Yesterday, approximately 55 Arabs, including 14 children, were evicted from their houses in east Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah after the Israeli Supreme Court ruled in favor of Jewish families that claimed ownerships of the property. Soon after the evictions, these families moved in under the protection of Jerusalem police.
However, the US, UN, and UK have all come out strongly against these evictions. “Unilateral actions taken by either party cannot prejudge the outcome of negotiations and will not be recognized by the international community,” the State Department said in a released statement. Chris Gunness, spokesman for the U.N. agency in charge of Palestinian refugees, said that the Arab families had been living there for more than 50 years.
Evictions, settlements, and the greater question of Jerusalem remain among the most contentious obstacles to a sustainable peace. Actions such as this are contrary to the provisions of the Geneva Conventions related to occupied territory.
Samah Choudhury contributed to this post
What's the "However" for in "However, the U.S. [ etc ] have all come out strongly against these evictions", as you put it?
Those sounds they always make are just that, sounds.
Obama himself has been undercut by his self – annointed "team of rivals", Biden & Clinton, who represent the Israel lobby & openly & internationally declare policies directly contrary to what he says, thumbing their noses at him.
The State Dept's words are empty, & carry no threat, & hence no weight.
Best leave such "Howevers" in your folder for futilities.
And next time someone really GOES OUT to help the Palestinians like Cynthia McKinney did, back that rare person up to the full instead of mumbling critiquing asides about her or him within the hearing of their slandering enemies.
What’s the “However” for in “However, the U.S. [ etc ] have all come out strongly against these evictions”, as you put it?
Those sounds they always make are just that, sounds.
Obama himself has been undercut by his self – annointed “team of rivals”, Biden & Clinton, who represent the Israel lobby & openly & internationally declare policies directly contrary to what he says, thumbing their noses at him.
The State Dept’s words are empty, & carry no threat, & hence no weight.
Best leave such “Howevers” in your folder for futilities.
And next time someone really GOES OUT to help the Palestinians like Cynthia McKinney did, back that rare person up to the full instead of mumbling critiquing asides about her or him within the hearing of their slandering enemies.
Art Savage
RE: supposed slander of Cynthia McKinney
Your definition of the word slander must be different than mine.
As I understand it, slander must include falsehood or lie.
What falsehood is there in posting a link to an unedited youtube video of Cynthia McKinney, at a news conference she herself called, less than a year ago where she claims that the US Department of Defense secretly executed 5000 American citizens and buried their bodies in a swamp.
Amnesty is in the business of exposing and documenting mass murders of people by their own governments, and such things really do happen around the world, and so promoting on Amnesty's own blog a person like McKinney like you are doing, a person who makes obviously false claims of government massacres, undercuts Amnesty's credibility in its important mission.
Art Savage
RE: “However, the US, UN, and UK have all come out strongly against these evictions”
The reason these condemnations are meaningless is that those doing the condemning are far worse abusers of human rights and so their condemnation of Israel for evicting 2 families is hypocrisy in the extreme.
Lets just leave aside for the moment the fact that the United States ( along with Canada and Australia) illegally evicted the owners of an entire continent, and the true owners of the stolen aboriginal land they currently occupy were subjected to a physical and ongoing cultural genocide and live till today in the most appalling poverty and social conditions.
The US and UK are just finishing an illegal war and occupation of Iraq in which they were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, and are continuing to escalate another war in Afghanistan in which over 300 civilians have been killed ( not evicted but killed dead) by coalition forces just since Obama took command of this war, mostly as a result of US Air force bombings authorized by the direct order of President Obama.…
As far as the UN, look at the main powers there:
Russia is at this very moment engaged in not in evicting 2 families, but in stealing outright at the point of a gun half the country of Georgia.
China has occupying Tibet for more than 50 years is currently attempting to culturally genocide much as the US did to its Indians the 4000 year old Tibetan civilization, and killed ( not evicted but killed dead) hundreds in the streets last year.
None of this is ever condemned by the UN.
To the contrary. These powers control the UN.
Sri Lanka slaughtered 20,000 and few months ago and in response the UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution actually praising Sri Lanka for “the continued commitment of Sri Lanka to the promotion and protection of all human rights." .
So that is why condemnations by the US, UN and the UK over two families being evicted is meaningless. Because these condemnations are based on pure hypocrisy.
Art Savage
RE: supposed slander of Cynthia McKinney
Your definition of the word slander must be different than mine.
As I understand it, slander must include falsehood or lie.
What falsehood is there in posting a link to an unedited youtube video of Cynthia McKinney, at a news conference she herself called, less than a year ago where she claims that the US Department of Defense secretly executed 5000 American citizens and buried their bodies in a swamp.
Amnesty is in the business of exposing and documenting mass murders of people by their own governments, and such things really do happen around the world, and so promoting on Amnesty's own blog a person like McKinney like you are doing, a person who makes obviously false claims of government massacres, undercuts Amnesty's credibility in its important mission.
Art Savage
RE: supposed slander of Cynthia McKinney
Your definition of the word slander must be different than mine.
As I understand it, slander must include falsehood or lie.
What falsehood is there in posting a link to an unedited youtube video of Cynthia McKinney, at a news conference she herself called, less than a year ago where she claims that the US Department of Defense secretly executed 5000 American citizens and buried their bodies in a swamp.
Amnesty is in the business of exposing and documenting mass murders of people by their own governments, and such things really do happen around the world, and so promoting on Amnesty's own blog a person like McKinney like you are doing, a person who makes obviously false claims of government massacres, undercuts Amnesty's credibility in its important mission.
Art Savage
RE: “However, the US, UN, and UK have all come out strongly against these evictions”
The reason these condemnations are meaningless is that those doing the condemning are far worse abusers of human rights and so their condemnation of Israel for evicting 2 families is hypocrisy in the extreme.
Lets just leave aside for the moment the fact that the United States ( along with Canada and Australia) illegally evicted the owners of an entire continent, and the true owners of the stolen aboriginal land they currently occupy were subjected to a physical and ongoing cultural genocide and live till today in the most appalling poverty and social conditions.
The US and UK are just finishing an illegal war and occupation of Iraq in which they were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, and are continuing to escalate another war in Afghanistan in which over 300 civilians have been killed ( not evicted but killed dead) by coalition forces just since Obama took command of this war, mostly as a result of US Air force bombings authorized by the direct order of President Obama.…
As far as the UN, look at the main powers there:
Russia is at this very moment engaged in not in evicting 2 families, but in stealing outright at the point of a gun half the country of Georgia.
China has occupying Tibet for more than 50 years is currently attempting to culturally genocide much as the US did to its Indians the 4000 year old Tibetan civilization, and killed ( not evicted but killed dead) hundreds in the streets last year.
None of this is ever condemned by the UN.
To the contrary. These powers control the UN.
Sri Lanka slaughtered 20,000 and few months ago and in response the UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution actually praising Sri Lanka for “the continued commitment of Sri Lanka to the promotion and protection of all human rights." .
So that is why condemnations by the US, UN and the UK over two families being evicted is meaningless. Because these condemnations are based on pure hypocrisy.
Art Savage
RE: “However, the US, UN, and UK have all come out strongly against these evictions”
The reason these condemnations are meaningless is that those doing the condemning are far worse abusers of human rights and so their condemnation of Israel for evicting 2 families is hypocrisy in the extreme.
Lets just leave aside for the moment the fact that the United States ( along with Canada and Australia) illegally evicted the owners of an entire continent, and the true owners of the stolen aboriginal land they currently occupy were subjected to a physical and ongoing cultural genocide and live till today in the most appalling poverty and social conditions.
The US and UK are just finishing an illegal war and occupation of Iraq in which they were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, and are continuing to escalate another war in Afghanistan in which over 300 civilians have been killed ( not evicted but killed dead) by coalition forces just since Obama took command of this war, mostly as a result of US Air force bombings authorized by the direct order of President Obama.…
As far as the UN, look at the main powers there:
Russia is at this very moment engaged in not in evicting 2 families, but in stealing outright at the point of a gun half the country of Georgia.
China has occupying Tibet for more than 50 years is currently attempting to culturally genocide much as the US did to its Indians the 4000 year old Tibetan civilization, and killed ( not evicted but killed dead) hundreds in the streets last year.
None of this is ever condemned by the UN.
To the contrary. These powers control the UN.
Sri Lanka slaughtered 20,000 and few months ago and in response the UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution actually praising Sri Lanka for “the continued commitment of Sri Lanka to the promotion and protection of all human rights." .
So that is why condemnations by the US, UN and the UK over two families being evicted is meaningless. Because these condemnations are based on pure hypocrisy.
Art Savage
RE: supposed slander of Cynthia McKinney
Your definition of the word slander must be different than mine.
As I understand it, slander must include falsehood or lie.
What falsehood is there in posting a link to an unedited youtube video of Cynthia McKinney, at a news conference she herself called, less than a year ago where she claims that the US Department of Defense secretly executed 5000 American citizens and buried their bodies in a swamp.
Amnesty is in the business of exposing and documenting mass murders of people by their own governments, and such things really do happen around the world, and so promoting on Amnesty’s own blog a person like McKinney like you are doing, a person who makes obviously false claims of government massacres, undercuts Amnesty’s credibility in its important mission.
Art Savage
RE: “However, the US, UN, and UK have all come out strongly against these evictions”
The reason these condemnations are meaningless is that those doing the condemning are far worse abusers of human rights and so their condemnation of Israel for evicting 2 families is hypocrisy in the extreme.
Lets just leave aside for the moment the fact that the United States ( along with Canada and Australia) illegally evicted the owners of an entire continent, and the true owners of the stolen aboriginal land they currently occupy were subjected to a physical and ongoing cultural genocide and live till today in the most appalling poverty and social conditions.
The US and UK are just finishing an illegal war and occupation of Iraq in which they were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, and are continuing to escalate another war in Afghanistan in which over 300 civilians have been killed ( not evicted but killed dead) by coalition forces just since Obama took command of this war, mostly as a result of US Air force bombings authorized by the direct order of President Obama.
As far as the UN, look at the main powers there:
Russia is at this very moment engaged in not in evicting 2 families, but in stealing outright at the point of a gun half the country of Georgia.
China has occupying Tibet for more than 50 years is currently attempting to culturally genocide much as the US did to its Indians the 4000 year old Tibetan civilization, and killed ( not evicted but killed dead) hundreds in the streets last year.
None of this is ever condemned by the UN.
To the contrary. These powers control the UN.
Sri Lanka slaughtered 20,000 and few months ago and in response the UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution actually praising Sri Lanka for “the continued commitment of Sri Lanka to the promotion and protection of all human rights.” .
So that is why condemnations by the US, UN and the UK over two families being evicted is meaningless. Because these condemnations are based on pure hypocrisy.
Ilan Shturman & his Israeli propaganda & disinformation SYSTEM today have disinformants infiltrating human rights websites & networks with emails fiull of supposed "facts", "information" & "comments" posed as views from "innocent" & "concerned""citizens".
"Concerned" is correct — Israel knows its "image" isn't what it used to be.
So Israeli sources for any information are not my way to the truth. i know who my friends are, & who my sources for any understanding….
And to hear of "just" "2 families" being evicted by Israel, as compared to whole HISTORIES of genocide committed by other states — WHAT "2 FAMILIES", & since when ?? Do they think we study history as it's texted in Israeli schools, where even mention of the Naqba is erased ?
"2 families", or over 2 generations ??
And they condemn america's Indian genocide to show their own enlightened standards !
Russell Means has said it best for all of us, after Obama's term began :
"The Palestinians are the American Indians of the Middle East — & we Indians are the Palestinians of America."
Today, a Palestnian sits & reads a novel by Leslie Marmon Silko, the Laguna writer, on the Pueblo experience in the white world …
Today a scholar on Palestine talks of Crazy Horse & Geronimo in the Palestinian context…
Today the frontier runs through Palestine.
Well aside from the fact that American Indians were never offered by the UN a peaceful partition of North America but rejected it and decided instead to launch a war to exterminate the United States and drive all Americans into the sea like the Arabs did in 1948, the American Indian were also subjected to a savage genocide with estimates in the millions of deaths and the Palestinians were not.
According to the casualty figures maintained at B'…
Over the last 27 years, from the start of the First Intifada in 1987 including the Second Intifada and the Gaza War of 2009, in total
7740 Palestinians, many of whom were armed soldiers were killed by Israelis, 1537 Israelis, majority of them unarmed civilians were killed by Palestinians
over 1000 Palestinians were murdered by other Palestinians.
This is the total numbers killed on both sides over the last 27 years.
So the Palestinians have not been the subject of a genocide in any accepted sense of the word and Palestinian suffering, as terrible as it is, is been between 100 to 1000 times less severe than what the American Indian suffered.
For a comparison, in September 1970, the regime still to this day currently ruling the country of Jordan attacked Palestinian refugees and over a period of just 11 days of fighting killed an estimated 10,000 Palestinians.…
So in other words the current ruling Jordanian government, killed more Palestinians in just 11 days that Israel has over the last 27 years.
For another comparison, since the war began in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1998, 5.4 million people have died, and 45,000 continue to die each month.…
So in other words about as many Congolese die and continue to die each and every 7 days from the effects of war as all the Palestinians that have been killed in total over the last 27 years.
Well aside from the fact that American Indians were never offered by the UN a peaceful partition of North America but rejected it and decided instead to launch a war to exterminate the United States and drive all Americans into the sea like the Arabs did in 1948, the American Indian were also subjected to a savage genocide with estimates in the millions of deaths and the Palestinians were not.
According to the casualty figures maintained at B'…
Over the last 27 years, from the start of the First Intifada in 1987 including the Second Intifada and the Gaza War of 2009, in total
7740 Palestinians, many of whom were armed soldiers were killed by Israelis, 1537 Israelis, majority of them unarmed civilians were killed by Palestinians
over 1000 Palestinians were murdered by other Palestinians.
This is the total numbers killed on both sides over the last 27 years.
So the Palestinians have not been the subject of a genocide in any accepted sense of the word and Palestinian suffering, as terrible as it is, is been between 100 to 1000 times less severe than what the American Indian suffered.
For a comparison, in September 1970, the regime still to this day currently ruling the country of Jordan attacked Palestinian refugees and over a period of just 11 days of fighting killed an estimated 10,000 Palestinians.…
So in other words the current ruling Jordanian government, killed more Palestinians in just 11 days that Israel has over the last 27 years.
For another comparison, since the war began in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1998, 5.4 million people have died, and 45,000 continue to die each month.…
So in other words about as many Congolese die and continue to die each and every 7 days from the effects of war as all the Palestinians that have been killed in total over the last 27 years.
Well aside from the fact that American Indians were never offered by the UN a peaceful partition of North America but rejected it and decided instead to launch a war to exterminate the United States and drive all Americans into the sea like the Arabs did in 1948, the American Indian were also subjected to a savage genocide with estimates in the millions of deaths and the Palestinians were not.
According to the casualty figures maintained at B'…
Over the last 27 years, from the start of the First Intifada in 1987 including the Second Intifada and the Gaza War of 2009, in total
7740 Palestinians, many of whom were armed soldiers were killed by Israelis, 1537 Israelis, majority of them unarmed civilians were killed by Palestinians
over 1000 Palestinians were murdered by other Palestinians.
This is the total numbers killed on both sides over the last 27 years.
So the Palestinians have not been the subject of a genocide in any accepted sense of the word and Palestinian suffering, as terrible as it is, is been between 100 to 1000 times less severe than what the American Indian suffered.
For a comparison, in September 1970, the regime still to this day currently ruling the country of Jordan attacked Palestinian refugees and over a period of just 11 days of fighting killed an estimated 10,000 Palestinians.…
So in other words the current ruling Jordanian government, killed more Palestinians in just 11 days that Israel has over the last 27 years.
For another comparison, since the war began in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1998, 5.4 million people have died, and 45,000 continue to die each month.…
So in other words about as many Congolese die and continue to die each and every 7 days from the effects of war as all the Palestinians that have been killed in total over the last 27 years.
Ilan Shturman & his Israeli propaganda & disinformation SYSTEM today have disinformants infiltrating human rights websites & networks with emails fiull of supposed “facts”, “information” & “comments” posed as views from “innocent” & “concerned””citizens”.
“Concerned” is correct — Israel knows its “image” isn’t what it used to be.
So Israeli sources for any information are not my way to the truth. i know who my friends are, & who my sources for any understanding….
And to hear of “just” “2 families” being evicted by Israel, as compared to whole HISTORIES of genocide committed by other states — WHAT “2 FAMILIES”, & since when ?? Do they think we study history as it’s texted in Israeli schools, where even mention of the Naqba is erased ?
“2 families”, or over 2 generations ??
And they condemn america’s Indian genocide to show their own enlightened standards !
Russell Means has said it best for all of us, after Obama’s term began :
“The Palestinians are the American Indians of the Middle East — & we Indians are the Palestinians of America.”
Today, a Palestnian sits & reads a novel by Leslie Marmon Silko, the Laguna writer, on the Pueblo experience in the white world …
Today a scholar on Palestine talks of Crazy Horse & Geronimo in the Palestinian context…
Today the frontier runs through Palestine.
Well aside from the fact that American Indians were never offered by the UN a peaceful partition of North America but rejected it and decided instead to launch a war to exterminate the United States and drive all Americans into the sea like the Arabs did in 1948, the American Indian were also subjected to a savage genocide with estimates in the millions of deaths and the Palestinians were not.
According to the casualty figures maintained at B’
Over the last 27 years, from the start of the First Intifada in 1987 including the Second Intifada and the Gaza War of 2009, in total
7740 Palestinians, many of whom were armed soldiers were killed by Israelis, 1537 Israelis, majority of them unarmed civilians were killed by Palestinians
over 1000 Palestinians were murdered by other Palestinians.
This is the total numbers killed on both sides over the last 27 years.
So the Palestinians have not been the subject of a genocide in any accepted sense of the word and Palestinian suffering, as terrible as it is, is been between 100 to 1000 times less severe than what the American Indian suffered.
For a comparison, in September 1970, the regime still to this day currently ruling the country of Jordan attacked Palestinian refugees and over a period of just 11 days of fighting killed an estimated 10,000 Palestinians.
So in other words the current ruling Jordanian government, killed more Palestinians in just 11 days that Israel has over the last 27 years.
For another comparison, since the war began in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1998, 5.4 million people have died, and 45,000 continue to die each month.
So in other words about as many Congolese die and continue to die each and every 7 days from the effects of war as all the Palestinians that have been killed in total over the last 27 years.
Ahh — who are the real Holocaust deniers of today ??
The American Indians — & South Africans & all the world's peoples — identify as genocide israel's endless land thefts, water thefts, wars, blockades, massacres of children, erasures of history, culture & identity, & ultimatrely the denials of statehood.
The TOTAL accumulation of American indian genocide by now is easily identifiable as genocide — but each individual killing & massacre & removal, each single masacre of villages & families & bands & tribes, WHEN THEY HAPPENED, could & did BY & OF THEMSELVES often evade the radar of condemnation as race genocide — for they were too remote or isolated or voiceless or "inconsequential" to be classified as being a part of larger, systematic programs of race mass murder.
The Zionist is blind to real ongoing racism on the ground — he's blind to the actual workings of genocide & racism when they appear in new, ever changing forms.
Especially when they are committed by himself.
Look what he does to anyone who opposes his siege of a whole population in Gaza, STILL ONGOING.
Cynthia McKinney tries to breach the blockade by boat & is called crazy for something different from the Gaza case — different but similar.
Consider, now. This is an instructve case of how racism & the oppressed ACTUALLY interact in one concrete context.
Was McKinney crazy to say 5,000 blacks may have been massacred after Katrina ?
She didn't say it happened — she said a woman contacted her whose son worked under the DoD & had helped dispose the corpses in the Louisiana swamps.
She also said some Red Cross personnnel confirmed the account, but wouldn't come forward. She speculated the victims might have been prisoners.
Now think of the context of Katrina from the Black perspective.
Whites were being eacuated from New Orleans — Blacks were being detaind or turned back.
FEMA falls under the DoD ( Dept of Defense ). It has programs to study human behavior.
Blacks stranded in N Orleans were studied as to how a group behaves when hit by a catastrophe, according to a Black mental health therapist who is herself a student of human behavior.
Whites taking necessities from public stores after Katrina are seen as "takers"– Black as "looters".
A Blackater force & hired mercenaries from other countries arrive in N Orleans.
300 Arkansas Nat'l Guard come from Iraq, with M16s locked & loaded. Governor Blanco declares, "These treoops know how to shoot & kill & they are more than willing to do so if necessary & I expect they will."
FEMA hires several luxury cruise ships to house thousands of the Black survivors. The mental therapist wrote later, "I felt a terrible sense of dread when a reporter standing in front of one of them said the press was not allowed to go inside or interview the passengers."
There was no justification for such a measure unless, she felt, these people were meant to be killed. She thought, "Are these Death Ships?" She's thinking of the Holocaust. Can a Black person in america think of the Holocaust after Katrina ?
Then those ships & their passeners completely disappear from the media. No stories of what happened to them come out in the media ort the Internet.
FEMA & the companies involved made contracts that passengers who went "missing overboard" will not be reported as a matter of cruise ship policy.
A blogger comments about this, "Cruise companies don't track reports of physical disappearance of passengers on cruise ships ? Really weird. It would seem like something their insurance would require…"
That summer over 600 refurbished prisons are reported across the U.S. which are totally empty of prisoners but are manned by security & have airtight trains running to them.
The Black therapist commented, "I shudder at what "experiments" my people may have endured & concluded my first hunch in Sept 2005 was correct…. we were studied & treated like lab rats in New Orleans & met [ the ] fate… the Hoocaust Jews met."
Sheila Samples observes, "Genocide is real , & underway in America…..The most blatant example is the barbaric esponse to … [ the ] Katrina victims."
Yes — the withholding of food,& aid ( as in Gaza ), the ignoring of the people clinging to rooftops crying in vain fpr help, the thousands of rotting unattended corses ( as in Gaza ) — to Black people in america, even these constituted genocide when deliberately inflicted on a trapped population .
FEMA's camps were called "Concentratrion Camps" by Blacks. They pointed to half a million empty coffins massed in Covington, in the middle of Georgia, & wondered what they were there for.
They quoted Kissinger ( with Rockefeller's support for the same ) :"Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the Third World, because the U.S. economy will require large & increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries."
As for the vanished cruise ships, finally a report on them surfaced in the LA Times. But there were no stories there as to what those who survived had undergone.
As for the corpses of Katrina, FEMA & Gov. Blanco ourtsourced the job of disposing them to Kenyon, a subsidiary of Service Corp. International ( SCI ), a scandalridden Texasbased company run by a friend of the Bush family, — a company whose subsidiaries have been recently implicated of removing hundreds of bodies from cemeteries in Florida & dumping the corpses in woods frequented by wild hogs, as investigations discovered in 2001.
This is the context against which we consider Cynthia McKinney's press conference on the report of the 5,000 corpses. One Black person's response was :" I have mixed feelings about Ms McKinney… [ But ] It's so troubling that black life in the modern age makes all these things seem to have a possibility of reality."
A Black blogger commended "McKinney's courage in telling this story….We must demand investigation by our public officials & the media before it's too late.
"The question now is not if McKinney is sane', she says " …The question is will anyone in politics or journalism give a damn, & be courageous enough to investigate the allegations." She called for finding witnesses from the ships, and to investigate the exact figures of Black people's deaths in Katrina.
"If there is a shred of truth to McKinney's concern," she stated, "it will take only one terrorist act , & massive social chaos & Martial Law stemming from the economic meltdown, to wipe out many more of us."
"What McKinney heard.. about the alleged Katrina massacres may not be completely correct, .. [ but, the commentator believed, ] t's plausible & worthy of investigation. The Jews would do no less, & dammit, neither should people of color & antiracist whites."
Many Black people admitted they felt paranoid after Katrina , & as for the report of the alleged massacres they said , "I can't prove it, but that don't mean it didn't happen." "You may be paranoid, but there may still be someone following you."
Any people's true representative, if she heard such a report in the wake of a terrible dissaster in which they were deliberately victimised, has the duty of speaking out openly about it, — especially if her people are the targets of a dominant racist society.
To misrepresent this isn't "slander", true. It's far worse — it's the deliberate & racist character assassination of that brutalised people's valiant representative, & the equally racist distortion by a system of apartheid of the just concerns of the oppressed race.
Ahh — who are the real Holocaust deniers of today ??
The American Indians — & South Africans & all the world’s peoples — identify as genocide israel’s endless land thefts, water thefts, wars, blockades, massacres of children, erasures of history, culture & identity, & ultimatrely the denials of statehood.
The TOTAL accumulation of American indian genocide by now is easily identifiable as genocide — but each individual killing & massacre & removal, each single masacre of villages & families & bands & tribes, WHEN THEY HAPPENED, could & did BY & OF THEMSELVES often evade the radar of condemnation as race genocide — for they were too remote or isolated or voiceless or “inconsequential” to be classified as being a part of larger, systematic programs of race mass murder.
The Zionist is blind to real ongoing racism on the ground — he’s blind to the actual workings of genocide & racism when they appear in new, ever changing forms.
Especially when they are committed by himself.
Look what he does to anyone who opposes his siege of a whole population in Gaza, STILL ONGOING.
Cynthia McKinney tries to breach the blockade by boat & is called crazy for something different from the Gaza case — different but similar.
Consider, now. This is an instructve case of how racism & the oppressed ACTUALLY interact in one concrete context.
Was McKinney crazy to say 5,000 blacks may have been massacred after Katrina ?
She didn’t say it happened — she said a woman contacted her whose son worked under the DoD & had helped dispose the corpses in the Louisiana swamps.
She also said some Red Cross personnnel confirmed the account, but wouldn’t come forward. She speculated the victims might have been prisoners.
Now think of the context of Katrina from the Black perspective.
Whites were being eacuated from New Orleans — Blacks were being detaind or turned back.
FEMA falls under the DoD ( Dept of Defense ). It has programs to study human behavior.
Blacks stranded in N Orleans were studied as to how a group behaves when hit by a catastrophe, according to a Black mental health therapist who is herself a student of human behavior.
Whites taking necessities from public stores after Katrina are seen as “takers”– Black as “looters”.
A Blackater force & hired mercenaries from other countries arrive in N Orleans.
300 Arkansas Nat’l Guard come from Iraq, with M16s locked & loaded. Governor Blanco declares, “These treoops know how to shoot & kill & they are more than willing to do so if necessary & I expect they will.”
FEMA hires several luxury cruise ships to house thousands of the Black survivors. The mental therapist wrote later, “I felt a terrible sense of dread when a reporter standing in front of one of them said the press was not allowed to go inside or interview the passengers.”
There was no justification for such a measure unless, she felt, these people were meant to be killed. She thought, “Are these Death Ships?” She’s thinking of the Holocaust. Can a Black person in america think of the Holocaust after Katrina ?
Then those ships & their passeners completely disappear from the media. No stories of what happened to them come out in the media ort the Internet.
FEMA & the companies involved made contracts that passengers who went “missing overboard” will not be reported as a matter of cruise ship policy.
A blogger comments about this, “Cruise companies don’t track reports of physical disappearance of passengers on cruise ships ? Really weird. It would seem like something their insurance would require…”
That summer over 600 refurbished prisons are reported across the U.S. which are totally empty of prisoners but are manned by security & have airtight trains running to them.
The Black therapist commented, “I shudder at what “experiments” my people may have endured & concluded my first hunch in Sept 2005 was correct…. we were studied & treated like lab rats in New Orleans & met [ the ] fate… the Hoocaust Jews met.”
Sheila Samples observes, “Genocide is real , & underway in America…..The most blatant example is the barbaric esponse to … [ the ] Katrina victims.”
Yes — the withholding of food,& aid ( as in Gaza ), the ignoring of the people clinging to rooftops crying in vain fpr help, the thousands of rotting unattended corses ( as in Gaza ) — to Black people in america, even these constituted genocide when deliberately inflicted on a trapped population .
FEMA’s camps were called “Concentratrion Camps” by Blacks. They pointed to half a million empty coffins massed in Covington, in the middle of Georgia, & wondered what they were there for.
They quoted Kissinger ( with Rockefeller’s support for the same ) :”Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the Third World, because the U.S. economy will require large & increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.”
As for the vanished cruise ships, finally a report on them surfaced in the LA Times. But there were no stories there as to what those who survived had undergone.
As for the corpses of Katrina, FEMA & Gov. Blanco ourtsourced the job of disposing them to Kenyon, a subsidiary of Service Corp. International ( SCI ), a scandalridden Texasbased company run by a friend of the Bush family, — a company whose subsidiaries have been recently implicated of removing hundreds of bodies from cemeteries in Florida & dumping the corpses in woods frequented by wild hogs, as investigations discovered in 2001.
This is the context against which we consider Cynthia McKinney’s press conference on the report of the 5,000 corpses. One Black person’s response was :” I have mixed feelings about Ms McKinney… [ But ] It’s so troubling that black life in the modern age makes all these things seem to have a possibility of reality.”
A Black blogger commended “McKinney’s courage in telling this story….We must demand investigation by our public officials & the media before it’s too late.
“The question now is not if McKinney is sane’, she says ” …The question is will anyone in politics or journalism give a damn, & be courageous enough to investigate the allegations.” She called for finding witnesses from the ships, and to investigate the exact figures of Black people’s deaths in Katrina.
“If there is a shred of truth to McKinney’s concern,” she stated, “it will take only one terrorist act , & massive social chaos & Martial Law stemming from the economic meltdown, to wipe out many more of us.”
“What McKinney heard.. about the alleged Katrina massacres may not be completely correct, .. [ but, the commentator believed, ] t’s plausible & worthy of investigation. The Jews would do no less, & dammit, neither should people of color & antiracist whites.”
Many Black people admitted they felt paranoid after Katrina , & as for the report of the alleged massacres they said , “I can’t prove it, but that don’t mean it didn’t happen.” “You may be paranoid, but there may still be someone following you.”
Any people’s true representative, if she heard such a report in the wake of a terrible dissaster in which they were deliberately victimised, has the duty of speaking out openly about it, — especially if her people are the targets of a dominant racist society.
To misrepresent this isn’t “slander”, true. It’s far worse — it’s the deliberate & racist character assassination of that brutalised people’s valiant representative, & the equally racist distortion by a system of apartheid of the just concerns of the oppressed race.
You are wrong.
You say McKinney didn’t say it happened but that she only reported what was told to her about this crazy story that 5,000 Americans were murdered by the "Pentagon".
McKinney does clearly say in the video that she believes this occurred herself and that she believes the supposed victims were prisoners.
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Doctors Without Borders, the Red Cross, the United Nations nor any reputable human rights organization on earth has ever accused Israel of genocide.
You are wrong.
You say McKinney didn’t say it happened but that she only reported what was told to her about this crazy story that 5,000 Americans were murdered by the "Pentagon".
McKinney does clearly say in the video that she believes this occurred herself and that she believes the supposed victims were prisoners.
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Doctors Without Borders, the Red Cross, the United Nations nor any reputable human rights organization on earth has ever accused Israel of genocide.
Like I said above, according to the B't' casualty figures tshow his is not genocide either. Over the last 22 years in total Israel has killed about 7500 Palestinians, about 90% of them males, many of them armed soldiers, and the Palestinians have killed about 1000 of their fellow Palestinians in civil war and about 1500 Israelis, the great majority of the Jewish casualties being unarmed civilians, women and children.
so about 10,000 people killed on both sides added together over the last 22 years of fighting, covering the first and second intifada and the Gaza war all combined.
If this is what you call a “genocide”, what adjectives do you use to describe for just one example the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo which since 1998 till today according to the United Nations has taken the lives of 5.5 million lives, making this war over 500 times deadlier than the Palestine-Israeli conflict?
Don't you think the conflict in Palestine and Israel is tragic enough without your insanely exagerated overuse of the word Genocide, unnsuported by any reputable human rights group in the world, in light of real genocides that have and still do occur.
Have you no shame ?
Only people like you and Kooky McKinney who also believes the US government murdered 5000 people secretly have accused Israel of genocide and so your accusation should be judged for accuracy along side the your belief in the 5000 murdered and bodies buried in the swamp story.
You are wrong.
You say McKinney didn’t say it happened but that she only reported what was told to her about this crazy story that 5,000 Americans were murdered by the “Pentagon”.
McKinney does clearly say in the video that she believes this occurred herself and that she believes the supposed victims were prisoners.
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Doctors Without Borders, the Red Cross, the United Nations nor any reputable human rights organization on earth has ever accused Israel of genocide.
You are wrong.
You say McKinney didn’t say it happened but that she only reported what was told to her about this crazy story that 5,000 Americans were murdered by the “Pentagon”.
McKinney does clearly say in the video that she believes this occurred herself and that she believes the supposed victims were prisoners.
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Doctors Without Borders, the Red Cross, the United Nations nor any reputable human rights organization on earth has ever accused Israel of genocide.
Like I said above, according to the B’t’ casualty figures tshow his is not genocide either. Over the last 22 years in total Israel has killed about 7500 Palestinians, about 90% of them males, many of them armed soldiers, and the Palestinians have killed about 1000 of their fellow Palestinians in civil war and about 1500 Israelis, the great majority of the Jewish casualties being unarmed civilians, women and children.
so about 10,000 people killed on both sides added together over the last 22 years of fighting, covering the first and second intifada and the Gaza war all combined.
If this is what you call a “genocide”, what adjectives do you use to describe for just one example the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo which since 1998 till today according to the United Nations has taken the lives of 5.5 million lives, making this war over 500 times deadlier than the Palestine-Israeli conflict?
Don’t you think the conflict in Palestine and Israel is tragic enough without your insanely exagerated overuse of the word Genocide, unnsuported by any reputable human rights group in the world, in light of real genocides that have and still do occur.
Have you no shame ?
Only people like you and Kooky McKinney who also believes the US government murdered 5000 people secretly have accused Israel of genocide and so your accusation should be judged for accuracy along side the your belief in the 5000 murdered and bodies buried in the swamp story.
Zionism has lost it today — it attacks the Black People's movement in america now !! Every day it opens new fronts in its war on Palestine, landing it exactly where the resistance wants it to be — completely encircled, totally cornered !! Yes, attack McKinney today, & tomorrow attack Russell Means & Leoard Peltier, for they too condemn israel as a genocide perpetrator. Please, increase your list of targets, do !!
Zionism tries to redraw the UN definitions of genocide today. it has degenerated to a state where it doesn't see its own murderous face nor know of the many new & bloodless ways too which genocide takes across the world & israel today.
So please, everybody, do hear Zionism's NEW DEFINITIONS of genocide.
Losing your land or being driven from it ISN'T genocide.
Living under occupation & continuous blockade ISN'T genocide.
Being deprived of basic freedoms & necessities in a blockade ISN'T genocide.
Living under a permanent military Katrina ISN'T genocide.
Being ethnically cleansed out of your city & ancestral / family home ISN'T genocide.
Being treated as secondclass citizens under apartheid in your own land ISN'T genocide.
A racism – brutalised people's experience of terror at the hands of the state in a totally controlled environment of fear as that after Katrina ISN'T genocide, & the people themselves wanting to investigate what may have happened to a part of them when the media tries to hide what did actually happen are simply being "KOOKY" but their trauma is NOT due to apartheid nor is it a part of that race's experience of genocide, according to Zionism's new REdefinition.
The lines are clearly RE – drawn here as to the meaning, scope & implications of genocide — let Jews & "gentiles" ( a racist term today ? ) all see Zionism's RE – definitions of the phenomenon in the light of all the world's experiences.
Many Amazon Indian nations, as well as ALL the indigenous nations of the Americas, australia, new zealand, china or most of the underdeveloped world would be seen as NOT suffering from genocide today under this REdefinition.
But this ISN'T the definition made by the peoples suffering in the above lands & states.
This defintion is Zionism's, or a Zionist's own REmapping.
Zionism has lost it today — it attacks the Black People’s movement in america now !! Every day it opens new fronts in its war on Palestine, landing it exactly where the resistance wants it to be — completely encircled, totally cornered !! Yes, attack McKinney today, & tomorrow attack Russell Means & Leoard Peltier, for they too condemn israel as a genocide perpetrator. Please, increase your list of targets, do !!
Zionism tries to redraw the UN definitions of genocide today. it has degenerated to a state where it doesn’t see its own murderous face nor know of the many new & bloodless ways too which genocide takes across the world & israel today.
So please, everybody, do hear Zionism’s NEW DEFINITIONS of genocide.
Losing your land or being driven from it ISN’T genocide.
Living under occupation & continuous blockade ISN’T genocide.
Being deprived of basic freedoms & necessities in a blockade ISN’T genocide.
Living under a permanent military Katrina ISN’T genocide.
Being ethnically cleansed out of your city & ancestral / family home ISN’T genocide.
Being treated as secondclass citizens under apartheid in your own land ISN’T genocide.
A racism – brutalised people’s experience of terror at the hands of the state in a totally controlled environment of fear as that after Katrina ISN’T genocide, & the people themselves wanting to investigate what may have happened to a part of them when the media tries to hide what did actually happen are simply being “KOOKY” but their trauma is NOT due to apartheid nor is it a part of that race’s experience of genocide, according to Zionism’s new REdefinition.
The lines are clearly RE – drawn here as to the meaning, scope & implications of genocide — let Jews & “gentiles” ( a racist term today ? ) all see Zionism’s RE – definitions of the phenomenon in the light of all the world’s experiences.
Many Amazon Indian nations, as well as ALL the indigenous nations of the Americas, australia, new zealand, china or most of the underdeveloped world would be seen as NOT suffering from genocide today under this REdefinition.
But this ISN’T the definition made by the peoples suffering in the above lands & states.
This defintion is Zionism’s, or a Zionist’s own REmapping.