Sinhalese.

    Trincomalee district Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) parliamentarian Mr M. S. Thowfeek has lodged a protest against this move with the Land Minister John Seneviratne.

  307. Vanni people had suffered a lot.

    Then during the war, where entire villages were displaced more than ten times, some had been injured, all had lost properties, and most have had their loves ones killed, missing and detained.

    The Tamils still face an uncertain and fearful future.

    Most people in interior villages live isolated lives, surrounded soldiers they fear.

    Men live in fear of being abducted or detained.

    Women and girls live in fear of sexual abuse.

    They also fear domination of their lives, lands and culture by the Sinhalese and Buddhists.

    Students are concerned about access to educational facilities.

    Farmers and fisherfolk await opportunities to engage in their traditional livelihoods.

    The Tamils are saddened as the cemeteries are destroyed and monuments are built by the military and for Sinhalese soldiers

    And the despair and fear worsens as the rest of country prepares for a massive celebration of a war victory, while people in the Vanni cry over their dead family members, try to trace their missing family members, try to recover from their

    One year after the end of the war, reconciliation would be a hollow and empty word unless concerns such as the above are not addressed.

  308. I went to Eechalavakai, along the Periyamadu Road from Vidathalthivu, in the Mannar district. There, I met some people who were still living in tents in a common village land as displaced persons. Amongst them was a 10 day old infant.

    “We were told by the Divisional Secretary that we can go back to our lands. So we came from the camps. But when we came and started to clean up the land, the land we have been living for more than 25 years, the Army came and told us to go away. When we asked why, they told us that they are going to take our land for a Army Camp” one villager told us.

    Later, we were shown their lands, in nearby Sannar, where notices were pinned to trees saying “This land is reserved for Army”

  309. long the A9 road such as in Killinochi and Elephant pass as well as in interior villages such as Pooneryn, there were monuments built by the military. These symbolize victory for the military and the government, but for most of the Tamils I spoke to these monuments symbolize domination of their lands by the Army. And glorification of a war that killed and injured thousands of their loved ones.

    There were no monuments for the thousands of Tamil civilians who were killed and went missing in the war. I asked many times, in many places from many people about any monuments to remember the thousands of Tamil civilians killed and gone missing, but there were none.

    Making this worse is the destruction of cemeteries with dead LTTE cadres by the Army. I saw at least one in Vanni, while I had seen such destructions in Jaffna as well. Despite it’s brutality and record of violence & killings, the LTTE had a tradition of respecting it’s dead cadres and this had provided family members and friends to visit the graves of their loved ones and conduct religious and cultural rituals, especially on special days such as birthday and day of death. Now, family members are compelled to gaze emptily at gravel heaped together.

  310. Dear Premachandran,

    Your account of the indigenous Tamil people of Lanka & their ancient sovereignty & kingdom, as well as European imperialisms' invasions of the same, have a strong foundation in real & actual history.

    For anyone interested in more of this history, please see Ron Ridenour's superb 4 or 5 part history of theTamil nation in Lanka in "Counterpunch" , at http://www.counterpunch.com.

  311. Have any of you noted the INCREDIBLE language used by "Impeccable Jim Gona" in his May 25 piece above — where he calls the Tamil writers & bloggers here "YOU APES" ??!!!

    "NONE OF YOU APES", he begins, before hurling an accusation.

    The validity or lack of such of the accusation itself is not the point here.

    It's his language, blaring his open, naked Sinhalese racism, his Sinhalese supremacism, his view of Tamils as a people as nothing better than apes & monkeys.

    If they can openly refer, in a global, foreign & public forum, to Tamils as "YOU APES", how do they talk to them in the concentration camps & the occupied lands ??

    Not even the Zionists, nor the antiNative white men or the death penalty advocates here on these blogs, ever used anywhere near such language !!

    No wonder they don't want foreign observers or the media to come anywhere near there at all !!!!!

  312. Dear Premachandran,

    Your account of the indigenous Tamil people of Lanka & their ancient sovereignty & kingdom, as well as European imperialisms' invasions of the same, have a strong foundation in real & actual history.

    For anyone interested in more of this history, please see Ron Ridenour's superb 4 or 5 part history of theTamil nation in Lanka in "Counterpunch" , at http://www.counterpunch.com.

  313. Dear Premachandran,

    Your account of the indigenous Tamil people of Lanka & their ancient sovereignty & kingdom, as well as European imperialisms' invasions of the same, have a strong foundation in real & actual history.

    For anyone interested in more of this history, please see Ron Ridenour's superb 4 or 5 part history of theTamil nation in Lanka in "Counterpunch" , at http://www.counterpunch.com.

  314. To Gunalan and his clones,

    Why not just post the URL to the whole story instead of posting selected parts?

    e.g. “Since 2006, I had met families of Sinhalese killed in claymore attacks, suicide bombings by LTTE in rural villages such as Kebidogollwe, Moneragela. The sorrow I experienced with them and with the Tamils in Vanni was not very different. The tears and sorrow didn’t seem to have an ethnic dimension.

    Full story is here:

    Re., the destruction of monuments and cemeteries, here’s my opinion.
    Monuments – Destroy every single LTTE monument so that none remain standing.

    Cemeteries – should be left alone so that people can grieve for their lost ones.

    I think the SL govt is making a big mistake here. In fact the SL govt should create a special cemetery for all the LTTE child soldiers so that the people who didn’t run away (unlike the pro-LTTE diaspora who did run away) never forget the blood sacrifice of their children demanded by the LTTE.

  315. In other Eelam News, finally a Hunger Strike to the Death!

    A bunch of fake ‘refugees’ in Malaysia have found their nearest branch of McDonalds. They threaten thus: “we are in a weakened physical condition and mentally tormented we are determined to fast unto death until our requests are fulfilled,”

    We fondly remember the last failed Eelam Hunger Strike Hero, Prarameswaran Subramaniam. “I want freedom for my people,” he explains, his voice weak and cracked. “And the price for that freedom? – my life. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8015199.stm

    Londoners don’t have much sympathy for Eelam or Fake Eelamist hunger strikers…. Hmmm.. http://tinyurl.com/3x3vrrd

    A simple question: why are they in Malaysia (about a 1,000 miles away from SL) and not in India, which is only 20 miles away?

    Does Malaysia have better-tasting Big Macs in Malaysia?

  316. Yes the Sri Lanka govt should create a special cemetery for all little the children they blown to bits by the “ brave “ Sri Lankan soldiers and tiny babies who Sri Lanka “merciful “Government “saved” and then starved to death in the Sri Lankan concentration camps.

  317. Have any of you noted the INCREDIBLE language used by “Impeccable Jim Gona” in his May 25 piece above — where he calls the Tamil writers & bloggers here “YOU APES” ??!!!

    “NONE OF YOU APES”, he begins, before hurling an accusation.

    The validity or lack of such of the accusation itself is not the point here.

    It’s his language, blaring his open, naked Sinhalese racism, his Sinhalese supremacism, his view of Tamils as a people as nothing better than apes & monkeys.

    If they can openly refer, in a global, foreign & public forum, to Tamils as “YOU APES”, how do they talk to them in the concentration camps & the occupied lands ??

    Not even the Zionists, nor the antiNative white men or the death penalty advocates here on these blogs, ever used anywhere near such language !!

    No wonder they don’t want foreign observers or the media to come anywhere near there at all !!!!!

  318. Dear Premachandran,

    Your account of the indigenous Tamil people of Lanka & their ancient sovereignty & kingdom, as well as European imperialisms’ invasions of the same, have a strong foundation in real & actual history.

    For anyone interested in more of this history, please see Ron Ridenour’s superb 4 or 5 part history of theTamil nation in Lanka in “Counterpunch” , at http://www.counterpunch.com.

  319. SLA occupies 80% of agricultural land in North

    Sri Lanka Army (SLA) occupies around eighty percentage of agricultural land in Vanni and Jaffna peninsula in the name of High Security Zones (HSZs)

    Deputy Minister Pushpakumara, who is on a two-day official visit to North.

    The Tamil representatives of agricultural organizations appealed to him to hand over the agricultural lands in the North occupied by SLA to the owners.

    The minister did not assure the release of the occupied agricultural lands back to its owners.

  320. Ban Ki Moon is overseeing the UNHRC’s paralysis over Sri Lanka testament to IC’s failure to act when needed 🙂

    Yes, he also welcoming the alleged War Criminals (Kohona) 🙂 🙂 🙂

  321. Former JVP Parliamentarian Ramalingam Chandrasekar was interrogated by the Sri Lankan Army Intelligence Personnel for willing to help the desperate parents of the “Disappeared”

    Former JVP Parliamentarian Ramalingam Chandrasekar was questioned by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) officials and Army Intelligence Personnel soon after he met parents of the disappeared persons from Jaffna at Narayana Mandapam in Grandpass in Colombo District on Wednesday morning.

    The meeting was organized by the Inter-University Students Federation to collect the details about the disappeared Tamil persons in various parts of the country including the North and East.

    Mr. Chandrasekar said he met about sixty families of the disappeared persons mainly from Jaffna afterwards he had discussion for two hours and he advised them to complain to the CID to find out the whereabouts of the missing persons.

    Soon after the family members left the Mandapam he was cordoned by the CID officials and questioned for more than a hour to find out the details of the relatives he had met with. Soon after the police left the Mandapam a group of Army intelligence in uniform and civil raided the Mandapam preventing him from leaving the premises. He was then questioned by the Army Intelligence officials as to where he had received the authority to meet with the families.

  322. As the one year anniversary of the end of the war approached the terrorism spin-mill worked overtime to equate the Tamil diaspora with’ terrorism’, rather than highlight the manner in which it sustains family and kin who survived the war back home.

    The constant repetition of stories about LTTE arms catches and arrests of members works to re-produce the terror discourse and legitimize militarization and the extra-ordinary security for the Rajapakse ruling family in post-conflict Colombo.

    Sinhala ultra-nationalism and extremism is most visible in the occupied Tamil Homelands.

  323. Gunanan or whatever new names you give yourself,

    It is indeed a disgrace to call pro-LTTE posters 'Apes'. Why should these magnificent animals, (Man's closest relatives) be associated with pro-LTTE posters?

    I can't speak for Jim Pappa/Gona, but maybe he was wondering at the intelligence of people who only post large amounts of pro-Eelam propaganda? If he was, he should've used another animal more commonly associated with being easily-led with blind unthinking stupidity.

    As for children being killed, you of course omit the crucial difference between the two sides. The LTTE deliberately recruited Tamil children for combat and deliberately targeted civilians including children.

    In a previous battle of Weli Oya in 1995, of the 300+ LTTE killed, the majority were children. That's right children.

    The LTTE needed children to bolster its' numbers because so many of the West-based pro-LTTE diaspora who clamoured so loudly for Eelam, wouldn't contribute their children for Eelam. They were happy to pay other Tamils in SL (mainly the poorer ones who didn't or couldn't run away) to fight.

    Tamil children deliberately starved to death in IDP camps? Another superb Eelamist lie.

  324. Yes the Sri Lanka govt should create a special cemetery for all little the children they blown to bits by the “ brave “ Sri Lankan soldiers and tiny babies who Sri Lanka “merciful “Government “saved” and then starved to death in the Sri Lankan concentration camps.

  325. Sri Lankan savagely repressive regime deliberately starved 300 000 innocent civilians to death who caught up in the fighting and deliberately bombed mothers and infants who queue for baby milk in the distribution centers !!!

  326. The present Racist Sri Lankan government, with their petty Buddhist chauvinist attitudes are only digging themselves deeper and deeper into the pit from which they and the likes of them they will have no chance of return.

    The UN seeks an investigation into allegations of war crimes by the two sides to the conflict, the LTTE is kaput, my desire is that the truth should come out and those found guilty should be punished.

    The ruthless Sri Lanka Army were an obstacle in the implementation of the agreement signed between the government of Ranil W and the LTTE. The antics of the then president gave the LTTE no other choice but to renegade on a useless sheet of paper.

    Army with it’s present masters have just got too big for their boots, with the help of the insecure government Buddhism is being forced upon the throats of the suffering foodless, homeless people.

    Very soon the sinhalese people will realize their stupidity but it is just too late to redeem their lost souls. They have voted a Papa Doc, a brother’s Doc’s and a sonny Doc who will rule them for ever and ever.

    Now the newly appointed Minister of External Affairs the always jumping from one side to the other desperately desires the Tamil Diaspora to play an active part, it will be another wet dream .

    The gods and nature have other plans, they ruined the victory day parade, today’s news is that even crocodiles have infiltrated into primarily sinhala areas after the recent rains, anyway it is the poor who will be the sufferers.

  327. It is true that UN have delayed in appointing a commission to investigate the killings in Sri Lanka. UN Secretary General is a disgrace,he has allowed knowingly …..murders of innocent civilians to take place by both parties.

    The innocent civilians have suffered. India is using covert tactis to influence the UN and the other Nations so that no one can be held to account for the killings that took place in Sri Lanka.

    They do not hvae to have a mandate to intervene when innocents were killed.

    You can see from their lies they also collaberated with those big nations who wanted tamil struggle to be surpressed

  328. Dear Brilliant Scholar of Eelam, Ethirveerasingam,

    It's truly pathetic to see the state to which the LTTE has been reduced to, begging for help from the 'gods' and crocodiles? Crocodiles?

    How's this for your re-writing of history. You say "The ruthless Sri Lanka Army were an obstacle in the implementation of the agreement signed between the government of Ranil W and the LTTE. The antics of the then president gave the LTTE no other choice but to renegade [the correct word is renege] on a useless sheet of paper."

    It was your 'Incredibly Intelligent Sun God, Fat Boy Prabha' who prevented Tamils from voting for Ranil and allowed your nemesis, Mahinda to come to power. Why did you the Tamil diaspora not DEMAND that VP let the SL Tamils vote?

    I and most Sri Lankans are forever grateful to Prabha for having been so utterly stupid. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Paravaa illa and Bohoma Isththi.

    The Minister of External Affairs, Prof Pieris, is quite properly 'reaching out' to the less mentally-challenged pro-LTTE diaspora. That's surely a 'good thing'. If the pro-LTTE diaspora refuse to engage with SL and insist on trying the 'war crimes' route it will be yet another failure by the pro LTTE crowd.

    SL will survive and prosper. It faced and destroyed its toughest and most implacable foe, the SL-based LTTE.

    Currently it faces segments of a pro-LTTE diaspora who were content to demonstrate & defecate in London, Toronto & Berlin, rather than help the LTTE (with additional manpower) when the LTTE needed it the most.

    I'd call that a massive failure of will. No amount praying to rain gods and crocodiles will get you Eelam or anything even approaching that.

  329. Tissa's Pardon Postoned

    Sri Lankan 'presidential pardon' granted to senior journalist J.S.Tissainayagam is delayed due to the withdrawal of his appeal from the law court, claimed Sri Lankan Foreign External Affairs Minister G.L.Peiris to Colombo media Friday.

    This is a procedural step that has to be attended by his lawyers. But the government has instructed the Attorney General to provide necessary assistance to the aggrieved party to speed up the formalization of the presidential pardon that the government announced on the World Press Freedom Day, Minister Peiris further said.

    The High Court of Colombo sentenced the journalist to twenty years rigorous imprisonment after he was arrested and charged under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA).

    Tissainayagam later filed an appeal in the Court of Appeal against the conviction. He is on bail at present.

  330. Hither to minority people in nations have to live with social disgrace and social disparity. They were not allowed into certain social,cultural and economic circles. They were living a lower standard of living while slaving for the majority. Man is still an animal. But good news is we Tamils have just invented a system called Transnational Government. The purpose of these governments is to gather enough mass and velocity to create momentum force. Due to its shear size and economic capacity sometime exceeding a few nations can democratically mount world class propaganda for social justice and parity. The world cannot prosper with so many millions not free. Man has to move away from racial and religious categorization into econimically self sustaining communties. Race and religion are the tools of the narcissitic and lazy people.

  331. Clear conscience has a way of surfacing and asserting its strength. Clear conscience is an invincible weapon. Man has to become a moral animal and has to be rearmed morally. What did the Tamils do to deserve this barbaric treatment in Sri Lanka?What role did India and China play to destroy the universal fountain of wealth? It is the inability of the Indians and Singhalese that lead to this genocide, they probably do not want to see an industrious community among them. Romans and Spartans do not match. Food for hunger has become food for performance. We in the west are reconfiguration the compostion of food for performance and for long life. We have to pull South Asia out of its mindset of feudalism and from doldrums. What can be done about India, Pakistan, Bangla Desh and the Singhalese? Only community in South Asia that can help South Asia come out of its doldrums are the Tamils. We did it several time before we will do it again.The current mindset has to change. People cannot live in slums worst than animals! Who will go to war? Only a man close to death will choose to try war as a way of avoiding death due to famine or pestilence. Think about it. Discovery channel has to change.

  332. And the Europeans and Americans have a way of harnessing the creative capacity of people while the Indians and Singhalese have a way of hampering the creative capacity of people. Some one who returned from India said there are single mothers begging for food, no sanitation facilities, rampant corruption and women are treated like breeding cattle. This is the very reason they cannot stomach a community just 30 Kilometer away doing well. And for the Singhalese they are mindless people like a ship without a sail, rudder but with a drunken and murderous captain. Ship wreck for sure to happen. It is time for the Singhalese to jump ship and join the Tamils. What is needed in South Asia is freedom so that people can build their lives the way they fit is appropriate for them. The British gave the people freedom and the Indians do not want to improve on freedom for their own people.

    Minorities all over the world must wake up and smell the roses, social justice and social parity is the next phase of democracy. We are advancing the art of democracy. We have two great leaders in the USA, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and also former President Bill Clinton.
    People hate America but the very moment they get wealthy they all want to migrate to America for better and quality life. Democracy does not mean that people are just free, but free with responsibilty to mind their own affairs. It is the most efficient way of state management.

    I am sure there are several minority groups in every country and they must liaise and learn with the Tamils to advance the art of Transnational governments. So far there is no protection for minorities in the United Nations Charter or in the constitutions of the countries. This is an anomaly in the parliamentary democracy where the strong is right. In nature the Strong is right and the weak to suffer so then if in a parliamentary democracy the majority is right then we have conveniently institutionalized the concept of the will of the strongest is right. How does one rectify this anomaly

    Transnational government is one idea that may succeed.

  333. SLA occupies 80% of agricultural land in North

    Sri Lanka Army (SLA) occupies around eighty percentage of agricultural land in Vanni and Jaffna peninsula in the name of High Security Zones (HSZs)

    Deputy Minister Pushpakumara, who is on a two-day official visit to North.

    The Tamil representatives of agricultural organizations appealed to him to hand over the agricultural lands in the North occupied by SLA to the owners.

    The minister did not assure the release of the occupied agricultural lands back to its owners.

  334. Ban Ki Moon is overseeing the UNHRC’s paralysis over Sri Lanka testament to IC’s failure to act when needed 🙂

    Yes, he also welcoming the alleged War Criminals (Kohona) 🙂 🙂 🙂

  335. Tamils need a referendum in Eelam and may also have to take our case to the World Court (International Court of Justice).

    Tamils living in Ceylon cannot do these without risking their lives. So these have to be done by the Tamil diaspora.

    But who in the Tamil diaspora is qualified to do these? No individual can start the proceedings at the World Court.

    We now have TGTE which has some elected representative element in it which gives it sufficient status to speak on behalf of the Tamils on the world stage.

  336. Dear Ever More Deluded Friends of Eelam,

    I see we're still going around and around in Eelamist circles.

    Let's say the Transsexual Intergalatic Provisional Donkey Government-in-Exile-from-Reality goes to the ICJ, ICC, PCA or PCIJ and gets a verdict (by the way, there is no World Court) that Eelam must be created in SL.

    Who is going to enforce this decision? It certainly won't be the pro-Eelam Diaspora who were unable to come and fight for Eelam in Sri Lanka because, collectively, they were all having their hair and nails done for a really big function.

    So who else? Norway? Germany? UK?

    To Vinaygar:

    I see you're trying really hard to please your 'White Masters'. Aren't you slightly ashamed at writing this?

    "And the Europeans and Americans have a way of harnessing the creative capacity of people while the Indians and Singhalese have a way of hampering the creative capacity of people.

    "The British gave the people freedom and the Indians do not want to improve on freedom for their own people."

    What freedoms did the Brits give in SL and to whom?

    The first anniversary of the crushing of the LTTE appears to have driven pro-Eelam posters totally around the bend.

  337. Severe sanctions will be imposed on the Racist Sri Lankan Regime !!!!

    They will enforce the just rule for the self-determination of the Tamils in Ceylon !!!!!

  338. U.S. State Dept lifts travel warning on Sri Lanka
    "The U.S. State Department announced on Wednesday it had canceled a travel warning for Sri Lanka, in a boost for the Indian Ocean island state that ended a long war last year and hopes to draw more tourists. The end of the travel warning comes just over a year after Sri Lanka declared victory over the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) following 27 years of civil war. The LTTE had not staged any attacks in the capital Colombo or elsewhere in Sri Lanka since then, the State Department said in a statement."

    Dear Friends of Eelam, if this is true, the North & East will be colonised by White Master US tourists. Is this good or bad?

    First Genocidal Sinhala tourists have started visiting and spoiling the pristine Eelamish beauty of Jaffna, now Americans!

    Tourism Genocide must be resisted!

  339. We cannot postpone the challenges of citizenship till we achieve federalism, the 13th Amendment or any alternative horizon of devolution.

    The Rajapakse regime has made it clear that approaching the domain of devolution and the domain of citizenship as such separate spheres entails the defeat of progressive forces on both fronts. Anyone interested in a just approach to the ethnic conflict and its legacies has to also be focused on the everyday issues regarding citizenship. All Sri Lankans have borne the cost of seeing issues related to federalism or regional autonomy as minority issues or ‘Tamil’ issues, and issues such as labor rights, free speech claims or land rights as ‘Sri Lankan’ issues. The legal and political terrain of the PTA and high security zones offer the most pointed evidence about the continuities between the “micro” politics of the everyday, and the “macro” politics regarding territorial sovereignty.

    Even if there was a federal solution for the North and East, these families will remain vulnerable to the abuse of power – not only because they are Muslims (although this greatly exacerbates their vulnerability), but also because they live in a country where the political space of all citizens to resist such abuse has become much diminished

  340. Former JVP Parliamentarian Ramalingam Chandrasekar was interrogated by the Sri Lankan Army Intelligence Personnel for willing to help the desperate parents of the “Disappeared”

    Former JVP Parliamentarian Ramalingam Chandrasekar was questioned by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) officials and Army Intelligence Personnel soon after he met parents of the disappeared persons from Jaffna at Narayana Mandapam in Grandpass in Colombo District on Wednesday morning.

    The meeting was organized by the Inter-University Students Federation to collect the details about the disappeared Tamil persons in various parts of the country including the North and East.

    Mr. Chandrasekar said he met about sixty families of the disappeared persons mainly from Jaffna afterwards he had discussion for two hours and he advised them to complain to the CID to find out the whereabouts of the missing persons.

    Soon after the family members left the Mandapam he was cordoned by the CID officials and questioned for more than a hour to find out the details of the relatives he had met with. Soon after the police left the Mandapam a group of Army intelligence in uniform and civil raided the Mandapam preventing him from leaving the premises. He was then questioned by the Army Intelligence officials as to where he had received the authority to meet with the families.

  341. a.savage

    Dear friend !!

    The Sinhalese Racists are spewing the vicious venom here .

    What else do you expect from the uneducated cold-hearted village idiots ?

  342. As the one year anniversary of the end of the war approached the terrorism spin-mill worked overtime to equate the Tamil diaspora with’ terrorism’, rather than highlight the manner in which it sustains family and kin who survived the war back home.

    The constant repetition of stories about LTTE arms catches and arrests of members works to re-produce the terror discourse and legitimize militarization and the extra-ordinary security for the Rajapakse ruling family in post-conflict Colombo.

    Sinhala ultra-nationalism and extremism is most visible in the occupied Tamil Homelands.

  343. Gunanan or whatever new names you give yourself,

    It is indeed a disgrace to call pro-LTTE posters ‘Apes’. Why should these magnificent animals, (Man’s closest relatives) be associated with pro-LTTE posters?

    I can’t speak for Jim Pappa/Gona, but maybe he was wondering at the intelligence of people who only post large amounts of pro-Eelam propaganda? If he was, he should’ve used another animal more commonly associated with being easily-led with blind unthinking stupidity.

    As for children being killed, you of course omit the crucial difference between the two sides. The LTTE deliberately recruited Tamil children for combat and deliberately targeted civilians including children.

    In a previous battle of Weli Oya in 1995, of the 300+ LTTE killed, the majority were children. That’s right children.

    The LTTE needed children to bolster its’ numbers because so many of the West-based pro-LTTE diaspora who clamoured so loudly for Eelam, wouldn’t contribute their children for Eelam. They were happy to pay other Tamils in SL (mainly the poorer ones who didn’t or couldn’t run away) to fight.

    Tamil children deliberately starved to death in IDP camps? Another superb Eelamist lie.

  344. Dear Super-Intelligent Friends of Eelam & Tamil Kovil,

    Speaking as a 'village idiot', I'm most offended at being called a 'racist' 🙂 Where is this evidence of my racism?

    It must be noted that Sri Lanka's collection of 'village idiots' completely destroyed the 'highly intelligent, super-smart' LTTE.

    Hmmmm…. something's not quite right about that, is it? Perhaps you could explain that to us village idiots.

  345. Sri Lankan savagely repressive regime deliberately starved 300 000 innocent civilians to death who caught up in the fighting and deliberately bombed mothers and infants who queue for baby milk in the distribution centers !!!

  346. U.S. State Dept lifts travel warning on Sri Lanka
    "The U.S. State Department announced on Wednesday it had canceled a travel warning for Sri Lanka, in a boost for the Indian Ocean island state that ended a long war last year and hopes to draw more tourists. The end of the travel warning comes just over a year after Sri Lanka declared victory over the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) following 27 years of civil war. The LTTE had not staged any attacks in the capital Colombo or elsewhere in Sri Lanka since then, the State Department said in a statement."

    Dear Friends of Eelam, if this is true, the North & East will be colonised by White Master US tourists. Is this good or bad?

    First Genocidal Sinhala tourists have started visiting and spoiling the pristine Eelamish beauty of Jaffna, now Americans!

    Tourism Genocide must be resisted!

  347. U.S. State Dept lifts travel warning on Sri Lanka
    "The U.S. State Department announced on Wednesday it had canceled a travel warning for Sri Lanka, in a boost for the Indian Ocean island state that ended a long war last year and hopes to draw more tourists. The end of the travel warning comes just over a year after Sri Lanka declared victory over the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) following 27 years of civil war. The LTTE had not staged any attacks in the capital Colombo or elsewhere in Sri Lanka since then, the State Department said in a statement."

    Dear Friends of Eelam, if this is true, the North & East will be colonised by White Master US tourists. Is this good or bad?

    First Genocidal Sinhala tourists have started visiting and spoiling the pristine Eelamish beauty of Jaffna, now Americans!

    Tourism Genocide must be resisted!

  348. The present Racist Sri Lankan government, with their petty Buddhist chauvinist attitudes are only digging themselves deeper and deeper into the pit from which they and the likes of them they will have no chance of return.

    The UN seeks an investigation into allegations of war crimes by the two sides to the conflict, the LTTE is kaput, my desire is that the truth should come out and those found guilty should be punished.

    The ruthless Sri Lanka Army were an obstacle in the implementation of the agreement signed between the government of Ranil W and the LTTE. The antics of the then president gave the LTTE no other choice but to renegade on a useless sheet of paper.

    Army with it’s present masters have just got too big for their boots, with the help of the insecure government Buddhism is being forced upon the throats of the suffering foodless, homeless people.

    Very soon the sinhalese people will realize their stupidity but it is just too late to redeem their lost souls. They have voted a Papa Doc, a brother’s Doc’s and a sonny Doc who will rule them for ever and ever.

    Now the newly appointed Minister of External Affairs the always jumping from one side to the other desperately desires the Tamil Diaspora to play an active part, it will be another wet dream .

    The gods and nature have other plans, they ruined the victory day parade, today’s news is that even crocodiles have infiltrated into primarily sinhala areas after the recent rains, anyway it is the poor who will be the sufferers.

  349. FA showbiz event blamed for promoting ‘paradise of genocide’

    As Tamils world over mark one-year of Indian abetted genocidal war against Eezham Tamils in the island of Sri Lanka, the Hindi film industry known as Bollywood and the major Indian conglomerate of trade unions, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) are joining hands with Rajapaksa regime in Colombo in staging 11th International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) awards weekend during the first week of June in Colombo. The FICCI, the largest and oldest business conglomerate of India is the flagship organiser of the business event named FICCI-IIFA Global Business Forum, where hundreds of CEOs and business heads from India would be signing various investment contracts and tie-ups in the island on the second day of the celebrity and corporate event.
    The Indian move has sparked protests from Tamils in Tamil Nadu, Mumbai and the diaspora.

  350. It is true that UN have delayed in appointing a commission to investigate the killings in Sri Lanka. UN Secretary General is a disgrace,he has allowed knowingly …..murders of innocent civilians to take place by both parties.

    The innocent civilians have suffered. India is using covert tactis to influence the UN and the other Nations so that no one can be held to account for the killings that took place in Sri Lanka.

    They do not hvae to have a mandate to intervene when innocents were killed.

    You can see from their lies they also collaberated with those big nations who wanted tamil struggle to be surpressed

  351. Dear Brilliant Scholar of Eelam, Ethirveerasingam,

    It’s truly pathetic to see the state to which the LTTE has been reduced to, begging for help from the ‘gods’ and crocodiles? Crocodiles?

    How’s this for your re-writing of history. You say “The ruthless Sri Lanka Army were an obstacle in the implementation of the agreement signed between the government of Ranil W and the LTTE. The antics of the then president gave the LTTE no other choice but to renegade [the correct word is renege] on a useless sheet of paper.”

    It was your ‘Incredibly Intelligent Sun God, Fat Boy Prabha’ who prevented Tamils from voting for Ranil and allowed your nemesis, Mahinda to come to power. Why did you the Tamil diaspora not DEMAND that VP let the SL Tamils vote?

    I and most Sri Lankans are forever grateful to Prabha for having been so utterly stupid. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Paravaa illa and Bohoma Isththi.

    The Minister of External Affairs, Prof Pieris, is quite properly ‘reaching out’ to the less mentally-challenged pro-LTTE diaspora. That’s surely a ‘good thing’. If the pro-LTTE diaspora refuse to engage with SL and insist on trying the ‘war crimes’ route it will be yet another failure by the pro LTTE crowd.

    SL will survive and prosper. It faced and destroyed its toughest and most implacable foe, the SL-based LTTE.

    Currently it faces segments of a pro-LTTE diaspora who were content to demonstrate & defecate in London, Toronto & Berlin, rather than help the LTTE (with additional manpower) when the LTTE needed it the most.

    I’d call that a massive failure of will. No amount praying to rain gods and crocodiles will get you Eelam or anything even approaching that.

  352. Tissa’s Pardon Postoned

    Sri Lankan ‘presidential pardon’ granted to senior journalist J.S.Tissainayagam is delayed due to the withdrawal of his appeal from the law court, claimed Sri Lankan Foreign External Affairs Minister G.L.Peiris to Colombo media Friday.

    This is a procedural step that has to be attended by his lawyers. But the government has instructed the Attorney General to provide necessary assistance to the aggrieved party to speed up the formalization of the presidential pardon that the government announced on the World Press Freedom Day, Minister Peiris further said.

    The High Court of Colombo sentenced the journalist to twenty years rigorous imprisonment after he was arrested and charged under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA).

    Tissainayagam later filed an appeal in the Court of Appeal against the conviction. He is on bail at present.

  353. Hither to minority people in nations have to live with social disgrace and social disparity. They were not allowed into certain social,cultural and economic circles. They were living a lower standard of living while slaving for the majority. Man is still an animal. But good news is we Tamils have just invented a system called Transnational Government. The purpose of these governments is to gather enough mass and velocity to create momentum force. Due to its shear size and economic capacity sometime exceeding a few nations can democratically mount world class propaganda for social justice and parity. The world cannot prosper with so many millions not free. Man has to move away from racial and religious categorization into econimically self sustaining communties. Race and religion are the tools of the narcissitic and lazy people.

  354. Clear conscience has a way of surfacing and asserting its strength. Clear conscience is an invincible weapon. Man has to become a moral animal and has to be rearmed morally. What did the Tamils do to deserve this barbaric treatment in Sri Lanka?What role did India and China play to destroy the universal fountain of wealth? It is the inability of the Indians and Singhalese that lead to this genocide, they probably do not want to see an industrious community among them. Romans and Spartans do not match. Food for hunger has become food for performance. We in the west are reconfiguration the compostion of food for performance and for long life. We have to pull South Asia out of its mindset of feudalism and from doldrums. What can be done about India, Pakistan, Bangla Desh and the Singhalese? Only community in South Asia that can help South Asia come out of its doldrums are the Tamils. We did it several time before we will do it again.The current mindset has to change. People cannot live in slums worst than animals! Who will go to war? Only a man close to death will choose to try war as a way of avoiding death due to famine or pestilence. Think about it. Discovery channel has to change.

  355. And the Europeans and Americans have a way of harnessing the creative capacity of people while the Indians and Singhalese have a way of hampering the creative capacity of people. Some one who returned from India said there are single mothers begging for food, no sanitation facilities, rampant corruption and women are treated like breeding cattle. This is the very reason they cannot stomach a community just 30 Kilometer away doing well. And for the Singhalese they are mindless people like a ship without a sail, rudder but with a drunken and murderous captain. Ship wreck for sure to happen. It is time for the Singhalese to jump ship and join the Tamils. What is needed in South Asia is freedom so that people can build their lives the way they fit is appropriate for them. The British gave the people freedom and the Indians do not want to improve on freedom for their own people.

    Minorities all over the world must wake up and smell the roses, social justice and social parity is the next phase of democracy. We are advancing the art of democracy. We have two great leaders in the USA, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and also former President Bill Clinton.
    People hate America but the very moment they get wealthy they all want to migrate to America for better and quality life. Democracy does not mean that people are just free, but free with responsibilty to mind their own affairs. It is the most efficient way of state management.

    I am sure there are several minority groups in every country and they must liaise and learn with the Tamils to advance the art of Transnational governments. So far there is no protection for minorities in the United Nations Charter or in the constitutions of the countries. This is an anomaly in the parliamentary democracy where the strong is right. In nature the Strong is right and the weak to suffer so then if in a parliamentary democracy the majority is right then we have conveniently institutionalized the concept of the will of the strongest is right. How does one rectify this anomaly

    Transnational government is one idea that may succeed.

  356. Tamils need a referendum in Eelam and may also have to take our case to the World Court (International Court of Justice).

    Tamils living in Ceylon cannot do these without risking their lives. So these have to be done by the Tamil diaspora.

    But who in the Tamil diaspora is qualified to do these? No individual can start the proceedings at the World Court.

    We now have TGTE which has some elected representative element in it which gives it sufficient status to speak on behalf of the Tamils on the world stage.

  357. Dear Ever More Deluded Friends of Eelam,

    I see we’re still going around and around in Eelamist circles.

    Let’s say the Transsexual Intergalatic Provisional Donkey Government-in-Exile-from-Reality goes to the ICJ, ICC, PCA or PCIJ and gets a verdict (by the way, there is no World Court) that Eelam must be created in SL.

    Who is going to enforce this decision? It certainly won’t be the pro-Eelam Diaspora who were unable to come and fight for Eelam in Sri Lanka because, collectively, they were all having their hair and nails done for a really big function.

    So who else? Norway? Germany? UK?

    To Vinaygar:

    I see you’re trying really hard to please your ‘White Masters’. Aren’t you slightly ashamed at writing this?

    “And the Europeans and Americans have a way of harnessing the creative capacity of people while the Indians and Singhalese have a way of hampering the creative capacity of people.

    “The British gave the people freedom and the Indians do not want to improve on freedom for their own people.”

    What freedoms did the Brits give in SL and to whom?

    The first anniversary of the crushing of the LTTE appears to have driven pro-Eelam posters totally around the bend.

  358. Severe sanctions will be imposed on the Racist Sri Lankan Regime !!!!

    They will enforce the just rule for the self-determination of the Tamils in Ceylon !!!!!

  359. We cannot postpone the challenges of citizenship till we achieve federalism, the 13th Amendment or any alternative horizon of devolution.

    The Rajapakse regime has made it clear that approaching the domain of devolution and the domain of citizenship as such separate spheres entails the defeat of progressive forces on both fronts. Anyone interested in a just approach to the ethnic conflict and its legacies has to also be focused on the everyday issues regarding citizenship. All Sri Lankans have borne the cost of seeing issues related to federalism or regional autonomy as minority issues or ‘Tamil’ issues, and issues such as labor rights, free speech claims or land rights as ‘Sri Lankan’ issues. The legal and political terrain of the PTA and high security zones offer the most pointed evidence about the continuities between the “micro” politics of the everyday, and the “macro” politics regarding territorial sovereignty.

    Even if there was a federal solution for the North and East, these families will remain vulnerable to the abuse of power – not only because they are Muslims (although this greatly exacerbates their vulnerability), but also because they live in a country where the political space of all citizens to resist such abuse has become much diminished

  360. a.savage

    Dear friend !!

    The Sinhalese Racists are spewing the vicious venom here .

    What else do you expect from the uneducated cold-hearted village idiots ?

  361. Dear Super-Intelligent Friends of Eelam & Tamil Kovil,

    Speaking as a ‘village idiot’, I’m most offended at being called a ‘racist’ 🙂 Where is this evidence of my racism?

    It must be noted that Sri Lanka’s collection of ‘village idiots’ completely destroyed the ‘highly intelligent, super-smart’ LTTE.

    Hmmmm…. something’s not quite right about that, is it? Perhaps you could explain that to us village idiots.

  362. U.S. State Dept lifts travel warning on Sri Lanka
    “The U.S. State Department announced on Wednesday it had canceled a travel warning for Sri Lanka, in a boost for the Indian Ocean island state that ended a long war last year and hopes to draw more tourists. The end of the travel warning comes just over a year after Sri Lanka declared victory over the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) following 27 years of civil war. The LTTE had not staged any attacks in the capital Colombo or elsewhere in Sri Lanka since then, the State Department said in a statement.”


    Dear Friends of Eelam, if this is true, the North & East will be colonised by White Master US tourists. Is this good or bad?

    First Genocidal Sinhala tourists have started visiting and spoiling the pristine Eelamish beauty of Jaffna, now Americans!

    Tourism Genocide must be resisted!

  363. FA showbiz event blamed for promoting ‘paradise of genocide’

    As Tamils world over mark one-year of Indian abetted genocidal war against Eezham Tamils in the island of Sri Lanka, the Hindi film industry known as Bollywood and the major Indian conglomerate of trade unions, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) are joining hands with Rajapaksa regime in Colombo in staging 11th International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) awards weekend during the first week of June in Colombo. The FICCI, the largest and oldest business conglomerate of India is the flagship organiser of the business event named FICCI-IIFA Global Business Forum, where hundreds of CEOs and business heads from India would be signing various investment contracts and tie-ups in the island on the second day of the celebrity and corporate event.
    The Indian move has sparked protests from Tamils in Tamil Nadu, Mumbai and the diaspora.