Tweet to Free Eynulla Fatullayev

Amnesty supporter participates in Eynulla Fatullayev Twitter campaign

An outspoken Azerbaijani journalist, Eynulla Fatullayev, has long been targeted by a government intolerant of dissent.

Despite a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights that found Eynulla wrongfully imprisoned, he has been jailed since 2007 on a series of trumped up charges, including defamation, terrorism and incitement to ethnic hatred.

Fatullayev is not only a prisoner of conscience, but also a defender of human rights and a peace activist. He is one of a few Azerbaijani citizens to call for dialogue with Armenians of the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Amnesty activists around the world have taken many creative approaches to pushing for the release of Eynulla Fatullayev. Just last week, I asked the U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan to push Baku to release the famed journalist. This week, we’re trying something new–we’re joining Amnesty International UK and others in a Twitter action for Eynulla. All that’s needed is to pose for a photograph holding the message “Free Eynulla Fatullayev!” (or if you want to say it in Azeri: “Eynulla Fatullayevi azad et”) and tweeting this, with a message, directly to the President of Azerbaijan.

Copy and paste these tweets:

With a link to your photo:  I’m calling on @presidentaz to free wrongly imprisoned journalist #Eynulla Fatullayev in #azerbaijan

Without photo: Join @amnesty and me in sending a message demanding the release of #Eynulla Fatullayev – find out how:  #azerbaijan

Lots of people are already taking action–add your voice and make sure the president can’t ignore our call for freedom!

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