Eyes on El Salvador: will officials act to #SaveBeatriz?

There has been an overwhelming amount of global support over the past few weeks for Beatriz and those in El Salvador working tirelessly on her behalf to save her life. Much of this support has emerged online via Twitter, Facebook, blogs and other outlets. Because of these digital tools, countless people are closely following events unfold in El Salvador and calling on the authorities to uphold their international human rights obligations by immediately granting Beatriz authorization for an abortion.

Will Salvadoran authorities listen to Beatriz’s plea and take action to save her life in accordance with her wishes and at the advice of the medical professionals caring for her?

Today the Supreme Court will reportedly hear testimony from Beatriz, her attorneys and her doctors, but we don’t know what the outcome of the court proceedings will be. The months of delays imposed by both President Funes and now the Supreme Court, have in fact raised questions about the extent to which they have the capacity to protect and uphold human rights and their own reputations are now on the line.

As my colleague points out, it really is inexcusable for the Salvadoran authorities to deny life-saving treatment to Beatriz, and each official must remember that they have individual responsibility—and potential culpability—for their part in the pain and suffering their utter failure to act is causing.

Until this week, there had been no real indication that the Salvadoran authorities were paying attention to the fact that this young woman’s life is deteriorating before all of our eyes. A few days ago, suggesting perhaps a glimmer of hope for Beatriz, President Funes in comments to the Salvadoran press said … [Beatriz] ”she has the right to decide over her life.”

Keep in mind, this statement was made after the United Nations, Inter-American Commission of Human Rights and El Salvador’s own Health Minister all called on the Salvadoran authorities to immediately authorize an abortion to save Beatriz’s life.

The question remains: what steps will President Funes, Attorney General Martinez, the Supreme Court and other Salvadoran officials take to ensure Beatriz is granted the life-saving medical treatment she needs?


We will continue to post updates about this case on our blog as we digitally stand in solidarity with Beatriz in El Salvador. In the meantime, we urge you to join the conversation to #SaveBeatriz on Twitter and please take action on her behalf.

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2 thoughts on “Eyes on El Salvador: will officials act to #SaveBeatriz?

  1. As a CHristian I believe no one has a right to take a life but I also believe that a woman has the right to live and in this case Beatrix has the right to terminate so that she may live. God is a loving God and Jesus his son died for us so that we may live through Gods son we are forgiven if God can forgive why can't we forgive Beatrix and let her live.

    • Or you could allow the person in question the right to decide what happens to her own body. Belief in religion is a personal commitment and should remain just that. 'Viva la liberta'