Six weeks on, no sign of missing cartoonist

Where’s Prageeth Eknaligoda?  On Jan. 24, the Sri Lankan cartoonist and journalist disappeared shortly after leaving work at the Lanka-e-News office.  Local residents reported seeing a white van without number plates close to his house around this time.  When his wife tried to lodge a complaint with the police the next day, she was detained for several hours at the police station.  In the days leading up to his disappearance, Mr. Eknaligoda had told a close friend that he believed he was being followed.

Prageeth Eknaligoda had previously been abducted last August by a group who also arrived in a white van; that time, he was released the following day.  White vans have been used in many abductions and enforced disappearances in Sri Lanka, particularly since 2006, when the security forces or allied paramilitary groups stepped up attacks on government critics.  Prageeth Eknaligoda had been actively reporting on the Sri Lankan presidential election, which took place on Jan. 26.  Shortly before his disappearance, he had completed a comparative analysis of the two main candidates, coming out in favor of the opposition candidate, Sarath Fonseka (who lost in the election, which saw President Rajapaksa re-elected).

His wife, Sandhya Eknaligoda, believes he was abducted by the government because of his criticism of President Rajapaksa.

Please write the Sri Lankan government and ask that his disappearance be promptly investigated and those responsible held accountable.  Thanks.

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135 thoughts on “Six weeks on, no sign of missing cartoonist

  1. In my opinion, the human rights and freedom of speech are sacred – and we have to be preserved!

    Human rights abuses can never be condoned — and the right to freedom of speech and expression is not negotiable.

    Many Sinhalese are saying that Sri Lanka is not ready for a democracy and that it is a dictatorship that will lead us to prosperity.

    To those same people who now complain of the Rajapakse regime – all I can say is – this is what a dictatorship looks like – and it ain’t pretty!

  2. In my opinion, the human rights and freedom of speech are sacred – and we have to be preserved!

    Human rights abuses can never be condoned — and the right to freedom of speech and expression is not negotiable.

    Many Sinhalese are saying that Sri Lanka is not ready for a democracy and that it is a dictatorship that will lead us to prosperity.

    To those same people who now complain of the Rajapakse regime – all I can say is – this is what a dictatorship looks like – and it ain’t pretty!

  3. Hello everyone,
    If we all do somethig small, every day our voices will be heard. How many times do we hear the expression "I can't get involved." I wish to tell all I can reach that apathy in the face of tyranny will eventually come home to everyone, everywhere. To those who sit and do nothing,thinking they will be spared by keeping a low profile, I need to tell them that 25 million people under Stalin probrably thought the same thing. By allowing tyranny "over there" we have so weakened ourselves that it is bound to arrive "over here."

  4. Hello everyone,
    If we all do somethig small, every day our voices will be heard. How many times do we hear the expression “I can’t get involved.” I wish to tell all I can reach that apathy in the face of tyranny will eventually come home to everyone, everywhere. To those who sit and do nothing,thinking they will be spared by keeping a low profile, I need to tell them that 25 million people under Stalin probrably thought the same thing. By allowing tyranny “over there” we have so weakened ourselves that it is bound to arrive “over here.”

  5. lol @ the racists amnesty international .
    same amnesty international that supported terrorist attack on our cricket team by giving moral support to such attacks by protesting the team paving the way for terrorists to attack it.

    they not only believe this joker's ( who is looking for financial aid and asylum due to economic reasons ) made up story about abduction last year but this time too.

    they also unashamedly repeat their belief in he so called 'white van theory' a doucumented product of spin office of our terrorist murderers tamil tigers in ltte .thankfully militarily defeated ltte saving our lives
    of course racist here at ai opposed defeating terrorists. they wanted us to appease our murderers by giving them more power ..they supported ltte 's freedom to kill us .


    we wish despicable racist jim mcdonald, and his family the same fate that he wished for us and ours under ltte . bc according to him that was nothing to fear .

    btw will he censor this as he does all authentic comments opposed to his view.
    why are racists here so afraid of freedom expression and truth.

    hypocrites !

  6. lol @ the racists amnesty international .
    same amnesty international that supported terrorist attack on our cricket team by giving moral support to such attacks by protesting the team paving the way for terrorists to attack it.

    they not only believe this joker’s ( who is looking for financial aid and asylum due to economic reasons ) made up story about abduction last year but this time too.

    they also unashamedly repeat their belief in he so called ‘white van theory’ a doucumented product of spin office of our terrorist murderers tamil tigers in ltte .thankfully militarily defeated ltte saving our lives
    of course racist here at ai opposed defeating terrorists. they wanted us to appease our murderers by giving them more power ..they supported ltte ‘s freedom to kill us .


    we wish despicable racist jim mcdonald, and his family the same fate that he wished for us and ours under ltte . bc according to him that was nothing to fear .

    btw will he censor this as he does all authentic comments opposed to his view.
    why are racists here so afraid of freedom expression and truth.

    hypocrites !

  7. @sittingnut
    You make quite a few theories and attacks at Amnesty International without any evidence or support. I am not sure who you refer to when you write "they not only believe…". Who do you refer to when you write "they"?

    Since the military defeat of the LTTE, the white van abductions have still occurred, I'm having trouble understanding your English, but from what I can understand, you claim the LTTE were the ones behind the white van abductions? Doesn't make much sense to me since the LTTE is defeated and still the abductions happen.

    Also, your writing implies that all Tamils are LTTE supporters, and all LTTE supporters are Tamils. This is not the case. Just because someone is anti-government does not make them and LTTE. There are many, many Sinhalese, Indian, and Western nations that are anti Sri Lankan Government. That being said, there are a number of Tamils who do not support the LTTE.

    Please educate yourself, and stop writing like an 8 year old. It is hard to understand what you have to say, and from what I read and understood, it might actually be good not many people will understand you since you are trying to spread your hate. I am not sure who you refer to as "we wish…", but whoever "we" are, it seems to be comprised of hate filled individuals. You should never wish harm on your fellow human, or anybody or anything else for that matter. From what I read, AI never supported the LTTE, if you have found evidence of this, I would love to read about it.

  8. @sittingnut
    You make quite a few theories and attacks at Amnesty International without any evidence or support. I am not sure who you refer to when you write “they not only believe…”. Who do you refer to when you write “they”?

    Since the military defeat of the LTTE, the white van abductions have still occurred, I’m having trouble understanding your English, but from what I can understand, you claim the LTTE were the ones behind the white van abductions? Doesn’t make much sense to me since the LTTE is defeated and still the abductions happen.

    Also, your writing implies that all Tamils are LTTE supporters, and all LTTE supporters are Tamils. This is not the case. Just because someone is anti-government does not make them and LTTE. There are many, many Sinhalese, Indian, and Western nations that are anti Sri Lankan Government. That being said, there are a number of Tamils who do not support the LTTE.

    Please educate yourself, and stop writing like an 8 year old. It is hard to understand what you have to say, and from what I read and understood, it might actually be good not many people will understand you since you are trying to spread your hate. I am not sure who you refer to as “we wish…”, but whoever “we” are, it seems to be comprised of hate filled individuals. You should never wish harm on your fellow human, or anybody or anything else for that matter. From what I read, AI never supported the LTTE, if you have found evidence of this, I would love to read about it.

  9. AI is Amazing,
    The sri lankan government is being exposed. They canot hide anymore. They call foreign journalists, NGO's, HRW, AI, any one who spoke the Truth as ‘white tigers’. Even the former army chief, who spoke to the media saying he is not going to save any government authorities who were resposible for mudering Tamils. Same night he was arrested, now he can't expose anymore.
    same thing for the missing cartoonist, no more cartoon in sri lanka.
    Unfortunately, some reginal powers are covering up sri lanka for their own benifits. Sri lanka make use of the weakness of the power & still playing with Human lives. Number of missing persons will definetly increase.

  10. AI is Amazing,
    The sri lankan government is being exposed. They canot hide anymore. They call foreign journalists, NGO’s, HRW, AI, any one who spoke the Truth as ‘white tigers’. Even the former army chief, who spoke to the media saying he is not going to save any government authorities who were resposible for mudering Tamils. Same night he was arrested, now he can’t expose anymore.
    same thing for the missing cartoonist, no more cartoon in sri lanka.
    Unfortunately, some reginal powers are covering up sri lanka for their own benifits. Sri lanka make use of the weakness of the power & still playing with Human lives. Number of missing persons will definetly increase.

  11. Former Tamil prisoners from Sri Lanka ..describe the brutality and torture in sri lanka army’s custody.

    Prageeth Eknaligoda is facing the same in Sri Lankan jails now ?

    On torture, the report cited UN Special Rapporteur (UNSR) on Torture concluded that “torture is widely practiced in Sri Lanka.”

    The report also said that “former detainees of the Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) at Boosa Prison in Galle confirmed earlier reports of torture methods used there.

    These included beatings, often with cricket bats, iron bars, or rubber hoses filled with sand; electric shock; suspending individuals by the wrists or feet in contorted positions, abrading knees across rough cement; burning with metal objects and cigarettes; genital abuse; blows to the ears; asphyxiation with plastic bags containing chili pepper mixed with gasoline; and near drowning.

    Prisoners reported broken bones and other serious injuries as a result of their mistreatment.”

  12. The Sri Lanka Army military men had been busy with bull dozers, unearthing mutilated bodies, the Tamil victims of the Sri Lanka Civil War and burning them to cinders by night.

    How more awful can it get?

    And there were several more such mass graves in the north and east.

    When will the kith and kin of those poor victims get justice?

    It is time for Sri lanka to come clean so that these gruesome crimes are not repeated rather than in trying to get away every time using diabolical methods.

    Justice denied can never set minds to rest.

    Yes, the Tamils are dead right in agitating for justice.

    And the more it is denied the more skeletons it has to hide in its cupboard.

  13. For 21 yr Taml girl-IDP The future holds 'nothing'

    Raveendran Jenatha doesn't exude the kind of excitement and wonder young adults often do when it comes to figuring out their future. She is 21 years old and confident about what her future holds. "Nothing," she said softly.

    Then her sweet smile and confident tone broke, and she burst out in a moaning sob. Through her tears, she sputtered: Now I can't do anything.

    "We got into a bunker, and a shell fell inside the bunker where we were taking shelter. My cousin died. Me? I lost my two legs," she said, forgetting about her damaged eye, as she went on telling what happened.

    Minutes later, she added: "I don't have an eye either."

    Raveendran Jenatha and her family live in a northern Sri Lanka where their story is the norm. The other families that surround them also have epic war stories and battered bodies. They lived through months of terror running from one bunker to another to avoid death.

  14. This is a very disturbing CNN report about Raveendran Jenatha

    We must pressure Sri Lanka to provide access to Tamil areas where journalists are still not allowed.

    Who knows what other war crimes are taking place even now.

    In the end, the bunker mentality of the victor-can-do-no-wrong only hurts themselves, Sri Lankans, in addition to forestalling national healing and reconciliation between their own peoples.

    They may think they can ignore this and carry on as business as usual, but the rest of the world does not.

    Tourists can choose to go elsewhere than Sri Lanka and send a strong message of disgust over the current intransigence.

    Yes, War is not pretty and can be ugly, but if there are no civilized norms, then who are we really?

    The savage animals ?

  15. Wherever minorities are being persecuted we must raise our voices to protest.

    According to reliable sources, the Tamil people are being disenfranchised and victimized by the Sri Lanka authorities.

    This injustice must stop. The Tamil people must be allowed to live in peace and flourish in their homeland.

  16. Former Tamil prisoners from Sri Lanka ..describe the brutality and torture in sri lanka army’s custody.

    Prageeth Eknaligoda is facing the same in Sri Lankan jails now ?

    On torture, the report cited UN Special Rapporteur (UNSR) on Torture concluded that “torture is widely practiced in Sri Lanka.”

    The report also said that “former detainees of the Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) at Boosa Prison in Galle confirmed earlier reports of torture methods used there.

    These included beatings, often with cricket bats, iron bars, or rubber hoses filled with sand; electric shock; suspending individuals by the wrists or feet in contorted positions, abrading knees across rough cement; burning with metal objects and cigarettes; genital abuse; blows to the ears; asphyxiation with plastic bags containing chili pepper mixed with gasoline; and near drowning.

    Prisoners reported broken bones and other serious injuries as a result of their mistreatment.”

  17. Former Tamil prisoners from Sri Lanka ..describe the brutality and torture in sri lanka army’s custody.

    Prageeth Eknaligoda is facing the same in Sri Lankan jails now ?

    On torture, the report cited UN Special Rapporteur (UNSR) on Torture concluded that “torture is widely practiced in Sri Lanka.”

    The report also said that “former detainees of the Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) at Boosa Prison in Galle confirmed earlier reports of torture methods used there.

    These included beatings, often with cricket bats, iron bars, or rubber hoses filled with sand; electric shock; suspending individuals by the wrists or feet in contorted positions, abrading knees across rough cement; burning with metal objects and cigarettes; genital abuse; blows to the ears; asphyxiation with plastic bags containing chili pepper mixed with gasoline; and near drowning.

    Prisoners reported broken bones and other serious injuries as a result of their mistreatment.”

  18. The Sri Lanka Army military men had been busy with bull dozers, unearthing mutilated bodies, the Tamil victims of the Sri Lanka Civil War and burning them to cinders by night.

    How more awful can it get?

    And there were several more such mass graves in the north and east.

    When will the kith and kin of those poor victims get justice?

    It is time for Sri lanka to come clean so that these gruesome crimes are not repeated rather than in trying to get away every time using diabolical methods.

    Justice denied can never set minds to rest.

    Yes, the Tamils are dead right in agitating for justice.

    And the more it is denied the more skeletons it has to hide in its cupboard.

  19. For 21 yr Taml girl-IDP The future holds ‘nothing’

    Raveendran Jenatha doesn’t exude the kind of excitement and wonder young adults often do when it comes to figuring out their future. She is 21 years old and confident about what her future holds. “Nothing,” she said softly.

    Then her sweet smile and confident tone broke, and she burst out in a moaning sob. Through her tears, she sputtered: Now I can’t do anything.

    “We got into a bunker, and a shell fell inside the bunker where we were taking shelter. My cousin died. Me? I lost my two legs,” she said, forgetting about her damaged eye, as she went on telling what happened.

    Minutes later, she added: “I don’t have an eye either.”

    Raveendran Jenatha and her family live in a northern Sri Lanka where their story is the norm. The other families that surround them also have epic war stories and battered bodies. They lived through months of terror running from one bunker to another to avoid death.

  20. This is a very disturbing CNN report about Raveendran Jenatha

    We must pressure Sri Lanka to provide access to Tamil areas where journalists are still not allowed.

    Who knows what other war crimes are taking place even now.

    In the end, the bunker mentality of the victor-can-do-no-wrong only hurts themselves, Sri Lankans, in addition to forestalling national healing and reconciliation between their own peoples.

    They may think they can ignore this and carry on as business as usual, but the rest of the world does not.

    Tourists can choose to go elsewhere than Sri Lanka and send a strong message of disgust over the current intransigence.

    Yes, War is not pretty and can be ugly, but if there are no civilized norms, then who are we really?

    The savage animals ?

  21. Wherever minorities are being persecuted we must raise our voices to protest.

    According to reliable sources, the Tamil people are being disenfranchised and victimized by the Sri Lanka authorities.

    This injustice must stop. The Tamil people must be allowed to live in peace and flourish in their homeland.

  22. Former Tamil prisoners from Sri Lanka ..describe the brutality and torture in sri lanka army’s custody.

    Prageeth Eknaligoda is facing the same in Sri Lankan jails now ?

    On torture, the report cited UN Special Rapporteur (UNSR) on Torture concluded that “torture is widely practiced in Sri Lanka.”

    The report also said that “former detainees of the Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) at Boosa Prison in Galle confirmed earlier reports of torture methods used there.

    These included beatings, often with cricket bats, iron bars, or rubber hoses filled with sand; electric shock; suspending individuals by the wrists or feet in contorted positions, abrading knees across rough cement; burning with metal objects and cigarettes; genital abuse; blows to the ears; asphyxiation with plastic bags containing chili pepper mixed with gasoline; and near drowning.

    Prisoners reported broken bones and other serious injuries as a result of their mistreatment.”

  23. A panel of international lawyers says it is alarmed over reports that human rights activists and reporters are being intimidated in Sri Lanka. It says that 35 activists critical of the government have been listed according "to their level of dissent".
    Mr Saravanamuttu has been the target of death threats.

    Saravanamuttu, executive director of the Centre for Policy Alternatives, is the latest in a number of high-profile people who have been threatened, assaulted or, in some cases, murdered in recent months in the country.
    Almost all of the victims – including activists, journalists and lawyers – have been targeted because of their criticism of government policies.

  24. A panel of international lawyers says it is alarmed over reports that human rights activists and reporters are being intimidated in Sri Lanka. It says that 35 activists critical of the government have been listed according "to their level of dissent".
    Mr Saravanamuttu has been the target of death threats.

    Saravanamuttu, executive director of the Centre for Policy Alternatives, is the latest in a number of high-profile people who have been threatened, assaulted or, in some cases, murdered in recent months in the country.
    Almost all of the victims – including activists, journalists and lawyers – have been targeted because of their criticism of government policies.

  25. A panel of international lawyers says it is alarmed over reports that human rights activists and reporters are being intimidated in Sri Lanka. It says that 35 activists critical of the government have been listed according "to their level of dissent".
    Mr Saravanamuttu has been the target of death threats.

    Saravanamuttu, executive director of the Centre for Policy Alternatives, is the latest in a number of high-profile people who have been threatened, assaulted or, in some cases, murdered in recent months in the country.
    Almost all of the victims – including activists, journalists and lawyers – have been targeted because of their criticism of government policies.

  26. A panel of international lawyers says it is alarmed over reports that human rights activists and reporters are being intimidated in Sri Lanka. It says that 35 activists critical of the government have been listed according “to their level of dissent”.
    Mr Saravanamuttu has been the target of death threats.

    Saravanamuttu, executive director of the Centre for Policy Alternatives, is the latest in a number of high-profile people who have been threatened, assaulted or, in some cases, murdered in recent months in the country.
    Almost all of the victims – including activists, journalists and lawyers – have been targeted because of their criticism of government policies.

  27. Sri Lanka Army (SLA) is plundering the North

    IDPs accuse SLA soldiers of plundering their properties in Ki’linochchi.

    Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from Pachchilaippa’l’li Divisional Secretariat area in Ki’linochchi district who had been to their places accused occupying Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers of plundering their properties and taking the spoils in their vehicles to South during night time.

    Parts of houses like doors, door frames, windows and felled valuable timber are being taken away to the South by the soldiers, they said.

    Besides, the fertile coconut plantations in the area which remain unaffected by war are being plundered and the proceeds take to Jaffna peninsula by the soldiers.

    The government has permitted resettlement only in four Village Officers (VO) divisions in Pachchilaippa’l’li Divisional Secretariat area while the rest fourteen divisions are not allowed for resettlement.

    Only half the number of residents in the four VO divisions has been permitted to resettle in their properties.

    I think the motive of not allowing resettlement in the other areas is to continue the plunder, the IDPs said.

  28. Sri Lanka's majority suffers from a 'minority complex' that is seeing everyone as an enemy. Today the urgent need is NGO assistance to internally displaced Tamil refugees; but this is severely restricted by Rajapaksa govt.

    Similarly successive Sri Lanka governments Subjugated Tamils under various guises since Britain left in 1948. The LTTE 'terrorism' was a result of state violence unleashed on unarmed Tamils for decades.

    Perhaps Sri Lanka state has to do the following to do away with triumphalism and for lasting peace:

    1. Issue an unconditional apology to Tamils for a brutal subjugation of Tamil rights, starting from disenfranchisement act in 1948 and state organized pogroms in 1956, 1958, 1977 and 1983; and conducting several deliberate policies for the past 60 plus years to uproot Tamils from the island and dismantling their social fabric for years to come.

    2. Establish a GoSL reparation fund using all the ransom money that was raised through "white van" kidnappings and enforced disappearances as documented by US State Dept. just past week, along with other aid funds misused by Rajapaksa govt. as documented by Transparency International.

    3. Full investigation of "war crimes", set up of "reconciliation commission" and a political solution for Sri lanka's all minorities by devolution of power to build a lasting peace.

  29. Sri Lanka Army (SLA) is plundering the North

    IDPs accuse SLA soldiers of plundering their properties in Ki’linochchi.

    Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from Pachchilaippa’l’li Divisional Secretariat area in Ki’linochchi district who had been to their places accused occupying Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers of plundering their properties and taking the spoils in their vehicles to South during night time.

    Parts of houses like doors, door frames, windows and felled valuable timber are being taken away to the South by the soldiers, they said.

    Besides, the fertile coconut plantations in the area which remain unaffected by war are being plundered and the proceeds take to Jaffna peninsula by the soldiers.

    The government has permitted resettlement only in four Village Officers (VO) divisions in Pachchilaippa’l’li Divisional Secretariat area while the rest fourteen divisions are not allowed for resettlement.

    Only half the number of residents in the four VO divisions has been permitted to resettle in their properties.

    I think the motive of not allowing resettlement in the other areas is to continue the plunder, the IDPs said.

  30. Tamil student abducted for ransom in Thenmaraadchi by Government forces?

    Armed men arriving at the house of the owner of ‘Arul Vinayagar’ shop in Jaffna town a popular merchant in Madaththadi in Chaavakachcheari North abducted his son, a 17-year-old student of a leading educational institution in Jaffna, Sunday night around 11:00 p.m, according to complaints lodged by his father with Chaavakachcheari and Jaffna police stations. The abductors kept demanding 300 million rupees as ransom to release the boy using various phones from the time of abduction until Monday dawn and had threatened to kill the boy if the money is not paid.

    Abduction for ransom in Jaffna peninsula started by Government forces again?
    •Armed men cannot move in this area withot the approval and involvement of the Army.
    •Involvement of a government supported paramilitary group with the backing of Sri Lanka Army (SLA) intelligence unit in this abduction is alleged by civil society sources in Jaffna.
    •Ransom to cover the expenses of President Mahinda’s visit to Jaffna on March 23rd?

  31. Sri Lanka’s majority suffers from a ‘minority complex’ that is seeing everyone as an enemy. Today the urgent need is NGO assistance to internally displaced Tamil refugees; but this is severely restricted by Rajapaksa govt.

    Similarly successive Sri Lanka governments Subjugated Tamils under various guises since Britain left in 1948. The LTTE ‘terrorism’ was a result of state violence unleashed on unarmed Tamils for decades.

    Perhaps Sri Lanka state has to do the following to do away with triumphalism and for lasting peace:

    1. Issue an unconditional apology to Tamils for a brutal subjugation of Tamil rights, starting from disenfranchisement act in 1948 and state organized pogroms in 1956, 1958, 1977 and 1983; and conducting several deliberate policies for the past 60 plus years to uproot Tamils from the island and dismantling their social fabric for years to come.

    2. Establish a GoSL reparation fund using all the ransom money that was raised through “white van” kidnappings and enforced disappearances as documented by US State Dept. just past week, along with other aid funds misused by Rajapaksa govt. as documented by Transparency International.

    3. Full investigation of “war crimes”, set up of “reconciliation commission” and a political solution for Sri lanka’s all minorities by devolution of power to build a lasting peace.

  32. Tamil student abducted for ransom in Thenmaraadchi by Government forces?

    Armed men arriving at the house of the owner of ‘Arul Vinayagar’ shop in Jaffna town a popular merchant in Madaththadi in Chaavakachcheari North abducted his son, a 17-year-old student of a leading educational institution in Jaffna, Sunday night around 11:00 p.m, according to complaints lodged by his father with Chaavakachcheari and Jaffna police stations. The abductors kept demanding 300 million rupees as ransom to release the boy using various phones from the time of abduction until Monday dawn and had threatened to kill the boy if the money is not paid.

    Abduction for ransom in Jaffna peninsula started by Government forces again?
    •Armed men cannot move in this area withot the approval and involvement of the Army.
    •Involvement of a government supported paramilitary group with the backing of Sri Lanka Army (SLA) intelligence unit in this abduction is alleged by civil society sources in Jaffna.
    •Ransom to cover the expenses of President Mahinda’s visit to Jaffna on March 23rd?

  33. The ruling United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) obstructs opposition

    The ruling United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA), a constituent party, Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) obstructs other political parties from electioneering in in the islets of Jaffna which are under the complete control of Sri Lanka Navy (SLN).

    EPDP is trying to secure a seat in the parliamentary election in the islets of Jaffna with threats and physical harm to the contestants and supporters of other political parties, the candidate of a national political party who had been to the islets for election

  34. Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

    Due to three decades of ethnic war in Sri Lanka, victims of war have been profoundly affected psychologically and socially.

    The impact is seen at the individual, family, and community levels.

    The surveys show that civilians have experienced widespread traumatization, with high levels of somatization, anxiety, depression, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), relationship problems, and alcohol abuse.

    At the community level, the cumulative effect of terror is collective trauma, with a general tendency to mistrust, dependence, silence, withdrawal, passivity, and lack of motivation.

    Socially, there is evidence of deterioration in values and ethics with marked increases in child abuse, violence against women, crime, and brutalization

    The Sri Lanka Civil war has produced acute and chronic mental health problems due to war trauma.

    The Sri Lankan society needs resolution, reconciliation and rebuilding.

  35. The ruling United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) obstructs opposition

    The ruling United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA), a constituent party, Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) obstructs other political parties from electioneering in in the islets of Jaffna which are under the complete control of Sri Lanka Navy (SLN).

    EPDP is trying to secure a seat in the parliamentary election in the islets of Jaffna with threats and physical harm to the contestants and supporters of other political parties, the candidate of a national political party who had been to the islets for election

  36. Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

    Due to three decades of ethnic war in Sri Lanka, victims of war have been profoundly affected psychologically and socially.

    The impact is seen at the individual, family, and community levels.

    The surveys show that civilians have experienced widespread traumatization, with high levels of somatization, anxiety, depression, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), relationship problems, and alcohol abuse.

    At the community level, the cumulative effect of terror is collective trauma, with a general tendency to mistrust, dependence, silence, withdrawal, passivity, and lack of motivation.

    Socially, there is evidence of deterioration in values and ethics with marked increases in child abuse, violence against women, crime, and brutalization

    The Sri Lanka Civil war has produced acute and chronic mental health problems due to war trauma.

    The Sri Lankan society needs resolution, reconciliation and rebuilding.

  37. Forced sterilization for Tamil women

    On IBC Tamil news said that Sri Lankan govt is forcefuly doing abortion to Tamil women in Chettikulam hospital in the concentration camps of Vavunia.

    A group of Sinhalese Doctors and Nurses doing this and they tell women that the fetus is malformed and need to be aborted, also after child birth they do permanent sterilization without the knowledge of the concerned women.

    Doctors are carried out cesaean birth deliberately and at the same time sterilise the Tamil women without their consent.

    These doctors and nurses go around the villages and advise and encourage Tamil women to do sterilisation by offering incentives ie: money, food etc. According to IBC news that there are atleast 400 women affected for this type of ‘genocide. At least 12 women are being sterlised each day in Chettikulam hospital.

    This evil act of Sri Lankan genocide must be highlighted and stopped immediately! Another act of Genocide!

  38. Forced sterilization for Tamil women

    On IBC Tamil news said that Sri Lankan govt is forcefuly doing abortion to Tamil women in Chettikulam hospital in the concentration camps of Vavunia.

    A group of Sinhalese Doctors and Nurses doing this and they tell women that the fetus is malformed and need to be aborted, also after child birth they do permanent sterilization without the knowledge of the concerned women.

    Doctors are carried out cesaean birth deliberately and at the same time sterilise the Tamil women without their consent.

    These doctors and nurses go around the villages and advise and encourage Tamil women to do sterilisation by offering incentives ie: money, food etc. According to IBC news that there are atleast 400 women affected for this type of ‘genocide. At least 12 women are being sterlised each day in Chettikulam hospital.

    This evil act of Sri Lankan genocide must be highlighted and stopped immediately! Another act of Genocide!

  39. Rohan

    Thanks for this links

    Human Rights Books Detained by the Customs Department

    The Sri Lankan customs department has detained a series of books on human rights sent for free distribution to libraries. The books sent by the Asian Legal Resource Centre to the local human rights organization, Janasansadaya (Peoples Forum), are books relating to the basic human rights issues and matters relating to the rule of law. These are well known books that have been distributed in many countries in Asia. The list of books consists of around 100 titles.

  40. Rohan

    Thanks for this links

    Human Rights Books Detained by the Customs Department

    The Sri Lankan customs department has detained a series of books on human rights sent for free distribution to libraries. The books sent by the Asian Legal Resource Centre to the local human rights organization, Janasansadaya (Peoples Forum), are books relating to the basic human rights issues and matters relating to the rule of law. These are well known books that have been distributed in many countries in Asia. The list of books consists of around 100 titles.

  41. Sri Lanka Army occupation of the Tamil Homeland is permanent

    The temporary Army camps and posts set up in the North and East and bordering areas, which should have been dismantled after the war, have been made permanent by President Mahinda Rajapaksa. The declaration has been made through Gazette Extraordinary

  42. Abductions on the rise in the Eastern Province

    Mahinda’s gift to Eastern Tamils (with the help of Minister Karuna)

    Abductions of persons in the Eastern Province are reportedly on the rise.

    While a large number of police complaints have been made in relation to such abductions, it has now been revealed that various armed groups formerly involved with Government minister Karuna in terrorist activities are now involved in abductions.

    Sources from the police said that they are unable to control due to involvement of government polititions, members of Army and leading government Ministers as it is the general election period.

    The armed groups formerly involved with Government minister Karuna in terrorist activities are involved in instilling fear among their opponents by abducting several individuals from the opposing camps.

  43. Sri lanka boycott draws Congressman's attention

    Congressman Rush Holt (D-NJ) from 12th Congressional district in New Jersey stopped at the Tamil protesters' "Boycott Sri Lanka" campaign rally in Princeton New Jersey Saturday, and inquired about the current situation of Tamil refugees in Sri Lanka, organizers of the protest campaign said. The Congressman also showed interest in educating himself on the details on Sri Lanka's garment industry and the extent of the presence of the big U.S. apparel manufacturers in Sri Lanka. Organizers of the Saturday's campaign, the US-based activist group, USTPAC, said the campaign-day was successful with protesters holding rallies in Boston (MA), Raleigh (NC), Baltimore (MD), New York, Atlanta and San Francisco (CA)..

  44. Sri Lanka Army occupation of the Tamil Homeland is permanent

    The temporary Army camps and posts set up in the North and East and bordering areas, which should have been dismantled after the war, have been made permanent by President Mahinda Rajapaksa. The declaration has been made through Gazette Extraordinary

  45. Abductions on the rise in the Eastern Province

    Mahinda’s gift to Eastern Tamils (with the help of Minister Karuna)

    Abductions of persons in the Eastern Province are reportedly on the rise.

    While a large number of police complaints have been made in relation to such abductions, it has now been revealed that various armed groups formerly involved with Government minister Karuna in terrorist activities are now involved in abductions.

    Sources from the police said that they are unable to control due to involvement of government polititions, members of Army and leading government Ministers as it is the general election period.

    The armed groups formerly involved with Government minister Karuna in terrorist activities are involved in instilling fear among their opponents by abducting several individuals from the opposing camps.

  46. Sri lanka boycott draws Congressman’s attention

    Congressman Rush Holt (D-NJ) from 12th Congressional district in New Jersey stopped at the Tamil protesters’ “Boycott Sri Lanka” campaign rally in Princeton New Jersey Saturday, and inquired about the current situation of Tamil refugees in Sri Lanka, organizers of the protest campaign said. The Congressman also showed interest in educating himself on the details on Sri Lanka’s garment industry and the extent of the presence of the big U.S. apparel manufacturers in Sri Lanka. Organizers of the Saturday’s campaign, the US-based activist group, USTPAC, said the campaign-day was successful with protesters holding rallies in Boston (MA), Raleigh (NC), Baltimore (MD), New York, Atlanta and San Francisco (CA)..

  47. Many of the comments above have gotten off-topic. This forum is intended for discussion of the issues raised by the original post, not as a place to publicize other concerns or actions on Sri Lanka. Please don't abuse the opportunity to comment.

  48. Many of the comments above have gotten off-topic. This forum is intended for discussion of the issues raised by the original post, not as a place to publicize other concerns or actions on Sri Lanka. Please don’t abuse the opportunity to comment.

  49. Local media reporters in Jaffna peninsula staged a walkout Monday from the official opening of Sri Lanka Foreign Employment (SLFE) branch in Nalloor in Jaffna Monday when it was conducted in Sinhalese language only.

    Tamil Minister Douglas Devananda was also present at the event did not object

  50. Local media reporters in Jaffna peninsula staged a walkout Monday from the official opening of Sri Lanka Foreign Employment (SLFE) branch in Nalloor in Jaffna Monday when it was conducted in Sinhalese language only.

    Tamil Minister Douglas Devananda was also present at the event did not object

  51. 100 Tamil IDPs abducted

    Fate of 100 Vanni detainees taken away by SLA not known.

    Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers had blind folded one hundred Vanni youths and young family men detained Kaithadi Palmyra Development Board Special IDP detention centre in Jaffna peninsula and taken them away in vehicles in the last one week, according to complaints made by family members of the persons taken away to Jaffna Human Rights Commission (HRC) and International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC). SLA soldiers had taken 70 of the above IDPs in the first instance and 30 in the second, and the SLA authorities refuse to reveal any information of their whereabouts or what had happened to them, the complainants said. The SLA authorities also refuse to reveal the number of IDPs detained in this detention centre, sources in Jaffna said.

    A group of Vanni IDPs detained in various camps in Jaffna peninsula had been classified as persons involved in ‘terrorism’ and brought to Kaithadi special detention centre located in the Palmyra Development Board building.

    SLA authorities in the above centre had only allowed a few relatives of the detainees to visit them.

    The detention centre is in the complete control of SLA.

    The wives and parents of the abducted IDPs are in a state of grief and fear for their lives.

    Earlier, some Jaffna University students who had come from Vanni to restart their disrupted education had also been arrested and detained in Kaithadi detention centre.

  52. 100 Tamil IDPs abducted

    Fate of 100 Vanni detainees taken away by SLA not known.

    Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers had blind folded one hundred Vanni youths and young family men detained Kaithadi Palmyra Development Board Special IDP detention centre in Jaffna peninsula and taken them away in vehicles in the last one week, according to complaints made by family members of the persons taken away to Jaffna Human Rights Commission (HRC) and International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC). SLA soldiers had taken 70 of the above IDPs in the first instance and 30 in the second, and the SLA authorities refuse to reveal any information of their whereabouts or what had happened to them, the complainants said. The SLA authorities also refuse to reveal the number of IDPs detained in this detention centre, sources in Jaffna said.

    A group of Vanni IDPs detained in various camps in Jaffna peninsula had been classified as persons involved in ‘terrorism’ and brought to Kaithadi special detention centre located in the Palmyra Development Board building.

    SLA authorities in the above centre had only allowed a few relatives of the detainees to visit them.

    The detention centre is in the complete control of SLA.

    The wives and parents of the abducted IDPs are in a state of grief and fear for their lives.

    Earlier, some Jaffna University students who had come from Vanni to restart their disrupted education had also been arrested and detained in Kaithadi detention centre.

  53. Author arrested ‘for offending Buddhists’ in Sri Lanka

    Author Sarah Malini Perera held ‘for offending Buddhists’ in Sri Lanka.

    An expatriate Sri Lankan woman who wrote two books about her conversion from Buddhism to Islam has been arrested while on holiday in Sri Lanka, apparently for causing offence to Buddhists.

    Sarah Malini Perera, who was born in Sri Lanka but has lived in Bahrain since 1985 and converted to Islam in 1999, was arrested last week under the country’s strict emergency laws, according to the police.

    They declined to give precise details of the 38-year-old writer’s offence, but suggested that her books were deemed to have caused offence to ethnic Sinhalese Buddhists, who account for about 70 per cent of Sri Lanka’s 20 million people.

    This incident have raised concerns about the growing influence of hardline Buddhist nationalists on Sri Lanka’s ruling coalition, which is widely expected to win parliamentary elections on April 8.

    Sri Lanka’s constitution guarantees freedom of religion, but also says that the state “shall give Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the state to protect and foster” the religion.

    The Buddhist nationalist Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) party, which is part of the ruling coalition and a major influence on Mahinda Rajapaksa, the President, has been trying to introduce a law banning religious conversion since 2004.

    “Perhaps as a nation, we have reached the stage where the kind of absurd protests that take place in the name of Buddhism need to be critically analysed,” said an editorial yesterday in the Sunday Leader, a pro-opposition newspaper.

    “In short, the fundamentalist attitude shown by some has received state approval.” The Sunday Leader quoted a police spokesman saying that the writer had been detained on the orders of the Defence Ministry, which is controlled by Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the Defence Secretary who is also the President’s brother.

    Ms Perera, whose parents and four sisters have also converted to Islam, was detained after trying to mail copies of her books overseas, according to her family.

    The Bahrain-based Gulf Daily News quoted the writer's sister saying that the police had acted on a tip-off by a member of a Buddhist nationalist party who worked at the cargo company handling the books.

    Ms Perera recently completed two books on her conversion, called From Darkness to Light and Questions and Answers, and was having them printed in Sri Lanka, according to the sister.

    Dr Abdulla Al Deerazi, the secretary-general of the Bahrain Human Rights Society (BHRS), urged Sri Lankan authorities to free Ms Perera.

    “Secondly, there is something called freedom of opinion, if it’s not offending any religion,” he was quoted as saying on the BHRS web site.

    “I believe the books written by Ms Perera are not against Buddhism.’’

  54. Author arrested ‘for offending Buddhists’ in Sri Lanka

    Author Sarah Malini Perera held ‘for offending Buddhists’ in Sri Lanka.

    An expatriate Sri Lankan woman who wrote two books about her conversion from Buddhism to Islam has been arrested while on holiday in Sri Lanka, apparently for causing offence to Buddhists.

    Sarah Malini Perera, who was born in Sri Lanka but has lived in Bahrain since 1985 and converted to Islam in 1999, was arrested last week under the country’s strict emergency laws, according to the police.

    They declined to give precise details of the 38-year-old writer’s offence, but suggested that her books were deemed to have caused offence to ethnic Sinhalese Buddhists, who account for about 70 per cent of Sri Lanka’s 20 million people.

    This incident have raised concerns about the growing influence of hardline Buddhist nationalists on Sri Lanka’s ruling coalition, which is widely expected to win parliamentary elections on April 8.

    Sri Lanka’s constitution guarantees freedom of religion, but also says that the state “shall give Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the state to protect and foster” the religion.

    The Buddhist nationalist Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) party, which is part of the ruling coalition and a major influence on Mahinda Rajapaksa, the President, has been trying to introduce a law banning religious conversion since 2004.

    “Perhaps as a nation, we have reached the stage where the kind of absurd protests that take place in the name of Buddhism need to be critically analysed,” said an editorial yesterday in the Sunday Leader, a pro-opposition newspaper.

    “In short, the fundamentalist attitude shown by some has received state approval.” The Sunday Leader quoted a police spokesman saying that the writer had been detained on the orders of the Defence Ministry, which is controlled by Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the Defence Secretary who is also the President’s brother.

    Ms Perera, whose parents and four sisters have also converted to Islam, was detained after trying to mail copies of her books overseas, according to her family.

    The Bahrain-based Gulf Daily News quoted the writer’s sister saying that the police had acted on a tip-off by a member of a Buddhist nationalist party who worked at the cargo company handling the books.

    Ms Perera recently completed two books on her conversion, called From Darkness to Light and Questions and Answers, and was having them printed in Sri Lanka, according to the sister.

    Dr Abdulla Al Deerazi, the secretary-general of the Bahrain Human Rights Society (BHRS), urged Sri Lankan authorities to free Ms Perera.

    “Secondly, there is something called freedom of opinion, if it’s not offending any religion,” he was quoted as saying on the BHRS web site.

    “I believe the books written by Ms Perera are not against Buddhism.’’

  55. Sri Lanka's Media Ministry call on journalists to declare assets

    Sri Lanka's Mass Media and Information Ministry has called on every journalist in the country to submit a declaration of their assets by April 30, 2010.

    The Mass Media and Information Ministry is currently under the purview of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

    Ofcourse this is not a witch hunt !! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Sri Lankan journalist enjoy the freedom of expression, are never threatened or "muzzled". 🙂

    It's a conspiracy by the Western media engaged in false reporting.

    We appeal to the Sri Lankan Journalist to follow the example set by Basil Rajapakse. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  56. Dear Jim,

    Look what happens when we stop disinfecting the AI blogs for a few days. The Eelamists continue to spread their racist, "ethnically pure separate state" virus.

    I note that the Army has commenced an anti-dengue campaign in liberated Jaffna, with the assistance of the local population. It seems that even the Mosquitos of Eelam aren't safe from chemical attack by the genocidal Sri Lanka Army.

    Even worse, the Army is building 680+ houses for IDPs.

    What is happening? Housing Genocide?

    In other news, development continues at a feverish pace. Jaffna is experiencing a boom in visitors from the rest of the Island. According to the racist TNA (Tamil National Alliance), the influx of non-Tamils is a 'danger'.

    The whining simply doesn't stop.

    The Air Force is developing the ex-LTTE airstrips into aviation complexes. Thank you to the LTTE diaspora for the seed funding which enabled the construction of this complex!

    Finally, a special message to Eelamists: No begging in trains from April 01

    Stop begging and whining for Eelam 🙂

    Of course, its bad news about this missing cartoonist. It doesn't necessarily follow that he was abducted by the SL govt, but the govt's lackadaisical response doesn't help its case.

  57. Sri Lanka’s Media Ministry call on journalists to declare assets

    Sri Lanka’s Mass Media and Information Ministry has called on every journalist in the country to submit a declaration of their assets by April 30, 2010.

    The Mass Media and Information Ministry is currently under the purview of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

    Ofcourse this is not a witch hunt !! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Sri Lankan journalist enjoy the freedom of expression, are never threatened or “muzzled”. 🙂

    It’s a conspiracy by the Western media engaged in false reporting.

    We appeal to the Sri Lankan Journalist to follow the example set by Basil Rajapakse. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  58. Dear Jim,

    Look what happens when we stop disinfecting the AI blogs for a few days. The Eelamists continue to spread their racist, "ethnically pure separate state" virus.

    I note that the Army has commenced an anti-dengue campaign in liberated Jaffna, with the assistance of the local population. It seems that even the Mosquitos of Eelam aren't safe from chemical attack by the genocidal Sri Lanka Army.

    Even worse, the Army is building 680+ houses for IDPs.

    What is happening? Housing Genocide?

    In other news, development continues at a feverish pace. Jaffna is experiencing a boom in visitors from the rest of the Island. According to the racist TNA (Tamil National Alliance), the influx of non-Tamils is a 'danger'.

    The whining simply doesn't stop.

    The Air Force is developing the ex-LTTE airstrips into aviation complexes. Thank you to the LTTE diaspora for the seed funding which enabled the construction of this complex!

    Finally, a special message to Eelamists: No begging in trains from April 01

    Stop begging and whining for Eelam 🙂

    Of course, its bad news about this missing cartoonist. It doesn't necessarily follow that he was abducted by the SL govt, but the govt's lackadaisical response doesn't help its case.

  59. Dear Jim,

    Look what happens when we stop disinfecting the AI blogs for a few days. The Eelamists continue to spread their racist, "ethnically pure separate state" virus.

    I note that the Army has commenced an anti-dengue campaign in liberated Jaffna, with the assistance of the local population. It seems that even the Mosquitos of Eelam aren't safe from chemical attack by the genocidal Sri Lanka Army.

    Even worse, the Army is building 680+ houses for IDPs.

    What is happening? Housing Genocide?

    In other news, development continues at a feverish pace. Jaffna is experiencing a boom in visitors from the rest of the Island. According to the racist TNA (Tamil National Alliance), the influx of non-Tamils is a 'danger'.

    The whining simply doesn't stop.

    The Air Force is developing the ex-LTTE airstrips into aviation complexes. Thank you to the LTTE diaspora for the seed funding which enabled the construction of this complex!

    Finally, a special message to Eelamists: No begging in trains from April 01

    Stop begging and whining for Eelam 🙂

    Of course, its bad news about this missing cartoonist. It doesn't necessarily follow that he was abducted by the SL govt, but the govt's lackadaisical response doesn't help its case.

  60. Dear Jim,

    Look what happens when we stop disinfecting the AI blogs for a few days. The Eelamists continue to spread their racist, “ethnically pure separate state” virus.

    I note that the Army has commenced an anti-dengue campaign in liberated Jaffna, with the assistance of the local population. It seems that even the Mosquitos of Eelam aren’t safe from chemical attack by the genocidal Sri Lanka Army.

    Even worse, the Army is building 680+ houses for IDPs.

    What is happening? Housing Genocide?

    In other news, development continues at a feverish pace. Jaffna is experiencing a boom in visitors from the rest of the Island. According to the racist TNA (Tamil National Alliance), the influx of non-Tamils is a ‘danger’.

    The whining simply doesn’t stop.

    The Air Force is developing the ex-LTTE airstrips into aviation complexes. Thank you to the LTTE diaspora for the seed funding which enabled the construction of this complex!

    Finally, a special message to Eelamists: No begging in trains from April 01

    Stop begging and whining for Eelam 🙂

    Of course, its bad news about this missing cartoonist. It doesn’t necessarily follow that he was abducted by the SL govt, but the govt’s lackadaisical response doesn’t help its case.

  61. I actually feel sorry for Jim MD. I see Jim trying hard to provide topics that would keep the racists out of the picture and get constructive comments, but, apart from a few posts – everything is off topic.

    Now Jim, you seriously need to make a stand on whether you are going to allow these loonies to clown around or get people like us to discuss in line with the topics. I have mentioned several times that your inability to act upon receiving these off topic comments and ban them is rather surprising and makes me wonder whether you'd posses the required "Balls" to do so ? Or are you by any chance under gun point from terrorists ??

    Jim – my loving advice to you is to refrain from posting any further subject matter related to Sri Lanka if you don't have the Balls to block the dispora living in your own backyard. May be you block us because you are assured that we are not living in your vicinity. However, we cannot call this fair. I mean, I have seen you warn Rohan, Saudan and the crowd a zillion times without action and disregard Reductio even without a single warning – Shame on you !!

  62. I actually feel sorry for Jim MD. I see Jim trying hard to provide topics that would keep the racists out of the picture and get constructive comments, but, apart from a few posts – everything is off topic.

    Now Jim, you seriously need to make a stand on whether you are going to allow these loonies to clown around or get people like us to discuss in line with the topics. I have mentioned several times that your inability to act upon receiving these off topic comments and ban them is rather surprising and makes me wonder whether you’d posses the required “Balls” to do so ? Or are you by any chance under gun point from terrorists ??

    Jim – my loving advice to you is to refrain from posting any further subject matter related to Sri Lanka if you don’t have the Balls to block the dispora living in your own backyard. May be you block us because you are assured that we are not living in your vicinity. However, we cannot call this fair. I mean, I have seen you warn Rohan, Saudan and the crowd a zillion times without action and disregard Reductio even without a single warning – Shame on you !!

  63. What happened to human rights activists who attended
    the 13th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva

    It is my duty to give the right version of what happened to me and two other human rights activists who attended the 13th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. We all work on the human rights violations taking place in Sri Lanka, and have been concerned about the situation for a very long time.

    On Friday the 12th March 2010, I was waiting at gate forty (40) at the United Nations building in Geneva, from 10.30am for the shuttle bus which takes passengers to Palais Wilson, which is where the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in located. While I was waiting at gate forty (40), nearly ten drivers, all originally from Sri Lanka, working for different Missions including the Sri Lankan Mission, were in a group at the same gate. When they saw me, they started scolding me in pure filth in the Singhalese language. Even though I understood what they said, I ignored them and one by one, they then took their mobile phones and started photographing me. One of them had a digital camera.

    Meanwhile, Mr Sunanda Desaperiya, a journalist from Sri Lanka who is living abroad came with one of his friends through gate forty (40). They saw me and spoke to me for one or two minutes.

    By 10.45, I still could not see the shuttle coming that way and as I was going to be late for my appointment, I moved from inside gate forty and waited for a few minutes outside the gate. The Sri Lankan Mission driver ‘Sampath’ came over to me and asked me whether my name is ‘Kirupaharan’. I said ‘Yes’ and immediately he told me that he wanted to talk to me privately near the UN Library. When I asked him why he wanted to talk to me, he told me that in Sri Lanka, the “Police” are his enemies and his father died in an accident and they could not get any compensation because of the Police. I asked his name and he told me a bogus name “Ravendrath”. When I asked what his father’s name is, he was thinking for a while and didn’t give me any name.

    I told him that since he works in the Sri Lankan Mission this issue could be settled by the Sri Lankan embassy itself and why was he seeking my help? He didn’t reply and told me that there are Tamils married into his family and that he is from “Baddula”. I told him that I was getting late for my appointment and that I would meet him later.

    In fact, I was late for my appointment and I told those who met me at the Palais Wilson what happened to me at Gate forty.

    To all our surprise, the photographs taken by Sri Lankan drivers were published in one of the Singhalese newspapers* along with a full page article, stating we “non-patriots, terrorists, who betray Sri Lanka”, should be kept away from the United Nations.

    (*Divaina 21 March 2010 –

    Now the intimidation and harassment has reached the door step of the UN “Human Rights Council”, casting a shadow that implies we are in real danger.

    We are deeply concerned about this incident. The regular activity of experienced NGOs which promote and protect human rights, must be protected if, as Human Rights defenders we are to exercise our Right to Defend the Human Rights of others.

    On 23 March 2010, the ECOSOC NGO “IMADR” made a statement in the 13th session of the UN Human Rights Council regarding the threat to the security of the human rights defenders.

    This is for information for those who are interested in human rights, peace and democracy in a civilised world.

  64. The 16 Sri Lankans who were hired to carry out an ‘agitation’ against UNO Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s decision to appoint a committee to advice him on human rights violations in Sri Lanka on the 12th of this month in New York were treated to a sumptuous meal by the Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN Dr. Palithe Kohona recently.
    It was reported on the 13th that those who were in the group that participated in the ‘agitation’ organized by the Sri Lankan Embassy in the USA were given a food parcel and US$100 each and we publish here photographs of the party given by Dr. Kohona.

  65. What happened to human rights activists who attended
    the 13th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva

    It is my duty to give the right version of what happened to me and two other human rights activists who attended the 13th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. We all work on the human rights violations taking place in Sri Lanka, and have been concerned about the situation for a very long time.

    On Friday the 12th March 2010, I was waiting at gate forty (40) at the United Nations building in Geneva, from 10.30am for the shuttle bus which takes passengers to Palais Wilson, which is where the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in located. While I was waiting at gate forty (40), nearly ten drivers, all originally from Sri Lanka, working for different Missions including the Sri Lankan Mission, were in a group at the same gate. When they saw me, they started scolding me in pure filth in the Singhalese language. Even though I understood what they said, I ignored them and one by one, they then took their mobile phones and started photographing me. One of them had a digital camera.

    Meanwhile, Mr Sunanda Desaperiya, a journalist from Sri Lanka who is living abroad came with one of his friends through gate forty (40). They saw me and spoke to me for one or two minutes.

    By 10.45, I still could not see the shuttle coming that way and as I was going to be late for my appointment, I moved from inside gate forty and waited for a few minutes outside the gate. The Sri Lankan Mission driver ‘Sampath’ came over to me and asked me whether my name is ‘Kirupaharan’. I said ‘Yes’ and immediately he told me that he wanted to talk to me privately near the UN Library. When I asked him why he wanted to talk to me, he told me that in Sri Lanka, the “Police” are his enemies and his father died in an accident and they could not get any compensation because of the Police. I asked his name and he told me a bogus name “Ravendrath”. When I asked what his father’s name is, he was thinking for a while and didn’t give me any name.

    I told him that since he works in the Sri Lankan Mission this issue could be settled by the Sri Lankan embassy itself and why was he seeking my help? He didn’t reply and told me that there are Tamils married into his family and that he is from “Baddula”. I told him that I was getting late for my appointment and that I would meet him later.

    In fact, I was late for my appointment and I told those who met me at the Palais Wilson what happened to me at Gate forty.

    To all our surprise, the photographs taken by Sri Lankan drivers were published in one of the Singhalese newspapers* along with a full page article, stating we “non-patriots, terrorists, who betray Sri Lanka”, should be kept away from the United Nations.

    (*Divaina 21 March 2010 –

    Now the intimidation and harassment has reached the door step of the UN “Human Rights Council”, casting a shadow that implies we are in real danger.

    We are deeply concerned about this incident. The regular activity of experienced NGOs which promote and protect human rights, must be protected if, as Human Rights defenders we are to exercise our Right to Defend the Human Rights of others.

    On 23 March 2010, the ECOSOC NGO “IMADR” made a statement in the 13th session of the UN Human Rights Council regarding the threat to the security of the human rights defenders.

    This is for information for those who are interested in human rights, peace and democracy in a civilised world.

  66. What happened to human rights activists who attended
    the 13th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva

    It is my duty to give the right version of what happened to me and two other human rights activists who attended the 13th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. We all work on the human rights violations taking place in Sri Lanka, and have been concerned about the situation for a very long time.

    On Friday the 12th March 2010, I was waiting at gate forty (40) at the United Nations building in Geneva, from 10.30am for the shuttle bus which takes passengers to Palais Wilson, which is where the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in located. While I was waiting at gate forty (40), nearly ten drivers, all originally from Sri Lanka, working for different Missions including the Sri Lankan Mission, were in a group at the same gate. When they saw me, they started scolding me in pure filth in the Singhalese language. Even though I understood what they said, I ignored them and one by one, they then took their mobile phones and started photographing me. One of them had a digital camera.

    Meanwhile, Mr Sunanda Desaperiya, a journalist from Sri Lanka who is living abroad came with one of his friends through gate forty (40). They saw me and spoke to me for one or two minutes.

    By 10.45, I still could not see the shuttle coming that way and as I was going to be late for my appointment, I moved from inside gate forty and waited for a few minutes outside the gate. The Sri Lankan Mission driver ‘Sampath’ came over to me and asked me whether my name is ‘Kirupaharan’. I said ‘Yes’ and immediately he told me that he wanted to talk to me privately near the UN Library. When I asked him why he wanted to talk to me, he told me that in Sri Lanka, the “Police” are his enemies and his father died in an accident and they could not get any compensation because of the Police. I asked his name and he told me a bogus name “Ravendrath”. When I asked what his father’s name is, he was thinking for a while and didn’t give me any name.

    I told him that since he works in the Sri Lankan Mission this issue could be settled by the Sri Lankan embassy itself and why was he seeking my help? He didn’t reply and told me that there are Tamils married into his family and that he is from “Baddula”. I told him that I was getting late for my appointment and that I would meet him later.

    In fact, I was late for my appointment and I told those who met me at the Palais Wilson what happened to me at Gate forty.

    To all our surprise, the photographs taken by Sri Lankan drivers were published in one of the Singhalese newspapers* along with a full page article, stating we “non-patriots, terrorists, who betray Sri Lanka”, should be kept away from the United Nations.

    (*Divaina 21 March 2010 –

    Now the intimidation and harassment has reached the door step of the UN “Human Rights Council”, casting a shadow that implies we are in real danger.

    We are deeply concerned about this incident. The regular activity of experienced NGOs which promote and protect human rights, must be protected if, as Human Rights defenders we are to exercise our Right to Defend the Human Rights of others.

    On 23 March 2010, the ECOSOC NGO “IMADR” made a statement in the 13th session of the UN Human Rights Council regarding the threat to the security of the human rights defenders.

    This is for information for those who are interested in human rights, peace and democracy in a civilised world.

  67. The 16 Sri Lankans who were hired to carry out an ‘agitation’ against UNO Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s decision to appoint a committee to advice him on human rights violations in Sri Lanka on the 12th of this month in New York were treated to a sumptuous meal by the Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN Dr. Palithe Kohona recently.
    It was reported on the 13th that those who were in the group that participated in the ‘agitation’ organized by the Sri Lankan Embassy in the USA were given a food parcel and US$100 each and we publish here photographs of the party given by Dr. Kohona.

  68. What happened to human rights activists who attended
    the 13th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva

    It is my duty to give the right version of what happened to me and two other human rights activists who attended the 13th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. We all work on the human rights violations taking place in Sri Lanka, and have been concerned about the situation for a very long time.

    On Friday the 12th March 2010, I was waiting at gate forty (40) at the United Nations building in Geneva, from 10.30am for the shuttle bus which takes passengers to Palais Wilson, which is where the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in located. While I was waiting at gate forty (40), nearly ten drivers, all originally from Sri Lanka, working for different Missions including the Sri Lankan Mission, were in a group at the same gate. When they saw me, they started scolding me in pure filth in the Singhalese language. Even though I understood what they said, I ignored them and one by one, they then took their mobile phones and started photographing me. One of them had a digital camera.

    Meanwhile, Mr Sunanda Desaperiya, a journalist from Sri Lanka who is living abroad came with one of his friends through gate forty (40). They saw me and spoke to me for one or two minutes.

    By 10.45, I still could not see the shuttle coming that way and as I was going to be late for my appointment, I moved from inside gate forty and waited for a few minutes outside the gate. The Sri Lankan Mission driver ‘Sampath’ came over to me and asked me whether my name is ‘Kirupaharan’. I said ‘Yes’ and immediately he told me that he wanted to talk to me privately near the UN Library. When I asked him why he wanted to talk to me, he told me that in Sri Lanka, the “Police” are his enemies and his father died in an accident and they could not get any compensation because of the Police. I asked his name and he told me a bogus name “Ravendrath”. When I asked what his father’s name is, he was thinking for a while and didn’t give me any name.

    I told him that since he works in the Sri Lankan Mission this issue could be settled by the Sri Lankan embassy itself and why was he seeking my help? He didn’t reply and told me that there are Tamils married into his family and that he is from “Baddula”. I told him that I was getting late for my appointment and that I would meet him later.

    In fact, I was late for my appointment and I told those who met me at the Palais Wilson what happened to me at Gate forty.

    To all our surprise, the photographs taken by Sri Lankan drivers were published in one of the Singhalese newspapers* along with a full page article, stating we “non-patriots, terrorists, who betray Sri Lanka”, should be kept away from the United Nations.

    (*Divaina 21 March 2010 –

    Now the intimidation and harassment has reached the door step of the UN “Human Rights Council”, casting a shadow that implies we are in real danger.

    We are deeply concerned about this incident. The regular activity of experienced NGOs which promote and protect human rights, must be protected if, as Human Rights defenders we are to exercise our Right to Defend the Human Rights of others.

    On 23 March 2010, the ECOSOC NGO “IMADR” made a statement in the 13th session of the UN Human Rights Council regarding the threat to the security of the human rights defenders.

    This is for information for those who are interested in human rights, peace and democracy in a civilised world.

  69. Douglas Devananda intimidates Yarl Thinakural newspaper editor, manager in JaffnaDouglas Devananda, a minister in Mahinda Rajapaksa's cabinet and the leader of the paramilitary-cum-political party Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP), has publicly warned the editor of Yarl Thinakural K. Vamathevan and its administrative manager A. Nadarajah for having published front page news on the attack on Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) candidate Ankajan, stating that the reporting has negatively affected election propaganda for his party besides damaging his reputation. Douglas Devananda openly threatened that Vamathevan and Nadarajah will not be able to go for work Friday if they fail to apologize to him at a press meet he held for the local media in Jaffna Srithar Theatre Thursday morning. The open threat by Devananda to the lives of the news editor and the reputed manager of the Jaffna daily has created fear and panic among the media persons in Jaffna peninsula.

  70. Douglas Devananda intimidates Yarl Thinakural newspaper editor, manager in JaffnaDouglas Devananda, a minister in Mahinda Rajapaksa’s cabinet and the leader of the paramilitary-cum-political party Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP), has publicly warned the editor of Yarl Thinakural K. Vamathevan and its administrative manager A. Nadarajah for having published front page news on the attack on Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) candidate Ankajan, stating that the reporting has negatively affected election propaganda for his party besides damaging his reputation. Douglas Devananda openly threatened that Vamathevan and Nadarajah will not be able to go for work Friday if they fail to apologize to him at a press meet he held for the local media in Jaffna Srithar Theatre Thursday morning. The open threat by Devananda to the lives of the news editor and the reputed manager of the Jaffna daily has created fear and panic among the media persons in Jaffna peninsula.

  71. Minister Keheliya Rambukwella Today Called upon the US government which was elected by the very people who run this blog to look in to their HR violations against journalists in the Middle East. it is kind of pathetic to know that the people who live in glass houses are the same people who try to throw stones at others – it is high time USA and their mouth pieces as AI look in to their own HR issues than try to make others guilty.

    From what we gather, this is a universal issue. We have seen this happen in China, Russia and in the west many a times.

    it is yet unfortunate that AI is trying to harp on petty issues and most pathetic that they have found a means for Terrorists to make merry on this site. In Sri Lanka we call this "Panina Rilawunta Iniman Thiyanawa" – make ladders for Monkeys who already are up in the trees to assist them further. I still don't see AI USA taking any action against the LTTE terrorists who post on this site and who write stuff which are way off topic.

  72. 04 April 2010, ruling United Peoples Freedom Alliance ( UPFA) candidate, former director of Civil Defence Forces, Rear Admiral (Rtd) Sarath Weerasekara threatened Ampara district senior journalists Wasantha Chadrapala for his coverage of the on going election campaign. Wasantha Chadrapala is area correspondent for number of mainstream media institutions in Sri Lanka and has played a leading role in protection journalists rights in the area.

    Wasantha Chandrapala has called Mr. Weerasekara late evening on 4th April to obtain his opinion on some other incident. Then instead of giving his opinion Mr. Weerasekara has said in a threatening voice ” you better know that I am good for good people and worst for worst people, I do whatever I say’ you journalist better remember that.” …”I tell you one thing Chadrapala, I am not like other buggers, keep that in your mind, right, who are you Chandrapala to me, don’t come to show me your games, be careful” (Translation form the Audio)

    On the same night his house came under stone attack while he was staying with his friends for safety , Chandrapala told MFSL. On 5th April 2010 journalist Chadrapala has logged a complaint at the Ampara police station on these threats.

    I deplore the threatening behavior of UPFA candidate Mr. Weerasekara and hope that this incident will not lead to any more attacks on journalist Chandrapala or his family. Journalists have right to obtain opinions form all sides and it is the duty of the politicians to cooperate with media and journalists for fair and balanced coverage of the election campaign.

    Sri Lankan authorities should make immediate remedial steps to ensure the safety journalist Wasantha Chadrapala in carrying out his profession as a journalist.

  73. Minister Keheliya Rambukwella Today Called upon the US government which was elected by the very people who run this blog to look in to their HR violations against journalists in the Middle East. it is kind of pathetic to know that the people who live in glass houses are the same people who try to throw stones at others – it is high time USA and their mouth pieces as AI look in to their own HR issues than try to make others guilty.

    From what we gather, this is a universal issue. We have seen this happen in China, Russia and in the west many a times.

    it is yet unfortunate that AI is trying to harp on petty issues and most pathetic that they have found a means for Terrorists to make merry on this site. In Sri Lanka we call this “Panina Rilawunta Iniman Thiyanawa” – make ladders for Monkeys who already are up in the trees to assist them further. I still don’t see AI USA taking any action against the LTTE terrorists who post on this site and who write stuff which are way off topic.

  74. 04 April 2010, ruling United Peoples Freedom Alliance ( UPFA) candidate, former director of Civil Defence Forces, Rear Admiral (Rtd) Sarath Weerasekara threatened Ampara district senior journalists Wasantha Chadrapala for his coverage of the on going election campaign. Wasantha Chadrapala is area correspondent for number of mainstream media institutions in Sri Lanka and has played a leading role in protection journalists rights in the area.

    Wasantha Chandrapala has called Mr. Weerasekara late evening on 4th April to obtain his opinion on some other incident. Then instead of giving his opinion Mr. Weerasekara has said in a threatening voice ” you better know that I am good for good people and worst for worst people, I do whatever I say’ you journalist better remember that.” …”I tell you one thing Chadrapala, I am not like other buggers, keep that in your mind, right, who are you Chandrapala to me, don’t come to show me your games, be careful” (Translation form the Audio)

    On the same night his house came under stone attack while he was staying with his friends for safety , Chandrapala told MFSL. On 5th April 2010 journalist Chadrapala has logged a complaint at the Ampara police station on these threats.

    I deplore the threatening behavior of UPFA candidate Mr. Weerasekara and hope that this incident will not lead to any more attacks on journalist Chandrapala or his family. Journalists have right to obtain opinions form all sides and it is the duty of the politicians to cooperate with media and journalists for fair and balanced coverage of the election campaign.

    Sri Lankan authorities should make immediate remedial steps to ensure the safety journalist Wasantha Chadrapala in carrying out his profession as a journalist.

  75. High ranking Tiger officials in SLA custody feared assassinated
    Basil Rajapakse, senior advisor of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse and his brother said Monday in Colombo that if the name of anyone not found in the list of 11,000 persons held in the rehabilitation camps for Liberation Tigers, published in government websites they could be considered no longer living, in a conference he held with the Non-government Organizations now functioning in Vanni.

  76. When the Mullivaikkal war against Tamils in Vanni ended last year, Government said 17,500 ltte in their custody including many senior political members. Now president brothers say 11,000 held in camps. What happened to the over 6,000 men & women?.

    They kept around 2000 senior members in one & another 4000 in another undisclosed camps. except president family, no one else knows what happened to them.

  77. High ranking Tiger officials in SLA custody feared assassinated
    Basil Rajapakse, senior advisor of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse and his brother said Monday in Colombo that if the name of anyone not found in the list of 11,000 persons held in the rehabilitation camps for Liberation Tigers, published in government websites they could be considered no longer living, in a conference he held with the Non-government Organizations now functioning in Vanni.

  78. High ranking Tiger officials in SLA custody feared assassinated
    Basil Rajapakse, senior advisor of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse and his brother said Monday in Colombo that if the name of anyone not found in the list of 11,000 persons held in the rehabilitation camps for Liberation Tigers, published in government websites they could be considered no longer living, in a conference he held with the Non-government Organizations now functioning in Vanni.

  79. When the Mullivaikkal war against Tamils in Vanni ended last year, Government said 17,500 ltte in their custody including many senior political members. Now president brothers say 11,000 held in camps. What happened to the over 6,000 men & women?.

    They kept around 2000 senior members in one & another 4000 in another undisclosed camps. except president family, no one else knows what happened to them.

  80. High ranking Tiger officials in SLA custody feared assassinated
    Basil Rajapakse, senior advisor of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse and his brother said Monday in Colombo that if the name of anyone not found in the list of 11,000 persons held in the rehabilitation camps for Liberation Tigers, published in government websites they could be considered no longer living, in a conference he held with the Non-government Organizations now functioning in Vanni.

  81. Silva,

    Sarath Weerasekera is a very nice guy. If he goes to the extent of threatening someone, that means that person has really crossed the lines …

    Media also should know where to draw the lines – what you are talking of is the media that killed Princes Diana – Do U believe in that kind of Journalism ??

  82. Journalists should be impartial and we all agree on this fact because we require getting credible information. As much as I would say that the government propaganda machines as Rupavahini and ITN are not the best examples for such journalism, the sources our good Diaspora LTTE Terrorists seem to quote are not credible either. At least the government media doesn't lie, but doesn't show anything negative on the government. LTTE guys lie. Now you guys posting such links here and trying to tell the world that there are severe issues (Making mountains out of Mole hills) is not quite the right thing to do though we all know by now that your intentions are elsewhere – i.e. to win your eelam by hook or by crook.

    Anyhow, I will leave you looser with an example that you could follow in building a Sri Lankan nation. One of the MP's that was elected for this time's government from the Tamil National Alliance – TNA is a Singhalees named Piyasiri – So do not try to say that there are racial issues and this issue and that issue in Sri Lanka just to discredit the government. A government can do little when people act like asses. So don't become asses, but intelligent people who understand situations.

  83. Silva,

    Sarath Weerasekera is a very nice guy. If he goes to the extent of threatening someone, that means that person has really crossed the lines …

    Media also should know where to draw the lines – what you are talking of is the media that killed Princes Diana – Do U believe in that kind of Journalism ??

  84. Journalists should be impartial and we all agree on this fact because we require getting credible information. As much as I would say that the government propaganda machines as Rupavahini and ITN are not the best examples for such journalism, the sources our good Diaspora LTTE Terrorists seem to quote are not credible either. At least the government media doesn’t lie, but doesn’t show anything negative on the government. LTTE guys lie. Now you guys posting such links here and trying to tell the world that there are severe issues (Making mountains out of Mole hills) is not quite the right thing to do though we all know by now that your intentions are elsewhere – i.e. to win your eelam by hook or by crook.

    Anyhow, I will leave you looser with an example that you could follow in building a Sri Lankan nation. One of the MP’s that was elected for this time’s government from the Tamil National Alliance – TNA is a Singhalees named Piyasiri – So do not try to say that there are racial issues and this issue and that issue in Sri Lanka just to discredit the government. A government can do little when people act like asses. So don’t become asses, but intelligent people who understand situations.

  85. May 2009, a significant month that will never by forgotten by the Tamils living across the globe. A month filled with terror, a month filled with sorrows; a month in which families were separated, children displaced from parents, and mountains of corpses were left to rot. May 2009, the month in which we lost more than 50 000 of our innocent brothers and sisters. May 2009: Genocide of the Tamils.

    The Sri Lankan Government deliberately attempted to destroy Tamils in Sri Lanka the past year, the peak of its actions resulting in the catastrophe that took place in Mullivaikaal. Newborn babies, children, youth; those who would be the future of Tamileelam were wiped out in May 2009. These innocent lives, must not be forgotten.

    Let’s remember our people and our Maveerar whom we lost during the final war upon Tamils in Sri Lanka on May 2009.

  86. May 2009, a significant month that will never by forgotten by the Tamils living across the globe. A month filled with terror, a month filled with sorrows; a month in which families were separated, children displaced from parents, and mountains of corpses were left to rot. May 2009, the month in which we lost more than 50 000 of our innocent brothers and sisters. May 2009: Genocide of the Tamils.

    The Sri Lankan Government deliberately attempted to destroy Tamils in Sri Lanka the past year, the peak of its actions resulting in the catastrophe that took place in Mullivaikaal. Newborn babies, children, youth; those who would be the future of Tamileelam were wiped out in May 2009. These innocent lives, must not be forgotten.

    Let’s remember our people and our Maveerar whom we lost during the final war upon Tamils in Sri Lanka on May 2009.

  87. In Hell !!

    RE. your post on 16th April of arresting 17 soldiers – isn't it a good thing ?? At least we know that Law and order prevail in the country and no one would escape the Law by trying to kill be a journalist or anyone else for that matter ???

  88. In Hell !!

    RE. your post on 16th April of arresting 17 soldiers – isn’t it a good thing ?? At least we know that Law and order prevail in the country and no one would escape the Law by trying to kill be a journalist or anyone else for that matter ???

  89. Impeccable Jim Gons, Disappearing Tamil culture & heritage
    Tamil culture & heritage are being systematically destroyed in Sri lanka. The Sinhala Democracy used to suppress the Democratic will of the Tamils. Memorial evidence of the King Pandara Vanniyan has been destroyed.
    The Village name Katchilaimadu came as Memorial evidence of the King Pandara Vanniyan. Sinhala Armed forces, personally directed by Government cabinet ministers – A wanton act of genocidal intent to destroy the history of an ancient people.

    Mahaveeran Pandara Vanniyan was a rebel Tamil chief from the Vanni region who was known as one of last native cheif to challenge the british rule in the Island nation of Sri Lanka. August 25th, is the memorial day of Tamil Chieftain Pandara Vanniyan who ruled the Vanni kingdom of Adankapatru. British defeat him during the historic battle of Katchilaimadu by Col. Drieberg. The Portuguese who landed at Galle in 1505 and went to Kotte, to befriend the King there, got control of the Kotte Kingdom through political manipulations. They captured the Jaffna Kingdom by defeating Sangili in battle in 1619.

    The Portuguese failed to capture two areas: the Kandyan Kingdom and Wanni which comprised most of the present Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts. The Dutch, too, failed in their attempts to subjugate Kandy and Wanni. The British, who wanted to bring the entire country under their control, started with Wanni. They captured it by defeating Pandara Vanniyan in 1803. Before the final battle, Pandara Vanniyan destroyed the British Fort on August 25, 1803.

  90. Impeccable Jim Gons, Disappearing Tamil culture & heritage
    Tamil culture & heritage are being systematically destroyed in Sri lanka. The Sinhala Democracy used to suppress the Democratic will of the Tamils. Memorial evidence of the King Pandara Vanniyan has been destroyed.
    The Village name Katchilaimadu came as Memorial evidence of the King Pandara Vanniyan. Sinhala Armed forces, personally directed by Government cabinet ministers – A wanton act of genocidal intent to destroy the history of an ancient people.

    Mahaveeran Pandara Vanniyan was a rebel Tamil chief from the Vanni region who was known as one of last native cheif to challenge the british rule in the Island nation of Sri Lanka. August 25th, is the memorial day of Tamil Chieftain Pandara Vanniyan who ruled the Vanni kingdom of Adankapatru. British defeat him during the historic battle of Katchilaimadu by Col. Drieberg. The Portuguese who landed at Galle in 1505 and went to Kotte, to befriend the King there, got control of the Kotte Kingdom through political manipulations. They captured the Jaffna Kingdom by defeating Sangili in battle in 1619.

    The Portuguese failed to capture two areas: the Kandyan Kingdom and Wanni which comprised most of the present Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts. The Dutch, too, failed in their attempts to subjugate Kandy and Wanni. The British, who wanted to bring the entire country under their control, started with Wanni. They captured it by defeating Pandara Vanniyan in 1803. Before the final battle, Pandara Vanniyan destroyed the British Fort on August 25, 1803.

  91. Impeccable Jim Gons, Disappearing Tamil culture & heritage
    Tamil culture & heritage are being systematically destroyed in Sri lanka. The Sinhala Democracy used to suppress the Democratic will of the Tamils. Memorial evidence of the King Pandara Vanniyan has been destroyed.
    The Village name Katchilaimadu came as Memorial evidence of the King Pandara Vanniyan. Sinhala Armed forces, personally directed by Government cabinet ministers – A wanton act of genocidal intent to destroy the history of an ancient people.

    Mahaveeran Pandara Vanniyan was a rebel Tamil chief from the Vanni region who was known as one of last native cheif to challenge the british rule in the Island nation of Sri Lanka. August 25th, is the memorial day of Tamil Chieftain Pandara Vanniyan who ruled the Vanni kingdom of Adankapatru. British defeat him during the historic battle of Katchilaimadu by Col. Drieberg. The Portuguese who landed at Galle in 1505 and went to Kotte, to befriend the King there, got control of the Kotte Kingdom through political manipulations. They captured the Jaffna Kingdom by defeating Sangili in battle in 1619.

    The Portuguese failed to capture two areas: the Kandyan Kingdom and Wanni which comprised most of the present Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts. The Dutch, too, failed in their attempts to subjugate Kandy and Wanni. The British, who wanted to bring the entire country under their control, started with Wanni. They captured it by defeating Pandara Vanniyan in 1803. Before the final battle, Pandara Vanniyan destroyed the British Fort on August 25, 1803.

  92. Impeccable Jim Gons, Disappearing Tamil culture & heritage
    Tamil culture & heritage are being systematically destroyed in Sri lanka. The Sinhala Democracy used to suppress the Democratic will of the Tamils. Memorial evidence of the King Pandara Vanniyan has been destroyed.
    The Village name Katchilaimadu came as Memorial evidence of the King Pandara Vanniyan. Sinhala Armed forces, personally directed by Government cabinet ministers – A wanton act of genocidal intent to destroy the history of an ancient people.

    Mahaveeran Pandara Vanniyan was a rebel Tamil chief from the Vanni region who was known as one of last native cheif to challenge the british rule in the Island nation of Sri Lanka. August 25th, is the memorial day of Tamil Chieftain Pandara Vanniyan who ruled the Vanni kingdom of Adankapatru. British defeat him during the historic battle of Katchilaimadu by Col. Drieberg. The Portuguese who landed at Galle in 1505 and went to Kotte, to befriend the King there, got control of the Kotte Kingdom through political manipulations. They captured the Jaffna Kingdom by defeating Sangili in battle in 1619.

    The Portuguese failed to capture two areas: the Kandyan Kingdom and Wanni which comprised most of the present Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts. The Dutch, too, failed in their attempts to subjugate Kandy and Wanni. The British, who wanted to bring the entire country under their control, started with Wanni. They captured it by defeating Pandara Vanniyan in 1803. Before the final battle, Pandara Vanniyan destroyed the British Fort on August 25, 1803.

  93. Jim MD – Like to see your comments on Maveeran's post on 23rd April 12.25 a.m.

    Anyways since it has been directed to me, I seek the moderators OK to proceed with the answer.


    There is no question about a Tamil kingdom from the 1500 a.d. onwards after the tamils (who comprise of 3 Indian nationalities of Chola, Keral and pandya + the guys who came afterward) The final triumph for the rest of Sri Lanka was through Tikiri Bandara alias Sapumal Kumaraya Alias King Rajasinghe 2.

    We are talking of prior to that era where from 500 b.c. this country was a single land. I don't want to give you history lessons here. You better start reading stuff out. However, your post has no relevance to the subject discussed here nor anything for that matter – I guess you are seriously mentally challenged and sick to bring up irrelevant topics to this forum.

    For the information of the others, for the first time in 30 years since they were restricted off their rights by a brutal mentally challenged terrorist group, the Tamil brotheren of the north managed to celebrate their Singhala and Hindu new year together last week. We saw this on TV and most important, we saw the hope and the joy in the eyes of these innocent people from the northern part of the Island. A person line Mahaveran is seriously mentally sick and should be sent to a mental asylum for treatment since he says that the Tamil people's rights are not given to them by the GOSL. It is only the LTTe who deprived the Tamils off their rights – remember, they started their battle by killing a well respected Tamil – the then mayor of Jaffna – Alfred Doraiappa and since, been killing all the tamils who opposed their terror acts. Maveeran – go get a life – you can find it at the mental asylum.

  94. Jim MD – Like to see your comments on Maveeran’s post on 23rd April 12.25 a.m.

    Anyways since it has been directed to me, I seek the moderators OK to proceed with the answer.


    There is no question about a Tamil kingdom from the 1500 a.d. onwards after the tamils (who comprise of 3 Indian nationalities of Chola, Keral and pandya + the guys who came afterward) The final triumph for the rest of Sri Lanka was through Tikiri Bandara alias Sapumal Kumaraya Alias King Rajasinghe 2.

    We are talking of prior to that era where from 500 b.c. this country was a single land. I don’t want to give you history lessons here. You better start reading stuff out. However, your post has no relevance to the subject discussed here nor anything for that matter – I guess you are seriously mentally challenged and sick to bring up irrelevant topics to this forum.

    For the information of the others, for the first time in 30 years since they were restricted off their rights by a brutal mentally challenged terrorist group, the Tamil brotheren of the north managed to celebrate their Singhala and Hindu new year together last week. We saw this on TV and most important, we saw the hope and the joy in the eyes of these innocent people from the northern part of the Island. A person line Mahaveran is seriously mentally sick and should be sent to a mental asylum for treatment since he says that the Tamil people’s rights are not given to them by the GOSL. It is only the LTTe who deprived the Tamils off their rights – remember, they started their battle by killing a well respected Tamil – the then mayor of Jaffna – Alfred Doraiappa and since, been killing all the tamils who opposed their terror acts. Maveeran – go get a life – you can find it at the mental asylum.

  95. Former army chief say
    “The protection of democracy must begin here in parliament,” General Fonseka told lawmakers after being escorted into the chamber by guards. “The citizens must have freedom of movement, freedom of expression and freedom from illegal detention. I’m also a victim of these injustices.”

  96. Former army chief say
    “The protection of democracy must begin here in parliament,” General Fonseka told lawmakers after being escorted into the chamber by guards. “The citizens must have freedom of movement, freedom of expression and freedom from illegal detention. I’m also a victim of these injustices.”

  97. Former army chief say
    “The protection of democracy must begin here in parliament,” General Fonseka told lawmakers after being escorted into the chamber by guards. “The citizens must have freedom of movement, freedom of expression and freedom from illegal detention. I’m also a victim of these injustices.”