U.S. State Department Releases Sri Lanka War Crimes Report

The U.S. Department of State‘s Office of War Crimes Issues released its investigation into the final stage of the conflict in Sri Lanka today. Requested by Congress, the report (pdf) covers the period between January and May 2009 and consists of an overview of incidents that happened during the final stage of the conflict. It is based on a wide range of sources, including Amnesty International’s own reporting, and uses both traditional, and innovative evidence such as satellite imagery and aerial photographs.

While the report “does not reach any legal or factual conclusions”, it provides a disturbing overview of what happened in the so-called “No-Fire Zone”, looking at both the Government of Sri Lanka (GSL) and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE):

Children in armed conflict—According to reports, on numerous occasions during the January to May 2009 reporting period the LTTE took both male and female children, some as young as 12, to join LTTE cadres. 

Harm to civilians and civilian objects— (…) The GSL announced that it would observe a 48-hour ceasefire on two occasions. The stated aim of these was to allow civilians to move into areas in which they would not be subject to shelling. Incident reports suggest, however, that the GSL may have begun shelling before the end of the second 48-hour ceasefire. Reports also indicated that the LTTE forcibly prevented the escape of IDPs and used them as “human shields”.

Killing of captives or combatants seeking to surrender—A number of sources alleged that the GSL committed unlawful killings.(…)

Disappearances—According to reports, GSL forces or GSL-supported paramilitaries abducted and in some instances then killed Tamil civilians, particularly children and young men. (…)

Humanitarian conditions—Reports include instances of severe food shortages;(…)

Additionally, the report raises the issue of the Sri Lankans that are still locked up in de-facto detention camps:

With the conflict now over, more than 280,000 Sri Lankans who fled their homes in the conflict zone during or in the aftermath of the conflict are internally displaced persons (IDPs). The vast majority are still in IDP camps and are denied the freedom to leave those camps (…) The GSL has not allowed international organizations or journalists to have unrestricted access to the IDP camps, which has made it difficult to have an accurate picture of events and conditions. Some IDPs have reported that they have been unable to confirm the whereabouts of injured persons who were evacuated from the battleground and taken into custody by GSL forces.

We are continuing to campaign both on the accountability issue and the IDP crisis.

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249 thoughts on “U.S. State Department Releases Sri Lanka War Crimes Report

  1. Sri Lanka survives on aid from and trade ties with West. Therefore, all these crimes are being committed with tacit approval of the West. What a nice way for you to pretend you have nothing to do with it.

    You won't ask a paedophile father to investigate if he has abused his own children. But you'll be happy asking Sri Lankan president to investigate if his government and his troops have committed war crimes against Tamils.

    Logic kicks?

  2. This report from US is highly appreciated and comes at the right time to remind SL that the world has not forgotten its crimes during the last stages of the war. Having said that, I would like to know what exactly US plans to do with this report.

  3. All news reports say that US is asking SL to investigate the war crimes. I fail to understand the logic of asking the perpetrators of the crime to investigate. Unless U.S does something more actionable SL is just goign to go scoot free. Being SL's largest trading partner, US can defintely get SL to mend its ways – but definitely not by requesting for investigations by SL.

    btw Christoph can you tell us how one follows up with the US government? [I know it is not a relevant question for AI, but more an information seeking question]

  4. Sri Lanka survives on aid from and trade ties with West. Therefore, all these crimes are being committed with tacit approval of the West. What a nice way for you to pretend you have nothing to do with it.

    You won’t ask a paedophile father to investigate if he has abused his own children. But you’ll be happy asking Sri Lankan president to investigate if his government and his troops have committed war crimes against Tamils.

    Logic kicks?

  5. U.S. State Department Releases Sri Lanka War Crimes Report is godsend for the Tamil minority in Sri Lanka.

    The human rights situation in Sri Lanka continues to worsen.

    The thousands from Vavuniya detention camps have been ''released'' into another transit camps for yet another round of un-ending security checks ( even for 1yr old orphan)
    Highly militarized Jaffna has been an open prison for more many years and the Executive Director of National Peace Council visited Jaffna last month and has written that it still remains an open prison with numerous army checkpoints and everyone have a great difficulty of getting an exit permit

  6. This report from US is highly appreciated and comes at the right time to remind SL that the world has not forgotten its crimes during the last stages of the war. Having said that, I would like to know what exactly US plans to do with this report.

  7. In today's daily press briefing, a State Dept. official said that the Dept. considered the allegations mentioned in the war crimes report as credible. He also said that the U.S. government was calling on the Sri Lankan government to allow international organizations access to the country to investigate what happened in the closing stages of the war, and that the Sri Lankan government should investigate and bring to justice those responsible for these violations. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2009/oct/130870

  8. In today's daily press briefing, a State Dept. official said that the Dept. considered the allegations mentioned in the war crimes report as credible. He also said that the U.S. government was calling on the Sri Lankan government to allow international organizations access to the country to investigate what happened in the closing stages of the war, and that the Sri Lankan government should investigate and bring to justice those responsible for these violations. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2009/oct/130870

  9. In today's daily press briefing, a State Dept. official said that the Dept. considered the allegations mentioned in the war crimes report as credible. He also said that the U.S. government was calling on the Sri Lankan government to allow international organizations access to the country to investigate what happened in the closing stages of the war, and that the Sri Lankan government should investigate and bring to justice those responsible for these violations. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2009/oct/130870

  10. All news reports say that US is asking SL to investigate the war crimes. I fail to understand the logic of asking the perpetrators of the crime to investigate. Unless U.S does something more actionable SL is just goign to go scoot free. Being SL’s largest trading partner, US can defintely get SL to mend its ways – but definitely not by requesting for investigations by SL.

    btw Christoph can you tell us how one follows up with the US government? [I know it is not a relevant question for AI, but more an information seeking question]

  11. U.S. State Department Releases Sri Lanka War Crimes Report is godsend for the Tamil minority in Sri Lanka.

    The human rights situation in Sri Lanka continues to worsen.

    The thousands from Vavuniya detention camps have been ”released” into another transit camps for yet another round of un-ending security checks ( even for 1yr old orphan)
    Highly militarized Jaffna has been an open prison for more many years and the Executive Director of National Peace Council visited Jaffna last month and has written that it still remains an open prison with numerous army checkpoints and everyone have a great difficulty of getting an exit permit

  12. that the Sri Lankan government should investigate and bring to justice those responsible for these violations.

    This means the Sri Lankan government should investigate and bring to justice its own self for it was responsible for these violations. Nice try!

    Srilanka has already denied international organizations to investigate HR violation in the context of EU GSP+. When SL decided to ignore the call for investigation, even with the carrot-stick approach of EU, it beats my logic to understand why SL would accede to these demands, when US has neither shown the stick or the carrot.

  13. In today’s daily press briefing, a State Dept. official said that the Dept. considered the allegations mentioned in the war crimes report as credible. He also said that the U.S. government was calling on the Sri Lankan government to allow international organizations access to the country to investigate what happened in the closing stages of the war, and that the Sri Lankan government should investigate and bring to justice those responsible for these violations. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2009/oct/130870.htm#

  14. These reports are fairly based on information provided by non srilankans and other foreign media.
    Srilankan government or ARMY did not committed to unlawful killings in the period of war.
    There are more than 30,000 ex-LTTE carders are still rehabilitating in srilanka.
    You can contact them ask what actually happened in north.
    US government deliberately accusing Srilanka government on immaterial allegations.

  15. I seriously wonder why the GOSL doesn't take much interest in trying to clear the situation with the west !!

    While they get all the support from Russia, China, Middle East, Asia and Africa, I personally feel that more efforts should be made to educate the western block..

    If they know the absolute truth and not be puppets to the LTTE diaspora and some of the NGO's that were puppets of the LTTE, the situation would have been quite good.. I do blame the GOSL for not educating the Western Block…

    I mean, if the Daughter of the Thamilnadu Chief Minister who supported the LTTE cause commended the governments efforts her self, I cannot fathom how the western Block do not get the picture !!

  16. that the Sri Lankan government should investigate and bring to justice those responsible for these violations.

    This means the Sri Lankan government should investigate and bring to justice its own self for it was responsible for these violations. Nice try!

    Srilanka has already denied international organizations to investigate HR violation in the context of EU GSP+. When SL decided to ignore the call for investigation, even with the carrot-stick approach of EU, it beats my logic to understand why SL would accede to these demands, when US has neither shown the stick or the carrot.

  17. Mawatha,

    U.S. State Department Releases Sri Lanka War Crimes Report is godsend for the Tamil minority in Sri Lanka.

    The human rights situation in Sri Lanka continues to worsen.

    Actually even now, despite this report, people dont seem to realize the need for quick release of people. Looking at some of the comments on this forum, it is painful to see the thinking process of the average Sinhalese. Instead of encouraging the government to take interest in releasing people from camps, people want the government to take interest in "educating the west". People dont realize that releasing the people from detention is "the only way of educating" the world – not only the west.
    So I am not surprised that that human rights situation in SL continuing to worsen when people think so.

  18. These reports are fairly based on information provided by non srilankans and other foreign media.
    Srilankan government or ARMY did not committed to unlawful killings in the period of war.
    There are more than 30,000 ex-LTTE carders are still rehabilitating in srilanka.
    You can contact them ask what actually happened in north.
    US government deliberately accusing Srilanka government on immaterial allegations.

  19. Humanitarian Human

    41,000 numbers floating around only in the Lankan/pro-Lankan press ?

    Yes, the numbers just floating and nothing else.

    There are rearrested and forcibly held in the yet another “transit” concentration camps…

    Do not believe the media in Sri Lanka. In the guise of fighting terrorism, the government has muzzled and suppressed the independent press to the degree that no single publication or electronic media outlet in Sri Lanka is allowed to practice journalism in the way it should be.

    Dissent is non-existent, self-censorship the order of the day; the ultimate victim – the ordinary citizen of Sri Lanka (not just Tamils) whose sources of information have dried up so completely that his only version of events mirrors that of the regime of the day.

    Sri Lankan newspapers are forced to practice a Goebbelian form of reportage, thanks to totalitarian control over the media. Joseph Goebbels was Adolf Hitler’s most powerful weapon because his propaganda ensured the Nazis popular support.

    Propaganda Minister in Hitler’s cabinet, Goebbels perfected an understanding of the "Big Lie" technique of propaganda, which is based on the principle that a lie, if audacious enough and repeated enough times, will be believed by the masses.

    Dangerously, the theory led to success with most of Hitler’s Germany actually believing that they were on the right side of history until the very last moment which ended in the destruction of their country. It is tragic to see this trend taking root in Sri Lanka today –the same country that boasted such a vibrant and defiant press not so very long ago.

    On the contrary, journalists have been slaughtered, abducted, assaulted, tortured and forced to flee their homeland all under the present regime. Investigations into a single one of these cases are yet to show any semblance of credibility.

  20. I seriously wonder why the GOSL doesn’t take much interest in trying to clear the situation with the west !!

    While they get all the support from Russia, China, Middle East, Asia and Africa, I personally feel that more efforts should be made to educate the western block..

    If they know the absolute truth and not be puppets to the LTTE diaspora and some of the NGO’s that were puppets of the LTTE, the situation would have been quite good.. I do blame the GOSL for not educating the Western Block…

    I mean, if the Daughter of the Thamilnadu Chief Minister who supported the LTTE cause commended the governments efforts her self, I cannot fathom how the western Block do not get the picture !!

  21. I realized some of your comments are excerpts from the statement made by Karu ayasuriya, Sri Lankan main opposition party UNP's deputy leader. I think it seems a very sensible article worth a read which I posted in the other blogpost. Of course we have to pray and hope that Karu indeed has the lofty ideals (I have to say lofty going by the standards set by M R) reflected in the statement.

  22. I realized some of your comments are excerpts from the statement made by Karu ayasuriya, Sri Lankan main opposition party UNP's deputy leader. I think it seems a very sensible article worth a read which I posted in the other blogpost. Of course we have to pray and hope that Karu indeed has the lofty ideals (I have to say lofty going by the standards set by M R) reflected in the statement.

  23. I realized some of your comments are excerpts from the statement made by Karu ayasuriya, Sri Lankan main opposition party UNP's deputy leader. I think it seems a very sensible article worth a read which I posted in the other blogpost. Of course we have to pray and hope that Karu indeed has the lofty ideals (I have to say lofty going by the standards set by M R) reflected in the statement.

  24. Mawatha,

    U.S. State Department Releases Sri Lanka War Crimes Report is godsend for the Tamil minority in Sri Lanka.

    The human rights situation in Sri Lanka continues to worsen.

    Actually even now, despite this report, people dont seem to realize the need for quick release of people. Looking at some of the comments on this forum, it is painful to see the thinking process of the average Sinhalese. Instead of encouraging the government to take interest in releasing people from camps, people want the government to take interest in “educating the west”. People dont realize that releasing the people from detention is “the only way of educating” the world – not only the west.
    So I am not surprised that that human rights situation in SL continuing to worsen when people think so.

  25. Humanitarian Human

    Hello, my friend, yes we need to pray for a speedy release of 300000 innocent civilians from the abysmal Sri Lankan concentration camps.

    It shocking to see that a sizable section of the population is being held prisoner without recourse to any legal means of redress.

    At least, it exposes the Rajapakse’s principal agenda: hang on to power at all costs.

    The current situation is a salutary example of the breakdown of civil society in Sri Lanka. It's far more expedient (and efficient) to appeal to the ruling regime rather than bother with a legal system that is effectively toothless.

    Mahinda Rajapakse is responsible for the blatant politicization of the apparatus of state. Rajapakse is destroying the very foundations of decent government by ignoring and mocking vital checks and balances.

    The only way to make the ruling regime see the folly of their corrupt ways is to treat them like Zimbabwe. When the cash stops filtering through to the ruling party's pockets (from exports) they will begin to take notice.

    Sooner or later, Rajapakse will realize that neither the chants from religious zealots nor intimidation by Gota's goons can replace valuable foreign exchange earnings.

    So U.S. State Department Sri Lanka War Crimes Report
    and unfavorable GSP+ is a good news !

  26. Humanitarian Human

    41,000 numbers floating around only in the Lankan/pro-Lankan press ?

    Yes, the numbers just floating and nothing else.

    There are rearrested and forcibly held in the yet another “transit” concentration camps…

    Do not believe the media in Sri Lanka. In the guise of fighting terrorism, the government has muzzled and suppressed the independent press to the degree that no single publication or electronic media outlet in Sri Lanka is allowed to practice journalism in the way it should be.

    Dissent is non-existent, self-censorship the order of the day; the ultimate victim – the ordinary citizen of Sri Lanka (not just Tamils) whose sources of information have dried up so completely that his only version of events mirrors that of the regime of the day.

    Sri Lankan newspapers are forced to practice a Goebbelian form of reportage, thanks to totalitarian control over the media. Joseph Goebbels was Adolf Hitler’s most powerful weapon because his propaganda ensured the Nazis popular support.

    Propaganda Minister in Hitler’s cabinet, Goebbels perfected an understanding of the “Big Lie” technique of propaganda, which is based on the principle that a lie, if audacious enough and repeated enough times, will be believed by the masses.

    Dangerously, the theory led to success with most of Hitler’s Germany actually believing that they were on the right side of history until the very last moment which ended in the destruction of their country. It is tragic to see this trend taking root in Sri Lanka today –the same country that boasted such a vibrant and defiant press not so very long ago.

    On the contrary, journalists have been slaughtered, abducted, assaulted, tortured and forced to flee their homeland all under the present regime. Investigations into a single one of these cases are yet to show any semblance of credibility.

  27. I realized some of your comments are excerpts from the statement made by Karu ayasuriya, Sri Lankan main opposition party UNP’s deputy leader. I think it seems a very sensible article worth a read which I posted in the other blogpost. Of course we have to pray and hope that Karu indeed has the lofty ideals (I have to say lofty going by the standards set by M R) reflected in the statement.


  28. Humanitarian Human

    Hello, my friend, yes we need to pray for a speedy release of 300000 innocent civilians from the abysmal Sri Lankan concentration camps.

    It shocking to see that a sizable section of the population is being held prisoner without recourse to any legal means of redress.

    At least, it exposes the Rajapakse’s principal agenda: hang on to power at all costs.

    The current situation is a salutary example of the breakdown of civil society in Sri Lanka. It’s far more expedient (and efficient) to appeal to the ruling regime rather than bother with a legal system that is effectively toothless.

    Mahinda Rajapakse is responsible for the blatant politicization of the apparatus of state. Rajapakse is destroying the very foundations of decent government by ignoring and mocking vital checks and balances.

    The only way to make the ruling regime see the folly of their corrupt ways is to treat them like Zimbabwe. When the cash stops filtering through to the ruling party’s pockets (from exports) they will begin to take notice.

    Sooner or later, Rajapakse will realize that neither the chants from religious zealots nor intimidation by Gota’s goons can replace valuable foreign exchange earnings.

    So U.S. State Department Sri Lanka War Crimes Report
    and unfavorable GSP+ is a good news !

  29. Sri Lankan President has said, that he will not allow anyone to take his army to courts on war crimes. He has said openly that no Tamils will be send back to their homes or villages until the army says so. Under this circumstance it's obvious that nothing is going to be investigated or any one of the military personal, who were directing the genocidal war in the north of the country will be brought to justice. The president himself has openly said much time that, he won’t let any one to bring charges against his army or defense personal. Therefore, how can America, European Union or United Nation expect them to listen to them and bring charges against the wrong doers??
    West and the All the peace loving International Community has to now take action not mere request. You can request million times and this ruthless dictator who is worse than Sadam is not going to listen to you. He is now the best friend of Iran’s Ahmed N, Burma’s dictators and Chinese communist regime. They are birds of the same feathers. What can the west can expect from this mad man.

  30. 1. Sri Lankan President has said, that he will not allow anyone to take his army to courts on war crimes. He has said openly that no Tamils will be send back to their homes or villages until the army says so. Under this circumstance it’s obvious that nothing is going to be investigated or any one of the military personal, who were directing the genocidal war in the north of the country will be brought to justice. The president himself has openly said many times that, he won’t let any one to bring charges against his army or defense personal. Therefore, how can America, European Union or United Nation expect him to listen to them and bring charges against the wrong doers??
    West democracy and the all the other peace loving International Community has to now take action now not mere requests. You can request million times and this ruthless dictator who is worse than Sadam is not going to listen to you. He is now the best friend of Iran’s Ahmed N, Burma’s military junta and Chinese communist regime. They are all birds of the same feathers. What can the west expect from this mad man?

  31. Sri Lankan President has said, that he will not allow anyone to take his army to courts on war crimes. He has said openly that no Tamils will be send back to their homes or villages until the army says so. Under this circumstance it’s obvious that nothing is going to be investigated or any one of the military personal, who were directing the genocidal war in the north of the country will be brought to justice. The president himself has openly said much time that, he won’t let any one to bring charges against his army or defense personal. Therefore, how can America, European Union or United Nation expect them to listen to them and bring charges against the wrong doers??
    West and the All the peace loving International Community has to now take action not mere request. You can request million times and this ruthless dictator who is worse than Sadam is not going to listen to you. He is now the best friend of Iran’s Ahmed N, Burma’s dictators and Chinese communist regime. They are birds of the same feathers. What can the west can expect from this mad man.

  32. 1. Sri Lankan President has said, that he will not allow anyone to take his army to courts on war crimes. He has said openly that no Tamils will be send back to their homes or villages until the army says so. Under this circumstance it’s obvious that nothing is going to be investigated or any one of the military personal, who were directing the genocidal war in the north of the country will be brought to justice. The president himself has openly said many times that, he won’t let any one to bring charges against his army or defense personal. Therefore, how can America, European Union or United Nation expect him to listen to them and bring charges against the wrong doers??
    West democracy and the all the other peace loving International Community has to now take action now not mere requests. You can request million times and this ruthless dictator who is worse than Sadam is not going to listen to you. He is now the best friend of Iran’s Ahmed N, Burma’s military junta and Chinese communist regime. They are all birds of the same feathers. What can the west expect from this mad man?

  33. The Sri Lankan Racist regime never learns!

    Recent publicity about releasing IDPs seems to be, in true Rajapakse style, too good to be true.

    Looks like some genius has hit on the idea of releasing IDPs (to inflate the figures) only to re-arrest them and send them to different camps.
    'Released' IDPs re-arrested. The Sri Lanka military has confirmed that they are re-arresting Tamil civilians released from Vavuniya camps.

    Judy Devadasan, Trincomalee district organizer said the trend has recently increased. Nobody knows where they were taken to.

    This is strange??

    Recently, the Sri Lankan foreign ministry has informed the European Union that screening of 160,000 IDPs has already been completed.

    The way to go, King Mahinda! One can always rely on the cabal to come up with ingenious scams. The humanitarian equivalent of Madoff fraud ??

  34. The Sri Lankan Racist regime never learns!

    Recent publicity about releasing IDPs seems to be, in true Rajapakse style, too good to be true.

    Looks like some genius has hit on the idea of releasing IDPs (to inflate the figures) only to re-arrest them and send them to different camps.
    'Released' IDPs re-arrested. The Sri Lanka military has confirmed that they are re-arresting Tamil civilians released from Vavuniya camps.

    Judy Devadasan, Trincomalee district organizer said the trend has recently increased. Nobody knows where they were taken to.

    This is strange??

    Recently, the Sri Lankan foreign ministry has informed the European Union that screening of 160,000 IDPs has already been completed.

    The way to go, King Mahinda! One can always rely on the cabal to come up with ingenious scams. The humanitarian equivalent of Madoff fraud ??

  35. The Sri Lankan Racist regime never learns!

    Recent publicity about releasing IDPs seems to be, in true Rajapakse style, too good to be true.

    Looks like some genius has hit on the idea of releasing IDPs (to inflate the figures) only to re-arrest them and send them to different camps.
    'Released' IDPs re-arrested. The Sri Lanka military has confirmed that they are re-arresting Tamil civilians released from Vavuniya camps.

    Judy Devadasan, Trincomalee district organizer said the trend has recently increased. Nobody knows where they were taken to.

    This is strange??

    Recently, the Sri Lankan foreign ministry has informed the European Union that screening of 160,000 IDPs has already been completed.

    The way to go, King Mahinda! One can always rely on the cabal to come up with ingenious scams. The humanitarian equivalent of Madoff fraud ??

  36. The Sri Lankan Racist regime never learns!

    Recent publicity about releasing IDPs seems to be, in true Rajapakse style, too good to be true.

    Looks like some genius has hit on the idea of releasing IDPs (to inflate the figures) only to re-arrest them and send them to different camps.

    ‘Released’ IDPs re-arrested. The Sri Lanka military has confirmed that they are re-arresting Tamil civilians released from Vavuniya camps.

    Judy Devadasan, Trincomalee district organizer said the trend has recently increased. Nobody knows where they were taken to.

    This is strange??

    Recently, the Sri Lankan foreign ministry has informed the European Union that screening of 160,000 IDPs has already been completed.

    The way to go, King Mahinda! One can always rely on the cabal to come up with ingenious scams. The humanitarian equivalent of Madoff fraud ??

  37. As many who post here consistently call the GOSL "Racist", I would make a comment about the opposing parties in the following manner.

    The racist, Fascist, Murderers LTTE supporters who are mainly Living abroad or in other words the "LTTE Diaspora" wishes to get some of their members who are trapped along with the civilians at the IDP camps. to achieve this objective, they continuously keep pressurizing the Western Block and organizations as AI showing that their interest is purely to release the Innocent civilians.

    What they do not mention is that it was them – the LTTE who trapped these civilians and used them as Human Shields during war and worse – murdered the innocent civilians who wished to escape.

    Hence, I urge the responsible organizations as AI and the governments of the Western Block to look at the bigger picture and not fall in to the trap of these Racist Murderers. Their Intentions are not PURE !!

  38. So as usual, last week's claimed resettlement of refugees was to next set of "welfare" camps where these people will be looked after with utmost care and affection.

    The above article has excerpts from Sunday Times, a newspaper that has been strongly supporting the government so far, where the Sunday Times questions about these claims of resettlement, albeit in feeble tones.
    “The government claimed that the IDPs [internally displaced persons] were sent to their homes, but reports said they had not gone to their homes. Questions have arisen when some of them were brought back to the camps while others were sent to transit camps or temporary shelters set up in schools and other government buildings.”

  39. So as usual, last week's claimed resettlement of refugees was to next set of "welfare" camps where these people will be looked after with utmost care and affection.

    The above article has excerpts from Sunday Times, a newspaper that has been strongly supporting the government so far, where the Sunday Times questions about these claims of resettlement, albeit in feeble tones.
    “The government claimed that the IDPs [internally displaced persons] were sent to their homes, but reports said they had not gone to their homes. Questions have arisen when some of them were brought back to the camps while others were sent to transit camps or temporary shelters set up in schools and other government buildings.”

  40. So as usual, last week's claimed resettlement of refugees was to next set of "welfare" camps where these people will be looked after with utmost care and affection.

    The above article has excerpts from Sunday Times, a newspaper that has been strongly supporting the government so far, where the Sunday Times questions about these claims of resettlement, albeit in feeble tones.
    “The government claimed that the IDPs [internally displaced persons] were sent to their homes, but reports said they had not gone to their homes. Questions have arisen when some of them were brought back to the camps while others were sent to transit camps or temporary shelters set up in schools and other government buildings.”

  41. Humanitarian Human,

    I not surprised, Sri Lankan government is “hoodwinking “everyone.
    I think, it’s all done for pure propaganda purposes.


    Hello friend, thank you for the story and link.

    ‘Released’ IDPs re-arrested. The Sri Lanka military has confirmed that they are re-arresting Tamil civilians released from Vavuniya camps.

    Shocking !!

    All this publicity, all this hoopla ….. about releasing the IDPs and resettling them.

    However, the stark reality the Sri Government is re-arresting them.

    How long do the Tamil people have to suffer?

    If they are the Sri Lankan citizens, where are their human/ legal rights?

    These “Finger pointing” justice and Kangaroo Courts should stop!!

    The discrimination against the Sri Lankan minority does not end there, the Tamils, on daily basis, are drug off from the airports, buses, work, homes, beaches and some never to be seen again.

    How many Sinhalese are yank off from the airplanes in the SL airport, holding valid travel documents and visas?

    They are arrested because they are Tamils.

    The confessions will be extracted later with the pliers and other torture instruments which are widely used in Sri Lankan prisons.
    (The pliers… to rip of the prisoners fingernails).

    29 Tamil youths arrested in Katunayake International Airport, Sri Lanka. Teams of SL Intelligence Unit have been deployed for a very long time in the airport to monitor the movement of Tamils who go abroad. Detained youths are imprisoned in feared Terrorist Investigation Department.

    2 Tamil youths at the Katunayake airport. The arrested had valid travel documents. They are being detained at the notorious Boosa jail and at the Terrorist Intelligence Division in Colombo.

    3 Tamil youths arrested on a bus by the Sri Lanka Army soldiers in Colombo. All passengers in the buses (only in the Tamil populated areas) are subjected to search.

    14 yr Tamil youth is under detention for 15 years in the Sri Lankan prison.

    This child was in prison for 15 yr!!

    He is among several Tamil detainees who have been detained under the PTA without any inquiry and without recourse in the courts.

    I guess, from child soldier to child prisoner is only one step in Sri Lanka (there are 50000 child prisoners in the concentration camps: some are infants).

    This kind of racism is revolting.

    I don’t believe the Rajapakse Regime. They have perfected the art of double-speak: on the one hand they have suave, western educated mouthpieces who put an attractive spin on their repression and, on the other, depend on good old fashioned enforcers who stifle lawful dissent by violent means.

    Sri Lanka President Rajapakse said in his speech on 19 May, ….In the past several decades those (Tamils) people wrought to development. I shall give all of that to those people. All should live with equal rights. They should live without any fear. I accept that responsibility.

    Empty promises !!

    These words have no meaning other than for international publicity. It is shameful that a government, which claims to respect democracy, exists in 21st century and has these dreadful Nazi-like concentration camps!!

    Sri Lanka regime brutal form of terror still permeates SL Island.

    a) So called democratic elections are conducted with armed, government proxies roaming freely and intimidating voters at will. Independent journalists are prevented from access to these areas. One cannot think of any better definition of a rigged election!

    b) Lawyers decline to defend their clients because they fear being labeled as traitors by government organs.

    c) Unelected members of the Presidents family function as arbiters of what may or may not be published in the press. They have even gone as far as to threaten journalists who do not relent.

    d) The judicial system is overwhelmed by the huge number of manifestly unjust prosecutions that are intended solely as a means of cowing anyone who dares oppose the government. Any impartial judge is rendered impotent in the face of government delaying tactics that are designed to prolong unjust imprisonments under draconian laws.

    e) Any impartial journalist who dares to highlight government injustice is subjected to White vanning or disappearance. Appeals for police protection fall on deaf ears. Moreover, the majority of such acts of terror take place in so called High security zones that are crawling with armed forces personnel.

    Whilst recognizing that Mahinda Rajapakse was a doughty defender of human rights in the 80s, however, today, he is responsible for the breakdown of civil society in Sri Lanka.

    Mawatha Silva

  42. Humanitarian Human,

    I not surprised, Sri Lankan government is “hoodwinking “everyone.
    I think, it’s all done for pure propaganda purposes.


    Hello friend, thank you for the story and link.

    ‘Released’ IDPs re-arrested. The Sri Lanka military has confirmed that they are re-arresting Tamil civilians released from Vavuniya camps.

    Shocking !!

    All this publicity, all this hoopla ….. about releasing the IDPs and resettling them.

    However, the stark reality the Sri Government is re-arresting them.

    How long do the Tamil people have to suffer?

    If they are the Sri Lankan citizens, where are their human/ legal rights?

    These “Finger pointing” justice and Kangaroo Courts should stop!!

    The discrimination against the Sri Lankan minority does not end there, the Tamils, on daily basis, are drug off from the airports, buses, work, homes, beaches and some never to be seen again.

    How many Sinhalese are yank off from the airplanes in the SL airport, holding valid travel documents and visas?

    They are arrested because they are Tamils.

    The confessions will be extracted later with the pliers and other torture instruments which are widely used in Sri Lankan prisons.
    (The pliers… to rip of the prisoners fingernails).

    29 Tamil youths arrested in Katunayake International Airport, Sri Lanka. Teams of SL Intelligence Unit have been deployed for a very long time in the airport to monitor the movement of Tamils who go abroad. Detained youths are imprisoned in feared Terrorist Investigation Department.

    2 Tamil youths at the Katunayake airport. The arrested had valid travel documents. They are being detained at the notorious Boosa jail and at the Terrorist Intelligence Division in Colombo.

    3 Tamil youths arrested on a bus by the Sri Lanka Army soldiers in Colombo. All passengers in the buses (only in the Tamil populated areas) are subjected to search.

    14 yr Tamil youth is under detention for 15 years in the Sri Lankan prison.

    This child was in prison for 15 yr!!

    He is among several Tamil detainees who have been detained under the PTA without any inquiry and without recourse in the courts.

    I guess, from child soldier to child prisoner is only one step in Sri Lanka (there are 50000 child prisoners in the concentration camps: some are infants).

    This kind of racism is revolting.

    I don’t believe the Rajapakse Regime. They have perfected the art of double-speak: on the one hand they have suave, western educated mouthpieces who put an attractive spin on their repression and, on the other, depend on good old fashioned enforcers who stifle lawful dissent by violent means.

    Sri Lanka President Rajapakse said in his speech on 19 May, ….In the past several decades those (Tamils) people wrought to development. I shall give all of that to those people. All should live with equal rights. They should live without any fear. I accept that responsibility.

    Empty promises !!

    These words have no meaning other than for international publicity. It is shameful that a government, which claims to respect democracy, exists in 21st century and has these dreadful Nazi-like concentration camps!!

    Sri Lanka regime brutal form of terror still permeates SL Island.

    a) So called democratic elections are conducted with armed, government proxies roaming freely and intimidating voters at will. Independent journalists are prevented from access to these areas. One cannot think of any better definition of a rigged election!

    b) Lawyers decline to defend their clients because they fear being labeled as traitors by government organs.

    c) Unelected members of the Presidents family function as arbiters of what may or may not be published in the press. They have even gone as far as to threaten journalists who do not relent.

    d) The judicial system is overwhelmed by the huge number of manifestly unjust prosecutions that are intended solely as a means of cowing anyone who dares oppose the government. Any impartial judge is rendered impotent in the face of government delaying tactics that are designed to prolong unjust imprisonments under draconian laws.

    e) Any impartial journalist who dares to highlight government injustice is subjected to White vanning or disappearance. Appeals for police protection fall on deaf ears. Moreover, the majority of such acts of terror take place in so called High security zones that are crawling with armed forces personnel.

    Whilst recognizing that Mahinda Rajapakse was a doughty defender of human rights in the 80s, however, today, he is responsible for the breakdown of civil society in Sri Lanka.

    Mawatha Silva

  43. Humanitarian Human,

    I not surprised, Sri Lankan government is “hoodwinking “everyone.
    I think, it’s all done for pure propaganda purposes.


    Hello friend, thank you for the story and link.

    ‘Released’ IDPs re-arrested. The Sri Lanka military has confirmed that they are re-arresting Tamil civilians released from Vavuniya camps.

    Shocking !!

    All this publicity, all this hoopla ….. about releasing the IDPs and resettling them.

    However, the stark reality the Sri Government is re-arresting them.

    How long do the Tamil people have to suffer?

    If they are the Sri Lankan citizens, where are their human/ legal rights?

    These “Finger pointing” justice and Kangaroo Courts should stop!!

    The discrimination against the Sri Lankan minority does not end there, the Tamils, on daily basis, are drug off from the airports, buses, work, homes, beaches and some never to be seen again.

    How many Sinhalese are yank off from the airplanes in the SL airport, holding valid travel documents and visas?

    They are arrested because they are Tamils.

    The confessions will be extracted later with the pliers and other torture instruments which are widely used in Sri Lankan prisons.
    (The pliers… to rip of the prisoners fingernails).

    29 Tamil youths arrested in Katunayake International Airport, Sri Lanka. Teams of SL Intelligence Unit have been deployed for a very long time in the airport to monitor the movement of Tamils who go abroad. Detained youths are imprisoned in feared Terrorist Investigation Department.

    2 Tamil youths at the Katunayake airport. The arrested had valid travel documents. They are being detained at the notorious Boosa jail and at the Terrorist Intelligence Division in Colombo.

    3 Tamil youths arrested on a bus by the Sri Lanka Army soldiers in Colombo. All passengers in the buses (only in the Tamil populated areas) are subjected to search.

    14 yr Tamil youth is under detention for 15 years in the Sri Lankan prison.

    This child was in prison for 15 yr!!

    He is among several Tamil detainees who have been detained under the PTA without any inquiry and without recourse in the courts.

    I guess, from child soldier to child prisoner is only one step in Sri Lanka (there are 50000 child prisoners in the concentration camps: some are infants).

    This kind of racism is revolting.

    I don’t believe the Rajapakse Regime. They have perfected the art of double-speak: on the one hand they have suave, western educated mouthpieces who put an attractive spin on their repression and, on the other, depend on good old fashioned enforcers who stifle lawful dissent by violent means.

    Sri Lanka President Rajapakse said in his speech on 19 May, ….In the past several decades those (Tamils) people wrought to development. I shall give all of that to those people. All should live with equal rights. They should live without any fear. I accept that responsibility.

    Empty promises !!

    These words have no meaning other than for international publicity. It is shameful that a government, which claims to respect democracy, exists in 21st century and has these dreadful Nazi-like concentration camps!!

    Sri Lanka regime brutal form of terror still permeates SL Island.

    a) So called democratic elections are conducted with armed, government proxies roaming freely and intimidating voters at will. Independent journalists are prevented from access to these areas. One cannot think of any better definition of a rigged election!

    b) Lawyers decline to defend their clients because they fear being labeled as traitors by government organs.

    c) Unelected members of the Presidents family function as arbiters of what may or may not be published in the press. They have even gone as far as to threaten journalists who do not relent.

    d) The judicial system is overwhelmed by the huge number of manifestly unjust prosecutions that are intended solely as a means of cowing anyone who dares oppose the government. Any impartial judge is rendered impotent in the face of government delaying tactics that are designed to prolong unjust imprisonments under draconian laws.

    e) Any impartial journalist who dares to highlight government injustice is subjected to White vanning or disappearance. Appeals for police protection fall on deaf ears. Moreover, the majority of such acts of terror take place in so called High security zones that are crawling with armed forces personnel.

    Whilst recognizing that Mahinda Rajapakse was a doughty defender of human rights in the 80s, however, today, he is responsible for the breakdown of civil society in Sri Lanka.

    Mawatha Silva

  44. As many who post here consistently call the GOSL “Racist”, I would make a comment about the opposing parties in the following manner.

    The racist, Fascist, Murderers LTTE supporters who are mainly Living abroad or in other words the “LTTE Diaspora” wishes to get some of their members who are trapped along with the civilians at the IDP camps. to achieve this objective, they continuously keep pressurizing the Western Block and organizations as AI showing that their interest is purely to release the Innocent civilians.

    What they do not mention is that it was them – the LTTE who trapped these civilians and used them as Human Shields during war and worse – murdered the innocent civilians who wished to escape.

    Hence, I urge the responsible organizations as AI and the governments of the Western Block to look at the bigger picture and not fall in to the trap of these Racist Murderers. Their Intentions are not PURE !!

  45. So as usual, last week’s claimed resettlement of refugees was to next set of “welfare” camps where these people will be looked after with utmost care and affection.


    The above article has excerpts from Sunday Times, a newspaper that has been strongly supporting the government so far, where the Sunday Times questions about these claims of resettlement, albeit in feeble tones.
    “The government claimed that the IDPs [internally displaced persons] were sent to their homes, but reports said they had not gone to their homes. Questions have arisen when some of them were brought back to the camps while others were sent to transit camps or temporary shelters set up in schools and other government buildings.”

  46. The head of the Burmese Junta is due on a state visit to Sri Lanka on 14 Nov. Wow, what could these distinguished statesmen have in common?

    Perhaps our King Mahinda could seize this opportunity to polish up on his "good governance" skills! He could even get some valuable advice on blocking those nasty websites that publish dissenting views; like most despots, he thinks that merely censoring nonconforming views is the panacea.

    The Government has also made it clear that it will block internet access to websites that publish "Wrong Information": their quaint euphemism for anything close to the truth.

    So the Rajapakse's lackeys surfing the web with renewed fervor to block news websites.

    Sadly, on that ludicrous criterion, the Sri Lankans are going to be left with nothing other than news from websites controlled by the governments of Libya, China and Burma.

    What an ironic way to disprove the EU's allegations of repression ! On a more serious note, such a farcical response from the government, in response to legitimate criticism, is yet another manifestation of the "Ghota Doctrine".

    Shoot the messenger!

    The editor of the Sunday Leader newspaper has received various death threats as a response to news items published. So this is a valid point regarding the doctrine of "shoot the messenger".

    Let's hope that the editor does not suffer the same fate as Lasantha, who was brutally murdered this year .

    Let's hope editor of the Sunday Leader newspaper is Unbowed and Unafraid!

  47. Humanitarian Human,

    I not surprised, Sri Lankan government is “hoodwinking “everyone.
    I think, it’s all done for pure propaganda purposes.


    Hello friend, thank you for the story and link.

    ‘Released’ IDPs re-arrested. The Sri Lanka military has confirmed that they are re-arresting Tamil civilians released from Vavuniya camps.

    Shocking !!

    All this publicity, all this hoopla ….. about releasing the IDPs and resettling them.

    However, the stark reality the Sri Government is re-arresting them.

    How long do the Tamil people have to suffer?

    If they are the Sri Lankan citizens, where are their human/ legal rights?

    These “Finger pointing” justice and Kangaroo Courts should stop!!

    The discrimination against the Sri Lankan minority does not end there, the Tamils, on daily basis, are drug off from the airports, buses, work, homes, beaches and some never to be seen again.

    How many Sinhalese are yank off from the airplanes in the SL airport, holding valid travel documents and visas?

    They are arrested because they are Tamils.

    The confessions will be extracted later with the pliers and other torture instruments which are widely used in Sri Lankan prisons.
    (The pliers… to rip of the prisoners fingernails).


    29 Tamil youths arrested in Katunayake International Airport, Sri Lanka. Teams of SL Intelligence Unit have been deployed for a very long time in the airport to monitor the movement of Tamils who go abroad. Detained youths are imprisoned in feared Terrorist Investigation Department.


    2 Tamil youths at the Katunayake airport. The arrested had valid travel documents. They are being detained at the notorious Boosa jail and at the Terrorist Intelligence Division in Colombo.


    3 Tamil youths arrested on a bus by the Sri Lanka Army soldiers in Colombo. All passengers in the buses (only in the Tamil populated areas) are subjected to search.


    14 yr Tamil youth is under detention for 15 years in the Sri Lankan prison.

    This child was in prison for 15 yr!!

    He is among several Tamil detainees who have been detained under the PTA without any inquiry and without recourse in the courts.

    I guess, from child soldier to child prisoner is only one step in Sri Lanka (there are 50000 child prisoners in the concentration camps: some are infants).

    This kind of racism is revolting.

    I don’t believe the Rajapakse Regime. They have perfected the art of double-speak: on the one hand they have suave, western educated mouthpieces who put an attractive spin on their repression and, on the other, depend on good old fashioned enforcers who stifle lawful dissent by violent means.

    Sri Lanka President Rajapakse said in his speech on 19 May, ….In the past several decades those (Tamils) people wrought to development. I shall give all of that to those people. All should live with equal rights. They should live without any fear. I accept that responsibility.

    Empty promises !!

    These words have no meaning other than for international publicity. It is shameful that a government, which claims to respect democracy, exists in 21st century and has these dreadful Nazi-like concentration camps!!

    Sri Lanka regime brutal form of terror still permeates SL Island.

    a) So called democratic elections are conducted with armed, government proxies roaming freely and intimidating voters at will. Independent journalists are prevented from access to these areas. One cannot think of any better definition of a rigged election!

    b) Lawyers decline to defend their clients because they fear being labeled as traitors by government organs.

    c) Unelected members of the Presidents family function as arbiters of what may or may not be published in the press. They have even gone as far as to threaten journalists who do not relent.

    d) The judicial system is overwhelmed by the huge number of manifestly unjust prosecutions that are intended solely as a means of cowing anyone who dares oppose the government. Any impartial judge is rendered impotent in the face of government delaying tactics that are designed to prolong unjust imprisonments under draconian laws.

    e) Any impartial journalist who dares to highlight government injustice is subjected to White vanning or disappearance. Appeals for police protection fall on deaf ears. Moreover, the majority of such acts of terror take place in so called High security zones that are crawling with armed forces personnel.

    Whilst recognizing that Mahinda Rajapakse was a doughty defender of human rights in the 80s, however, today, he is responsible for the breakdown of civil society in Sri Lanka.

    Mawatha Silva

  48. The head of the Burmese Junta is due on a state visit to Sri Lanka on 14 Nov. Wow, what could these distinguished statesmen have in common?

    Perhaps our King Mahinda could seize this opportunity to polish up on his “good governance” skills! He could even get some valuable advice on blocking those nasty websites that publish dissenting views; like most despots, he thinks that merely censoring nonconforming views is the panacea.

    The Government has also made it clear that it will block internet access to websites that publish “Wrong Information”: their quaint euphemism for anything close to the truth.

    So the Rajapakse’s lackeys surfing the web with renewed fervor to block news websites.

    Sadly, on that ludicrous criterion, the Sri Lankans are going to be left with nothing other than news from websites controlled by the governments of Libya, China and Burma.

    What an ironic way to disprove the EU’s allegations of repression ! On a more serious note, such a farcical response from the government, in response to legitimate criticism, is yet another manifestation of the “Ghota Doctrine”.

    Shoot the messenger!

    The editor of the Sunday Leader newspaper has received various death threats as a response to news items published. So this is a valid point regarding the doctrine of “shoot the messenger”.

    Let’s hope that the editor does not suffer the same fate as Lasantha, who was brutally murdered this year .

    Let’s hope editor of the Sunday Leader newspaper is Unbowed and Unafraid!

  49. unjustified speculations and factual errors are used to slander sri lanka and sri lankans .

    i think these racist westerners should realize that they don't own this country any more and we are not their slaves . they can pay amnesty international ( an organization that despicably attacked sri lankan cricket team during 2007 world cup , only marginally better than the terrorists who attacked the team this year in pakistan ) and other ngos to be their slaves, but we sri lankans are not going to be their slaves.

    we have our rights including our right to life . ltte deprived us of those rights. amnesty and other slaves of west wanted us to negotiate with our murderers, thankfully at last we did not listen and defeated the murderers
    they coninue to equalize ltte with tamils . what could be more racist , more against all principles of huamn rights , democracy, justice, and freedom than these actions of west and their paid slaves in amnesty internationale .

    now they try to preach to us again and want us to obey their rules? huh?

    i suppose going by the way others,(who relied on historical facts and reasons to make frank comments here) were treated, this comment too will get banned.

  50. unjustified speculations and factual errors are used to slander sri lanka and sri lankans .

    i think these racist westerners should realize that they don’t own this country any more and we are not their slaves . they can pay amnesty international ( an organization that despicably attacked sri lankan cricket team during 2007 world cup , only marginally better than the terrorists who attacked the team this year in pakistan ) and other ngos to be their slaves, but we sri lankans are not going to be their slaves.

    we have our rights including our right to life . ltte deprived us of those rights. amnesty and other slaves of west wanted us to negotiate with our murderers, thankfully at last we did not listen and defeated the murderers
    they coninue to equalize ltte with tamils . what could be more racist , more against all principles of huamn rights , democracy, justice, and freedom than these actions of west and their paid slaves in amnesty internationale .

    now they try to preach to us again and want us to obey their rules? huh?

    i suppose going by the way others,(who relied on historical facts and reasons to make frank comments here) were treated, this comment too will get banned.

  51. In response to sittingnut's comment of Oct. 26, 3:17 P.M., I would ask that people commenting please refrain from personal attacks. They're unwarranted. If you disagree with AI's positions, say so. There's no need to abuse those you disagree with. A couple observations:
    1. AI is not racist. Review our statements and reports. The charge doesn't stand scrutiny.
    2. AI did not attack the Sri Lankan cricket team in 2007. Review our April 12, 2007 statement: "Sri Lanka: Human rights is the issue, not cricket."
    3. AI has never equated the Tamil population in Sri Lanka with the LTTE. Our public statements and reports on Sri Lanka would make that clear if you would review them.

  52. Check this site.

    The Tamil commentators send news & images that stay on in the mind.Like uncensored glimpses of a harsh & hidden reality.

    The Sinhalese / progovernment remarks, on the other hand, are full of slurs, personal attacks, & rants & ravings that are increasingly going completely off the rails.The "enslaving West", the "paid slaves",… what are we talking about here ???

    Then Mr. Pappa uses what amounts to the tactical LOGIC of blackmailers: For example: the USA did worse things in Iraq, so how can you talk about what we did ? And if you talk about us, we can talk about you. This argument bases itself on the very worst standards, & then demands exemption for one's side on the basis of the "other" side's depravity, as if proving that only in such company can one shine.

    This sort of comparative blackmail is ultimately counterproductive in world affairs. Russia has just supported the Goldstone report on Israel's attack on Gaza, a courageous thing to have done. The Israeli lobby in Russia tried to stop Russia from doing this by saying this would open the way to similar reports on Russian atrocities in Chechnya. This tactic didn't work, for ultimately genocide calls down on itself its own condemnation.

    Pappa & some of the Sinhalese also attack the Tamil observers by throwing around the suspicion that they are actually "Tigers". This is psychological blackmail, pressuring you to shut up and "back off", a psywar tactic widely used by policemen & prosecutors in police states & fascist juntas.

    Is this the fallout from the fog of fear rolling in from Colombo & the concentration camps where the witchhunts are on ?

    If it is, it's come a long way, & is still remarkably thick.

  53. In response to sittingnut’s comment of Oct. 26, 3:17 P.M., I would ask that people commenting please refrain from personal attacks. They’re unwarranted. If you disagree with AI’s positions, say so. There’s no need to abuse those you disagree with. A couple observations:
    1. AI is not racist. Review our statements and reports. The charge doesn’t stand scrutiny.
    2. AI did not attack the Sri Lankan cricket team in 2007. Review our April 12, 2007 statement: “Sri Lanka: Human rights is the issue, not cricket.”
    3. AI has never equated the Tamil population in Sri Lanka with the LTTE. Our public statements and reports on Sri Lanka would make that clear if you would review them.

  54. SL government portrays anyone who questions them as being racist and commands them to shut up. The SL government agents commenting here have just continued the policy of their government, but what they have forgotten is that they have crossed their country borders and the undemocratic and dictatorial control that holds sway in SL no longer holds here. These sinhalese commentors in fact by calling AI, fellow commentors and fellow citizens by offensive names (and expletives at times, remember the "Pain in the …" comment of Pappa referring to the suffering Srilankan Tamil citizens in the other post) do not realize that their comments are only getting counter productive and paint a nasty stinking picture of their government and their country.

  55. Check this site.

    The Tamil commentators send news & images that stay on in the mind.Like uncensored glimpses of a harsh & hidden reality.

    The Sinhalese / progovernment remarks, on the other hand, are full of slurs, personal attacks, & rants & ravings that are increasingly going completely off the rails.The “enslaving West”, the “paid slaves”,… what are we talking about here ???

    Then Mr. Pappa uses what amounts to the tactical LOGIC of blackmailers: For example: the USA did worse things in Iraq, so how can you talk about what we did ? And if you talk about us, we can talk about you. This argument bases itself on the very worst standards, & then demands exemption for one’s side on the basis of the “other” side’s depravity, as if proving that only in such company can one shine.

    This sort of comparative blackmail is ultimately counterproductive in world affairs. Russia has just supported the Goldstone report on Israel’s attack on Gaza, a courageous thing to have done. The Israeli lobby in Russia tried to stop Russia from doing this by saying this would open the way to similar reports on Russian atrocities in Chechnya. This tactic didn’t work, for ultimately genocide calls down on itself its own condemnation.

    Pappa & some of the Sinhalese also attack the Tamil observers by throwing around the suspicion that they are actually “Tigers”. This is psychological blackmail, pressuring you to shut up and “back off”, a psywar tactic widely used by policemen & prosecutors in police states & fascist juntas.

    Is this the fallout from the fog of fear rolling in from Colombo & the concentration camps where the witchhunts are on ?

    If it is, it’s come a long way, & is still remarkably thick.

  56. IF false statements are made against any body or any entity for that matter, and after several warnings of not to spread false statements (in a decent manner) Fails, I think that body will have the right to say Shut up to the false Propagandist…

    What the LTTE propagandist have not yet realized is quite amazing – they have crossed many borders including that of their own country – Sri Lanka, and try to create a separate state… Astonishing how such Terrorist LTTE agents could point a finger at a democratically elected government.

    If a government or (in my case) an independent observer cannot oppose a false propagandist in a rightful manner, there is no requirement for a discussion to occur. I trust what the writer implies here is that everyone should agree with him/them and those are the people who are not racist and doing the right thing ! There is a word in the dictionary for such mind set called 'Misconception"

    Sri Lanka is an independent country / legal entity. It has it's own set of rules and regulations relating on how to run the country / legal entity. If SL is run by a democratically elected government and if any external party is questioning on how it is run, the GOSL or the people of the country would have all the right to defend it self against such activity and question such third parties interrogations if such party has not complied by the same rules and regulations – In this case the USA has supported Israel to Bomb Gaza which could be proven with evidence and pointing fingers at the GOSL without any proven evidence (as stated in the report – No Concrete Evidence) – But then again, I am trying to drive this point to a brain that try to justify actions carried out by a Terrorist Group even the USA listed as a Top 3 Terror Organization… What else should I say if this alone is not evidence of the mind set and the hidden agenda of such people ??

    P.S. The pain in the A$$ comment was directed at the Terrorist group and not at a ethnic group – if that could not be fathomed by a party who are commenting here, I will have a serious question on their intellect levels.

  57. Excellent News Jim !!

    At least this way, two legal entities could have a decent discussion across tables than be mislead by False Propagandists who are puppets of a former Terrorist Organization.

    Suggest that AI request for some time with the GOSL to carry out a few discussions too. Also suggest that you discuss the bigger picture of the situation at such meeting…

  58. Savage !!

    Sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you !!!

    I state the following comment…

    Then Mr. Pappa uses what amounts to the tactical LOGIC of blackmailers: For example: the USA did worse things in Iraq, so how can you talk about what we did ? And if you talk about us, we can talk about you. This argument bases itself on the very worst standards, & then demands exemption for one’s side on the basis of the “other” side’s depravity, as if proving that only in such company can one shine.

    Dude !!

    There is a term "Those who live in Glass Houses Should not throw Stones at others" – meaningful ha ?? If anyone is to be put on a list of crimes against Humanity, the No. 1 spot will be earned by the USA… Now, given the situations they had to do so, I would not blame on certain occasions (as in Iraq and Afghanistan – though I would thoroughly condemn Hiroshima and Nagasaki) same goes to Europe – see the amount of killing they did in American continent it self when they found the peaceful land 500 years ago – How many Inca's were killed ?? Don't mean to drag religion in to the discussion, but, appreciate words of a great man who lived on this planet not so long ago – Pope John Paul II – who openly apologized for such activities carried out in the name of our good lord.

    Who we need now is More John Paul II 's than Fatso Prabhakaran's and his puppets..

    Savage – Don't you agree ??????????????????????

    Anyhow – bottom line is that GOSL defended their own Territory from a Terror group and in doing so, did keep within the laws set Internationally and accepted by the GOSL – the Geneve convention… SL did not go to another country and bombard the place disregarding the civilians of that country… I guess the USA knows that too… Even the USA was at risk with some of the Taliban's being trained for suicide missions by the Suicide kings of LTTE – Now training suicides false under HR violations too right ??

  59. SL government portrays anyone who questions them as being racist and commands them to shut up. The SL government agents commenting here have just continued the policy of their government, but what they have forgotten is that they have crossed their country borders and the undemocratic and dictatorial control that holds sway in SL no longer holds here. These sinhalese commentors in fact by calling AI, fellow commentors and fellow citizens by offensive names (and expletives at times, remember the “Pain in the …” comment of Pappa referring to the suffering Srilankan Tamil citizens in the other post) do not realize that their comments are only getting counter productive and paint a nasty stinking picture of their government and their country.

  60. Jim McDonald:

    I would like to wait and see the composition of this committee before commenting on it. We know how biased the killings video investigation committee was.

    Jimmy Pappa:
    Till this point many of your comments were bordering on racism – now by refuting your offensive comments about fellow IDPs and me you are turning dishonest as well – unfortunately your comments are still there on the post itself.

  61. IF false statements are made against any body or any entity for that matter, and after several warnings of not to spread false statements (in a decent manner) Fails, I think that body will have the right to say Shut up to the false Propagandist…

    What the LTTE propagandist have not yet realized is quite amazing – they have crossed many borders including that of their own country – Sri Lanka, and try to create a separate state… Astonishing how such Terrorist LTTE agents could point a finger at a democratically elected government.

    If a government or (in my case) an independent observer cannot oppose a false propagandist in a rightful manner, there is no requirement for a discussion to occur. I trust what the writer implies here is that everyone should agree with him/them and those are the people who are not racist and doing the right thing ! There is a word in the dictionary for such mind set called ‘Misconception”

    Sri Lanka is an independent country / legal entity. It has it’s own set of rules and regulations relating on how to run the country / legal entity. If SL is run by a democratically elected government and if any external party is questioning on how it is run, the GOSL or the people of the country would have all the right to defend it self against such activity and question such third parties interrogations if such party has not complied by the same rules and regulations – In this case the USA has supported Israel to Bomb Gaza which could be proven with evidence and pointing fingers at the GOSL without any proven evidence (as stated in the report – No Concrete Evidence) – But then again, I am trying to drive this point to a brain that try to justify actions carried out by a Terrorist Group even the USA listed as a Top 3 Terror Organization… What else should I say if this alone is not evidence of the mind set and the hidden agenda of such people ??

    P.S. The pain in the A$$ comment was directed at the Terrorist group and not at a ethnic group – if that could not be fathomed by a party who are commenting here, I will have a serious question on their intellect levels.

  62. Excellent News Jim !!

    At least this way, two legal entities could have a decent discussion across tables than be mislead by False Propagandists who are puppets of a former Terrorist Organization.

    Suggest that AI request for some time with the GOSL to carry out a few discussions too. Also suggest that you discuss the bigger picture of the situation at such meeting…

  63. Savage !!

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to ignore you !!!

    I state the following comment…

    Then Mr. Pappa uses what amounts to the tactical LOGIC of blackmailers: For example: the USA did worse things in Iraq, so how can you talk about what we did ? And if you talk about us, we can talk about you. This argument bases itself on the very worst standards, & then demands exemption for one’s side on the basis of the “other” side’s depravity, as if proving that only in such company can one shine.

    Dude !!

    There is a term “Those who live in Glass Houses Should not throw Stones at others” – meaningful ha ?? If anyone is to be put on a list of crimes against Humanity, the No. 1 spot will be earned by the USA… Now, given the situations they had to do so, I would not blame on certain occasions (as in Iraq and Afghanistan – though I would thoroughly condemn Hiroshima and Nagasaki) same goes to Europe – see the amount of killing they did in American continent it self when they found the peaceful land 500 years ago – How many Inca’s were killed ?? Don’t mean to drag religion in to the discussion, but, appreciate words of a great man who lived on this planet not so long ago – Pope John Paul II – who openly apologized for such activities carried out in the name of our good lord.

    Who we need now is More John Paul II ‘s than Fatso Prabhakaran’s and his puppets..

    Savage – Don’t you agree ??????????????????????

    Anyhow – bottom line is that GOSL defended their own Territory from a Terror group and in doing so, did keep within the laws set Internationally and accepted by the GOSL – the Geneve convention… SL did not go to another country and bombard the place disregarding the civilians of that country… I guess the USA knows that too… Even the USA was at risk with some of the Taliban’s being trained for suicide missions by the Suicide kings of LTTE – Now training suicides false under HR violations too right ??

  64. Jim McDonald:

    I would like to wait and see the composition of this committee before commenting on it. We know how biased the killings video investigation committee was.

    Jimmy Pappa:
    Till this point many of your comments were bordering on racism – now by refuting your offensive comments about fellow IDPs and me you are turning dishonest as well – unfortunately your comments are still there on the post itself.

  65. Those interested may want to view this three-part video of a talk given by Yolanda Foster, the AI researcher on Sri Lanka, about a month ago, in which she discusses violations of humanitarian and human rights law by both sides to the conflict, among other issues – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy7ZiInFds0&fe

  66. Humanitarian Human Says:
    October 27th, 2009 at 9:10 pm

    The government is once again creating a smokescreen inquiry to avoid accountability for abuses. Only an independent international investigation will uncover the truth about this brutal war and ensure justice for the victims. The UN and US should not play along with the government’s pretense that it will conduct its own investigation.
    .Brad Adams, Asia director

    Sri lanka still vomiting worms of lies, how many enquiry they had over 61 years.

    Revise policies on Tamil struggle: Karen Parker tells U.S. Senate http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

    IIGEP: Colombo lacks political will to investigate Human Rights violations, http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

  67. Those interested may want to view this three-part video of a talk given by Yolanda Foster, the AI researcher on Sri Lanka, about a month ago, in which she discusses violations of humanitarian and human rights law by both sides to the conflict, among other issues – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy7ZiInFds0&fe

  68. Those interested may want to view this three-part video of a talk given by Yolanda Foster, the AI researcher on Sri Lanka, about a month ago, in which she discusses violations of humanitarian and human rights law by both sides to the conflict, among other issues – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy7ZiInFds0&fe

  69. Humanitarian Human Says:
    October 27th, 2009 at 9:10 pm

    The government is once again creating a smokescreen inquiry to avoid accountability for abuses. Only an independent international investigation will uncover the truth about this brutal war and ensure justice for the victims. The UN and US should not play along with the government’s pretense that it will conduct its own investigation.
    .Brad Adams, Asia director

    Sri lanka still vomiting worms of lies, how many enquiry they had over 61 years.

    Revise policies on Tamil struggle: Karen Parker tells U.S. Senate http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

    IIGEP: Colombo lacks political will to investigate Human Rights violations, http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

  70. Humanitarian Human Says:
    October 27th, 2009 at 9:10 pm

    The government is once again creating a smokescreen inquiry to avoid accountability for abuses. Only an independent international investigation will uncover the truth about this brutal war and ensure justice for the victims. The UN and US should not play along with the government’s pretense that it will conduct its own investigation.
    .Brad Adams, Asia director

    Sri lanka still vomiting worms of lies, how many enquiry they had over 61 years.

    Revise policies on Tamil struggle: Karen Parker tells U.S. Senate http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

    IIGEP: Colombo lacks political will to investigate Human Rights violations, http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

  71. Humannn !!

    Anyone going through any of my posts would know that I never mentioned any Ethnic group nor attack any Ethnic group. I vehemently condemn only one group – that is the LTTE. You also should remember that this Organization did have representation from most Ethnic groups though the Majority were Tamils. (There were known 50+ Singhala Fighters with LTTE, keep aside the support groups)

    Since Ethnicity was brought in to the subject, There are many ministers in the GOSL, Opposition, our work places etc, and there is no requirement for anyone to attack them. They live quite peacefully among us – now this statement I have made a Zillion times on these forums which would prove that I do not attack a particular Ethnic Group ..

    If at all anyone attacked a Ethnic Group, it is you !! You always Point Fingers at a "Singhala Racist" Government. You guys forget that there are representation from all Ethnic Groups in the government.

    So if at all anyone is being a Racist, it is you guys. Neither Mango nor Me attack any Ethnic group but a Terrorist group – quite opposite of you guys…

    So, when I say that a group is a Pain in the Rear End, If you say that it is pointed towards a Ethnic group, I will have the right to have the following conclusions..

    1. You are deliberately doing so to dishonor me or to mislead the public who reads this.
    2. You seriously have not got the Intellectual capacity to fathom out the reasoning behind words – (Basically an Idiot)

    I hope that it is the above Number 1 for your sake !!

  72. Humanitarian Human Says:
    October 27th, 2009 at 9:10 pm

    The government is once again creating a smokescreen inquiry to avoid accountability for abuses. Only an independent international investigation will uncover the truth about this brutal war and ensure justice for the victims. The UN and US should not play along with the government’s pretense that it will conduct its own investigation.
    .Brad Adams, Asia director

    Sri lanka still vomiting worms of lies, how many enquiry they had over 61 years.

    Revise policies on Tamil struggle: Karen Parker tells U.S. Senate

    IIGEP: Colombo lacks political will to investigate Human Rights violations,

  73. Humannn !!

    Anyone going through any of my posts would know that I never mentioned any Ethnic group nor attack any Ethnic group. I vehemently condemn only one group – that is the LTTE. You also should remember that this Organization did have representation from most Ethnic groups though the Majority were Tamils. (There were known 50+ Singhala Fighters with LTTE, keep aside the support groups)

    Since Ethnicity was brought in to the subject, There are many ministers in the GOSL, Opposition, our work places etc, and there is no requirement for anyone to attack them. They live quite peacefully among us – now this statement I have made a Zillion times on these forums which would prove that I do not attack a particular Ethnic Group ..

    If at all anyone attacked a Ethnic Group, it is you !! You always Point Fingers at a “Singhala Racist” Government. You guys forget that there are representation from all Ethnic Groups in the government.

    So if at all anyone is being a Racist, it is you guys. Neither Mango nor Me attack any Ethnic group but a Terrorist group – quite opposite of you guys…

    So, when I say that a group is a Pain in the Rear End, If you say that it is pointed towards a Ethnic group, I will have the right to have the following conclusions..

    1. You are deliberately doing so to dishonor me or to mislead the public who reads this.
    2. You seriously have not got the Intellectual capacity to fathom out the reasoning behind words – (Basically an Idiot)

    I hope that it is the above Number 1 for your sake !!

  74. Mr. Jim Pappa:

    You have classified me both as a idiot as well as "a pain in the .." on previous occasions too. Are these verbal attacks not meant to dishonour me?

    Frankly it is the SL government and its agents like you who attempt to dishonour anyone who is either a Tamil or takes up the cause of Tamils (like AI, Lasantha, etc). Did the world not see how the SL army dishonoured the poor Tamils and killed them ruthlessly in that video? I know you will give a further offensive response against me – let the world see that as well.

  75. Mr. Jim Pappa:

    You have classified me both as a idiot as well as “a pain in the ..” on previous occasions too. Are these verbal attacks not meant to dishonour me?

    Frankly it is the SL government and its agents like you who attempt to dishonour anyone who is either a Tamil or takes up the cause of Tamils (like AI, Lasantha, etc). Did the world not see how the SL army dishonoured the poor Tamils and killed them ruthlessly in that video? I know you will give a further offensive response against me – let the world see that as well.

  76. The SL army commander Sarath Fonseka has said this:

    “Some people in Colombo think this victory was easy. It came at a tremendous price with so much of sacrifices during the past 30 years. The displaced people are still in camps and they have to be resettled. At the same time there are many LTTE members among them who have to be destroyed. The people should be resettled and the area has to be secured to prevent the problem from rising again,” General Fonseka said.

    Is not "destroying" of "LTTE members" amount to human rights violation? I know there was a seperate post on this topic that the rebels also have the same human rights that the non-rebels have. Now looks like any youth (or anyone for that matter) can be suspected to be a rebel and destroyed by this "ethnic cleansing" strategy.

    AI should condemn such statements given that there is no longer a war and only legal prosecution of any rebels must be allowed.

  77. Dear Human !

    You have classified me both as a idiot as well as “a pain in the ..” on previous occasions too. Are these verbal attacks not meant to dishonour me?

    As previously explained, after you calling me a "racist and a government agent" of course it was an attack on you from me when I called you an Idiot for calling me a racist (I did reason out why)…. It was a reply for dishonouring me…

    As for calling a Pain in the ….. , it was meant for the LTTE and it's supporters.. I sincerely hope that you don't fall in to that category as they are Terrorists.

    Further, I vehemently condemn you calling the Sri Lankan Government or the Nation of Sri Lanka as a whole of going against Tamils as it is not true. There is plenty of peace and harmony among all Ethnic groups and I commend the government's efforts to build harmony among the Ethnic groups which is required at this moment of time.. It is true that there are eccentric groups from all sides, but majority are not racists for sure..

    I condemn killing of Lasantha Big time as he was arguably the best media person we had here. However, I trust that it has nothing to do with him supporting any group and was personal (from the little bit of info I have)

  78. Human,

    Sorry – about the Video – It's a hoax… Some guys have filmed it in Germany or somewhere to discredit the GOSL…. You do get a few B@$%$#& around you know…

  79. The SL army commander Sarath Fonseka has said this:

    “Some people in Colombo think this victory was easy. It came at a tremendous price with so much of sacrifices during the past 30 years. The displaced people are still in camps and they have to be resettled. At the same time there are many LTTE members among them who have to be destroyed. The people should be resettled and the area has to be secured to prevent the problem from rising again,” General Fonseka said.

    Is not "destroying" of "LTTE members" amount to human rights violation? I know there was a seperate post on this topic that the rebels also have the same human rights that the non-rebels have. Now looks like any youth (or anyone for that matter) can be suspected to be a rebel and destroyed by this "ethnic cleansing" strategy.

    AI should condemn such statements given that there is no longer a war and only legal prosecution of any rebels must be allowed.

  80. The SL army commander Sarath Fonseka has said this:

    “Some people in Colombo think this victory was easy. It came at a tremendous price with so much of sacrifices during the past 30 years. The displaced people are still in camps and they have to be resettled. At the same time there are many LTTE members among them who have to be destroyed. The people should be resettled and the area has to be secured to prevent the problem from rising again,” General Fonseka said.

    Is not "destroying" of "LTTE members" amount to human rights violation? I know there was a seperate post on this topic that the rebels also have the same human rights that the non-rebels have. Now looks like any youth (or anyone for that matter) can be suspected to be a rebel and destroyed by this "ethnic cleansing" strategy.

    AI should condemn such statements given that there is no longer a war and only legal prosecution of any rebels must be allowed.

  81. Dear Human…

    Is not “destroying” of “LTTE members” amount to human rights violation?

    Absolutely right !!

    We need to give them more guns and missiles and give them 5 star accommodation at Hilton Hotel..

    I am sure that even the USA government is thinking of the same with Taliban – to send Air Force one to Afghanistan and get all Talibanians to USA and give them more guns and military technology, employ them at the CIA and house them at Waldorf Astoria..

    I am amazed at your power of assumption when defining on behalf of others. When the Army Commander or anyone for that matter comments on some issue, you just itch to give it your own definition ha ? Can I start doing it to you too ??? (Please, now I am Itching – so don't say NO) 😀 😕

    What's the definition you give to the mission of Fat Prabha – "Kill all who oppose, chase none Tamils and Kill for separate state" ??

    Gee dude… Are you seriously fighting for your cause by making these statements ?? this doesn't do enough justice for me to prove that you are No. 1 and not 2 as per my definition on previous post..

  82. Mr.Jim Pappa,

    It does not matter who it is – the definition of human rights is the same for everyone – be it perpetrators of war crimes like Mahinda Rajapakse or his backer like you or innocent Tamil civilians in the camps. If you are subjected to HR violations tomorrow, it is the duty of AI to condemn such actions and fight for your cause even if you are subjected to HR violations at the hands of your government that pays you. Please understand the mission statement of AI and definitions of HR before commenting here.

  83. To people who dont understand:

    Also I am pretty clear – even if the Government want to take actions against remaining LTTE members, it cannot "destroy" them anymore. This is not a war – Government has to take legal proceedings against them. To just remind folks, the Government for example initiated legal proceedings against George Master and Daya Master – "destroying" former rebels is gross HR violation independent of your opinions against them.

  84. Dear Human,

    Excellent. Let me take it point by point…

    It does not matter who it is – the definition of human rights is the same for everyone

    Where do we draw the line on those who's pure intention is to disrupt other Human's lives ? Ex. Thieves, Murderers, Terrorists…

    By letting them carry on, what will happen to those who want peace ? What will happen if everyone asks for pieces of lands all over the world Just because they what to have their own ways ? Where do we draw the line ?

    This is where I clearly state that you need not stick to the book of Law when it comes to treating groups who them selves don't believe in such Laws. Don't tell me that the LTTE abide by the HR laws of any sort keep aside AI.

    This is not a war – Government has to take legal proceedings against them

    I think it was very clear and it is very clear that the government treats right to those who wish to denounce Terrorist as in the very example you gave on Daya and George Master. Also don't forget Karuna and Pillayan who are involved in main stream politics and are even making decisions on behalf of those who support them. (The Idiotic Fat Prabha should have done the same)

    What the good General means here is that (let me define it this time too as you have difficulties in fathoming out stuff) ""Those who wish to stick to the violent routine of doing things will be destroyed"". – Not the people who would enter the peace process. Now this does not mean that they need to be a part of the government as in case of Karuna and Pillayan, but they could be like Daya or George or even like Mano Ganesan. Ideally a Neelan Thiruchelvan who actually opposed the government BIG time, but also denounced the LTTE for Terrorism. But what to do ?? It was not the Government of SL who violated the great man's Human Rights, But the LTTE… Who is brutal – you decide ??

  85. Dear Human !

    You have classified me both as a idiot as well as “a pain in the ..” on previous occasions too. Are these verbal attacks not meant to dishonour me?

    As previously explained, after you calling me a “racist and a government agent” of course it was an attack on you from me when I called you an Idiot for calling me a racist (I did reason out why)…. It was a reply for dishonouring me…

    As for calling a Pain in the ….. , it was meant for the LTTE and it’s supporters.. I sincerely hope that you don’t fall in to that category as they are Terrorists.

    Further, I vehemently condemn you calling the Sri Lankan Government or the Nation of Sri Lanka as a whole of going against Tamils as it is not true. There is plenty of peace and harmony among all Ethnic groups and I commend the government’s efforts to build harmony among the Ethnic groups which is required at this moment of time.. It is true that there are eccentric groups from all sides, but majority are not racists for sure..

    I condemn killing of Lasantha Big time as he was arguably the best media person we had here. However, I trust that it has nothing to do with him supporting any group and was personal (from the little bit of info I have)

  86. Human,

    Sorry – about the Video – It’s a hoax… Some guys have filmed it in Germany or somewhere to discredit the GOSL…. You do get a few B@$%$#& around you know…

  87. The SL army commander Sarath Fonseka has said this:

    “Some people in Colombo think this victory was easy. It came at a tremendous price with so much of sacrifices during the past 30 years. The displaced people are still in camps and they have to be resettled. At the same time there are many LTTE members among them who have to be destroyed. The people should be resettled and the area has to be secured to prevent the problem from rising again,” General Fonseka said.


    Is not “destroying” of “LTTE members” amount to human rights violation? I know there was a seperate post on this topic that the rebels also have the same human rights that the non-rebels have. Now looks like any youth (or anyone for that matter) can be suspected to be a rebel and destroyed by this “ethnic cleansing” strategy.

    AI should condemn such statements given that there is no longer a war and only legal prosecution of any rebels must be allowed.

  88. Dear Human…

    Is not “destroying” of “LTTE members” amount to human rights violation?

    Absolutely right !!

    We need to give them more guns and missiles and give them 5 star accommodation at Hilton Hotel..

    I am sure that even the USA government is thinking of the same with Taliban – to send Air Force one to Afghanistan and get all Talibanians to USA and give them more guns and military technology, employ them at the CIA and house them at Waldorf Astoria..

    I am amazed at your power of assumption when defining on behalf of others. When the Army Commander or anyone for that matter comments on some issue, you just itch to give it your own definition ha ? Can I start doing it to you too ??? (Please, now I am Itching – so don’t say NO) 😀 😕

    What’s the definition you give to the mission of Fat Prabha – “Kill all who oppose, chase none Tamils and Kill for separate state” ??

    Gee dude… Are you seriously fighting for your cause by making these statements ?? this doesn’t do enough justice for me to prove that you are No. 1 and not 2 as per my definition on previous post..

  89. Where do we draw the line on those who’s pure intention is to disrupt other Human’s lives ? Ex. Thieves, Murderers, Terrorists…

    Let me reiterate. Even if it is your honorable prez, Human Rights apply to him. It is universal. The proceedings must be legal.

  90. Mr.Jim Pappa,

    It does not matter who it is – the definition of human rights is the same for everyone – be it perpetrators of war crimes like Mahinda Rajapakse or his backer like you or innocent Tamil civilians in the camps. If you are subjected to HR violations tomorrow, it is the duty of AI to condemn such actions and fight for your cause even if you are subjected to HR violations at the hands of your government that pays you. Please understand the mission statement of AI and definitions of HR before commenting here.

  91. To people who dont understand:

    Also I am pretty clear – even if the Government want to take actions against remaining LTTE members, it cannot “destroy” them anymore. This is not a war – Government has to take legal proceedings against them. To just remind folks, the Government for example initiated legal proceedings against George Master and Daya Master – “destroying” former rebels is gross HR violation independent of your opinions against them.

  92. Dear Human,

    You have not exactly answered the question right ha ??

    I asked where do you draw the line whether it's MR or George Bush or Brack Obama or Putin…. In a armed conflict, there are two sides – The ones who fight because they love creating problems to others and another party who tries to get rid of the people who disrupt normal civilian lives…

    Which side do U take and where do you draw the line on how we should treat them ??? – Actually this question goes to AI as well….

  93. Dear Human,

    Excellent. Let me take it point by point…

    It does not matter who it is – the definition of human rights is the same for everyone

    Where do we draw the line on those who’s pure intention is to disrupt other Human’s lives ? Ex. Thieves, Murderers, Terrorists…

    By letting them carry on, what will happen to those who want peace ? What will happen if everyone asks for pieces of lands all over the world Just because they what to have their own ways ? Where do we draw the line ?

    This is where I clearly state that you need not stick to the book of Law when it comes to treating groups who them selves don’t believe in such Laws. Don’t tell me that the LTTE abide by the HR laws of any sort keep aside AI.

    This is not a war – Government has to take legal proceedings against them

    I think it was very clear and it is very clear that the government treats right to those who wish to denounce Terrorist as in the very example you gave on Daya and George Master. Also don’t forget Karuna and Pillayan who are involved in main stream politics and are even making decisions on behalf of those who support them. (The Idiotic Fat Prabha should have done the same)

    What the good General means here is that (let me define it this time too as you have difficulties in fathoming out stuff) “”Those who wish to stick to the violent routine of doing things will be destroyed””. – Not the people who would enter the peace process. Now this does not mean that they need to be a part of the government as in case of Karuna and Pillayan, but they could be like Daya or George or even like Mano Ganesan. Ideally a Neelan Thiruchelvan who actually opposed the government BIG time, but also denounced the LTTE for Terrorism. But what to do ?? It was not the Government of SL who violated the great man’s Human Rights, But the LTTE… Who is brutal – you decide ??

  94. To Jim MD:

    Why has AI still not condemned the extreme shabby treatment being meted out to Tamil refugees by Australia and Indonesia? Doesn't AI realize that what these countries are doing is nothing short of dumping these people in the ocean?

    Please take up the cause of these refugees – there are no international boundaries for this. I think countries like US should come forward and provide these people asylum. US definitely knows the hell they were facing in SL.

  95. Where do we draw the line on those who’s pure intention is to disrupt other Human’s lives ? Ex. Thieves, Murderers, Terrorists…

    Let me reiterate. Even if it is your honorable prez, Human Rights apply to him. It is universal. The proceedings must be legal.

  96. Mr. Jim Pappa,

    There are no sides to take. This is not a game. This is human suffering. We need to condemn the perpetrators of HR violations whoever it is. [I know your mentality of taking sides and foolishly then defending all the grave follies committed by the side you take.]

    The war is over – the action against any remaining rebels should be legal – It is as simple as that. I have repeated this for the umpteenth time.

  97. Dear Human,

    You have not exactly answered the question right ha ??

    I asked where do you draw the line whether it’s MR or George Bush or Brack Obama or Putin…. In a armed conflict, there are two sides – The ones who fight because they love creating problems to others and another party who tries to get rid of the people who disrupt normal civilian lives…

    Which side do U take and where do you draw the line on how we should treat them ??? – Actually this question goes to AI as well….

  98. To Jim MD:

    Why has AI still not condemned the extreme shabby treatment being meted out to Tamil refugees by Australia and Indonesia? Doesn’t AI realize that what these countries are doing is nothing short of dumping these people in the ocean?

    Please take up the cause of these refugees – there are no international boundaries for this. I think countries like US should come forward and provide these people asylum. US definitely knows the hell they were facing in SL.

  99. Mr. Jim Pappa,

    There are no sides to take. This is not a game. This is human suffering. We need to condemn the perpetrators of HR violations whoever it is. [I know your mentality of taking sides and foolishly then defending all the grave follies committed by the side you take.]

    The war is over – the action against any remaining rebels should be legal – It is as simple as that. I have repeated this for the umpteenth time.

  100. Dear Human,

    Indeed it is no game – this is the very reason you require having a stand or taking a side. If you go to think of it that way, all our human rights are violated in many sense. I can't go dancing Naked on the streets just because I want to right ?? It is the same principle here.. Just because a set of people want to create violence it cannot be allowed and tough measures will have to be taken to prevent such acts. No one can cry out HR rights when the situation goes beyond a certain limit. This is where I ask as to where you draw the line ??

    In the case of Aussies and Indonesia, they are dong the right thing too… I mean why should they take another countries burden ? The refugees should immediately be sent back to SL and make it the problem of the GOSL…

  101. Dear Human,

    Indeed it is no game – this is the very reason you require having a stand or taking a side. If you go to think of it that way, all our human rights are violated in many sense. I can’t go dancing Naked on the streets just because I want to right ?? It is the same principle here.. Just because a set of people want to create violence it cannot be allowed and tough measures will have to be taken to prevent such acts. No one can cry out HR rights when the situation goes beyond a certain limit. This is where I ask as to where you draw the line ??

    In the case of Aussies and Indonesia, they are dong the right thing too… I mean why should they take another countries burden ? The refugees should immediately be sent back to SL and make it the problem of the GOSL…

  102. While SL tortures children in the concentration camps in the north of the country, a gross act of HR violation was performed in the heart of Colombo. A mentally challenged Tamil youth named Balawarman Sivakumar was forcibly drowned to death on the beach in a incident caught on camera watched by hundreds on the beach and millions later on T.V.

    The people who "drowned" the boy to death were primarily members of the honorable police force of the government. Shame on Sri Lanka to do this to a mentally challenged Tamil youth! HR violations at its dirtiest worst!

    I wonder what sorts of crimes the SLA would have indulged in against its enemies in a war that happened without witnesses and now of course SLA is indulged in ethnic cleansing in the camps without external access!

  103. While SL tortures children in the concentration camps in the north of the country, a gross act of HR violation was performed in the heart of Colombo. A mentally challenged Tamil youth named Balawarman Sivakumar was forcibly drowned to death on the beach in a incident caught on camera watched by hundreds on the beach and millions later on T.V.

    The people who "drowned" the boy to death were primarily members of the honorable police force of the government. Shame on Sri Lanka to do this to a mentally challenged Tamil youth! HR violations at its dirtiest worst!

    I wonder what sorts of crimes the SLA would have indulged in against its enemies in a war that happened without witnesses and now of course SLA is indulged in ethnic cleansing in the camps without external access!

  104. While SL tortures children in the concentration camps in the north of the country, a gross act of HR violation was performed in the heart of Colombo. A mentally challenged Tamil youth named Balawarman Sivakumar was forcibly drowned to death on the beach in a incident caught on camera watched by hundreds on the beach and millions later on T.V.

    The people who "drowned" the boy to death were primarily members of the honorable police force of the government. Shame on Sri Lanka to do this to a mentally challenged Tamil youth! HR violations at its dirtiest worst!

    I wonder what sorts of crimes the SLA would have indulged in against its enemies in a war that happened without witnesses and now of course SLA is indulged in ethnic cleansing in the camps without external access!

  105. While SL tortures children in the concentration camps in the north of the country, a gross act of HR violation was performed in the heart of Colombo. A mentally challenged Tamil youth named Balawarman Sivakumar was forcibly drowned to death on the beach in a incident caught on camera watched by hundreds on the beach and millions later on T.V.


    The people who “drowned” the boy to death were primarily members of the honorable police force of the government. Shame on Sri Lanka to do this to a mentally challenged Tamil youth! HR violations at its dirtiest worst!

    I wonder what sorts of crimes the SLA would have indulged in against its enemies in a war that happened without witnesses and now of course SLA is indulged in ethnic cleansing in the camps without external access!

  106. Silence from Jim MD on the asylum seekers issue 🙁

    This report is even more damning with Indonesia threatening to deport these people back to the worst place on earth right now, a stinking and nauseating place of HR violations – Sri Lanka!

    I see the silence from AI as an indicator of the fact that though we may cry out for human rights violations, we are not willing to take anyone with open arms and help them out. We only expect the perpetrators of crimes to turn benovolent and humanitarian suddenly but we will not be of any humanitarian assistance to suffering people.

  107. Silence from Jim MD on the asylum seekers issue 🙁

    This report is even more damning with Indonesia threatening to deport these people back to the worst place on earth right now, a stinking and nauseating place of HR violations – Sri Lanka!

    I see the silence from AI as an indicator of the fact that though we may cry out for human rights violations, we are not willing to take anyone with open arms and help them out. We only expect the perpetrators of crimes to turn benovolent and humanitarian suddenly but we will not be of any humanitarian assistance to suffering people.

  108. Silence from Jim MD on the asylum seekers issue 🙁

    This report is even more damning with Indonesia threatening to deport these people back to the worst place on earth right now, a stinking and nauseating place of HR violations – Sri Lanka!

    I see the silence from AI as an indicator of the fact that though we may cry out for human rights violations, we are not willing to take anyone with open arms and help them out. We only expect the perpetrators of crimes to turn benovolent and humanitarian suddenly but we will not be of any humanitarian assistance to suffering people.

  109. Silence from Jim MD on the asylum seekers issue 🙁

    This report is even more damning with Indonesia threatening to deport these people back to the worst place on earth right now, a stinking and nauseating place of HR violations – Sri Lanka!


    I see the silence from AI as an indicator of the fact that though we may cry out for human rights violations, we are not willing to take anyone with open arms and help them out. We only expect the perpetrators of crimes to turn benovolent and humanitarian suddenly but we will not be of any humanitarian assistance to suffering people.

  110. Agree totally with Humaitarian's critique of AI/ Western silence & Pilate -like arms – folded refusal to actually do anything to help.

    And the drowning of Sivakumar by the police — such an open murder by the police in the heart of Colombo watched by the "public" in silence !! Here's an entire society drowning in moral paralysis, because once it has been the gleeful accomplice to genocide it can no longer morally challenge the butchers who rule over it.

    Pappa shows utter amorality in every comment he makes. His sadistic satisfaction in Australia's refusal to help refugees — his incredible comment in full disregard to ALL international law & humanitarian conventions that, beyond a certain point, human rights don't matter at all ( unbelievable !! an open endorsement for illegal state criminality & mass murder !! ) — & he talks piously about america's genocide of the Indians !! Genocides don't cancel each other out, one genocide cannot silence another, in fact each genocide speaks to the other . Each genocide is a mirror in which we see every genocide through eternity.

  111. Wo Wo Wo… I go on a small vacation for a long weekend and see what U done Humane… I was wondering whether any of you would be dumb enough to post this and you fit my bill…..

    While SL tortures children in the concentration camps in the north of the country, a gross act of HR violation was performed in the heart of Colombo. A mentally challenged Tamil youth named Balawarman Sivakumar was forcibly drowned to death on the beach in a incident caught on camera watched by hundreds on the beach and millions later on T.V.

    We all saw this and all TV stations and media groups including all institutions vehemently condemned the attack on this youth. There is no questions about that… The culprits have already been taken in to custody and will be dealt with severely for sure…

    See my issue with you here is that you have tried here to make it look like an attack by a Singhala group against a Tamil group – which is not right and this is what you always do…. The "Muslim" person who was involved was a policeman in civil and indeed was an Idiot to kill an innocent man. This attack had no racial intentions, but pure lunacy of an individual.

    If you guys stoop down to the extreme low levels of trying to make it look a racial issue, you guys will be no better than the person who killed the Innocent boy. You are killing your own kind…

    Savage – I think many of us have mentioned many times about the term "Genocide" and it is true that English is not our mother tongue, but we at least should know the meaning of the words and may be correct once faults are shown. Genocide means "a deliberate extermination of a ethnic group". You don't see anything like that happening in SL. You don't see Karuna or Pillayan or Douglas having any kind of life threats from any other Ethnic Group than the Tamils them selves. In that sense, I am not sure whether there you could find a word in the English language that you guys ideally can use for 'a deliberate extermination of members of the same Ethnic group by members of the same ethnic group" – I could call it Suicide 🙂 !! But that's what the LTTE were good at ha ??

  112. Dear Jim and others from AI,

    I found the following article about US activities.. Isn't this HR violations agains Sarath Fonseka and whole of Sri Lankan public in General ? can we take any action against it ??

    Chief of Defence Staff General Sarath Fonseka, now on a private visit to the United States, has been told to face a “voluntary meeting” with the Department of Homeland Security, prompting fears in Colombo that Washington is asserting its legal authority over the “war crimes” report released last week.

    Reports reaching the highest levels of the Government say US Department of Homeland Security officials want to interview him on Wednesday (November 4) in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Gen. Fonseka, who is a US Green Card holder, has a residence in Oklahoma. His visit is in connection with renewing his Green Card which affords him residency in the US. This is a prelude to US citizenship.

    Gen. Fonseka
    He had already sought legal advice from Fred Fielding, a former White House Counsel to late Presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and former President George W. Bush. His lawyer had advised that the CDS should face the meeting and answer all questions truthfully.

    Thereafter, according to highly-placed Government sources in Colombo, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador who learnt of the US move, mobilized lawyers from Patton Boggs, the law firm hired by the mission for lobbying and promotional work, to fly to Tulsa. Gen. Fonseka has agreed to drop lawyer Fielding from representing him and to retain the services of Patton Boggs.

    It is not immediately clear whether Patton Boggs lawyers would advise Gen. Fonseka to claim diplomatic immunity and turn down the interview request or ask him to respond to questions from officials of the Department of Homeland Security. In fact, the involvement of the firm itself has become a knotty legal issue after it has been pointed out that it also represents the Government of Sri Lanka. Since Gen. Fonseka is a Green Card holder, and thus a prospective US citizen, there were concerns whether representation by Patton Boggs would also become another issue.

    Sri Lankas Ambassador in the US, Jaliya Wickremasuriya has written to Robert Blake, Assistant Secretary in the State Department about this matter, seeking his assistance to resolve any issues involved. Heightening concerns is the possible US response if Gen. Fonseka claims diplomatic immunity and is refused. That is on the grounds that a prospective US citizen, a Green Card holder, is not covered by diplomatic immunity.

    In such an event, questions are being raised whether the Department of Homeland Security would resort to Court action in the US to hold him for investigation for alleged human rights violations. Both US citizens and those aspiring to be citizens are governed by US laws and reported violations make them answerable to law enforcement agencies in that country.

    The 68-page report from the US Department of State to the Congress on October 22 contains details of alleged “atrocities” by both the military and Tiger guerrillas during the final stages of the separatist war in May, this year. The report contains a reference to Gen. Fonseka. It says, “A media outlet reported on July 18 that at a celebrity event in Ambalangoda, Army Chief General Sarath Fonseka stated that the military had to overlook the traditional rules of war and even kill LTTE rebels who came to surrender carrying white flags during the war against the LTTE.”

    General Fonseka and his wife Anoma left for US on October 23. Their visit was originally expected to be part official and part holiday. However, the official part of the visit which included an invitation to the US Pacific Command in Hawaii for farewell ceremonies to its commander Admiral Timothy J. Keating was later withdrawn. This was in the light of the release of the State Department report to the Congress. US authorities said it would not be tenable for Gen. Fonseka to be officially hosted at any event in the light of the report.

    Last Monday, Gen. Fonseka and his wife took part in religious ceremonies at the Washington Buddhist Viharaya. A meeting that day with Robert Blake did not materialize reportedly on the grounds that the Assistant Secretary was ill. Later, Gen. Fonseka and his entourage flew to Oklahoma.

  113. Agree totally with Humaitarian’s critique of AI/ Western silence & Pilate -like arms – folded refusal to actually do anything to help.

    And the drowning of Sivakumar by the police — such an open murder by the police in the heart of Colombo watched by the “public” in silence !! Here’s an entire society drowning in moral paralysis, because once it has been the gleeful accomplice to genocide it can no longer morally challenge the butchers who rule over it.

    Pappa shows utter amorality in every comment he makes. His sadistic satisfaction in Australia’s refusal to help refugees — his incredible comment in full disregard to ALL international law & humanitarian conventions that, beyond a certain point, human rights don’t matter at all ( unbelievable !! an open endorsement for illegal state criminality & mass murder !! ) — & he talks piously about america’s genocide of the Indians !! Genocides don’t cancel each other out, one genocide cannot silence another, in fact each genocide speaks to the other . Each genocide is a mirror in which we see every genocide through eternity.

  114. Wo Wo Wo… I go on a small vacation for a long weekend and see what U done Humane… I was wondering whether any of you would be dumb enough to post this and you fit my bill…..

    While SL tortures children in the concentration camps in the north of the country, a gross act of HR violation was performed in the heart of Colombo. A mentally challenged Tamil youth named Balawarman Sivakumar was forcibly drowned to death on the beach in a incident caught on camera watched by hundreds on the beach and millions later on T.V.

    We all saw this and all TV stations and media groups including all institutions vehemently condemned the attack on this youth. There is no questions about that… The culprits have already been taken in to custody and will be dealt with severely for sure…

    See my issue with you here is that you have tried here to make it look like an attack by a Singhala group against a Tamil group – which is not right and this is what you always do…. The “Muslim” person who was involved was a policeman in civil and indeed was an Idiot to kill an innocent man. This attack had no racial intentions, but pure lunacy of an individual.

    If you guys stoop down to the extreme low levels of trying to make it look a racial issue, you guys will be no better than the person who killed the Innocent boy. You are killing your own kind…

    Savage – I think many of us have mentioned many times about the term “Genocide” and it is true that English is not our mother tongue, but we at least should know the meaning of the words and may be correct once faults are shown. Genocide means “a deliberate extermination of a ethnic group”. You don’t see anything like that happening in SL. You don’t see Karuna or Pillayan or Douglas having any kind of life threats from any other Ethnic Group than the Tamils them selves. In that sense, I am not sure whether there you could find a word in the English language that you guys ideally can use for ‘a deliberate extermination of members of the same Ethnic group by members of the same ethnic group” – I could call it Suicide 🙂 !! But that’s what the LTTE were good at ha ??

  115. Dear Jim and others from AI,

    I found the following article about US activities.. Isn’t this HR violations agains Sarath Fonseka and whole of Sri Lankan public in General ? can we take any action against it ??

    Chief of Defence Staff General Sarath Fonseka, now on a private visit to the United States, has been told to face a “voluntary meeting” with the Department of Homeland Security, prompting fears in Colombo that Washington is asserting its legal authority over the “war crimes” report released last week.

    Reports reaching the highest levels of the Government say US Department of Homeland Security officials want to interview him on Wednesday (November 4) in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Gen. Fonseka, who is a US Green Card holder, has a residence in Oklahoma. His visit is in connection with renewing his Green Card which affords him residency in the US. This is a prelude to US citizenship.

    Gen. Fonseka
    He had already sought legal advice from Fred Fielding, a former White House Counsel to late Presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and former President George W. Bush. His lawyer had advised that the CDS should face the meeting and answer all questions truthfully.

    Thereafter, according to highly-placed Government sources in Colombo, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador who learnt of the US move, mobilized lawyers from Patton Boggs, the law firm hired by the mission for lobbying and promotional work, to fly to Tulsa. Gen. Fonseka has agreed to drop lawyer Fielding from representing him and to retain the services of Patton Boggs.

    It is not immediately clear whether Patton Boggs lawyers would advise Gen. Fonseka to claim diplomatic immunity and turn down the interview request or ask him to respond to questions from officials of the Department of Homeland Security. In fact, the involvement of the firm itself has become a knotty legal issue after it has been pointed out that it also represents the Government of Sri Lanka. Since Gen. Fonseka is a Green Card holder, and thus a prospective US citizen, there were concerns whether representation by Patton Boggs would also become another issue.

    Sri Lankas Ambassador in the US, Jaliya Wickremasuriya has written to Robert Blake, Assistant Secretary in the State Department about this matter, seeking his assistance to resolve any issues involved. Heightening concerns is the possible US response if Gen. Fonseka claims diplomatic immunity and is refused. That is on the grounds that a prospective US citizen, a Green Card holder, is not covered by diplomatic immunity.

    In such an event, questions are being raised whether the Department of Homeland Security would resort to Court action in the US to hold him for investigation for alleged human rights violations. Both US citizens and those aspiring to be citizens are governed by US laws and reported violations make them answerable to law enforcement agencies in that country.

    The 68-page report from the US Department of State to the Congress on October 22 contains details of alleged “atrocities” by both the military and Tiger guerrillas during the final stages of the separatist war in May, this year. The report contains a reference to Gen. Fonseka. It says, “A media outlet reported on July 18 that at a celebrity event in Ambalangoda, Army Chief General Sarath Fonseka stated that the military had to overlook the traditional rules of war and even kill LTTE rebels who came to surrender carrying white flags during the war against the LTTE.”

    General Fonseka and his wife Anoma left for US on October 23. Their visit was originally expected to be part official and part holiday. However, the official part of the visit which included an invitation to the US Pacific Command in Hawaii for farewell ceremonies to its commander Admiral Timothy J. Keating was later withdrawn. This was in the light of the release of the State Department report to the Congress. US authorities said it would not be tenable for Gen. Fonseka to be officially hosted at any event in the light of the report.

    Last Monday, Gen. Fonseka and his wife took part in religious ceremonies at the Washington Buddhist Viharaya. A meeting that day with Robert Blake did not materialize reportedly on the grounds that the Assistant Secretary was ill. Later, Gen. Fonseka and his entourage flew to Oklahoma.

  116. In response to Humanitarian Human's comment of Nov. 1, 1:09 A.M., I would note that AI Australia has issued a public statement in this case (available at http://www.amnesty.org.au) and now has a letterwriting action about it as well (at http://www.amnesty.org.au/action/action/21941/). AIUSA supports the efforts of AI Australia in this case and will not do anything to undermine those efforts, such as calling on the U.S. government to intervene and resettle the asylum-seekers in the U.S.

    In response to Jim Pappa's comment of Nov. 2, 11:02 P.M., I'm not sure I see a human rights violation in the case described. As some articles about it have mentioned, there may be a difference as to the applicable rules depending on whether the visit is a private one, relating to the green card status, or a diplomatic one. I've only seen some articles in the media about the case so I don't presume that I know all the relevant facts.

  117. In response to Humanitarian Human's comment of Nov. 1, 1:09 A.M., I would note that AI Australia has issued a public statement in this case (available at http://www.amnesty.org.au) and now has a letterwriting action about it as well (at http://www.amnesty.org.au/action/action/21941/). AIUSA supports the efforts of AI Australia in this case and will not do anything to undermine those efforts, such as calling on the U.S. government to intervene and resettle the asylum-seekers in the U.S.

    In response to Jim Pappa's comment of Nov. 2, 11:02 P.M., I'm not sure I see a human rights violation in the case described. As some articles about it have mentioned, there may be a difference as to the applicable rules depending on whether the visit is a private one, relating to the green card status, or a diplomatic one. I've only seen some articles in the media about the case so I don't presume that I know all the relevant facts.

  118. In response to Humanitarian Human's comment of Nov. 1, 1:09 A.M., I would note that AI Australia has issued a public statement in this case (available at http://www.amnesty.org.au) and now has a letterwriting action about it as well (at http://www.amnesty.org.au/action/action/21941/). AIUSA supports the efforts of AI Australia in this case and will not do anything to undermine those efforts, such as calling on the U.S. government to intervene and resettle the asylum-seekers in the U.S.

    In response to Jim Pappa's comment of Nov. 2, 11:02 P.M., I'm not sure I see a human rights violation in the case described. As some articles about it have mentioned, there may be a difference as to the applicable rules depending on whether the visit is a private one, relating to the green card status, or a diplomatic one. I've only seen some articles in the media about the case so I don't presume that I know all the relevant facts.

  119. Mr.Jim Pappa,

    I never referred to the act as ethnic cleansing per se – but shows the brutality of the Sinhala official machinery targetted against the unprivileged and deprived classes of the society – in this case not only was the guy an unprivileged second class citizen in the country due to his Tamil identity, but was also mentally challenged.

    Also being interrogated for HR violations is not a HR violation 🙂 The SL government conveniently forgot a universal truth in its genocidal hysteria – that truth can never be buried and hidden – it will return back to haunt you and chase you for the rest of your life and possibly your generations. The Fonsekas and Rajapakses will learn this soon.

    To you, Mr.Pappa, you ridiculed one of my earlier statements – however I will just repeat it – Please wait and watch.

  120. In response to Humanitarian Human’s comment of Nov. 1, 1:09 A.M., I would note that AI Australia has issued a public statement in this case (available at http://www.amnesty.org.au) and now has a letterwriting action about it as well (at http://www.amnesty.org.au/action/action/21941/). AIUSA supports the efforts of AI Australia in this case and will not do anything to undermine those efforts, such as calling on the U.S. government to intervene and resettle the asylum-seekers in the U.S.

    In response to Jim Pappa’s comment of Nov. 2, 11:02 P.M., I’m not sure I see a human rights violation in the case described. As some articles about it have mentioned, there may be a difference as to the applicable rules depending on whether the visit is a private one, relating to the green card status, or a diplomatic one. I’ve only seen some articles in the media about the case so I don’t presume that I know all the relevant facts.

  121. Mr.Jim Pappa,

    I never referred to the act as ethnic cleansing per se – but shows the brutality of the Sinhala official machinery targetted against the unprivileged and deprived classes of the society – in this case not only was the guy an unprivileged second class citizen in the country due to his Tamil identity, but was also mentally challenged.

    Also being interrogated for HR violations is not a HR violation 🙂 The SL government conveniently forgot a universal truth in its genocidal hysteria – that truth can never be buried and hidden – it will return back to haunt you and chase you for the rest of your life and possibly your generations. The Fonsekas and Rajapakses will learn this soon.

    To you, Mr.Pappa, you ridiculed one of my earlier statements – however I will just repeat it – Please wait and watch.

  122. Dear Humane !!

    I never referred to the act as ethnic cleansing per se – but shows the brutality of the Sinhala official machinery targetted against the unprivileged and deprived classes of the society – in this case not only was the guy an unprivileged second class citizen in the country due to his Tamil identity, but was also mentally challenged.

    Dude, I totally agree with you in most instances if you'd say that the Police in Sri Lanka comprise of Idiots. If you'd know or remember, there was a occasion not so long ago that 2 Singhalees youngsters were shot dead by an inspector and his subordinates in Lunawa area due to a personal issue. I can bring forward many such instances from past too…

    BUT, when you say that it is "SINGHALA BRUTALITY", you bring in racism. It has nothing to do with any Ethnic group, but a misconduct of an Idiot who unfortunately is a Police officer and the person who was inconvenienced is a Tamil. Now, in your case you see it + try to make the other see it as Singhalees attack a Tamil who in addition was mentally challenged, which, ideally is not the case. The case is that an Idiotic Police Officer brutally attacked a Sri Lankan citizen. He was not killed because he was Tamil or Sighala or Muslim (as I mentioned in my previous example of Police killing 2 Singhalees boys) – Hence, you are trying to bring in Racism in to this forum which is not a done thing. High time you act Sri Lankan.

    Also being interrogated for HR violations is not a HR violation 🙂 The SL government conveniently forgot a universal truth in its genocidal hysteria – that truth can never be buried and hidden – it will return back to haunt you and chase you for the rest of your life and possibly your generations. The Fonsekas and Rajapakses will learn this soon.

    Who the hell are the US government to interrogate a Sri Lankan government official ?? If it was a world body / convention that Sri Lanka is a part of and are under oaths to, then it is fine. If it was United Nations, fine – but US government is just another government who them selves do not have clean hands. In Sri Lanka, there is a saying not to try wash a piece of dirt from another's eye when you have a log of wood stuck in yours – this is so true in case of USA. They invented Nuclear Bomb, destroyed whole cities, and now not allow other nations to even have a power plant which runs on Nuclear.

    I don't think the Sri Lankan government or the Sri Lankan Kingdoms of yesteryear's ever had any kind of Genocidal history. We have always been a peaceful nation and only went up in arms when under attack – Southern Indian Kingdoms in yesteryear's and LTTE in recent past.. Nothing to do with Genocide again – this is where I say you do not know the meaning of the word Genocide. But I agree with you that it is the same past that is haunting us again and again – it is the people with the same kind of attitude we tend to fight ha ? Starting from Elara to Prabhakaran. But, Elara is still respected in Sri Lanka as a honorable king. I doubt whether it would be the same to the Terrorist Fatty..

    Also bro – time and tide waits for no Man !! – we will not wait and see, but continue our journey – in this, we will destroy everything that comes against us in our way 🙂 … the same attitude as USA – Join us 😀 !!

  123. Dear Humane !!

    I never referred to the act as ethnic cleansing per se – but shows the brutality of the Sinhala official machinery targetted against the unprivileged and deprived classes of the society – in this case not only was the guy an unprivileged second class citizen in the country due to his Tamil identity, but was also mentally challenged.

    Dude, I totally agree with you in most instances if you’d say that the Police in Sri Lanka comprise of Idiots. If you’d know or remember, there was a occasion not so long ago that 2 Singhalees youngsters were shot dead by an inspector and his subordinates in Lunawa area due to a personal issue. I can bring forward many such instances from past too…

    BUT, when you say that it is “SINGHALA BRUTALITY”, you bring in racism. It has nothing to do with any Ethnic group, but a misconduct of an Idiot who unfortunately is a Police officer and the person who was inconvenienced is a Tamil. Now, in your case you see it + try to make the other see it as Singhalees attack a Tamil who in addition was mentally challenged, which, ideally is not the case. The case is that an Idiotic Police Officer brutally attacked a Sri Lankan citizen. He was not killed because he was Tamil or Sighala or Muslim (as I mentioned in my previous example of Police killing 2 Singhalees boys) – Hence, you are trying to bring in Racism in to this forum which is not a done thing. High time you act Sri Lankan.

    Also being interrogated for HR violations is not a HR violation 🙂 The SL government conveniently forgot a universal truth in its genocidal hysteria – that truth can never be buried and hidden – it will return back to haunt you and chase you for the rest of your life and possibly your generations. The Fonsekas and Rajapakses will learn this soon.

    Who the hell are the US government to interrogate a Sri Lankan government official ?? If it was a world body / convention that Sri Lanka is a part of and are under oaths to, then it is fine. If it was United Nations, fine – but US government is just another government who them selves do not have clean hands. In Sri Lanka, there is a saying not to try wash a piece of dirt from another’s eye when you have a log of wood stuck in yours – this is so true in case of USA. They invented Nuclear Bomb, destroyed whole cities, and now not allow other nations to even have a power plant which runs on Nuclear.

    I don’t think the Sri Lankan government or the Sri Lankan Kingdoms of yesteryear’s ever had any kind of Genocidal history. We have always been a peaceful nation and only went up in arms when under attack – Southern Indian Kingdoms in yesteryear’s and LTTE in recent past.. Nothing to do with Genocide again – this is where I say you do not know the meaning of the word Genocide. But I agree with you that it is the same past that is haunting us again and again – it is the people with the same kind of attitude we tend to fight ha ? Starting from Elara to Prabhakaran. But, Elara is still respected in Sri Lanka as a honorable king. I doubt whether it would be the same to the Terrorist Fatty..

    Also bro – time and tide waits for no Man !! – we will not wait and see, but continue our journey – in this, we will destroy everything that comes against us in our way 🙂 … the same attitude as USA – Join us 😀 !!

  124. Who else partner with war criminals?

    War crimes As India is also guilty can it save SL?

    All tamil property have been stolen under ethinic cleansing

    Sri Lanka Tamil refugees sent home, but villages are worse than refugee camps

  125. The enlightened and civilized West now better informed on the brutality of SL’s human rights/war crimes support the Tamil cause with initiatives to pursue the war crimes perpetrators. The successful SL genocide is attributable to the extra-ordinary story telling capacity of Sinhala/Buddhists who fatally mislead the international community into not acting to censure with stern sanctions or war crimes when the naked brutality of SL’s state terrorism became evident in the May massacre of the resistance the world witnessed. The international community is now at pains to redress the consequences of hastily lumping the Tamil resistance (with Jihardi terrorism; the scourge of the world) to deprive the Tamils of the protection they had against SL’s brutal atrocities for over thirty years. http://www.groundreport.com/World/End-Sri-Lankas-

    Sin hella still trying to hide behind Indian congress who has bloodstain hand over 50,000 tamils death.

  126. The enlightened and civilized West now better informed on the brutality of SL’s human rights/war crimes support the Tamil cause with initiatives to pursue the war crimes perpetrators. The successful SL genocide is attributable to the extra-ordinary story telling capacity of Sinhala/Buddhists who fatally mislead the international community into not acting to censure with stern sanctions or war crimes when the naked brutality of SL’s state terrorism became evident in the May massacre of the resistance the world witnessed. The international community is now at pains to redress the consequences of hastily lumping the Tamil resistance (with Jihardi terrorism; the scourge of the world) to deprive the Tamils of the protection they had against SL’s brutal atrocities for over thirty years. http://www.groundreport.com/World/End-Sri-Lankas-

    Sin hella still trying to hide behind Indian congress who has bloodstain hand over 50,000 tamils death.

  127. The enlightened and civilized West now better informed on the brutality of SL’s human rights/war crimes support the Tamil cause with initiatives to pursue the war crimes perpetrators. The successful SL genocide is attributable to the extra-ordinary story telling capacity of Sinhala/Buddhists who fatally mislead the international community into not acting to censure with stern sanctions or war crimes when the naked brutality of SL’s state terrorism became evident in the May massacre of the resistance the world witnessed. The international community is now at pains to redress the consequences of hastily lumping the Tamil resistance (with Jihardi terrorism; the scourge of the world) to deprive the Tamils of the protection they had against SL’s brutal atrocities for over thirty years. http://www.groundreport.com/World/End-Sri-Lankas-

    Sin hella still trying to hide behind Indian congress who has bloodstain hand over 50,000 tamils death.

  128. The enlightened and civilized West now better informed on the brutality of SL’s human rights/war crimes support the Tamil cause with initiatives to pursue the war crimes perpetrators. The successful SL genocide is attributable to the extra-ordinary story telling capacity of Sinhala/Buddhists who fatally mislead the international community into not acting to censure with stern sanctions or war crimes when the naked brutality of SL’s state terrorism became evident in the May massacre of the resistance the world witnessed. The international community is now at pains to redress the consequences of hastily lumping the Tamil resistance (with Jihardi terrorism; the scourge of the world) to deprive the Tamils of the protection they had against SL’s brutal atrocities for over thirty years.

    Sin hella still trying to hide behind Indian congress who has bloodstain hand over 50,000 tamils death.

  129. On Nov. 5, Amnesty International issued a public statement (which can be found at http://www.amnestyusa.org/document.php?id=ENGNAU2… calling on the European Union and India to work together to protect human rights in places of crisis, such as Sri Lanka. AI expressed its disappointment in the U.N.'s poor handling of the human rights situation in Sri Lanka, particularly during the closing stages of the war, and urged both the EU and India to ensure that the U.N. act to promote human rights as effectively as possible.

  130. On Nov. 5, Amnesty International issued a public statement (which can be found at http://www.amnestyusa.org/document.php?id=ENGNAU2… calling on the European Union and India to work together to protect human rights in places of crisis, such as Sri Lanka. AI expressed its disappointment in the U.N.'s poor handling of the human rights situation in Sri Lanka, particularly during the closing stages of the war, and urged both the EU and India to ensure that the U.N. act to promote human rights as effectively as possible.

  131. On Nov. 5, Amnesty International issued a public statement (which can be found at http://www.amnestyusa.org/document.php?id=ENGNAU2… calling on the European Union and India to work together to protect human rights in places of crisis, such as Sri Lanka. AI expressed its disappointment in the U.N.'s poor handling of the human rights situation in Sri Lanka, particularly during the closing stages of the war, and urged both the EU and India to ensure that the U.N. act to promote human rights as effectively as possible.

  132. On Nov. 5, Amnesty International issued a public statement (which can be found at http://www.amnestyusa.org/document.php?id=ENGNAU2009110513910&lang=e) calling on the European Union and India to work together to protect human rights in places of crisis, such as Sri Lanka. AI expressed its disappointment in the U.N.’s poor handling of the human rights situation in Sri Lanka, particularly during the closing stages of the war, and urged both the EU and India to ensure that the U.N. act to promote human rights as effectively as possible.

  133. Stop Crime against Humanity !!

    There is no right for you to ask for Eelam and put peaceful people and nation in jeopardy – see what has happened in Middle East with Jews settled in after the 2nd world war – the whole world in unstable. I think you have no idea about history to even ask for such right – your nation is safe only if you act wise, if not, the real homelands of south India also will be lost for you.

    U R a terrorist – so I tell you to STOP CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY !!

  134. Stop Crime against Humanity !!

    There is no right for you to ask for Eelam and put peaceful people and nation in jeopardy – see what has happened in Middle East with Jews settled in after the 2nd world war – the whole world in unstable. I think you have no idea about history to even ask for such right – your nation is safe only if you act wise, if not, the real homelands of south India also will be lost for you.

    U R a terrorist – so I tell you to STOP CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY !!

  135. For more than 61 years, All Sri Lankan state terror governments backed by racist Sinhala babarians have been oppressing the Tamil minorities. They brutally killed thousands of innocent Tamils, burnt their properties and sent the rest in ships as refugees to the North of the country in the fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties. Praising the Sri Lankan regime for slaughtering thousands of innocents and letting the Tamils to languish in the concentration camps is another example that we have become real hypocrites and jokers who have bigger mouths, smaller brains and corrupt souls. Playing cricket with a country that is flowing with the blood of the innocent men, women and children, shows that we no longer have any moral principles to guide our lives. We are now even quite comfortable to sit and have tea with a Hannibal while his(Pappa's) hands are still stained with the blood and his room is filled with the stink of rotting human flesh.

    To show UN official?

    SRI LANKA: Plans to Release Tamils ‘Nothing But a Political Ploy’ http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=49314

    is this the resettlement of IDPs?

    CID arrest heads of resettled IDP families – TNA parliamentarian http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

  136. For more than 61 years, All Sri Lankan state terror governments backed by racist Sinhala babarians have been oppressing the Tamil minorities. They brutally killed thousands of innocent Tamils, burnt their properties and sent the rest in ships as refugees to the North of the country in the fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties. Praising the Sri Lankan regime for slaughtering thousands of innocents and letting the Tamils to languish in the concentration camps is another example that we have become real hypocrites and jokers who have bigger mouths, smaller brains and corrupt souls. Playing cricket with a country that is flowing with the blood of the innocent men, women and children, shows that we no longer have any moral principles to guide our lives. We are now even quite comfortable to sit and have tea with a Hannibal while his(Pappa's) hands are still stained with the blood and his room is filled with the stink of rotting human flesh.

    To show UN official?

    SRI LANKA: Plans to Release Tamils ‘Nothing But a Political Ploy’ http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=49314

    is this the resettlement of IDPs?

    CID arrest heads of resettled IDP families – TNA parliamentarian http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

  137. For more than 61 years, All Sri Lankan state terror governments backed by racist Sinhala babarians have been oppressing the Tamil minorities. They brutally killed thousands of innocent Tamils, burnt their properties and sent the rest in ships as refugees to the North of the country in the fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties. Praising the Sri Lankan regime for slaughtering thousands of innocents and letting the Tamils to languish in the concentration camps is another example that we have become real hypocrites and jokers who have bigger mouths, smaller brains and corrupt souls. Playing cricket with a country that is flowing with the blood of the innocent men, women and children, shows that we no longer have any moral principles to guide our lives. We are now even quite comfortable to sit and have tea with a Hannibal while his(Pappa's) hands are still stained with the blood and his room is filled with the stink of rotting human flesh.

    To show UN official?

    SRI LANKA: Plans to Release Tamils ‘Nothing But a Political Ploy’ http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=49314

    is this the resettlement of IDPs?

    CID arrest heads of resettled IDP families – TNA parliamentarian http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&art

  138. LOL – Stop Crime – R U from India ??

    I would like to have a conversation with you if you stop cutting and pasting stuff from Tamil Nadu – 😀

    One of the issues that you guys have is that you are trying to link your selves to Tamil nadu all the time, though you claim Sri Lanka to be your home land – Tamil nadu is treated like a mother to your sorry issues. You will never stand on your own if you continue to have this dependency. You don't see the Malysian or Singaporean chines running to China for the simplest reason – they stand on their own two feet – which you lack 🙂 !!

  139. For more than 61 years, All Sri Lankan state terror governments backed by racist Sinhala babarians have been oppressing the Tamil minorities. They brutally killed thousands of innocent Tamils, burnt their properties and sent the rest in ships as refugees to the North of the country in the fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties. Praising the Sri Lankan regime for slaughtering thousands of innocents and letting the Tamils to languish in the concentration camps is another example that we have become real hypocrites and jokers who have bigger mouths, smaller brains and corrupt souls. Playing cricket with a country that is flowing with the blood of the innocent men, women and children, shows that we no longer have any moral principles to guide our lives. We are now even quite comfortable to sit and have tea with a Hannibal while his(Pappa’s) hands are still stained with the blood and his room is filled with the stink of rotting human flesh.

    To show UN official?

    SRI LANKA: Plans to Release Tamils ‘Nothing But a Political Ploy’

    is this the resettlement of IDPs?

    CID arrest heads of resettled IDP families – TNA parliamentarian

  140. LOL – Stop Crime – R U from India ??

    I would like to have a conversation with you if you stop cutting and pasting stuff from Tamil Nadu – 😀

    One of the issues that you guys have is that you are trying to link your selves to Tamil nadu all the time, though you claim Sri Lanka to be your home land – Tamil nadu is treated like a mother to your sorry issues. You will never stand on your own if you continue to have this dependency. You don’t see the Malysian or Singaporean chines running to China for the simplest reason – they stand on their own two feet – which you lack 🙂 !!

  141. Hey Jim !!

    The file is missing… won't direct to the URL you have given.

    Can you also give me all the listed "Respected" HR organizations in SL and may be in the world please – I don't know much about these organizations.

  142. Hey Jim !!

    The file is missing… won’t direct to the URL you have given.

    Can you also give me all the listed “Respected” HR organizations in SL and may be in the world please – I don’t know much about these organizations.

  143. In response to Jim Pappa's comment above, sorry if the link doesn't work. Please visit http://www.uthr.org and then click on "what's new" and you should find the report there. I used the adjective "respected" based on the fact that UTHR(J) won the Martin Ennals Award a couple years ago; those interested should be to find more information on that by doing a search on the web. I don't have a list of "respected human rights organizations."

  144. In response to Jim Pappa's comment above, sorry if the link doesn't work. Please visit http://www.uthr.org and then click on "what's new" and you should find the report there. I used the adjective "respected" based on the fact that UTHR(J) won the Martin Ennals Award a couple years ago; those interested should be to find more information on that by doing a search on the web. I don't have a list of "respected human rights organizations."

  145. In response to Jim Pappa's comment above, sorry if the link doesn't work. Please visit http://www.uthr.org and then click on "what's new" and you should find the report there. I used the adjective "respected" based on the fact that UTHR(J) won the Martin Ennals Award a couple years ago; those interested should be to find more information on that by doing a search on the web. I don't have a list of "respected human rights organizations."

  146. In response to Jim Pappa’s comment above, sorry if the link doesn’t work. Please visit http://www.uthr.org and then click on “what’s new” and you should find the report there. I used the adjective “respected” based on the fact that UTHR(J) won the Martin Ennals Award a couple years ago; those interested should be to find more information on that by doing a search on the web. I don’t have a list of “respected human rights organizations.”