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7 thoughts on “Swarms of Brazilians Protest Corrupt Policies

  1. The wealthy are getting wealthier and the poor are getting poorer. The message to Dilma is: Soccer is not the right solution!!!! People deserve better. People deserve education, health, safety.

  2. The wealthy are getting wealthier and the poor are getting poorer. The message to Dilma is: Soccer is not the right solution!!!! People deserve better. People deserve education, health and security!

  3. Better living conditions involve a lot of factors and all of them need to be considered. I understand why they are rioting. I hope they get what they need.

  4. Good for them! I appreciate people who are able to come together and stand against unjust policies. This never happens in my country. We just get mad and then say oh well…it could be worse.

    • unfortunately, your appreciation is not enough for them to really confront the authorities. You need to be up there with them!