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27 thoughts on “Protests in Turkey: Three Steps You Can Take Now to Halt Police Repression!

  1. From Spain I want the police to stop repressing protesters in Turkey. Stop repression!!!!

  2. Why does everyone seem to use facebook altough most people who are concerned KNOW that facebook is cencured AND used by the CIA. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?!

  3. It doesn't mean that we didn't witness such brutal actions during protests but the picture you use on your headline IS NOT from Turkey.

  4. Australian Amnesty International needs to join. CNN Turk, Turkish Radio television, sky Turk, fox Turk are not publishing news at Turkey, citizens of Turkey are being robbed from their freedom of information, freedom of speech. Police is using excessive force. Support Turkish civilians who wants their basic rights.

  5. It is astounding how little western society understands Turkey.

    "…initiate investigations into well-founded allegations of police brutality." really? You still think that our government have a decent bone in their body. Unless there is an economic repercussion Recep Tayyip Erdogan will continue to oppress his citizens with his dogs (read:police).

    For the last 5 days the dogs (read:police) are attacking protesters with a single idea in their minds; "my master told me to kill them and I will kill them".

    Do you really think a Prime Minister that has ordered the main stream media (our media) not to report any of these and get on the television today to say "these are the actions of a small marginal group" while there are more than 100.000 people on the street at taksim alone (much, much more around the country), will care about your statement? I don't think so but who knows maybe this time it will work… If it doesn't we will happiliy die before we accept to be the slaves of this dictator.

  6. There are civilians with bars etc among the police to really harm the protesters there are videos please helpstop this cruelty against the nation

    • Dear Howard,

      It is an honor to know about your great work. Can you please also help to get the petition signed
      which I have just created due to my concern. My heart is bleeding as I see the blood shed my so many young Turkish people. I am a U.S. citizen and under a shock what is going on here. We must help the Turkish people.

      About Howard Eissenstat
      Howard Eissenstat is an Assistant Professor of History at St. Lawrence University, in Canton, NY as well as serving as a Country Specialist on Turkey for Amnesty International USA. He earned his doctorate in Modern Middle Eastern History from UCLA in 2007. In addition to his scholarly work, Dr. Eissenstat writes frequently on contemporary Turkish politics, foreign policy, and human rights issues. He can be reached at

      CNN – Turkish Riot Police Starts Using Agent Orange.

  7. I will RT this article, but ‘have only two Twitter followers. I’ll also be writting to Ambassador Namik Tan. Furthermore, I’ll try to spread word about this.

  8. I'm a brazilian citizen and I hope that the violence ends quickly.
    Free minds are the fundamental liberty of a people.
    We're with you.
    Please, sustein the net movement, it's working.

  9. It is criminal and I was in Taksim Square today. Unfortunately, we lost one of our peaceful protestors. He was 22 year old blue-collar worker who was shot in the head by police forces of Erdogan.
    Shame on those who contribute this crime and their supporters.

  10. Dear All,
    As you may know, the government "apologised" . The government’s apology doesn’t mean much to the civilians right now. Because the police still keeps on with the violence.
    If this really were a sincere apology, why would they take our fellow citizens under custody only because of "use of social media" ? of course we will as they blocked information flow through the media. If this was a sincere apology, would the police attack my people only yesterday in cities of Antakya and Ardahan? would they wait till night and attack the pieceful protesters in Girne district of İzmir?We do not want an apology. We want to be heard. We claim our human rights back.
    Our prime minister, when taking to the crowds in the streets threatens us saying “I have 50 % of the country and I am trying to keep them in their houses. I can gather them and come to the streets” . Is this a fight? Who is he fighting against? His own people? his ministers say, “it is only a few trees”. No. It is not about the trees. Not anymore. This is not about a park. Not anymore. It is about being heard. It is about the abuse of state power. This is about democracy and human rights! It is the police state created by AKP of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. He banned thousand things. He violated women rights. He violated human rights. He tried to silence us. When he could not, he ordered his police to “silence” us. We sincerely hope, our voice is heard.
    In solidarity,
    Gözde Özgen

    Solo a pasado 4 dia del atroz ataque de la policía a en Turquía pero ya se está olvidado de ellos lo sigue torturado y matado pero ello son uno valientes que no se rinde aunque el mundo cierre los ojos ante este genocidio , pero yo no lo voy a abandona y aunque nadie me ayude a compartir esto lo hare sola una vez más no tengo miedo ni soy una cobarde , que clase de humano soy que os da todo igual ya ni os importa vuestro hijos , quizá en algún rincón del mundo lo encuentre y ya llevo más de 30 año de lucha y todavía no lo encatrado y ya dudo si algún día lo encontrare .
    Es el terse trabajo que hago llevo vario día casi sin dormí y las miles de bese y sitio que lo puesto en esto día no llega ni 100 las personas que lo a compartido y casi siempre son los mismo donde está la solidaridad y la humanidad del mundo.
    No importa el tema que sea en todos aséis igual ya la mayoría a perdido la humanidad y la solidaridad si alguna vez la hubo yo apena si la e conocido lo de Turquía ello sí que la tiene como se a organizado como se a unido como esta luchado somos uno pero estay tan ciego que no veis nada gracia.
    Testimonio desde Turquia

  12. Thank you all for your support! Our strength comes from bringing our voices together. I would also like to call your attention to the updated action.

    You can find information about it here:

    Here is the link to our petition drive:

    Please sign and ask your friends and family to join in the effort. Together we can be heard. Turkey must end the excessive use of police force and protect the basic right of freedom of expression.

  13. i am in istanbul right now and people are still gathering around Taskim. couple weeks ago I was talking to turkish people and they were worry because this government was passing this laws about not selling alcohol from 10pm to 6am or you can't kiss in metro so this shopping mall was the last drop! I can attest this not houlligans in the street but suits and ties, moms, grandpas

  14. Non auguro ai Turchi quello che è sucesso 30 anni fa ai Iraniani, lottate ora per la vostra libertà che dopo sarà più difficile tornare in dietro!!!