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3 thoughts on “HAPPENING NOW: Number of Darfur Refugees Reaches 6-Year High

  1. Thanks for this article Alex. For far too long (over two decades) the government of Sudan has been engaged in a regular pattern of serious crimes against humanity — with virtual impunity. It is time the world community gives these human rights abuses — which many refer to as genocidal — the global attention they deserve. That attention need not be a call for any humanitarian military intervention; but it should at least be a call for a global campaign of capital market sanctions against this regime and corporations (and state run corporations) which are engaged in partnership with it, until it is able to respect the fundamental human rights of all its citizens.

  2. About 60 million people have been driven from their homes by war and abuse,an extraordinary global exodus that has loaded fragile countries with influxes of newcomers and littered deserts and seas with the bodies of the individuals who died trying to achieve wellbeing.The new figures,released by the United Nations evacuee office,paint a staggering photo of a world where new conflicts are erupting and old ones are declining to die down,driving up the aggregate number of dislodged people to a record 59.5 million before the end of 2014,the latest year tallied.Half of the uprooted are children.

    Sandra Allen.

  3. One in four refugees now finds shelter in the world’s poorest countries, with Ethiopia and Kenya taking many more refugees than,say,Britain and France.As the report states, “the global distribution of refugees remains heavily skewed away from wealthier nations and towards the less wealthy.”