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9 thoughts on “Brazil's Supreme Court Legalizes Same-Sex Civil Unions

  1. This is a good and actual steps taken by Brazil. They respect the human rights. And I think more country will soon follow this. Welcome Brazil. Thank you for the news.

  2. This is a good and actual steps taken by Brazil. They respect the human rights. And I think more country will soon follow this. Welcome Brazil. Thank you for the news.

  3. It's wonderful to know that countries like Brazil are moving in favor of equality, whereby ALL people are treated as equals.

    Perhaps one day the USA will get its act together and join the growing number of nations where laws protect EVERYONE, not just in writing but also in practice.

    Congratulations to Brazil for their leadership!

  4. It’s wonderful to know that countries like Brazil are moving in favor of equality, whereby ALL people are treated as equals.

    Perhaps one day the USA will get its act together and join the growing number of nations where laws protect EVERYONE, not just in writing but also in practice.

    Congratulations to Brazil for their leadership!

  5. Nice to see a country making a proactive step towards equality. Maybe the US will follow by example.

  6. Nice to see a country making a proactive step towards equality. Maybe the US will follow by example.

  7. Huge step forward! I'm sure a lot of people are very happy. This has set a precedent and I'm sure other countries will follow.